Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product SPH-I550 van de fabrikant Samsung
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SPH-I550 User's Manual Please read this manual before operating the phone, and keep it for future reference..
2 Contents Important Safety Precau tions……………………..……….3 Introduction to SPH– I550…………………… ..……..………5 Unpacking …………………………………………………… 6 Layout………………………………………………………….
3 Importance Safety Precautions Read these guidelines before using your wireless phone. Failure to comply with these guidelines may be dangerous or illegal.
4 Accessories and batteries Use only SAMSUNG-approved accessories and batteries. Qualified service Only qualif ied service personnel should install or repair y our phone. Failure to do so may invalidate the warranty. For more detailed safety information, see “Health and Saf ety Information” on page 17.
5 Introduction to SPH–I550 The following features provide a range of us er op tions that make the phone both fun and easy to use. ■ Phone features : You can use advanced pho ne capabilities. ■ PD A fea t ure s : Add re ss , d at e bo ok , me mo pad , t o d o l ist , et c.
6 Unpacking our pa c kage contains the fol l owing item s : ■ Basic items - Handset - Standard Battery (1150mAh) - Extended Battery (1700 m Ah) - Travel Charger - Desk Top Holder ( for Hotsync and C.
7 Layout The following picture show s the main elements of SPH–I 550. Open vi ew Closed view Ear p iece Camera ke y V olu me keys Dis p la y A pp lication buttons End ke y Date ke y V o i c e me mo .
8 Keys and features Home Key - To launch Pal m home. End Key - To tur n the po wer o n. - To turn the phone mode on/off when pressed and held. - To end a call in phone mo de. Talk Key - To make or receive a call. - To display recent call history. - To redial the last call number.
9 Volume Keys - To adjust voice volume during conversation. - To adjust key beep volume in standby mo de. - To scroll through the display page by page. Camera Key - To launch the camera application by pressing and holding. - To take a picture in camera mode.
10 Interface Tapping and Typing Like using a mouse to click elements on a computer screen, using the st ylus to tap elements on your phone screen is the basic actio n that gets things done on your pho ne. Always use the point of the stylus for tapping or making strokes o n the phone screen.
11 Entering Text - Using t he on-screen keyboard - Using Graf fiti writing - Entering or impo rting data in Palm Desktop software and then synchronizing with you r phone.
12 Phone applications I550 gives you advanced phone capabilities. To turn on the phone mode, tap the Phone icon in home screen. Or, press and hold the End key. To turn off the phone mode, press and hold the End key. Indicators : Sh ows th e received signal strength.
13 2. Press the TALK key. - 4 digit dialing 1.When you enter 4 digits and press the TALK ke y, it l ooks up Address bo ok entries and displays nu mbers match last 4 digits. 2.Scroll through the number you want to dial. 3.Press th e TALK key. - Direct Dialing with 4 digit nu mber 1.
14 Emergency calls When the phone is locked, us ers can call only 911 and special numbers predefined. To call 911 , just press 9 ,1,1 and p ress the TALK key. In call options - To mute the microphone, press the M soft key (the last application key ). - To silent the key tones, press the K soft key (the third application key ).
15 Backlight : Always On / 7 sec / 15 s ec / 30 sec / Always O ff Greeting : My Phone Num ber / Custom (Editable) / Username (NAI) Idle Screen : Wall Paper / My Special List / Mail Bo x / Big Clock Se.
16 already assi gned to ot her Address Bo ok entri es are not displayed . They are automatically removed from the list to avoid duplicate numbers. Calculator This enables yo u to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
17 Camera Preview: to prepare taking a picture, and you can take a picture by press the camera key. Review: You can review pictures by Expand view or T humnail view. While reviewing pictures, you can send the picture to another phone. Slide Show: You can review pictures by sliding s how.
18 The standards include a s ubstantial safety margined designed to as sure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and healt h. The exposure s tandard for wireless mobile phones employs a unit of measurement known as the Specific A bsorption Rate, or SAR.
19 For Body Operation SAR compliance for body-worn operating configurations is limited to the specific belt-clip/ holster supplied or approved by SAMSUNG, if available. End-users must be informed of the body-worn operating requirements for satisfying RF exposure compliance.
20 Road Safety Your wireless phone gives you the powerful ability to communicate by voice - almost anywhere, anytime. But an impor tant responsibility accompanies the benefits of wireless phones, on that every user must uphold. When driving a car, driv ing is your f irst re sponsibility.
21 in the case of fire, traffic accident or medical e mergencies. Remember, it is a free call on your wireless phone! 9. Use your wireless pho ne t o help others in emergencies.
22 Pacemaker manufacturers recommend that a minimum se paration of 6 inches (15 cm) be maintained between a wireless phone and a pacemaker to avoid potential interference with the pacemaker. These recommendations are consistent with the independent research by and recommend actions of Wireless Technology Research.
23 You should also consult the manu facturer of any equipment that has been added to your vehicle. Posted Facilities Switch off your pho ne in any facility where posted notices so require. Potentially Explosive Atm ospheres Switch off your phone when in any area wit h a po tentially explosive atmosphere and obey all signs and instructions.
24 service area with adequate signal strengt h . Emergency calls may not be possible o n all wireless phone networks o r when cert ain ne twork services and/or phone features are in use. Check with local ser vice providers. To make an emergency call: 1.
25 -For vehicles equipped with an air bag, remember t hat an air bag inflates with great force. Do not place objects, including bo th installed or portable wireless equipment in the area over the air b ag or in the air bag deployment area.
26 - Do not drop, kno ck or shake it. Rough handling can break internal circu it boards. -Do not use hars h chemicals, cleaning solvents, or strong detergents to clean it. Wipe it with a soft cloth slight ly dampened in a mild soap-and-water solu tion.
27 I nformation to User This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interferen ce in a residential installation.
29 The FCC has gra nted an Equipment Aut horization for this model phone with all reported SAR levels evaluated as in co m plia nce with the FCC RF e xposure guidelines. SAR information on this m odel p hone is on fi le with th e FCC and can be found un der the Dis play Grant section of h ttp:/ / ww w .
30 mirrors f requently and watch out f or other drivers . It requires obey ing all t raffic s igns and si gnals and staying within the sp eed limit. It means using seatbelt s and req uiring other pa sse ngers to do the sa me. But with wireless phone use, driving safely means a lit tle more.
31 5. Do not tak e notes or look up ph one num bers while driving . If you are readin g an address book or busi ness card , or writing a “to do” l ist while drivi ng a car, you a re not watchi ng wher e you a re goin g.
32 Careless, dist racted individuals and people driv ing i rrespon sibly represent a h azard to ev eryone on the road. Sin ce 1984, th e Cellul ar T elecom munication s Industry As sociation and th e .
33 (by heat ing tissue), exposu re to low level RF that does not produce heating effects causes no known adverse health ef fects. Many studies of low level RF ex posures have not found any biolog ical eff ects.
34 The National Institutes of Health particip ates i n some interagency working group activitie s, as well. FDA shares regulator y respo nsibilities for wireless p hones with the Federal C ommunications Commission (FCC). A ll phones that are sold in the United States must comply with FCC safety guideline s that l imit RF exposure.
35 5. What steps can I t ake to reduce my exposure to radio f requen cy energy from my wireless ph one? If th ere is a risk from these produ cts-and at this poin t we do not k now th at there is-it is probably very small.
36 7. Do hands -free kits for w ireless ph ones reduce risks from exposure t o RF emissions ? Since there are n o known risks f ro m expos ure to RF emission s from wireless ph ones, there is no reason to believe that hands-free kits reduce risk s. Hands-free kits can be used with wireless phones for convenience and comf ort.
37 in late 2000. This standard w ill allo w manufacturers to ensure th at cardiac pacemakers an d defibrillators are safe f rom wireless phone EMI. FDA has tested hearing aids for interference from hand held wire less pho nes a nd he lped deve lop a voluntary standard sponsored by the Institut e of Elect rical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).
38 1 1. What res earch is needed to decide w hether RF exposu re from wireless phones pos es a health risk? A combination of l aboratory st udies an d epidemiologi cal studies of people actu ally using wirel ess phones would prov ide some of the data th at are needed.
39 http://www . -emf/ International Commissio n on Non-Ionizing Radiation Pro tection: http://www .ic National Radiation Pr o tection Board (UK): http://www . Updated 4/3/2 002: US Foo d and D rug A dministrati on http://www .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Samsung SPH-I550 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Samsung SPH-I550 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Samsung SPH-I550 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Samsung SPH-I550 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Samsung SPH-I550 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Samsung SPH-I550 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Samsung SPH-I550 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Samsung SPH-I550 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.