Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Lt408 van de fabrikant SATO
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PN: 9001152A SA T O America, Inc. 10350A Nations Ford Road Charlotte, NC 28273 Main Phone: (7 04) 644.1650 T echnical Support Hotl ine: (704) 644.1660 T echnical Support Fax: (704) 644.1661 E-Mail: sato m technicalsupport @satoamerica.
Lt408 Operator Manual PN: 9001152A T ABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION About This Manual 1-2 General Description 1-3 Control Features 1-5 TECHNICAL DATA Physical Cha racteristics 2-2 Power 2-2 Enviromenta.
Lt408 Operator Manual PN: 9001152A PRINTER CONFIGURATION Printer Configuration 4-2 Configuration Modes 4-3 User Mode 4-3 Advanced M ode 4-4 Parallel Interface Setup Mode 4-5 Serial Inter face Setup M .
Lt408 Operator Manual PN: 9001152A MAINTENANCE Cleaning Procedures 6-2 Replacement Procedu res 6-3 Fuse 6-3 Print Head 6-3 Roller 6-4 Adjustment Procedures 6-5 Print Head Alignment 6-5 Print Head Pres.
Lt408 Operator Manual 1-1 PN: 9001152A INTRODUCTION • About This Manual • General Description • Control Features.
Unit 1: Introduction Lt408 Operator Manual 1-2 PN: 9001152A ABOUT THIS MANUAL This manual is laid out consistent with the product discussed and provides all of t he informat ion requir ed for prin ter maintenance and repair by SATO ap proved personnel.
Unit 1: Introduction Lt408 Operator Manual 1-3 PN: 9001152A GENERAL DESCRIPTION The SATO Lt408, OEM p rint engine ha s been designed and manufactu red to meet the n eeds of the entry-level print apply market. Th e entry-level market can be gen era lly defined as smal l to mid-sized man ufacturers with low throughput, light-duty applica tions.
Unit 1: Introduction Lt408 Operator Manual 1-4 PN: 9001152A Figure 1-1b, Primary Component s Media Guide Label Sensor Adjustmen t Knob Ribbon Supply Spindle Ribbon Rewind Spi ndle Cover Open Sensor Pr.
Unit 1: Introduction Lt408 Operator Manual 1-5 PN: 9001152A CONTROL FEATURES This chapter identifies the interactiv e control features of the p rinter. These functions are defined generally here. More specific expla nations will be found thr oughout this manual on how to use them.
Lt408 Operator Manual 2-1 PN: 9001152A TECHNICAL DATA • Physical Characteristics •P o w e r • Enviroment al • Processing •P r i n t •M e d i a •R i b b o n • Sensing • Interface Modu.
Unit 2: Technical Data Lt408 Operator Manual 2-2 PN: 9001152A PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Width 12.99 Inches (330 mm) Height 10.63 Inch es ( 270 mm) Depth 10.
Unit 2: Technical Data Lt408 Operator Manual 2-3 PN: 9001152A SENSING Gap Adjus tabl e Reflective Eye-Mark Adju stable Ribbon Near End Enable/Disable Media Out Constant Cover Open Constant PRINT Method Direct Thermal / Thermal Transfer Maximum S p eed (selectable) 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Inches Per Second (50.
Unit 2: Technical Data Lt408 Operator Manual 2-4 PN: 9001152A CHARACTER FONT CAPABILITIES MATRIX FO NTS XU 5 dot s W x 9 dots H (Helvetica) XS 17 dots W x 17 dots H (Univers Condensed Bold) XM 24 dots.
Unit 2: Technical Data Lt408 Operator Manual 2-5 PN: 9001152A BAR CODE CAPABILTIES Linear Bar Codes UPC A/E JAN 8/13 EAN 8/13 Code 39 Code 93 Code 128 Interleaved 2 of 5 Industrial 2 of 5 Matrix 2 of .
Lt408 Operator Manual 3-1 PN: 9001152A INSTALLATION • Unp acking & Part s Identification • Printer Inst allation • Operational Mode Selection • Interface Selection • Accessories Inst all.
Unit 3: Installation Lt408 Operator Manual 3-2 PN: 9001152A UNP ACKING & PART S IDENTIFICATION Unpack th e printer as directed in the folowing proced ure. 1. Place the shipping contain er (box) upright on a st able, flat surface. 2. Open the box, remove any loose items and the first layer of packing materia l.
Unit 3: Installation Lt408 Operator Manual 3-3 PN: 9001152A PRINTER INST ALLATION This chapter provides guid ance on how to st ation, conne ct, and load the pr inter once unp acked. Following printer setup, pro ceded to th e next ch apter for information on interface selection.
Unit 3: Installation Lt408 Operator Manual 3-4 PN: 9001152A Figure 3-3, Printer Mounting Figure 3-4, Printer Connection A TTENTION: Figure 3-4 displays the printer i nterfaced with a ho st computer . However , the printer may also be interfac ed with a PLC, keyb oard, scanner , etc.
Unit 3: Installation Lt408 Operator Manual 3-5 PN: 9001152A MEDIA SELECTION The size and ty pe of labels to b e printed sho uld have been taken in to considerat ion before pr inter purc hase. Ideally , the media width will be equal to, or just narrower th an, the print head.
Unit 3: Installation Lt408 Operator Manual 3-6 PN: 9001152A MEDIA LOADING T o load label me dia, unlatch the p rint head and remove a ny remnants that may exist of the prior media sup ply .
Unit 3: Installation Lt408 Operator Manual 3-7 PN: 9001152A OPERATIONAL MODE SELECTION There are two mode s of printer op eration: Dispense or C ontinu ous. The dif ference betwee n the two is the way that the label and paper backing is ejected. Before printer configur ation, one must determine which mode will be used.
Unit 3: Installation Lt408 Operator Manual 3-8 PN: 9001152A INTERFACE SELECTION This unit present s the printer interface type s and thei r specifications. These specifications include detailed information to assist in th e selection o f the most appropriat e method for the pr inter to inte rface with the host .
Unit 3: Installation Lt408 Operator Manual 3-9 PN: 9001152A RS232C HIGH-SPEED SERIAL INTERFACE Figure 3-8, Serial Co nnector Pin Assignment s INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS Asynchronous ASCII Half-duplex co.
Unit 3: Installation Lt408 Operator Manual 3-10 PN: 9001152A READY/BUSY INTERFACE SIGNALS PIN DIRECTION SIGNAL DEFINITION 1 Reference FG (Frame Ground) 2 T o Host TD (T ransmit Data) - Data from the printer to the host computer . Se nds X-On /X-Off characters or status data (bi-directional protocols).
Unit 3: Installation Lt408 Operator Manual 3-11 PN: 9001152A IEEE1284 PARALLEL INTERFACE The pa rallel interface is a plu g-in module that can be inst alled by the user and conforms to IEEE1284 specifications. It automatically detects the IEEE1284 signals an d operates in the hi gh speed mode.
Unit 3: Installation Lt408 Operator Manual 3-12 PN: 9001152A UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS (USB) The Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface is a Plu g-In Interf ace Module that can be inst alled by the user .
Unit 3: Installation Lt408 Operator Manual 3-13 PN: 9001152A 802.11B WIRELESS The wireless print server pr ovides easy printer interfac e with 802.1 1b Wi-Fi compliant networks free of wired connections. Each printer is shipped with an integrated driver and inter face installed .
Unit 3: Installation Lt408 Operator Manual 3-14 PN: 9001152A DIP SWITCH SETTINGS The dipswitches serve to initialize the co nfiguratio n saved on the Wireless-LAN board, print the configuration, and make a self - diagnosis.
Unit 3: Installation Lt408 Operator Manual 3-15 PN: 9001152A Figure 3-10, Socket Connection Diagram.
Unit 3: Installation Lt408 Operator Manual 3-16 PN: 9001152A ALL INTERFACES RECEIVE BUFFER The data stre am is received from the host to the pr inte r one job at a time. Th is allows the soft ware program to maintain co ntrol of the job print queue so that it can move a high priority job in front of ones of lesser import ance.
Unit 3: Installation Lt408 Operator Manual 3-17 PN: 9001152A RECEIVE BUFFER CONTROL Causes For Receive Buffer Near Full Receive buffer near full occurs when the remaing free space of the buffer drops to 0.95MB of 2.95MB capacity or when the rema ining free space is availab le for storing 50 of 500 items in the history buffer .
Unit 3: Installation Lt408 Operator Manual 3-18 PN: 9001152A PRINT PROCESS (Figure 3-1 1d) COMMAND PROCESS (Figure 3-1 1e) BCC ERROR PROCESS (Figure 3-1 1f) ST ATUS5 TIMING CHARTS.
Unit 3: Installation Lt408 Operator Manual 3-19 PN: 9001152A EXTERNAL SIGNAL The external signal interf ace is designed to conne ct the pr inter to an applicator . Proceed to the printer’s Advanced Mode for vario us setup activities related to the exter nal signal.
Unit 3: Installation Lt408 Operator Manual 3-20 PN: 9001152A Figure 3-12 , Input/Out put Circuit Diag ram Figure 3-13, 14-Pin Connec tor Assignment s INPUT SIGNAL WAVE FORM ST ART PRINTING (Figure 3-1.
Unit 3: Installation Lt408 Operator Manual 3-21 PN: 9001152A OUTPUT SIGNAL WAVE FORM BASIC OPERATION (Figure 3-15a) P A PER END (Figure 3-15b) RIBBON END (Figure 3-15c) MACHINE ERROR (Figure 3-15d).
Unit 3: Installation Lt408 Operator Manual 3-22 PN: 9001152A Figure 3-16, Operat ion Mode Flow Chart.
Unit 3: Installation Lt408 Operator Manual 3-23 PN: 9001152A ACCESSORIES INST ALLATION This unit covers all of printer accessory installatio n procedures. INTERFACE INSTALLATION The diagram below displays the physical insta llation of interface hardware.
Lt408 Operator Manual 4-1 PN: 9001152A PRINTER CONFIGURATION • Printer Configuration • Configuration Modes • Menu Definition T ables.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-2 PN: 9001152A PRINTER CONFIGURATION This unit provides in-depth instruction on printer configura tion fo r operation and for some troubleshootin g. The printer may be configur ed via the buttons and/or potentiom eters located on the printer’s opera tor panel.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-3 PN: 9001152A CONFIGURATION MODES This chapter p rovides an overvi ew of the various configura tion modes of th e operation menu. All of th e configuration activities are performed via the us e of the operat or panel loc ated on the prin ter’s face.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-4 PN: 9001152A ADVANCED MODE The Advanced Mode is provide d to make basic printe r op eration al adjustments. Typica lly, once these adjustm ents or settings ha ve been made, they will not r equire addi tional address unle ss a new job is downloaded.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-5 PN: 9001152A PARALLEL INTERFACE SETUP MODE This chapter provides the pr ogramming seque nces requi red fo r IEEE1284 interface setup. Use the keys of the printer’s operato r panel and enter the r equired options.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-6 PN: 9001152A SERIAL INTERFACE SETUP MODE This chapter provides the programm ing sequences requir ed for RS232C, RS422, o r RS485 interface setup. Use the key of the printer’s operator panel to select and enter the r equired options.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-7 PN: 9001152A LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) INTERFACE SETUP MODE This chapter pr ovides the programm ing sequen ces required for LAN, Wireless LAN, and Mini-LAN inte rface setup. Use the keys of the printer’s operator pan el to select an d enter the required options.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-8 PN: 9001152A USB INTERFACE SETUP MODE This chapter provides the program ming sequences requ ired for USB interface setup . Use the keys of the printer’s operator panel to se lect and enter the requ ired options.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-9 PN: 9001152A CENTRONICS INTERFACE SETUP MODE This chapter provides the programming sequences require d for Centronics interface setup . Use the keys of the printer’s op erator pan el to select and enter the requ ired option s.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-10 PN: 9001152A SERVICE MODE Allows the programmi ng of various dimensional settings, sensor thresholds, and lan guage options. Use the keys of the printer’s operato r panel to select and enter the required options.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-11 PN: 9001152A FACTORY MODE The Factory Mode permits counter rese t of various prin ter components. Use the keys of the printer’s operator panel to select and reset those features. Refer to the Menu Definiti on Tables in the following chap ter to provide an ex planation of each menu scr een.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-12 PN: 9001152A WORK SHIFT MODE The Work Shift mode allows for specific production information regardi ng printing activity on a given work shift to be recorded . Use the keys of the printer’s operator pan el to select an d enter the required options.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-13 PN: 9001152A HIDDEN MODE Use the keys of the printer’s operator pan el to select an d enter the required options. Refer to the Menu Definiti on Tables in the following chap ter to provide an ex planation of each menu scr een.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-14 PN: 9001152A DOWNLOAD MODE This download featur e allows the operator to downgrade or upgrade Firmware to the printer. When do wnloading is complete, the LCD screen will return to the original display.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-15 PN: 9001152A BOOT DOWNLOAD MODE This download mode is used when the Firm ware becomes corr upted and the normal down load mode is not successful.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-16 PN: 9001152A PRINT CANCEL MODE Figure 5-14 provides the specif ic sequence of events required by the operator, the pr inter, and the printe r’s software to cancel a print job on ce initiated .
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-17 PN: 9001152A DEFAULT SETTING MODE Figure 5-15 provides the specif ic sequence of events required by the operator, the pr inter, and the printe r’s software to return the printer to the configura tion state as received from the factory.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-18 PN: 9001152A TEST PRINT MODE Figure 5-16 provides the specif ic sequence of events required by the operator, the pr inter, and the printe r’s software for a test label to be printed.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-19 PN: 9001152A HEX DUMP MODE The contents of the print buffer and the data rece ived before it is placed into th e print buffer may b e examined through the use of the Hex Dump Mode.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-20 PN: 9001152A MENU DEFINITION T ABLES USER MODE (T ABLE 4-1) MENU DESCRIPTION Displays the operational status of the printer . The ONLINE status is displayed on the top line and the l abel quantity status on th e bottom.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-21 PN: 9001152A Print offset refers to the vertical and horizonta l shifting of the entire print a rea relative to the label and the print start positio n. The movement is incremented by dots in the positive (+) or negative (-) direction.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-22 PN: 9001152A Allows the choice of con tinuous feed or dispen ser operation. Allows the determination of whether a backfeed moti on will be applied. If so, the selection of befo re or after the printing o f each label.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-23 PN: 9001152A Allows configuration as to whether th e repr int function may be acti vated via the external signal port. The printer can be se t to automati cally go into the onlin e mode when powered on.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-24 PN: 9001152A Is a transitional screen that allows the operator to choose a given direction within the menu map. Is the premier screen of the Interface Mode. The Interface Mode allows the parameters to be set for the printer to commu nicate with a host and vise-versa.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-25 PN: 9001152A Allows 1-byte command su ch as CAN and DLE code to be deleted. Will onl y appear when th e communi cation pr otocol i s ST A TUS4. SERIAL INTERFACE MODE (TABLE 4-4) MENU DESCRIPTION Displays the operational status of the printer .
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-26 PN: 9001152A Allows the selection of the receive buffer type. Select MUL TI for multi-item buffer and 1ITEM for a single item buffer . Allows selection of the baud rate. Will only appea r when the RS232C interface is installed and the LCD option is chosen from the prior menu.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-27 PN: 9001152A LAN INTERFACE MODE (TABLE 4-5) MENU DESCRIPTION Displays the operational status of the printer . The ONLINE status is displayed on the top line and the l abel quantity status on th e bottom.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-28 PN: 9001152A S pecifies which segment of th e network t he printe r will resi de. The format of Subnet Mask is a 32-bit numeric address written as four numbers separated by periods. See your Network Administrator to find out your Subnet Ma sk.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-29 PN: 9001152A Is a transitional screen that allows the operator to choose a given direction within the menu map. Is the premier screen of the Interface Mode. The Interface Mode allows the parameters to be set for the printer to commu nicate with a host and vise-versa.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-30 PN: 9001152A CENTRONICS INTERFACE MODE (TABLE 4-7) MENU DESCRIPTION Displays the operational status of the printer . The ONLINE status is displayed on the top line and the l abel quantity status on th e bottom.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-31 PN: 9001152A SERVICE MODE (TABLE 4-8) MENU DESCRIPTION The Maintenance Mode is divided in to two sections; the Service Mode an d the Factory Mode. The Service Mode allows the programming of various dimensional setti ngs, sensor thresholds, and language options.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-32 PN: 9001152A Allows the option of reprinting a l abel with key or not. Allows the backfeed distance to be set. If us ing thermal transfer for printing, set the feed distance less than 30mm to avoid detecti on of the ri bbon end by accide nt.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-33 PN: 9001152A When enabled (ON), the printer ’s status (receiving, editing, printing) will be displayed as an icon. Disabled (OFF) conversely , does no t. FACTORY MO DE (T ABLE 4-9) MENU DESCRIPTION The Maintenance Mode is divided in to two sections; the Service Mode an d the Factory Mode.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-34 PN: 9001152A This printer doe s not ha ve a dispen ser asse mb ly , thusly this screen should be ig nored. Enables the printer ’s serial number to be recorded with in its memory . Enables the re vision number of the mai n circuit board to b e recorded within its memory .
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-35 PN: 9001152A WORK SHIF T MODE (T ABLE 4-10) MENU DESCRIPTION Displays the operational status of the printer . The ONLINE status is displayed on the top line and the l abel quantity status on th e bottom.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-36 PN: 9001152A DOWNLOAD MODE (TABLE 4-12) MENU DESCRIPTION Confirms the printer is on standby for re ceivin g the downgrade or upgrade of Firmware from the host. Downloadi ng progress may be moni tored here.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-37 PN: 9001152A Displays the operational status of the printer. The OFFLINE status is displayed on the top line and th e label quantity status on th e bottom. The message w ill be changed to ONLINE whenever the printer is s witched online by pressing the LINE key .
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-38 PN: 9001152A TEST PRINT MODE (T ABLE 4-16) MENU DESCRIPTION Is the initial screen of the T est Print Mode. • Configuration: The printer ’s configuration settings. •B a r c o d e : The printer ’s installed barcodes.
Unit 4: Printer Configuration Lt408 Operator Manual 4-39 PN: 9001152A The Advanced Mode screen is onl y a transitional screen to the Hex Dump Mode screen.
Lt408 Operator Manual 5-1 PN: 9001152A TROUBLESHOOTING • Error Signal T roubleshooting • W arning Signal T roubleshooting • T roubleshooting T able • Interface T roubleshooting • T est Print.
Unit 5: Troubleshootin g Lt408 Operator Manual 5-2 PN: 9001152A ERROR SIGNAL TROUBLESHOOTING This chapter identifies the printer’s va rious LCD error si gnals and their rela ti ve audible alarms, as well as, their probable causes and rem edies for problem resolution.
Unit 5: Troubleshootin g Lt408 Operator Manual 5-3 PN: 9001152A 09 Ribbon End Error POWER: ONLINE: LABEL: RIBBON: On Off Off On 1. Ensure ribbon stock is properly loaded. 2. Ensure ribbon has not been damaged. 3. Ensure proper printer configuration. 10 Sensor Error POWER: ONLINE: LABEL: RIBBON: On Off Off Off 1.
Unit 5: Troubleshootin g Lt408 Operator Manual 5-4 PN: 9001152A ERROR ICONS LCD ICONS DESCRIPTION OF ERROR POSITION ON LCD Displayed when de tecting Label End. Icon 1 Displayed when de tecting Ribbon End. Icon 1 Displayed when de tecting Sensor Error .
Unit 5: Troubleshootin g Lt408 Operator Manual 5-5 PN: 9001152A WARNING SIGNAL TROUBLESHOOTING WARNING DISPLAYS WARNING LED CONDITION LCD DISPLAY DESCRIPTION 01 Ribbon Near-End Wa r n i n g POWER: ONLINE: LABEL: RIBBON: On On On Off 1. Limited media quantity remaining.
Unit 5: Troubleshootin g Lt408 Operator Manual 5-6 PN: 9001152A TROUBLESHOOTING T A BLE TROUBLESHOOTING T ABLE IMAGE VOIDS Dirty print head. Clean print hea d. Damaged print head. Replace print head. Damaged electronics. Replace circuit board. Damaged or worn roller .
Unit 5: Troubleshootin g Lt408 Operator Manual 5-7 PN: 9001152A NO PRINTED IMAGE Print head is disco nnected. Ensure print head wiring harne ss is connected on each end. No voltage output. Replace fuse. T est power supply and replace as req uired. Defective print head.
Unit 5: Troubleshootin g Lt408 Operator Manual 5-8 PN: 9001152A INTERFACE TROUBLESHOOTING This chapter prov ides a checklist for th e various interface types. Locate the ch ecklist relative to the inter face used and perform each of th e troublesh ooting tasks until the pr oblem has been isola ted.
Unit 5: Troubleshootin g Lt408 Operator Manual 5-9 PN: 9001152A LAN ETHERNET INTERFACE CHK TROUBLESHOOTING STEP Ensure the interface has been correctly co nfigured. Wait two minutes and run self-t est to verify . If a test label does not print, there may be a hardware problem.
Unit 5: Troubleshootin g Lt408 Operator Manual 5-10 PN: 9001152A TEST PRINT TROUBLESHOOTING Chapter pr ovides instru ction on s p ecial printing to identify and resolve specific print problems. HEX DUMP Allows the operator to determine if there were problems in the downloadin g of data.
Unit 5: Troubleshootin g Lt408 Operator Manual 5-11 PN: 9001152A TEST LABEL PRINTING The test label is desig ned to assist in the identification of pr int problems.
Unit 5: Troubleshootin g Lt408 Operator Manual 5-12 PN: 9001152A Figure 5-5, Sample T est Label NOTE: The only print pro blem that the following sa mple test la bel does not display is fading of print image from one side of th e la bel to the other . This is the result of improper print head b alance.
Lt408 Operator Manual 6-1 PN: 9001152A MAINTENANCE • Cleaning Procedures • Replacement Procedures • Adjustment Procedures.
Unit 6: Maintenance Lt408 Operator Manual 6-2 PN: 9001152A CLEANING PROCEDURES Cleaning of the printer is a necessary ma intenace activity to ensure print quality and longer printer life. There are two basic typ es of cleanin g involved; t he remova l of loose de bris and th e removal o f residue.
Unit 6: Maintenance Lt408 Operator Manual 6-3 PN: 9001152A REPLACEMENT PROCEDURES This unit provides in-depth instructi on on all primary co mponent and assembly replacement, in a ddition to most secondary components. Use the text in conjunction with their accompanied gr aphics to ensure complete comprehension throughout the pro cess.
Unit 6: Maintenance Lt408 Operator Manual 6-4 PN: 9001152A ROLLER REPLACEMENT The printer’s three rubber rollers are considered to be high-wear compon ents due to constant treading of the print media and ribbon stock against their contact surfaces.
Unit 6: Maintenance Lt408 Operator Manual 6-5 PN: 9001152A ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES This unit covers all of the printer and printer acce ssory adjustmen ts. Thes e adjustme nts include mechanical adjustments required following th e replacement of components an d assemblies, in addition to, th e operational adjustments r equired following a job change.
Unit 6: Maintenance Lt408 Operator Manual 6-6 PN: 9001152A PRINT HEAD PRESSURE ADJUSTME NT Print head pressure adju stment allows for the print h ead to be adjusted to a ccommodate different media types (thicknesses) . The pressu re setting switch is two position (normal, high).
Unit 6: Maintenance Lt408 Operator Manual 6-7 PN: 9001152A PRINT HEAD BALANCE ADJUSTMENT Print head balance is the eq ualization of pressur e against the platen roller fr om one end to the op posite.
Unit 6: Maintenance Lt408 Operator Manual 6-8 PN: 9001152A RIBBON GUIDE ADJUSTMENT If the print ribbon is not spread smoo thly over the print head when it makes contact with the media, print voids will occur at the p oint of the rib bon fold.
Unit 6: Maintenance Lt408 Operator Manual 6-9 PN: 9001152A LABEL SENSOR POSITIONING The label sensor assembly pr ovides a mounting apparatus for the eye-mark, g ap, and paper-en d sensors. Position adjustment of the label sensor is not required when using sta ndard label media.
Unit 6: Maintenance Lt408 Operator Manual 6-10 PN: 9001152A OPERATIONAL ADJUS TMENTS These operational adjustments are for fine tu ning the pr inter as nec essary follo wing the co nfiguration process a nd are largely confined to the fo ur potentiometers located on the oper ator panel.
Lt408 Operator Manual 7-1 PN: 9001152A APPENDIX • Session Connect/Disconnect Diagram • Ready/Busy T iming Chart s • X-On/X-Off T iming Chart s • Printer Dimensions • Glossary.
Unit 7: Appendix Lt408 Operator Manual 7-2 PN: 9001152A SESSION CONNECT/DISCONNECT DIAGRAM Figure 7-1, Session Connect/Disconnec t Diagram.
Unit 7: Appendix Lt408 Operator Manual 7-3 PN: 9001152A READY/BUSY TIMING CHART S Figure 7-2a, Single-It em Buffer Ti ming Chart s Figure 7-2b, Multiple -Item Buffer Timing Chart s.
Unit 7: Appendix Lt408 Operator Manual 7-4 PN: 9001152A X-ON/X-OFF TIMING CHART S Figure 7-3a, Single-It em Buffer Ti ming Chart s Figure 7-3b, Multiple -Item Buffer Timing Chart s.
Unit 7: Appendix Lt408 Operator Manual 7-5 PN: 9001152A PRINTER DIMENSIONS Figure 7-4a, Front V iew Figure 7-4b, Interf ace Side.
Unit 7: Appendix Lt408 Operator Manual 7-6 PN: 9001152A Figure7-4c, Back V iew.
Unit 7: Appendix Lt408 Operator Manual 7-7 PN: 9001152A GLOSSARY GLOSSARY AC (Alternating Curren t) Electrical current that re verses its direction regularly a nd continually . Accessory An optional assembly that may be used to provide an addition al function.
Unit 7: Appendix Lt408 Operator Manual 7-8 PN: 9001152A Bytes A collection of 8 bits used in the binary system. Capacity As it relates to RFID, the number of bits or by tes that can be programmed into a tag. This may represent the bits accessible to the user or th e to tal number - including those reserved to the manufacturer (e.
Unit 7: Appendix Lt408 Operator Manual 7-9 PN: 9001152A Diode Allows current to flow in one direction but not the other to protect sensitive electron ics. A diode functions by compositing two conductive mate rials with one possessing low resistance to electrical current on one side and high resistance on the other .
Unit 7: Appendix Lt408 Operator Manual 7-10 PN: 9001152A Factory Programming Relative to RFID, the programming of informa tion into a tag occurring as part of the manufacturing process resulting in a rea d-only tag.
Unit 7: Appendix Lt408 Operator Manual 7-11 PN: 9001152A Key The button on a panel th at may be pressed to send an electrical signal to influence a predetermined activity . Keyed A physical object sh aped in a manner so as to prevent u nwanted movement or to ensure desired movement.
Unit 7: Appendix Lt408 Operator Manual 7-12 PN: 9001152A Modulation In RFID, the methods of altering carriers in order to transmit the encoded information. Nest A set o f similarly shaped objects with one smaller and resting within the other . Nominal The point between a positive and negative deviation which is considered to be optimum.
Unit 7: Appendix Lt408 Operator Manual 7-13 PN: 9001152A Print Head The device on a direct thermal o r thermal transfer printer containing the heating elemen ts that causes an image to be transferred to print media.
Unit 7: Appendix Lt408 Operator Manual 7-14 PN: 9001152A RFID T ags A system of finding the positi on or locati on of assets. A microchip attached to an antenna that i s packaged in a way that it can be applied to an object. The tag picks up signals from, and sends sig nals to, a reader .
Unit 7: Appendix Lt408 Operator Manual 7-15 PN: 9001152A Simultaneous T o take place at the same time. Sleeve A thin ho llow material that is inserted onto anothe r to provide pr oportionate spacing. Snap Ring A circu lar clip that may be ap plied to a shaft, etc.
Unit 7: Appendix Lt408 Operator Manual 7-16 PN: 9001152A T roubleshoot The act of locating the s ource of a problem or problems. T wo -Dimensional T wo of the projectories of an object: X axis is the distan ce left and right and the Y axi s is the distance up and down.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat SATO Lt408 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen SATO Lt408 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens SATO Lt408 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding SATO Lt408 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over SATO Lt408 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van SATO Lt408 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de SATO Lt408 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met SATO Lt408 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.