Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product ST34520N/W/WC/LW/LC van de fabrikant Seagate
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Contents Pre f a ce . .. ..... ..... .. ..... ... ..... .... ... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ... ..... .... ... ..... .. ..... ... 1 Ele ctro sta tic dis ch arg e p rote cti on . ..... .. ..... ..... ... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .. . 2 Important saf ety inf ormati on and pre cautions.
Me dalis t Pro I nst alla tio n Gu ide, Rev . B 1 Pre face This manual cont ai n s inf ormation for users of t he Seagat e® Meda l ist Pro SCSI dis c dr iv es. It pr ovides sup por t services, per- f ormance specif icatio ns, and initia l setup inf ormation.
2 Medalis t Pr o Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B Electrostatic dis c harge p ro tection Cauti on. Remov al of ci rcuit boar ds by pe rsonnel not p erform- ing depo t repair will damag e co m p onents and ma y vo id the war r anty .
Me dalis t Pro I nst alla tio n Gu ide, Rev . B 3 Impor tan t safety info rm a tion and precau tions Cauti on. Use f orced-ai r venti lation when bench -testin g the driv e t o e nsure proper coo ling of driv e com po nents . Use pr oper sa fety techni ques f or saf e, rel iable operat ion of t his unit .
4 Medalis t Pr o Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B • Do not remo ve the hea d and d isc a ssembly (HD A) fr om the driv e. Return the enti re dr iv e f or depot repai r i f the HD A is def ecti ve. • Do not att empt to disassemb le t he HD A. It is no t fiel d repair - abl e.
Me dalis t Pro I nst alla tio n Gu ide, Rev . B 5 Wic htige Si cherh eitsh inweise Vo r s i c h t . Beim T esten des Laufw erks auf dem Prüfti sch ist F rem dbelüftung v or zusehen , um e ine au sr eic hende Kühlun g der Laufw erkkompon enten si cher zustel l en.
6 Medalis t Pr o Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B • T reff en Sie beim Betrieb , bei der In stallat i o n oder bei der Entf ernung der Ei nheit ange messene Si cherheits vork ehrun- gen. • W enn eine Einhei t unter Spann ung steht , g ehen Sie bei der Fe hlerdi agnose besonders v orsi chtig v or .
Me dalis t Pro I nst alla tio n Gu ide, Rev . B 7 digen h at eine Beschäd igung der K ompon enten und Erlösc hen des Garant i eanspruchs zur F olge . Als T eilkompon ente ist diese s Laufwe rk für die Ins tallation und den Bet rieb i n Üb ere inst imm ung mi t U L 1950, EN60 950 , CSA C22.
8 Medalis t Pr o Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B Regulator y agency compl i ance Elect romagn etic suscepti bility As a componen t assembl y , t he drive is no t req ui r ed to m eet any suscep tibi li ty p erf ormance re qui rements .
Me dalis t Pro I nst alla tio n Gu ide, Rev . B 9 Elect romagn etic compli ance f o r the Europ ean Union If this model has the CE Marking it compl ies wit h the Eur op ean Union requirem ents of t he.
10 Medalis t Pro Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B Se agat e T ech no logy su ppo r t ser vi c es Online S erv ices In te rne t Visi t www .seagat for online i nformati on about Seagat e produc ts or e-mail y ou r disc or tape quest ions to: Presal es Sup por t: Disc: ht tp://www .
Me dalis t Pro I nst alla tio n Gu ide, Rev . B 11 phone n umbers, commonly ask ed ques tions , t roubl eshooting ti ps and specif ications for disc driv es and tape dri ves 24 hours dail y . Int ernational cal lers ca n r ea ch this service b y dial i ng 1 - 405-93 6-1234.
12 Medalis t Pro Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B fro m 8:00 A.M. t o 12:15 P .M. and 1:30 P .M. t o 6:00 P .M. (ce ntra l ti m e ) Monda y thro ugh F r ida y . Custo m e r S er v ice (C S O ) W arra nt y R e pair Seagat e of fers w orl d wide custome r suppo r t f or Seagate driv es.
Me dalis t Pro I nst alla tio n Gu ide, Rev . B 13 W arra nt y R e pair USA/Canad a 1-800- 468-347 2 F AX: 1-405-9 49-6740 Lati n Am e ric a 1-405- 949-775 8 F AX: 1-40 5-9 49-6738 A ut hor ize d Se r.
14 Medalis t Pro Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B Norwa y 800-11 3 91 P oland 00 80 0-311 1 2 38 Sp ai n 900 - 9 8 3 1 2 4 Sw eden 0 207 90 073 Swit zerland 0 800-83 84 11 T urke y 00 80 0-31 92 91 40 U.
Me dalis t Pro I nst alla tio n Gu ide, Rev . B 15 SeaF AX A ustra lia 61-2- 9756-517 0 W arra nt y R e pair Jap an81-3-5462- 2904 F AX: 81-3-5 462- 2979 Asi a /Pac if ic a nd65 - 485 - 359 5 F A X: 6.
16 Medalis t Pro Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B Ge neral descr iption Meda l i st Pr o SCSI disc driv es are high-spee d, random- access digi tal-dat a stor age de vice s. The dr i ve is a com ponent for instal lation in an enclosure designed f o r the driv e.
Me dalis t Pro I nst alla tio n Gu ide, Rev . B 17 T abl e 1. Dri v e ch a r ac t er is t ic s Inte r fac e Ult ra S C S I [1 ] Cap acity F ormatte d User LBAs ST39140 9.
18 Medalis t Pro Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B [1 ] C an be op era ted ac c or d in g to SC SI -2/S C SI- 3 pro to co ls. Refe rr e d to also a s “SCSI F a st-20” or “Fast-40.
Me dalis t Pro I nst alla tio n Gu ide, Rev . B 19 T abl e 2 b. DC powe r requi rements (Am ps) for L W/LC models Notes f o r T ables 2a and 2b. [1] Meas ur e d with an av erage reading DC ammeter . Inst ant a - neous +12V cur rent pea ks wil l e xceed these v a lues.
20 Medalis t Pro Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B ±5% mu st be main tained aft er t he drive s i g nifies t hat its powe r- up sequence has been com plet ed a nd that the driv e is abl e to accept sel ection b y t he host init iator . [3] See the +12V curre nt profi le in the Medali st Pro Pr oduct Man ual (pub li cation n umber 32 661-001).
Me dalis t Pro I nst alla tio n Gu ide, Rev . B 21 T ab le 3 sho ws the nom i n al ( no tole rance specif ied) dimensi ons and w eight of the driv e. T abl e 3. Dimensi ons of the drive inc hes mm Height 1. 028 26.9 Width 4. 023 102.2 Depth 5. 787 146.
22 Medalis t Pro Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B Initia l setup inf o rmat ion The gen eral info r mat i o n begin ni n g on this page appl ies to all o f the Medal ist Pro dri v e mod els .
Me dalis t Pro I nst alla tio n Gu ide, Rev . B 23 SC SI ID ju m p er s Each de vic e on the SCSI chai n must have a un ique SCSI ID . The hos t syst em’ s SCSI co ntrolle r usual ly uses the ID tha t has the h ighest pr i ori ty i n t he SCSI I/O sys tem.
24 Medalis t Pro Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B has it s own uniqu e ID . Also check y our sys tem or contr oller user’ s man ual to ensur e that y ou hav e not violated i ts SCSI ID num beri ng recommendat ions.
Me dalis t Pro I nst alla tio n Gu ide, Rev . B 25 Fo r inf ormation about how to terminate you r drive , ref er to the approp riate dri ve- specific s ectio n.
26 Medalis t Pro Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B Figur es 3a, 3b, 3c, and 3d sho w typical dri ve connect ions . The f oll owing tab le li sts the m aximum cable l engths and numbe r of de vices wi th single -ended I/O cir cuits al l o wed on a dai sy-chain cabl e f or < 10 and < 20 M tran sf ers/sec I /O dat a tra nsf er r ates .
Me dalis t Pro I nst alla tio n Gu ide, Rev . B 27 [1] F or en vir o nm en ts wher e a ll el eme nt s of the b u s ( cab l e s, de vice i nt er- f aces , en vir onme ntal nois e and ot her pa ram eters ) are co ntr olle d to be b etter than min ima lly r equi red , it may be po ss ible to ext end the pat h le ng th an d device cou nt .
28 Medalis t Pro Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B Figur e 3a. Fi fty pi n I/ O connectio n to d rive Figur e 3 b. Sixty-eight p in conne ction to drive Pin 1 HDA Pin 1 HDA.
Me dalis t Pro I nst alla tio n Gu ide, Rev . B 29 [1] “X” m eans up to 6 or the max imum allowable number o f de v ices on the SCSI b us. See T abl e 4 a and sy stem d oc ument ati on.
30 Medalis t Pro Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B [1] Do not mix “ W” and “L W” mo del dr iv es on the d aisy c ha in. [2] “X” me ans up to 1 5 or the ma ximum allowab l e numbe r of d evices on the SCSI b us. See T abl e 4a an d syst em doc ument ation .
Me dalis t Pro I nst alla tio n Gu ide, Rev . B 31 Note. This driv e model plu gs directly in to a backp l an e c onnec- tor and t heref ore doe s not use c ables.
32 Medalis t Pro Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B Providin g ade qua te c ool ing The encl osure desi gn must ensure adeq uate cool i ng f or the driv e. The max i mum ambient t emperat ure is 50 ° C. The driv e’ s product m a nual (3 2661- 001) describes ho w to e v alu - ate the ai r - flow des ign.
Me dalis t Pro I nst alla tio n Gu ide, Rev . B 33 Kü hlun g des S y stems Die Gehä usek on struktion muß eine ausr eichende Kühl ung des Laufw erkes gewährlei sten.
34 Medalis t Pro Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B . Figur e 4. Suggest ed air flow Abbil dung 4. Empfohlener L uft strom verl auf Above unit Über der Einheit Under unit Unter der Einheit Above unit Über der Einheit Under unit Unter der Einheit Note. Air flows in the direction shown (back to front) or in reverse direction (front to back) Hinweis.
Me dalis t Pro I nst alla tio n Gu ide, Rev . B 35 Mounting the drive and connecting cables Do not tou ch the connector pins or any com ponents on the con - tro l board wit hout observing static- discharge precaut i o ns. Alwa ys handle the driv e by the fr am e onl y .
36 Medalis t Pro Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B 1. Bef esti gen Sie das Laufw erk mit vi er 6- 32-UNC-Schrau ben am Gehäu se des Host-S ystems. Die beiden S eit e n des Lauf werke s sind mit j eweil s zwei Bef esti gungs l ö chern ver sehen, die Untersei t e des Laufwerkes w eist vi er w eitere Bef esti gungslöcher auf .
Me dalis t Pro I nst alla tio n Gu ide, Rev . B 37 defi ned i n IEC 950. Figur e 5 prov ides t he pin i nf orm ati on fo r the DC po wer connec t or . T o connect the DC po wer cable to the dri ve , si mply insert the cabl e end into th e d ri v e’ s DC powe r connect or .
38 Medalis t Pro Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B Note. Signal g round on the p ower control board ( PCB) and the head and disc as sembly (HD A) are c onnec ted tog eth er in thi s drive and y ou canno t separ ate them.
Me dalis t Pro I nst alla tio n Gu ide, Rev . B 39 tem ei nba uen. Die da raus u.U . r esulti eren de vers tär kte elek tromagnet ische St rahlung fällt in d en Zust ändigkei ts- berei ch des Systemd esi gners . 5. Replac e the host sys tem’ s co ver .
40 Medalis t Pro Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B Figur e 6. Mounti ng confi guration dimensions Inches A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R S 146.99 102.2 26.9 60.00 28.45 101.60 6.35 44.45 95.25 41.28 3.63 6.60 1.55 10.29 57.53 59.69 5.787 4.023 1.28 2.362 1.
Me dalis t Pro I nst alla tio n Gu ide, Rev . B 41 Formatting the drive W arni ng. Fo r mat ting a driv e er ases all user data. Be sur e that you underst and this pri nciple bef or e f ormatting an y hard di sc driv e.
42 Medalis t Pro Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B N drives Sett ing the SCSI ID jumpe rs Use the J6 connec tor to set the SCSI ID (see Figur e 7) . T o change the SCSI ID , inst all ju m pers on the appropriat e pins as shown in the il lustrat ion. Figur e 7.
Me d al is t P ro I n st al la ti on G u i d e, R ev . B 4 3 N drives T ermin a tin g the drive “N” model drives are t er minat ed with permanentl y mounted IC acti ve terminat ors.
44 Medalis t Pro Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B N drives T er m i n at or pow er There are f our p ossibl e ter mi nator power ( TP ) c onfigur ations f or “N” model drives ( see Figure 9) . Y ou wi l l not normally need t o change this option and can l eav e the dri ve c onfigured as it w as ship ped from the f actory .
Me d al is t P ro I n st al la ti on G u i d e, R ev . B 4 5 N drives Othe r a ppl i cabl e jum p er op tion s Se ver al other jumpe r options are a vai labl e as il lu stra ted. Figur e 1 0. Additi onal jumper opt ions Enable parity check of SCSI bus.
46 Medalis t Pro Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B W / L W d rives W /WD d rives s ecti on Sett ing the SCSI ID jumpe rs Use the J6 jum per b loc k to set the SCSI ID (Fi gure 11). T o change the SCSI ID , inst all ju m pers on the appropriat e pins as shown in the ill ustr ation.
Me d al is t P ro I n st al la ti on G u i d e, R ev . B 4 7 W/L W drives Figur e 1 2. Using J1-A uxill ary connector f or model W/L W driv es altern ate I D select and LED co nnect ion J1-DC Power J1.
48 Medalis t Pro Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B W drives T ermin a tin g the drive “W” mo del d r iv es are terminat ed with permanentl y m ount ed IC acti ve terminat ors.
Me d al is t P ro I n st al la ti on G u i d e, R ev . B 4 9 W drives T er m i n at or pow er There are f our p ossibl e ter mi nator power ( TP ) c onfigur ations f or “W” m odel dri ves (see Fig ure 14) . Y ou wi ll not normally ne ed to change this option and can l eav e the dri ve c onfigured as it w as ship ped from the f actory .
50 Medalis t Pro Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B W / L W d rives Othe r a ppl i cabl e jum p er op tion s Other op tion jumpers are a vai lable as i llustr at ed below . Figur e 15. Additi onal jum per opt i ons f or W /L W dr i ves Enable parity check of SCSI bus.
Me d al is t P ro I n st al la ti on G u i d e, R ev . B 5 1 L W drives Figur e 1 6. Additi onal jumper opt ion for L W drives A jumper here forces single-ended I/O operation.
52 Medalis t Pro Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B WC / LC drives Sett ing the SCSI ID jumpe rs The SCSI ID f or “WC” and “ LC” model driv es is normall y s et ov e r the SCSI bus b y the hos t sy stem using con nector c ontacts 39 (ID0 ), 40 (ID2 ), 79 (ID1 ) , and 80 (ID3) .
Me d al is t P ro I n st al la ti on G u i d e, R ev . B 5 3 W C drives Applicable jumper options Opt i on jumpers ar e av ailab l e as illust rate d belo w . Figur e 17. J umper op tions Enable parity check of SCSI bus. Disable parity check. Parity Check option Reserved.
54 Medalis t Pro Instal lation Guid e, Re v . B LC dr ive s Figur e 1 8. Jumper op ti ons f or LC drives Enable parity check of SCSI bus. Disable parity check. Parity Check option Write protect = Off (enables writing) Write protect = On (disables writing) Write Protect option The host system has complete control over motor start functions.
Me d al is t P ro I n st al la ti on G u i d e, R ev . B 5 5 LC dr i v es Figur e 19. Additi onal jum per opt i ons f or LC drives D F D S M E W P P D R E S R E S R E S Pin 1 J2 A jumper here forces single-ended I/O operation. No jumper allows host to select either single-ended or DF operation.
Seagate T echnolo gy , Inc. 920 Disc Drive, Scotts V alley , CA 95066-4 544, USA Pu b li cat i on Nu mber : 326 63 -001 , Rev . B, Pr in ted in US A.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Seagate ST34520N/W/WC/LW/LC (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Seagate ST34520N/W/WC/LW/LC heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Seagate ST34520N/W/WC/LW/LC vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Seagate ST34520N/W/WC/LW/LC leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Seagate ST34520N/W/WC/LW/LC krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Seagate ST34520N/W/WC/LW/LC bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Seagate ST34520N/W/WC/LW/LC kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Seagate ST34520N/W/WC/LW/LC . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.