Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product ST9320424ASG van de fabrikant Seagate
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Prod uct Ma nu al Momentus ® 7200 FDE.1 SA T A 10051 5958 Rev . A July 2008 ST93 20 424A S ST92 50 424A S ST91 60 414A S ST91 20 414A S ST93 20 424AS G ST92 50 424AS G ST91 60 414AS G ST91 20 414AS G.
©2008, Seagate T echnology LLC All righ ts reserved. Pub lication nu mber: 100 51595 8, Rev . A July 2008 Sea gate , Seagate T echnol ogy and the W ave logo a re regi stered tra demarks of S eagate T echnolog y LLC in th e United S tates and/or o ther countr ies.
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A i Conte nts 1.0 In troduct ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 S ystem req uirements . . .
ii Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A 4.0 S erial ATA int erface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 4.1 Hot- Plug compatibility . . . . . . . . . .
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A iii List o f Fi gures Figure 1. Typical + 5V only sta rtup and o peration cur rent pro file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Figure 2. Seria l ATA connect ors . . . . .
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A 1 1.0 I ntroducti on This ma nual de scribes t he functional , mechan ical and interfa ce specif ications fo r the foll owing Seag ate Mom e ntu s ® 7200 FDE .
2 Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A 1. 2 Abo ut Mo m en tu s 72 00 FDE .1 SA T A di sc dri v es Mom e ntu s ® 7200 FDE .1 SA T A driv es contain Dri veT rust techno logy providin g Full Disc Encryptio n (FDE) usin g proven A dvanced E ncryption S tand ard (AES) d ata encr yption and decryptio n.
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A 3 Havin g the encryption/d ecrypt ion on the driv e also provi des the highest l evel of security for dat a because all data , including the boot se ctor byte s, operating syste m, temp and eve n the swap files are encrypted at the drive level.
4 Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A.
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A 5 2.0 Drive specificati ons Unles s otherwi se noted, all specific ations are m easur ed u nder amb ient con ditions, a t 25°C, a nd nominal pow er . 2. 1 S pe cif ica ti on s um mar y tabl e The sp ecification s lis ted in this ta ble a re for q uick refere nce.
6 Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A * One Gbyte equals one billion bytes when referri ng to har d drive capacity . Accessible ca pacity may va ry dependin g on operating en viro nmen t Read power (ty pical) 2.1 watts Writ e power (typical) 2.
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A 7 and formatting. **During peri od s of dri ve idl e, some off lin e acti vity may occu r ac cor ding to th e S. M.A. R.T. spe c ifica tion, w hic h ma y inc rease a coustic and power to op erat ional levels .
8 Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A 2.4 Phys ica l org aniz ati on 2. 5 Rec ord in g an d int er fac e tech no lo gy 2.6 Phy sic al cha ra cteri sti cs Drive mode l R ead/write head.
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A 9 2.7 See k ti m e Seek mea surem ent s a re t ake n w ith nom inal po wer a t 25 °C amb ient t empe ratur e.
10 Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A 2. 9 Power sp e cif ica ti on s The dr ive re ceives DC powe r (+5V ) thro ugh a nativ e SA T A power co nnecto r . 2. 9.1 Power c ons umpt ion Power requi rement s for t he drives are l iste d in tabl e 3.
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A 11 T ypica l cu rrent pr ofile Figure 1. T yp ical +5V only star tup and operation current profile 2.9.2 Cond ucted nois e Input noise r ipple is measured at th e host system power sup ply across an equivalen t 15-ohm resistive load on the +5 volt line.
12 Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A 2.9.4 Powe r- manag eme nt modes The drive provid es programm able power man agement to provide greater energy ef ficiency . I n most syst ems, you can contro l power ma nagement t hrough th e system setup pro gram.
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A 13 2.1 0 Envi ron men t al sp ec if i ca t ions 2.10.1 Ambie nt tem perature Ambie nt temp eratu re is d efined as the te mperatur e of t he environmen t im mediatel y surro unding the d rive.
14 Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A 2.10.5 S hock All shock specifi cations assume that the dri ve is moun ted securely with the input shock applied at the drive mounting screws.
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A 15 2. 1 1 Ac o ust ic s Drive emission o f sound is measur ed consi stent with th e ECMA-74 an d its’ r eferenced st andard s. T esting is conducted at room tempera ture ( appr oximately 25 ° C).
16 Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A T est Description Per for ma nce level Reference st andard Electrostat ic discharge Contact, HCP , VC P: ± 4 kV; A ir: ± 8 kV B EN 61000-4-2: .
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A 17 2.13 Re liab ility 2.13.1 Free Fall Protect ion fea ture The Free F all P rotection feature p rovide s enhanced dat a pro tection agai nst shock events that may occur while the dr ive is ope rating .
18 Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A 2.14.2 Elect roma gnetic comp atibility Hard dri ve s that displ ay th e CE m ark compl y wi th the Euro pean U n ion (E U) re quirem ent s speci fie d in the E lec- troma gnetic Compat ibil ity Dire ctive (89/3 36/EEC) .
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A 19 • Move the device fa rthe r away from the radi o or TV. • Plug the computer into a d ifferent out let so th at the recei ver and computer are on different bran ch outlets.
20 Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A 2.15 En v ironm e ntal p rotec tio n Seag ate designs i ts product s to meet envi ronm ental pro t ection r equirement s wor ldwide, incl uding regu lations restricti ng certain chemic a l substances .
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A 21 3.0 Conf igur ing an d mountin g the dri ve This secti on cont ains t he specifica tions an d instructions f or con figuring and moun ting the dri ve. Mom e ntu s ® 7200 FDE.1 SA T A drives may be connected to any com pute r system that sup port s a st anda rd SA T A inte rface.
22 Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A • Do not obstruct the brea ther hole located on the top cover of the dri ve. Refer to Figur e 4 for the e xact lo cation of thi s hole.
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A 23 3. 4 Driv e mo un ti ng Y ou can mount the dr ive using four screw s in the side-mount ing holes or fou r screws in the bo ttom-mou nting hol es.
24 Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A 3.5 D ri ve in te grat ion Momen tus 7 200 FDE.1 SA T A drive s m ay be inst alled in the ta rget com puter syste m in exa ctly the sam e way as a non-FDE Momentus driv e. . Figure 5. Momentus 7200 F DE.
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A 25 3.5.1 Drive in st alla tion Upon rec eipt by t he consumer , the drive’ s user interfac e i s identi cal to a Mom entu s 7200.
26 Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A • A new r andom en cryption key has been creat ed on the dr ive. • Encr yption functi on is ac tive and functio ning. The ne w key is use d to encrypt all user dat a on write an d decry pt on rea d.
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A 27 4.0 Ser ia l A T A in te rf ace These dr ives use the industr y-stand ard Seri al A T A (SA T A) interface tha t suppor ts FIS dat a transfer s. It sup- port s A T A progr amm ed input /outpu t (PI O) mode s 0–4; multi wor d DMA modes 0–2, and U ltra DMA mod es 0–6.
28 Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A Notes: 1. All pi ns are in a single r ow , with a 1 .27 mm (0 .050”) pitch . 2. The co mment s on th e mating seq uence apply to the ca se of backpl ane bli ndmate co nnector on ly . In this case, the mating sequences ar e: • the gro und p ins P4 and P12.
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A 29 4.2.1 A T A Securit y policy exce ptions In the A T A Security Inte rface mode , the d rive conform s to the A T A Security Policy , except the f ollowing de sir- abl e exceptions to implem ent the desir ed Mo mentus 720 0 FDE.
30 Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A 4.2.2 Dri veT rust M ode sup port Identif y Page - W ord 150 decimal (0x96h )- Bit 1 2 Identi fies DriveT rust Sup port.
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A 31 4.2.3 Full Di sc E ncryptio n supp ort Identify Page--Wor d 243 decimal (0xF3h)--bit 14 indicates Full Disc Encryption capability .
32 Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A 4.2.4 Sup port ed A T A com mands The follow ing tab le list s A T A-st andar d commands th at the drive suppo rt s. For a det ailed de scription of the A T A comman ds, refer to the S erial A T A : High S peed S erialize d A T Att achment specification .
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A 33 2F READ LOG EXT Execut able Execut able Execut able Executable Executable C4 READ MUL TIPLE Aborted Executable Executable Aborted Executable 29 .
34 Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A F9 H / 04 H SET MAX FREEZE LOCK Aborted Executable Executable Aborted Executable F9 H / 03 H SET MAX UNLOCK Aborted Executable Executable Aborte.
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A 35 3A WRITE STREAM DMA EXT Aborted Execut able Executable Aborted Executable 3B WRITE STREAM EXT Aborted Executable Executable Aborted Executable T.
36 Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A 4.2.5 Ident ify Device com mand The Id entify De vice command (command code EC H ) transfer s information abou t the drive to the host foll owing power up. T he dat a is organi zed as a single 51 2-byte block of dat a, whose contents are shown in the t able bel ow .
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A 37 53 Words 54–58, 64–70 and 88 are valid 0007 H 54 N umber of current logic al cylinders xxxx H 55 N umber of current logic al heads xxxx H 56.
38 Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A 85 C ommand sets enabled 34 xx H 86 C ommand sets enabled BC09 H 87 C ommand sets enable extension 61E3 H 88 U ltra DMA support and current mode.
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A 39 4.2.6 Set Feat ur es comman d This com man d con trol s t he im pleme nt ation of var ious f eatur es th at th e dr ive sup port s . When th e dr iv e r eceives this command, it se ts BSY , checks the con tent s of the F eatures reg ister , clears BSY and generates an inter - rupt.
40 Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A Note. At power-on, or af ter a ha rdware o r sof tware re set, the defaul t values o f th e featur es are as indi - cated ab ove. T a ble 10: Set Featur es com mand value s 02 H Enable w rite cache (default).
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A 41 4.2.7 S.M.A. R.T . commands S.M.A.R .T . provides near-t erm failur e predi ction for di sc drives. Whe n S.M.A.R .T . is enabl ed, the drive m oni- tors pr edet ermined d rive at tribut es that ar e suscepti ble to deg rada tion over tim e.
42 Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A.
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A 43 5.0 Co mpatibili ty su mmar y 5.1 Ins t allat i on con si de rat ions Many of tod ay’ s mobil e com puters have bee n desi gn ed to make it possibl e for the end use r to rep l ace the ha rd drive.
44 Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A AMD K8 PHOENIX A W ARD V5.1.39 AMD K8 PHOENIX A W ARD V6.00PG AMD K8 PHOENIX A W ARD AMD K8 PHOENIX DELL 1.1.2 AMD K8 PHOENIX VER 2004Q3 AMD K8 PHOENIX A TI 0X5A31 INSYDE R1.00 A TI RS400-200 AMI V02.
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A 45 INTEL 875P GA TEWA Y 510A.15A.0080 INTEL 875P HP 786B3 V1.09 INTEL 875P MICRON 510A.86A.0076 INTEL 875P PHOENIX DELL A02 INTEL 875P PHOENIX DELL A03 INTEL 915G/P AM I 3.1 8.00.10 1 1/12/04 INTEL 915G/P AMI VVPGI635 5/6/2004 INTEL 915G/P AMI VVPGI635 INTEL 915G/P HP 786C1 V1.
46 Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A 5.2.2 DriveT ru st comp a tibility v erificat ion The system s documented in T able 13 passed Dr iveT r ust comp atibility tests runn ing Windows XP Pro with ser- vice pack 2 (SP 2).
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A 47 T able 13: DriveT rus t comp a tibi lity Chip s et Manufa cturer Ch ipset Sou thbr idge System Vendor Syst em Mod el SA T A Mode BIOS Intel I CH6M LG L W 40-DOX 1 A T A Phoeni x OLMPSF 07 TCL K40D A T A Phoenix1.
48 Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A Int el ICH7M HP-BPC Pres ario V3000T AHCI HP F26 Presario V6000T AHCI HP F .29 Lenovo China Sunrise 210 A T A Phoenix Trustedcore 1.
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A 49 5.3 Oper ati ng sys t em ve r si on s te st e d This li st indica tes the types of Ope ratin g S ystems Sea gate tested durin g the compatib ility testing process. Sev- eral var iations of these oper ating syst ems ha ve been teste d.
50 Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A 5.4 Compatibilit y tes t confi gura tions T ests a re perfor med to ensur e functi onality to t he A T A/A T API-7 specifica tion and are co nst antly evol ving to match the evolution of the A T A/ A T API specific ations.
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A 51 6.0 Seagate T echnolo gy suppo rt service s Inter net For info rma tion regardin g Seagate pr oducts and services, vi sit www .sea g . Worldw ide support i s availa ble 24 hour s daily by email fo r your que stions.
52 Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A Custo mer Se rvice Op era tion s W arranty Ser vice Seag ate of fer s worldw ide custom er supp ort for Seagate pro duct s.
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A 53 Index A ACA 18 acoustics 6 , 15 Active m ode 12 AFR 17 Agency certification 17 Altitude 13 Altitude , nono perating 6 Altitude , operati ng 6 Am.
54 Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A heads 7 Height 5 hei ght 8 Humidity 13 humi dity 6 I I/O data- transfer r ate 5 , 8 Identify Device command 3 6 Idle 10 Idle and Standby ti mers.
Momen tus 72 00 FDE.1 SATA Prod uct Manual , Rev . A 55 Seek p ower 5 Seek t ime 9 seek time 5 Seeking 10 Self refresh, low power 12 Seri al ATA 8 Se ria l ATA (S AT A) i nte r fac e 27 servo ele ctro.
56 Moment us 720 0 FDE.1 S ATA Produ ct Man ual, Rev. A.
Seag ate T ech nolog y LLC 920 D isc Drive , Scot ts V alley, Califo rnia 95 066-4544 , USA Public ation N umber: 1 00515958, Rev . A, Printed i n USA.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Seagate ST9320424ASG (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Seagate ST9320424ASG heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Seagate ST9320424ASG vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Seagate ST9320424ASG leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Seagate ST9320424ASG krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Seagate ST9320424ASG bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Seagate ST9320424ASG kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Seagate ST9320424ASG . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.