Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product MX-B382 van de fabrikant Sharp
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MODEL: MX-B382 MX-B382SC DIGITAL MULTIFUNCTIONAL SYSTEM ST AR T GUIDE Keep this man ual c lose at ha nd for re ference w heneve r neede d..
EMC (t his mac hine a nd peripheral devices) Caution! For co mplete electric al dis connect ion, pu ll out the ma in plug. The so cket- outlet sha ll be instal led near th e equi pmen t and shal l be e asily ac cess ible. Shield ed inte rface cab les mus t be used with thi s equi pment to mainta in co mplianc e with EMC regulat ions.
1 For the users of the fax function FAX interface cable and Line cabl e: These spec ial acce ssori es must be use d with th e dev ice. SOFTWARE LICENSE The SOFTWA RE LICEN SE will appear when yo u instal l the soft ware fr om the CD -ROM.
2 Content s CAUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Symbo ls in thi s man ual . . . . . . . 4 Power note s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Installat ion not es . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 About c onsumab les . . . . . . . . . . 6 Handli ng preca utions .
3 The pro ducts tha t meet the ENERGY STAR ® gu idelines carry the logo s hown a bove. The pro ducts with out the lo go may no t meet the ENERGY STAR ® gu ideli nes.
4 CAUTIONS Symbols in this manual Power notes To en sure sa fe use of the machine , this manua l uses va rious sa fety symb ols. The sa fety symb ols are classifi ed as expla ined below. Be sur e you u nders tand th e mean ing of the symb ols wh en re ading th e man ual.
5 CAUTIONS Installation notes CAUTION Do not in stall in a location wit h moisture or dust. Ris k of fire and e lec tric al s hoc k. If dust enters the machin e, dirty outpu t and mac hine fa ilure m ay result . Locat ions that are ex cessively hot, cold , hum id, or dry (nea r he ate rs, humid ifi ers, air condi tioner s, etc.
6 CAUTIONS Installation notes (continued) About con sumables The machine includes a built-i n hard drive. Do not s ubject the mach ine to shock or vib ration. In particu lar, never mov e the machin e while the powe r is on. • Th e machi ne should be in stalle d near an acces sible po wer outl et for ea sy con nection.
7 CAUTIONS Handling p recautions The m achin e include s the docum ent fil ing funct ion, w hich stores do cume nt ima ge dat a on the mach ine's ha rd driv e. Stored docu ments ca n be c alled up and pri nted or transm itted as neede d. If a hard dri ve failu re occ urs, it w ill no l onger b e possib le to call up the st ored do cument data.
8 CAUTIONS Laser inform ation Wave length 790 nm ±10 nm Pulse times (North Am erica and Europe) 4.1 µs ±4.1 ns /7 mm Outpu t power Max 0. 6 mW (LD 1+ LD2) Caution Use of co ntrols or adju stme nts or p erform anc e of p rocedur es ot her th an th ose s pecif ied here in may r esult in ha zardous radi ation expo sure.
9 OPERAT ION MANUALS AND HOW TO USE THEM Printed manua ls and a manua l in PDF f ormat ar e provide d with th e mac hine. Printed manual s This sec tion e xplains preca utions to ensure sa fe usa ge, par t name s and func tions and basic s oftware. Re fer to the PDF instru ction ma nual fo r instruct ions on h ow to us e the mach ine.
10 DIGITAL MULTIFUNCTIONA L SYSTEM FU NCTIONS This mac hine provides four ma jor are as of func tional ity. Refer to the Op eration Guide fo r detai ls on us ing the various functi ons wit hin each area.
11 ACCESSING THE W EB SERVER IN THE MACHINE Wh en t he ma chin e is conn ect ed t o a ne twor k, the m achi ne' s b uilt -in Web s erv er ca n be acce ssed from a Web browser on your compute r. Opening the Web pages Recom mended We b brows ers • Interne t Explorer: 6.
12 CHECKING THE IP AD DRESS To ch eck the IP add ress of t he ma chine , print out t he all custom setti ng list in th e syste m settin gs. 1 Press t he [SYSTEM SETTINGS] key. 2 Select the al l custom setting lis t in the touch panel. (1) Touch the [List Pr int (Use r)] key.
13 PART NA MES AND FUNCTIONS (1) Aut omatic d ocument feed er This autom atica lly feed s and scans mul tiple originals . Both s ides of 2-si ded ori ginal s can be s cann ed at once . (2) Docum ent feeder tray Plac e the or iginals i n this tray when usi ng the automat ic docume nt feed er.
14 SU PPLI ES * Periphe ral devic e. For more informati on, se e "PERIPHERAL D EVICES" i n "Chapte r 1 - BEFO RE USING THE MACH INE" in t he Op eration Guide. (1 5) Fr ont cov er Open to re pla ce a t one r car trid ge. (1 6) Byp ass tra y Spec ial types of paper and env elopes c an be f ed from the bypa ss t ray .
15 OPERATION PANEL IMA GE SEND HOME PRINT DA T A LINE DA T A READ Y SYSTEM SETTINGS JOB ST A TUS Job Status MFP Status 020/015 005/000 010/000 010/000 Copying Waiting Waiting Waiting Special Modes Plain 2-Sided Copy Output File Quick File Copy Ratio Tray1 100% 1.
16 OPERATION PANEL LOGOUT Numeric keys Numeri c keys The se are used to ente r the numb er of copies , fax numbe rs, and ot her num bers . [LOG OUT] key ( ) When user au thentica tion is enab led, press this key to log ou t after using t he mach ine. When using the fax functi on, this ke y can be pressed to send t one signals on a pul se dial line.
17 TURNING THE POWER ON AND OFF The m achine ha s tw o power s witche s. One i s the mai n pow er switch on the left si de of the ma chine , and t he other is the [PO WER] ke y ( ) on t he upp er right side of th e operati on pan el.
18 PLACING ORIGIN ALS The au tomatic d ocum ent fee der can be used to automa ticall y sc an many origina ls at once. This sav es you t he troub le of man ually feeding e ach o riginal . For origina ls that cannot be sc anned using the automatic docu ment feed er, such as a book or a docum ent with notes attached , use t he docum ent gl ass.
19 PLACING ORIGINALS Using the document glass Take care that y our fin gers a re not p inched w hen clo sing the autom atic d ocument feeder. After pla cing the origin al, be sure to close th e automat ic doc ument fe eder. If left op en, parts o utsid e of the original will be copie d blac k, caus ing ex cessiv e use of toner.
20 LOADING PAPER IN A TRAY Names of the trays The na mes o f the trays are sh own bel ow. For the number of sheets of pa per that can be l oaded i n each tra y, se e the fo llowing manua ls: • Opera.
21 LOADING PAPER IN A TRAY Loading paper in a tray A maximum of 500 sh eets of paper fro m size A5 (5-1/ 2" x 8-1/2 ") to A4 (8-1/2" x 14") can be loa ded in trays 1 a nd 2. A maximu m of 5 00 sh eets of pa per from size B5 ( 7-1/4" x 10-1/2 ") to A4 (8-1 /2" x 1 4") can b e load ed in t rays 3 and 4.
22 LOADING PAPER IN A TRAY Loading paper in bypass tray Example: Loading an envelope When loading paper l arger than A4 o r 8-1/2" x 11", pu ll out the tray exte nsion. The si de to be copi ed or pr inted on must be face down! Load th e paper in the horizontal orie ntation.
23 BEFORE INSTALLIN G THE SOFTWARE This cha pter de scribes the so ftware pro grams tha t allow y ou to use the pr inter an d scan ner functi ons of the mach ine, th e CD-R OMs th at contain the s oftware, a nd the pages where th e basi c inst allation proce dures can be fou nd.
24 BEFORE INSTALLI NG THE SOFTWARE Disc 1 Software for Windows • Printer drive r Th ese a llo w th e ma chin e to be us ed a s a p rint er . - PCL6 print er driver The m achine s upports t he Hewlet t-Packar d PCL6 pr inter contr ol lan guages.
25 BEFORE INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE Disc 2 Software for Windows • PC-Fax driver This enables y ou to send a fil e from your com puter a s a fax u sing t he same proce dure as w hen printi ng the file.
26 BEFORE INSTALLI NG THE SOFTWARE VERIFYING SYS TEM REQUIREMENTS SYS TEM REQU IREM ENTS Before i nstallin g the softwa re descri bed in thi s manual , make sure that yo ur compu ter satis fies t he foll owing re quirem ents.
27 BEFORE INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE SOFTWARE REQUIREMEN TS The fol lowing requireme nts must be me t to us e the softwa re des cribed in this man ual. *1 For the typ es of comp uters a nd ope rating s yst ems tha t can r un the soft ware, s ee "S YSTEM REQU IREME NTS" (pa ge 26) .
28 BEFORE INSTALLI NG THE SOFTWARE CONNECTING THE MAC HINE CONNECTING TO A NETWORK To con nect the machi ne to a ne twork, c onnec t the LAN cab le to t he machi ne's ne twork con nec tor .
29 SETUP IN A WIND OWS ENVIRONMENT This sec tion e xplains ho w to ins tall th e softwar e on a Win dows c omputer. F or more detail s rega rding ins tallati on proced ures a nd instruc tions for instal lation in Maci ntosh en vir onme nts , see C hap ter 1 of t he Op erat ion Guid e.
30 SETUP IN A WINDOWS ENVIRONME NT 5 Read the m e ssage in th e "Welcome" window an d then click the [Next] button. 6 The softwa re select ion screen appears. Before i nstallin g the softwa re, be sure to cl ick the [Di splay Readm e] button a nd view th e detaile d informat ion on the software .
31 SETUP IN A WI NDOWS ENVIRONMENT INSTALLING THE PRINT ER DRIVER / PC-FAX DRIVER To ins tall the p rinter d river o r the PC-Fax driver, f ollow th e appro priate pr ocedure i n this secti on dep ending on whet her the machine is c onnected to a ne twork or c onnecte d by USB cabl e.
32 SETUP IN A WINDOWS ENVIRONME NT Standard i nstallat ion When th e software selec tion scre en appears in step 6 of "OPEN ING THE SOFT WARE SELECTION SCREEN (FOR ALL SOF TWARE)" (pa ge 29), perform the steps below. 1 Click the [Pr inter Driver] button .
33 SETUP IN A WI NDOWS ENVIRONMENT When [Cus tom in stall ation] is selecte d, you ca n chan ge any of the item s below. When [ Standard insta llation] i s selec ted, the insta llation wi ll take p lace a s indic ated belo w.
34 SETUP IN A WINDOWS ENVIRONME NT 4 A confirmation w indow app ears. Check the conten ts and then click the [Next] button. 5 When the printer driver selecti on window ap pears, select the printer driver to be installed and cli ck the [Next] butto n. Click the ch eckbox of the p rinter d river to be insta lled s o that a checkm ark ( ) appea rs.
35 SETUP IN A WI NDOWS ENVIRONMENT If you clicke d the [Cu stom instal lation] bu tton in step 2, the f ollowin g windo ws will ap pear. • Printer name w indow If you wish to c hange the printe r name, en ter the desired n ame and c lick th e [Next] butt on.
36 SETUP IN A WINDOWS ENVIRONME NT This completes the install ation. • After in stalla tion, see "CO NFIGURING THE PRINT ER DRIVER FOR THE OPTIONS INSTALLED ON THE MACHI NE" in the Op eration Guide to con figure th e printer dr iver setti ngs.
37 REGULA R MAINTENANC E To ens ure that th e mac hine cont inues to provid e top q uality pe rformance , period ically clean the m achine. Cleaning the document glass and automatic document feeder If.
38 SUPPLIES Standard supplie s for th is pro duct that can be replaced by the user inc lude pape r, toner cartrid ges, and staple cartri dges for th e finis her. Be sure to use on ly SHARP-sp ecifi ed produc ts for th e toner ca rtridges , finishe r stap le cartrid ge, and tra nspare ncy film.
39 SPECIFIC ATIONS Machine specific ations / copier specificat ions Name Digit al Multif unctional Syste m MX-B382/M X-B382SC Type Desktop Display 7 i nch c ol our t ouc h p ane l LCD Photoconduc tive.
40 SPECI FI CATIONS Machine specific ations / copier specificat ions (Continued ) Warm-up time MX-B38 2: 50 sec onds or l ess MX-B38 2SC: 45 seconds or les s (This may va ry dep ending on the am bient conditio ns.) First-copy time MX-B38 2: 8.0 secon ds or les s MX-B38 2SC: 6.
41 SPECIFICATIONS Machine specific ations / copier specificat ions (Continued ) Bypass tr ay Paper si zes: A4, B5, A5, 1 6K, 8 -1/2" x 14" , 8-1/2 " x 13-1/2" , 8-1/2" x 1 3-2.
42 SPECI FI CATIONS Machine specific ations / copier specificat ions (Continued ) * Type A co nnect ors are loc ated o n the fr ont and ba ck rig ht of th e machin e (two conn ectors); ho wever, th e con nectors c annot be u sed s imultane ously on the MX-B382 .
43 SPECIFICATIONS Ambient environment 85% (Humidity) (T emperature) 60% 20% 10˚C (54˚F) 30˚C (86˚F) 35˚C (91˚F).
44 SPECI FI CATIONS Chemical emissi on (measured according to RAL-UZ122: Edition Jun. 2006) Acoustic noise emi ssion (measurement accor ding to ISO7779 ) Ozone 1.5 m g/h or l ess Dust 4 .0 m g/h or les s Styr ene 1.0 m g/h or l ess Benzene less than 0.
45 SPECIFICATIONS Automatic document feeder specifi cations * 1 Scan ning in m ono 2 mode o f one sid e only is poss ible in fax and scan send modes. * 2 Heavy paper (12 9 g /m 2 (34 lbs.) to 280 g /m 2 (75 lbs .)) is only dis charged at th e heavy exit.
46 INFORMATION ON DISPOSAL A. Informat ion on D isposal fo r Users (private households) 1. In th e European Union Atten tion: If you wa nt to dispos e of this equipm ent, pl ease d o n ot us e t he or.
47 Informati on that the administrato r of the machine requires is printed on the back of this page. (Separate this pa ge from the manual and keep it in a safe place. In addition , fill in the name of th e administrato r and t he administrato r's contact information in the left hand margin.
48 TO THE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE MACHINE (Separat e this page fr om the ma nual a nd keep i t in a safe p lace.) Factory default passwords When a ccess ing the s ystem setti ngs, t he admin istra tor pa ssword is requ ired t o log in with ad minis trator rights.
49 TO THE ADMINI STRATOR OF THE MACHINE For the users of the fax function Important safety instructions • If any of yo ur telep hone equi pment is no t operating properl y, yo u should imme diatel y remove i t from y our te lephone l ine, as it ma y cause harm t o the te lephone n etwork.
50 TO THE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE MACHINE Trademark ac knowledgments The f ollowi ng tra demarks and re giste red tra demarks are us ed in conj unctio n with the mach ine an d its p eriphera l de vices and acce ssorie s. • Mic rosoft ® , W indows ® , Wind ows ® 98 , W ind ows ® Me, Wind ows NT ® 4.
SHARP ELECTRONICS (Europe) GmbH Sonnin straße 3, D-2009 7 Hamb urg.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sharp MX-B382 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sharp MX-B382 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sharp MX-B382 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sharp MX-B382 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sharp MX-B382 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sharp MX-B382 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sharp MX-B382 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sharp MX-B382 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.