Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Gold TDP-52-SN3 van de fabrikant Sigma
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27.1.1999 Dp_52ngbTO 1 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / SERVICE MANUAL BENEFON SIGMA GOLD TDP-52-SN3.
27.1.1999 Dp_52ngbTO 2 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / TDP-52-SN3 1.0 GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 1 1.1 TECHNICAL I NFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 1 1.1.1 Ope rational S ystem . .
27.1.1999 Dp_52ngbTO 3 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 4.0 S ERVICE APPLICAT IONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 1 4.1 Ben eWin SC A-50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 1 4.1.1 Inst allation of Be neWin prog ram .
27.1.1999 Dp_52ngbTO 4 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 5.3.1 Gen eral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 36 5.3.2 Fun ctional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 36 5.
27.1.1999 Dp_52ngbTO 5 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 7.4.6 Hook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 3 8 7.4.7 Parts list OO0009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
27.1.1999 2DP_52GB 1 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / Ge neral 1.0 GENERAL General 1.1 TECHNICAL INFORMATION 1.1.1 Operational Syste m NMT -450i 1.1.2 Dimension s Size: 58 x 153 x 26 mm Wei ght: 295 g 1.1.3 Power Cons umption - Batteri es: 5 x 1.2 V NiCd (or NiMH ) - Sl eep curre nt: 2 mA - Standby curre nt: 60 mA - Conversa tion mo de, hig h power: app.
27.1.1999 2DP_52GB 2 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / Ge neral - hand strap - belt clip 1.1.5 Ring ing Tones Adjustable - type, fi ve fixed, one chan geable with B eneWin - volume - progressive or fixed Silent alert - short tone an d ‘ca ll comi ng’ text in the d isplay 1.
27.1.1999 2DP_52GB 3 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / Ge neral 1.1.9 Other Function s DTMF - receiver / transmitter DTMF - key tones Display and key illumination V olume cont rol - 5 levels - level in dicator B.
27.1.1999 2DP_52GB 5 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / Ge neral Mains char ger Benefon Sigma Gold Cigarette lighter charger Light holder Anten na adapt er LIGHT CAR KIT CMA-50-230 KDC-50 CCS-50-12.
27.1.1999 2DP_52GB 6 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / Ge neral HANDS FREE CAR KIT Carbox Antenna External handset with holder HDS-50 Loudspeaker Micro- phone Car Ra dio Mute External Ale rt +12/24V Benef on Sig.
27.1.1999 2DP_52GB 7 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / Ge neral Line i nterf ace Branching unit LIF-40 DB-40.
27.1.1999 2DP_52GB 8 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / Ge neral OFFICE SET OFFICE SET Mains Line Benefon Sigma Gold T elefax T elephone Micro- Modem Sp are batt ery charge r DDS-50 interface computer.
27.1.1999 2DP_52GB 9 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / Ge neral Belt clip Hand strap Port able hands free Bene Wi n.
1use 1 2.0 OWNER’S MANUAL.
27.1.1999 6DP_52GB 1 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 3.0 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 3.1 Phone Programming You can program Benefo n Sigma Gold by usi ng either the keys on your phone, or the BeneLoc comp uter prog ram.
27.1.1999 6DP_52GB 2 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / It is possible to program the sales date ONLY ONCE, which means that you will not be able to change it again afterwa rd s . If the sales date ha s no t been progra mmed, your pho ne will not enter the nor mal stand-by mode.
27.1.1999 6DP_52GB 3 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 3.1.2 To program Using the BeneLoc Program Start the inst alled pr ogram by clicking the icon. The phone must be c onnected to the s ystem as discribed above . Main window Press Dea ler-key to en ter the progra mming wi ndow.
27.1.1999 6DP_52GB 4 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / You ca n read t he phon e data by pressi n g the Read phone -key. You can change the mi scellanous settings w ith th e compute r and t ransfer them to phone by pressi ng the Program phone -key . BeneLo c includes He lp -program for fu rther informatio n .
27.1.1999 6DP_52GB 5 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 3.2 CAR KIT I N STALLATION The Ca r Kit incl udes a p h one holder (KDS-5 0), a car b o x (UDH-50), a n antenn a, an instal lation base , a hf speaker, a microphon e and a cabl e.
27.1.1999 6DP_52GB 6 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 3.2.6 Car Box UDH-5 0 Place the ca r box out of sigh t insid e the d ashbo ar d of the car or t o anot her place. First, conne ct the wires to the car b ox. Install the car box so, t hat the heat si nk has some space for co oling.
27.1.1999 6DP_52GB 7 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / A Diagram of Conn ections 87 87A 86 85 30 +VB Horn Ext ernal Aler t 86 85 87A 87 30 87 87A 86 85 30 MUTE +ACC Car Radio Supply Volt age +VB Battery Voltage .
27.1.1999 6DP_52GB 8 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 3.3 HF-FUNCTION Benefo n S i gm a Gol d off er s yo u t wo different han ds free -setups f or th e C ar Ki t and Office Set: the backgro un d no ise tun ing (CAR KIT/OFFICE SET TUNING) and MIC-ER P contrast tuni ng (CAR KIT/O FFICE SET SWING).
27.1.1999 6DP_52GB 9 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / b. If the CAR KIT TUNING has b een set up to o low, th e backgroun d noise in your car (2) will activa te the microphone path, and the volum e of the HF- speaker will be low. c. When th e CAR KIT TUNING has bee n set correctly on ly your voice (1 & 3 ) will open the microp hone path.
27.1.1999 6DP_52GB 10 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 3.3.2 CAR KIT SWING/ OFFICE SET SWING (theory) The fou r-step CAR KIT SWING/OFFICE SET SWING tu ning is use d to set the contra st of the m icroph one ampl ificati on/speake r attenu ation sw ing.
27.1.1999 6DP_52GB 11 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 3.3.3 HF-functio n tuning in practice Y ou can tune HF-fun ctions two ways: manually or with car kit. Manua l tu ning 1. Conn ect the loc albox t o your pho ne, and t urn the ph one on . 2. Press and the fo llowing te xt will appe ar in the displ ay: ***BENEFON*** .
27.1.1999 3DP_52GB 1 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 4.0 SERVICE APPLICATIONS 4.1 Bene Win SCA- 50 The BeneW in SCM P rogram f or Windo ws is de signed to facilit ate mainten ance o f phone nu mbers and u ser settings on Benefon mo bile phones .
27.1.1999 3DP_52GB 2 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / In the Command Line box, ty pe the l etter A: or B: to indicate y our floppy disk drive, a nd then type SETUP . For exampl e, A:SETUP . Click the OK button, an d follow the ins t ructions d isplaye d on your scree n.
27.1.1999 3DP_52GB 3 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 4.1.2 To start the BeneWin p rogram Connect your phone wit h a cable to the serial po rt of you r compu ter , w hich is called COM1 or COM2 . The se rial por t s ar e locat ed in t he bac k of yo ur comp uter , and more precise instruct ions can be found in the manu al accomp anying the computer .
27.1.1999 3DP_52GB 4 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 4.2 Beneloc BeneLoc pr ogram is design ed to help servi ce person on tu ning and servi ce purpose. With B eneLoc Progr am you will also get W inFlash Progr am. With Wi nFlash Progr am you can cha n ge the softwa re to Benef on phones.
27.1.1999 3DP_52GB 5 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / The Se tup Progra m will ask you to spe cify the drive a nd directory in whi ch you want to inst all the Benel oc Prog ram. The P r ogram suggest s the follow ing: C:Bene- AppBeneLoc . Accept the drive and di rectory by clickin g Next button .
27.1.1999 3DP_52GB 6 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 4.2.3 Using the BeneLoc pr ogram In the mai n window of the BeneLo c, you will find submenu s and buttons. Clicking the buttons you can g o to the su bmenus. Change For chang ing phone to anoth er similar you do not ne ed to do more t han enter in to main menu.
27.1.1999 3DP_52GB 7 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / T unings From T unings mai n menu you can se lect diff erent tu nings to do. Ever y tuning have they o wn inst ru ction w indow . Fol low give n instruc t ions to do tuning s. Click ing ST ART will star t tuning.
27.1.1999 3DP_52GB 8 Product: TDP-52-S N3 / 4.3.2 Using the WinFlas h program Y ou will fin d all Benefon mobile p hone softw ares inst all ed to your com puter from win- dow in th e left side. Select the so ftware you wan t to transfer to phone b y clicking it.
27.1.1999 7DP_52GB 1 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / 5.0 PHONE’S CONSTRUCTION M F 1 502 A N C 2108 A V 0001 M C 08 06 M C 08 0 8 M C 08 10 M C 08 12 M C 08 14 M C 08 24 C o lor B lack B lue R e.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 2 Product: TDP -52-SN3 (S igma Gold) / OA0701 Processor 5.1 LOGIC / AUDI O OA0701 Processor Processor 5.1.1 General The enti re ra dio audi o and pr ocessor f unctions are foun d withi n a sing le PA07 00 boar d, thro ugh which al l othe r modu les are conne cted.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 3 Product: TDP -52-SN3 (S igma Gold) / OA0701 Processor 5.1.2 Connecto rs: RF-Module, V102 20 pin connector Keyboard module + sys temconnector l ines V101 40 pi.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 4 Product: TDP -52-SN3 (S igma Gold) / OA0701 Processor 16 GND 17 GND 18 GND 19 GND 20 GND 21 X KEYINP0 key matrix i nput 0/5V 22 XKEYINP1 23 XKEYINP2 24 XKEYINP3 25 XKEYINP3 2.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 5 Product: TDP -52-SN3 (S igma Gold) / OA0701 Processor Display Module, A 101 Answer Module, I101 5.1.3 Circuit D iagram The pro cessor an d audio circuit d iagram is split i nto five parts.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 6 Product: TDP -52-SN3 (S igma Gold) / OA0701 Processor Circuit Diagram Contents 5.1.4 Functio ns CPU I304 is itse lf a proces sor circuit. It is comprise d of CPU, 512*8bit EE PROM, timers, A/D conve rters, and both ser ies- and p arallel I/O l ines.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 7 Product: TDP -52-SN3 (S igma Gold) / OA0701 Processor Memories Memo ry and e xternal I/O-cir cuit addre ss coding is done with the ASIC circu it I305. Th e circuit opt ions CS R, CSP, and OE a re 0-a ctive. The prog ram memory is in 256k*8 EP ROM.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 8 Product: TDP -52-SN3 (S igma Gold) / OA0701 Processor RESET The proc essor volt age regula tor ERROR out put reset s (stops) t he proces s or and ze roes the c ontrol s when the ba ttery vo ltage d r op s belo w 5V . When th e voltage r ises aga in, the proce ssor restarts.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 9 Product: TDP -52-SN3 (S igma Gold) / OA0701 Processor Power Adjustment The tra nsmitter control l ogic switches TX power and also a djusts it to the correct leve l. The STX_REG signa l sets the tran smitter to ready mode.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 10 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OA 0700 Audi o Audio 5.1.5 Functio n Description OA0700 Audio The audi o module is compris e d of th e f ollowi ng functi ons: 1. TX-a udio sign al handling 2. RX- audio si gnal ha ndling 3.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 11 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OA 0700 Audi o transmit signal. VR3 is a maximum deviation g ain control circuit t o set the transmit signal le vel. After the VR3 comes switch T XAUDON, which mutes the tx-au dio signal usin g the TXMUTE contro l.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 12 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OA 0700 Audi o detecti on level standard. Once the detect or judges a val id FFSK sign al, ’H ’ signal i s put out on th e FFSKDET p in (pin 43). The data dete ctor spee d is deter mined by th e exte rnal cond ensator C438.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 13 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OA 0700 Audi o 5.1.14 Audio sig nals for answer module The record sig nal comes from the tx side through the switch AUDLOOPON, ADD4, VR 11 and A MP5 to ans wer modu le I10 1. The audi o signal from the answer m odule comes to the summi ng junct ion AMP6.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 14 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./ 5.1.16 Parts list OA0701 OA0701 Proc./Audio CODE P ART DESCRIPT . V ALUE MANUF . TYPE OO0521 A101 Matrix display module 5V Alps LSU4Y4021A AE0017 A400 B uzzer 13x1 1x3mm 1.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 15 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./ CH0105 C440 SMD capasitor 1uF/-20/+80%/16V T aiyoY uden EMK212 F105Z00T CD0104 C443 SMD capasitor 100 nF 10% 50 V X7R Phi.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 16 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./ RF0102 R128 SMD resistor 1 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RF0102 R129 SMD resistor 1 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RF0101 R130 SMD resistor 100 R 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RF0101 R131 SMD resistor 100 R 5% 0.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 17 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./ RF0104 R313 SMD resistor 100 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RF0224 R314 SMD resistor 220 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RF0103 R315 SMD resistor 10 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RTN154 R316 SMD NTC-resistor 150k 5% B=4100 Hokuriku 157-154-4500 1 TP RF0104 R325 SMD resistor 100 k 5% 0.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 18 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./ RF0105 R459 SMD resistor 1 M 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RF0102 R501 SMD resistor 1 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RF0102 R502 SMD resistor 1 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RF0102 R503 SMD resistor 1 k 5% 0.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 19 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./ The Top Side Layout PA0700 A5.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 20 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./ The Bott om Side Layout P A0700 A5.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 21 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./ G N D 1 V C C 2 C O M P 2 3 C O M P 1 4 T A G N D 5 B IA S 6 A G N D 7 E X T R IN 8 E X P IN 9 R X D E T 10 R A G N D 1 1.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 22 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./ PB2 GND PA0 PA1 PA2 PA3 PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7 PB0 PB1 PB3 PB4 PB5 PB6 PB7 PC0 PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7 PD0 PD1 PD2 D7 RW E A.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 23 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 24 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 25 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 26 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 27 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./.
27.1.1999 4A0701G B.__1 28 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OA0701 Proc./.
27.1.1999 4H0700 GB.__2 29 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OH0700 5.2 KEYBOAR D OH0700 K eyboard 5.2.1 General Keyboard unit i ncludes: key matr ix, batte ry current measuring co mponent s, radio base conne ctor , battery con nectors a nd micr ophone .
27.1.1999 4H0700 GB.__2 30 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OH0700 Radio Base Connector (printed circuit) The Ext-ho ok switch i s connec ted to th e erp-lin e so that the erp-line dc level drop s when th e handset is in it s holder .
27.1.1999 4H0700 GB.__2 31 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OH0700 5.2.3 Parts list OH0700 CODE P ART DESCRIPT . V ALUE MANUF . TYPE AM0062 A100 Microphone Electret condenser -65 -+4dB Matsushita.
27.1.1999 4H0700 GB.__2 32 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OH0700 AS01 15 S132 S witch with LED Citizen LS5J2M-1YG-T AS01 15 S133 S witch with LED Citizen LS5J2M-1YG-T AS01 15 S134 S witch with .
27.1.1999 4H0700 GB.__2 33 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OH0700 The Top S i de Layout PH 0700 A5.
27.1.1999 4H0700 GB.__2 34 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OH0700 The Bottom Sid e Layout PH 07 00 A5.
27.1.1999 4H0700 GB.__2 35 Product: TD P-52-SN 3 (Sigma Gol d) / OH0700.
27.1.1999 4Z0700GB .__2 36 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / S ynthesizer 5.3 RF MODULE RX Synthesizer Synthes izer 5.3.1 General The RX synt hesizer gener ates an upper si de inje ction frequ ency for the r eceiver . The injection fre quency is fed to the rece iver’ s first mixer .
27.1.1999 4Z0700GB .__2 37 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / S ynthesizer TX-Synthesizer 5.3.4 General The TX synthe sizer genera tes the fi nal modu lated transmissi on frequ ency , which is fed to the transmitter . 5.3.5 Functio n Description The TX freq uency is g enerat ed with a phase locked l oop (PL L).
27.1.1999 4Z0700GB .__2 38 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / S ynthesizer 5.3.6 Control- and Ou tput-Signals VTXS TX synthe sizer operatin g volt age (4.
27.1.1999 4Z0700GB .__2 39 Produc t: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma Gold) / OY0725 Receiver OY0725 Rec eiver 5.3.7 General The module co ntains a ll FM-receiver functional b locks. When the RF sign al isrece ived it is brou ght thro ugh t he duplex f i lte r to the amplifie r stage Q101.
27.1.1999 4Z0700GB .__2 40 Produc t: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma Gold) / OY0725 5.3.8 Input- and Outpu t-Si gnal s SENSITIVITY CHE CK RF inpu t from the du plex filter 463,000. ..467, 475 MHz RXI NJ RX i njecti on signa l to the double bal anced mixer 12.8 MH z 12.
27.1.1999 4Z0700GB .__2 41 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / Transmitter OY0725T ransm itter 5.3.9 General 5.3.10 Functio n Description The transm itter un it is com prised of thre e ampl ifier st ages and two a ttenuator stages. The pre- amplifi er Q600 an d power mo du le I620 fo rm the t ransmitt er ampli - fier chai n.
27.1.1999 4Z0700GB .__2 42 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OY0 725-RF The T op Side La yout PY070 0A3 OY0725 -RF.
27.1.1999 4Z0700GB .__2 43 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OY0 725-RF The Bott om Side Layout P Y0700A3.
27.1.1999 4Y0725G B 44 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OY0 725-RF 5.3.12 Parts list OY0725 OY0725 -RF CODE P ART DESCRIPT . V ALUE MANUF . TYPE CF0330 C101 SMD capasitor 33 pF 5% 50 V NP0 Philips CF0479 C102 SMD capasitor 4.
27.1.1999 4Y0725G B 45 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OY0 725-RF CF0101 C328 SMD capasitor 100 pF 5% 50 V NP0 Philips CU3106 C329 SMD tantal 10uF / 6 V +-20% A VX T AJA 106M006R CC0223 C341 SMD capasitor 22 nF 10% 50 V X7R Philips CU0334 C342 SMD tantalium capasitor 0.
27.1.1999 4Y0725G B 46 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OY0 725-RF CF0101 C61 1 S MD capasitor 100 pF 5% 50 V NP0 P hilips CF0569 C612 SMD capasitor 5.6 pF/0.25pF 50 V NP0 Phil ips CF0222 C620 SMD capasitor 2.2 nF 5% 50 V NP0 Philips CF0332 C621 SMD capasitor 3.
27.1.1999 4Y0725G B 47 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OY0 725-RF QA4995 Q420 SMD RF transistor NPN 1 1GHZ 16dB/900MHz Hitachi 2SC4995 QF A739 Q430 GaAs MES FET 2 G Hz 240mW N1.8dB/1.75GHz Siemens CF 739 A QA3606 Q600 SMD RF-transistor NPN 7GHz NF=1.
27.1.1999 4Y0725G B 48 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OY0 725-RF RF0822 R410 SMD resistor 8.2 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RF0222 R41 1 S MD resistor 2.2 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RF0151 R412 SMD resistor 150 R 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RF0220 R420 SMD resistor 22 R 5% 0.
27.1.1999 4Y0725G B 49 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OY0 725-RF QA4931 Y421 S MD RF-tarnsistor NPN 9GHz/NF1. 2dB/G13dB Sanyo 2SC4931-B2 Last update 22.
27.1.1999 4Y0725G B 50 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OY0 725-RF.
27.1.1999 4Y0725G B 51 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OY0 725-RF.
27.1.1999 4Y0725G B 52 Product: TDP-52-S N3 (Sigma G old) / OY0 725-RF.
26.1.1999 8HAR_GB .fm 1 6.0 CHARGING CHARGING.
27.1.1999 8CMA 50GB _fm5 .f 2 Product: CMA-50-230 ( Mains Charger ) / 6.1 MAINS CHARGER CMA - 50-2 30 The charg er prov ides fun ctions for chargin g Benefon bra nd mobil e phone s from a mains supply . CONN E CTOR A Conn ecto r A YO02 40 YC005 5 1 16 PIN CONFIGU RATION: 1,2 charge current max.
27.1.1999 8CCS50G B_fm5.f 3 Product: CCS-50-12 ( Light So cket Charge r) / 6.2 LIGHTER SOCKET CHARGER CCS-50 -12 The charge r include s function s for using th e handpo rtab le and for charging it s bat ter- ies from the car batte ry . CONN E CTOR A Conne ctor A YO02 43 YC0058 1 16 PIN CONFIGU RATION: 1,2 charge current max.
27.1.1999 8udh50gb_ 2 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / YO0702 7.1 CARBOX UDH-50 YO0702 7.1.1 Including attached functions - powe r sup ply filter - voltage regula to rs - processo r control led ba tt.
27.1.1999 8udh50gb_ 3 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / YO0702 HANDSET V102: EXTMIC V103 PC/AUX V104 1 HS_ERP Audio si gn al fo r e arphone + HOOK -sig nal 2E G N D 3M G N D 4 .
27.1.1999 8udh50gb_ 4 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / YO0702 BOX V105 Operati on Operati ng volt age is f ed to pi n EXTVB /6. L100/ C104 filter s the po wer supply a nd D100 l imit s any volt age peaks.
27.1.1999 8udh50gb_ 5 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OO0700 7.1.3 Parts list OO0700 OO0700 CODE P ART DESCRIPT . V ALUE MANUF . TYPE CD0101 C100 SMD capasitor 100 pF 5% 50 V NP0 P hilips CD0101 C10.
27.1.1999 8udh50gb_ 6 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OO0700 CE0476 C415 Al elko 47 uF/25 V 7x7mm Philip s 2222 097 56479 CD0104 C416 SMD capasitor 100 nF 10% 50 V X7R P hilips CU1 106 C417 SMD tantal 10uF/16V A VX T AJB106M016R CU0225 C418 SMD tantal 2.
27.1.1999 8udh50gb_ 7 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OO0700 RD0103 R210 SMD resistor 10 k 5% 0.125 W Kamay a RD0101 R220 SMD resistor 100 R 5% 0.125 W K amay a RD0101 R221 SMD resistor 100 R 5% 0.125 W K amay a RD0103 R230 SMD resistor 10 k 5% 0.125 W Kamay a RD0102 R231 SMD resistor 1 k 5% 0.
27.1.1999 8udh50gb_ 8 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OO0700 VN0003 V102 Modular jack 4-pin AMP 215875-1 VN0005 V103 S tereo jack 3.5mm Zupami 3.5 EJW- C386 VM0242 V104 SMD system connector 1x16 pin AMP 188227-1 VM01 16 V105 Contact strip angle 2x8 NB-electr .
27.1.1999 8udh50gb_ 9 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OO0700 The Top Side Layout PW0700B 2.
27.1.1999 8udh50gb_ 10 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OO0700 The Bot tom Si d e Layo ut PW07 00B2.
27.1.1999 8udh50gb_ 11 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OO0700 A2.
27.1.1999 8udh50gb_ 12 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OO0700 A2.
27.1.1999 8udh50gb_ 13 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OO0700 A2.
27.1.1999 8udh50gb_ 14 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OO0700 A2.
27.1.1999 8udh50gb_ 15 Product: UDH-50 (Carb ox) / YO07 02 / Mecha nics YO0702 / Mechani cs OO 0700 NC 2008 MD 0702 MF 1502 NG 0012 MF 1140 MD 0703 NC 2010 NF 0200 NG 0011 NC 2066 NG 1015 UDH-5.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 16 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / YO0704 7.2 CARBOX UDH-50 YO0704 7.2.1 Including attached functions - powe r sup ply filter - voltage regula to rs - processo r control led ba tt.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 17 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / YO0704 HANDSET V102: EXTMIC V103 PC/AUX V104 1 HS_ERP Audio si gn al fo r e arphone + HOOK -sig nal 2E G N D 3M G N D 4 .
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 18 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / YO0704 BOX V105 Operati on Operati ng volt age is f ed to pi n EXTVB /6. L100/ C104 filter s the po wer supply a nd D100 l imit s any volt age peaks.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 19 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OW0700 7.2.3 Parts list OW0700 OW0700 CODE P ART DESCRIPT . V ALUE MANUF . TYPE CD0101 C100 SMD capasitor 100 pF 5% 50 V NP0 P hilips CD0101 C10.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 20 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OW0700 CD0104 C331 SMD capasitor 100 nF 10% 50 V X7R P hilips CD0222 C332 SMD capasitor 2.2 nF 5% 50 V NP0 Phil ips CD0680 C333 SMD capasitor 68.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 21 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OW0700 DT0033 D100 SMD T rans il 33V71500W SGS- Thomso SM15T33A DZ0180 D200 SMD zener 18V 5% 300mW Philip s BZX84C18 DT0033 D230 SMD T rans il 3.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 22 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OW0700 RD0103 R230 SMD resistor 10 k 5% 0.125 W Kamay a RD0102 R231 SMD resistor 1 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RD0103 R232 SMD resistor 10 k 5% 0.125 W Kamay a RD0103 R240 SMD resistor 10 k 5% 0.125 W Kamay a RD0102 R241 SMD resistor 1 k 5% 0.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 23 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OW0700 RC0108 R501 SMD resistor 0.1 R 5% 0.25W P hilips 232272496002 RD0332 R510 SMD resistor 3.3 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RD0103 R51 1 SMD resistor 10 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RD0153 R520 SMD resistor 15 k 5% 0.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 24 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OW0700 The Top Side Layout PW0700A 5.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 25 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OW0700 The Bot tom Si d e Layo ut PW07 00A5.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 26 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OW0700 A5.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 27 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OW0700 A5.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 28 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OW0700 A5.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 29 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OW0700 A5.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 30 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / OW0700 A5.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 31 Product: UDH-50 (Carb ox) / YO07 04 / Mecha nics YO0704 / Mechani cs OW 0700 NC 2008 MD 0702 MF 1502 NG 0012 MF 1140 MD 0703 NC 2010 NF 0200 NG 0011 NC 2066 NG 1015 UDH-50.
27.1.1999 8UDH50GB .__1_f 32 Product: UDH-50 (Carbox) / System cable YC1304 7.2.4 System Cable System cable Y C1304 YC1304 is a system cable f or the hands-free car kit of Gamma. CORD GUARD 6-100648-1 ORGANIZER 6-100387-1 CLAMP COVER6-100386-3 CLAMP BASE 6-100386-2 CABLE CONNECTOR 6-100385-1 TORX SCREW 6-100649-1 ( 2 kpl) 5 .
27.1.1999 8kds50g 33 Product: KDS-50 (Ha nds-free Cr adle) / Y O0701 7.3 HANDS-FREE CRADLE KDS-50 YO0701 7.3.1 Mechanics.
27.1.1999 8kds50g 34 Product: KDS-50 (Ha nds-free Cr adle) / Y O0701 7.3.2 Module OO070 2 The T op Side Layou t PO070 2A0 The Bottom Sid e Layout PO0 702A0.
27.1.1999 8kds50g 35 Product: KDS-50 (Ha nds-free Cr adle) / Y O0701 KDS-50.
27.1.1999 8HDS50G B_fm5.f 36 Product: HDS-50 (Ex t. Handset Wi th Cradle ) / 7.4 EXTERNAL HANDSET WITH CRADLE HDS-5 0 7.4.1 External Handset (n ot serviceable) 7.
27.1.1999 8HDS50G B_fm5.f 37 Product: HDS-50 (Ex t. Handset Wi th Cradle ) / Cable 7.4.2 General The extern al handset is de signed for us e togethe r with th e hands- free car ki t. The ext er nal hand set inc ludes a mic ropho ne, an ea rphone and a ree d s witch.
27.1.1999 8HDS50G B_fm5.f 38 Product: HDS-50 (Ex t. Handset Wi th Cradle ) / 7.4.3 Connecto r XIN Signals 7.4.4 Microphon e 7.4.5 Speaker 7.4.6 Hook The hook op eration is done by u s e o f a r e ed swi tch . H oo k op er at io n i s co nnected to the h andset ea rphone termina l.
27.1.1999 8HDS50G B_fm5.f 39 Product: HDS-50 (Ex t. Handset Wi th Cradle ) / 7.4.7 Parts list OO0009 CODE P ART DESCRIPT . V ALUE MANUF . TYPE CU0475 C106 SMD tantal 4.
27.1.1999 8HDS50G B_fm5.f 40 Product: HDS-50 (Ex t. Handset Wi th Cradle ) / The T op Side Layou t PO000 9A1 (Sch ematic OO0009A1 ).
27.1.1999 8HDS50G B_fm5.f 41 Product: HDS-50 (Ex t. Handset Wi th Cradle ) / The Bot tom Side L ayout PO0 009A1 ( Schemati c OO0009A 1).
27.1.1999 8HDS50G B_fm5.f 42 Product: HDS-50 (Ex t. Handset Wi th Cradle ) / H L S -4 1 , H D S -50 , H X S -4 0.
27.1.1999 8HDS50G B_fm5.f 43 Product: HDS-50 (Ex t. Handset Wi th Cradle ) / 7.4.8 Cradle Mechanics.
27.1.1999 8OSET_GB .fm 1 8.0 OFFICE SET OFFICE SET.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 2 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / YO0311 8.1 OFFICE SET DDS-50 YO03 1 1 8.1.1 General Main featu res of th e of fice set are: - Hands Fre e microphone a nd speake r - Handse .
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 3 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / YO0311 8.1.2 Connecto rs Main module OO03 03 AUX/PWR_IN_1 , AUX/PWR_I N_2 V2 PIN # NAME DESCRI PTION LEVEL 1,2 VB pow er in max.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 4 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / YO0311 V4 V5, V13 V6, V1 1 V7 V8, V12 V9 PIN # NAME DESCRI PTION LEVEL 1 V_ CHG charge curren t for ph one max.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 5 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / YO0311 V10 Led module OO0301 V1 V2 Connector module OO0302 V1 PIN # NAME DESCRIPTION LEVEL 1 HF_SPKR Hands Free speaker 2 GN.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 6 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / YO0311 V2 PIN # NAME DESCRIPTION LEVEL 1,2 V_ CHG char ge curren t for pho ne max . 10 V , 1.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 7 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / YO0311 8.1.3 Operation General Power supply un it is con nected to one of the conn ectors on the back of the unit. Con ne ctions on the s e two conn ectors ar e ident ical to ea ch othe r .
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 8 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / YO0311 Spare ba ttery d ischarge is controlled wi th signal D2. High leve l on output switches transisto rs Q28 7 and Q285 into conducti ng state , whic h makes current flow thro ugh resis tors R2 80-283 and tr ansistor Q285.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 9 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / OO 0303 8.1.4 Parts list OO0303 (P3) OO0303 CODE P ART DESCRIPT . V ALUE MANUF . TYPE CD0101 C100 SMD capasitor 100 pF 5% 50 V NP0 Philips C.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 10 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / OO 0303 CD0223 C292 SMD capasitor 22 nF 10% 50 V X7R Philips CH0105 C293 SMD capasitor 1uF/-20/+80%/16V T aiyoY uden EMK212 F105Z00T CH0105 C402 SMD capasitor 1uF/-20/+80%/16V T aiyoY uden EMK212 F105Z00T CD0104 C403 SMD capasitor 100 nF 10% 50 V X7R Philips CD0222 C406 SMD capasitor 2.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 11 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / OO 0303 IA1905 I499 Audio power amplifier 5W/20V/4ohm SGS/ Thomso TDA1905 IA1905 I528 Audio power amplifier 5W/20V/4ohm SGS/ Thomso TDA1905 LF0061 L109 S MD EMI suppression filt 4700pF/2A 1.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 12 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / OO 0303 RD0471 R304 SMD resistor 470 R 5% 0.125 W K amay a RD0103 R310 SMD resistor 10 k 5% 0.125 W Kamay a RD0103 R31 1 SMD resistor 10 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RD0471 R312 SMD resistor 470 R 5% 0.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 13 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / OO 0303 NI0508 V13 Battery contact spr ing for DDS-40 95204240 VM0242 V3 SMD sys tem connector 1x16 pin AMP 188227-1 X80006 X1 Crystal 8.0000 MHz T elequartz 8.00MHZ/B X80007 X261 S MD crystal 8.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 14 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / OO 0303 The Top S ide Lay ou t PO030 0A0 The Botto m Side Layout PO 0300A0.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 15 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / OO 0303.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 16 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / OO 0303.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 17 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / OO 0303.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 18 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / OO 0301 8.1.5 Parts list OO301 OO0301 The Top S ide and t he Bott om Side Lay outs P O0 301A3 CODE P ART DESCRIPT .
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 19 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / OO 0301.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 20 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / OO 0302 8.1.6 Part list OO0302 OO0302 The Bottom Sid e Layout PO0 302A1 CODE P ART DESCRIPT . V ALUE MANUF . TYPE VN0242 V2 SMD system conn. (holder) AMP PO0302 Y 1 Flexible PCB for OO0302 DDS-40 Simflex Last update 12.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 21 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / OO 0302.
27.1.1999 8dds50gb 22 Product: DDS-50(Off ice set) / OO 0302.
27.1.1999 8hxs40g b_fm5.f m 23 Product: HXS-40 (E xternal Han dset) / 8.2 EXTERNAL HANDSET HXS-40 8.2.1 External Handset (n ot serviceable) Mechanics External Handset HXS-40 YH0443.
27.1.1999 8hxs40g b_fm5.f m 24 Product: HXS-40 (E xternal Han dset) / Cable 8.2.2 General The extern al handset is de signed for us e togethe r with th e of fice set. The exte rnal handset i ncludes a microp hone, an earpho ne and a reed switch.
27.1.1999 8hxs40g b_fm5.f m 25 Product: HXS-40 (E xternal Han dset) / 8.2.3 Connecto r XIN Signals 8.2.4 Microphon e 8.2.5 Speaker 8.2.6 Hook The hook op eration is done by u s e o f a r e ed swi tch . H oo k op er at io n i s co nnected to the h andset ea rphone termina l.
27.1.1999 8hxs40g b_fm5.f m 26 Product: HXS-40 (E xternal Han dset) / 8.2.7 Parts list OO0009 CODE P ART DESCRIPT . V ALUE MANUF . TYPE CU0475 C106 SMD tantal 4.
27.1.1999 8hxs40g b_fm5.f m 27 Product: HXS-40 (E xternal Han dset) / The T op Side Layou t PO000 9A1 (Sch ematic OO0009A1 ).
27.1.1999 8hxs40g b_fm5.f m 28 Product: HXS-40 (E xternal Han dset) / The Bot tom Side L ayout PO0 009A1 ( Schemati c OO0009A 1).
27.1.1999 8hxs40g b_fm5.f m 29 Product: HXS-40 (E xternal Han dset) / H L S -4 1 , H D S -50 , H X S -4 0.
27.1.1999 Xo0245e4 2 Product: LIF-40 (Line Interface) / YO0245 9.1 LINE INTERFACE L IF-40 YO0245 9.1.1 General The lin e interfa ce is an accessory for a Be nefon phone to enabl e a tele-d evice approved for the genera l network to be connected to the h andpor tabl e.
27.1.1999 Xo0245e4 3 Product: LIF-40 (Line Interface) / YO0245 When the dialli ng tone is hear d, ther e is app rox. 30 s. time to star t dialli ng the num- ber . The nu m be r may also be dialled fro m the hand portable key board. Answering a call with the tel e-device.
27.1.1999 Xo0245e4 4 Product: LIF-40 (Line Interface) / YO0245 TROUBLE SHOOTING When mo ving ab out or in an area with poor re ception , radio fa de and ch anges betw een base stations wi ll inter rupt ra dio contac t.
27.1.1999 Xo0245e4 5 Product: LIF-40 (Line Interface) / YO0245 Connectors X120 X121 Audio The audio uni t cons ist s o f oper atio n ampli fie rs I100 C an d I100D and their p eri pher al componen ts .
27.1.1999 Xo0245e4 6 Product: LIF-40 (Line Interface) / YO0245 While Q100 is conduct ing, the en ergy flows thr ough re sistor R108 to t he coil L1 00. When the sw itch Q100 stop s condu cting, th e energy rece ived by L10 0 is dischar ged through the r ectifier diode D100 to the cap acitor C106.
27.1.1999 Xo0245e4 7 Product: LIF-40 (Line Interface) / YO0245 9.1.4 Manufacturers Declaration for BA BT/SITS/85/22 a) The e lectric al conditio ns prese nt at the ter minal apparat us connect.
27.1.1999 Xo0245e4 8 Product: LIF-40 (Line Interface) / YO0245 BENEF N Title: Line interface Date: 21.4.1993 / HJo PCF 8574 I2C address 4AH IICINT SDA SCL VB +5V REG. RXAUDIO TXAUDIO DC/DC Converter LPF LB LA HOOK DET. 4/2-WIRE AUDIO CONV. OSCILLATOR/ DIVIDER (74HC4060) P0/RING_OFF Input: 5.
27.1.1999 Xo0245e4 9 Product: LIF-40 (Line Interface) / OO0245 9.1.5 Parts list OO0245 OO0245 CODE P ART DESCRIPT . V ALUE MANUF . TYPE CF0680 C100 SMD capasitor 68 pF 5% 50 V NP0 Philips CF06.
27.1.1999 Xo0245e4 10 Product: LIF-40 (Line Interface) / OO0245 MC1280 M105 Charger case T amplast MF1405 M 108 Type plate LIF-40 ScreenHous 931652 40 QF0024 Q100 SMD n-channel 60V/15A/Rds=0.1 I&R IRFR024 QF7002 Q101 SMD n-channel FET 60V 0.
27.1.1999 Xo0245e4 11 Product: LIF-40 (Line Interface) / OO0245 RF0103 R145 SMD resistor 10 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RF0104 R146 SMD resistor 100 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RF0103 R147 SMD resistor 10 k 5% 0.125 W Kamaya RF0103 R148 SMD resistor 10 k 5% 0.
27.1.1999 Xo0245e4 12 Product: LIF-40 (Line Interface) / OO0245 OO0245 Componen t Side Layo ut PO0245 A0.
27.1.1999 Xo0245e4 13 Product: LIF-40 (Line Interface) / OO0245 Solde r Side Layout PO024 5A0.
27.1.1999 Xo0245e4 14 Product: LIF-40 (Line Interface) / OO0245.
27.1.1999 Xo0245e4 15 Product: LIF-40 (Line Interface) / OO0245.
27.1.1999 Xo0236e4 16 Product: DB-40 (Br anching Uni t) / YO02 36 9.2 BRANCHING UNIT YO0236.
27.1.1999 Xo0236e4 17 Product: DB-40 (Br anching Uni t) / YO02 36 9.2.1 General With the branch ing box you can simultaneously conn ect several acce ssories, such as an exter nal ha ndset and a line co nverter , to the car in stallation kit and the hand - por table.
27.1.1999 Xo0236e4 18 Product: DB-40 (Br anching Uni t) / YO02 36 Connector PC Signals 9.2.3 Operation Audio routes f or either an exter nal ha ndset or a lin e converter are select ed using audio switch es I201 ( mic) a nd I202 (erp ).
27.1.1999 Xo0236e4 19 Product: DB-40 (Br anching Uni t) / OO0241 9.2.4 Parts list OO0241 OO0241 CODE P ART DESCRIPT . V ALUE MANUF . TYPE CH0105 C201 SMD capasitor 1uF/-20/+80%/16V T aiyoY ude.
27.1.1999 Xo0236e4 20 Product: DB-40 (Br anching Uni t) / OO0241 OO0241 Componen t Side Layo ut PO0241 A3 (Schematic OO 0241A3).
27.1.1999 Xo0236e4 21 Product: DB-40 (Br anching Uni t) / OO0241 Solde r Side Layout PO024 1A3 (Sc h ematic OO0241 A3).
27.1.1999 Xo0236e4 22 Product: DB-40 (Br anching Uni t) / OO0241.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sigma Gold TDP-52-SN3 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sigma Gold TDP-52-SN3 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sigma Gold TDP-52-SN3 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sigma Gold TDP-52-SN3 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sigma Gold TDP-52-SN3 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sigma Gold TDP-52-SN3 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sigma Gold TDP-52-SN3 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sigma Gold TDP-52-SN3 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.