Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product SMCBR24Q van de fabrikant SMC Networks
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SMCBR 24Q User Man ual Page 1.
SMCBR 24Q User Man ual Page 2 Ta ble o f C on te nt s 1. How T o Install SMCBR24Q ................................................................................................... 6 Hardware F eatures ................................................
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 3 Login ............................................................................................................................... .. 45 Mode ...........................................................................
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 4 In troduct ion SMCBR24Q is a 4-port Qo S router which can be ea sily used a t home and in a SOHO environm ent. I t contains tw o WAN por ts a nd four Ethernet 10 /100 LAN ports. The SMCBR 24Q combines flex ible and easy-to-use Qo S, parental con trol, firewall, and N AT wi th Fast Ethernet connec tions.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 5 Main featur es: - Flexible and easy-to-use QoS Guaranteed bandw idth ( Min. bandwid th rate) Limited ban dwidth (Max .
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 6 1. How to Install SMCBR24Q Har dw are Fe at ur es Feature Lis t WAN: 2 RJ-45 10/100Base- T Et hern et Ports LAN: 4 RJ-45 10/100 Base-T Ethernet por ts C PU: Int el IXP425-266 MHz SDRAM: 16 Mbytes SDRAM Flash R OM : 8 Mbytes Flas h Sys .
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 7 2. How to Ma nage SMCBR24 Q – H ome M ode Logi n In the web browse r, enter th e IP address “192.168 .2.1” as S MCBR24Q’s URL. Enter User Na me and Password then OK. The de fault User Na me and Passw ord are 'smcad min' whe n you first power up the Router.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 8 Syst em S umm ar y The Syst em su mmary screen displays the rou ter’s curr ent status, settings, and all PCs tha t are connec ted to th e SMC BR2 4Q . System Inform atio n System u p ti me: The leng th o f time in Days , Hours, and M inutes that the SMCBR24Q has b een active.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 9 User U sage This page wi ll display the real time percen tages o f ban dwidth us age for individua l us ers a nd it is base d on the max downs tream rate prov ided by IS P . I f dual WANs a re used , you can see on thi s page wh o is us ing WAN 1 and who is us ing WAN 2.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 10 Interface: The def ault is WAN 1. If dua l WA Ns are us ed, you c an as sign WAN 1 or WAN 2 to the users fro m the Interface dro p-down menu for bandw idth managem ent. Min. Rate ( Kbit /Sec): Y o u c an s et up Min. Ra te t o guar antee bandwid th f or indivi dual use r.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 11 Basi c S etu p The Setup sc reen con tains all of the router’s basic s etup func tions. For mos t users, the de fault values for the device shoul d be s atisfactory. The dev ice can be used in most ne twork set tings wi thout chan ging any o f the values.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 12 Ob tain an IP automati c all y : If your I SP is runni ng a DHC P server, select O btain a n I P aut omatically option . Your ISP will assign these values automatica lly. Chec k the Following DN S Server Addresses. Multiple DNS IP Settings are comm on.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 13 PPPoE (Point-to-Po int Protocol over Ethernet): Pl ease check wit h your ISP to make sur e whethe r PPPoE s hould be enab led or n ot.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 14 1. Enter the Specify W AN IP Address, Subne t Mask, and Default Ga teway A ddress that is the PPTP server’s IP that resides in the Modem.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 15 Old Passwor d : Enter the old password . The de fault Password is ‘smcadmin ’ when yo u first power up th e Router . (Note : The passw ord c anno t be recover ed if it is los t or forg otten. If t he pas sword is los t or forgotten, y ou w ill need to reset t he R outer to i ts fac tory de fault state .
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 16 Time SMCBR24Q uses th e time s ettings to time sta mp log eve nts , to auto matically upda te the Conten t Filte r List, On-Line Schedule r, and for o ther internal purposes. Set the local tim e using N etwork Time Protocol (N TP) a utomatically or manu all y .
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 17 For more in format ion, click the Help b u tto n . Cl ick th e Save Settings bu t to n to s a ve the Ti me s e tti ng s o r c li ck the Cancel bu tt o n to undo t h e chan ges. MAC Clon e Some I SPs require y ou to re gister a MAC a ddress.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 18 Input the MAC Address to User D ef ine d WAN MAC A ddre s s field or selec t MAC Address fro m this PC . For more in format ion, click the Help b u tto n . Cl ick th e Save Settings button to save the MAC Clone set tings or cl ick the Cancel button to undo the c hanges .
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 19 Re mote Interne t Passpo rt On-Line Sc h eduler The S MCBR24 Q allows or de nies In ternet access for the selec ted us ers in un its of hou r, da y , en tire AM, or entire PM. Select U sers: Select the us ers from the dro p-down me nu.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 20 W eb Site Hit R ate The Website Hi t Rate ta b shows the top 10 webs ites b y frequenc y the selecte d user has visited toda y, last six days, and t heir related information, R a nk in g , Web Site , and Hit Rates . This also allows you to bl ock the selected websi te.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 21 For more in format ion, click the Help b u tto n . Cl ick th e Save Settings bu t to n to sa v e th e We b si te Hi t Ra te se tti ng s or c lic k th e Ca ncel but ton to undo the ch anges . Application Usa ge This Appl ic at io n Usag e tab s hows the curren t usages of applications .
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 22 Usage ( %): This shows t he va lue of the curren t us ages of t he top 20 applications by perc en tage o f the selected user’s usable band width. Block: Check the box to b lock the application by c licking once . C lick ag ain to unblock the site.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 23 Perf o rman c e O p timi za ti on.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 24 The screen disp lays the 19 defaul t sugges ted app lications where y ou c an o ptimize their performa nce an d view thei r Applicatio n Na mes a nd Perf or mance Opt im izati on . Y o u can also add or e dit new ap plica tions whose per formance yo u w ish to opt imize.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 25 To create a new a pp lication: Cli ck the Add/Edit Ne w Appl ication s button. T hen the A pplication Mana gement screen will app ear. To add a n a pplication , enter the na me of the ap plica tion in the Appl icat ion Nam e field.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 26 Block Li st The Block Li s t screen shows two lists, Web Site Block List and A ppl icat io n B loc k List . Y o u can v iew all blocked webs ites and applications on this screen an d can also unb lock these block ed webs it es and applica tions.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 27 Appli ca tion B lo ck Li st Select U sers: Select the us ers from the dro p-down me nu, Refresh Data: Click t he Refr esh Data b ut ton to u p d ate th e d a ta . Application Bl ock List: Cl ick the rad io button t o see bloc ked app lications.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 28 Ad vanc ed S etu p DMZ Ho st T he D MZ (Demilitarized Z one) Host feature allo ws one local user to be ex pose d to the Internet for a special-purpose service such as In ternet gam ing and vi deo-confere ncing. Ent er th e DMZ P rivate IP Addre ss to a ccess DMZ Host settin gs.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 29 Forw ar din g Port forward ing can be us ed to set up public services on y our network. W hen users from the In ternet make certain reques ts on your net work, t he Rou ter ca n forward those reques ts to c ompu ters equipp ed to h andle the reques ts.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 30 3. Enter the IP Address o f the server tha t you w ant t he Int er net users to access. Then ena ble the en try. 4. Click the Ad d t o List b utt on , and configure as many entries as y ou would like. You a lso can de lete selected app lication .
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 31 this table. T he R outer wil l forward t he incoming packets to the LAN hos t. 1. Enter the range o f port numbers, app lication na me, a nd inco ming por t rang e. 2. Yo u can cli ck the Ad d t o List bu tton to add Port T riggering or D elete se lected a pplication .
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 32 disable th e entry by c lick ing the c hecked Ena bl e b ox to be blank . Finally , click t he U pd a t e t h is A p pl ic at io n button. For mor e information, c lick the Help b u tto n. C lic k the Save Setti n gs button to save the U PnP se ttings or cli ck th e Can cel bu t ton to undo th e chang es.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 33 DDNS Servic e The DDNS feature is disabled by default. To ena ble this feature, jus t check the box . Username , Passwo rd , and Host Na me: En ter the Username , Password, and Hos t Name of the account you set up with DynDN S.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 34 Dyna m ic R out in g: Choose the T X: protocol y ou wan t for transmi tt ing d ata on the netw ork. (RI P1 / RIP2) Choose the R X: protocol y ou w ant f or receiving d ata from the network.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 35 should be zero . 2. Subnet Mask : Enter the Subnet Mask used on th e d estination L AN I P do main. For C lass C I P do main, the Subnet M ask is 255.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 36 IPSe c Pa ss Thr o ug h Int er net Protocol Security ( IPSec) is a sui te o f protocols used to i mplement secure exc hange of packe ts a t the IP layer. T o allow IPSec tunnels to pass through the Rou ter, IPSec P ass Thr ough is enable d by de fault.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 37 The SMCBR2 4Q suppor ts remote mana ge ment. If you want to manage this Ro uter through the WAN connection, y ou hav e to 'Enable' this option. User can enter t he port n umber for re mote manage men t. The default is d isabled.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 38 Enter the host na me t o look up in the L ook up the na m e field and click the Go bu t ton . SM C BR 24 Q w i ll th en query the DN S server a nd d isplay the result at the b ott om of the screen .
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 39 Firm ware Upgrade Users can do wnload the new version of firmware into c ompu ter in advance , and then s elect the file. Finall y , cli ck th e Fir mware Up gra de Ri ght Now bu tton. Import Config uration F ile : You will need to spec ify where your pre ferences file is located.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 40 Expor t Confi gurat i on Fi le : When y ou c lick the " Export" bu tt o n, your browser will bring up a dialog ask ing you where you would like to store your pr eferences file. Th is file will be c alled "SMC BR24 Q.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 41 Syslog Ena bl e Sys lo g: If check the box , Syslog will b e en abled. Sys lo g Ser v er : In addi tion to t he s tandard ev ent log, the SMC BR24 Q can send a de tailed log to an external Syslog s erver. Syslog is an indus try-standard pro tocol used to cap ture in formation abou t ne twork activity.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 42 Outg oing L og Tab le : Once you press this b utton, the new w indow will po p up and show y ou the outgoing packet informa tion including LAN IP , Destination URL /IP and Service/Port nu mber.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 43 Q-but t on in the Hom e Mod e The Q-button is a user f riendly design. It prov ides a basic bandwidth management method with just one push.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 44 If any ban dw idt h ma na ge ment confi gur atio n by the UI or Uti lity: Any bandwidth manageme nt configu rations will ma ke the Q-button a hot ke y . That mea ns any configurations of User bandwidth or ISP bandwidt h in the System Summary page or those in the Performance Optimization page.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 45 3. How to Manage SMCBR24Q – SOHO M od e Logi n Enter User Na me and Password then c lick OK . The Rout er's de fault User Na me and Password are 's m cadmin' when you first power up the Router . Mode Y o u can choos e be tween Ho me Mode and SOH O M ode.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 46 Site Map Y o u can c lick the s it e map button to vi ew site map. Click on d esired tab subj ect and it wi ll hyperlink to the page you have chosen .
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 47 Syst em S umm ar y The Su mmary scr een disp lays the ro uter’s curren t status and se ttings. This informa tion is read onl y . I f you click the bu tton with un derline, it will hyperlink t o related s etup p ages. System Inform atio n Serial N u mber : The serial nu mber of th e SMC BR24Q.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 48 Networ k Sett ing Stat us LAN I P : It shows the current I P Address of the Rou ter, as seen by internal users on the Internet, and hyperlinks to LAN Setting in S etup page.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 49 Firewall Set t ing Stat us SPI (Stateful Packet Inspecti on) : It shows the status ( On/O ff) and hyp erlinks to the General in F irewall page. DoS (Deny of Service) : It shows the s tatus (On /Off) an d hyperli nks to the General in Firewa ll page .
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 50 Set up The Setup sc reen con tains all of the router’s basic s etup func tions. For mos t users, the de fault values for the device shoul d be s atisfactory. The dev ice can be used in most ne twork set tings wi thout chan ging any o f the values.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 51 WAN C onn ecti on Ty pe: Ob tain an IP automati c all y : If your I SP is runni ng a DHC P server, select O btain a n I P aut omatically option . Your ISP will assign these values automatica lly. Chec k the Following DN S Server Addresses.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 52 1. Enter your Userna me and Passwor d . 2. If you sele ct C on nect on De mand op tion, the PPPoE con nection w ill be disconn ected if it has been idle for a period longer than the Max Id le T im e s e tti ng .
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 53 Password The Rou ter's de fault passw ord is 'smca dm in', and it i s s trongly reco mmende d that y ou c hange the Router' s password.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 54 Administrator Inact ivi ty T ime-out: This setting allows y ou to configure the len gth of inactiv ity t h at can ela pse be fore you are au tomatically l ogged out of t he Web Ma nage ment Interface. Once logg ed ou t, you have to re-login.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 55 For more in format ion, click the Help b u tto n . Cl ick th e Save Settings b u t ton to s av e th e T i me s e tti n gs o r cli ck th e Ca ncel but ton to und o the c hanges .
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 56 Ent er the DMZ Pri va te IP Address to access DMZ Host sett ing s. For more in format ion, click the Help b u tto n . Cl ick th e Save Settings button to save the DMZ Host setti n gs or cl ick the Cancel bu tton to undo t he cha nges.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 57 P o rt Ran ge For wardi ng: 1. Select the Service fro m the pu ll-down menu . 2. If the Service y ou need is no t listed in menu, please click the Service Manage men t button to ad d ne w Service and en ter the Pro tocol an d Port Ran ge.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 58 4. Click the A dd to List bu tton, an d con figure as m any e ntries as you would l ike. You also c an D elete the selected applica tion. P o rt Tr ig geri ng Some I nternet ap plica tions or ga mes us e a lternate p orts to co m municate be tween server an d L AN host .
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 59 UPnP UPnP forward ing can b e used to set up public serv ices on yo ur network . W indows XP can m odify those entries via UPnP when U Pn P func ti on is enab led by sel ecting Yes.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 60 MAC Clon e Some I SP s require th at you reg ister a MAC address . This "clones " your n etwork adap ter's MAC addr ess onto the Cab le/DSL Firew all Ro .
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 61 Before configuring DDN S, you need to visi t www .d yndn s.o rg and regis ter a d oma in nam e. (The DDN S service is prov ided by DynDN DDNS Servic e The DDNS feature is disabled by default. To ena ble this feature, jus t check the box .
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 62 packets take bas ed on the fewest nu mber of hops between the sourc e an d the des tination. The R I P protocol regularly bro adcas ts rout ing inform a tion to other rout ers on the n etwork. Wo rki ng Mod e: Sele c t Gate way mode if your Rou ter is hos ting your ne twork’s conn ection to the Intern et.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 63 To set up s tatic routing , you sh ould add routing en tries in the Router's table that tells the device where to send all i ncoming packets . All o f yo ur network r outers s hould direct the defaul t route en try to S MC Router .
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 64 DHCP Setup The Rout er can be us ed as a DHC P (Dyna mic Hos t Configuration Prot oco l) server on yo ur network . A DHCP server assigns available IP addresses t o each computer on your ne twork automatically.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 65 If the Router's DHCP server f unc tion is disabled, you hav e to carefully configure the I P address, Mask, and DNS settings of every computer o n your ne twork. Be careful not to assig n the same IP Address t o different comp uters.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 66 Ena bl e DH C P Se rv e r: Check the box to e nable t he D HCP Server . If you already hav e a DHC P server on your ne twork, leave the box b lank. Dynamic IP Cli ent Lease Time: This is the l ease time ass igned i f the co mpu ter (DHCP client) requests one .
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 67 Sta tu s A Stat us page is availabl e to review DHCP Serve r Stat us . The DHCP Ser ver S tat us report s the IP of DHCP Server, the number of Dynamic IP Used , DHCP Avail ab le, and Total . C lie nt Ta ble shows the current DHC P Client information.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 68 Fire wa ll The de fault is ena bled. If us ers disable the Firewall function, S PI, Do S, B lock W AN Reques t will be disabled, R emote Manage ment will be ena bled and A c cess Rules a nd C ontent Filter wi ll be disabled.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 69 Rem ote Ma na ge me nt This Rou ter supports re mote ma nage ment. If you wa nt to manage this Rou ter through the WAN c onnec tion, you have to ' Enable' this op tion. User can enter the port number for rem ote manage ment.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 70 Besides the De fault Ru les, all conf igured Netw ork A c c ess Rules are listed in the table, and yo u can ch oos e the Prior it y fo r e a c h c us to m ru l e. C lic k th e Ed i t bu tto n to Ed it t he Po li cy , an d click the T rash Can icon to delete the rule.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 71 Ser vices Action Sele c t th e Al lo w or De ny radio bu tton d epend ing on th e intent o f the rul e. Serv ice S el e ct t he se rvi ce f rom th e Se rvi ce p ul l -d ow n m en u. If t he s ervice yo u need is no t listed in the menu , click the Ser vice Ma na ge me nt bu tton to a dd new Service.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 72 Log User can se lect Log p acke t m at ch th is ru l e or Not lo g . So urc e Interface Select t he S ource Inter face (L AN, WA N 1, WA N 2, Any) from the pull-dow n menu. Once D MZ is e nabled, the options will be LAN , WAN1, D MZ, An y .
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 73 For m or e in for mat ion , c lick th e Help but ton. Click the Sa ve Set t ing s button to sa ve the Access Ru les se tti ng s or c lic k th e Ca nce l bu tt o n to un.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 74 S che duli ng The Ti me of Day fea ture allows you to d efine spec ific ti mes w hen Content F iltering is enforced. For example, y ou co uld c onfigure the SMCBR24Q to filter employ ee Internet access during nor mal business hours, but al low unrestricted ac cess a t night and on we ekends.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 75 VP N Pass Throu gh IPSe c Pa ss Thr o ug h Int er net Protocol Security ( IPSec) is a sui te o f protocols used to i mplement secure exc hange of packe ts a t the IP layer. IP Sec P ass Thro ugh is e nabled by de fault.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 76 Syst em Man ag eme nt Dual W AN There are two functions prov ided for us ers – Smart Lin k Backup and Loa d Bal ance . Smart L ink Back up: Users can choose which WAN po rt to be pr imar y . Once primary WAN is ch osen, other WAN w ill beco me back up by de fault.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 77 Remove th e Connec tion: This WAN In terf ace will b e sus pended when th e network connec tion to ISP is not active. The tra ff ic on th is WAN will b e d ispatched to th e oth er WAN por t. Once connec tion to ISP is re-establi sh ed, the tra ff ic wil l be d ispatched b ack .
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 78 Retry ti meout: The interval b etween two ping ac tions. The defa ult is 30 s econds. When Fai l: Generate the Error Cond ition in the Sys tem Log: T he Router will generate the Sys tem Log when p ing f ails to inform users that the IS P connec tion is disc onnected .
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 79 Band widt h Enter t he max. upstrea m and downstrea m b andwidth prov ided by IS P . Prot oco l B ind in g SMCBR24Q supports the Protocol Binding functionali ty . It allows users to specify the internal IP or /an d Service going through the sp ecified WAN port .
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 80 For mo re inf or ma tion , clic k the Help butto n. Clic k the Save Settings button to sav e the D ual-WAN se ttings or cl ick the Cance l button to u ndo the chan ges QoS QoS (Q uality of Service) refers to the cap ability of a network to prov ide better service to sel ected ne twork traffi c.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 81 Rate Cont rol Int erf a c e : Check the WAN interface box , and the Ra te Control Rul e will apply to the s elected int er face (s). Service: Select th e Service from the dro p-down menu. If the Service you nee d to con trol is not in the drop down menu lis t, please cl ick Service Manage ment to a dd the Service .
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 82 For mor e in for mat ion , c l ick the Help button. Click the Save Set tings bu tton to sav e the Qo S Rules set tings or c lick the Cance l bu tt o n to u ndo the chang es. Cl ic k Su mmary b utton t o view t he su mma ry of R at e Control rule.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 83 Direction: Se le c t Up str eam for outbound tra ffic or Do wn str eam f or inbou nd traffic from the drop-down menu. Pr ior it y: The de fault priority for the s ervice is middle, s o us ers can selec t high or low for the s pecific service.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 84 DNS Na me Lo ok up The Interne t has a service call ed the Domain Na me Service (DNS) which allows users to en ter an easi ly remembered host name , such as www. SMC, instead o f nu merical TCP/IP addr esses to acces s Int ernet resources.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 85 The Ping test bo unc es a pac ket o ff a machine on the Internet back to the send er. T his tes t s hows if SMCBR24Q is able to c ontact the re mote host .
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 86 Factor y Defa u lt The "Factory De fault" button can be used to cle ar all o f your con figuration information a nd res tore SMCBR24Q to i ts factory st ate. Use this feature only i f you wish to discard a ll other con figuration preferences.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 87 Firm ware Upgrade Firm ware Upgrade Users can use the f ollowing download func tion to do wnload the new vers ion of firmware into co mputer in advance and select the file to upgrade . Fina lly, click the Firm war e Up grad e R i gh t No w bu t ton to in i tia te the f irmware upgrade.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 88 Settin g Back up Import Config uration F ile : You will need to spec ify where your pre ferences file is located. When y ou c lick "Browse", your browser will bring up a d ialog which will allow you to select a file which you had previously save d usin g the " Export Settings" b utton.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 89 Log System Log There are three parts in Syste m Log: Sys lo g, E- ma i l, and Log S ett ing . Syslog Ena bl e Sys lo g: If check the box , Syslog will b e en abled. Sys lo g Ser v er : In addi tion to t he s tandard ev ent log, the SMC BR24 Q can send a de tailed log to an external Syslog s erver.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 90 Log Q ue u e Len gth (entries): The de fault is 50 en tries. S MCBR24Q wil l e-mai l log w hen Log en tries are over 50 . Lo g Tim e Thr eshol d (minutes ): The de fault is 10 minutes. SMCBR2 4Q will e- mail the log every 10 minutes or wh en the log criteria is met in the Log Que u e Leng th or Threshold Settings.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 91 Outg oing Lo g Tab le : Once y ou pres s this b utton, t he n ew window w ill p op up and i t wi ll display the outgoing packet informat ion including LAN IP, Destination URL/IP and Service/Port number.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 92 System Statistics SMCB R 24Q is able to perfo rm the system statis ti cs o n Device Name, Status, IP Ad dress, MAC Address, Subnet M ask, D efault Ga teway for L AN , WAN1 a nd W AN2.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 93 Q-b utt on in th e SOH O Mode The Q-button is a user f riendly design. It prov ides a basic bandwidth management method.
SMCBR 24Q User Man u al Page 94.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat SMC Networks SMCBR24Q (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen SMC Networks SMCBR24Q heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens SMC Networks SMCBR24Q vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding SMC Networks SMCBR24Q leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over SMC Networks SMCBR24Q krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van SMC Networks SMCBR24Q bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de SMC Networks SMCBR24Q kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met SMC Networks SMCBR24Q . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.