Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product CE-3.6 van de fabrikant Smooth Fitness
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USER’S M ANUAL SMOOTH CE -3.6 ELLIPTICA L USER W EIGHT LIMITATION: 300 l bs (1 36 kgs) . SERIAL NU MBER ( found on fr ame):.
2 SM OOTH CE3.6 ELL IPT ICAL PRE ASSEMBLY For future service or relate d question s: Please stapl e your re ceipt a nd/or w rite in the n ame and phone nu mber of th e retail store w here you p urchased y our Smo oth Fit nes s .
www.smoothfitne 3 SUPPLIED CO MPONEN TS This list id entif ies the m ajor c omponents you w ill use to as sem ble this pr oduct. No. D escription Q t y.
4 SM OOTH CE3.6 ELL IPT ICAL SUPPLIE D HARDWARE This list id entif ies the hard ware you will use to as semble the prod uct. T o help dis tinguis h betw een the v ariou s types of screws an d bolts, us e the scale b elow to m eas ure them and com pare them to the s izes liste d.
www.smoothfitne 5 COMPLETE PA RTS L IST Item No. Description Q t y. Part No. 100 101 Com puter PC Board 1 CE3.6 - 101 102 Overl a y 1 CE3.6 - 102 103 Console Ho using – Top 1 CE3.6 - 10 3 104 Console Ho using – Bottom 1 CE3.6 - 104 105 Amplif ier PC board 1 CE3.
6 SM OOTH CE3.6 ELL IPT ICAL COMPLETE PA RTS L IST Item No. Description Q t y. Part No. 400 401 Right Peda l Arm 1 CE3.6 - 401 402 Left Pedal Arm 1 CE3.6 - 40 2 403 Pedal Fix ing Bas e 2 CE 3.6 - 40 3 404 Bearing 608W N9 8 CE3.6 - 40 4 405 Bushing 12x58m m 4 CE3.
www.smoothfitne 7 COMPLETE PA RTS L IST Item No. Descript ion Qt y. Part No. 535 Crank Disk Bearing Bush ing 1 CE3.6 - 5 35 540 Speed Sensor 1 CE3.6 - 5 40 541 Speed Sensor H older 1 CE3.6 - 5 41 600 601 Front Co ver 1 CE3.6 - 601 602 Frame Ins ide Co ver – Rig ht 1 CE3.
8 SM OOTH CE3.6 ELL IPT ICAL COMPLETE PA RTS L IST Item No. Descript ion Qt y. Part No. 744 M5x8mm Bolt 5 CE3.6 - 7 44 745 6x32x2.5m m W asher 2 CE3.6 - 7 45 747 M8x10mm Bolt 2 CE3.6 - 7 47 748 M10x30mm Bolt 2 CE3.6 - 7 48 7 51 M5x14mm Bolt 4 CE3.6 - 7 51 752 M5x10mm Bolt 2 CE3.
www.smoothfitne 9 P AR T S D I AG R AM 201 2 0 3 109 105 111 753 112 111 113 116 752 752 1 1 7 1 1 5 1 1 4 753 1 06 107 1 06 118 1 0 9 732 751 732 104 103 102 1 01 1 10 2 03 2 0 2 205 204 2 0 5.
10 SM OOT H CE3.6 EL LIPT ICAL P AR T S D I AG R AM MOST OF TH E PA RTS SHOWN HERE HAVE BEEN PRE -ASSEMBLED. 70 8 320 31 8 708 728 7 1 0 303 320 732 314 31 5 304 31 5 31 7 732 31 3 728 728 710 31 7 3 .
www.smoothfitne 11 P AR T S D I AG R AM MOST OF TH E PA RTS SHOWN HERE HAVE BEEN PRE -ASSEMBLED. 407 705 707 705 413 4 01 4 14 415 715 413 417 402 715 414 415 407 412 701 320 417 705 716 7 26 7.
12 SM OOT H CE3.6 EL LIPT ICAL P AR T S D I AG R AM MOST OF T HE PARTS SHOWN HERE HAVE BEEN PRE - ASSEMBLED. 502 705 705 715 503 51 8 504 503 52 7 7 11 532 519 507 726 515 729 704 507 704 726 712 5 06.
www.smoothfitne 13 P AR T S D I AG R AM MOST OF T HE PARTS SHOWN HERE HAVE BEEN PRE - AS S EM BLED. 607 726 726 60 4 72 6 601 727 606 727 606 727 606 606 606 603 761 870 762 754 762 761 870 602.
14 SM OOT H CE3.6 EL LIPT ICAL WIRE D I AG R AM MOST OF T HE PARTS SHOWN HERE HAVE BEEN PRE - ASSEMBLED. 205 205 205 205 204 106 107 106 321 321 321 321 204 522 522 522 540 540 607 607 607.
www.smoothfitne 15 A SSEMBLY STEP 1 : (A ) Connect th e 7pin C omputer W ire – Middle (2 04) to the 7pin C omputer W ire – Lo wer (522). (B) Attac h the Co nsole S upport U pright (20 1) to t he Main Fr ame ( 501) and secure us ing the M10x 94 mm Bolt (709), 10.
16 SM OOT H CE3.6 EL LIPT ICAL A SSEMBLY STEP 2 : (A) Slid e the Acto n Hand lebar – L eft (301) and Ac tion Ha nd lebar – Right ( 302) to the Cons ole Sup port Upr ight (201) (B) Connec t the Ha .
www.smoothfitne 17 A SSEMBLY STEP 3 : ( A) Attac h the Left Upright and R ight Upr ight to the Co nsole Supp or t Upr i ght (201), an d secur e using M8x 65mm Bolt (710) on to p of uprig ht, M8x60m m Bolt ( 708) and 8 x21x2 mm Cup W asher (722) on bottom of upright.
18 SM OOT H CE3.6 EL LIPT ICAL A SSEMBLY STEP 4 : (A) Slide the M14x91 m m Bolt ( 701) thr ough th e Pedal Arm – Right (401) an d Actio n Hand lebar – R ight (302) and s ecure the M1 4 Nut (719 ) as s hown. Repeat th e above pr ocedur e to as sem ble the Lef t side.
www.smoothfitne 19 A SSEMBLY STEP 5 : (A) Attach the Peda l Arm Front Pivot Cove r ( 3 2 0) into t he ends of the Ac tion Hand lebar – R ight ( 302 ) and Pedal Arm – Right ( 401 ). Re peat th e proce dure on t he Pedal Arm – Left ( 402) and Ac tio n Handl ebar – Lef t ( 301 ).
20 SM OOT H CE3.6 EL LIPT ICAL A SSEMBLY STEP 6 : (A) Attach t he Front F ram e Cover – Upper ( 524 ) and Front Fram e Cov er – Lower ( 523 ) to the Ma in Fr ame ( 501 ). Secure with Fix ing Inser ts (716 ) and 4x50m m Bolt (730) . NOT E: The Fix ing Insert ( 716 ) has bee n pre - assem ble d to Front F ram e Co vers b y factor y.
www.smoothfitne 21 A SSEMBLY STEP 7 : (A) Attach the Action H andleba r Cover ( 3 15 ) t o the f ront side of Action Hand lebar – R ight ( 302 ) and secur e wit h four 4x 15m m Screws ( 732 ).
22 SM OOT H CE3.6 EL LIPT ICAL A S SEMBLY STEP 8: (A) Attach the Upright Lo wer C over – Left (3 08 ) and Upr ight Lo wer Cover – Right ( 307 ) to R ight Upr ight ( 304) using four 4x 19m m Sc rew ( 726 ).
www.smoothfitne 23 A SSEMBLY STEP 9: (A) Attach the Upright Upper C over #1 ( 305) a nd Uprig ht Upper Cover #2 (306) ) to Upri ght us ing on e Fix ing Insert ( 716 ) and four 4x19m m Screws ( 726 ). NOT E: The Fix ing Insert ( 716 ) has bee n pre - assem ble d onto Upr ight Up per Co ver #1 (3 05) b y fa c t or y.
24 SM OOT H CE3.6 EL LIPT ICAL A SSEMBLY STEP 10 : First m ake s ure to connect the 7pi n Com puter W ire – Upper ( 1 07 ) w ith 7pin Com puter W ir e – Mid dle ( 204 ) and Ha nd Pulse Sens or W ire – Upper (1 06 ) with H and Pulse Sensor W ire – Mid dle ( 205 ) as show n below.
www.smoothfitne 25 iPod MOUNTING INSTRUCTION iPod M OUNTING I NSTRUCT ION : 1. Attach your iP od into th e dock 2. Rotate the iPod t o la y on the br ack et 3.
26 SM OOT H CE3.6 EL LIPT ICAL LEVEL A DJUSTMENT LEVEL ADJUST M ENT: To adj ust the level ers f ollow these instruc tions: You will need som eone to help you with th is proced ure, as you will need to tip , th e CE 3. 6 el liptic a l T rainer w hile adjustin g the lev elers Tip the AGILE D ynamic Motion T rainer to the lef t/r ig ht.
www.smoothfitne 27 TR ANSPORT INS TRUCTION TR A N SPORT INSTRUCTIONS: To trans port your C E3.6 ellip tica l Tra iner s imp ly lif t the back end and rol l it awa y to the desired l ocation, as sho wn.
28 SM OOT H CE3.6 EL LIPT ICAL MUSCLE CH ART Targeted muscle group s : The ex ercis e routine that is pe rformed on this pr oduct w ill develop pri m arily low er body muscle gr oups. T hes e muscle gr oups are shown in gr ay color o n the ch art bel ow.
www.smoothfitne 29 STRETCHING RO UTINE Warm up and c ool down : A successf ul exerci se progra m consi sts of a w arm - up, a erobi c exercise , and a coo l - down. Do the entire pro gram at lea st tw o and preferably three ti mes a w eek, resting f or a day between w orkouts.
www.smoothfitne 31 COMPUTER OPERA T ION Congr atulatio ns this pr oduct is equip ped w ith the M Y SMOOTH Vir t ual Fitness Trai ner. Whether y ou want to l ose w eight, trai n for a sp orting .
32 SM OOT H CE3.6 EL LIPT ICAL COMPUTER OPERA T ION To record your exercise and he alth m etr ics , you must log o n to ww w .m ysmoothtra iner .c om .
www.smoothfitne 33 COMPUTER OPERA T ION POWER ON Please set y our loc al time. T urn on the p ower sw itch, and co m puter will re set aut oma tic all y and blinks “ L1 ” arou nd 2 seco.
34 SM OOT H CE3.6 EL LIPT ICAL COMPUTER OPERA T ION FAN FUNCTION: To activate t he fan press th e fan butt on to tur n on ,pre ss ing t he fan but ton will als o ad just the fan speed First Press: Seco nd Pres s: Thir d Press: Fourth Press: STOP When adjustin g the angl e of the fan b e sure not t o over r otate.
www.smoothfitne 35 COMPUTER OPERA T ION Main Individ ual custom pr ogram Press the S TART button agai n to begin t he ex ercise progr am. T he LCD disp lay w ill show the INT ENSITY W ATT and TIME status as the user set it. Press RESISTA NCE UP/DO W N to adjust t he resi stance.
36 SM OOT H CE3.6 EL LIPT ICAL COMPUTER OPERA T ION PROGRAM 4 – FAT BURNING After sel ect ing this pr ogram, t he TIM E display shows factory defau lt setti ng “ 16 :00”. Press RESIS TANCE UP/DO W N button to adjust the target time and pres s STOP/ENT ER to confirm.
www.smoothfitne 37 COMPUTER OPERA T ION PROGRAM 7 – ENDURANCE After selecting th is program , the TIM E display show s “L1”. Press RESIST ANCE UP/DOWN butt on to adjust the w orkout l evel and press STOP/ENTER to confirm. TIME display shows factor y defau lt sett ing “32:0 0”.
38 SM OOT H CE3.6 EL LIPT ICAL COMPUTER OPERA T ION Once the user successfully enters th e HEART RATE CONTR OL progr am, the computer will actively adjust the motion level an d inte nsity level to keep t he users at the T ARGET HEA RT RATE.
www.smoothfitne 39 COMPUTER OPERA T ION Heart Rate T raining To max imize your r esults fro m train ing it i s essenti al to monit or the inte nsity of your w orkout through your heart r ate.
40 SM OOT H CE3.6 EL LIPT ICAL W AR R AN T Y LIMITED HOM E USE WARRA NTY – SMOOTH FITNESS Elliptical Warranty Warrant y Coverage : Sm ooth Fitness, Inc. ("Sm ooth Fitness") warrants to the original owner that each new product to be free from defects in workmanshi p and material, under normal use and conditions.
www.smoothfitne 41 S mooth Fit ness 780 5 th Ave King of Prus sia, P A 194 06 Toll Free Cus tom er Service : 1.888.80 0.1167 W ebsite: www. smooth fitness.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Smooth Fitness CE-3.6 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Smooth Fitness CE-3.6 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Smooth Fitness CE-3.6 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Smooth Fitness CE-3.6 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Smooth Fitness CE-3.6 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Smooth Fitness CE-3.6 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Smooth Fitness CE-3.6 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Smooth Fitness CE-3.6 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.