Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product BDP-S770 van de fabrikant Sony
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4-188-206- 11 (1) © 2010 Sony Corporation Printed in Malaysia 4-188-206- 11 (1) Operatin g Instr uctions Blu-ra y Disc™ / D VD Pla y er BDP-S770 z To find out useful hints, t ips and info rmation about Sony products and services please visit: -europe.
2 WARNING To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this apparatus to rai n or m oisture. To avoid el ectrical shock, do no t open the ca binet. Refer servicing to qualified personnel only. The mains lead m ust be changed only at a qu alified service shop.
3 For cu stomer s in E uropea n countr ies The manufacturer of this pr oduct is Sony Corporation, 1-7-1 Konan Minato-ku Tokyo, 108-0075 Japan. The Aut horized Representative fo r EMC and product safety is Sony Deutsc hland GmbH, Hedelfinger Strasse 61, 70327 Stuttg art, Germany.
4 • This pla yer should be installed and ope rated w ith a m inimum distance o f at l east 20 cm or more betwee n the pl ayer and a person’ s body (excluding extr emitie s: hands, wrists, feet and ankles). • Do not pl ace heavy or un stable objects o n the play er.
5 If you h ave any questions or problems conc erning your player, ple ase consult you r neares t Sony dealer. Notice for the cu stomers in Europ e This product is intended to be used in the followi ng.
6 Notice f or the cu stomers in Franc e The WLAN feat ure of thi s BDP- S770 shal l exclu sively b e used inside build ings. Any use of the WLAN fea ture of this BDP -S77 0 outs ide o f the building s is prohibite d on the French terri tory.
7 Table of Contents WARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Guide to Par ts and Controls .
8 Guide to Part s and Con trols z The N button has a tactile dot. Use the tactile dot as a refe rence when ope rating the pl ayer. A [ / 1 (on/stand by) Turns on the pla yer, or set s to standb y mode . B Disc tray C Remote sensor D Front panel dis play N , X : Ligh ts up dur ing pl ayba ck or paus e.
9 The availab le functions o f the remote differ depend ing on the disc or the situati on. z Number 5, AUDIO, 2 +, and N buttons have a tactile dot . Use the tactile dot as a reference when operati ng the player . A Z (open/close ) Open s or cl oses t he di sc tr ay.
10 OPTIONS (page 19) The o ptions menu that can be sel ected appear s on t he sc reen. HOME Enters the player’s home menu. Displ ays th e wall paper w hen pr essed on the cat egory ico n of the ho me men u. RETURN Returns to the previo us display. < / M / m / , Move s the h ighlight to sele ct a disp layed item.
11 Hooku ps and Settings Hook ups and Settin gs Step 1 : Prep ari ng the Player Chec k that yo u have the follow ing ite ms: • Au dio/vi deo cabl e (pho no plug × 3) (1) (Austr alian m odels only ).
12 Step 2: Connec ting t he Pla yer Do not connec t the mains lea d until you hav e made all th e connections. Selec t one of th e follow ing conn ection m ethods accordi ng to the input jack s on you r TV. Matc h the colou r of the pl ug to that of the jack w hen co nnecting .
13 Hooku ps and Settings b Do not connect th e player through a VCR. Vide o signals fed thro ugh VCRs may be affecte d by copyright protection sys tems and the pic ture will be disto rted on the televisi on. Select one of th e follow ing conn ection method s acc ording to t he input jacks on your AV ampl ifier (rece iver) .
14 *3 See “Checking th e supplied accessories” (page 11) . Step 3 : Easy Setup 1 Plug th e player in to the main s. 2 Press [ / 1 to tu rn on th e pla yer. 3 Turn on the TV , then sw itch the i nput selecto r on your TV so t hat the sign al from the play er appe ars on you r TV screen .
15 Hooku ps and Settings Connec tin g to the Networ k Use a LAN ca ble to conn ect to t he LAN (100 ) termin al on the player . z Using a shielded i nterface ca ble (LAN ca ble), straight or crossing, is r ecommen ded.
16 Play back Play ing a Disc For pla yabl e discs, se e “P layabl e discs” (page 3 3). 1 Switc h the i nput sel ector on your TV so that the signal from the player appear s on your TV scree n. 2 Press Z , and place a disc on the disc tray. 3 Press Z to close th e dis c tray.
17 Play bac k z To de lete data i n the i ntern al me mory o r US B memor y, sele ct “Era se BD Data” i n the (Video), an d press ENTER. When the USB memory is used as local s torage, all dat a stored in the buda/budb f older will be erased. You ca n enjoy a Bl u-ray 3D Disc wi th the “Blu -ray 3D ” logo* .
18 Play ing from a US B Devi ce You ca n play vi deo/mus ic/pho to files on the conn ected US B devi ce. For pl ayable USB device s, see “P layabl e types of files” (p age 34). 1 Connec t the USB d evice to the USB jack on the pla yer. Refer to the instructio n manual supplied with the USB devic e before conne cting.
19 Play bac k Pla ys vide o/mus ic/ph oto files on yo ur home server , such as a D LNA certified PC by conn ecting t he pl ayer t o the home netw ork. 1 Prepare for playin g files on a DLNA server. • C onnec t the playe r to a netw ork (page 1 5). • Set “C onnec tion Se rver Setti ngs” (page 2 7).
20 (Music) only (Pho to) onl y Video Settings • Pic ture Quality Mode: Selects the pi cture setti ngs for dif ferent li ghting environme nts. • FNR : Redu ces the rand om noise appeari ng in th e picture . • BNR: Reduces the mosai c- lik e bloc k no ise i n the picture .
21 Settings and Adjustment s Settings and Adjust ments Usin g the Sett ing s Displ ays Select (Setu p) on the h ome me nu when you need to c hange th e settin gs of th e play er. The d efault sett ings are un derli ned. 1 Select (Setup) on t he hom e menu usin g < / , .
22 Networ k Update Select “OK” to update the p layer’s so ftware via the networ k. z • We recommen d the network update ev ery 2 months or so. • For inform ation abou t update func tions, visit the following websi te: For cust omers in Euro pean count ries http ://suppor t.
23 Settings and Adjustment s Cine ma Con version Mode Outpu t Vi deo Fo rma t z • When c onnecting t he HDMI OUT jack and o ther video output jacks at the s ame time , sel ect “Comp onent Video.” • If no picture appears when setting “HDMI” or “Comp onent Video” res olution, try a nother resoluti on setting.
24 Audio Sett ings Audio (H DMI) DSD Outpu t Mode BD Audio MIX Settin g Dolby D igital (Coax ial / Opt ical) DTS (Coa xial / Optic al) DTS Neo :6 Audi o DRC Downmix Auto No rmally se lect thi s. Outputs aud io signals accordi ng to th e stat us of the connect ed H DMI devi ce.
25 Settings and Adjustment s BD/DVD V iewing Setti ngs BD/DVD Menu Selects the defaul t menu lan guage for BD - ROMs or DVD V IDEOs. When yo u select “Selec t Languag e Code,” the displ ay for ent ering t he la nguag e code appear s. Ent er the cod e for yo ur lang uage by refer ring to “Langu age code l ist” (p age 38 ).
26 Musi c Setting s Super Audio CD Playba ck Layer Super Audio CD Play back Chan nel s System Set tings OSD Selects your lang uage for the play er on- screen displa ys. Dimmer Control for HDMI Quick Start Mo de Auto S tandby Auto Disp lay Super Audio CD Play s the Supe r Au dio CD laye r.
27 Settings and Adjustment s Screen Saver Software Up date Notific ation Grace note Se ttin gs DivX(R) VOD For detail s, visit the following we bsite: vod.divx .com Syste m Information Disp lays th e player ’s so ftwa re ver sion inform ation and th e MAC ad dress.
28 Easy Setup Re-run s th e “Eas y Setu p” t o make t he bas ic settings. Follow t he on-screen in structio ns. Reset ting Reset to F actory Defau lt Settin gs You can reset the player se ttings to the fact ory de fault by sel ecti ng the group of settings.
29 Additi onal In formation Additional Informatio n Troubl esh ooting If you exp erienc e any of th e follo wing difficul ties while using the player, use this troubles hooti ng guide t o help re medy th e proble m before r equest ing repa irs. Shou ld any prob lem per sist, cons ult your neares t Sony deal er.
30 Ther e is no soun d or the sound is not output co rrectl y. , Check th at all the co nnect ing cables are secure ly connec ted (page 12). , Switch the input selector on yo ur AV amplif ier ( receiver ) so that t he audi o sig nals of the pla yer are out put from yo ur AV ampl ifier (r eceive r).
31 Additi onal In formation The play er canno t connect to the netw ork. , Check t he netw ork connec tion (pag e 15) and the ne twork setting s (page 27 ). You cann ot co nnect yo ur PC to t he Int ernet after “W i-Fi Prote cted Setu p (WPS)” is perfor med.
32 Playb ack doe s not sta rt fro m the begi nning of content . , Press OPTIONS, and select “Play from start.” Playb ack doe s not sta rt fro m the res ume point w here yo u last stop ped pla ying. , The resu me point may be cleared from memory de pending on the disc whe n – you open t he disc tray .
33 Additi onal In formation Spec ific ations System Laser: Semiconduc tor laser Input s and out puts ( Jack name: Jack t ype/Outp ut lev el/Load impedanc e) LINE OUT R-AUDIO-L: Phono jack/ 2 Vrms/10 kilohm s DIGITAL OUT (OPT ICAL): Opti cal ou tpu t jac k/–18 d Bm (wave lengt h 660 nm) DIGITAL OUT (COA XIAL): Phono ja ck/0.
34 Discs tha t cann ot be p layed • BDs with cartridge • DVD-RAMs • H D DVDs • DVD Audi o disc s • PHOTO CDs • D ata pa rt of C D-Ext ras • V CDs/Super VCDs • A udio materia l side on DualDi scs Note on Discs This pr oduc t is design ed to pla ybac k discs that confo rm to the Compact Disc (CD) standa rd.
35 Additi onal In formation *5 The pl ayer does not play t his fil e format on a DLNA server. *6 The player can onl y play standard definit ion video on a DLNA server. b • Som e files may not pla y depending on the file format , file encoding , recording condit ion, or DLNA server condition.
36 Since communic ation via the wireless LAN funct ion i s esta blis hed by radi o waves , the wireless signal may be su scepti ble to interceptio n. To protect wir eless comm unica tion, t his p layer supp orts va rious security functions. Be sure to corr ectly con figure the se curi ty set tings in acco rdan ce with your netw ork env ironme nt.
37 Additi onal In formation • M usic and video recog nition technol ogy and related da ta are provided by Gr acenote ® . Gracenote is the i ndustry s tandard i n music recognit ion techno logy a nd rela ted conte nt delivery. For more information, please visit www.
38 For details , see “BD/DVD Viewing Settings” (page 25). The lan guage spelling s conf orm to the ISO 639: 1988 (E/F) st andard . For details, see “Par ental C ontro l Area Code” (page 25) .
39 Index Words in quota tions a ppear in the on -scre en displ ays. Symbols (favo urite s) 9 Numerics 3D 17 “3D Output Settin g” 22 A AUDIO 9 “Audio Settings” 24 “Auto St andby” 26 B Batte.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sony BDP-S770 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sony BDP-S770 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sony BDP-S770 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sony BDP-S770 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sony BDP-S770 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sony BDP-S770 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sony BDP-S770 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sony BDP-S770 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.