Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Cybershot DSC-W200 van de fabrikant Sony
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© 2007 Sony Corporation 3-208-400-12(1) GB Digital Stil l Camera Cyber-shot Handbook DSC-W200 Before oper ating th e unit, pl ease read this Handboo k thoroughly together w ith the “Instruction Manual” a nd the “Cyber -shot Step-up Gui de” , and retai n them for futu re reference.
2 Notes on using yo ur came ra Types of “Mem ory Sti ck” that ca n be used ( not suppl ied ) The IC recor ding m edium used by th is camera is a “ Memory Stick D uo”. T here ar e two type s of “Memory Stic k”. “Mem ory Stic k Duo”: you can us e a “Memory Stick Duo” with y our camera.
3 Tabl e of cont ents Notes on usi ng your camera ........ ...... .......... ......... .......... .......... ...... ..........2 Basic techniqu es for bett er images ....... ....... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......7 Focus – Foc usin g on a subj ect su ccess fully .
4 Table of conten ts SteadyS hot: Selecti ng the anti-blu r mode SETUP: S electing the shootin g settings Playing b ack ima ges from the HO ME scr een .
5 Table of content s Shooting Settings — Shooting Settings 2 ....... .......... ....... ......... ........ 72 Clock Settings ........... ......... .......... .......... ......... .......... ....... ......... ........ 73 Language Setti ng ......... .
6 Table of conten ts Index ...... .......... ......... .......... ....... ......... .......... .......... ......... ....... .......... .... 122 Index.
7 Basi c tech niques for b ette r imag es Whe n you press the s hutt er bu tto n half way dow n, th e cam era ad ju sts th e foc us au tom ati cal ly (Auto Focus).
8 Basi c tech niqu es for bet ter i mages Hints for p reven ting blur The ca mer a move d accide ntal ly whe n you too k the pictu re. Th is is ca lled “Cam era sh ake. ” On the other hand, if the subject m oved wh en you to ok the pict ure, it is cal led “subje ct blur.
9 Basic t echniqu es for bet ter ima ges You can create vario us images by adjusting th e e xposure a nd the ISO se nsiti vity. Exposu re is the am ount of ligh t that the cam era will recei ve when you re lease t he shut ter.
10 Basi c tech niqu es for bet ter i mages Adjusting ISO Sensitivity (Reco mmended Exposure Index) ISO sen sitivi ty is a speed rati ng for record ing medi a that incor porates an i mage sen sor that receiv es li ght. E ven whe n the ex posur e is th e same, images diffe r depen ding on the I SO sensitivity.
11 Basic t echniqu es for bet ter ima ges A digital ima ge is made up of a c ollection of smal l dots called pixe ls. If it contai ns a large number of pi xels, the pic ture becom es large, it tak es up more memor y, and the ima ge is displaye d in fine detail.
12 Basi c tech niqu es for bet ter i mages The defa ult set tings ar e marked wit h . 1) Images ar e recorded in 3:2 as pect ratio, sa me as pho tograph printing paper or postcards, etc. 2) Both edges of the im age may be cut off when printi ng (page 11 1).
13 Basic t echniqu es for bet ter ima ges The eyes of the subje ct may come ou t red, or fuzzy whi te circu lar spot s may appear when using the flash .
14 Identif ying part s See the pages in pare ntheses for de tails of oper atio n. A POWER button/PO WER lamp B Shutter bu tton (24) C Micropho ne D Flash (26 ) E AF illum ina to r (69)/ Se lf-t imer l.
15 Ident ifyin g parts M “Memory St ick D uo” s lot N Battery insert ion slot O A ccess lamp P Battery ej ect lever Q M ulti con nector (bo ttom) Us ed in th e fol low ing si tuat ion s: • Making a USB connection between the camera and the computer.
16 Indicat ors on the screen Each time you press v (DISP) button, the disp lay chan ges (p age 20) . See the pages in pare ntheses for de tails of oper atio n.
17 Indica tors on the sc reen B C D Displ ay Indication Manual expos ure setting mode (31) z RETURN z SE T Fun cti on gu ide for Manu al exposure (31) 1.
18 Indic ator s on th e scre en When pl ayin g ba ck sti ll i mages When pl ayin g ba ck movi es A B Displ ay Indication Batter y rema ining Image size (40) Prot ect (5 7) VOL.
19 Indica tors on the sc reen C Displ ay Indication Play ba ck Med ia Play ba ck f old er (59) • This does not appear when using internal me mory. 8/8 12 /12 Imag e num ber /Num ber of imag es r ecor ded in s ele cted fold er Chang e f older (59) • This does not appear when using internal me mory.
20 Changi ng t he scr een d ispla y Each ti me you pr ess the v (DISP) button, the di spla y change s as foll ows. • If you view images in bright outside light, adjust the brightness of the L CD backlight up . However, the battery power may decrease f aster under such condition.
21 Changi ng the scr een displa y z A djusting EV (Expos ure Val ue) by displaying a histog ram A histogram is a graph show ing the brightness of an image.
22 Using th e interna l memory The cam era has appro ximat ely 31 MB of int ernal mem ory. Thi s memory is no t removable . Even wh en ther e is no “Memory Stic k Duo” in serted in th e camera, you c an recor d images using this in ternal memo ry.
23 Bas ic Op erat ion s Basic Op erations Using the mode di al Set the mode dial to the desire d functio n. : Aut o Adju stment mo de Allows ea sy shootin g with th e setting s adjusted a utomatic ally.
24 Shootin g image s easily (A uto A djustme nt mode ) 1 Sele ct th e desire d funct ion from the mode dial. When shooting still ima ges (Auto Adjustm ent mode): Select . When shooting m ovies: Se lect . 2 Hold the camera steady, keeping your arm at your side.
25 Bas ic Op erat ion s Shoo ting ima ges ea sily (A uto Adju stmen t mode) 2 Press th e shutter butto n fully down. When sh ooting movies : Press the shutte r button fully down.
26 Shooti ng im ages ea sily (A uto Adju stmen t mode ) Flas h (Sel ectin g a flash mode f or st ill image s) Press B ( ) on th e con tro l butt on re peat ed ly un til th e des ired mod e is se lect ed. (No indicator): Flash Auto Strobes when there is insuf ficient light or backl ight (default settin g).
27 Bas ic Op erat ion s Shoo ting ima ges ea sily (A uto Adju stmen t mode) Using the s elf-timer Press V ( ) on the control butto n repeate dly until th e desired mode is selected.
28 Shootin g still im ages (Sc ene Sele ction) Selecting f rom the mode d ial 1 Select the desired mode of Scene Selection ( / / / / ) with the m ode dial . 2 Shoot with the shutter button. Selecting f rom the menu s creen 1 Sele ct SCN wit h the mode dial.
29 Bas ic Op erat ion s Shooting still images (Sce ne Selection) Scene Se lectio n modes The f ollowing modes ar e predet ermined to match the sce ne conditi ons. * Wh en you shoot images using (Twilig ht Portrait) or (Twilight) or (Fireworks) mode, th e shutter speed is slower.
30 Shoot ing s til l im ages ( Scen e Sele ctio n) Funct ions yo u can us e in Scene Selec tion For shootin g an image approp riately ac cordi ng to the scene conditio n, a comb ination of functi ons is determi ned by th e camer a. Some fun ctions are not availa ble, dep ending on th e Scen e Sele ctio n mode .
31 Bas ic Op erat ion s Shooti ng wit h the man ual expo sure 1 Select M from the mode dial and press z on the contro l button. • [SET] changes to [RETURN] on the lower left of the screen and the camera is set to manual exposure setting mode. 2 Adjust the exposure manually using the control button.
32 Viewing images 1 Press (Playback) button. • If y ou press (Playback) when the camera is power ed off, the camera is turned on automatically and set to playback mode. To switch to the shooting mode, press (Playback) again. 2 Select an image with b / B on the control button.
33 Bas ic Op erat ion s Viewin g imag es Viewin g an in dex scre en Press (Index) t o display the inde x screen wh ile a st ill image is displa yed. Selec t an im age with v / V / b / B .
34 Deletin g images 1 Press (Playback) b utton. 2 Press MENU while display in single-image mode or i n index mode. 3 Select [Delete] with v on the control button. 4 Select the desired deletion method with b / B from among [Thi s Image], [Multiple Imag es] and [All I n This Fol der], then press z .
35 Bas ic Op erat ion s Dele ti ng im ag es When yo u sele ct [T his Ima ge] Delet es the s elected image. Select [OK] with v , then press z . When yo u sele ct [Mu ltipl e Imag es] Selects an d deletes multip le images at onc e. 1 Se lect the im ages you want to dele te, then press z .
36 Learnin g the various f uncti ons – HOME/ Menu The HOME screen is the basi c screen used for a ccessing the various fu nctions you c an access the HOME sc reen rega rdless of the shooti ng/view ing mode. 1 Press HOME to display the HOME screen. 2 Select a category wi th b / B on the control butto n.
37 Bas ic Op erat ion s Learni ng the variou s func tions – HO ME/M enu Pressing HOM E button d isplays the f ollowing items. D etails on the items are d isplaye d on the scre en by the gui de.
38 Lea rning th e vari ous func tion s – HOM E/Me nu 1 Press MENU to display the menu. • The menu will be displayed only during shoot ing and play back mode. • Different items will bec ome visible depending on the selected mode. 2 Select the desired menu item with v / V on the contr ol button.
39 Bas ic Op erat ion s Menu ite ms The a vailable menu item s vary d epend ing on the came ra mode . The sh ooting men u is avai lable only in th e shooti ng mode, a nd the v iewing me nu is a vailable only in the pl ayback m ode. Also, th e menu item s availab le vary de pendi ng on the mode di al positi on.
40 Using f unctions for shoo ting Shooti ng m enu The func tions in shooting m ode using ME NU but ton are d escribed b elow. For d etails on how to operate the menu, see pa ge 38. The defa ult set tings ar e marked wit h . Select s the s cene s electio n in th e menu.
41 Using funct ions for shooti ng Shoo ting m enu For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 38 Selec ts whe ther t o us e the Fa ce Det ect fu nction or no t. • Wh en [Fac e Detect ion] is set to [On ], Digi tal zoom doe s not functi on. • Availabl e only for [Soft Snap], the d efault sett ing is [On].
42 Shoot ing m enu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 38 Selects whether the camera performs continuous shooting or not when you press the shutter button. On the Burst • When recording with the self timer, a series of a maximum of five images is recorded.
43 Using funct ions for shooti ng Shoo ting m enu For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 38 You can chan ge the bright ness o f the image, accomp anied by eff ects.
44 Shoot ing m enu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 38 Selects a lum inous sensiti vity with uni ts of ISO. The la rger the nu mber, the hi gher the sensitivity. • For details on the ISO sensiti vity, see page 10. • Note that t he ima ge tends to become noisier as the IS O sensitivi ty number increases.
45 Using funct ions for shooti ng Shoo ting m enu For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 38 • The compensa tion value can be set in 1/3EV increments. • If a subject is being shot in extremely bright or dark conditions, or the flash is used, the exposure adjustment may not be effective.
46 Shoot ing m enu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 38 You c an ch ange the fo cu s met hod. Use t he m enu w hen it is diffic ult t o get the proper focus in auto fo cus mod e. Focus: C hanging the focu s metho d (Multi A F) Focuses on a sub ject in al l ranges of the finder fr ame auto matica lly.
47 Using funct ions for shooti ng Shoo ting m enu For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 38 • AF stands for Auto Focus. • Distance sett ing information in “F ocus Preset” is app roximate. If you po int the lens up or down, the er ror increas es.
48 Shoot ing m enu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 38 Adjusts the col or tones ac cording to the lightin g condition in a situation, for ex ample , when the co lors of an ima ge look strang e. White Ba l: Adjusting t he color tones (Auto) Adjust s the Wh ite Balanc e auto matic ally.
49 Using funct ions for shooti ng Shoo ting m enu For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 38 • For details on the white balance, see page 10. • Under fluorescent lights that flicker, the white bala nce function may not work correctly even though you select [Fluorescent Light 1] , [Fluorescent Light 2], [Fluorescent Light 3].
50 Shoot ing m enu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 38 • Red-eye reduction may not produce the desired effect s depending on individual differences, the distan ce to the subject, if the subject does not see the pre-strobe, or other conditions.
51 Using funct ions for shooti ng Shoo ting m enu For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 38 Sele cts the ant i-blu r mode . • In Auto Adjustment mod e, [SteadyShot] will be set to [Shooting]. • For mov ies, the options are limited to [ Continuous] and [Off].
52 Using f unctions f or vie wing Play ing back images f rom the H OME scre en You ca n select the ways to playba ck imag es. 1 Press HOME. 2 Select (View Images ) with b / B on the control bu tton. 3 Select the desired vie wing me thod w ith v / V . Displays the image shot last.
53 Using f unctions f or vie wing Playi ng back ima ges fr om the HOME screen To displ ay the pr evious /next im age Press b / B while th e slide sh ow is pause d. To adjus t the volum e of th e music Press V to display the vo lume co ntrol screen, the press b / B to adju st the v olu me.
54 Play ing ba ck i mages fr om th e HOME s creen z To ad d /chan ge Mu sic files You can transfer a desired music file from your CDs or MP3 files to the camera to playback during Slide show. You can transfer music using [ Mus ic Tool] in (Printin g, Other) on the HOME screen and the “Music Transfer” software (supplied) installed on a computer.
55 For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 38 Using f unctions f or vie wing Viewin g menu This sect ion expla ins the menu i tems ava ilable when you press MEN U button in playbac k mode. Fo r det ails o n how to us e the menu, see pa ge 38. Selects and delete s images on the single-image screen or the i ndex screen.
56 Viewi ng menu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 38 (Partial Color) Surro unds a chosen poi nt in m onochr ome to si gnalize a subje ct. 1 S et the cent er point of the des ired image to ret ouch with v / V / b / B , t hen pres s MENU but ton.
57 Using f unctions f or vie wing Viewin g menu For details on the operatio n 1 page 3 8 When you select [ Trimming] • The image size that you can trim may vary depending on the image. • The quality of tr immed images may deter iorate. Prot ects ima ges again st acci dent al erasur e.
58 Viewi ng menu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 38 5 Pre ss MENU . 6 Select [OK] with v , then press z . In index mode: 3 Selec t the imag e you wa nt to pro tect w ith v / V / b / B on the c ontrol butt on, then press z . is at tached t o the sel ected ima ge.
59 Using f unctions f or vie wing Viewin g menu For details on the operatio n 1 page 3 8 Rotate s a stil l image . 1 Displa y the image to be rotate d. 2 Pre ss ME NU to displa y the m enu. 3 Se lec t [R otat e] w ith v / V on the contr ol button, then press z .
60 Customiz ing the set tings Custom izing th e Manag e Memory fe atur e and the Settings You can c hange the default settings using (Manage Me mory) or ( Settings) on the HOME screen. 1 Press HOME to display the HOME screen. 2 Select (Manage Me mory) or (Settings) with b / B on the control but ton.
61 Customizi ng the settings Custom izin g the Man ag e Memo ry fe ature an d the Se ttings 5 Select the desired setting with v / V , then press z . To ca ncel the setti ng c hange Sele ct [C anc el] if it is o ne of the s etti ng ite m, t hen press z .
62 For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 60 Mana ge Me mory Memory Tool — Memory Stick Tool This it em appear s only when a “Memory S tick Duo” is inserte d in t he camer a. Formats the “Memo ry Stick Duo”. A com mercial ly avai lable “M emory S tick Duo ” is alrea dy format ted, an d can be u sed imme diatel y.
63 Customizi ng the settings Mana ge Memory For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 60 Change s the folder current ly u sed for r ecord ing im ages. 1 Sele ct [Change RE C. Folder] wit h v / V / b / B on t he cont rol but ton, the n press z . The folder sel ection screen ap pears.
64 Mana ge Mem ory For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 60 Copies all ima ges in th e inter nal memor y to a “Me mory Stic k Duo”. 1 Insert a “Mem ory Stick Duo” having 64 MB or larger capacity . 2 Select [Copy] with v / V / b / B on th e control butto n, then press z .
65 Customizi ng the settings Mana ge Memory For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 60 Memory Tool — Internal Memory Tool This item does not ap pear wh en a “Mem ory Stick D uo” is insert ed in the c amera.
66 For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 60 Setting s Main settings — Main Se ttings 1 The defa ult set tings ar e marked wit h . Selects the soun d produc ed when you operate the camera. When yo u operate the came ra, the descrip tion of functions is di splayed.
67 Customizi ng the settings Setti ngs For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 60 Main settings — Main Settin gs 2 The def ault setti ngs are mar ked with . Selec ts the USB mode to be used when conne cting th e camera to a comput er or a PictB ridge compli ant pri nter usi ng th e cable f or mult i-use t ermina l.
68 Sett ings For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 60 Sets the vi deo signal output ac cording to the TV c olor system of the conne cted vid eo equipm ent.
69 Customizi ng the settings Setti ngs For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 60 Shooting Settings — Shootin g Settings 1 The def ault setti ngs are mar ked with . The AF il luminato r supplie s fill light to focus mor e easil y on a subj ect in dark surro undings.
70 Sett ings For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 60 Sele cts the auto fo cus oper ation mode . • When [Face Detection] is set to [On], the AF mode is d isabled. Selects the dig ital zoom mode . The camera enlarges the ima ge using optica l zoom (up to 3×).
71 Customizi ng the settings Setti ngs For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 60 Sets for ach ieving ap propriat e focus when at tachi ng a conversi on lens (n ot supplied). Attach the ada ptor ring (not supplied) , then attach a con version lens. • Wh en not set t o [ Off], the fla sh is set to (Flash fo rce d off) .
72 Sett ings For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 60 Shooting Settings — Shoo ting Settings 2 The defa ult set tings ar e marked wit h . When the c amera i s rotate d to sh oot a por trait image, the ca mer a recor ds its posit ion ch ange and displa ys the image in the por trait positi on.
73 Customizi ng the settings Setti ngs For detail s on the opera tion 1 pa ge 60 Clock Settings Sets the da te an d tim e. 1 Sele ct [ Clo ck Settings] fro m (Settings) on the HOME screen. 2 Se lect the da te di splay f ormat with v / V , then press z .
74 Sett ings For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 60 Language Setting Sele cts the la ngu age to be us ed to disp lay the me nu items , wa rnin gs, an d me ssag es.
75 Viewing im ages on a TV Viewing i mages on a TV Viewin g image s on a TV You can vi ew images on a TV scre en by connecti ng the cam era to a TV. The con nection va ries accordin g to the type of TV the camera is co nnecte d to. Turn off bot h your ca mera and the TV befor e conne cting th e camer a and the T V.
76 Viewi ng imag es on a TV You ca n view a n imag e reco rded on the c ame ra by conn ectin g the ca mera to a n HD (Hig h Definit ion) TV w ith the comp onent ca ble (not supp lied). Turn off bot h your ca mera an d the TV before conn ecting t he came ra and th e TV.
77 Viewing im ages on a TV Viewin g imag es on a TV • Set [COMPONENT] to [ HD(1080i)] in [ Main Sett ings 2] by selecting (Settings) on the HOME scre en (pa ge 67). • When using your camera abroad, it may be necessary to switch the video signal output to m atch that of your TV s ystem (page 68).
78 Using y our c omputer Enjoy ing yo ur Win dows co mput er For details on using a Macinto sh comput er, refer t o “Using your Maci ntosh com puter” (page 95). This sectio n describe s the English versio n of screen con tents. • Under Windows Vis ta, some names and operations m ay differ f rom those described below.
79 Using your comp uter Enjoying your Wi ndows computer The followi ng environ ment is recomm ended fo r a comp uter conn ected to the ca mera. Recommended environment for copying images OS (p re -in .
80 Installi ng the so ftware (s upplied ) You can insta ll the software (suppli ed) using the f ollowing proc edure. • When using Wind ows 2000, do not conn ect the camera to the compu ter before insta llation. • Log on as Administrator. • When the software ( supplied) is i nstalled, the USB driver is installe d automaticall y.
81 Using y our comp uter Copyi ng im ages t o yo ur co mputer This sectio n describe s the process using a Windo ws compu ter as a n exam ple. You can co py images from the camer a to your com puter as follows.
82 Copyi ng imag es to your comput er • With Windows XP/Vista, the AutoPlay wizard appears on the desktop. “Conn ecting to Mas s Sto rage... ” ap pears on the scree n of the camer a. When a USB co nnecti on is esta blishe d for the firs t time, your computer auto matical ly runs a program to reco gnize th e camera.
83 Using y our comp uter Copyin g imag es to your comput er 2 Click [N ext]. The im ages save d on the “M emory Stick Duo” of the camera ap pear. • If no “Memory Stick Duo” is inserted, images i n the inter nal me mory appea r. 3 Click the check box of unwanted images to remove the checkmark so they are not copied, then click [Next].
84 Copyi ng imag es to your comput er 1 Double-click [My Computer] t [Removable Disk] t [DCIM]. • If the “Removable Disk” icon is not displayed, see page 109. 2 Double-click the folder where the image files you want to copy are stored. Then, right-click an image file to display the menu and click [Copy].
85 Using y our comp uter Copyin g imag es to your comput er This sectio n describe s the proced ure for viewi ng co pied i mages in the “ My Documents ” folder . 1 Click [Start] t [My Documen ts]. Th e conte nts of the “M y Docu ments ” folde r are di spla yed.
86 Copyi ng imag es to your comput er The image files re corded with your camera are gro uped as fo lders on the “Memor y Stick Duo”. Examp le: viewing folders on W indows XP A Folder containing i.
87 Using y our comp uter Viewin g image f iles stor ed on a com puter w ith your c amer a (usi ng a “Memo ry Sti ck D uo”) This sectio n describe s the process using a Windo ws compu ter as a n exam ple.
88 Using th e “Pictu re Motio n Browse r” (supp lied) You can us e still images and mo vies fr om the camer a more than ev er by takin g advant age of the softwa re. This sec tion summar izes the “ Picture Motion Brow ser” and give s the basic instructions.
89 Using y our comp uter Using t he “Pict ure Mot ion Brow ser” (supp lied) 2 Connect the camera to your computer with the cable for multi- use terminal. Afte r th e cam era is auto mat ical ly detect ed, the [Im port Ima ges] screen is displayed.
90 Usin g the “Pic ture Mot ion Brow ser” (su ppli ed) Year display screen Month display screen Hour display scre en • To list images from a particular year o r month, click that period on the left of the screen.
91 Using y our comp uter Using t he “Pict ure Mot ion Brow ser” (supp lied) Images can be saved in CD or DVD as a data disc. • CD burner drive or DVD burner drive requir ed. • Th e followin g disc can be used for creatin g a data di sc. – CD–R/RW (12 cm) – DV D±R/RW (12 cm) – DV D±R DL (12 cm) 1 Select imag es to save on the disc.
92 Usin g the “Pic ture Mot ion Brow ser” (su ppli ed) Prepar ing i mages stor ed o n the comp uter f or view ing To view the m, regis ter the fold er that conta ins the imag es as one of the “Vie wed folders” . 1 Click on the main screen, or choose [Register Folders to V iew] from the [File] menu.
93 Using y our comp uter Using t he “Pict ure Mot ion Brow ser” (supp lied) 1 Click [Start] t [Control P anel] (in Window s 2000, [Start] t [Sett ings] t [Contro l Panel] ), the n double-c lick [Add/ Remo ve Progr ams].
94 Using th e “Music Transfe r” (supp lied) You ca n chan ge the Music files that are pre set at the facto ry w ith desir ed Mu sic file s usin g “Mu sic Trans fer” in th e CD- ROM (supp lied). Also, you can delete or add thes e fi les when ever yo u want.
95 Using y our comp uter Using y our Ma cintos h compu ter You can co py im ages t o yo ur Ma cintos h comput er. • “Picture Motion Browser” is not compatible with Macintosh computers. The followi ng environ ment is recomm end ed for a comp uter conn ected to the ca mera.
96 Usin g your Ma cint osh com puter 4 View images on th e computer. Dou ble-c lic k the har d disk icon t the desi red imag e file in th e folder conta ining the co pied file s to op en tha t image f ile.
97 Printin g still images Printing st ill images How to pri nt sti ll im ages When you print images sho t in [16:9] mode , both edges ma y be c ut off, so be sure to check be fore printing (pa ge 111). You ca n pri nt i mages b y connec ting the c amera d irect ly to a Pict Bridge co mplian t printer .
98 Print ing images directly using a Pi ctBri dge compli ant print er Even if you do not have a comput er, you can pri nt imag es shot using yo ur cam era by conne cting the cam era dir ectly to a Pict Bridg e co mpl iant pr inte r. • “PictBridge” is based on the CIPA standard.
99 Printin g still images Prin ting i mages dire ctly using a Pi ctBri dge c omplia nt p rinter 1 Connect the camera to the printer . 2 Press (Playback) and turn on your camera an d the printer. The cam era is se t to play ba ck m ode, then a n image an d the pri nt menu appe ar on the screen.
100 Printi ng imag es direc tly usin g a Pict Bridge c omplian t print er When the [Layout] is not set to [ 1- up/Borderless] or [1-up/Border]: Sele ct the numbe r of sets of images t hat you want to pr int as an inde x image.
101 Printin g still images Print ing at a s hop You can t ake a “Memor y Stick Duo” contai ning image s shot with your cam era to a photo print ing service shop .
102 Printi ng at a sh op 1 Press MENU while displaying images in single-image mode or in in dex mo de. 2 Select [DPOF] with v / V and sele ct [Multi ple Images] wit h b / B , t hen press z . 3 Select an image to mark with the control button, then press z .
103 Trouble shooting Troubleshoot ing Troubl esh ootin g If you exper ience tr ouble with your camera , try the follow ing solutions. Please un derstand th at you give your con sent that the contents of the internal memory , Music files may be checke d when you send your camera to be repaired .
104 Troubl eshoot ing The battery pack cannot be inserted. • Inser t the batter y pack correct ly to push the battery ejec t lever. Cannot turn on t he camera. • After in stall ing the batt ery pa ck into the came ra, it ma y take a li ttle whi le to ge t the came ra powered.
105 Trouble shooting Troubl eshoot ing • Whe n shooti ng a still image , set the mode dia l to a position othe r than . • Se t the mode di al to when shooting m ovies. • The image size is s et to [6 40(Fine) ] when record ing movies . Do on e of the followin g: – S et the image size to other than [640(F ine)].
106 Troubl eshoot ing The flash doe s not work. • The fl ash is s et to (Fla sh forced o ff) (page 26). • You cannot use the flash when: – [R EC Mode ] is set to [Burst] or Expo sure Br acket (pa ge 42).
107 Trouble shooting Troubl eshoot ing The image colors are not correct. • Se t [Color Mode ] to [Norma l] (page 43). Vertical streaks appear when you are shooting a very b right subject. • Th e smear phenom enon is occurr ing and white, blac k, red, purple , or other streaks app ear on the image .
108 Troubl eshoot ing The date and time are not displayed. • v (DISP) button is turned off (page 20) . The image app ears rough right aft er playback starts. • The ima ge may a ppear r ough righ t after playba ck sta rts due to ima ge proce ssing.
109 Trouble shooting Troubl eshoot ing Your comput er does not recognize y our camera . • Turn on the camera. • When the bat tery lev el is lo w, inst all the charged battery pack or us e the AC adaptor (not supplie d) (page 81). • S et [U SB Con ne ct] to [Mas s St orage ] (p age 6 7).
110 Troubl eshoot ing The image cannot be played back on a computer. • If you are using “Pi cture Motio n Browser”, refer to the Help. • Consult the computer or software manufact urer. The image and sound are in terrupted by noise wh en you view a movie on a computer.
111 Trouble shooting Troubl eshoot ing Cannot insert a “Memory Stick Duo”. • Insert it in the correct directio n. Cannot format a “Memory Stick Duo”. • Yo u are using t he “M emor y Stic k Du o” wit h the write- protec t sw itch, a nd the switc h is set to the LO CK positi on.
112 Troubl eshoot ing Cannot pr int imag es with t he date . • Using “Pictur e Motion B rowser”, you c an print im ages with date (pag e 92). • This camera do es not have a feature for superimpos ing dates on ima ges.
113 Trouble shooting Troubl eshoot ing “---- -- --” is printed on the date-inserted part of the image. • Im ages that d o not have the recordi ng data ca nnot be pr inted wit h the date i nserted. Se t [Date] to [Off] and print t he image ag ain (pa ge 99).
114 Warnin g indicat ors and mes sages If a c ode st arting with a lett er of t he alphab et appe ars, you r camera ha s a self- diagnosis display. The last two digits (indic ated by ss ) w ill dif fer de pend ing on the state of the camera.
115 Trouble shooting Warni ng indi cato rs and messag es Memory Stick formatting error Internal memory formatting error • Format the media ag ain (pages 62 and 65). Memory Stick locked • Yo u are u sing the “Memor y Stick D uo” with th e write -prot ect swi tch, and th e switc h is set t o the LOCK pos ition.
116 Warn ing indi cator s and mes sages Macro is invalid • The ma cro is un availa ble unde r these settings (pa ges 26, 30). Flash settings cannot be changed • The flash is unava ilable during the se settings (pa ges 26, 30). Maximum imag es selected • You can select up to 100 images.
117 Others Others To use y our cam era abro ad — Power source s You can use yo ur cam era, the bat tery charge r (supplied ), and the AC-LS5K AC A daptor (no t supplied ) in any coun try or regi on wher e the pow er supply is within 100 V to 240 V AC, 50/60 H z.
118 On th e “Me mory Stick ” A “Memor y Stic k” i s a comp act, po rtabl e IC record ing medium . The types of “Memo ry Stick” that can be used with this camera are li sted in the tab le below. Howev er, pro per ope ration ca nnot be guar ante ed for al l “M emory S tick ” functions.
119 Others On the “M emor y Stick” • Do not us e or store th e “Memory St ick Duo” under the f ollowing con ditions: – High temperature locations such as the hot interior of a car parked i.
120 On the ba ttery pa ck On ch argin g th e bat tery p ack We recommend charging the batt ery pack in an ambient temperature of between 10°C to 30°C (50°F to 86° F). You may not b e able to efficiently charge the battery pa ck outside of this temper ature range .
121 Others On the ba tter y charge r On the batt ery char ger • Do not charge any other battery pack other than the NP-BG type battery pac ks in the battery charger supplied with your camera. Batteries other than the specified kind may leak, overheat, or explode if you attempt to char ge them, posing a risk of injury from electrocution and burns.
122 Index Index A Adjusti ng EV ........... ..... .. 21, 44 AE/AF lock indicator ..... 24, 47 AF Illum inator ......... ....... ...... 69 AF lock ......... ....... ....... .... ...... 47 AF Mode..... ....... ...... ....... ..... . 70 AF r ang e f inde r fr ame .
123 Index Index Intern al memo ry...... .... ....... ...22 Intern al Memory Tool. ....... ...65 ISO ........ ...... ....... ....... ..9, 10, 44 J JPG..... ....... ....... ....... ....... .... ...86 L Lands cape mode ......... ....... ...29 Langua ge Setti ng .
124 Index V VGA ........ ....... ....... ....... ....... . 12 Video Ou t .......... ...... ....... ...... 68 Viewing images ....... ....... ...... 32 Viewing men u ... ...... ....... ..... . 55 Vivid ........ ....... ..... ....... ...... .... 43 Volume .
125 Notes on the Lice nse “C Libra ry”, “E xpat” an d “zlib” , software are provi ded in yo ur camer a. We prov ide this softwar e base d on l icens e agreem ents wit h thei r ow ners of co pyri ght. Base d on requests by the owners o f copyright of these software a pplicati ons, we have an obligati on to i nform y ou of the fo llowing.
Additional informa tion on th is product and answe rs to frequently a sked questions can be found at ou r Custome r Support Webs ite..
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sony Cybershot DSC-W200 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sony Cybershot DSC-W200 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sony Cybershot DSC-W200 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sony Cybershot DSC-W200 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sony Cybershot DSC-W200 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sony Cybershot DSC-W200 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sony Cybershot DSC-W200 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sony Cybershot DSC-W200 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.