Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DCR-HC1000 Camera van de fabrikant Sony
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2-055-844- 12 (1) © 2004 Sony Corporation Camera Operat io ns Guide [US] Camera Operations Guide Read this firs t Digital Video Camera Recorder DCR-HC1000.
2 Read this first Before ope rating the unit, please read th is manu al thorou ghl y , and retai n it for futur e refe rence . WARNING To preve nt fire or sho ck ha zard, do not exp ose the u n it to rai n o r mois tu re .
3 Owner’s Record The model and seria l numb ers are lo cated on t he bottom. Rec ord the seri al numb er in th e spac e provided b elow. Refer to these numbe rs whenever you call upo n your Son y deal er rega rding this product. Model No. DCR-HC Serial No.
4 Note on con n ec ting other device Before conne c ti ng your camcord er to oth er device such as a VCR or a compute r with a USB or i. LI NK cable, be sure to i nsert the co nnector pl ug in the proper direct ion.
5 Read thi s first ........... ............ .................... ................... ............. .................. 2 Quick St art G uide Recordin g movies ................ ............. .................... ............. ................... ..... 8 Recordin g still i mages .
6 Adjusting th e exposu re....... ............. .................... ............. ................... ..... 33 Adjustin g th e expo s ure for backlit subjects ........... .... .. ...... .... .. ..... .. ...... .... .. ....... .... .. .. 33 Fixi n g the expo s ure for the sel ected subje c t – Flexible spot mete r .
7 Advanced operations Using t he Men u Selecting menu ite ms ......... ................ 54 Using the AUTO LOCK switch ........... 55 Using the (CAMERA SET) menu – PROGRAM AE/WHITE BAL./ SHUTTR SPEED/ZEBRA/16:9 WIDE, etc. .......................... .
Quick Star t Gu id e 8 Quick Start Guide Recording movies 1 Insert t he charged bat tery pack i nto the camcord er. To ch arge t he b atter y, se e pag e 13 . 2 Insert a cassette i nto the camcord er. a Push the catch on the battery c omp artme nt lid in the direction o f the ar row 1 to op en the lid.
Qui ck S tar t Guid e Quick Start Guid e 9 3 Start r ecording whil e checking the subject on the LCD screen. The date and time is not set up in t he default se tting. To set the date and time, see page 18. 4 View the recorded picture on the LCD scre en.
Quick Star t Gu id e 10 Recording still images 1 Insert t he charged bat tery pack i nto the camcord er. To ch arge t he b atter y, se e pag e 13 . 2 Insert a “Memory Stick Duo” into t he camcorder. a Push the catch on the battery c omp artme nt lid in the direction o f the ar row 1 to op en the lid.
Qui ck S tar t Guid e Quick Start Guid e 11 3 Start r ecording whil e checking the subject on the LCD screen. The date and time is not set up in t he default se tting. To set the date and time, see page 18. 4 View the recorded picture on the LCD scre en.
Getting started 12 Getting s tarted Step 1: Checking supplied items Make sure yo u have follo wing item s supplied with yo ur ca m c or d er . The num ber in pa rent heses i ndica tes th e numbe r of that ite m supplied.
Getting started Getting start ed 13 Step 2: Charging the battery pack You can cha rge the bat t ery by attachi ng the “Inf oLITH IUM” batter y pack (F se ries) to your c am c ord er. b Note • Only th e “InfoLITHIUM” batter y pack ( NP -FF 70/ FF71) can be use d (p .
Getting started 14 7 Slide the POWER switch up to (CHG) OFF. The (flash )/CHG (charge) lamp lig hts up and charg ing start s . After charging the batter y The (flash )/CHG (charge) lamp turns of f when the batte ry is full y ch arged . Dis connect the AC Adaptor f rom the DC IN jac k.
Getting started Getting start ed 15 Charg ing ti me Appr oximat e numbe r of minu tes req uired w hen you fu lly c harge a fully disch arged batter y pack at 25°C (77 °F).
Getting started 16 Step 3: Turning the power on You need to slide the POWER swi tc h repea tedly to se lect th e desire d po wer mode to record or play. When using th is camcorder for the first time , the [CLOCK SET] screen ap pears (p. 18). While pressin g the green button , slide the POWER switch down.
Getting started Getting start ed 17 [MENU], (STANDARD SET) menu, then touch [LCD/VF SET] (p. 77). 3 Adju st th e ite m wit h / , th en touc h . z Tip • If you ro ta te the LCD pane l 180 degrees to the le ns side, you can c lose the LCD panel with the LCD screen f acing out.
Getting started 18 Step 5: Setting the date and time Set the da te and t ime when using this camcorder for the first time. If you do not s et the date and time, the [CLOCK SET] screen appear s ev ery time yo u turn on yo ur camc order.
Getting started Getting start ed 19 Step 6: Inserting the recording media Insertin g a cassette tape You can use min i DV cassettes on ly. For details on these cassette s (such as write- protect ion), see pag e 120. b Note • D o not forc e the ca ssette in to the c ompart ment.
Getting started 20 Insert ing a “Memory S tick Duo” For details on the “M emory Stic k Duo” ( such as writ e-pr ot ectio n), see pa ge 121. b Note • You can use only a “Memo ry Stick Duo,” whic h is about half the size of a standard “Memory Stick, ” in your camcor der (p.
Getting started Getting start ed 21 Step 7: Setting the screen language You can sel ect th e languag e to be used on the LCD screen. 1 Turn on your ca mcorder. 2 Press OPEN and open th e LCD pane l. 3 Touc h . 4 Touch [LANGUAGE]. If the item is not displaye d on the screen , touc h / .
Recording 22 Recording Recording movies You ca n record mo vies on a ta pe or a “Memor y Sti ck Duo. ” Before recording, follow steps 1 to 7 in “Gettin g sta rted” (p . 12 to p. 21). When y ou are rec ordin g on a tape, movies will be r ec orded alon g with ster eo sound.
Recording Recording 23 Indicators d isplayed du ring recordi ng on a tape The indicato rs will not be recorded on th e tape. Date/time and the camera set tings data (p.
Recording 24 z Tip • If you do not use your cam corder for a long ti me , remove the casse t te and store it. • You can al s o use REC ST ART / ST OP of the LCD panel to record mo ving pictur e s. It is useful when you record from a low-angle or rec ord yourself in th e mirror mo de .
Recording Recording 25 Move the pow er zoo m lever sligh t ly for a slower zoom. Move it further for a fa ster zoom. To re cor d w id er ran ge of view Move the power zoom lever towar ds W. The s ub ject app ears fa rthe r aw ay (W ide angl e). To re cor d cl ose r view Move the power z oom lev er to wards T.
Recording 26 Usin g the s elf-ti mer With the self-tim er, you can star t recording after a de lay of ab ou t 10 s ec o nd s . 1 Touch . 2 Touch [SELF-TIMER]. If th e ite m is n ot displa yed on the scre en, touch / . If y ou ca nnot fin d it, to uch [MENU], and select i t from the (CAM ERA SE T) menu ( p.
Recording Recording 27 Enhanced sound recording – 4CH M IC REC You can enj oy 5.1c h surroun d sound play back by following the pro cedure be low using an opt ional micr op ho n e an d a Sony VAIO series pers onal c ompute r. Recording Attach the opti onal ECM-CQP1 mic rophone to your camco rder and make a recor ding.
Recording 28 To monitor the sound during recordin g – 4CH Aud io Check You c an listen to either the front input soun d or the re ar input so und. U si ng headp hones is recom men ded (p. 131). 1 Touch . 2 Touch [MENU]. 3 Select (STANDA RD SET) menu, then [4CH AUD CHECK] by touching / , and then touch .
Recording Recording 29 Recording still images – Memory photo reco rding You can reco rd still images on a “Memory Stick Duo.” Before recording, follow steps 1 to 7 in “Getting started” (p . 12 to p. 21). 1 Remove the le ns cap. Pull the lens c ap string down and attach it to the grip belt.
Recording 30 To turn th e power off Slide the POWER switch u p to th e (CHG) OFF posi tion. To record still images co ntinu ously – Burs t Select the (MEMORY S ET) menu, [STI LL SET] , the n [ BURS T] ( p. 63). You c an r ecord 4 t o 13 images con tinuo usl y in a tim e int erval of ab out 0.
Recording Recording 31 When the image quality is [STANDAR D] (nu m be r of image s) The im age si ze of 11 52 × 864 is 200kB , that of 640 × 48 0 is 60 kB. Using the f lash The recom men ded distanc e to the subject when usi ng the bui lt-in flash is 0.
Recording 32 • Even if auto fl ashing or (Auto red-e ye reduction) is select ed , th e fl as h wil l not wor k dur ing the following operati ons: – [SPOTLIGHT], [SUNSET&MOON], and [LANDSCAPE] .
Recording Recording 33 Recording a s till image o n a “Memory Stick Duo” while recording movies on a tape Press PHOT O fully during tape recording. To record still images in the stand by mode Pres s an d hold PHOTO li ghtl y. Che ck the image and p ress it fully.
Recording 34 Fixing the expo sur e for the sele cted subjec t – Flexi ble spot meter You ca n ad just and fix th e exp osure to the subject, so that it is recorded in suit able brightness ev en when there is strong contrast betwee n the subj ect and the ba ckg round (such as subj ects in the limelig ht on stage) .
Recording Recording 35 [MENU], and select it from the (CAMERA SET) menu. 4 Touch [MANUAL]. 5 Adjust the exposure by tou ching (dim)/ (bright), then touch . To return the settin g to auto m atic exposure Follo w step s 1 to 3 an d touc h [AUT O] in s tep 4.
Recording 36 To adjust the focus aut oma tically Set the FOCUS/ZOOM switch to AUTO. b Note • You cann ot use th e SPOT FO CUS function togethe r with [PROGRAM AE]. Adjusti ng the focu s manually You can adjust t he focus m anually a ccording to the recording co nd itio n s.
Recording Recording 37 Recording a picture using various effects Fading in an d out of a s cene – FADER You can add th e fol lowing effects to currently record ing pictures. [BLACK FADER] [WHITE FADER] [MOSAIC FADER] [MONOTONE] When f ading in , the picture gr adua lly c hange s from bl ack-and -white to col or.
Recording 38 4 Touch the desired effect, then tou ch . When yo u touc h [O V ERL AP], [ WIP E ] or [DOT FADER], the image on the tape in your c am c order is st or ed as a stil l ima ge. (While st o ring the image, the scre en turns to blue.) 5 Press REC START/STOP.
Recording Recording 39 [TRAIL] You ca n record a pictur e s o that an inc identa l image like a trail is left. [OLD MOVIE] You ca n add an ol d m ov ie-typ e atmo sp here to pict ures. Your camcord er automat ically re cords pictu res in the le tterbox m ode f or all screen size , sepi a i n co l o r, and at a sl ow e r shutte r speed.
Recording 40 Overlay ing still images on mov ies on a tape – MEMORY MIX You can supe rimpose a still image you have recorded on a “Memo ry Stick Du o” over the movi e y ou ar e cu r re ntl y recording on a tape. You ca n t hen record the sup erimposed pictures on a tap e or a “ Memory Stick Duo.
Recording Recording 41 6 Touc h th e des ired effe ct. The still image is sup erimposed on t he movie which is curre ntly di splaye d on the LCD s creen. 7 Touch (decrease)/ (increase) to adjust the following. For [M T CAM LUMI.] The color scheme of th e bright ar ea in the still imag e which is to b e swapped into a movie.
Recording 42 Searching for the starting point Searc hing for th e last scene of the most rece nt recordi ng – END SEARCH This func tion is hand y when you hav e played back the t ape , for example, but wan t to start recording right after the most recently recorded sc ene.
Recording Recording 43 3 Keep touching (to go backward)/ (to go forward) and releas e it at the po i nt where you want the record i ng to start. Reviewing t he most recen tly recorded sc enes – Rec review You can view a few sec onds of the sc ene record ed just be fore you st op ped the t ape.
Playback 44 Play back Viewing movies recorded on a tape Make sur e yo u ha v e a rec o rde d cass e tte inserted into your camcorder. Some of th e operation s are possible u sing the Remote Comm a nd er or us in g the t ou ch panel. When yo u want to play back recordi n gs on your TV, see pa ge 51.
Playback Playback 45 D Time cod e (hour: minute: secon d: frame ) or tap e counte r (hou r: minute : seco nd) E Per son al Menu button (p . 54) F Vid eo o perati on bu tton s When a “Memo ry Stic k D uo ” has be en inser t ed, (stop) cha nges to (“Me mory S tick Du o ” play back) wh en you stop p la yb ack.
Playback 46 1 Slide the POWER switch repeatedly to select the PLAY/EDIT mode. 2 Touch while the pi cture yo u want to add the effect to is displayed. 3 Touch [MENU]. 4 Select (PICT. APPLI.), then [D.EFFECT] by touchin g / and touch . 5 Select an e ffect, then ad just the effect by touching (decrease)/ (i ncrea se).
Playback Playback 47 3 Touc h . The mo st rec entl y record ed pi ctur e appea rs on the screen. 4 Touch (previous)/ (next) to sele ct a pict ure. When yo u view a m ovie, touch when the select ed movie appea rs on the screen . To adjust the volume of movies 1 Touch .
Playback 48 other me nu it ems, add them to th e P ersona l Me nu (p. 83). z Tip • Once you record a pict ure in a folder, the same fol der will be set as t he default folder for playback . You can se le ct a pl ayb a ck f older in the me nu (p . 6 6).
Playback Playback 49 Various playback functions You can mag nify a small su bject in a record ing an d di splay it on the screen. You can also di splay the reco rded date and the name of the fold er in which the pict ure is recorded.
Playback 50 Display ing the scr een indica tors You can choose to display the tim e code, tape count er, and oth er inf or m a tion on t he scr een. Press DISPLAY/BATT INFO. The indica tor swi tches on or of f as y ou pres s the butto n. z Tip • You can display th e sc re en indicators dur i ng playback on a TV.
Playback Playback 51 Playing the picture on a TV Conne ct you r camcord er to a TV usin g the supplied A/V conn ecting c able as shown in the follo wing illustra tion. Connect the supplie d AC Adapt or to the wall outlet for th e power supply (p. 13).
Playback 52 Locating a scene on a tape for playback Searc hing quickl y for a de sired scene – Ze ro set memory 1 During playback, pre ss ZERO SET MEMORY on the Remote Comman der at the po int yo u wa nt to locate la ter on. The tape counter is rese t to “0:0 0:00 ” and app ears o n the scree n.
Playback Playback 53 3 Press . (previous)/ > (next) on the Remote Comma nder to select a title that you want to play. Playback sta rts automatic ally from t he selected title.
Using the Menu 54 B Advanced ope rations Using th e Menu Selecting menu items You can cha nge variou s settings or m ake detailed adjustments us ing the men u items displaye d on th e scree n. 1 Turn on the power (p. 16). 2 Touch . The Perso nal Me n u appe ar s.
Usin g the Menu Using the Menu 55 To use th e short-cut s of the Perso nal Menu The availabl e items vary depending on t he powe r mode of your cam corde r. Unav ailable items will be gr ayed out. You ca n cu stom ize the s hor t -c uts (p. 83). 1 Touch .
Using the Menu 56 Using the (CAMERA SET) menu – PROGRA M AE/WHI TE BAL./SHU TT R SPEED/Z EBRA/16: 9 WIDE, etc . You can sele ct items lis ted below on th e CAMERA SET menu. To select items , see “Selec tin g menu items” (p. 54). The default s ettings are marked with G .
Usin g the Menu Using the Menu 57 * Your camco rder is adjusted to foc us only o n subje cts in the midd le to f ar dist ance. ** Your ca m co rder is adjus ted to f oc us only on distant subj ects. b Note • [SPOR TS] ( sports lesso n) will not w ork wh en t he PO WER s witch is set to CA MERA- MEMORY .
Using the Menu 58 b Note • The settin g returns to [AUTO] when you di sconnect the power source from your camcor der for more t han 5 minut es. z Tip • For bette r color bal an ce adjust ment wh en [ W H I T E BA L .
Usin g the Menu Using the Menu 59 b Note • [xxx] is shown on the sc r een whe n the shut ter speed is set to 1/xxx second. • When [PROGRAM AE] is set to anything other than [AUTO], [SHUTTR SPEED] retur ns to [AUTO]. • The shutter spe ed ca nnot be changed while you a re usi ng the fo llo wing functi ons.
Using the Menu 60 SPOT FOCUS See page 35 for deta ils. EXP. FOCUS When y ou are record ing pict ures on a “Mem ory S tick Duo” whi le fo cusin g manua lly, you can s ee if the focus is corr ectly adjust ed by m agnif ying th e cente r of the picture to 1.
Usin g the Menu Using the Menu 61 b Note • Portions of the scre e n where br ight ne ss is a bove a bout 100 IRE may appear ove rex pose d. z Tip • The zebra pa ttern is diago nal stripes tha t appear in po rtions of the screen where brightness meets or exce ed s a pr ese t level.
Using the Menu 62 * Picture a ppear s in full s creen when the wide- screen TV switch es to full m ode. ** P laye d in 4:3 m ode . W he n you pl ay a picture in the wide mod e, it appears as you have seen on t he LCD scre en or in t he viewfin der.
Usin g the Menu Using the Menu 63 Using the (MEMORY SET) menu – BURST/QU ALIT Y/IMAGE SIZE/ALL ERASE/N EW FOLDE R, etc. You can select items liste d below on t he MEMORY SET menu. To select items, see “Sel ecti ng menu items” (p. 54). The defau lt setting s are marked wit h G .
Using the Menu 64 QUALITY IMAGE SIZ E MOVIE SET IMAGE SIZE REMAINING ALL ERASE You ca n de lete all t he pictures on a “Mem or y Stick D uo” that are no t write- prote cted. To delete pict ures o ne by one, s ee pag e 100. 1 Select [ALL FILES] or [CURRNT FOLDER].
Usin g the Menu Using the Menu 65 b Note • The fol der wil l not be deleted even when you delet e all the pictu res in t he folder. • Do not do any of the follo wing while [ Erasing all data...] is di spl ayed: – Move the POW ER swit ch to sel ect other power mo des.
Using the Menu 66 REC FOLDER As the defau lt setting, pi ctures are saved in th e 101MSDCF folder. You ca n select a fol der to save your pict ures . Crea te ne w fold ers fr om the [NEW F OLDER] menu, then se lect the folder to be used for recordin g with / and touch .
Usin g the Menu Using the Menu 67 Using the (PICT. APPLI.) menu – PICT. EFFECT/ SLI D E SH OW/F RAME REC/ INTERV AL REC/INT. RE C–STL, et c. You can select items list ed below on the PICT. APPLI . m enu . To sele ct item s, see “Se lecting menu items” (p.
Using the Menu 68 b Note • You can not add e ffects to exte rnally in put picture s. Also, you cannot ou tput pict ures edited with Picture effe cts via the DV Interface. z Tip • You can copy pic tu res edited using pi ct ur e effec ts to a “Memory Stic k Duo” ( p.
Usin g the Menu Using the Menu 69 z Tip • You can select the fir st pictur e for the sl ide show by touching / be fore touchi ng [START]. • If movies are pl ay ed in the slide sho w, you can adjust th e volume by to uch ing (decrease)/ (increase).
Using the Menu 70 8 Touch . flashe s on the sc reen . 9 Press REC START/STOP. sto ps flas hing and t he interv al reco rding start s. To cancel in terval reco rding, sele ct [OFF] in s tep 7. b Note • You cannot use th e in t erval record i ng wit h Memory overlap .
Usin g the Menu Using the Menu 71 DEMO MODE When y ou r emove both c assette and “M emory Stick Duo” from yo ur cam corde r, and sele ct th e CA M ERA- T A PE mode, y ou c an view th e demon st ra t io n i n abo ut 10 mi nutes. z Tip • The demon stra ti on will be suspende d in sit uations suc h a s thos e described below.
Using the Menu 72 Using the (EDIT/ PLAY) me nu – TITL E/ TAPE TI TLE, etc. You can sele ct items lis ted below on the EDIT/ PLAY menu. To sele ct items, se e “Sel ecting menu items” (p. 54). The default s ettings are marked with G . The setti ngs you can adj u st vary d epend in g on the powe r mode o f your camcorde r.
Usin g the Menu Using the Menu 73 BURN VCD When you r camc order is co nnected to a pers ona l comp ut er , you can e as ily bur n the pic tu re recor de d on th e ta pe on a CD -R (Dir ec t Acce ss to Video CD Bur n) using this com mand . See t he supp lied “C omput er Appl icatio ns Guide ” fo r deta ils.
Using the Menu 74 3 Touch to move s to select th e ne xt cha ra cter, an d ente r th e cha r ac ter in th e sam e m anne r. 4 When yo u have fi ni sh ed enteri ng cha ra cters, to uch . 2 Touch . 3 Touch (color), / (posit ion), [SI ZE] as nece ssary t o select a desi red co lor, positi on or siz e.
Usin g the Menu Using the Menu 75 TITLE DI SP You can v i ew t he t i tl e w h en you p la y ba ck the pi ct ur e. TAPE TITLE You can lab el a casse tte with Cass ette Memory (u p to 10 let ters).
Using the Menu 76 Using the (STANDARD SET) menu – REC MODE /MULT I- SOUND/ AUDIO MIX/M IC LE VEL/USB- CAME RA, etc. You can sele ct the items listed belo w on the STANDARD SET menu. To select thes e items, see “Selec tin g men u items” (p. 54). The defa ult settings are marked with G .
Usin g the Menu Using the Menu 77 b Note • You can play back a dua l sound track cassette on this camc or de r. Howe ve r, yo u cannot record a dual soun d track on this camco rd er. • The setting r etur ns to [ S TERE O] when you disconne c t the powe r sour c e from you r camcorder for more than 5 minutes .
Using the Menu 78 LCD BL LE VE L You can ad ju st th e brightn ess of the LCD s creen’ s ba ckligh t . b Note • When you connec t your cam co rder to outside powe r sources, [BRIGHT] is auto ma ti cally select ed for th e se tt ing. • When you select [BR I GHT], bat tery life is reduce d by ab out 10 pe r cent dur ing recor di ng.
Usin g the Menu Using the Menu 79 USB-CAMERA You can c o nnec t a US B ca bl e (su p pli ed) to you r c amc or der, an d vi ew t he p ic tu re displ aye d on the sc reen o f y our camco rder on yo ur comp uter (US B Stre aming ). For det ails, refe r to the “ Computer Appli cations Guide.
Using the Menu 80 REMAINING REMOTE CTRL b Note • The sett ing re turns to [ ON] when y ou have the power source d isconnected from your camcorder for more th an 5 minut es.
Usin g the Menu Using the Menu 81 b Note • You cannot input a signal t o your camcorder if you press DISPLAY/ BATT INF O while [V-OUT/PANEL] is select ed. MENU ROTATE You can select the scro lling direction (up or down) of the menu items on the LCD screen w hen you touch or .
Using the Menu 82 Using the (TIME/ LANGU.) menu – CLOCK SET/ WORLD T IME, etc . You can select i tems listed below on t he TIME/ LANGU. menu. To selec t items, see “Sel ecting menu items” (p. 54). The sett i ngs you can adjust v ary depen di ng on the po wer mode of yo ur camcor der.
Usin g the Menu Using the Menu 83 Customizing Personal Menu You ca n ad d fre que ntly us ed menu item s to Perso n al M en u, or sor t the m in the or der you like (cus tomizing). You c an customize t he Perso nal Men u for e ach pow er mode of your camc order.
Using the Menu 84 Dele ting m enu – D elete 1 Touch . 2 Touch [P-MENU SET UP]. If the d esired menu is not disp layed on the screen, to uch / until the me nu is displa yed. 3 Touch [DELETE]. 4 Touch the me nu that you want to dele te. 5 Touch [YES].
Usin g the Menu Using the Menu 85 4 Touch the m enu ite m you want to move. 5 Touc h / to move the me nu ite m to the desired place. 6 Touc h . To so rt mor e i tems, re peat st eps 4 to 6. 7 Touc h [EN D]. 8 Touc h . b Note • You canno t move [P-MENU SET UP].
Dubbing/Editing 86 Dubb ing/ Edit ing Connecting to a VCR or TV You can record the picture from a VCR or TV to a tap e or a “M emory Stick Duo” inserte d into yo ur c amcorde r (p. 88). You c an also create a co py of the picture re corded on y our camcorder on other recordin g dev ice (p.
Dubbing/Editing Dubbing/Editing 87 To use an i .LINK cabl e for c onnection Use a n i.LINK cable (optiona l) to con nect yo ur camc order t o ot her devi ce via th e DV Inte rfa ce. Th e video an d so und si gn als are transmit ted digitall y, producing high quality pict ures.
Dubbing/Editing 88 Recording pictures from a VCR or TV You ca n reco rd and edit pi ctures or TV progra ms fro m a V CR or TV on a tape o r a “Memor y Stick Du o” inserte d in your camcorde r. You can also reco rd a scene as a still imag e on a “ Memory St ick Duo.
Dubbing/Editing Dubbing/Editing 89 3 Press PHOTO li gh t ly at the sc ene you want to record. Ch eck the image and press it fully. The im age is not re corded un less y ou press PHOTO fully. Releas e it if you do not want to rec o r d th e scen e, an d select ot her scen e as desc ribed a bove.
Dubbing/Editing 90 7 Tou ch (stop ) to sto p tape play back. 8 Tou ch , then . b Note • The Data code an d titles record ed on the tape c annot be recor ded on t he “Memor y Stick Duo.” The time and date the pi cture is r ecorded on the “ Memory Stick Duo” will be recor de d.
Dubbing/Editing Dubbing/Editing 91 10 Touc h , th en . b Note • Y ou canno t dub the index screen. • Y ou may not be a ble to dub im ages mod ified on your compute r or recorded wi th other camco rders on your camcorder. • Y ou canno t dub MPEG movies on th e tape.
Dubbing/Editing 92 You ca n us e either th e A/V conn e cting cable or the i.LINK cable to make the connect i on. The dubbing procedu re is easier with the i.LINK connection . 2 Prepare your VCR. • Ins ert a cas sette fo r reco rding. • Set the i nput select or to input mode if your VCR ha s one.
Dubbing/Editing Dubbing/Editing 93 To se t the [I R SETUP ] code When yo u conn ec t with an A/V conn ecting cabl e, you need to ch eck th e [IR S ETUP] code signa l to s ee if your V CR ca n be ope ra ted by your ca mco rd e r (i nf rare d ra y emitt er).
Dubbing/Editing 94 * TV/VCR c omponent Step 2 : Adj usting t he synchroni zation of the VCR Follow the steps bel ow when you are performing digital program edit for the first time to a ta pe in a VCR. You can skip this setting if you have set up your VCR before usin g the fo llowi ng p rocedur e.
Dubbing/Editing Dubbing/Editing 95 5 Rewind the tape on your VCR, then play back in slow mo de . 5 openi n g numbe rs for each [ IN ] an d closin g numb er s for each [ O U T] appea r.
Dubbing/Editing 96 5 Touch / to select [PR OG. EDIT], then touch . 6 Touch the desired ite m. When y ou are reco rding on a ta pe in the V C R Touc h [OTHER DEV IC E ]. When yo u ar e re cording on a “Me mory S t i c k Duo” 1 Touch [MEMORY STICK].
Dubbing/Editing Dubbing/Editing 97 14 Touc h [EX EC]. A sear ch f or the begi nning of th e fir st program st arts, th en the r ecording st a rts. [SEA RCH ] appears dur ing the se arch and [EDITI NG ] ap pears du ring edi t ing. When a prog ram is recor ded, t he pr ogram mark changes from orange to light b lue.
Dubbing/Editing 98 Dubbing sound to a recorded tape You can record addi tional audio to th e origin al sound on the tap e. You ca n add sound to a tape alr eady recorded in the 12-bit mode with out eras ing the o riginal soun d. Prepari ng for audi o recordi ng Record a udio in one of th e following ways.
Dubbing/Editing Dubbing/Editing 99 and the sou nd by conne cting your camc order to a TV using the A/V connec ting cable. H owever, the s ound you have r ecorded a fterwards is no t output from the speaker. Check the sound by us ing the headphone s or a TV.
Dubbing/Editing 100 Checking a nd adjusti ng the recorded sound 1 Play back t he tape on whi ch you have recorded a udio i n “Reco rding soun d” (p. 99). 2 Touch . 3 Touch [MENU]. 4 Touch / to select (STANDARD SET), then to uch . 5 Touch / to select [AUDIO MIX], th en touch .
Dubbing/Editing Dubbing/Editing 101 To dele te pictures o n the inde x screen You ca n easil y se arch for the pic tu re to be dele ted by disp layi ng 6 p ictures at onc e. 1 Slid e the P OWER swi tch to select th e PLAY/EDIT mode. 2 Touch . 3 Touch .
Dubbing/Editing 102 5 Touch [PROTECT]. 6 Touch the image that y ou want to protect. 7 Touch . 8 Touch [END]. To cancel image protect ion Follow steps 1 to 5, then touch the ima ge to canc el ima ge pr otect ion.
Dubbing/Editing Dubbing/Editing 103 To cancel the Prin t mark Follow steps 1 to 5, the n touch the imag e to cancel the Print mark. disappear s from the image.
Dubbing/Editing 104 7 Select [PictBridge], then touch . 8 Touch . 9 Connect the USB jack (p. 133) of your camcor der to a pr inter using t he suppl ied USB cabl e. The location of th e USB jack of th e prin te r differs depending on the model. Refer to the operati ng instruct ions suppli ed with your printe r f o r d et ai l s on opera tion.
Dubbing/Editing Dubbing/Editing 105 b Note • D o no t at te mpt the fo llow ing opera tio ns when is on the scree n. The operatio ns ma y not be performed properly.
Troubleshooting 106 Trou blesho oting Troubleshooting If you run into any pr oblem us ing yo ur camc order, us e the foll owing ta bl e to tro ub lesho ot the pro blem. I f the pro blem persi sts, rem ove the po wer source an d contact yo ur Son y dea ler.
Troubles hootin g Troubleshooting 107 Batteries /Power sour ces Cassette t apes Sympt om Cause and/or Corrective A ctions Th e (f lash )/ CH G (c harg e) la mp does not lig ht while the batt ery pack is being charged. c Attach the batt ery pack to th e camcord er corre ctly.
Troubleshooting 108 LCD screen /viewfinder The Casse tte Me mor y in d i cato r does not a ppear w hile usin g a cass ette with Casse tte M emory. c Clean the gol d-pla ted co nne ctor of the cas se tte. (p. 121) The remain ing tape indica tor i s not displa yed.
Troubles hootin g Troubleshooting 109 Recording If you are us ing a “Memory Stick Duo” for record ing, re fer als o to th e “Memor y Stick Duo” se ction. (p. 111) Sympt om Cause and/or Corrective A ctions The tape does not st art when you press RE C ST ART / STOP.
Troubleshooting 110 Playback If yo u are pl aying back th e picture s stored on a “ Memo ry Stick Duo,” refer al so to th e “Mem ory St ick Duo” sectio n. (p . 111) END SEARCH d oes not work correctly . • There is a blan k secti on in the begin ning or middle of the ta pe.
Troubles hootin g Troubleshooting 111 “Memory Stick Duo” Sympt om Cause and/or Corrective A ctions Cannot op era te fu nc tion s using the “Memory St ic k Duo. ” c Set th e POWER switch repe atedly to th e CAMERA-MEMORY or PLAY/EDIT mode . (p.
Troubleshooting 112 Dubbing/ Editing Cannot mark p ictures for print. c When you are using the “M emory Stic k Duo” with the write-prot ect tab, release the lo ck on t he write-prot ect tab of the “Memory Stick Duo.” (p. 122) c Perform the opera ti on ag ai n on the inde x sc reen .
Troubles hootin g Troubleshooting 113 The Title searc h doe s not work. c Enter a titl e if there is no title on t he tape . (p. 73) c Use a cassette wit h Cassette M em or y. (p. 120) c Set [ SEARCH] to [ON] in the (EDIT/PLAY) menu. (p. 73) • There is a blank sec ti on in the beginn ing or mi ddle of the tap e.
Troubleshooting 114 Warning indicators and messages Self-d iagnosis display /Warning i ndicators If in dicators appe ar on the screen or in the view finder , check th e follo wing.
Troubles hootin g Troubleshooting 115 * Y ou hear a melody or beep so und whe n the warni ng ind icators appear on the sc ree n (p. 80). Warning messag es If me ss ages ap p ear on the sc reen, ch eck th e f o l lo w ing. Se e t he page in paren th es es fo r de tails.
Troubleshooting 116 Casset te/Tape Q In sert a cass ett e. c See pa ge 19. Z Reinse r t the cass ette. c Check if the cass ette is dama ge d, etc . Q Z The tap e is loc ked - ch eck th e tab. c Se e pa ge 120. Q The tape has reached the en d . – Use a ca ssette wi th Cass ette Memory .
Troubles hootin g Troubleshooting 117 PictBrid ge compliant printer Check the co nnected d evice. c Switc h of f the print er and switch it on again, th en di sc onne c t the USB cable and reconnect it. Connec t the camcorder to a Pict Bri d g e com p at ible printer.
Troubleshooting 118 Others Cannot record M em or y St ic k movie on a tape . – Cannot recor d due to c opyr i ght pr ot ection. – Cannot add au dio. Discon nect the i.LINK cable . c Se e pa ge 98. Not recor ded in SP m ode. Cannot add audi o. c See pa ge 98.
Addit ional Inform ation Additional Information 119 Addition al Inform ation Using your camcorder abroad Powe r sup ply You can u se your camcorde r in any c ountries/ regions using the AC Adaptor supplie d with your camco rder withi n AC 100 V to 24 0 V, 50/60 H z.
Additional Information 120 Usable cassette tapes You ca n use the mini DV for mat cassette only. Use a cassette with the mark. is a trad emark. Cassette Memor y Ther e are 2 types of mini DV cass ette s: tho se with Cassette Me mory and those wit hout Casset te Memory.
Addit ional Inform ation Additional Information 121 When la bel ing t he cassett e Be sure to pl ace the label o nly on the loca tions as show n in the fo llowin g illust ration so a s not to caus e m a lfunct i on of your cam c order. After us i ng th e cassett e Rewind the tape to the beginning to avoid distor tion of the pictur e or th e soun d.
Additional Information 122 • File nam es of mo vies: – MO V00001 : This fi le name a ppears on the screen o f your cam c orde r. – MOV00001.MPG: This file name appear s on the displ a y of a com put e r.
Addit ional Inform ation Additional Information 123 Notes on us ing the “Mem or y St ick PRO Duo” and “M em o ry Stick Duo” (Magic Gate/Paral lel Tra nsfer) • The maximum memory capac ity of.
Additional Information 124 • Be s ure t o set t he P O W ER sw it ch to (C H G) OFF wh en not re co rding or playin g ba ck on your c amcor der. The bat tery pa ck is also consum e d when yo ur camc order i s i n record ing sta ndby or pl ay back pa us e.
Addit ional Inform ation Additional Information 125 About i. LINK The DV Interf ace on this u nit is an i.LINK- comp liant DV Inte rface. This se ction d escribes the i.L INK sta ndard an d its feat ures. What is i.LINK? i.LINK is a digital serial int er fa ce for trans f er ring dig i ta l video, di gi t al audi o, and other data to other i.
Additional Information 126 Maintenance and precautions On use and ca re • Do n ot us e or st ore the c amcor der an d accessori es in the fo llowing lo cations.
Addit ional Inform ation Additional Information 127 No te o n m ois ture co nde nsa tio n Mois t ur e m ay conde nse whe n you br in g yo ur camco rd er fr om a c old pl ac e int o a warm pl ac e (or vic e versa) or when you us e your camcorde r in a humid p lace as shown be low.
Additional Information 128 If you did no t press the ri ght sp ot, star t fro m step 4 aga in. b Note • You cannot calibra te the L CD screen if you have rotated t he LCD panel and set it wi th the LC D scre en fa c i ng out.
Addit ional Inform ation Additional Information 129 Specification Video camera r ecorder Sys tem Video recording system 2 rotary heads, Helical scanning system Stil l im age re co rding s y s te m Exif Ver .
Additional Information 130 General Power requ i rements DC 7.2 V (batt ery pac k) DC 8.4 V (AC Adaptor) Average power consum ption (when using the batte ry pa ck) During cam era recor ding using the view finder 4.6 W During cam e ra re cording usi ng t he LCD 5.
Quick Refer ence Quick Refer ence 131 Quick Refere nce Identifying parts and controls Camcorder A Lens ca p (p. 22) B LCD/T ouch panel screen ( p. 3, 16) C LCD BACKLIGHT (p. 16) D OPEN bu tton (p. 16) E REC START/STOP (p. 2 2) F Speak er G Vie wfinder (p.
Quick Reference 132 A Multi-Ang le Grip (p. 4) B Flash (p. 31) C Zoom r ing (p. 25) /Focus r ing ( p. 3 6) D Lens (Carl Zeiss Lens ) Your camcor de r is equipped with a Carl Zeiss lens which can repro duce fin e image s. The lens for you r cam corder was deve loped jointly by Carl Zeiss, in Ger many, a nd So ny Corp or ation.
Quick Refer ence Quick Refer ence 133 A Intel l ig ent acce ssor y sh oe (p. 98) • The int el ligent ac ce ssor y sh oe suppl ies power to o p t io na l access ories suc h as a video ligh t or microp hone. • The acce ssor y ca n be turn ed on or off as you opera te the POW ER swi t ch on your camcor d e r.
Quick Reference 134 2 3 1 5 4 A OPEN/EJECT lever (p. 19) B Cassett e lid (p. 19) C Grip Belt ( p. 4) D MIC (PLUG IN POWER) jack RE A R (bla ck)/ F R ON T (red ) (p. 27, 98) This jack w orks a s an i nput jack for an exte rnal mi croph one as well a s a po wer- suppl y jack for a plug -in- power microp hone.
Quick Refer ence Quick Refer ence 135 Remote Commander Remove the insulation shee t befor e usin g the Remote Commander. A PHOTO button (p. 29) B Mem or y contr ol but t ons (Ind ex, –/ +, Mem or y playbac k) (p. 46) C SEARCH M. button (p. 52, 53) D .
Quick Reference 136 WARNING Battery ma y e xpl ode if mistreate d. Do not rec ha rge, disass emble or dispose of in fire. b Notes on the Remote Commander • A button-typ e lithium ba tt ery ( CR 202 5) is used in the R emote Co mmander. Do not us e batteri es oth er than CR2025.
Quick Refer ence Quick Refer ence 137 Indicator s for the LCD scre en and viewfinde r Following in dicators will appear on th e LCD scree n an d view fi nd er to ind ic ate the st at e of your c amcorder. Indicat ors Meanings y 60mi n Remainin g battery ( p.
Quick Reference 138 Index Numerics 16:9 WIDE mode ..... ......... 61 4CH AUD CHECK ........ ... 28 4CH MIC REC ............ ...... 27 A A/V c onn ectin g cable .......... .............. 51, 86, 98 AC Adaptor ....... .......... ...... 13 Adj us ting th e vi ew find er .
Quick Refer ence Quick Refer ence 139 Imag e qu ality (QUALITY) ......... .30, 64 Imag e size (IMAGE SIZE) ......30, 64 Index screen ......... ....... ... ....48 “Inf oLITHIU M” battery pack ...............123 Infrared ray emitter ........ ....93 Inte llige nt ac cesso ry shoe .
Printed on 1 00% r ecycled pape r using VOC (Volat i le Orga nic Comp ound)- free vege table oil b ased i nk. Printed in Japan SP (St and ard Pla y) See R ecord ing m ode (REC MODE) SPOT FOCUS ................ ... 35 Standard (STANDARD) See I mage qual ity (QUALITY) STEADYSHOT .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sony DCR-HC1000 Camera (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sony DCR-HC1000 Camera heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sony DCR-HC1000 Camera vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sony DCR-HC1000 Camera leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sony DCR-HC1000 Camera krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sony DCR-HC1000 Camera bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sony DCR-HC1000 Camera kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sony DCR-HC1000 Camera . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.