Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DCR-VX2200E van de fabrikant Sony
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4-161-228- 13 (1) © 2009 Sony Corporation Digital Video Camera Recorder Oper atin g Guid e DCR-VX2200E Gett in g Star ted 10 Recording / Playbac k 21 Using the M enu 51 Dubbing/Editing 71 Using a Com.
2 Read this first Befo re operat ing the unit, plea se read t his manua l thoroughly , and retain i t for future refere nce. To reduce f ire or shock hazard , do not ex pose th e unit t o rain or moisture. Excessive so und pressur e from earphones and headph ones can cause hea ring loss.
3 Notice If static electri city or electromagnetism causes data transfer to dis continue midway (fail) , restart the application or disconnect and connect the communication cable (i.
4 If you have any questions about this product, you may ca ll: Sony Customer Information Center 1-800-222- SONY (7669). The number below is for the FCC related matters only.
5 • “Memory Stick PRO Du o” media can be used only with “Memory St ick PRO ” media compat ible e quipme nt. • Do not attach a label or th e like on a “Memo ry Stic k Du o” me dia or a “Memo ry Stick Duo” medi a A daptor .
6 Do not e xpos e your cam corder’ s viewfi nder, lens, or LCD screen to the sun or strong l ight sour ce for ex tended perio ds. • Int ense ligh t sources, espec ially the sun will converg e on the viewfi nder or lens and damage the internal pa rts of your camcorde r.
7 Tabl e of Cont ents Read this f irst ....... ...... .......... ....... ......... ....... ......... ....... .......... ...... .......... ... 2 Step 1: Checki ng supplied ite ms ....... ....... ......... ....... ......... ....... .......... .... 10 Step 2: Attac hing the lens ho od with lens cover .
8 Table o f Content s (Contin ued) Locating a sc ene on a tape .......... ...... .......... ...... .......... ....... ......... ....... ... 47 Searc hing qui ckly fo r a desi red sce ne (Zer o set m emory) ......... ........ 47 Searc hing fo r a scene by da te of reco rding (D ate sear ch) .
9 Using your c amcorder abroad ........... ....... ......... ....... ......... .......... ....... .... 88 Maintenance a nd precaution s ........ ...... .......... ...... .......... ....... ......... ....... . 8 9 Usa ble casset te tapes ........ .....
10 Getting St arted Step 1 : Che cking suppli ed it ems Make sure tha t you have following it ems supplied wi th yo ur camcorder . The nu mber in the pa rentheses in dicates th e number of that it em suppli ed. • The cassette tape and “Memory Stick Duo” media are not included.
11 Getting Start ed Step 2: A ttachin g the len s hood wi th lens cover Align the marks on the l ens hood t o those on the c amcor der, and turn the lens hoo d in the dire ction of th e arrow 2 .
12 Step 3: Chargi ng the b attery pa ck You can charge the “InfoLITHIUM” battery pack (L series) with the supplied AC Adaptor. b Notes • You cannot use batteries other than the “InfoLITHIUM” battery pack (L series) (p. 91) . 1 Press the battery pack against the back of your camcorder and slide it do wn.
13 Getting Start ed Afte r cha rging t he ba tter y The CHG lamp turns off when the bat tery is fully cha rged. Disconn ect the AC Adaptor from the DC IN jac k. z Tip s • Y ou can check the remaining ba ttery life with the battery info function ( p.
14 – The battery pack is too cold. Replace the battery pack, or remove it and put it in a warm place. – The battery pack is too hot. Replace the battery pack, or remove it and put it in a cool place.
15 Getting Start ed Step 4: T urning th e powe r on and ho lding yo ur camcor der proper ly To re cord or play back, set the POWER switch to th e resp ective direc tion. When you use your ca mcorder for th e first time, t he [CLOCK SE T] screen a ppears (p.
16 Step 5: Adjus ting the LCD pane l and view finder Open the LCD pane l 180 degrees ( 1 ), t hen rota te it to the be st an gle to record or pla y back ( 2 ). z Tips • You can see your mirror image on the LCD screen by setting the LCD panel facing you.
17 Getting Start ed Step 6: S ettin g the date and time Set th e date and tim e wh en usin g thi s camcorde r for the first time. If yo u do not set the d ate and ti me, [CLOCK S ET] screen appear s every time yo u turn on your camcorde r or c hange the POWER switch positions.
18 z Tips • The date and time are automatical ly recorded on the tape, and can be displayed during playback (DATA CODE button, p. 45 ). You ca n change t he on-scree n displays to show messages in a specified language. Press th e MENU butto n to selec t the (OTHERS) with the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial .
19 Getting Start ed Step 7: In sert ing a tape or a “Memor y Stic k Duo” me dia You can use mi ni DV cassett es onl y (p. 89 ). 1 Slide and hol d the OPEN / EJECT lever in the direction of the arrow and open t he lid. The casse tte comp artmen t automa tical ly comes out.
20 2 Insert the “Memor y Stick Duo” media into the “Memory Stick Duo” media slot i n the right direction until it clicks. b Notes • I f you insert t he “Memory Stick Duo” media into the slot in the wrong direction, the “Memory Stick Duo” media, the “Memory Stick Duo” media slot, or i mage data may be damaged.
21 Recording /Playback Recording/P layback Recor ding Your camco rder re cor ds movi es on tap e and sti ll images on “Memor y Sti ck Duo” media. Do the f ollowin g st eps to recor d movi es. 1 Open the shutter of the lens hood. 2 Slide the POWER sw itch to CAMER A while pressi ng the green button.
22 3 Press the REC S TART/STOP but ton A (or B ). The reco rding lam p lights up du ring record ing. To stop the mov ie recording , press the REC STA RT/STOP button again. z Tips • You can switch the aspect ratio to 16:9 ( [DV WIDE REC] p. 66 ). • You can change t he screen display during recording (p.
23 Recording /Playback To captu re still images Press the PHOTO/EXPANDED FOCUS button or the PHOT O button on the Remote Command er. A still image wil l be rec orded on the “Memo ry Stick Duo” m edia. disappe ars when the reco rding is comple ted.
24 Changi ng t he set tings of you r camco rde r reco rding s Move the pow er zoom le ver C slig htly fo r a slower zo om. Move it further for a faster zoom. z Tips • The minimum distance required between your camcorder and the subj ect for focus is about 1 cm (about 13/32 in.
25 Recording /Playback You can adjust th e focus manuall y for differe nt recording c onditions. Use this funct ion in the follo wing cases. – To recor d a subject behind a window covered with raindrops. – To recor d horizontal stripes. – To record a subject with little contras t between the subject and i ts background.
26 Assign [EXP.FOCUS] to t he PHOTO/ EXPANDED FOCUS button D beforehan d ([PHOTO/EXP.FOCUS], p. 69 ). During standby, press t he PHOTO/ EXPANDED FOCUS button D . [EXPANDED FOCUS] appears and the center of th e screen is m agnified by a bout 2.0 ti mes.
27 Recording /Playback value). T he current F val ue appears on the screen. 1 Select [IR IS] from (CAMERA SET) me nu t [IRIS/EXPOSU RE] t [RING ASSI GN] ( p. 55 ). 2 During re cording or st andby, set the AUTO/MANUAL switch F to MANUAL. 3 When the iris is automati cally adj usted, press the IRIS/EXP OSURE butto n H .
28 z Tips • When you pr ess the GAIN bu tton C while is displayed on the scr een next to the gain value, disappears and you can adjust the gain manually. When you press the GAIN b utton C again, appears and you can adjust the gain with the iris ring.
29 Recording /Playback To adju st the sh utter speed automatica lly Press the SH UTTER SPEED bu tton D twice, or set th e AUTO/MANUAL switch F to AUTO .
30 To sav e the adjuste d whit e balan ce value in memory A or B 1 Set the white bal ance me mory switc h to A ( A) or B ( B) in st ep 3 of “Ad justi ng to n atura l colo r (Whi te balance). ” 2 Capture a whit e subject , such as whi te paper, full-scre en in the same lighti ng condition as the one in whic h the subjec t is.
31 Recording /Playback 1 During standby, press the PICTU RE PROFI LE but ton B . 2 Select a picture profile number with the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial A . You can sel ect the ite ms from [ PP1] to [PP6]. You ca n record w ith the se ttings of the selected pi cture profil e.
32 GAMMA To selec t a ga mma cur ve. BLK COM PNSTN To se lect a g amma curve ch aract erist ic f or da rk ar eas. KNEE POINT To set the point at which vid eo signal compression sta rts in order to prevent over-highli ghting, by limiting signals in high co ntrast areas of the sub ject to the dy namic range of yo ur camcor der .
33 Recording /Playback COLOR PHASE To set the colo r phase. COLOR DEPTH To set the colo r depth. This func tion is more eff ective for ch romati c colors and less ef fective for ac hromat ic colors. The colo r look s deeper as you i ncrease t he settin g value to more positive side, and l ighte r as you decre ase the value to more negative side.
34 SKINTO NE DTL To ad jus t the de tail of skin tone areas to redu ce wr inkle s. PROFILE NAM E To name th e picture prof iles set in [PP1] throug h [PP6] (p. 35). COPY To copy t he settings of the pi cture profile to another pict ure profile num ber.
35 Recording /Playback To name the pic ture pro file se ttings You can nam e picture profile1 throug h 6. 1 Press the PIC TURE PROF ILE button B . 2 Sel ect the pict ure pro file that you want to name wi th the S EL/PUSH EX EC dial A . 3 Select [ SETTING] t [PRO FILE NAME] with the SEL/ PUSH EXEC dial A .
36 1 Set the AUDIO LEVEL switch A of the channel to be adjusted to MAN. appears on the screen. 2 Turn the AUDIO LEVEL dial B to adjust the volume during recording or standby. To re store a utomati c ad justme nt Set the AUDIO LEVEL switch A to AUTO. z Tips • To check other audio settings, press the STATUS CHECK bu tton C .
37 Recording /Playback Assign ing the fu nctions to the ASS IGN but tons Some functi ons need to be assigne d to the ASSIGN b uttons fo r use. You can a ssign a sing le f unc tion to an y on e of t he A SSIG N 1 to 6 bu tto ns.
38 5 Select [OK] w ith the SEL/PUS H EXEC di al A . 6 Press the MENU button B to hi de the menu sc reen. z Tips • Shot tr ansition is a ssigned to the ASSIGN 4, 5 and 6 buttons (p. 39) . Cancel the shot t ransition assignment t o return to the pre-s etting assignment.
39 Recording /Playback 2 Press the ASSIGN b utton to which [END SEARCH ] is assigned. The last scene of the most recent recor ding will b e pl ayed b ack f or ab out 5 seconds, an d the camco rder goes the standby a t the p oint where t he last reco rdin g has finis hed.
40 2 Store the settings (shot) 1 P ress the ASSIGN 4 button r epeatedly to bring up the SHOT TRAN SITION STORE scre en. 2 A djust the desir ed items manually . See pa ges 24 to 30 fo r details on adjust ment. 3 P ress the ASSIGN 5 button f or storing the sett ing in SHOT-A, or the ASSIGN 6 button for storing th e setti ng in SHOT-B.
41 Recording /Playback – The ASSIGN button to which [SMTH SLW REC] is assigned. z Tip s • You can also make a trans ition from the SHOT- A to saved SHOT-B or fr om the SHOT-B t o the SHO T-A.
42 Playba ck You ca n play back mo vies as foll ows. 1 Slide the POWER switch to VCR while pressing the green butto n. 2 Start playing back. Press m (rewi nd) t o go to th e po int you wa nt t o vi ew, then pres s N (play) to sta rt playbac k.
43 Recording /Playback z Tip s • See page 108 for indicators displayed on the screen during playback. • See page 45 for how to s witch displays dur ing playback. • To play back the tape recorded using a monaural microphone connected, see [MULTI-SOUND] (p.
44 b Notes • Still images cannot be rest ored once you delete them. • You canno t delete st ill images whe n the “Memor y Stick Duo ” media is wri te-protected ( p.
45 Recording /Playback Chang ing/che cking th e setting s in your camcor der You can tur n on and off th e display of the time code , tape counte r, and other info rmat ion on the s creen . Press the DISPLAY/BATT INFO butto n E . The screen i ndicators tur n on (display ed) and off (undispl ayed) as y ou press the button.
46 appears dur ing playba ck of the movie reco rded with th e shot transition. b Notes • The exposure correction value (0EV), shutter speed and iris will be displayed during viewing of still images on “ Memory S tick Duo” medi a. • Date and time will be displayed in the same area when you select the date and time displa y.
47 Recording /Playback Locati ng a scen e on a tape b Not es • See page 105 for details on how to use t he Re mote Comm and er. 1 During playback, press the ZERO SET ME M button H on your camcorde r or the ZERO S ET MEMOR Y bu tto n D on the Remote Comm ander at the scene where you want to create a cue point.
48 You c an sear ch sc enes by re cordi ng da tes . 1 Set the POWER switch to VCR. 2 Press the SEARCH M. button A on the Remote Commander repeatedly to select [DATE SEARCH]. 3 Press the . (previous)/ > (next) button B on the Remote Commander to select a recording date .
49 Recording /Playback Playin g the pi cture on a TV You can connect your ca mcorde r to the input jac k of a TV or a VCR using th e A/V conn ecting cable ( 1 ) or t he A/V connecting ca ble with S VIDEO ( 2 ). Connect yo ur camco rder to the wall outle t (wa ll sock et) us ing the supp lied A C Ad aptor for th is oper atio n ( p.
50 b Notes • When you set [TV TYPE] to [4:3], or when the picture’s aspect ratio switches between 16:9 and 4:3, the image may jitter. • On some 4:3 TVs, a still ima ge recorded in 4:3 aspect rati o may not appear in f ull screen. Thi s is not a malfunction.
51 Using the Me nu Using t he Menu Using th e menu i tems You can cha nge various set tings or make detail ed adju stments us ing the menu ite ms displayed on the screen. 1 While pressing the green button , set the POWER swit ch. 2 Press the MENU button .
52 6 Press the MENU button to hide the menu sc reen. To re turn to the prev ious sc reen , sel ect [ RETURN]. Using th e menu it ems (Cont inued).
53 Using the Me nu Menu ite ms Availa ble menu items ( z ) vary depend ing on the POW ER switch position. Positio n of POWER swit ch: CAMERA VCR (CAM ERA SE T) me nu (p.
55 Using the Me nu (CAMERA SET) menu Sett ings to adj ust y our ca mcor der to the recording condi tions (GAIN SETUP/B ACK LIGH T/ST EADYSH OT, et c.) The def ault se ttings ar e marked wi th B . The indic ators in parenthe ses appear whe n the i tems a re sele cted .
56 3 Select [OK] with the SEL/PUSH EXEC dial. 4 Pr ess th e MENU butt on to h ide th e menu scre en. You can se lect th e upper l imit for th e Auto Gain Contro l (AGC) from [OFF] (21dB, the default set ting), [18dB ], [15dB], [12dB ], [9dB], [6 dB], [3dB] an d [0dB].
57 Using the Me nu You can sele ct t he spee d at which t he automati c ex posure adj ustment f uncti on follows c hanges i n the bri ghtness o f the subj ect. You can sele ct th e sp eed fr om [FAST], [ MIDDLE] and [ SLOW]. Th e default set ting is [FAST].
58 B STANDARD Reduces camera s hakes at a st andard l evel. SOFT Reduces camera s hakes at a low l evel. Slig ht un ste adiness remai ns i n mov ies, which make the movie s look as they ar e. WIDE CONV . This is f or use wit h wide conv ersion lense s (optional) .
59 Using the Me nu Afte r exec utin g [SM TH SLW RE C] wi th an ASS IGN b utton , you can also cancel [SMTH SLW REC ] by pressing the ASSI GN butto n again. See page 3 7 for details on how to use the ASSIGN buttons. You can sele ct t he [S MTH SLW REC] settings su itable fo r your r ecording.
60 The ope ration of your ca mcorde r differs depend ing on when you press the REC START/STOP but ton. If you pr ess the bu tton dur ing [INTERV AL REC] re cordi ng, th e recor ding tem porar ily stops.
61 Using the Me nu SOFT TR ANS Make the tr ansit ion sl owly at the beginni ng and end, and linear ly in betw een. b Not es • You cannot change [TRANS TIME] and [TRANS CURVE] sett ings during s tore, check, or execution of [SHOT TR ANSITION].
62 (AUD IO SET) menu Settings for th e audio recordin g (DV AU.MOD E/DV AU DIO MI X, et c.) The defa ult set tings are marked with B . The ind icators in parent heses a ppear wh en the items ar e select ed. See page 51 for details o n selecting menu items.
63 Using the Me nu (DIS PLAY SET) menu Display settings of the di splay and the viewfinder (MARK ER/VF B.LIGHT/DISP OUTP UT, etc.) The def ault se ttings ar e marked wi th B . The indic ators in parenthe ses appear whe n the i tems a re sele cted . See page 51 for details on selecting menu items.
64 b Notes • You cannot r ecord an image with enhanced details on a tape or a “Memory Stick Duo” media. z Tips • You can focus more easily using this function in combination with the expanded focus function (p. 26) . x ON/OF F When yo u select [ON], yo u can display mar kers .
65 Using the Me nu When you set this function to [ON], yo u can d isplay th e audi o level meter on the screen. Th e default setting is [ON]. You can ad just th e brightn ess of th e LCD screen with t he SEL/PUS H EXEC di al. Change s in the LCD bri ghtness will not affect the brightness of reco rding image s.
66 B AUTO Displays the remaini ng time of a tape for about 8 seconds i n the fol lowing sit uation: • W hen you set the POWER switch to VCR or CAMERA with a cassette inserted. • When you press N ( Play) or the DISPLAY/BATT INFO button. ON Always displ ays the remaining ti me of a tape.
67 Using the Me nu b Not es • Set [TV TYPE] correctly to suite a TV th at you want to connect for playback ( p. 67 ). You need to convert th e signal depe nding on a type of you r TV whe n playin g back th e picture . The rec orded pictur es are play ed back a s follow ing illustra tions.
68 You do no t need to forma t the “Mem ory Stic k Duo ” med ia sinc e it is al read y format ted at the fa ctory. If you w ant to forma t th e “Mem ory Stick Duo” medi a, select [YES] t [YES]. b Notes • Do not do any of the following while [ F ormatting.
69 Using the Me nu (OTHER S) m enu Settings wh ile recording on a tape or other basic s ettings (B EEP, etc.) The def ault se ttings ar e marked wi th B . The indic ators in parenthe ses appear whe n the i tems a re sele cted . See page 51 for details on selecting menu items.
70 When yo u use your cam corder ab road, you can adjust th e clock to the local time by sett ing the tim e diffe rence with the SEL / PUSH EXEC dial. When you set th e time d iffe rence to 0, th e clock retu rns to the origi nal settin g. You ca n select the language to be used on the LCD screen .
71 Dubbin g/Editing Dubbing /Editing Dubbi ng to VCR, D VD/HD D devi ce, e tc. You can dub im ages playe d back on your ca mcorder to other recordin g devices, such as VCRs or DVD/HDD recorders.
72 b Notes • When you ar e connecting your camcor der to a monaural device, connect the yellow plug of the A/V connecting cable to the video input jack, and the red (right channel) or th e white (left channel) plug to the audio input jack on the device.
73 Dubbin g/Editing Record ing pict ures f rom a VCR You can re cord pi cture s from a VCR on a tape. Y ou ca n reco rd a sc ene a s a stil l imag e on a “Memory Stick Duo” media . Be sure to inser t a casse tte or a “Memo ry Stic k Duo” med ia for reco rding in your camcorde r beforehand .
74 4 Set your camcorder to recording pause. While p ressin g X (PAUSE), press bot h z REC (recor d) buttons simult aneous ly. 5 Start playing the cassette o n your VCR. The pict ure playe d on the VCR a ppears on the LCD sc reen of your ca mcorder. 6 Press X (PAUSE) again at the point you want t o start recording.
75 Using a Comp uter Using a Compute r Copyin g movie s on a tape to a comp uter Connec t your cam corder to the c omputer with an i .LINK cable. The co mputer need s to have an i.L INK conne ctor and be i nstal led wi th edit ing software t hat can co py video signal s.
76 Copyin g st ill ima ges t o a co mputer • For details on precautions and compatible application software, refer als o to the ope rating instructions of the device to be connected. • Required hardware: “Memory S tick Duo” media slot, “Memory Stick” Reader/ Writer compatible with “Memory Stick Duo” media.
77 Cont inue d , Troubles hooting Troubleshoo ting Trou blesho oting If you run into any problems using your camc order, use the fo llowing tabl e to troublesho ot the problem. If the problem persists, d isconnec t the p ower sourc e and contact your Sony dealer.
78 Trouble shooting (Continu ed) The battery pack discharges too quickly. • Ambi ent temperatur e is too high or low, or the batte ry pack has not been ch arged enough. This is not a malfu nctio n. • Ful ly charge the ba ttery ag ain. If the problem per sists, the b attery may be worn-out.
79 Troubles hooting The cassette is noisier during rewinding o r fast-forwarding. • When usi ng the AC Adaptor, rewind/fast forward speed increases ( compared with battery operati on) and th erefore increase s noise. This i s not a malfunctio n. You cannot delete pict ures of th e “Memory Stic k Duo” media .
80 Trouble shooting (Continu ed) The shutter sound is not heard when you record a still image. • Set [BEEP] t o [ON] ( p. 70 ). • There is no shutter sound while during movi e shooting. End search does not work. • Do not e ject the cass ette af ter re cording ( p.
81 Troubles hooting Shutter speed, gain, white balance or iris cannot be adjusted manually. • Set the AUTO/MANUAL switch to MANUAL. Tiny spots in white, red, b lue, or green appear on the screen. • This p henomenon a ppears wh en using a slow shu tter speed ( p.
82 Trouble shooting (Continu ed) Image data stored on a “Memory Stick Duo” media cannot be played back correctly. • Imag e data cannot be played back if you have modified file nam es or folders, or have edited the data on a computer (In this c ase, the file nam e flashes).
83 Troubles hooting Date Search does not work correctly. • Be sure to r ecord more th an 2 minutes afte r the date change d. If one day’s recordi ng is too short, yo ur camc order ma y not a ccurately find the point whe re the recording date ch anges.
84 Trouble shooting (Continu ed) The compute r does not re cognize y our camcor der. • Disconn ect the ca ble fro m the computer and cam corder, t hen con nect it again s ecurely. • Disconn ect the ca ble fro m the computer, restart the c omputer , then con nect th e compu ter to your camcorder co rrectly.
85 Troubles hooting Warnin g indi cators a nd mess ages When an error occurs, a wa rning indica tor appear s on the LCD s creen or i n th e view finder . Some symptoms you can fix by yourself . If the probl em persist s even after you have tried a coup le of ti mes, cont act your Sony dealer or l ocal a uthor ized So ny ser vice faci lity.
86 (Warning indicat or pertaining to battery pack temperature) • The batt ery pack is t oo hot. Replace the batter y pack, or re move it and put it in a cool place . (Warni ng indicat or pertai ning to battery pack temperature) • The bat tery pack is t oo cold .
87 Troubles hooting Memory Stick folders are full. • You c annot cre ate fold ers exceedi ng 999MSDC F. You cannot dele te created folders us ing you r camcorde r. • You will ha ve to format the “Me mory Stic k Duo” med ia ( p. 68 ), or dele te them usin g your compute r.
88 Additio nal Inform ation Using your camcor der ab roa d Power supply You can use your camcorde r in any country /region u sing the AC A daptor supplied with yo ur camcord er with in the AC 100 V to 240 V, 50 Hz/60 Hz range.
89 Additional Info rmation Maint enanc e and prec aution s You ca n use mi ni DV for mat cas sett es onl y. Use a casse tte with th e mark. Your camc order is not co mpatib le with the Cassette Memory function. Playba ck Your ca mcorde r can play back pictures in the DV format.
90 A “Memory St ick” me dia is a compact, portabl e IC record ing medium with a large data c apacity. You can use the following t ypes of “Memor y Sti ck” med ia li sted b elow on th e camcord er. Howeve r, we do not guara ntee the ope ration of all type s of “Memory Stick” me dia on your cam corder.
91 Additional Info rmation Stick Duo” media adaptor in the wrong direction, it may be damage d. • Do not insert a “Memory Stick Duo” media adaptor without a “Memory Stick Duo” media attached. Doing s o may resul t in malfunctions of the unit.
92 – Put the batter y pack in a pock et to warm it up, and insert it in your camcorder right b efore you start taking shots. – Use a large capacity battery pack: NP-F770/ F970 (optional). • Frequent use of the LCD screen or a frequent playback, fast forward or rewind operation wears out the battery pack faster.
93 Additional Info rmation About t he i.LINK Baud ra te i.LINK’ s maximum bau d rate v aries accor ding to the device. Th ere are 3 ty pes. S100 (appro x. 100Mbps * ) S200 (appro x. 200Mbps) S400 (appro x. 400Mbps) The ba ud rate is liste d under “Spec ificat ions” in t he oper ating instructio ns of each piec e of equipmen t.
94 wet, it may malfunction. Sometimes this malfunction cannot be repaired. • If any solid object or liquid gets inside the casing, unplug your camcorder and have it checked by a Sony dealer before operating it any further.
95 Additional Info rmation Vide o head It is re commend ed you us e a cleani ng cassette (optional) b efore re cording anything im portant. • If the video heads are dirty, video or sound distortion may be apparent. • If the following problem occur s, clean the video heads for 10 seconds with the Sony DVM- 12CLD cleaning cassette (optional).
96 camcord er operation w ill not be affecte d as long as you a re not reco rding the da te. x Procedures Conn ect your cam corder to a wal l outlet (wal l soc ket) us ing th e sup plied AC Adap tor, an d leav e it with th e POW ER switch set to OFF (CHG) for more than 24 hours.
97 Additional Info rmation Speci fic ations System Vide o record ing sys tem 2 rotary heads, Helical scanning system Stil l image reco rding sys tem Exif V er.
98 Output c onnec tors A/V Remote Connector 10-pin c onnecto r Wh en A/V con nectin g cabl e is conne cted Video sign al: 1 Vp- p, 75 Ω (ohms) Lumina nce signal : 1 Vp-p, 75 Ω (ohms) Chrom ina nce signal : 0. 3 Vp-p (burs t signal), 75 Ω (o hms) Audio sign al: 327 mV (at load impedanc e 47 k Ω (kilohm s)), Output impedanc e with l ess than 2 .
99 Additional Info rmation AC Adap tor AC-L1 00/AC-L 100C Power requirements AC 100 V - 240 V, 50 Hz/60 Hz Current consumption 0.35 A - 0.18 A Power consumption 18 W Output voltage DC 8. 4 V * Operat ing temperatur e 0 °C to 40 °C (32 ° F to 104 °F) Storage te mperature -20 °C to +6 0 °C (-4 °F to +1 40 °F) Dimensions (approx.
100 On trad emarks • “Handycam” and are registered trademarks of Sony Corporation. • “Me mor y St ick ,” “ ,” “Memory Stick Duo,” “ ,” “Memory S tick PRO Duo,” “ ,” “.
101 Quick Referenc e Quick Reference Iden tify ing part s and co ntrol s The numbe rs in ( ) are referenc e pages. A DV jack ( 71 , 75) B A /V Rem ote Connect or ( 49 ) C i (he adphones) jack When you use headph ones, the sp eaker on you r camcorde r is silent.
102 A LCD scr een ( 16) B Hook for the shoulder str ap ( 103 ) C ZERO SET ME M but ton ( 47 ) D DATA CODE button ( 45 ) E Video control buttons (STO P/REW/ PLAY * /FF/PAUSE/REC/SLOW) ( 42 ) F VOLUME/M.
103 Quick Referenc e A H ook for the shoul der strap ( 103) B Z oom l ever ( 24 ) C P HOTO/EXPANDED FOCUS button ( 23 , 26) D A ccess lamp ( 20) E “ Memory St ick Duo” media slot ( 19 ) F Grip be .
104 A Rem ote sensor (front) ( 105 ) B FOCUS switch ( 25) C PUSH AUTO b utton ( 25) D ND FILTER switch (OFF/1/2/3) ( 29) E Handle zoom switch (FIX/VAR/OFF) ( 24) F ASSIGN 1 bu tton/ZEB RA button ( 37 .
105 Quick Referenc e Remove th e insulation sheet before using the Re mote C ommande r. A P HOTO ( 23 ) The on-screen image when you pr ess this button will be recorded onto the “Memory Stick Duo” media as a still image. B M emory co ntrol butt ons (Index, –/+ , Memor y/playb ack) ( 43) C SEARC H M.
106 Indic ator s for the LC D scr een an d vi ewfi nder The numbe rs in ( ) are refer ence pages. The ind icators will not be rec orded on th e tape during re cording.
107 Quick Referenc e K T ape t ransport in dicato r Recording mode (SP or LP) appears when a tape recorded in the DV format is played bac k. L Data file name M Pi cture num ber/Tota l number of record.
108 Upper left Upper right Center Bottom z Tip s • Indicators may l ook different or appear at different positions. Indic ators when you made chan ges Indicator Meaning SP LP DV REC MODE (66) DV WIDE REC (66) DV FRAME REC (60) ND filter (29) INTER VAL REC (59) Indicator Meaning INDEX MARK (38) DV input (73 ) DV ou tp ut (72 ) i.
109 Cont inue d , Quick Referenc e Index Numeric 12BIT ...... .... ....... ..... ....... .... ...62 16BIT ...... .... ....... ..... ....... .... ...62 6sec A FTER .. ....... .... ....... .... .58 6sec BE FORE ........... ..... ...... .58 6sec CE NTER.
110 Index (Co ntinued ) Grip be lt........ ..... ...... ..... ....... . 15 GUIDEFRA ME ..... ....... .... .... 64 H HANDLE ZOOM ................. 58 Handle zoom... ....... ..... ...... .... 24 Headphones jack................. 10 1 HISTOGRA M .........
111 Quick Referenc e R REC FOLDE R (Recording folder ) ... ...... ..... ....... .... ....... ...68 REC LAMP (Recording la mp) ....... .... ....... ..... ....... .... ...... 21, 70 REC REV IEW ........ ....... .37, 38 Rec review ..... ....... .... ....
Printed on 70% or m ore recycled p aper using VO C (Vola tile Orga nic Comp ound) -free vegetable oil based bink. Printed in Japan Additiona l inform ation on this product a nd answers to frequentl y asked questi ons can be found at our Custom er Support We bsite.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sony DCR-VX2200E (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sony DCR-VX2200E heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sony DCR-VX2200E vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sony DCR-VX2200E leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sony DCR-VX2200E krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sony DCR-VX2200E bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sony DCR-VX2200E kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sony DCR-VX2200E . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.