Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DSCW180S van de fabrikant Sony
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© 2009 Sony Corporation 4-143-378- 13 (1) Digital Still Came ra Instruction Manual DSC-W180/W 190 Before operating the unit, please read this manual thoroughly, a nd retain it for futur e refer ence.
2 GB Owner ’s Re cor d The mo del and seri al numbe rs are lo cated on the botto m. Re cor d the s eria l numb er in the space pr ovided belo w. Refer to the se numbers w henever yo u call upo n your Sony dealer reg ardin g this produc t. Model No. DSC- W180/W190 Serial No.
3 GB [ Battery pa ck If the battery pack is mis handled, the batt ery pack can burst, caus e a fire or even chemical burns. Observe the following cautions. • Do not disassemble. • Do not crush and do not expose the battery pack to any shock or force such as hammering, dropping or stepping on it.
4 GB UL is an internationally recognized safety organization. The UL Mark on the product means it has been UL Listed. If you have any questions about this product, you may ca ll: Sony Customer Information Center 1-800-222-SONY (7669) The number below is for the FCC related matt ers only.
5 GB [ Notice for the custom ers in the coun tries applyi ng EU Dire ctives The manufacturer of this product i s Sony Corporation, 1-7-1 Konan Minato-ku Tokyo, 108- 0075 Japan. The Authorized Representative for EMC and product safety is Sony Deutschland GmbH, Hedelfing er Strasse 61, 703 27 Stuttgart, Germany.
6 GB Disposa l of waste batteries (applicable in the Europe an Union and othe r European coun tries with separ at e coll ect ion syst ems) This symb ol on th e batter y or on the packaging indicates that the battery provided with this product shall not be treated as household waste.
7 GB Table of contents Notes on usin g the camera ...... .... .... .... ..... .... .... ...... ..... .... .... .... .... ....... .... . 9 Gettin g st arte d ......... ........... ............ ................ ............ ....... 1 0 Checking the accessories supplied .
8 GB Connecting to other devices ....................... ........... ........... .... 34 Viewing im ages on a TV ....... .... .... .... ..... .... .... ...... .... ..... .... .... .... .... ....... .... 34 Printing still imag es .... ....... .... ....
9 GB x Notes on using the camera Intern al mem ory and “Memor y Stick Duo ” media back up Do not t urn off t he cam era, re move th e batt ery pack, or remove the “Memory Stic k Duo” media while t he acce ss lamp is li t. Oth erwise, the int ernal memory da ta or “Mem ory Stic k Duo” media may be dam aged.
10 GB Getting start ed G e tti n g s t ar t e d Checkin g the accesso ries sup plied • Batter y charger BC-CS KA (1) • Power cord (mains l ead) (1 ) (not sup plied in t he USA and Canada ) • Rec.
11 GB Getting start ed Identifyin g parts A Shutter bu tton B Flas h C Microp hone D ON/OFF (Power) bu tton E ON/OFF (Power) l amp F Self-timer lamp G Lens H LCD screen I MENU button J For shooti ng: .
12 GB Getting start ed Chargin g the battery pack 1 Insert the battery pack into the battery charger. • You ca n charge the batt ery ev en when it is partial ly charged.
13 GB Getting start ed x Charging time • The tab le above sh ows the ti me required to char ge a full y depleted battery pack at a te mpera ture of 25°C (77°F). Charging m ay take longe r depending on condit ions of use and circu mstances. • Connec t the bat tery charg er to the nearest wa ll outle t (wall sock et).
14 GB Getting start ed Inserting the battery pack/a “Memor y Stick Duo” medi a (sol d separatel y) 1 Open the cover. 2 Insert the “Memory Stick Duo” media (sold separately). With the t erminal sid e faci ng the le ns, insert the “Memory S tick Duo” medi a until it clic ks into pla ce.
Getting start ed 15 GB x “Memory S tick” me dia that you can use “Memory St ick Duo” media You can also us e a “Memor y Stick PRO Duo ” med ia or “Mem ory S tic k PRO- HG D uo” media with the cam era. For det ails on the num ber of ima ges/ti me that can be re corded, se e pages 26, 29.
16 GB Getting start ed Set ting the clock 1 Press the ON/OFF (Power) button. The camera is turned o n. • It may ta ke time for t he power to turn on and al lo w oper at ion. 2 Sele ct the date a nd time display format wi th v / V on the control button, then press z .
17 GB Getting start ed • The camera does not have a feature for superimpos ing dates on im ages. By usin g “PMB” in the CD-ROM (supp lied), you can pr int or save ima ges with the dat e. x Setting the date and time aga in Press th e MENU button, then s elect (Setti ngs) t [Clock S ettings] ( page 45) .
18 GB Shooting/viewi ng images Sh oo ti n g/ v i ew i n g i ma g es Shooti ng ima ges 1 Set the mode switch to (Still Image), then press ON/ OFF (Power) button. To shoot mov ies, set th e mode swit ch to (Mov ie) (p age 28) . 2 Hold the camera steady as illustrated.
Shooting/viewi ng images 19 GB Viewing imag es 1 Set the mode switch to (Playback). The l ast im age sh ot is di spl ayed. x Select ing next/p revious i mage Select an image with B (next) / b (pre viou s) on the control butto n. x Deleting an im age 1 Pres s (Delet e) button .
20 GB U s i n g s h oo ti n g f unc ti ons Detecting smiles and shooting automatically (Smile Shutter) 1 Set the mo de sw itch to (Still Im age). 2 Press (Smile ) button. 3 Wait detec ting a s mil e. When the smil e level exceeds the b po in t on the indic ator, th e camera sh oots images automatic ally.
21 GB Using shooting functions Focusing on the face of the subject (Face Detection) The cam era de tects th e face of the sub ject an d focus es on it . You can se lect w hich subjec t takes priori ty whe n focusi ng. 1 Press the M ENU button. 2 Select (Face Dete ctio n) wit h v / V / b / B on the cont rol button t desir ed mo de t z .
22 GB Shooting close-ups (Macro) You ca n shoo t beaut iful clos e-up images of small subjec ts such as inse cts or flo wers. Usi ng the s elf -ti mer 1 Press (Mac ro) on the c ontrol button repea tedl y to se lect th e desire d mode t z . : The ca mera ad justs the focu s automatical ly from d istant su bjects to close-up .
23 GB Using shooting functions Selecting a flash mode • You cannot use the fl ash during burst shoot ing. Changing the screen display 1 Press (Fla sh) on the control butto n repeat edly t o select t he desir ed mode t z . : Flashes when there i s insuffic ient li ght or backlight .
24 GB Selecting the image size to mat ch the usage The image s ize determine s the siz e of th e image fi le that is record ed when you t ake a image. The larger the image si ze, t he more deta il will be reproduc ed when the image is pr inted on larg e-fo rmat pap er.
25 GB Using shooting functions • When yo u print images shot wi th 16:9 a spect r atio, both edg es may be cut off. Note Image size Usag e gui del ines No.
26 GB x Numbe r of still images th at can be recorded DSC-W190 (Units: Images ) DSC-W180 (Units: Images ) • The number of still images may vary dependi ng on the shooting conditi ons and the recor ding media. • When the numb er of remain ing shoota ble imag es is greater tha n 9,999, the “>9 999” indica tor appe ars.
27 GB Using shooting functions Using the Shooting mode that matches the sce ne (Sc ene Se lect ion) • The fla sh do es no t oper ate in some modes . 1 Set the mode switc h to (Still Imag e). 2 Press the M ENU button. 3 Select (Camera ) with v / V / b / B on th e contro l butt on t the desir ed Scen e Sele ctio n t z .
28 GB Shooting movies x Viewing mov ies 1 Set the mode switch to (Playback ) and press B (next) / b (p revious ) on the co ntr ol button to s elect a movi e to view . 2 Press z . 1 Set the mode sw itch to (Movie ), th en pre ss ON/ OFF (P ower) butt on.
29 GB Using shooting functions x Maximum recording time The table belo w shows the app roximate maximum r ecording ti mes. These are th e total times for all movie files. The image s ize is fix ed to 320 × 240. (Units: hour : mi nute : sec ond) • The recording ti me may var y depending on the shooting co nditions and the recording m edia.
30 GB U s i n g v i ew i n g f unc ti ons Viewing an enl arged image ( Playback zoom) Searching for an image (Image Index) 1 Set the mo de sw itch to (Play back) to displa y an image , then pr ess (Playb ack z oom) butt on. The image is en larged at twic e the size, wi th the ce nter of the image.
31 GB Using viewing functions View ing a seri es of stil l im age s (S lidesh ow) 1 Set the mode swi tch to (Pla yback) to d ispla y a s till image, then pr ess th e MENU butt on. 2 Select (Slideshow ) wit h v / V on the control but ton, th en press z .
32 GB D e l e ti n g i ma g es Deleting images 1 Set the mo de sw itch to (Play back) to displa y an image , then pre ss (Delet e) butt on. 2 Press b / B on the c ontrol but ton to se lect the d esir ed se tting. (This Imag e): Y ou can de lete th e cur rentl y displaye d imag e.
33 GB Deleting images Deleting all im ages (Format) You can delete all data st o red on “Memory Stick Duo” media or the inte rnal memory. I f a “Me mory Sti ck Du o” me dia is inser ted, al l dat a stored on the “ Memo ry S tick D uo” media are d eleted.
34 GB C onnec ti n g t o o th er d ev i ces Viewing images on a TV • The [Video O ut] setting is se t to [NTSC] mo de at the facto ry to let you enjoy opt imum movi e image quali ty. When image s do not appear or jitte ry on your TV, you may be using a PAL-only TV.
35 GB Connecting to other devices • If it was imp ossible t o connec t to the printer, be sure to set [USB Connec t] under ( Settings) to [PictBr idge] . 4 Select the desir ed mod e with v / V on the con tro l button t z . This Image : Print the c urrently displaye d image.
36 GB Using the camer a with a c omputer x Using “PMB (Picture Motion Browser)” You can e njoy t he re cord ed im ages m ore th an ev er by t aki ng advan tage of th e soft ware, and “PM B” is inc luded on a CD-RO M (sup plied). There are more functio ns, in ad dition to those lis ted belo w, for en joying you r images.
37 GB Connecting to other devices x Stage 1: Installin g the “PM B” (su pplied) You ca n instal l the so ftwa re (supp lied ) using the fo llowin g proced ure.
38 GB x Stage 2: Importing images to your computer us ing “PMB” x Stage 3: Vie wing “PMB Guide” • Do not disc onnect the dedicated USB cable fro m the camera while the came ra is oper ating or whil e “Accessi ng…” appears on the screen of the cam era.
39 GB Connecting to other devices x Using the camera with your Macintosh computer You ca n copy im ages to your Mac intosh comput er. How ever, “PM B” is not compa tible . Reco mmende d comput er enviro nmen t The following e nvironment i s recommended for a computer connected to th e camera.
40 GB Ch an gi n g cam era se tti n g s Changin g the operation sou nds You ca n set the sound produ ced whe n you op erate t he came ra. 1 Press the ME NU butto n. 2 Select (Set tings) with V on the cont rol button , th en press z . 3 Selec t [Mai n Se ttings ] with v / V on the con trol button , the n press [B eep] t z .
41 GB Changing camera s ettings Using the MENU items Displays a vailabl e functi ons fo r easy setting wh en the camera is in shooting or pla yback mode. Only the items that ar e availa ble for each mod e are d isplay ed on the s cree n. Select (Settings) t [ Main Se ttings] t [Initia lize] to i nitializ e the set tings t o the default se tting.
42 GB White Balance Adjusts color tones according to the surrounding light conditions. ( Aut o/ Dayl ight/ Cloudy/ F luorescent Light 1, Fluorescent Light 2, Fluorescent Light 3/ n Incandescent/ Flas h) Focus Changes the focu s method. ( Mult i AF/ Cen ter AF/0.
43 GB Changing camera s ettings x MENU in viewing mode Ite m Description (Slideshow) Plays back i mages in success ion along with effects. (Retouch) Retouches s till ima ges. ( Trimming/ Red Eye Correction) (Multi- Purpose Resize) Changes the image size according to usage.
44 GB Using the (Settings) items You can change the defa ult sett ings. 1 Press the MENU butt on to displ ay the Menu scr een. 2 Selec t (Se ttings ) with V on the cont rol button , th en press z . 3 Select the des ired item wit h v / V / b / B , the n press z .
45 GB Changing camera s ettings “Memory S tick” Tool Format Formats the “Memory St ick Duo” media. Create REC. Folder Cr eates a folder in “ Memory Stick Duo” medi a for recording images. Change REC.Fol der Changes the fold er currently use d for recordi ng images.
46 GB Oth ers List of icons displayed on the screen Icons are disp laye d on the sc reen t o indic ate the c amera status . You ca n chan ge the scr een dis play using DIS P (scr een dis play) on the co ntrol bu tton (page 2 3).
47 GB Others B C Color mode PictBridge connecti ng Protect Print order (DPOF) VOL. Volume PictBridge connecti ng Display Indication z AE/AF lock REC Standby Recording a movie/S tandby a movie ISO400 ISO number 125 Shutter s peed F3.5 Aperture va lue +2.
48 GB D Displ ay Indic ation Self-timer Spot metering cross hair AF range finder frame N Playback Playback bar Histogram • appears when histogram displa y is disabled.
49 GB Others Learning more about the cam era (“C yber- shot Handbook”) “Cyber-shot Handbook”, wh ich explain s how to u se the camer a in deta il, is in cluded on the CD-ROM (sup plied). Ref er to i t for in-d epth inst ructio ns on the man y functi ons of the ca mera.
50 GB Troubleshooti ng If you e xperie nce trou ble wi th the ca mera, try the fol lowing solu tions. On repairi ng cameras wi th inter nal memory fu nction in cluded, data in t he camera may be checked on minimum necessity to verif y and improve the malfunction sy mptoms.
51 GB Others The remaining charge indicator is incorrect. • The battery c harge will quick ly get used up and the actual remaini ng battery cha rge will be lower than the in dicat or in the followi ng cases: – When you use the camera in a n extremely hot or cold locati on.
52 GB Precautions Do not us e/store the cam era in the following places • In an extrem ely hot, cold or humid place In plac es such as in a car parked in t he sun, the camera body m ay become defor med and this may caus e a malfuncti on.
53 GB Others Specificati ons Camera [Syste m] Image device: DSC-W190: 7.79 m m (1/2.3 t ype) color CCD, Prima ry color filter DSC-W180: 7.70 m m (1/2.3 t ype) color CCD, Prima ry color filter Total pixel number of camera: DSC-W190: App rox. 12.4 M egapixels DSC-W180: App rox.
54 GB BC-C SKA ba tter y charger Power requirements : AC 100 V t o 240 V, 50 Hz/60 Hz, 2.3 W Output voltage: DC 4.2 V, 0.30 A Operating temperatu re: 0°C to 40 °C (32°F to 104°F) Storage temperature: –20°C to +60°C (–4°F to +140°F) Dimensions: App rox.
55 GB Others.
Pr int ed in Ch in a Printed on 70% or more recycled paper using VOC (Volatile Organic Compound)-free vegetable oil based ink. Additional informa tion on this product and answer s to frequently a sked questions can be found at our Custome r Support Webs ite.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sony DSCW180S (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sony DSCW180S heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sony DSCW180S vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sony DSCW180S leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sony DSCW180S krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sony DSCW180S bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sony DSCW180S kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sony DSCW180S . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.