Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DSR-1600.GB van de fabrikant Sony
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DSR-1600/1600P © 2000 Sony Cor poration 3-204-677- 12 (1) Digital Videocassette Player Operating Instructions Before op erating the unit, ple ase read t his manu al thorough ly and re tain it for f uture refere nce.
2 Owner’ s Recor d The model and se rial numbers are located at the rear. Record these numbers in the spaces pr ovided below. Ref er to them whe never you call upon your Sony deale r regard ing thi s product. Mod el No. Ser ial No. T o prevent fire or shoc k hazar d, do not ex pose the unit to rain or moisture.
3 Table of Contents Table of Content s Chapter 1 Overview Features .............. ......... .............. .............. .............. ....... 5 DVCAM Format ............................................................. 5 A Wealth of Interfaces ....
4 Tabl e of Cont ents Changing the Settings of Basic Items ........................... 47 Displaying Enhanced Items .......................................... 49 Changing the Settings of Enhanced Items .................... 49 Returning Menu Settings to Their Factory Default Settings .
5 Feat ure s Chapter 1 Overview Features The DSR-160 0/1600P is a 1 / 4 -inch digit al video casset te player using the DVCAM di gital rec ording format . It achieves st able, superb pi cture qual ity by digi tally processin g video sig nals separated in to color difference signals an d luminance sig nals (component method).
6 Feat ure s Chapter 1 Ov er view Suppor t f or three cassette sizes There are two sizes o f DVCAM cassette: standard and mini. You can u se either siz e with this un it.
7 Feat ure s Chapter 1 Ov er view Digital slo w-motion pla ybac k Using the frame memory func tion, th e unit can show noise-free sl ow-motion pla yback at speeds ranging fr om 0 to 1 / 2 times normal speed in both direc tions.
8 Locat ion and Functio n of Parts Chapter 1 Ov er view Location and Fu nction of Parts Fr ont P anel a POWER swit ch Press the “” side to p ower the un it on. Whe n the unit is powered o n, the d isplay windows in the front panel lights. To power the unit off , press the “” side of t he switch.
9 Location and Function of Part s Chapter 1 Ov er view g CONTROL S connector (stereo mini jack) Connect a SIRCS-compat ible remote control u nit such as the DSR M-10. A Menu contr ol panel The menu control panel is located on th e inside of the door at the lowe r front of th e unit.
10 Locat ion and Functio n of Parts Chapter 1 Ov er view b MENU button Press this butt on to display th e menu on the monitor screen and th e time c ounter display. Press it a gain to return fro m the menu display to the usua l display . On how to use the men u, see Chapter 4 “ Menu Setting s.
11 Location and Function of Part s Chapter 1 Ov er view e STOP b utton Press this bu tton to stop the curr ent tape transp ort operation. Not e No tape tr ansport con trol butt ons other t han the EJECT and STOP buttons will work while the REMOT E butto n in the remot e control sett ing secti on is lit.
12 Locat ion and Functio n of Parts Chapter 1 Ov er view b ClipLink indicat or Lights when a cassette is loaded on which ClipLink l og data i s stor ed in th e cass ette me mory. For detail s of ClipLi nk log da ta, see the a ppendix “ ClipLink Guid e ” (page 73 ).
13 Location and Function of Part s Chapter 1 Ov er view Playb ack modes u sing the se arch dial You can use the SEARCH ENABL E menu item (see page 40) to select either of th e following as the operat ion to be performed to put the un it into search mode (shutt le or jog ).
14 Locat ion and Functio n of Parts Chapter 1 Ov er view Rear P anel AC IN connector Use the supplie d power cord to co nnect this to an AC outlet . AUDIO OUT(AES/EBU) DV IN/OUT SDTI(QSDI)OUT TIME CODE MONITOR OUT AUDIO AUDIO OUT REMOTE VIDEO CONTROL ~AC IN VIDEO CH-1/2 12 CH-3/4 S VIDEO COMPONENT VIDEO SDI OUT CH-1 CH-2 CH-3 CH-4 ANALOG VIDEO REF.
15 Location and Function of Part s Chapter 1 Ov er view A Analog video signal output section a REF. (reference) VIDEO IN/OUT connectors (BNC type) Input a ref erence video sign al. The IN conne ctor block has a buil t-in auto matic 75 Ω termin ation switch.
16 Locat ion and Functio n of Parts Chapter 1 Ov er view B Digital signal output section (optional DSBK-1601/1602/1803 boar d s required) a DV IN/OUT connecto r (6-pin IEEE-1394) (optio nal DSBK-1803 i. LINK/DV Inpu t/Output Board requi red) This i.LI NK-compatible connec tor (subseque ntly referr ed to also as th e i.
17 Location and Function of Part s Chapter 1 Ov er view C Analog audio signal output section a AUDIO OUT CH-1 (ch annel 1) to CH-4 connectors (XLR 3- pin, male ) These connec tors output cha nnel-1 to ch annel-4 analog audio signals, respectively.
18 Locat ion and Functio n of Parts Chapter 1 Ov er view.
19 Playbac k Chapter 2 Playback Playback This secti on describes th e necessary setting s and operatio ns to perform p layback on this unit. The same set tings and ope rations apply whe ther you are using the unit as part of an editing system, for du bbing, or as a stand -alone player VCR.
20 Playbac k Chapter 2 Pla yback D VCAM cassette s The follow ing fi gure illus trates the DVCAM ca ssett es. Notes on using cassettes • Befor e storin g the cassette for a long period of ti me, rewind t he tape to the beginning and be sure to p ut the cassette in its storage case , preferably on end instead of flat on it s side.
21 Playbac k Chapter 2 Pla yback Inser ting and Ejecting C assettes Inser ti ng a cass ette This unit acc epts three sizes of cassette: L (standard size), M (medium size: DVCPRO) and S (mini size). When in serting a cassette in the unit, mak e sure its tape windo w faces upward as shown in the following figure.
22 Playbac k Chapter 2 Pla yback Settings f or Pla ybac k 1 Power on this unit by pressing o n the side of t he POWER swi tch. 2 Power on the vi deo monitor and set its switches as sho wn below. Switch Setting 75 Ω termination s witch ON (or att ach a 75 Ω te rminator .
23 Playbac k Chapter 2 Pla yback Pla ybac k Procedure Not e When cont rolling t his unit from an edit ing contro l unit conne cted to t he REMOTE conne ctor on this unit , press the REMOTE button to turn it on. Whe n not, turn th e butto n off. 1 Insert a cassette.
24 Playbac k Chapter 2 Pla yback If the fol lowing indica tors light w hen a c assette is loa ded To perform the followin g operatio ns Indicator It means: Cass ette mem or y indica tor The l oaded cas sette co ntains a cassette memory . ClipLin k indica tor There is Clip Link log data store d in the c assette memory on the load ed cass ette.
25 Playbac k Chapter 2 Pla yback R e p e a t P l ay b a ck — Aut o m a t i c C y cl i c a l P l ay b a ck Proceed as follows to perform automatic cyclical playback of recording (repeat playback ) between selected start and end point s. 1 Set the d esired repeat st art and e nd points u sing the REP EAT FUNCTION menu item (see page 4 0) .
26 Playbac k Chapter 2 Pla yback Once set, the point A or B time cod e value is held in the non-vola tile memo ry of the unit u ntil chan ged. It is no t lost when the unit is po wered of f. Not e When setting p oint A or B, you can onl y use a time code v alue.
27 Playbac k Chapter 2 Pla yback 2 With “ SETUP MENU ” selec ted, press the B k but ton. The display ch anges as follo ws. 3 With “ OPERATION AL FUNCTION ” selected, press the B k button . The display ch anges as follo ws. 4 With “ REPEAT FUNC TION ” selected, press the B k button.
28 Playbac k Chapter 2 Pla yback 5 Press the j but ton to select “ REPE AT TOP. ” 6 Press the B k but ton. The display ch anges as follo ws. 7 Press the j but ton to select “ A POINT. ” >> REP T OP SETUP MENU OPERATIONAL FUNCTION REPEAT FUNCTION REPEAT MODE REPEAT TOP REPEAT END A PRESET B PRESET :OFF : T.
29 Playbac k Chapter 2 Pla yback 8 Press the K A butt on. The display ch anges as follo ws. 9 Press the j but ton to select “ A PRESET . ” 10 Press the B k button . The A PRESET MODE screen appears. The time code value of the current point A is di splayed below t he screen title .
30 Playbac k Chapter 2 Pla yback 12 Press the J or j button to increment or decrement the value of the flashing digit. Each press of the but ton increments or decremen ts the value. Holding the button down i ncrements or decrements t he value continu ously.
31 Dis playin g Time D ata and Oth er Te xt Inform ation Chapter 3 Convenient Functions for Editing Operation Displaying Time Data and Other Text Infor mation This unit allows time data and oper ation mode indi cations to be di splayed on the mo nitor screen.
32 Displaying T ime Data and Other Tex t Informati on Chapter 3 Con ven ient Functions fo r Editing Opera tion A Time d ata type The follo wing ti me data typ e indicat ions are d isplayed. a) You can switch be tween T C an d VITC usi ng the T C SELE CT me nu item (see page 43 ) .
33 Dis playin g Time D ata and Oth er Te xt Inform ation Chapter 3 Con ven ient Functions fo r Editing Opera tion T o displa y the desired time data in the time counter displa y Open the doo r on the lower part of the front pa nel, and press the COUNTER SEL button.
34 High-Speed and Low-Speed Sear ch — Quick ly and Accuratel y Determining Ed iting Point s Chapter 3 Con ven ient Functions fo r Editing Opera tion High-Speed a nd Low- Speed Search — Quic kly an.
35 High-Spee d and Low-Speed Se arch — Quickly and A ccurately Determining Editing Points Chapter 3 Con ven ient Functions fo r Editing Opera tion 2 Turn the search d ial in the desire d direction at the speed cor responding t o the desired playback speed .
36 High-Speed and Low-Speed Sear ch — Quick ly and Accuratel y Determining Ed iting Point s Chapter 3 Con ven ient Functions fo r Editing Opera tion.
37 Menu Organiz ation Chapter 4 Menu Settings Menu Organizat ion As sh own i n the foll owing figu re, th e men u sys tem consists of four levels and is f unctionall y divided in to two subsyste ms: the setu p menu and the digital ho urs meter display me nu.
40 Menu Content s Chap ter 4 Me nu S ettin gs Menu Content s Setup Menu The purpose and set tings of the setup menu items are describe d below. Indications of menu items and sett ings • In the tabl .
41 Menu Content s Chap ter 4 Me nu S ettin gs MAX SRCH SPEED [>Max SRCH]: Specify th e maximum t ape sp eed in search mode (shuttle) a nd F .FWD (f ast fo rward)/REW (re wind) mode . SHUTTLE [>>SHUTTLE]: Specify th e maxim um tape spee d in searc h mode (shu ttle).
42 Menu Content s Chap ter 4 Me nu S ettin gs DISPLA Y CONTR OL [Displa y]: Settings related to indications on the monito r and the unit Description of s ettings CHARA. DISPLA Y [> Chara dis p]: Determine whether or not to outpu t te xt (suc h as time code v alu es) from th e VIDEO OUT 2 (SUPER ) connector .
43 Menu Content s Chap ter 4 Me nu S ettin gs ALARM [> ALARM]: Deter min e whet her al ar m me ssage s are issue d or not. OFF [>> OFF]: Alarm messag es are no t issued. * ON [>> ON]: Alarm messages are iss ued. REF ALARM [> REF ALARM]: Det er mine wheth er alarm messa ges relat ed to ref erence vi deo signa l are iss ued or not.
44 Menu Content s Chap ter 4 Me nu S ettin gs FR OM STILL [> Fr om STILL]: Set the ti me to s witch from still s earch mode to t ape prote ction mode . Also select the t ype of tap e protecti on mode. STILL TIMER [>> STL timer]: Set t he time to s witch from sti ll search mode to ta pe protection mode .
45 Menu Content s Chap ter 4 Me nu S ettin gs PR OCESS CONTROL [>Pr oc ctrl] CONTR OL DEV [>>Ctrl dev]: Select th e method of contro lling the internal digital video processor . * REMO TE [ >>>R EMO TE]: Use the optional UVR-60 /60P or BVR-50/50P Rem ote Control Unit to remo te control the internal dig ital video p rocessor .
46 Menu Content s Chap ter 4 Me nu S ettin gs SHUTTLE MUTE [>Sh utl mu te]: Set the a udio m uting condit ions durin g shuttle pla ybac k . * OFF [>> OF F]: Not mut ed. CUEUP or PRER OLL [>> CUEUP]: Mute d during cue-u p or prerol l opera tions .
47 Changing Menu Set tings Chap ter 4 Me nu S ettin gs Changing Menu Sett ings This section exp lains how to change men u settings. Buttons Used to Change Settings Use the foll owing button s on the menu c ontrol panel to change the menu settings.
48 Changing Menu Se ttings Chap ter 4 Me nu S ettin gs 2 With “ SETUP MENU ” selected, press the k butto n. This display s all ite ms on menu lev el 1. 3 Press the J or j button to select the required item. 4 Press the k button . This displ ays the menu l evel 2 for th e menu item selected in ste p 3 .
49 Changing Menu Set tings Chap ter 4 Me nu S ettin gs 8 To cha nge ot her se ttings , pres s the K button to return to the previous sc reen, then repeat st eps 5 to 7 as required. 9 When yo u have comp leted th e sett ings, pr ess the SET (YES) but ton.
50 Changing Menu Se ttings Chap ter 4 Me nu S ettin gs 3 Follow the same procedur e as in ste ps 3 to 8 of the procedure in the section “ Changing the Sett ings of Basic Items ” on page 47 u sing t he arrow button s to select an item a nd change its set ting.
51 Connecti ons for a Digita l Non-Li near Edit ing Syst em Chapter 5 Connections and Settings Connectio ns for a Digital Non-Linear Editing Sys tem This unit c an be co nnected to an ES-7 EditSt ation to configure a digit al non-linear ed iting system.
52 Connecti ons for a Digital Non-L inear Editing System Chapter 5 Connec tions and Set tings Sett ings on th e DSR-1600/ 1600 P REF. VIDEO IN SDTI(QSDI)OUT AUDIO MONITOR OUT VIDEO OUT 2 (SUPER) B B O.
53 Connecti ons for a Cut Editing Sys tem Chapter 5 Connec tions and Set tings Connectio ns for a Cut Editing Sys tem The following figure sh ows a cut editing system config uration whi ch includes a DSR -1600/1 600P unit as the player and a DSR-1800 /1800P as the r ecorder.
54 Connect ions for an A/B Roll Ed iting Sys tem Chapter 5 Connec tions and Set tings Connectio ns for an A/B Roll Editing Sys tem The following is an e xample configuration of A/ B roll editi ng system using th e DSR-1600/1 600P.
55 Connection s for an A/B Roll Editing Sy stem Chapter 5 Connec tions and Set tings a) When using a DFS-500 /500P DME Switcher, the phase of t he video signals processed by the DFS-500/500P is delayed.
56 Connect ions for an A/B Roll Ed iting Sys tem Chapter 5 Connec tions and Set tings A udio monitor system connections The followin g shows an example of audio monito r system connections. For details o f these con nection s, refer to the inst ruction manual for each connected de vice.
57 Connection s for an A/B Roll Editing Sy stem Chapter 5 Connec tions and Set tings Control signal connections The followin g shows an exa mple of control signal conne ctions to enab le the e diting contro l unit to cont rol all other A/B r oll editing sy stem devices.
58 Connect ions for an A/B Roll Ed iting Sys tem Chapter 5 Connec tions and Set tings Video/audio signal connections The followin g shows an example of video /audio signal connectio ns in an A/B ro ll editing syste m.
59 Connection s for an A/B Roll Editing Sy stem Chapter 5 Connec tions and Set tings Connection of a video monitor Set up th e followin g conne ctions to enable monito ring of video an d audio si gnals on a video mo nitor.
60 Adjust ing the Sync and Subcarrier Ph ases Chapter 5 Connec tions and Set tings Adjusti ng the Sync an d Subcarri er Phases When u sing two or mo re player s, as in an A/B roll e ditin g system, it is necessary to synchronize the sy nc and subcarrier (for composite signals) phases of the signals to be edited.
61 Adjust ing the Sync and Subc arrier Phas es Chapter 5 Connec tions and Set tings P erforming a phase adjustment operation 1 Press th e SCH button on t he vectorscope . The vectorscope switches to SCH mode. 2 Press th e B channel butt on on the ve ctorscope.
62 Adjust ing the Sync and Subcarrier Ph ases Chapter 5 Connec tions and Set tings.
63 Maintenan ce Chapter 6 Maintenance and Troubleshooting Main tenance Condensation If you move the unit suddenly from a c old to a warm location, o r if you use it i n a very humid place, mo isture from the air ma y condense on the head drum.
64 Maintenan ce Chapter 6 Maintenance and T roubl eshooting Displa ying the digital hour s meter Use the foll owing procedure . 1 Press th e MENU butto n on the menu control pan el. The menu sel ection leve l display appe ars on the monito r screen and in the tim e counter display.
65 Maintenan ce Chapter 6 Maintenance and T roubl eshooting To end the dig ital hou rs mete r displ ay Press the MENU button on the menu c ontrol pane l.
66 Trouble shooting Chapter 6 Maintenance and T roubl eshooting Troubleshoot ing If an alarm message appears on the monitor screen, or i f the unit appea rs to be malf unctio ning, please ch eck the followin g before cont acting your So ny dealer .
67 Troubles hooting Chapter 6 Maintenance and T roubl eshooting Error Mess age s This unit is provided with a self- diagnostic f unction t hat detects internal abnormalities. When i t detects an abnormali ty, it outp uts an error m essage to th e monito r screen and in dicates an error code in t he time counter display.
68 Trouble shooting Chapter 6 Maintenance and T roubl eshooting Alarm me ssages and associ ated directions Alarm messa g e on monito r screen (Cause) Directi on Alarm mess age in time counter dis play A cleaning tape has been inser ted. The tape will automat ically be ejected afte r cleaning is complete d.
69 Precautio ns Appendixes Precauti ons On safety • Should a ny liquid or solid obj ect fall i nto the cabi net, unplug t he unit and have it check ed by quali fied personnel befor e operating it furt her. • Unplug the unit fro m the wall out let if it is not to be used for an ext ended period of time.
70 Specific ations Appendix es Specificat ions General Signal syste m DSR-1600: NTSC DSR-1600P : PAL Power requirements 100 V to 240 V AC, 50 /60 Hz Power con sumpt ion (with all optio ns install ed) .
71 Specifications Appendix es Video perf ormance Band width Composite (DSR-1600): 30 Hz to 4.2 MHz ±1.0 dB (Y) Composite (DSR-16 00P): 25 Hz to 4.8 MHz ±1.0 dB (Y) S-video (DS R-1600): 30 Hz to 5.0 MHz ±1.0 dB (Y), 5.75 MHz +0/ − 3.0 dB (Y) (TM) S-video (DS R-1600P): 25 Hz to 5.
72 Specific ations Appendix es Analog au dio outp uts AUDIO OUT XLR 3-pin, male ( × 4), +4/0/ − 3*/ − 6 dBm, 600 Ω loadi ng, low imp edance, balanced AUDIO MONITOR OUT Phono jack, −11 dBu ±1.
73 ClipLink Guide Appendix es ClipLi nk G uide What Is ClipLi nk? The ClipL ink function greatly im proves the ef ficiency of the video pr oduction proc ess as a whole by rec ording various edi ting-relat ed data on tap e when shooti ng.
74 ClipLink Guide Appendix es Example System Configuration and Operation Flow The following illustration shows an example system config uration f or using t he ClipLi nk functio n and a typica l ClipLi nk operatio n flow.
75 ClipLink Guide Appendix es Data Generated When Shoo ting The followi ng describes the kin ds of data that is genera ted when using t he ClipLi nk functi on. Index pictures When shooting, a single-frame image from the Mark IN point at the start of each scene is recorded as a still picture into the camcord er ’ s internal memory.
76 ClipLink Guide Appendix es Ho w to record ClipLink log data The followin g describes how to reco rd the variou s ClipLink l og data items. OK/NG status To designate a sce ne as “ NG, ” press the NG button on the camera while shooting the scene or at any t ime before you begin shooting the next sce ne.
77 ClipLink Guide Appendix es Time codes recor ded for Mark IN/OUT points There is a gap bet ween actual t ime codes and Ma rk IN/ OUT time codes recorded i n the cassette memory, as shown in the figur e below. The time co de value is round ed up at each Mark IN point and roun ded down at eac h Mark OUT point, to a w hol e num ber of seco nds.
78 Glossary Appendix es Glossa ry A/B r oll ed iting An editin g method that use s two or more playback VCRs to create special effects suc h as dissolve and wipe, and uses one record VCR to record the result s of the editing. Using an ed iting cont rol unit allo ws efficie nt control of the VCRs and very preci se editing.
79 Glossary Appendix es S/N Abbrevia tion of Signal- to-Noise (ratio). The high er the S/N value, t he less noise a nd higher t he picture quality . Searc h mode A VCR operating mode used wh en search.
80 Glossary Appendix es.
81 Index Inde x Index Numerics 9PI N butt on 13 A A/B roll editing system 54 AC IN connector 14 AES 6, 16 Alarm messages 67 Analog audio sign al ou tput sect ion 17 video sign al ou tput sect ion 15 A.
82 Index Inde x Optional accessories 7 P PB FS display 8 PCM digit al audio 5 PHONE LEVEL control knob 8 PLAY b utton 10 Playback 19 jog m ode 13 , 34 procedure 23 shuttle mode 13, 35 Playback format .
Sony Corporation Printe d in Japan.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sony DSR-1600.GB (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sony DSR-1600.GB heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sony DSR-1600.GB vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sony DSR-1600.GB leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sony DSR-1600.GB krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sony DSR-1600.GB bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sony DSR-1600.GB kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sony DSR-1600.GB . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.