Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DVP-NS715P van de fabrikant Sony
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3-074-927- 11 (2) Oper ating I ns t ructio ns © 2002 Sony Corporation D VP-NS715P CD/DVD Player.
2 WARNIN G To pr event f ire or shoc k hazard , do not expose the unit to r ain or mo isture. To avoi d elect rical shock, d o not op en the c abin et. Ref er servicin g to qual ified perso nnel onl y. CAUTION The use of optical instrum ents with this product will increase eye hazard.
3 Precau tio ns On sa f ety • Caution – Th e use o f op ti ca l instru ments with th is pro d uct w ill in cr ea se ey e haz ard. • To pr even t fir e or shock haz ard, do not plac e obj ects f il led wi th liqui ds, s uch as vase s, on the app ar atus.
4 Table of Contents WARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Welcome! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Precautions .
5 Enjo ying M o vies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Changing the Angle s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Displaying th e Subtitles . . . . . . . . . .
6 About th is Man ua l • Instru ctions in this manual descri be the contr ols on the remo te. Yo u can al so use the controls on th e playe r if they h ave th e sa me or similar names as t hose on the r emote.
7 • A disc th at has a non- standa rd sha pe (e.g., card , hea rt). • A dis c wi th pape r or stic kers on it . • A disc th at has the adhe sive of celloph an e tape or a sticker still le ft on it.
8 Index t o Part s an d Con tro ls For more informatio n, refer to the pa ges indic ated in par entheses . Front panel A [ / 1 (o n/standb y) bu tton/ind icator (28) Lights up in green wh en the pow e r is on and lights up in red when th e p la yer is in standb y m o de.
9 Front panel dis play When pl aying b ack a DV D VIDEO/DV D-RW When playin g back a VIDEO CD with Playba ck Co ntrol (P BC) (33) When pla ying ba ck a CD, DAT A CD (M P3 audi o), or VI D EO CD (w i t.
10 Rear panel A DIGITAL OUT (COAXIAL) jack (22) (23) (24) B DIGITAL OUT (OPTICAL) jack (22) (23) (24) C LINE OUT L/R (AUDIO) 1/2 jacks (21) (22) (23) D LINE OUT (VIDEO) 1/2 jacks (18) E S VIDEO OUT 1/.
11 Remote A TV [ / 1 (o n/st andby) butto n (61 ) B Z OPEN/CLOSE bu tton (29) C Number bu ttons (32) The num be r 5 but t o n has a tac ti l e do t . * D CLEA R butto n ( 36) E SUBTITLE button (51) F AUDIO bu tto n (48 ) G REPEA T butt on (39) H TIME/TEXT butto n (44 ) I .
12 Guide t o the Co nt rol Me nu Displ ay Use th e Co ntro l M e nu to sel ect a f unctio n an d to view r elated in forma tion. Pre ss DISPLA Y repeat ed ly to tur n o n or chang e the Cont rol Me nu d isplay as f ol l ows: z Hint You can skip the ADVANCED display by setting “ OFF ” under “ ADVANCED ” in the Contro l Menu (page 46).
13 List of Co ntro l Menu It ems Item Item Name, Functio n, Relevant Dis c Type TITLE (page 41)/SCENE (page 4 1)/TRACK (page 41 ) Selects the title , scene, or track to be played. CHAPTER (page 41)/INDEX (p age 41) Selects the chapter or index to be played .
14 z Hint The Cont rol Menu icon ind icator light s up i n green when you select an y item except “ OFF. ” ( “ TVS, ” “ PROGRAM, ” “ SHUFFLE, ” “ REPEA T, ” “ A-B REPEAT, ” “ BNR, ” “ DIGITAL VIDEO ENHANCER ” only) . The “ ANGLE ” in dicator lights up in g reen only when the a ngles c an be ch anged.
15 Simple Start Guide Simple Start Guide Quick Ov ervi e w A quick overvi ew p resente d in this guide will give y ou e nough i nform ation to s tart us ing t he player for yo ur enjoy m en t. To use the surrou nd sou nd f eature s of th is play er , ref er to “ Hooku ps ” on pag e 18 .
16 Step 3 : TV Ho okup s Connect the sup plied audi o/vid eo cord a nd the po wer cord in the or der ( 1 ~ 3 ) shown be low . Be sur e t o co nnect th e power co rd last . When c onn ecti n g to a wi de scr ee n TV Depending on the dis c, the image may not fi t your T V screen.
17 Simple Start Guide Step 4 : Play ing a Disc A Turn on the TV. B Press [ / 1 on the player. C Switch th e input select or on your TV so that the sign al from the player app ear s on the TV screen. D Press A on t h e player to open the disc tray. E Place the disc on th e tray with the playb ack side f acing down.
18 Hookups Hooki ng Up t he Pla yer Fol lo w Step s 1 t o 4 to ho ok up and ad just the set t i ngs of t h e pl a yer. Befo re you s tart, d isconn ect th e powe r cord s, c heck th at you have al l of the supp lied a ccesso ries, and ins ert the batt eries in to the re mote (page 15).
19 Hookup s A If you a re connec ting to a video inp ut jack Connect the ye llow plug of the audio/v ideo cord (supplied) to the yellow (video) jacks. You will enjoy s tandard qual ity images. Use th e re d and wh ite plu gs to connec t to the a udi o input jacks (p age 21 ).
20 Ste p 2: Conne cting the Audi o Cord s Refer to th e chart below to select the connectio n that best s uits your system. Be su re to also read the inst ructions for the components y ou wish to connect. Select a connecti on Select one of the fo ll ow ing co nne ction s, throug h .
21 Hookup s Connecti ng to you r TV This conn ecti on wil l u se you r TV s pea kers for so und. * The yellow plug is used for video signa ls (p a ge 18). z Hint When connec ti ng to a monaural TV, use a st ere o- mono conve rs ion cord (not suppli ed).
22 Conn ecting to a stereo amp lifier (rece iver) and 2 speakers/Co nnecting to an MD de ck or DA T deck If the st ereo ampli fie r ( receiver) h as a udio in put j acks L and R only , u se . If th e amp lif ier (recei ver) ha s a digital i nput jac k, or when conne cting to an MD deck or DAT dec k, use .
23 Hookup s Connect ing to a n A V ampl ifie r (receiver ) havin g a Dol by Surround (Pro Logic) d ecoder and 3 to 6 speakers You can en joy t he Do lby S urrou nd e ffects only when play ing Dolby Surro und audio o r m ulti- chann el au dio (D ol by D i gi t al) discs .
24 Connec ti ng t o an A V amplifier ( rec ei ver) w it h a d igi tal inp ut jack ha vi ng a Dol by Digital o r DTS de coder a nd 6 speak ers This connecti on will allo w you to use the Dolby Digital or DTS decoder function of y our AV ampl if ie r (re ce iver).
25 Hookup s Step 3 : Conn ecting the Power Cord Plu g th e playe r and TV po wer cord s int o an AC out le t . Step 4: Qu ic k Setu p Follow the steps belo w to make the mini mum number of basi c adjust ments for using th e player. To skip a n adjustment, p ress > .
26 9 Press X / x to select the typ e of signals you wish to output to your TV. Select “ PROGRESSIVE ” only if y ou have made vi deo co nnect ion C (page 18) and wi sh to view pr ogr essiv e vi de o sign als.
27 Hookup s 15 Press ENTER. Quick Setup i s finish ed. All co nnections and set up operat i o n s are com pl e te. Enjoying the surround so und effects To enjoy t he surro und soun d effe cts of thi s.
28 Playing Discs Play in g Disc s Depending on the DVD or VIDEO CD, some operat i ons may be di f fe rent or res tricted . Refer t o the operat ing inst ructio ns supp lied with your disc. 1 Turn on your TV. 2 Press [ / 1 . The play er turn s on and th e pow er indicat or lights up i n gr ee n.
29 Playin g Di sc s set to “ OFF ” in the Setup Displa y (page 69 ), and ma y affect your e ar s or cause you r speak ers t o be dama ged. Notes on play ing DVD VIDEOs w ith a DTS soun d tr ack • DTS audi o sig nals are outp ut o nly t hrou gh the DIGITAL OUT (COAX IAL or OPTICAL) jack.
30 Search ing f or a Parti cular Point on a Disc (Search, Scan, Sl ow-motio n Play, Free ze Frame) You can qu ickly loca te a particul ar point on a disc by mo nitori ng the pict ure or play ing back slo wly. Note Depending on the DVD/VI DEO CD, you m ay no t be able to do s ome of the op erations de scribed.
31 Playin g Di sc s Resum ing Pl ayba ck from the Po in t Whe r e You Stoppe d the Disc (Multi-disc Resume) The pla yer sto res the p oint wh ere you stoppe d the d isc f or up t o 40 d iscs and re sumes playba ck the nex t time yo u insert the sam e dis c.
32 Using the DVD’s Menu A DVD is divid ed into long sec tions of a pic ture or a music feat ure calle d “ titl es. ” When y ou p lay a DVD wh ich contai ns severa l title s, you can sel ect the title yo u want using the TOP MEN U bu tton.
33 Playin g Di sc s 3 Press X / x to select the setting. • PLAY LIST: plays th e title s created from “ ORIGINAL ” for editing . • ORIGINAL: plays the titles o riginally record ed. 4 Press ENTER. To tur n off th e Contr o l Menu Press DISPLAY repeated ly until th e Contro l Men u is tu rn ed off .
34 To return to the menu Press O RETURN. z Hint To play withou t using PBC, press . / > or the number but tons while the player i s stopped to se lect a track, th en pr ess H or ENTER. “ Play with out PBC ” appear s on the T V scree n and the play er starts continuou s play.
35 Playin g Di sc s 2 Select an albu m usin g X / x an d press ENTER . The list of trac ks cont ained in th e album appe ars. 3 Select a t rack usi n g X / x and pres s ENTER . The sele cted trac k start s pl a ying. When a t rack or album is being pla yed, its title i s shaded.
36 When y ou inse rt a D ATA C D an d p ress H , the number ed tracks are played sequentia lly, from 1 through 7 . Any sub-a l bum s/trac ks contai ne d withi n a curren tly selec ted alb um take pri ority over the next alb u m in the s ame tree. (Example : C co ntains D so 4 i s pl ayed befo re 5 .
37 Playin g Di sc s 1 Press DISPL AY twi ce (whe n pla ying a CD, press once ). The Con tr ol M enu ap pe ars. 2 Press X / x to sele ct (PROGRAM ), then p ress ENTE R. The opti on s for “ PROGRA M ” appear . 3 Press X / x to se le ct “SET t , ” th en press ENT ER.
38 To turn off the di splay Press DISPLAY repea tedly until the display is tur ned off. To ch ange or c ancel a pro gram 1 Follo w Ste ps 1 throug h 3 of “ Creating your ow n p rogram (Pro gr am Pl ay).
39 Playin g Di sc s Playing repeatedl y (Repeat Play ) You can pl ay al l o f th e titl es o r t racks o n a disc or a si ngl e title, ch ap ter, or tr ac k repeat edly. You ca n us e a combi n atio n of Shu ffl e or Program Play modes. 1 Press R EP EAT dur i ng playb ack.
40 2 Press X / x to select (A-B REPEAT ), then press E NTER. The op tions f or “ A-B REPEAT ” appear . 3 Press X / x to select “ SET t , ” then press ENT ER. The “ A-B REP EAT ” settin g di spla y appe ars. 4 During play bac k, when you fin d the starti ng po int (poi nt A) of the p ortion to be play ed repea ted ly , press ENTER.
41 Searchi ng for a Scene Sear c hi ng for a S cene Search ing for a Title / Chap ter/T rack/ Inde x/ Scene (Search mode ) You ca n sear ch a DVD by titl e or chap ter, an d you can se arch a V IDE O CD/ CD by tra ck , index, or sce ne.
42 Note You cannot search for a still pic ture on a DVD-RW in VR mode. Sear ch ing by Scene (PICTUR E NAVIGATIO N) You can divi de the scr een i nto 9 subs creens and fi nd the de sired sce ne quickl y. 1 Press PI CTURE NAVI during playback. The follow ing d ispla y appe ars.
43 Searchi ng for a Scene 3 Press ENTER. To return to normal play Press O RETURN. z Hint You can also se le ct “ PICTURE NAVIGATION ” from th e Control Menu (page 1 2). Notes • Depending on the disc , you ma y not be ab le to select al l functio ns.
44 Viewing Inf ormation About the Disc Check ing th e Play ing Time an d Remai ning Time You can check th e playin g t im e and remaining t ime of the curr ent title, c hapter, or track. Al so, you c an check the D VD/CD tex t or trac k na me (M P3 au dio) re co rded o n the disc.
45 Viewing In formation Ab out the D isc Checking the informatio n on the front panel dis play You can view t he t im e info rmat io n an d text displa ye d on the TV sc reen al so on the f ront panel di s p l ay. Th e inform atio n on the fron t panel di s p l ay c hange s as fo llow s w he n you change the time informa tion on your TV scre en.
46 Check ing th e Play Informat ion You can check inform ation such a s t h e b it rate or th e disc la ye r that is be ing play ed. Checking the play information of a DVD (ADVANCED) 1 Press DISPLAY during pl ayba ck. The Cont ro l Menu i s dis played.
47 Viewing In formation Ab out the D isc Checking the play information of a DATA CD By press ing TIME/T EXT while play ing MP3 audio trac ks on a DATA CD, you can display the audi o bi t rate (the amount of data per sec ond of the curr ent au dio) .
48 Sound Adjustme nts Chang ing th e Sound When playing a DVD VIDEO recorded i n multiple a udio formats (PCM, Dolby Dig ital, or DTS ), you c an ch ange th e audio forma t. If the DVD VIDEO is re corded with mult i lin gu al tr ac ks, yo u can als o chan g e the langua ge.
49 Sound Adjustm en ts * “ PCM, ” “ DTS, ” or “ DOLBY DIGITAL ” is display ed. In the ca se of “ DOLBY DIGITAL, ” the cha n ne ls in th e pl a y ing tr ac k a re d is pl ay ed by numb ers as fo llow s: For Do lby Digi ta l 5 .
50 2 Press SUR repeatedly to select one of the TVS sound s. Refer to the follo wing expla natio ns given for each i t em. • TVS DYNAMIC • TVS WIDE • TVS NIGHT • TVS STANDARD To canc e l the se tti ng Select “ OFF ” in Step 2.
51 Enjoyi ng Movie s Enjoying M ovies Changi ng the Ang les If vari ou s angl es (mult i -a ngle s) fo r a scen e are recorded on the DVD VIDEO, “ ANGLE ” appears in the fr ont pane l displa y. This m eans that yo u ca n change t he viewi ng a ngle.
52 Note Depending o n the DVD VI DEO, you may not b e able to ch an ge th e subtitle s ev en if mult ili ngual subtit le s ar e recorde d on it. Y ou al so may not be able to tur n the m off.
53 Enjoyi ng Movie s 4 Press ENTER. The disc plays wi th the setting you select ed. To c ancel the “ BNR ” setting Select “ OFF ” in Step 3. To tur n off th e Contr o l Menu Press DISPLAY repeated ly until th e Contro l Men u is tu rn ed off .
54 • CINEM A 1: enhanc es detai l s in da rk area s by in crea sing the black leve l. • CINE M A 2: Whi t e colors becom e brig hter and bl ack colo rs b ecome riche r, an d the col or contras t is incr eased. • MEMORY: ad justs t he pi cture in greater de tail.
55 Enjoyi ng Movie s Enhanc ing th e Pl ay back Pictu re (DI GIT AL VID EO ENHAN CER) The D igital Video E nhanc er (DV E) function makes th e picture a ppear cl ea r and cri sp by enhancin g the outlines of images on your TV screen. Also, this function can soft en the image s o n the sc re en.
56 Using Various Additio nal Functions Locki ng Dis cs (CU STOM PARENTA L CONTRO L, PARE NTAL CONTR OL) You can set two kind s of play back res trictio ns for th e desi re d disc. • Custom Parent al Co ntrol You ca n set pla yback res tricti ons so tha t the playe r w i ll no t play inap propri at e di s cs .
57 Using Vari ous Additi ona l Functions To turn off t he Custom Parent al Co ntrol funct ion 1 Follow Steps 1 th ro ugh 3 of “ Cust om Parental Con trol. ” 2 Press X / x to sel ect “ OFF t , ” th en pr ess ENTER. 3 Enter yo ur 4-di gi t p as sword usi ng the numbe r bu tto ns, then pr es s EN T ER.
58 ◆ When yo u have a lrea dy regis t er ed a passwor d The disp lay for ent er i ng the pas sw ord appe ars. 4 Enter o r re-e nter your 4-d igit pa ssword usin g t he num ber but t ons, th en pres s ENTER . The disp lay for set t i ng t he playbac k limitatio n level ap pears.
59 Using Vari ous Additi ona l Functions the disc. I n thi s cas e, enter your passwo rd , th en change the le vel. If the Resum e Play mode is cancele d , the le vel retu rn s to the original level. Area C ode Changing the passw ord 1 Press DISP LAY while the pla yer is in stop mod e.
60 Opera tion So und Effe cts (Sound Feedback ) The play er beeps when th e fo llowin g operat i ons are perf ormed . The defa ult settin g of the Sou nd Fee db ack func tio n is se t to of f. Setting So und Feedback 1 Press [ / 1 on the pla yer or the rem ote.
61 Using Vari ous Additi ona l Functions Contro llin g You r TV or AV Ampli fier (Rec eiver) w ith the Su pp li e d R em ot e By adjust ing the remo te signal, y ou can contro l your TV w i th the su ppl i ed remot e. If you con nect th e player w it h a n AV amplif ier (re ce iver), yo u can co nt ro l the volu me w ith th e su p p lied rem ote.
62 Controlling the v olume of your AV amplifier (recei ver) with the remote 1 Hold do wn [ / 1 , and e nt er your AV amplifi er (recei ver) ’ s manufacture r ’ s code (see th e tabl e belo w) usin g the number butto ns. 2 Releas e [ / 1 . You can contr ol the volume of the AV amplifie r (receiv e r) using VOL +/ – .
63 Settings a nd Adjustm ents Settings and Adjustmen ts Usin g th e Se tu p Disp la y By usi n g the Se t u p Disp l ay , you ca n make various a djustments to items su ch as pictu re and so und. You ca n also set a languag e fo r the subtitl es and t he Setu p Disp lay, am ong othe r things.
64 6 Select a setting using X / x , then press ENTER . The setting is selecte d and setup is complete. Example: “ 16:9 ” To turn off the di splay Press DISPLAY repea tedly until the display is tur ned off. To en ter the Qu ick Setu p mode Select “ QUICK ” in S te p 3.
65 Settings a nd Adjustm ents Setti ngs f or th e Disp lay (SCREEN SETUP) Choose sett ings according to the TV to b e connect ed. Select “ SCREEN S ETUP ” i n th e Se tup Disp lay. T o use the d isplay , see “ Using the Setu p Di spla y ” (page 63).
66 z Hint When the pla ye r ou tput s progressiv e si gna ls, the PROGRESSIVE indicator lights up . Note If you select “ PROGRESSIVE ” when you connect the pl ayer to a TV t hat ca nnot acc ept the signal in progressi ve format (480p), the im age qual ity will deterio rat e.
67 Settings a nd Adjustm ents Custom Sett ings (CUSTO M SETUP) Use t his t o se t up play back r elat ed an d ot her settings . Select “ CUSTOM SETUP ” in the Setup Disp lay. T o use the d isplay , see “ Using the Setu p Di spla y ” (page 63).
68 Notes • When you se t th e item to “ AUTO, ” the langua ge may chang e. The “ TRACK SELECTION ” set ting has highe r prio rity than the “ A UDIO ” settings in “ LANGUAGE SETUP ” (page 64).
69 Settings a nd Adjustm ents ◆ DOWN MIX (DVD V IDEO/DVD-RW o nly) Switches the method for mixing down to 2 chan nels w he n you pl ay a DVD which has rear s ound elem ents (ch annel s) or i s rec orded in Dolby Digi tal format. For details on the rear si gn al comp onen ts, see “ Disp laying the audio i nformat ion of the disc ” (page 48 ).
70 Additional Info rmation Troubl eshoo ting If you ex perien ce any o f th e f ol lo wing difficu lt i es w hi le using th e pl a yer, use th is troublesh ooting guide to help remedy th e proble m bef or e reque st in g r epairs. S hou ld any prob lem pers ist, cons ul t your ne ar es t Sony deal e r.
71 Additional Informat ion Operation The remo te does not func tio n. , There are obs tacles betwee n the remote and the pl ay er. , The dis ta n c e be twee n th e rem ote and the player i s t oo fa r. , The r emote i s not po inted at the remote sensor on t he pl ayer.
72 , The ang le ca n only be changed wh en the “ ANGLE ” indicator lights up on the front panel displ ay (p age 9). , The DVD prohibits ch angin g of th e a ngles. The pla yer does not op er ate prop erly. , When st atic electr icity, etc. , caus es the player t o ope rate abn orm ally, unpl ug the player.
73 Additional Informat ion Glossa ry Chap t er (pa ge 9 ) Sectio ns o f a pic t ur e or a mus ic fe ature t hat are smalle r th an tit les. A title is composed of severa l chap te rs .
74 Interl ace for m at (pag e 65) Inte rl ace fo rma t show s ever y ot he r lin e of an image as a single “ field ” and is the st andard method fo r display ing image s on tele vision. The ev en n umber fie l d sh ows th e ev en numb ered l ine s of a n im age, and th e od d numb ered f iel d show s th e odd number ed l ines of an ima ge.
75 Additional Informat ion Spec ifica tions Syst em Laser: S em i co nductor laser Signal form at sy stem: NTS C Audio chara cteri stics Freq uency resp onse: DVD VIDEO (PCM 96 kHz ): 2 Hz to 44 kHz (±1. 0 dB)/DV D VIDEO (PCM 48 kHz): 2 Hz to 22 kHz (±0.
76 Langua ge C ode Li st For de tails, see p ages 4 8, 51 , 64. The lang ua ge spell i ngs co nform to the ISO 639: 19 88 (E/F) standard . Code Lan guage Code Lan guage Code L anguage Code Langu age 1.
77 Inde x Numerics 16:9 65 4:3 L ETTER BOX 65 4:3 PAN SCAN 65 5.1 Channel Surrou nd 20 A A-B REPEAT 39 ADVANCED 46 album 34 ANGLE 51 ANGLE VIEWER 43 AUDIO 48 , 64 AUDIO ATT 68 AUDIO DRC 68 AUDIO SETUP.
Sony Corporation Print ed in Malaysia.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sony DVP-NS715P (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sony DVP-NS715P heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sony DVP-NS715P vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sony DVP-NS715P leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sony DVP-NS715P krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sony DVP-NS715P bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sony DVP-NS715P kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sony DVP-NS715P . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.