Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product F35 van de fabrikant Sony
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2 To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this a pparatus to rain or moisture. To avoid electrical shock, do not open th e cabinet.
3 Afin de réduire les risques d’incendie ou d’électrocution, ne pas exposer cet appareil à la pluie ou à l’humidité. Afin d’écarter tout ri sque d’électrocution, garder le coffret ferm é. Ne confier l’entretien de l’appareil qu’à un personnel qualifié.
4 Table of Con tents Table o f Content s Chapter 1 Overview 1-1 Features . .......... .............. ......... .............. ......... .............. ... 7 1-2 Example of System Configuration .......... .............. ....... 9 1-3 Locations and Functi ons of Parts .
5 Table of Contents 3-2-9 ON/OFF of the Char acter Indication .............................. 35 3-2-10 Allocation of Functions to the Assignable Buttons and Switch ............................................................................35 3-2-11 Brightness Adjustment of the Subdisplay .
6 Table of Con tents 4-3-2 PAINT Me nu ................................................................. 67 4-3-3 MAIN TENANCE Menu ............................................. ... 73 4-3-4 NETWORK Menu ...............................................
7 Chapter 1 Overvie w Chapter Features 1 Over view 1-1 Feat ures The F35 is a 1CCD d igital cinematogra phy camera equipped wi th Super 35- mm type IT pro gressi ve CCD array with a t otal of 6,600,000 pi cture elemen ts (ef fectiv e pixel count of 19 20 [H] × 1080 [ V] RGB).
8 Featur es Chapter 1 Overvie w Doc kab le syst em of th e SR W -1 HD P ortable Digital Reco rd er A dockable int erface system is employed t o conform to versa tile shooti ng condit ions and on -site demands. The SR W -1 1) can be docked d irectly on the top or rear of the camera , as required for shooti ng conditio ns.
9 Example of System Configu ration Chapter 1 Overvie w 1-2 Example of System Co nfigurat ion The diagram bel ow sho ws a system conf i guration e xample to use of th is ca mera. In this manua l, an opt ional HD VF-C35W HD Elec tronic V ie wfi nder is u sed to instruct ho w to operat e the uni t.
10 Locatio ns and Functi ons of Parts Chapter 1 Overvie w 1-3 Locations and Function s of P ar ts 1-3-1 Camera Head Front panel a VF1 (viewf inder 1) c onnector (20-pi n) Connect a vie wfind er (opti onal). b CONTROL P ANEL connector Connect wit h the CAMERA co nnector of the suppli ed assistant panel (page 15) .
11 Location s and Functi ons of Parts Chapter 1 Overvie w Left panel a Lev el vial Used as a reference to c heck that the camera stand s horizon tally . It can be f ine -adjuste d when requi red. If fine-adjustment is required, remo ve the cov er and adjust it by rota ting the thre e slotted-he ad screws.
12 Locatio ns and Functi ons of Parts Chapter 1 Overvie w The necessar y settings are made using the NETWORK menu displa yed on the v ie wfi nder or moni tor screen. For safety , do not conn ect the connector for p eripheral de vice wir ing th at might h av e e xcessi ve v oltage to this port.
13 Location s and Functi ons of Parts Chapter 1 Overvie w The f irmwar e of t he SR W -1 ma y be r equir ed to be upda ted for us e with this c amera. F o r detai ls, cons ult y our lo cal Sony r epr esentative.
14 Locatio ns and Functi ons of Parts Chapter 1 Overvie w f MENU SEL (selection) /ENTER dial Used to select or se t the items on the sub display or the menu items on the vi ewf inder (monitor) screen.
15 Location s and Functi ons of Parts Chapter 1 Overvie w 1-3-2 Assistant P anel (Supplied) The most part s are common to t hose on the ri ght panel of the camera head. Connecting the panel to the CONTR O L P ANEL connector (pa ge 10) of the camera head p ermits the camera and recorder to be operat ed at hand.
16 Locatio ns and Functi ons of Parts Chapter 1 Overvie w e Camera connector 1 When the int erface bo x is mounted on t he top or rear of the camera head, vid eo/audio and c ontrol signal s are sent/ recei ved t o/from the camera head.
17 Chapter 2 Installat ion and Prepar ations Chapter Mounting the Interfac e Box 2 Installation and Preparations 2-1 Mounting the Interfa ce Bo x The supplied interface box c an be attach ed to the top or rear of the camera head.
18 Mounti ng the Inte rface Box Chapter 2 Installat ion and Prepar ations 5 Rotate th e accessory mount le ver do wnward (pull it in the opposi te direct ion of the l ens when atta ching to the top). 6 While ho lding th e lock-r elease knob in the dir ection o f the arro w , fold the accesso ry mount le ver i nto its home positi on.
19 Mounting t he SRW-1 Recorder Chapter 2 Installat ion and Prepar ations 2-2 Mounting the SR W -1 Recor der In the same manner a s the interfac e box, the SR W -1 HD Portable Di gital R ecorder can be mounted on the top or rear of the camera head. F or handling of the S RW -1 Recor der , refe r to the Oper ation Manual of the r ecor der .
20 Attac hin g a Lens Chapter 2 Installat ion and Prepar ations 2-3 Attac hing a Lens Attach an appropria te optional lens that conforms to the PL lens m ount. Always use a le ns whose project ion from the flange ( A in the f igure) is less than 30 mm.
21 Attach ing a Viewfin der Chapter 2 Installat ion and Prepar ations 1 Loosen th e f ixing scre w using a scre wdri ver , then open the co ver . 2 Rotate the adjustment screw u sing an Allen wrench . Clockwis e rotation lengthens the flan ge focal length, and counte rclockwise rotati on shortens i t.
22 Mounting t he Camera to a Tripod Chapter 2 Installat ion and Prepar ations When the suppl ied center handl e is attached to the top of the camera head , you can attach the vie wfinder to t he vie wf inder shoe of the cente r handle. In this case, f irst remov e the vie wfinder shoe from t he camera head.
23 Attach ing/Detachin g Handles Chapter 2 Installat ion and Prepar ations 2-6 Attac hing/Detaching Handles 2-6-1 L Handle The L handle is attached t o the top of th e camera head at the fact ory . Three scre w holes (for 3 / 8 ” camera scre ws for a tripod) on the upper side of the L handle can be used for f ixing various accessori es.
24 Prepar ing the Power Supp ly Chapter 2 Installat ion and Prepar ations Attaching a v iewfinder When the suppl ied center handl e is attached to the top of the camera head , you can attach the vie wfinder to t he vie wf inder shoe of the cente r handle a fter remo ving the vie wf inder shoe from the camera head.
25 Setting t he Built- in Clock Chapter 2 Installat ion and Prepar ations Pack t o the interf ace box. • Remov e the bat tery pack if the camera wil l be out of u se for an e xtended pe riod. • Charg e the battery , using the speci fie d battery char ger , before use.
26 Setting the Built-in Clock Chapter 2 Installat ion and Prepar ations 6 Push on the M ENU SEL/E NTER dial. The <D A TE> page is disp layed. 7 T urn the MENU SEL/ENTER dial and set t he date and time. Push on the M ENU SEL/E NTER dial to sh ift to the ne xt digit .
27 Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s Chapter Selection of the Basic Operation Mode s 3 Basic Adjustments and Settings 3-1 Selec tion of the Ba sic Operation Mode s 3-1-1 Overvie w of the B asic Operation Modes W i th this came ra, Cine mode a nd Custom mode can be switched.
28 Select ion of t he Basi c Operati on Mode s Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s <BASE SETTING> pag e of the MA INTENANCE menu SHOO T MODE Switch b etween CINE an d CUSTOM on this line . D-RANGE W i th EXTE ND, the dynamic r ange and sensi tivi ty are improved.
29 Basic S ettings wit h the Subdispla y Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s 3-2 B asic Sett ings with the Su bdispla y Basic settings of the camera can be easily performed, using the subdispl ay locate d on the side of t he camera or that of the assistant pane l if connected via the CONTR OL P ANEL connector of the camera.
30 Basic Se ttings with th e Subdisplay Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s T o ca ncel a c hange on a setting W i thout regist ering a change of a settin g, press the CANCE L/ST A TUS b utton . The qu estion m ark disap pears, and t he origina l setting i s restored.
31 Basic S ettings wit h the Subdispla y Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s The speed v alue for the shutter angle v aries depending on the selected v ideo format and frame rate.
32 Basic Se ttings with th e Subdisplay Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s PRESET For resetting a ll step shutt er values to default. Addition and deletion of step sh utter v alues can be performed on the <S HUTTER/FPS> pag e of the US ER (P AINT) menu.
33 Basic S ettings wit h the Subdispla y Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s an appropria te ND offset v alue from a previ ous adjustment you made. Use the ND fi lter selection p age on the subdisplay . The of fset v alues ND: 2 to 5 are stored with respect to t he white balance stored for ND: 1 as the reference.
34 Basic Se ttings with th e Subdisplay Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s • If a gamma other th an S-LOG is selected The upper limi t is clippe d according to t he output vi deo limitati on specif ied by the gamma sett ing. When you select a curve a s Hyper Gamma No.
35 Basic S ettings wit h the Subdispla y Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s 3-2-8 Confirmation of the P ower V oltage and Selection of Fan Operation Mode The v alues in v o ltage of the power sou rces connected t o the camera can b e conf irmed on the subd isplay .
36 Basic Se ttings with th e Subdisplay Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s Funct ions th at can be allo cated t o assign able swi t ch 4 Even if A WB is allocated t o assignable switch 4, A WB does not f unction in Cine mode.
37 Black Bal ance Adjustme nt Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s <SUBDISPL A Y 2> page Mov e the pointer to P A GE SELECT the n push on the MENU SEL/ENT ER dial to jump to the <P A GE SELECT> subpag e, where limit ation of displ ay pages can be assigned.
38 White Ba lance A djustment (in Cus tom mode) Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s 3-4 White Bal ance Adjustment ( in Cus tom mode) When the camera is used in Custom m ode, if the ligh ting condit ions cha nge, read just the wh ite balanc e. When adjusti ng the white balanc e, select the whi te balance memory .
39 Settin g the Camera Out puts Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s During adju stment The message “ A WB EXECUTING” is displa yed on th e vie wf inder screen. When the ad justment process is complete d successfully , the message “ A WB: OK” is displayed.
40 Sett ing the C amer a Outp uts Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s Timin g of the pulse si gnal Example 1: SHUTTER OFF Example 2: SHUTTER ON, shutter ang le 180º RM VIDEO The video signals t o be output to equipment con nected via the REMO T E connect or can be selec ted.
41 Settin g the Camera Out puts Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s T o compare the pla ybac k picture and camera ima g e The playba ck picture and came ra image can be displayed on the same screen when the playback -signal output mode is s et to ON or A UTO for t he it em PB on the <PB/M ONI GAMMA> page and if PB MIX is set to ON.
42 Sett ing the C amer a Outp uts Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s 3-5-3 Outputting Color Bars The color -bar si gnal can be output by setting the col or-b ar generat or built in the camera to ON. The color -bar generator can be turned ON or OFF on the <O THERS 1> page of the US ER (MAINTEN ANCE) menu.
43 Viewing and Setting the V iewfinde r Displays Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s 3-6 Vie wing and Setting the Vie wfinde r Displa ys Besides th e video imag e, the vie wfinder c an display t ext and messages sho wing the camera set tings and oper ation status.
44 Viewing an d Setting the Vie wfinder Display s Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s Setting the basic status indications The condi tions for displaying t he basic sta tus indi cations can be set on the <VF DI SPLA Y> page of the USE R (OPERA T ION) menu.
45 Viewing and Setting the V iewfinde r Displays Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s a Fo rmat indication The current video f ormat is displayed.
46 Viewing an d Setting the Vie wfinder Display s Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s 3-6-5 Adjusting the Viewfinder Details Y o u can adjust th e image on the vie wfinder scree n to obtain a cleare r vie w , using t he <VF DE T AIL> page of the USER (OPERA TION) menu.
47 Viewing and Setting the V iewfinde r Displays Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s Example: Box cursor Activating/deactiva ting the cursor indication The <CHAR/MARK M IX> page of the USER (OPERA TION) menu perm its you to act i vat e/deacti vat e the cursor indic ation for each out put.
48 Detailed Set tings of the Switch Funct ions Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s 3-7 D etai led Set tings of the Switc h Funct ions By using the <SWIT CH ASSIGN> page of the USER (OPERA .
49 Setting the Gain / Det ailed Shutter Sett ings Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s 3-8 Setting t he Ga in If the gai n of the vi deo amp lifier of this cam era is to be switched usi ng the ga in switch o f the RM-B15 0 Remote Control Un it, the gai n v alues for the correspondi ng switch positions must be sp ecifi ed in adv ance.
50 Detailed Shutter Se ttings Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s “STEPS F ULL” will be d isplayed, a nd the v alue will not be added. In such a case, del ete an unnee ded step shut ter va lue bef orehand, u sing DEL ETE. • DELET E For deleting the step shutter value disp layed in the [deg] column in Step mode.
51 Resuming the Standar d Conditi ons Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s 3-10 Resu ming t he Standar d Conditions The <OPE RA T O R FILE> page of the USE R (OPERA TION) menu perm its you .
52 Select ing the Gamma Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s 3-11-2 Using the Hyper Gamma Hyper Gamma enables t he wide dynami c range of the CCD sensors to b e reproduced i n smooth contr ast withou t using the knee functi on.
53 Setting the F an Opera tion Mode Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s <USER GAMM A> page F or details on file op erati ons, see “Chapter 5 Stor age and Retri ev al of User Setting Data”.
54 Inverting the Camera Pict ure / Detailed Se tting of the Video Format Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s 3-13 In verting the Camera Picture The image-in version fun ction allo ws you to cancel the image in version pheno mena that oc curs when a cine-lens con verter is used.
55 Detailed Setting of the Video Format Chapter 3 Basic Adjustments and Setting s on the T OP MENU screen an d call up th e <OUTPUT FORMA T> page. F or details on menu oper ations, see “4-2 Basic Me nu Opera tions” (pag e 57). <OUTPUT F ORMA T> page of MAINTENANCE menu CURRENT The current format is displayed.
56 Menu Configur ation Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings Chapter 4 Men u Configuration and Detailed Settings 4-1 Men u Configurat ion In additi on to the subdispl ay pages, th e menus di splayed on the vie wfi nder enab le v arious d etailed setti ngs of the camera.
57 Basic Menu Op erations Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings NETW ORK menu This me nu is fo r enabling the came ra to be operated from a distance via a netw ork cable, e.g ., using the MSU-900/ 950 Master Set up Unit. F or the pages and i ncluded it ems of the NETW ORK menu, see “4-3- 4 NE TWORK M enu” (page 78) .
58 Basic Men u Operations Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings F or settings on the subdi splay , see“3-2 Basic Se ttings with the S ubdis play ” (page 29). 4-2-1 Displaying Setting P ages Press the VF MENU/DIS PLA Ybutton. The last operated menu page is displayed.
59 Basic Menu Op erations Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings 2 T urn the MENU SEL/ ENTER dial to flip through the pages. 3 When the d esired page i s displayed, push on the MENU SEL/ ENTER dia l. The “ ? ” symbol will change back to the point er ( c or B ), and operat ions with the di splayed pag e will be enabled.
60 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings 4-3 Men u List This secti on sho ws the menus t o be displayed on the viewf inde r in table s. • For the pages that hav e been register ed in the USER menu at the f actory , the USER menu page n umbers are indicated i n parentheses in th e No.
61 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings <‘!’ IND> Setting the ABNORMAL < ! > disp la y 02 (U02) ND [IND] ON ON, OFF [IND]: Set wheth er to be include d in th .
62 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings <MARKER SETTING> Specifyi ng ma rkers 04 (U03) CENTER OFF ON, OF F 1 1, 2, 3 , 4 1: Entire c ross 2: Entire c ross with a hole 3: Ce nter 4: Ce nter with a hole SAFETY OFF ON, OF F 90.
63 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings <PB/MONI GAMMA> Setting the gamm a of the pla ybac k picture/m onitor pictur e 08 (U07) MONI GAMMA ENABLE OFF ON, OFF PB VF OFF .
64 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings <SHUTTER ASSIGN> Settin g the step shutter v alues 10 (U10) STEP [deg] column: Shutter a ngle va lue setti ngs [sec] c olumn: Th e con ve r ted speed v alues de pending on the select ed FPS v alue are disp la yed.
65 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings <P A GE SELECT> subpage Selectin g page s to be displ a y ed on the subdis pla y SHUTTER ON ON, OFF FORMA T ON ON, OF F ND ON ON.
66 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings <BA T TER Y ALARM> Conf ir ming the oper ating po wer vol ta ge 15 (U15) DC IN (24V) TYPE AC A D P BA TT1, BA TT2 , A C ADP NEAR END (22.2) displa y only (S etting i s achie ved using the MAINTENANCE menu.
67 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings 4-3-2 P AINT Menu • When the sett ing is in t he fix ed status, it is displayed in parenthese s. Example: (OFF) • The markings [P01] to [P03] in the No. col umn indicate t he page numbe rs in Cine mode.
68 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings <GAMMA> Adjustin g the gamma P03 [P02] (U18) LEVEL [R] [G] [B] [M] 0000 – 99 to +99 R, G, B , and M (master) val ues can be indepe ndentl y set. BLA CK 0 – 99 to + 99 M (master) va lue only COA RSE 0.
69 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings <KNEE> Adjustin g the compr essio n for high-lum inance areas P06 [ - - ] K POINT [R] [G] [B] [M] 0000 – 99 to +99 R, G, B , and M (master) v alues c an be inde pende ntly set.
70 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings <DET AIL 2> Adjustin g the emphas is of the contours in vi deo P09 [ - - ] H/V RA TIO 0 – 99 to +99 T o specify the v ertical f actor of the contou r emph asis (Absolute v alues are displa yed in ABS m ode.
71 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings <USER MA TRIX> Adjustin g the colo r compon ents wit hout aff ectin g the b lac k and whi te compon ents P11 [ - - ] R-G 0 – 9.
72 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings <SHUTTER/FPS> Adjustin g the shutter w hile observing th e shutter a ngles an d speeds P13 [P03] (U19) SHUTTER OF F ON, OFF Setting to O N disp la ys the current shutter v alues in the [deg] and [ sec] col umns .
73 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings 4-3-3 MAINTENANCE Menu The markings [M01] to [M11 ] in the No. column i ndicate the page n umbers in Cine mode. The pages mar ked with [ - - ] in the No. column are not displayed in Cine mode.
74 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings <WHITE SHADING> Adjustin g the shading of white le v el M03 [ - - ] V SA W [R] [G] [B] 000 – 9 9 to +99 R, G, a nd B v alues c an be independ ently set.
75 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings <OUTPUT FORMA T> Setting the outpu t video f or mat M07 [M03] CURRENT 23.98PsF 4:4 :4 The c urre nt for mat is displa yed. SCAN PROGRESSIVE PROGRESSIVE, INTERLA CE When INTERLA CE is selected f or SCAN, select half the v alue of th e field frequency in FRAME.
76 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings <MET AD A T A> Recording/ reprod ucing metadata M13 [M09] EMBEDDED OFF ON, OF F T o tur n the function to embed m etadata on tap.
77 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings 1) Not displayed in Cine mode <O THERS 2> Setting va rious subsid iary functions M15 [M11] D A TE TYPE 5 M/D/Y 1 Y/Mn /D 2 Mn/D .
78 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings 4-3-4 NETWORK Men u The NETWOR K menu items can be set in both Cine and Custom modes. F or de tail s, se e “ P ar ameter Setti ngs” (pag e 98) . Ex ecute b y ENTER. Ex ecute b y pus hing on t he MENU SEL/EN TER dial.
79 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings 4-3-5 FILE Menu F or details on the f iles, see“Chapter 5 St or age an d Retrie val of User Set ting Data”. The markings [ F01] to [F0 4] in the No. col umn indicate t he page numbers i n Cine mode.
80 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings <SCENE FILE> F0 2 [ - - ] 1 T o store and load scene f iles (paint da ta): Whe n storing a file in the c amera’s memo r y , speci fy the numbe r before e x ecutin g ST ORE. When read ing, o nly specify the num ber.
81 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings <LENS FILE> F0 5 [F03] ST ORE FILE 1) Ex ecute b y ENTER. No . 1 1 to 32 NAME No Offset CENTER 1) T o set and s tore the center marker pos ition: H: Increas ing the v alue mov es it to the right.
82 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings 1) Not displayed in Cine mo de <FILE PRESET> F07 [F04] OPERA T OR FILE Ex ecute b y ENTER. T o r esume the factor y-s et stat us USER GAMMA FILE Ex ecute b y ENTER. T o r esume the factor y-s et stat us LENS FILE (ALL) 1) Ex ecute b y ENTER.
83 Menu List Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings 4-3-6 DIA GNOSIS Menu This me nu is only for vie wing and no set ting is made using this me nu. Pag e t i tl e No. Ite m Indicatio n Remarks <BOAR D ST A TUS> D01 OHB O K, NG displa y only (I f NG is di spla yed, co nsult yo ur local So ny rep resentati ve .
84 Editi ng the USER Menu Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings 4-4 Editi ng the USER Men u Y o u can select desi red pages and items from the OPERA TION, P AINT , MAINTE N ANC E, NETWORK, FILE, and DIA GNOSIS menus and reg ister them to the USER menu.
85 Editing th e USER Menu Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings 7 Add the r emaining i tems by repeat ing steps 4 to 6 . Y o u can add u p to 10 items o n one page. T o d elete items f rom a page Proceed as fol lows: 1 Move the poin ter to th e item to be d eleted , and push on the MENU S EL/ENTE R dial.
86 Editi ng the USER Menu Chapter 4 Menu Configur ation and Detailed Sett ings 4 Select INSER T then push on the MENU SEL/ENTER dial. The selection scre en appears. 5 T urn the MENU SEL/ENTER dial to mo ve the pointer to the desir ed page , the n push on the MENU S EL/ ENTER dial.
87 Chapter 5 Stor age and Retrie val of User Sett ing Data Chapter File Configurat ion 5 Stora g e and Retriev a l of User Setting Data 5-1 File Configuration This system permits v arious settings and adjustment data to be stored as data files in built-in memory or a “Memory Stick” in orde r to facilitat e later o peratio ns or a djustment s.
88 File Configuration Chapter 5 Stor age and Retrie val of User Sett ing Data Reference file This f ile stores the standard settings of the camera that can be used as a reference when adjusting t he camera.
89 List of Items Stored in Files Chapter 5 Stor age and Retrie val of User Sett ing Data 5-2 Lis t of Items Sto red in F iles The items that are store d in scene fi les, the reference f ile, the lens f iles, and the OHB f ile are liste d in the table below .
90 File Operations Chapter 5 Stor age and Retrie val of User Sett ing Data 5-3 File Operati ons 5-3-1 Using a “Memory Stick” Y ou can use “Memory S tick PR O” media with thi s camera. “Memory Sti ck PR O Duo” can also be used without using a Memory Stick Duo adaptor .
91 File Operations Chapter 5 Stor age and Retrie val of User Sett ing Data the produ ct or subject i t to shock. Do not turn of f the po w er to the pr oduct or r emov e the “Memory Stic k. ” This may damage the data. Protecting sa ved data T o prev ent accidental erasure of i mportant setu p data, us e the LOCK switch on the “Memory Stick.
92 File Operations Chapter 5 Stor age and Retrie val of User Sett ing Data 1 Insert the “Memory S tick” into the “Memo ry Stick” slot of the c amera. 2 Position the poi nter to R EAD (MS t CAM) and push on the MENU SEL/ENTE R dial. The camera will be set according to t he data loaded from the operator f ile.
93 File Operations Chapter 5 Stor age and Retrie val of User Sett ing Data T o store a sce ne file in b uilt-in memory Perform necessary settings for th e items for the scene file you wish to store. 1 Positi on the poin ter to ST ORE and push on the MENU SEL/ENT ER di al.
94 File Operations Chapter 5 Stor age and Retrie val of User Sett ing Data 2 Position the poi nter to R EAD (MS t CAM) and push on the MENU SEL/ENTE R dial.
95 File Operations Chapter 5 Stor age and Retrie val of User Sett ing Data 13 Store the ND of fset values in the OHB file, by executing STOR E FILE on t he <OHB FILE> page of the FI LE menu . Be sure to accurat ely adjust to the video le vel you noted in step 5 .
96 Using the RM-B750 Appendix es Appendix es Using the RM -B750 When the R M-B750 Remo te Contro l Unit (opt ional) i s connected, y ou can control the menu settings of thi s camera and monitor t he camera images on t he display of the RM-B750.
97 Using the MSU-90 0/950 Appendix es Monitoring the Camera Image Setting s on this cam era Set RM VIDEO to VBS on the <MONITOR OUTPUT> page of the USE R (OPERA TION) menu. Setting s on the RM- B750 Press the MONITOR b utton. The camera image will be displayed on the display of the RM-B 750.
98 Using the MSU-900/ 950 Appendix es P arameter Settings Settings on the camera Set the c ommunication pa rameters using the NE TWORK menu. 1) Whi le the co nnection m ay be steady with the ON setting, t he perform ances are im pro ved with an OFF s ettin g fo r the collat eral co nditi on.
99 Using the MSU-90 0/950 Appendix es Settings on the MSU-900/950 Set the uni t to Engine er mode and set t he communicati on parameters, usi ng the E thernet Conf iguration menu. F or details on opera tions, r efer to the Oper ation Manua l of the MSU-900/ 950.
100 Using the ARRI Remot e Control Appendix es Using the ARRI Remote Control Y o u can set the shutt er angle, FPS and sta rt/stop recording / playback from the ARRI-made WRC-2 (W ireless Remote Control 2). FPS can be conti nuously changed ev en while oper ation is in progre ss (manual Ramp or p rogrammable Ramp).
101 About Met adata Appendix es About Met adata Metadata that can be embedd ed in recording and can be read in playback are sho wn belo w: USER 1 Data types U-Hex: unsigne d hexadecim al S-Hex: signed hexadecim al ASCII: ASCII code BCD: binary-co ded decima l Samp le No.
102 About Metadat a Appendix es 34 1 28 1C U-Hex ND 1: ND_1, 2: N D_2, 3 : ND_3, 4: ND_4, 5: ND _5 35 1 29 1 D U-H ex ( rese r ved) 36 1 30 1 E U -He x Color Space 0: S-GAMUT , 1: F900, 2: DCDM REF PJ.
103 About Met adata Appendix es 48 4 42 2A U-He x 31 Camera W ar ning (reserved) 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 49 43 2B 23 22 21 20 POWER OFF ON 19 VTR W ARN 18 BCS COM NG 17 BCS BSY NG 16 BCS OPR NG 50 44 2C .
104 About Metadat a Appendix es 1) When the tim ecode type i s UB (user bits), t he entire byte i s used. Wi th othe r timecode types, 6 bits (b5 to b0) are used. Ign ore b7 and b6. 2) When ±12H CT L display is selecte d, the tens digit of the hou rs value is dropped for values less than 10.
105 About Met adata Appendix es 1. System Formats 2. Master Gain 3. VTR W arning Sample No. 1 7 System Format Code VIdeo f ormat DEC HEX 0 00 No Assign 4:4:4 1 01 1080/23.98Ps F 4:4:4 2 02 1080/S23.98PsF 4:4 :4 3 03 108 0/24 PsF 4: 4:4 4 04 108 0/S2 4Ps F 4:4: 4 5 05 108 0/25 PsF 4: 4:4 6 06 108 0/S2 5Ps F 4:4: 4 7 07 1080/29.
106 About Metadat a Appendix es 4. A udio Dela y T o synchronize an audio signal externall y recorded together wit h video sig nal output from t he camera, appropria te delay sho wn in the tabl e belo w is requi red for phase alig nment between video and au dio.
107 About Met adata Appendix es The d elay am ount (from shot unti ll output ) of vide o varies depe nding on the video fo rmat. For more informati on, see “Li p Sync Compe nsation” on page 118 .
108 Warning /Error Messag es Appendix es W arning/Err or Messages If batt ery po wer is l o w or a pr oblem occu rs at po wer on or during operation, a warnin g is gi ve n by an indi cator flashing or v arious alarm i ndications.
109 Precaut ions Appendix es Precautio ns Use and Storage Do not sub ject t he unit to se vere sho cks The internal mechan ism may be damaged or the body warped. After use Always t urn of f the po wer . Before storin g the u nit for a long period Remov e the batt ery pack.
110 About a “Memory Stic k” Appendix es About a “Memory Stick” What is “Memor y Sti ck”? “Memory Sti ck” is a ne w compact, portable and v ersatile IC (Inte grated Circuit) recordin g medium with a da ta capacity that e xceeds a fl oppy di sk.
111 About a “Memory Stick” Appendix es — Y ou remov e the “Memor y Stick” or turn of f the unit while it i s reading o r writing d ata. — Y ou use the “Memory S tick” in a location sub ject to the ef fects of static electricity or elect ric noise.
112 Spec ifications Appendix es Specifi cations Camera Head General Po wer requirements DC 10.5 to 17 V Po wer consumpti on Approx. 56 W with 23.9 8 PsF (not including l ens, vi ewf inder) Operating temperature 0°C to +40°C ( 32°F to 10 4°F) Storage temperat ure –20°C to +60°C ( –4°F to +14 0°F) Mass Approx.
113 Specifications Appendix es Dimensions With the L h andle attached OFFON REMOTE 23 105 (4 1 / 4 ) 90 (3 5 / 8 ) 273 (10 3 / 4 ) 200 (7 7 / 8 ) 144.5 (5 3 / 4 ) 204 (8 1 / 8 ) 16 ( 21 / 32 ) 15 ( 19 / 32 ) 199.3 (7 7 / 8 ) 355.5 (14) 120 (4 3 / 4 ) 122.
114 Spec ifications Appendix es Interface Bo x (Supplied) General Po wer requirements DC 10.5 to 17 V Operating temperature 0°C to +40°C ( 32°F to 10 4°F) Storage temperat ure − 20°C to +60°C ( − 4°F t o +140°F) Dimensio ns 138 × 104 × 79 mm (5 1 / 2 × 4 1 / 8 × 3 1 / 8 inches) Mass Approx.
115 Connecto r Pin As signment s Appendix es Connector Pin Assignments REMO TE (8-pin female ) A UDIO IN CH-1/CH-2 (3-pin female ) (0 dBu=0. 775 Vrms) DC IN 10.
116 Connec tor Pin Assign ments Appendix es DC IN (8-pin male) EXT I/O (5-pi n femal e) ETHERNET (Modular jack) Conforming to IEEE 8 02.3u (100B ASE-TX), IEEE802 .
117 Color Space Acc ording to th e COLOR SPACE Sett ings Appendix es DC O UT 24 V (3 -p in fem ale) Color Space According to the COLOR SPACE Settings Colorimetry 1. Vir tua l chromaticity p oints a t S-GAMU T The virtual col or space at S-GAMUT is sho wn in the abov e char t.
118 Lip S ync Compens ation Appendix es (Rw , Gw , Bw): RGB values f or th e original color space f or S- GAMUT (R, G, B): V alues after being conv er ted to the color space f or conv ent ional cameras 2. Color space f or fil m The color space for f ilm shown in the a bove ch art represents measurements from VISION Premier Film EK 2393.
119 Lip Sync Compensation Appendix es When usi ng a micr ophone( s) conn ected vi a the A UDI O INPUT conn ector(s ) on the SR W -1 with the SRPC-1 connec ted to the camera body v ia cables Adjust th e amoung of co mpensation on t he SR W -1.
120 Inde x In dex Index A ABNORMAL display 44 AC power 24 accessory clamp lever 17 accessory moun t lever 17 Accessory pockets 11 Accessory receptacles 10 Aliasing 109 ALL menu 56 ANGLE 50 Angle Compe.
121 Index In dex O OHB FILE 81, 82, 94 OHB MATRIX 74 OPERATION menu 56, 60 OPERATOR FILE 51, 66 , 79, 91 Operator file 87 Optical system specifications 11 2 OTHERS 1 42, 53 , 54, 76 OTHERS 2 77 OUTPUT.
122 Inde x In dex.
The materi al conta ined in th is ma nual con sists of inf ormati on that is the pr operty o f Sony Co rporatio n and i s intend ed sole ly for use by the purch asers of the equ ipment d escribed in this manua l.
Sony Corp orat ion F35 (SY) 4-000-998 - 02 (1) Printed in Japan 2008. 07.1 3 © 2008.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sony F35 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sony F35 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sony F35 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sony F35 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sony F35 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sony F35 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sony F35 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sony F35 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.