Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product HANDYCAM DCR-PC106E van de fabrikant Sony
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3-089-179- 11 (1) © 2004 Sony Corporation Camera Operations Guide Read th is first Digital Video Ca mera Recorder DCR-PC106E/PC10 7E.
2 Read this first Before ope rating th e unit, please r ead th is manu al thorou ghly, and r etain it for fut ure refe rence . WARNING To preve nt fire or shock haza rd, do not exp ose the un it to rain or mo istu re. To avoi d el ect ri cal sh ock , do not op en the cabinet.
3 Notes on usin g this manual • The images of the LCD scr een and t he viewfi nder used on this manu al are capture d using a di gital still camera, and thus may ap pear diffe rent from what you see. • T he illustratio ns used on this ma nual are based on the mode l DCR-PC 107E.
4 • When re moving y our camcorder from the Handycam Statio n, hold both your camc order and the Handyc am Station as shown in the follo wing illustrat ion, and re move it f rom the Ha ndycam Station .
5 Read thi s first ................. ................... .................... ................... .................. 2 Quick St art Guid e Recordin g movies ....................... ................... .................... ................... ..... 8 Recordin g/Playing b ack with ease .
6 Recording a picture usin g various effects .... ............. .................... ........... 32 Fading in and out of a scene – FA DER .......... ..................... ................... ................... 32 Searching for the startin g point .
7 Advanced operations Customizing Your Cam- corder Changing t he men u setting s .... .......... 44 Using the (MANUAL SET) menu – PROGRAM AE/P EFFECT, etc. ................ ........... ........... ........... ..... 45 Using the (CAMERA SET ) menu – D ZOOM/16: 9WIDE, etc .
Quick Star t Guide 8 Quick Start Guide Recording movies 1 Attach the charged batt ery pack to the camcorder. To ch arge the bat ter y, see pa ge 1 2. 2 Insert a cassett e into the camcord er. a Slide the B ATT (battery relea se) lever an d remove the battery terminal cover.
Qui ck S tart Guide Quick Start Guide 9 3 Start r ecording wh ile checking the subj ect on the LCD sc reen. The date and time is n ot set up in the d efault se tting. To se t the dat e and time , see page 18. 4 View the recorded pict ure on t he LCD scre en.
Quick Star t Guide 10 Recording/Playing back with ease By switchi ng to Easy Han dycam operat ion, recor ding/pla yback op eration becomes eve n easier. Easy Ha ndycam op eration al lows easy rec ording/ playba ck for eve n first time u sers by pr ovidi ng on ly the basic func tions for r ecordin g/play back.
Getting started Getting started 11 Getting sta rted Step 1: Checking supplied items Make su re yo u ha ve fo llowing items suppl ied with your camcorder.
Getting started 12 Step 2: Charging the battery pack You ca n charge the batt ery by attach ing the “InfoLITHI UM” battery pack (F series) to your ca mco rder . b Notes • You can not use batteries oth er than the “InfoLITHIUM” bat tery pack (F series) (p.
Getting started Getting started 13 6 Insert your camco rder into the Hand ycam S tati on. 7 Set the POWER switch to OFF (CHG). The CHARGE lamp li ghts up an d char ging starts. To charge the b attery pack u sing only the AC Adapt or You can charge t he battery p ack on a trip, even if you ha ve not broug ht the Han dycam Sta tion along.
Getting started 14 To check the re maining batte ry – Batte ry Inf o You ca n check the battery’s cur rent char ge level and its current remainin g recordin g time both duri ng chargi ng or when the powe r is turne d off. 1 Set th e POW ER sw itch to OFF (CHG ).
Getting started Getting started 15 * A pproximate num ber of minutes when recording while you r epeatedly r ecord, start/s top, slide the POWER switch to ch ange the power mo de, and zoom.
Getting started 16 Step 3: Turning the power on You need to sl ide the POWE R switch repea tedly to se lect the des ired po wer mode to record or play. When using th is camcorder for the first tim e, the CLOCK SET screen appe ars (p. 18). 1 Set the LENS COVER switch to OPEN.
Getting started Getting started 17 Step 4: Adjusting the LCD panel and viewfinder Adjusting the LCD p anel You can adj ust the angle and brightness of the LCD panel to m eet vario us recordin g situations.
Getting started 18 LCD panel r otated 1 80 degr ees an d close d with the sc reen fac ing out . 1 Slide th e POWER switc h to sele ct the CAMERA mode. (p. 16) 2 Exten d the view finder, and close t he LCD pan el wi th th e sc reen faci ng ou t. appe ars on the sc reen .
Getting started Getting started 19 3 Touc h to dis play PA GE1. 4 Touc h MEN U. 5 Select (SETUP MENU) with / , then touch EXEC. 6 Select CLOCK SET with / , then touch EXEC. 7 Set Y (year) with / , then touc h . You ca n set any yea r up to the yea r 2079.
Getting started 20 Step 6: Inserting a cassette tape You can use mini DV casset tes onl y. For details o n these cassettes (su ch as wri te- protec tion) , see page 8 3. b Note • Do not force the cas sette into the comp artmen t. This may c ause a ma lfunction of your ca mcorder.
Getting started Getting started 21 Step 7: Setting the screen language You can sel ect the la nguage t o be used on the LCD screen. 1 Turn on your ca mcorder. 2 Open the LCD panel. 3 Touc h to dis play PA GE1. 4 Touc h MEN U. 5 Select (SETUP MENU), then select LANGUAGE with / , then touch EXEC.
Recording 22 Recording Recording movies Before recording, follow steps 1 to 7 in “Getting st arted” (p. 11 - p. 21). When y ou are recording, mov ies will be recorded along with stereo sou nd. z Tip • Performing Ea sy Handycam operation , even first time users can record easily.
Recording Recording 23 the PO WER sw itch until the CAMER A lamp lights up, and then pre ss REC START/STOP. z Tips • If you do not use your camcord er for a long time, remove the cas sette and s tore i t. • Y ou can also record movi es by pressing REC START/STO P beside the LCD screen.
Recording 24 Open the LCD panel 90 degrees to the cam corder, th en rotate it 180 degr ees towards the subject. A mirror-image o f the s ubject a ppears on t he LCD screen, but the picture will be no rmal when recorde d. Usin g the s elf-ti mer With the self-tim er, you c an start reco rding after a de lay of about 10 sec ond s.
Recording Recording 25 Recording still images – Tap e photo recordi ng You can re cord still i mages . Before recording, follow step s 1 to 7 in “Getti ng starte d” (p. 11 - p. 21) . 1 Set the LENS COVER switch to OPE N. 2 Open the LCD panel. 3 Slide the POWER swit c h un til the CAMERA lamp lights up.
Recording 26 Recording with ease – Easy Handycam With this Easy Handycam opera tion, most o f the camera s ettings are set t o the a utomatic mode , only basi c functio ns becom e availa ble, and t he scr een font si ze increa ses for ea sy viewing.
Recording Recording 27 Adjusting the exposure The exposur e is adju sted auto maticall y in the defaul t setti ng. Adjusting t he exposure for backl it subjects When yo ur subject has its back t o the sun or other light, yo u can adjus t the expo sure to preve nt the subject from b ecoming shadowed .
Recording 28 To return the setting to automatic exposure Follow steps 1 to 3, th en touch [ AUTO] in step 4. Or s et [EXP OSURE] to [ AUT O] (p. 29) . b Notes • You cannot use the Flex ible spot m eter together with the NightShot pl us function. • If you set [PROGRAM AE], [ SPOT METE R] is autom atically set to [ AUTO ].
Recording Recording 29 Adjusting the exposure manu ally You ca n fix the brightness of a pict ure at the best exposu re. When recordin g indoors on a clear day , for instance, you ca n avoid backl ight s hado w s on people ne xt to the windo w by ma nual ly fixi ng the ex posu re to that of the wall side of the room.
Recording 30 Recording in dark places – N ightSh o t pl us You can recor d subjec ts in dark places (su ch as when capturing t he face of yo ur baby sle eping) with thi s funct ion. Set the NIGHTSHOT PLUS switch to ON. and ”NIGHTSHOT PLUS ” appear.
Recording Recording 31 Adjusting the focus The focus is adjusted automatically in the defaul t setting. Adjusting the focus for an off- center subj ect – S POT FOCUS You can select and adjust the focal point to aim it at a su bject not loca ted in the cen ter of the screen .
Recording 32 4 Touch [MANUAL]. 9 appears . 5 Touch or to a djust the focus. : To foc us on close s ubjects. : To fo cus on di stan t su bjects. 9 chan ges to when the foc us canno t be adjus ted an y furthe r. 9 change s to when the focus cannot be adjusted any closer .
Recording Recording 33 [MONOTONE] When f ading in , the pictur e gradua lly change s from bl ack-and -white to color. When f ading out, the picture gr adually ch ange s from color to bl ack-an d-white. 1 Slide the POWER switch to select the CAMERA mode.
Recording 34 4 Touch . To cancel the oper ation Touch [END SCH] aga in. b Note • The EN D SEAR CH func tion will not w ork corr ectly when there is a blank sect ion between rec orded sec tions on the ta pe . z Tip • When t he PLAY/EDIT mode is se lected, yo u can do this operation.
Playback Playback 35 Playba ck Viewing pictures recorded on a tape Make sure yo u have a recorded tape inserted into your cam corder. When yo u want to play ba ck recordi ngs on your TV, see page 40 . You can con trol playback using the Remot e Commander .
Playback 36 Indicators di splayed during playback A Rem ain ing ba tter y time B Recordi ng mode (SP or LP) C Tape tr ansport indicato r D Time code (h our: m inute : secon d: fr ame) or tape co unter.
Playback Playback 37 Playing back with ease – Easy Handyc am Easy H andyc am ope ration allo ws eas y playba ck for even first t ime users by provid ing only the basi c func tions for playb ack. Al so, the scr een fon t size in crease s for e asy vie wing.
Playback 38 Various playback functions You ca n display t he record ed date and camera setting data. Display ing the screen ind icators You can choose to display the tim e code, tape count er, and oth er informa tion on the scr een. Press DISPLAY/BATT INFO.
Playback Playback 39 If you re cord t he pictur e without setting the clock, [-- -- --- -] a nd [--: --:--] will a ppear . A Stea dyS hot of f B Exp os ure C Wh ite b ala nce D Gain E Shutte r speed F Aper ture value FN 0:00:00:00 60m i n AWB 100 9d B F1.
Playback 40 Playing the picture on a TV Conn ect yo ur cam cord er vi a the Han dycam Station or the A/V OUT jack of your camcorder to a TV using the supplied A/V connect ing cabl e. Connect the supp lied AC Adaptor to the wall socket for the power supply (p .
Playback Playback 41 Locating a scene on a tape for playback Searching qu ickly for a desi red scene – Zero set memory 1 During pl ayback, press ZERO SET MEMORY on the Remote Comman der at the point you wan t to locate later on. The tape c ounter is reset to “0:00: 00” and appear s on the sc reen.
Playback 42 Playback starts automatica lly fro m the selecte d title. To cancel the oper ation Press STOP on the Remote Commander. b Notes • You cann ot use Ti tle search wh en [CM SEAR CH] is set to [OFF] on the (CM SET) m enu (it is set to [ON] by default) (p.
Playback Playback 43 cho osing the re cord ing date on t he scree n. ([CM SEARCH] is set to [ON] by def ault). When y ou are us ing a ca ssett e that does not have Cas sette Me mory, yo ur camcor der searches the still image automatica lly regard less of th e re cordi ng da te.
Customizing Your Camcorder 44 B Advanced ope rations Cust omizing Yo ur Camc order Changing the menu settings You can cha nge va rious settin gs or make detailed adjustments u sing the menu ite ms displaye d on the scr e en . 1 Turn on the power (p. 16).
Customizi ng Your C amcord er Customizing Your Camcorder 45 Using the (MANUAL SET) menu – PROGRAM AE/P EFFECT, e tc. You can select items li sted below on the MANUAL SET menu. To select i tems, se e “Cha nging the m enu sett ings” (p. 4 4). The defau lt settin gs are ma rked wit h G .
Customizing Your Camcorder 46 **Your camcord er is adjust ed to focus only on dist ant subj ects. b Note • When you set the NIGHTSHOT PLUS switch to ON, [PROGRAM AE] does no t work. (The indica tor flashe s .) P EFFECT You can add special effects (such as films) to a picture befo re or after re cording .
Customizi ng Your C amcord er Customizing Your Camcorder 47 FLASH LVL Note that these se ttings will not functio n with e xternal f lashes th at do no t suppo rt the fo llowing setting s. b Note • The setti ng returns to [NORMAL] whe n you disconnect the powe r source from your camcorder for more than 5 minutes.
Customizing Your Camcorder 48 Using the (CAMERA SET) menu – D ZO OM/16: 9WIDE, etc. You can sele ct items listed be lo w on th e CAMERA SET menu. To select items , see “Changi ng the m enu s ettings” (p. 44) . The default s ettings a r e marked with G .
Customizi ng Your C amcord er Customizing Your Camcorder 49 * The pi cture a p pea rs in fu ll scr een when the wide-scr een TV switch es to fu ll mo de. **Played in 4:3 mode. When yo u play a picture in th e wide mode, it appea rs as you have seen on the LCD screen or in the vi ewfinder.
Customizing Your Camcorder 50 Using the (PLAYER SET)/ (VCR SET) menu – HiFi SOUND/ AUDIO MIX You can sele ct items listed be lo w in th e menu (the PLAYER SET menu for DCR-PC1 06E, the VCR SET menu for DCR-PC107 E). To select these items, s e e “ Ch anging the menu set tings” (p.
Customizi ng Your C amcord er Customizing Your Camcorder 51 Using the (LCD/VF SET) menu – LCD B.L./LCD COLOR/VF B.L. You can select it e ms li sted below on t h e LCD/ VF SET menu. To select items, see “Changing the m enu settings ” (p. 44). The default settin g s are marked with G .
Customizing Your Camcorder 52 Using the (CM SET) menu – TIT LE/TAP E TITLE/ ERASE A LL, etc. You can sele ct items listed be lo w on th e CM SET menu. To select items, se e “Ch anging the menu settings” ( p. 44). The default setti ngs are mark ed with G .
Customizi ng Your C amcord er Customizing Your Camcorder 53 Color white t yellow t vi olet t red t cyan t green t blue Size smal l y larg e (You can only selec t the small size when you are en tering mor e than 13 charac ters. ) Position You can select from 8 to 9 ch oices.
Customizing Your Camcorder 54 CM SEARCH TAPE TITLE You can lab el a cass ette with Cassette Me mory (up to 10 lett e rs). The label will be displayed for approxima tely 5 seconds when you sele ct the CAMERA mode and i nser t a casset te, or whe n you sele ct t he PL AY/EDIT mod e.
Customizi ng Your C amcord er Customizing Your Camcorder 55 Using the (TAPE SET) menu – REC MO DE/FRAM E REC/I NT.REC, etc. You can select it e ms lis ted below on t h e TAPE SET menu. To select these ite ms, see “Cha nging the m enu sett ings” (p.
Customizing Your Camcorder 56 b Notes • When you use fr ame recording continuous ly, the rem aining tape time will not be indic ated correctly . • The last s cene wi ll be longer t h an o ther scen es. INT.R EC You ca n record pictur es on the tap e at a sele cted in terval.
Customizi ng Your C amcord er Customizing Your Camcorder 57 z Tips • If you adjus t the focus m anually, you m ay be able to reco rd clear pictures ev en if the li ght changes (p.
Customizing Your Camcorder 58 Using the (SETUP MENU) menu – CLOCK SET/ USB ST REAM/LANGUA GE, etc. You can select it ems listed bel ow on the SETUP ME NU men u. To sel ect item s, see “C hanging the menu sett ings ” (p. 44) . The default setti ngs are mark ed with G .
Customizi ng Your C amcord er Customizing Your Camcorder 59 – When a mode othe r than CAMER A is selected. • If [A.S H UT OFF] is set to [5min] when the camcor der is used on th e batt ery pa ck, the power will be turned off after approxima tely 5 minutes (p.
Customizing Your Camcorder 60 Using the (OTHERS) menu – WORLD TIME, etc . You can sele ct items listed be lo w on th e OTH ERS m enu. To se lect thes e items , see “Changi ng the m enu s ettings” (p. 44) . The default setti ngs are mark ed with G .
Customizi ng Your C amcord er Customizing Your Camcorder 61 b Note • The setti ng returns to [ON] when you hav e the power source disconne cted from your camcorder for more than 5 minutes. DISPLAY REC LAMP VIDEO EDIT Select to make pr ograms an d dubbin g the select ed scen es to a tape on a VCR (p.
Dubbing/Editing 62 Dubb ing/E ditin g Connecting to a VCR or TV You can create a cop y of the picture reco rded on your camcord er on ot her record ing dev ice (p. 63). For DCR-PC107E, you can also record the picture from a VCR t o a tape inserted into your camcord er (p.
Dubbing/E diting Dubbing/Editing 63 To use an i .LINK cable f or conn ection Use a n i.LINK c able (o ptional) t o conne ct your camc order to the other d evice via t he DV Inte rfac e. The video an d soun d sign als are transmit ted digita lly, pr oducing high quality pict ures.
Dubbing/Editing 64 Recording pictures from a VCR (DCR -PC107E) You can record and edit pictures fro m a VCR on a tape inse rted in your cam cord er via an i.LINK cable. Insert a cassette for recording in your camc order. 1 Connect your VCR to your c amcorder (p.
Dubbing/E diting Dubbing/Editing 65 • In sert a ca ssette fo r record ing. • Set the input s e lector to input mode if your VCR has on e. 3 Prep are your ca mco rde r (pla ying device). • Insert a cas sette for editing. • Slide the POWER switc h repeat edly to sele ct th e PLA Y/E DIT m ode .
Dubbing/Editing 66 8 Select [EXECUTE] with / , then touc h [EXEC]. The reco rding st arts on yo ur VCR wh en the setting is correct. [COMPLETE ] appears when the [ IR SETUP ] code test is finished . Go on to “Ste p 2: Adj usting the synchro nization of the VCR” (p.
Dubbing/E diting Dubbing/Editing 67 You can adj ust the syn chronizati on of your camcor der and the VCR t o avoid not recording the start ing scene. 1 Remove the cassette from your camc order. Prep are a pe n and paper to take notes. 2 Set the V CR to record ing pause m ode.
Dubbing/Editing 68 When y ou are perf orming Di gital pr ogram editing for the first time to a ta pe in a VCR, go thro ugh the procedures de scribed in Steps 1 and 2 ( p. 64 - p. 66 ) before hand. 1 Prepare a casse tte. Inse rt a tape to be played back int o the camcor der, t hen inse rt a cass ette for recordi ng into you r VCR.
Dubbing/E diting Dubbing/Editing 69 To save a program withou t using it to record Touc h [ END] in ste p 9. The program i s stored i n memory until t he cass ette i s ejec ted. To erase prog rams 1 Follo w steps 1 t o 4 in “Recor ding the selec ted scenes as progra ms” (p.
Dubbing/Editing 70 Dubbing sound to a recorded tape You can record additio nal audio to the origin al sound on the tape . You can ad d sound to a tape alr eady recorde d in the 12-bit mode with out era sing th e origi n al so und. Prepari ng for audio recor ding Record a udio in one of the fol lowing ways.
Dubbing/E diting Dubbing/Editing 71 4 Touch (pause) again at the point where you want to start recor ding the sound. The p layback pauses. 5 Touc h a nd selec t [P AGE3 ]. 6 Touch [A DUB CTRL]. 7 Touch [AUDIO DUB]. A green X m ark appe ars on the LCD screen .
Dubbing/Editing 72 Creating DVDs or VCDs When your camc order is co nnect ed to a Son y VA IO seri es per sonal c omputer , you c an easily burn the pictur e recorded on the tape to a DVD (Direct Acc ess to “Click to DVD”).
Troubl eshooti ng Troubleshooting 73 Trou bleshoo ting Troubleshooting If you r un into any probl em using yo ur camcor der, use the f ollowing ta ble to troubl eshoot the problem. If the prob lem persists, remov e the po wer source an d contact yo ur Sony deale r.
Troubleshooting 74 Cassett e tapes The battery pack is quickly dischar ged. • The tem perature of the envir onment is too low, or the batte ry pack has not been cha rged enough. This is not a malfunction . c Fully ch arge t he battery aga in. If the problem p ersists , rep lace th e battery pack wit h a new one.
Troubl eshooti ng Troubleshooting 75 LCD screen /viewfi nder Recording Sympt om Cause and/or Corrective A ctions An unknown language appe ars on th e scre en. c See page 21. An unknown picture appe ars on the scre en. • The ca mcorder is i n [DEMO MODE].
Troubleshooting 76 Playback The S teadyShot func tion does not function . c Set STEADYSHOT to [ON] in th e (CAM ERA SET) menu. (p. 49) Auto foc us does not function. c Set [FOCUS] to [ AUTO]. (p. 31) c The recordi ng conditions a re not suitable for auto focus.
Troubl eshooti ng Troubleshooting 77 Dubbing/Edi ting No sound or only a low sound is heard. c Set [HiFi S OUND] to [STEREO] in the (PLAYER SET) menu for DCR-PC106E, o r in the (VCR S ET) menu for DCR-PC107E.
Troubleshooting 78 The titl e cannot be delete d. c Set the write-protec t tab to REC. (p. 84) Titl e sear ch does not wor k. c Enter a title if ther e is no title o n the t ape. (p . 52) c Use a casse tte wit h Cass ette Me mory. (p. 83) c Set [CM SEARCH] t o [ON] in the (CM SET) menu .
Troubl eshooti ng Troubleshooting 79 Warning indicators and messages Self-dia gnosis display/Wa rning indicat ors If ind icators appear o n the scree n or in t he viewf inder, ch eck the followi ng.
Troubleshooting 80 * You hear a melody or beep sound when the warning in dicators appe ar on the screen. Z (Eje ct cass ette w arning )* Slow flashing: • Th e write-pro tect tab on th e cassette is set to lock (p. 84). Fas t flas hing: • Mois ture conden sation h as occurred (p.
Troubl eshooti ng Troubleshooting 81 Warning messag es If me ssages appear on the scre en, check th e follo wing. Se e the page in paren theses fo r detai ls. Subjects Indicati ons Corrective Actions/References Battery Use t he ”Inf oLITHIUM” ba ttery pack.
Troubleshooting 82 * For DCR-PC107E Others Cannot recor d due to cop yright pro tection.* – Cannot a dd audio. Disconnect the i.LIN K cable. c See page 70. Not recor ded in SP mode. Cann ot add audio. c See page 70. Not recor ded in 12-bit au dio. Cannot add aud io.
Additional In formation Additional Information 83 Addition al Informatio n Using your camcorder abroad Powe r sup ply You can u se your camcorder i n any count ries/ regions using the AC Adaptor supplie d with your camco rder withi n AC 100 V to 240 V, 50/60 H z.
Additional Information 84 z Tip • The memor y capacit y of the cas sette marked with is 4k bits. Your camcorde r can acco mmod ate c assett es hav ing a m emor y capa city of up t o 16k bit s.
Additional In formation Additional Information 85 About the “InfoLITHIUM” battery pack This unit i s compatible with the “Inf oLITHI UM” b att ery pack ( F series) . Your camc order op erates onl y with the “Inf oLITH IUM” b attery pack. “Inf oLITH IUM” F series battery p ack s ha ve t he mark.
Additional Information 86 About sto rage of the bat tery pack • If the ba ttery pac k is not used for a long time , fully charge the batter y pack and use it on yo ur camcorder onc e a year to maintain the proper func tion. To store the bat tery pack, remove it from your camc orde r and put it in a dry , cool plac e.
Additional In formation Additional Information 87 devi ce. It is als o indi cated near t he i.L INK interface on some devices. The maximum baud rate for d evice that does not hav e any indica tion (suc h as this uni t) is “S100.
Additional Information 88 • Do not wrap your c amcorder with a to wel, for exam ple, and oper ate it. D oin g so mi ght cau se heat to build up insi de. • When discon necting the mai n s lea d, pull by the plug and not the c ord. • Do not damage the mains lead such as by placing an ything heavy on it.
Additional In formation Additional Information 89 LCD screen • D o not add ex cessiv e pressur e on the LCD screen, as it may cause damage. • If your camc order is used in a cold pla ce, a resi dual ima ge ma y appe ar on the LCD s creen. This is not a malfunctio n.
Additional Information 90 Pro cedures Connect your camcorder to a wall socket using the supplie d AC Adaptor, and leave it with th e PO WER s witc h set t o OFF (CH G) for more than 2 4 hours. Rem oving dust f rom in side t he view fin der 1 Remov e the eyecup.
Additional In formation Additional Information 91 Minimum ill umination 5 lx (lux) (F 1.7) 0 lx (lux) (d uring the Night Shot plus function) * * Objec ts unable to be seen du e to the dark c an be shot with infrared li ghting.
Additional Information 92 45 g (1.6 oz) Oper ating temper ature 0°C to 40°C (32°F to 104°F) Type Lith ium ion Des ign and spe cificat ions are s ubject to change without notic e.
Quick Reference Quick Refer ence 93 Quick Refere nce Identifying parts and controls Camcorder A LCD/T ouc h pa nel scre en (p. 2 , 17) B LCD BACKLIGHT button* (p. 17) C REC START/STOP button (p. 22) D Bat tery pack /Batte ry termi nal cover (p. 12) E BAT T (batt ery rele ase) lever (p.
Quick Reference 94 A (LANC) jack ( b lue) The LANC c ontrol ja ck is used for control ling the tape tr ansport of v ideo devi ce and pe ripheral s connec ted to it. B Jack cove r C A/V OUT jack (yellow) (p. 62) D Belt lock r e lease le ver E PHOTO button (p.
Quick Reference Quick Refer ence 95 A Micr ophone ( p. 70) B Lens (Carl Zeiss Lens)/Lens c over Your camcorde r is equip ped with a Carl Zeiss lens whic h can reprod uce fine images. The lens f or your camco rder was de velo ped jointl y by Ca rl Zeiss, in Ger many, a nd Sony Cor poration.
Quick Reference 96 A Viewfi nder len s adjust ment leve r (p. 17) B OPEN/ Z EJECT lever (p. 20) C Tripod receptacl e Make sure that the leng th of the tripod screw is less than 5.5 mm (7/32 inch). Otherw ise, you c annot attach the tripo d securel y, and the screw ma y damage yo ur camcor der.
Quick Reference Quick Refer ence 97 2 Detach the Str ap Belt attachment from you r camcorde r. 3 Use th e Strap Belt as a wrist st rap as illustr ated. To attach the Strap Belt Insert the Strap Belt att achment to your camcorder and move it in the dire c tion o f the arrow unti l it clic ks and i s locked.
Quick Reference 98 Handycam St ation A Inte rface con nector B (USB) ON/OFF s witch Set the (USB) ON/OFF switch to ON while usi ng the USB connectio n. C A/V OUT jack (p. 62) D S VIDEO OUT jack E DC IN jack ( p. 12) F For D CR-PC106E: DV OU T Inte rface (p .
Quick Reference Quick Refer ence 99 Remote Commander Remove the insulation shee t before using the Remote Commander. A PHOTO button (p. 2 5) B SEARCH M. button* (p. 41) C . / > butt ons* (p. 41) D Vide o co ntr ol bu ttons ( Rewi nd, Play bac k, F ast-f orward, Paus e, Stop, Slow) (p.
Quick Reference 100 WARNING Battery may explode if mistre ated. Do not rechar ge, disas semble o r dis pose of i n fi re. b Notes on the Remote Commander • A button- type lithium ba ttery (CR202 5) is used in the R emote Comman der. Do not us e batt eries o ther than CR2025.
Quick Reference Quick Refer ence 101 Indicator s for the LCD scre en and viewfinder Following in dicators will app ear on the LCD scree n and view finder to indicat e the state of your c amcorder. Indicat ors var y depe nding on your c amcorder model.
Quick Reference 102 Index Numerics 16:9WIDE mode ............ ... 48 21-pin adaptor ...... ............. 40 A A/V c onnectin g cable .. 40, 62 AC Adaptor .......... ....... ...... 15 Adj usting th e viewfi nder ... 17 Audio dubbing ( A DUB CTRL)......
Quick Refer ence Quick Reference 103 O Operation con firmation bee p See B EEP P PAL ..... ............. ....... ....... ....83 Photo scan ........ .............. ....43 Photo search ............ ...........42 Pict ure eff ect ( P EFFECT) ......... ..
Printed in Japan Pri nted on 100% recycl ed p aper us ing VOC (Volat ile Organic Compound )-free vegetab le oil based i nk..
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sony HANDYCAM DCR-PC106E (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sony HANDYCAM DCR-PC106E heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sony HANDYCAM DCR-PC106E vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sony HANDYCAM DCR-PC106E leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sony HANDYCAM DCR-PC106E krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sony HANDYCAM DCR-PC106E bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sony HANDYCAM DCR-PC106E kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sony HANDYCAM DCR-PC106E . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.