Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Handycam DCRHC48 van de fabrikant Sony
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2-319-511- 11 (1) © 2007 Sony Corporation Digital Video Camera Recorder Oper atin g Guid e DCR-HC 48 Gett in g Star te d 11 Recording / Playbac k 20 Using th e Menu 34 Dubbing/Editing 55 Using a Com .
2 To reduce f ire or shock hazard , do not ex pose th e unit t o rain or moisture. This symbol is intended to ale rt the user to th e presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s enclosure that may be o f sufficient magnitude to constitute a r isk of electri c shock to persons.
3 IMPORTANT SA FEGUARDS For your prot ection, p lease read the se safety instr uctio ns comp lete ly b efore oper atin g the appl iance, an d keep th is manua l for future re ference. Carefully observe a ll warnings, pr ecau tions and in structions o n the applia nce, or t he one described in the operating in structions and adhere to th em.
4 Ligh tning For added protection for t his set during a lightning storm, or when it is left unattended and unused for long periods of time, unpl ug it from the wall outlet and disconnect the antenna or cable system. This wi ll prevent damage to th e set du e to lightning and power-line surges.
5 Read this f irst Before operat ing the un it, plea se read this manual th oroughly, and retain it for future referen ce. Replace the battery with the specified type only. Otherwise, fire or injury may resu lt. RECYCLI NG LIT HIUM-ION BA TTER IES Lithium-Io n batteries are recyclable.
6 Note This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant t o Part 15 of the FCC Rules . These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residentia l installation.
7 Memory Stick Duo Ada ptor Using the ca mcorder • Do not hol d the camco rder by the follo wing parts. • The camco rder is not dustpr oof, dripproof or waterproo f. See “On us e and care” ( p. 82 ). • Before con necting your cam corder t o anoth er device w ith a USB or i.
8 On recording • B efore st artin g to record , test the recordi ng func tion to make sur e the pictu re and s ound are reco rded withou t any prob lems. • Compe nsati on for the con ten ts of recordin gs cannot be provided, even if recordin g or playba ck is not possibl e due to a malfunct ion of the cam corder, storage media, etc.
9 Tabl e of Cont ents IMPORTANT SAFEGUARD S ......... 3 Read this fi rst ..... ....... ......... ....... ...... 5 Step 1: Ch ecking supp lied items .......... ...... ....... .......... ...... .......... .... 11 Step 2: Ch arging the bat tery pack ....
10 What you can do with W indows computer . ......... ....... ......... ....... ... 63 Installing the “First St ep Guide” and software ... ...... .......... ...... .......... ... 64 Viewing “First Ste p Guide” ........... 66 Using a M acintosh computer .
11 Gettin g Started Gettin g Started Step 1: Check ing supp lied it ems Make sure that you have follo wing items suppl ied with your camco rder. The number in the par enthe ses ind icat es the numb er o f th at it em supp lied . AC Adaptor (1) (p. 12) Power cord (1) (p.
12 Step 2: Charg ing the b attery pa ck You can charge the “InfoLITHIUM” battery pack (H series) (p. 80) after attaching it to your camcorder. b Notes • You cannot attach any “Inf oLITHIUM” battery pack other than the H s eries to your camcorder.
13 Gettin g Started b Not es • When inserting the camcor der into the Handycam Station, close the DC IN jack c over. • Disconnect the AC Adaptor from the DC IN jack holding both th e Handycam Station and the DC plug.
14 To chec k the rem aining ba ttery (Battery Info) Set the PO WER s wit ch to O FF (CH G), then press DISP/BATT INFO. After a wh ile, the app roximate record able time and ba tter y info rmatio n appear for about 7 sec onds.
15 Gettin g Started * When the LCD backlight turns on . On the batte ry pack • Before changing the battery pac k, slide the POWER switch to OFF (CHG) . • The CHG (charge) lamp flashes during charging, o r the Batter y Info (p. 14) will not be correctly displayed under the following conditions.
16 3 Set [M] ( month), t hen touch and repeat for [D] (day), hour and minute . For midnight , set it to 12:00 AM. For m idda y, se t it to 12 :00 P M. The cloc k starts. To turn off the pow er Slide the POWER switch to OFF (CHG). To reset the date and time You ca n set the desired da te and time by touching t [MENU] t (TIME/LANGU.
17 Gettin g Started Step 4: M aking s etting ad justme nts befor e record ing Slide th e LENS COVER switch to OPEN. After r ecordin g, set t he LENS C OVER switch to CL OSE, to clo se the l ens cover. Open th e LCD pane l 90 degrees to th e camcorde r ( 1 ), th en rota te it to the b est angle to reco rd or play ( 2 ).
18 Fasten the gri p belt and hold you r camcor der co rrect ly. The grip belt 2 1 4 3 Step 5: In serti ng a tape or a “Memor y Stic k Duo” You ca n use mi ni DV cas settes onl y (p. 78). 1 Slide and hol d the OPEN/ EJECT lever in the direction of the arrow and open t he lid.
19 Gettin g Started The cassette compartment automatically slides back in. b Notes • Do no t force t he cas sette compa rtment closed by pres sing th e portion marked while it is slid ing in.
20 Recording/ Playback Easy R e cor ding/ Playba ck (Ea sy Hand ycam ) With thi s Easy Handycam operation, most of the camera se ttings are autom atically opt imally adjust ed, which f rees yo u from detail ed adjustme nts. The screen font size i ncreas es for easy viewi ng.
21 Recordin g/Playback Slide the P OWER switch E to turn on the PLAY/EDIT lamp. Touch the butto ns on the screen B as follows. x To cancel Easy H andycam op eration Press EASY A ag ain. dis appear s fro m the s creen . x Adjustable menu setti ngs duri ng Easy Hand ycam operat ion Touch [MENU] t o displa y adjust able men u sett ings.
22 Reco rding Movi es are re corded on a t ape. Slide the PO WER switch in the di rection of the arrow repeatedly to turn on the CAM ERA-TAPE lamp. Press REC START/STOP A (o r B ). To stop reco rding, pre ss REC START/ STOP agai n. b Notes • You cannot record movies onto a “Mem ory Stick Du o” using your camcor der.
23 Recordin g/Playback Still images are r ecorded on the “Memory Stick Duo. ” Slide the PO WER switc h in the directi on of the arrow repeatedly to turn on the CAMERA-MEMORY lamp. Press an d hold PHO T O lightly to ad just the f ocus, then press it fully .
24 You can ma gnify imag es up to 25 time s the orig inal size w ith the powe r zoom leve r or the zoom buttons on the LCD frame. Move th e power zoom l eve r slig htly for a slower zoom .
25 Recordin g/Playback To adj ust t he ex posure for backl it su bjects , press BACK LIGHT to display . . To cancel th e back light fun ction, press BAC K LIGHT ag ain. Open th e LCD pane l 90 degrees to th e camcorde r ( 1 ), th en rota te it 1 80 deg rees to the lens side ( 2 ).
26 Playba ck Slide the PO WER switch in the direction of the arrow repe atedly to turn on the PLAY/EDIT lamp. Touch , then touch to start play back. * Playback automatically stops if pause is engaged for more than 3 minutes. ** is displ ayed instead of when a “Memory S tick Duo” with re corded images is inserted and a tape is not being played.
27 Recordin g/Playback Touch . The mo st rece ntly rec orded i mage is displaye d. * is displayed on the tape playback sc reen. To disp lay pictu res on a “M emory St ick Duo” on the ind ex scree n Touch . Tou ch one of the pictures to bac k to the single d isplay mo de.
28 You ca n magnify t he record ed pictur e from about 1.1 to 5 ti mes the origina l size. Magnif icatio n can b e adju sted w ith th e power zoo m lever or the zoom bu ttons on the LCD frame. 1 Play back the picture yo u want to magni fy. 2 Magnify th e picture wit h T (Telepho to).
29 Recordin g/Playback Unavai lable se ttin gs during E asy Handy cam During Easy Handycam operation , some items a re unav ailabl e. If an attem pte d settin g is not availa ble, but stil l desired, touch [SET] to display an on-sc reen instr uction. Fo llow th e instruc tion to ca ncel Easy Handyca m operat ion an d then se lect the se tting .
30 You can search for the st art point to star t the ne xt record ing while viewing t h e pictur es on the screen. Th e sound is no t played back duri ng th e sear ch.
31 Recordin g/Playback 3 Press m REW. The tape stop s automati cally whe n the tape c ounter reac hes “0:00:00. ” Th e tape counte r retu rns to the tim e code di splay, and the ze ro set memor y display disapp ears. 4 Press PLAY. Pla yback star ts from th e point designat ed “0:00:00” on the tape counte r.
32 Playi ng the picture on a TV You c an con nect y our camc order to the in put ja ck of a TV or a VCR using the A /V con necting cabl e ( 1 ) or t he A/V connecti ng cable with S VIDEO ( 2 ). Con nect your camc order to t he wall outl et using the supplied AC Adaptor for th is opera tion (p.
33 Recordin g/Playback To set th e asp ect ratio a ccording to the con nected T V (16: 9/4:3) Chan ge the aspe ct r atio o f the imag e accor ding to the scre en si ze of your TV. 1 Slide t h e POWER s witch repe atedly to turn on the PLA Y/EDIT la mp.
34 Using t he Menu Using th e menu items 1 Slide the POW ER switch i n the direction o f the arrow repeatedly to turn on the respective lamp. CAMERA-TAPE lamp: sett ings on a tape CAMERA-MEMORY lamp: settin gs on a “Me mory Stic k Duo” PLA Y/ED IT lam p: se tting s for vi ewin g/ed iting 2 Touch the LCD screen to sele ct the menu item.
35 Usin g the Menu Menu ite ms Available menu items ( z ) va ry depending on which lamp is lit. During Easy Handycam operation, the following settings are automatica lly applied (p. 20). TAPE MEMORY PLAY /EDIT Easy Handycam CAMERA SET menu (p. 37) SCENE SE LECT zz – AUTO SPOT METE R zz – – EXPOSU RE zz – AUTO WHITE BAL .
36 EDIT/PLAY menu (p. 48) VAR. SPD PB – – z – REC CTRL – – z – AUD DUB CTRL – – z – END SEARCH z – z – STANDARD SET menu (p. 50) REC MODE z – z SP AUDIO MODE z –– 12B IT VO.
37 Usin g the Menu CAME RA SET m enu Sett ings t o ad jus t yo ur c amco rde r to the recordin g conditi ons The def ault se ttings ar e marked wi th B . The indic ators in parenthe ses appear whe n the i tems a re sele cted. See page 34 for details on selecting menu items.
38 You can ad just and fix the e xposure t o the subject, so that it is recor ded in su itable brig htness ev en wh en t here i s st rong contrast be tween the subj ect and the backgr ound, such as subje cts in the spot light o n sta ge. 1 Touch the point whe re you want to fix and adjust t he expo sure on t he scr een.
39 Usin g the Menu 3 Touch [ ]. flashes quickly . When th e whit e balance h as been adjus ted and st ored in the memo ry, the indicat or stops flashing. b Not es • Set [WHITE BAL.] to [AUTO] o r [ONE PUSH] under white or cool white fluorescent lamps.
40 This is useful t o shoot s mall subje cts, s uch as flowers or i nsects. You can blur out background s and t he subject sta nds out cleare r. When you s et [ TELE MACRO] to [ON] ( ), the zoom (p.
41 Usin g the Menu When you set [SELF -TIMER] to [ON] ( ), the self -time r sta rts re cordin g in ab out 10 seconds afte r pressing PHOTO to record still i mages. To canc el the cou nt dow n, touch [RESE T]. To canc el [SELF-TIM ER], touch [O FF]. z Tip s • You can also set the self- timer with th e PHOTO button of the Remote Commander (p.
42 MEMORY SE T menu Settings for th e “Memory Stick Duo” The defa ult settings are mark ed with B . The in dicators in parent heses a ppear wh en the items ar e selected. See page 34 for details o n selecting menu items. x BURST You ca n record severa l still images on e after anothe r by pressing PHOTO .
43 Usin g the Menu In 16:9 aspect ratio b Not es • All numbers measured at the following settings: Top: [FINE ] is sele cted for image quality . Bo ttom : [STA NDAR D] is s electe d f or im age quality. • When using the “Memory Stick Duo” made by Sony Corporation.
44 B SERIES Assigns file num bers in sequence even if the “Memory S tick Duo” is replac ed with another o ne. The fil e number i s reset when a new folde r is cre ate d or the r ecor ding folder is rep laced with another. RESE T Resets t he file number t o 0001 each ti me the “Memory S tick Duo” is change d.
45 Usin g the Menu OVERLAP (f ade in only) WIPE (fade in only) DOT F ADER (fade i n on ly) Play s back in se quence t he images stored on a “Memory Stick Duo,” or in a folder (slide show). 1 Touch t [PB FOLDER]. 2 Select [ALL FILES ( )] or [CURRNT FOLDER ( , C urrent fo lder)], then t ouch .
46 FLASH (flash motion ) Records a movie with a serial-s till- image effect (strob e effect). LUMI. KEY (lum inance key) Replaces a bri ghter area in a still ima ge memor ized at the mo ment when [ LUMI. KEY] was selected , with a movie. TRAIL When reco rding, trail ing afte rimages a re left in the pic ture.
47 Usin g the Menu z Tip s • You can save pictures edited us ing special effects on a “Memory S tick Duo” (p. 59) or record them on another VCR/DVD de vice, etc. (p. 55). Your ca mcorder w ill shoot 1 frame of t he pictu re at a sele cted i nterval and keep th em in memory unt il it has stored sever al frames.
48 z Tips • The demons tration will be suspended in situations such as those described below. – When you to uch the screen du ring the demonstration. (The demonstration starts again after about 10 minutes.) – When a cassette or a “Memory Stick Duo” is inserted.
49 Usin g the Menu See page 57. Using th e internal stere o microp hone (p. 90) , you c an add sound to a tape alread y recorde d in the 1 2-bit m ode (p. 50 ) without erasing t he original sou nd. b Not es • You cannot r ecord additional audio: – When the tape has been recorde d in the 16-bit mode (p.
50 EXEC The mos t recently rec orded pictu re is played back for about 5 seconds and then stops au tomatic ally. CANCEL Stops [END SEARCH]. b Notes • After ejecting the cassette, the END SEARCH function is not available.
51 Usin g the Menu The rec o rded picture will not be aff ected by this o perat ion. x LCD BRI GHT You can ad just the br ightn ess of the LC D screen. 1 Adjust the bright ness with / . 2 Touch . x LCD BL LEV EL You can ad just the br ightn ess of the LC D screen’s ba cklight.
52 b Notes • The exposure adjustment value (0EV), a shutter speed, and the aperture value appear when still images on a “Memory Stick Duo” are played back. • In the [DATE/TIME] data display, the date and time are displayed i n the same a rea. If you record a picture without s etting the clock, [-- - -- ----] and [- -:--:- -] will appea r.
53 Usin g the Menu TIME/L ANGU. menu See page 34 for details on selecting menu items. See page 15. When usi ng your camco rder abroad , you can set the tim e differenc e by touching / , the cl ock will be adjust ed in accor dance wit h the tim e diffe rence.
54 1 Touch t [ P-MENU SET UP] t [DEL ETE]. If the d esire d men u item is no t displayed, touch / . 2 Touch the menu item that you want to dele te. 3 Touch [YE S] t . b Notes • You cannot d elete [MENU] and [P-MENU SE T UP]. 1 Touch t [P -MENU SET UP] t [SORT].
55 Dubbin g/Editing Dubbing /Editing Dubbi ng to V CR or DVD/HDD recorders You can dub im ages playe d back on your ca mcorder to other recordin g devices, such as VCRs or DVD/HDD recorders. You can connect your camcorder to VCRs or DVD/HDD recorders, usi ng the A/V connecting cable ( 1 ), the A/V connec ting cable wit h S VIDEO ( 2 ), or the i.
56 b Notes • When y ou are connecting your camcorder to a monaural device, connect the yellow plug of the A/V connecting cable to the video input jack, and the red (right channel) or th e white (left channel) plug to the audio input jack on the device.
57 Dubbin g/Editing Record ing pi ctures f rom a T V or VCR e tc. You can rec ord pictu res or TV prog rams from a TV or V CR etc., onto a tape, yo u can also reco rd a sc ene as a s till im age onto a “M emor y Stic k Duo ” usin g an opt iona l i.
58 5 When recording pictu res from a VCR: Start playing th e cassette on t he VCR. When recording pictu res from a TV: Select a TV pr ogram. The pict ure playe d on the con nected devi ce appe ars on t he LCD sc reen of your cam corder. 6 Touch [REC START] at the point you want to s tart recording.
59 Dubbin g/Editing Dubbi ng pictures from a tape to a “Mem ory Stick D uo” You can re cord a des ired sc ene onto a “Memory St ick Duo” as a stil l image , from a movi e you rec orded o n a ta pe. Make s ure you hav e a recorded t ape and a “M emor y Stick Duo” inse rted into you r camcorder .
60 Marki ng imag es on the “ Memor y Stick Du o” with spec ific informat ion (Print mark/Image protection) When yo u are usi ng a “Mem ory St ick Duo” with the write -prote ct tab, make sure th e write-p rotect tab on t he “Me mory St ick Duo ” is n ot s et to th e wr ite-p rotec t pos itio n (p.
61 Dubbin g/Editing Printin g record ed imag es (PictBridge compliant printer) You ca n print out pict ures usin g a PictBri dge comp liant print er without connec ting the c amcorder to a comput er. Connec t the AC Ada ptor to obtai n power fro m the wall out let (p.
62 b Notes • R efer also to the operating instr uctions for the printer to be used. • Do n ot attempt the follow ing operation s when is on t he screen. The operations m ay not be performed properly. – Operate the POWER switch. – Disconnect the power cord.
63 Using a Computer Using a Compute r What y ou can do with Wind ows co mputer Whe n you instal l the “ Pictu re Mo tion Browse r” on a Wi ndows c omputer fro m the supplied CD-ROM , you can en joy the following ope rations. b Not es • You cannot install the supplied software, “Picture Motion Browser,” on a Macintosh computer.
64 Hard disk: Disc volume required for installation: Approxim ately 350 MB Display: Direct X 7 or later-c ompat ible video card , Minimum 1024 × 768 dot s, Hi gh Color (16 bi t co lor) Other s: USB port (this mu st be provide d as standard), DV Interfa ce (IEEE 1394, i .
65 Using a Computer 5 Select t he desire d language and the model name of your camcorde r from the pull -down men u. 6 Click [Fi rstStepGuide(HTM L)]. Ins talla tion s tart s. Wh en [Save is comp lete] ap pears, click [O K] to fi nish th e ins tall ation .
66 Viewin g “First S tep Guide” To view “ First Step Guide” on yo ur comput er, M icroso ft Inte rnet Expl orer Ver.6. 0 or later is reco mmended .
67 Troubles hooting Troubleshoo ting Trou blesho oting If you run into any problems using yo ur camcorde r, use the fo llowing ta ble to trouble shoot the problem . If the proble m persists, disconnect the po wer source an d contac t your Sony dea ler.
68 • Cove r the sensor of your VCR wit h black paper. The power abru ptly turns off. • Whe n approxima tely 5 minutes have elapsed whil e you do not operate your camcord er, the camcorder is a utomatical ly turned off (A.SHUT OFF). Change the setting of [A.
69 Troubles hooting Menu items are grayed out. • You cann ot selec t grayed items in the current re cording/pla yback situa tion. is not displayed. • During Ea sy Handycam op eration, not all menu items a re functional . Cancel Easy Handycam operation (p.
70 The data fi le name is not ind icated correctly, or flashes. • The file is damaged. • U se the file format that is comp atibl e with your camcorde r (p. 79). Refer also to “Cassette tapes/ “Memory Stick Duo”” section (p. 69). The tape does not start when you press REC START/STOP.
71 Troubles hooting The BACK LIGHT function does not functi on. • In the followin g settings, the BACK LIGHT functi on is canceled . – [MAN UAL] of [EXPOSURE] – [S POT METER] • The BAC K LIGHT function does not work during Easy Handycam operation (p.
72 Image data stored on a “Memory Stick Duo” cannot be played back. • Ima ge data cannot be playe d back if you have mo dified file or folder na mes, or have edited th e data on a c omputer (In this case , the file na me flas hes). Thi s is not a malfun ction ( p.
73 Troubles hooting You cannot dub correct ly using the A/V connecting cable. • The A/ V connecti ng cable is not connected properly. Make su re that the A/V connect ing cable is connec ted to the inpu t jack of anoth er device for dubbing a picture from your camcord er (p.
75 Troubles hooting E:61: ss / E :62: ss • Cont act your Sony dea ler or local author ized S ony ser vice fa cility. I nform them of the 5-di git code, which sta rts from “E.” 101-1001(Warning indicator pertaining to files) • Th e file is damage d.
76 If mess ages app ear on the sc reen, fo llow t he instructions. z Tips • When is displayed, the message can be turned into by touching . Touch to display t he message again. % Z Moistu re condensation. E ject the cassette (p. 83) % Moisture condensati on.
77 Additional I nformation Addition al Informa tion Using y our ca mcorde r abroad Power supply You can use yo ur camco rder in any country /region using t he AC Adap tor suppl ied with your camco rder wit h in the AC 100 V to 24 0 V, 50/60 Hz range .
78 Maint enance and pr ecautio ns You ca n use mini DV form at cassettes only. Use a c assett e with the mark. Your camc order is not co mpatible with th e Cassette Memory func tion. To prev ent a blan k sectio n from being creat ed on the t ape Go to th e end of th e recorde d secti on using END SE ARCH ( p.
79 Additional I nformation A “Memor y Stick ” is a co mpact, portab le IC recor ding medium with a large da ta capaci ty. You can use onl y a “Memory Stick Du o,” which i s about t he half size of a standard “Me mory Stick,” wi th your camcorde r.
80 • Do n ot insert anything other than a “Memor y Stick Duo” into the “Memory Stick Duo” slot. Doing so m ay cause a malfunction. x On a locati on for use Do not use or ke ep the “Mem ory Stick Duo” in the followin g locations. • Places subject to e xtremely high temperature, such as a car parked outside in the summer.
81 Additional I nformation charging is complete, disconnect the ca ble from the DC IN jack on your camcorder or remove the battery pack. To use th e batter y pack effe ctivel y • Battery pa ck performance decreas es when the surrounding temperature is 10 °C ( 50 °F) or below, and the length of time you can use the battery pack becomes shorter.
82 • Norm ally, only one device can be connected to this unit with an i.LINK cable. When connecting this unit to an i.LINK-co mpatible device having two or more DV Interfaces, refer to the operating instructions of the device to be connected. • i.
83 Additional I nformation wet, it may malfunction. Sometimes this malfunction cannot be repaired. • If any solid ob ject or liquid gets inside the casing, unplug your camcorder and have it checked by a Sony dealer before operating it an y furth er.
84 Vide o head • If the video heads are dirty, video or sound distortion may be apparent. • If the f ollowing problem o ccurs, clean the video heads for 10 seconds with the Son y DVM- 12CLD cleaning cassette (optional). – Mosaic-pattern noise appears on the playback picture or the screen is disp layed in blue.
85 Additional I nformation About c are and st orage of th e lens • Wipe t he surface of th e lens clean with a soft cloth in t he following in stances: – When there are fingerprints on the lens surface. – In hot or humid locations – When the lens is exposed to salty air such as at the seaside.
86 AC Adapt or conn ected or the battery p ack atta ched. Use your camc order after chargi ng the pr e-instal led rech argeabl e batt ery. Howeve r, e ven if t he pre-i nstal led rechar geabl e batte ry is not ch arged , the camcord er operation w ill not be affecte d as long as you a re not reco rding the da te.
87 Additional I nformation In CAME RA-TAPE: 41 ~ 1 189 mm ** (1 5/8 ~ 46 7/ 8 in.) (16:9) 43 ~ 1 075 m m (1 3/4 ~ 42 3/8 i n.) (4:3) In CAMERA-MEM ORY: 36 ~ 90 0 mm (1 7/16 ~ 35 1/2 i n.) (4:3 ) 39 ~ 975 mm (1 9/16 ~ 38 1/ 2 in.) (16:9) F1.8 ~ 3.2 Filte r diamete r: 30 mm (1 3/16 in.
88 USB jack mini-B DV input/output i.LIN K Interface (IEEE1394, 4-pin connec tor S100) AC A daptor AC-L 200/L2 00B Power re quireme nts AC 100 - 240 V, 50/60 Hz Current consumption 0.
89 Additional I nformation On trad emarks • “Handycam” and are registered trademarks of Sony Corporation. • “Memory Stic k,” “ ,” “Memo ry Stick Duo,” “ ,” “Memory Stick PRO Duo,” “ ,” “MagicGate,” “ ,” “MagicGate Memory Sti ck” and “MagicGate Memory Stick Duo” are trademarks of Sony Corporation.
90 Quick Reference Iden tify ing p arts and c ontro ls The numbe rs in ( ) are refer ence pages. A NIGHTSHOT PLUS switch (24) B PHOTO b utton (20, 23) C Power zoom lev er (24, 28) D OPEN/EJE CT lever (18) E Hooks for a sho ulder belt Attach a shoulder belt (optional) .
91 Quick Refer enc e A DISP/BAT T INFO button (14, 17) B EASY bu tton (20) C RESET button Initia lizes all th e settings , includi ng the setting of the date a nd time. D LCD scre en/touch pa nel (17, 94) E REC STA RT/STO P button (20, 22 ) F Zoom buttons (2 4, 28) G WIDE SE LECT button (2 5) H Spea ker Playba ck sound comes out fro m the speaker.
92 A POWER switch (15) B Viewfinder (17 ) C Eyecup (85) D Viewfinder le ns adjustmen t lever (17) E DC IN j ack (13 ) F CAMER A-TAPE, CAM ERA- MEMORY, PLAY/EDIT lamp (15) G REC START /STOP bu tton (20, 22) H A/V OUT jack (32, 55) I Tripo d recept acle Attach the tripod (optional: the length of the screw mu st be le ss th an 5.
93 Quick Refer enc e Handyc am Station Remote C ommander b Not es • Remove the insulation sh eet before using the Re mote Comm and er. • Aim the Remote Comma nder towards the remote sensor to operate your camcorder (p. 90). • To change the battery, s ee page 86.
94 Indi cators d isplaye d during recor ding/pl ayback A Remaini ng batter y (approx.) B Recordi ng mode ( SP or LP ) (50) C Recordi ng status ([STBY] (stand by) or [REC] ( recordin g)) D Recording: T.
95 Quick Refer enc e P Data fil e name Q Pictur e numb er/Total number of recor ded pict ures in the curr ent playba ck folder R Playba ck f older (4 4) S Prev iou s/Ne xt f older ico n The following .
96 Center Bottom Othe r indi cato r The dat e/time duri ng recordi ng and the cam era sett ing data will be rec orded automa tically . They do not appear on the screen du ring recor ding, but you ca n check them as [D ATA C ODE] d uring pl ayback (p. 51).
97 Quick Refer enc e Index Numeric/Symbol 12BIT ...... .... ....... ..... ....... .......50 16BIT ...... .... ....... ..... ....... .......50 A A.SHUT OFF (Auto sh ut off) ........ ......... .....52 A/V connecting cable . ....32, 55 AC Adapto r.......
98 Mirror mode ... ......... ....... ...... 25 Moisture condens ation ......... 8 3 MONOTONE ....................... 44 MOSAIC . ....... ......... ....... ...... 46 MOSAIC FAD ER ........ ....... . 44 Movie... ........... .... 20, 21, 2 2, 26 N NEG.AR T .
99 Quick Refer enc e Windows .......... ......... ....... .... .63 WIPE .... ........... ......... ....... .....45 WORLD TI ME ..... ...... ..... .....53 Write-prot ect tab ............ .78, 79 Z Zero set memory ....... ......... ...30 Zoom ..... ....
100 Spanish Quic k Guide/Guía ráp ida en español Paso 1 : Com probaci ón de los eleme ntos sumini strad os Asegúr ese de que su vi deocám ara cont iene los siguientes elementos. El nú mero ent re parént esis indic a la cantid ad del ele mento.
101 Spanish Qui ck Guide/Guí a rápida en esp añol Paso 2: Carga de la batería Puede cargar la batería “InfoLITHIUM” (serie H) tras conectarla a la v ideocámara. b Not as • No es posible colocar una batería “InfoLITHIUM” que no sea serie H en la videocámara.
102 b Notas • Cuando inserte la videocámara en Handycam Station, cier re la cubierta de l a toma de e nt rada de cc • Sujete la Handycam Station y el enchufe de cc para desconectar el adaptador d.
103 Spanish Qui ck Guide/Guí a rápida en esp añol Para comprobar la carga restante de la bater ía (info rmació n sobre la bater ía) Ajuste el inter ruptor POWER en la posición OFF (CHG) y, a continuación , presione DISP/BATT INFO.
104 Tiem po de reprod ucción Tiempo aproximado (mi n) disponible cuando ut iliza un a baterí a completame nte car gada. * Cuando se enciende la luz de fondo d e la pantalla LCD. Acer ca de la batería • Antes de cambiar la batería, deslice el interruptor POWER a la posición OFF (CHG).
105 Spanish Qui ck Guide/Guí a rápida en esp añol Paso 3: Activ ación de la alimen tación y ajust e de la fech a y hora Ajust e la fech a y la hora cuando us e la videoc ámara po r primera vez . De lo contrar io, la pantalla [AJU S.RELOJ] apar ecerá ca da vez que encien da la videoc ámara o cam bie la posi ción del interruptor POW ER.
106 z Suger enci as • Durante la grabación, no se visualizarán la fecha y la hora. Éstas s e grabarán automáticamente en la cinta y podr án visualizarse durante la reproducción ([CÓDIGO DAT OS] (durante el modo de operación Easy Handycam, únicamente podrá ajustar [FECHA/HORA])).
107 Spanish Qui ck Guide/Guí a rápida en esp añol Para de sactivar la luz de fondo de la panta lla LC D para un a larga du ració n de la baterí a Manten ga presionado D ISP/BATT IN FO durante unos segund o hasta que apa rezca .
108 Paso 5: Inserció n de una ci nta o un “Me mory Stick Duo” Solame nte pue d e uti lizar video casetes de format o mini DV . 1 Deslice la palanca OPEN/ EJECT en el sentido de la flecha y manténgala en esa posición para abrir la tapa. El compar timient o del videocas ete sale automá ticame nte y se abre.
109 Spanish Qui ck Guide/Guí a rápida en esp añol Usted puede utiliz ar sólo un “Memor y Stick Duo” que ll eve la marca o . 1 Abra el pan el LCD. 2 Inserte el “Memory Stick Duo” en la ranura “Memory Stick Duo” en el sentido co rrecto hasta que calce.
110 Grabac ión Las p elícul as se g raban en un a ci nta. Deslice e l interruptor POWER varias v eces en el sentido de la flecha para qu e se encie nda el indic ador CAMERA-TAPE. Presione REC START/STOP A (o B ). Para det ener la graba ción, presi one REC STA RT/STOP nu evamen te.
111 Spanish Qui ck Guide/Guí a rápida en esp añol Las i mágenes fijas se g raban en el “Memor y Stic k Duo”. Deslice el interrupto r POWER varias vec es en el sentido de la flecha para que se encienda el indicador CAMERA-MEMORY.
112 Reprod ucción Deslice el indicador POWER en e l sentido de la f lecha var ias veces para encend er el indicado r PLAY/EDIT. Toque y, a con tinuación, toqu e para inici ar la reproducci ón. * La reproducción se detiene aut omáticamente si se acciona la pausa durante más de 3 minuto.
113 Spanish Qui ck Guide/Guí a rápida en esp añol Toque . Se vis ualiz a la im agen grabad a más re cien temen te. * aparece e n la pantalla de reproducción de cinta. Para vis ualiza r imáge nes de un “Memor y Stick Duo ” en la pa ntalla d e índic e Toque .
http://www.son Printed on 70% recycled paper usin g VOC (V olatil e Org anic Co mpound )-free vegetabl e oil base d ink. Printed in Japan Additiona l inform ation on this product a nd answers to frequentl y asked questions c an be found at our Custom er Support We bsite.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sony Handycam DCRHC48 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sony Handycam DCRHC48 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sony Handycam DCRHC48 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sony Handycam DCRHC48 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sony Handycam DCRHC48 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sony Handycam DCRHC48 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sony Handycam DCRHC48 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sony Handycam DCRHC48 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.