Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product HDC1500R van de fabrikant Sony
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HD COLOR CAMERA HDC1500R HDC1400R HDC1550R HDC1450R OPERA TION MANUAL [English ] 1st Edition ( Revised 1).
2 To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this a pparatus to rain or moisture. To avoid electrical shock, do not open the cabinet. Refer servicing to qualified personnel only. Afin de réduire les risques d’incendie ou d’électrocution, ne pas exposer cet appareil à la pluie ou à l’humi dité.
3 For the cu stomers in Europe This produ ct with th e CE marki ng compl ies with bot h the EMC Directi ve and the Low Volt age Directi ve issu ed by the Commiss ion of the European C ommuni ty.
4 Table of Con tents Table o f Content s Overvie w ............. ......... .............. .......... .............. ......... ............ 5 Features ........................................................................................ 5 System Configuration .
5 Overvie w Overvie w The HDC1500R, HDC1550R , HDC1400R, and HDC1450R are 2/ 3-type hi gh-def inition portabl e video cameras equipped with CCD for 2,200,000 pi xels.
6 Overv iew Swing handle The swinging struct ure of the hand le enables the large vie wf inder mount ed on the HDLA1500-series Large Lens Adaptor to be shifted fo rward, giving it the same to tal longitudi nal size as a sta ndard stud io-use camera, fo r operabili ty equi v alent t o that of a stan dard studio-use camera.
7 Overvie w Detail bo ost-frequ ency control The boost frequenc y can be ad justed from 20 to 30 MHz. This al lo ws the det ail thickn ess to be set ap propriat ely for the subject, thu s enabling more subtle image e xpression. H/V rati o control The ratio between h orizontal and v ertical d etail can be adjusted.
10 Overv iew Conn ection example 3 Maxim um cab le run wit h T riax cabl e The maximum T riax cable length bet ween the HDC1550R/1450 R and the HDFX100 or b etween the HDFX100 and the HDTX100 depends on the type o f cable. F or details, r efer to t he Operat ion Manual of the HDFX100/HDTX100.
11 Precaut ions Precautio ns Note on laser beams Laser beams may damage the CCDs. If you shoot a scene that includes a laser b eam, be careful not t o let a laser beam become directed i nto the lens of th e camera. Do not subject to severe shocks Damage to the case o r interna l components may r esult.
12 Locatio ns and Functi ons of Parts Locatio ns and Functi ons of P ar ts Accessory Attachments a VF (viewf inder) connector (20-pi n) Connect the cable of the vie wf inder ( not supplied) .
13 Location s and Functi ons of Parts j LENS connector (12 -pin) Connect the lens cable. The camera can control the l ens functions t hrough this cable.
14 Locatio ns and Functi ons of Parts Press ing the left b utton selec ts t he a v aila ble ND f ilter s (clear , 1/4ND, 1/8ND, 1/16ND,1/64ND) in sequence. Pressing the right button sel ects the a vail able CC fil ters (cross, 3200K, 4 300K, 6300K, 8000 K) in sequence.
15 Location s and Functi ons of Parts Front left a RET 1 (r etur n video 1) b ut ton The return video 1 si gnal from the camera co ntrol unit is monitored o n the vie wf inder scr een while this b utton is pressed.
16 Locatio ns and Functi ons of Parts Rear a CAMER A PO WER switch CCU: Power suppl y will be recei ved from the camera control unit. EXT : Power supply wi ll be re cei ved t hrough the DC I N connector .
17 Location s and Functi ons of Parts Operation panel SY type : F or JN3/JN 4/SYL/UC7 (USA, Canada , East Asia and other countries) mo dels (for NTSC areas ) F or details on the dif f er ences among models, see “Overvie w” o n page 5.
18 Locatio ns and Functi ons of Parts European ty pe: For CED (Euro pe) and E33 (China a nd South As ia) model s (f or P AL areas) F or details on the di ffer ences among models, see “ Overview” o n pag e 5. a INTERCOM1 and INTE RCOM2 controls and switches The reception le v el con trols are common to int ercom 1 and intercom 2.
19 Location s and Functi ons of Parts Connector panel a EA RPH ON E jac k (st ereo min ijac k) For connecting an e arphone o r headset to h ear th e interco m audio. b RET CTRL (return contro l) connector (6-pin) For connectio n to a CA C- 6 Return V ideo Selector .
20 Locatio ns and Functi ons of Parts connected, t he signal of input 1 is o utput fr om this connector . j TEST OUT connector (BNC type) T o output the analog signal.
21 Preparat ions Preparati ons Att ac hin g a Le ns F o r informat ion on ha ndling lenses, refer to the lens’ oper ation manual . Attaching proce dure 1 Push the lens f i xing le v er upw ards and remov e th e lens mount cap f rom the len s mount.
22 Prepar ations 1 Slide the vi ew find er in the direction of t he arro w . The vie wf inder st opper automati cally pop s do wn. 2 Loosen the vi ew fi nder left- right position ing ring, sl ide the vie wf inder side to side to the most con venient positi on and tight en the ring.
23 Preparat ions positi on, the arm of the viewfinder rotati on bracket will strike the grip. Attaching procedure of the BKW-401 1 T urn the arm of the rotation mechan ism assembly of the BKW -401 in the di rectio n of the arro w in the following illu stration.
24 Prepar ations 3 Secure the cabl e clamp belt to t he camera, using th e tw o supplied +B3 × 8 scre ws. 4 1 Release the buckle, 2 b undle the cab le with the belt, 3 then lock the b uckle again. 5 Adjust the l ength by pu lling d own t he end of the belt.
25 Preparat ions Mounting p rocedure 1 Attach t he tripod ad aptor to t he tripod a nd secure it with the scre w . 2 Place th e camera on the t ripod adapt or , and slide forw ard it along the groov e of th e tripod adaptor unti l it cl icks.
26 Adjust ments and Sett ings for Shoo ting Adjustment s and Settings f or Shooting Adjusting the Blac k Balance and White Balance In order to maintai n high p icture qua lity , it is necessa ry to set the black balance and whit e balance appropri ately for the condi tions.
27 Adjustmen ts and Setting s for Shoot ing HDC150 0R/155 0R T o select the ND f ilter Press the ND f ilter select b utton wh ile holding the FIL T ER LOC AL bu tton depressed. Each press of the sel ect b utton switches the a v ailable ND filters (clear , 1/4ND , 1/8ND, 1/16ND,1/64ND) in sequence.
28 Adjust ments and Sett ings for Shoo ting 5 Push the A UTO W/ B BAL swit ch to WHT an d rel ease the switch. The switch wi ll return to th e center pos ition, and adjustment wi ll be perfor med. During adjustment, the message “ A WB: EXE CUTING” will be disp layed on t he vie wf inder screen.
29 Adjustmen ts and Setting s for Shoot ing Setting the sh utter mo de, a nd shu tter speed in Stand ar d mode 1 Push the SH UTTER sw itch from th e ON posit ion to the SE L positi on.
30 Adjust ments and Sett ings for Shoo ting FLICKER: T u rn ON/OFF the function to flicker th e detail signal, whi ch makes it ea sier to check the signal on a CR T screen. AREA: T o li mit the ar ea wher e to displ ay the d eta il signal. ZOOM LINK: Set the VF de tail level at the full WIDE pos ition.
31 Settin g the Camera Out puts • The le vel indicator and the ef fect area mark er cannot be displaye d simulta neously , whi chev er you set to ON later is prefer entially displa yed. • The area mark er and the aspect safety marker cann ot be displaye d simulta neously , whi chev er you set to ON later is prefer entially displa yed.
32 Sett ing the C amer a Outp uts To output as VBS Constantly outputti ng a return video • When a camera con trol unit is connect ed, one of th e signals bei ng supplie d to the camer a control unit can be output from the camera. • The last sel ected return si gnal is ou tput.
33 Viewfinder Sc reen Statu s Display Vie wfinder Sc reen Status Displa y Besides th e video imag e, the vie w f inder can di splay te xt and messages sho win g the camera set tings and oper ation status, as well as i tems such as a center marke r or safety zone marker .
34 Menu Operat ions When you press the CANCEL/ST A TUS switc h to war d ST A TUS The status display is changed to sho w the fol lo wing items: a Assignab le switch indi cation The functi on assigned to the assignab le switch (page 1 3) is indicated.
35 Menu Operat ions A vaila ble m enus USER menu This menu can incl ude menu pages sel ected from among the OPERA TION, P AINT , MAINTE N ANCE, FILE, and DIA GNOSIS menu s, for con venience. Changing, adding , and delet ing pages can b e performed wit h the USER MENU CUST OMIZE me nu.
36 Menu Operat ions 2 Rotate the MENU SEL k nob/ENTE R button to flip through t he pages. 3 When the desi red page is displayed, push on the MENU SEL k nob/ENTER b u tton. The “ ? ” mark will change back to t he arro w marker ( , ), and operatio ns with the displayed page are enabled.
37 Menu Operat ions T o end menu operations Set the DIS PLA Y switch to OFF . Editing the USER Menu Y ou can select desired pag es and items from the OPERA TION, P AINT , M AINTEN ANCE, FILE , and DIA GNOSIS men us and re giste r them to the USER menu .
38 Menu Operat ions 4 Mov e the arrow mark er ( , ) to t he item to be added (this operat ion is un necessary if n o item exi sts on the page, as sho wn in t he fi gure for ste p 3 ) then push on the MENU SEL knob/E NTER bu tton. The EDIT FUNCTION screen appears.
39 Menu Operat ions T o add a pa ge Proceed as fol lows: 1 Sel ect “USE R M ENU CUS TOMIZ E” o n the TO P MENU screen. If this is the first time th e USER MENU CUS TOMIZE menu has been displa yed, the CONTENTS page of the menu appear s. If the menu has been used bef ore, th e last accessed page appears.
40 Menu Operat ions 4 Push on th e MENU SEL kn ob/ENTER b utt on. The page select ed in step 1 is moved to the positi on selected in step 3 . In the abo ve e xample, <SWITCH ASSIGN1> mo ves to the “ 04” position, and the <VF DISPLA Y> and follo wing pages mo v e do wn one line.
41 Menu List Men u List This secti on sho ws the menus to be displayed on the vie wf inder screen in tables. • For t he pages that ha v e been regist ered in the USER menu at the f actory , the USER menu page numbers are indicated in parenthe sis in the No.
42 Menu List <'!' IND > 02 (U05) ND [IN D] ON ON, OFF [IND]: Se t whether to b e included in the status indications on the viewfinder screen (see page 34) . [NORMAL]: Specify t he conditions under which the ‘!’ indication is not to be displa yed ev en if [IND] is ON.
43 Menu List <VF DET AIL> 04 (U02) VF DET A IL ON ON, OFF , (ON), (OFF) S ettings in ( ): When HDLA attached (cannot be changed) 25% 0 to 100%, (0 to 100%) CRISP 0 – 99 to 99 FREQUENCY 9M 9M, .
44 Menu List <SWITCH ASSIGN1 > 09 (U09) GAIN [L] 0 dB – 3, 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 dB [M] 6 dB – 3, 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 dB [H] 12 dB – 3, 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 dB ASSIGNABLE OFF OFF , RETURN1 SW , RETURN2 SW , INCOM1, INCOM2, VF DET AIL, MIX VF , 5600K , F AN M AX, D .
45 Menu List <SWITC H ASSI GN2> 1 0 (U10) LENS VTR S/S R ETURN2 SW OFF , RETURN1 SW , RETURN2 SW , INCOM1, INCOM2 JN3/JN4/SYL/UC7 models only . Assign a funct ion to the VTR ST AR T/ST OP s wit ch o n th e mounted lens. RETURN2 SW OFF , RETURN1 SW , RETURN2 SW , ENG, PROD CED/E33 models only .
46 Menu List <HEAD SET> 11 (U13) INTERCOM1 MIC CARBON D YNAMIC, CARBON, MANU AL LEVEL ( – 20 dB ) – 60 dB, – 50 dB, – 40 dB, – 30 dB, – 20 d B , ( – 60 dB), ( – 50 dB), ( – 40 .
48 Menu List <VIDEO LE VEL> P 02 WHITE [R] [G] [B] [M] 000 – 99 to 99 R, G, B, and M (master) v alues can be independently set . (M cannot be set for WHITE or FLAR E.) B L A C K 0000 – 99 to 99 F L A R E 000 – 99 to 99 G A M M A 0000 – 99 to 99 V M O D 0000 – 99 to 99 FLARE ON ON, OFF V MOD ON O N, OFF D .
49 Menu List <KNEE> P07 K POINT [R] [G ] [B] [M ] 0000 – 99 to 99 R, G, B, and M (master) v alues can be independently s et. Absolute values are disp la yed in ABS m ode e xcept for M (mas ter).
50 Menu List <SKIN DET AIL> P11 SKIN DTL OFF ON, OFF SKIN GA TE OFF OFF , 1, 2, 3, (M A T) 1, 2, 3: Skin gate can be se t to ON f or the specified channel only .
51 Menu List <SHUTTER> P14 SHUTTER OFF ON, OFF , (ON), (OFF) Settings in ( ): When a remote control unit/panel or a CCU is not connected (cannot be changed) JN3/JN4/SYL/UC7 models: 1/100 (sec) CED/E33 models: 1/60 (sec) 59.94i: 1/100, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000, 1/2000 50i: 1/60, 1/125, 1/250 , 1/500, 1/1000, 1/2000 29.
52 Menu List MAINTENANCE Menu Menu pa ge No. Item ⁄ Default Settings Remarks <A UT O SET UP> M01 A UT O BLA CK Ex ecute b y EN TER. A UT O WHITE Ex ecute by E NTER. A UT O LEVEL Ex ecute by ENTER. A UT O WH ITE SHA DING Execute by ENTE R. A UT O BLACK SHAD ING Ex ecute by ENTER .
53 Menu List <A UT O IRIS> M05 A UT O IRIS OFF ON, OFF , (ON), (OFF) Settings in ( ): When a remote control unit/panel or a CCU is not connected (cannot be changed) WINDOW 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Select t he auto iris w indows: The shaded par ts indicate the area where light detection occurs.
54 Menu List <OUTPUT FORMA T> (HDC1400R JN3/JN4 and HDC1450R UC7 models) M09 (U16) CURRENT 1080-59.94i Displays t he current format. A CTIVE LI NE 1080 1080, 720 T he selectable frame setting is display ed f or the selected A CTIVE LINE (not display ed with CCU connected) 59.
55 Menu List <TR UNK> M14 (U20) TR UNK ON ON, OFF IF 232c 232c, 422A <GENLOCK> (HDC1500R/1550R only) M15 RE FERENCE Condition of sy nchronisation Display only GENLOCK Display ed only when .
56 Menu List FILE Menu Fi ve types of f i les can be used for easy adjustments of the camera; Operator , Reference, Scene, OHB, and Lens. Y ou can store the items set with the OPE RA TIO N menu and customized US ER menu in the Operat or file. F o r the specific items incl uded in these files, refer to the Main tenance Manu al.
57 Menu List <REFERENC E> F03 ST ORE FILE Execute b y ENTER. T o store the current settings of the ref erence file items in the reference f ile in internal memor y . ST ANDARD Execute b y ENTE R. T o read the st andard values in the ref erence file in internal memor y .
58 Menu List DIA GNOSIS Menu This menu i s only for vie wing and no sett ing is made using this m enu. Menu pa ge No. Item I ndication Remarks <OPTICAL LEVEL> D01 CCU → CA M GREEN, YELLOW , RE.
59 Using a “Me mory St ick” Using a “Memory Sti c k” When a “Memory Stick” is inserted in the camera, the f ile data can be stored on the “Memory Stick, ” which enables you to share data among cameras.
60 Specifica tions Specifica tions HDC1500R Gene ral Po wer requir ements 2 40 V A C , 1.4 A (max. ) 180 V DC, 1.0 A (max.) 12 V DC, 7 A (max.) Oper at ing tem pera tur e − 20°C to + 45°C ( − 4°F to +113°F) Storage temperat ure − 20°C t o +60 °C ( − 4°F to +14 0°F) Mass Approx.
61 Specifications VF 20-pin (1) MIC 1 IN XLR 3-pin, female ( 1) A UDIO IN CH1, CH2 XLR 3-pin, female (1 each ) For M IC : − 60 dBu (may be sel ected up to − 20 dBu by menu or HDCU1000/1500 op eration s), balanced For LINE: 0 dB u, balanced INTER COM1, INTERCO M2 XLR 5-pin, female (1 each ) EARPHONE Stereo minijack (1) DC IN XLR 4-pin (1 ), 10.
62 Specifica tions Optic al syst em sp ecifi cations Spectral sy stem F1.4 prism Built-i n optical filters1: clear 2: 1/4 ND 3: 1/16 ND 4: 1/64 ND 5: cross Input/output connectors CCU Optical/el ectri.
63 Specifications Elec trica l charac teris tics Sensiti vity f10.0 wit h 1080/59 .94i f11.0 with 1 080/50i (at 2000 lx with 89.9% reflecti vity) Image S/N T ypical − 56 dB/ − 64 dB (NS MAX) Horiz.
64 Specifica tions For M IC : − 60 dBu (ma y be selected up to − 20 dBu by menu or HDCU1000/1500 op eration s), balanced For LINE: 0 dBu, bala nced INTERCOM 1, INTE RCOM2 XLR 5-pin, female (1 each) EARPHONE Stereo minijack (1) DC IN XLR 4-pin (1), 10.
65 Specifications Dimensions HDC1500 R/1400R HDC1550 R/1450R Unit: mm (inches) 105 (4 1 / 4 ) 268 (10 5 / 8 ) 198 (7 7 / 8 ) 362 (14 3 / 8 ) 135 (5 3 / 8 ) Unit: mm (inches) 105 (4 1 / 4 ) 268 (10 5 /.
66 Specifica tions.
The material contain ed in this manu al consist s of informa tion that is th e prope rty of Sony Corporat ion and is intended solely f or use by th e purch asers of th e equipme nt describ ed in this m anual.
Sony Corpora tion HDC1500R (JN4/SYL/CED/E33) HDC1400R (JN3/JN4/CED/E33) HDC1550R (UC7/CED) HDC1450R (UC7/CED) 4-140-776- 02 (1) Printed in J apan 2009.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sony HDC1500R (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sony HDC1500R heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sony HDC1500R vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sony HDC1500R leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sony HDC1500R krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sony HDC1500R bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sony HDC1500R kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sony HDC1500R . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.