Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product HDR-SR5 van de fabrikant Sony
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3-210-378- 11 (1) © 2007 Sony Corporation Digital HD Video Camera Recorder Operati ng Guide HDR-SR 5/SR7/SR 8 For details on th e advanced operat ions, please refe r to “Hand ycam Handbo ok” (PDF ).
2 To reduce f ire or shock hazard , do not ex pose th e unit t o rain or moisture. This symbol is intended to ale rt the user to th e presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s enclosure that may be o f sufficient magnitude to constitute a r isk of electri c shock to persons.
3 Clea ning Unplug the set from the wall outlet befor e cleaning or polishing it . Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaner s. Use a cloth lightly dampened with water for cl eaning t he exteri or of the set.
4 Read this first Befo re oper ating the unit, ple ase re ad this manua l thorough ly, and reta in it for futur e refere nce. Replace the battery with th e specified type o nly. Otherwise, fire or injury may resu lt. RECYCLIN G LITH IUM-ION BAT TERI ES Lithium-Ion batteries are recyclable.
5 Notes HDR-SR5, HDR-SR7 and HDR-S R8 are to be used with the Handycam Station Model DCRA- C181 and AC Adaptor Model AC-L200/L200B. CAUTION You are cautioned t hat any changes or modifications not expre ssly approved in this manual could void your aut hority to operat e this equipment.
6 Unauthorized recording of such materials m ay be contrary to the copyrigh t laws. Sav e all you r record ed im age data • To prevent your image data from being lost, save all your recorded images on e xternal media. It is recommended that you save the image data on a disc such as DVD-R using your computer * .
7 Tabl e of Cont ents IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS ........... ....... ...... .......... ...... .......... ...... ..........2 Read this f irst ....... ...... ....... .......... ...... .......... ...... ....... ......... ....... .......... ......4 Notes on use .
8 Getting St arted Step 1 : Che cking suppli ed i tems Make sure tha t you have the fo llowing items supplie d with your cam corder. The nu mber in the pa renthese s indicate s the number of that it em suppli ed. AC Adaptor (1) (p . 9) Power cord (1) (p.
9 Gettin g Started Step 2: C harg ing the ba ttery pack You ca n charge the “I nfoLITHI UM” battery pack (H series) after attaching it to your camcorder. b Not es • Your camcorder operates only with an “InfoLIT HIUM” battery p ack (H seri es).
10 To char ge the ba tter y pack u sing onl y the AC Adap tor Slide the POWER switch to OFF (CHG), then connect the A C Adap tor d irectl y to the DC IN jack on the camco rder. Chargi ng time: Approx imate time (m in.) require d when you fully charge a comple tely ex hauste d batte ry pack.
11 Gettin g Started Step 3: T urnin g the pow er on, an d sett ing the date an d time 1 While pressing the green button, slide the POWER switch repeatedly in the direction of the arrow until the respective lamp lights u p.
12 Step 4: Pr eparin g for recordi ng Open th e LCD pan el 90 de gre es to the camcord er ( 1 ), then ro tate it to the be st angle to record or pl ay ( 2 ). You ca n view ima ges using the viewfinde r to avo id wear ing dow n the ba ttery , or when the image seen on the LCD screen is poor.
13 Rec ordin g/Pl ay back Recording/P layback Recor ding 1 Slide the POWER switch C until the respective lamp lights up. Press t he g reen bu tton only w hen t he POWE R switc h C is in the OFF ( CHG) positio n. • (Movie ): To re cord mov ies • (Still): T o record still images 2 Start recording.
14 z Tips • You can check the free hard disk space by pressing (HOM E) B t (MANAGE HDD/MEMORY) t [ IN FO]. • You can capture up to 3 still images by pres sing PHOTO E during movie recording. • The maximum continuous recordable time is approximately 13 hours.
15 Rec ordin g/Pl ay back Play back 1 Slide the POWER switch D to tu rn on your camco rder. 2 Press ( VIEW IMAGES) C (or A ). The VISUAL INDEX screen app ears on the LCD screen (It may take so me time to dis play the thum bnail s). • Press (Film Roll Index) B to display the (Film R oll Index) screen.
16 To adju st the sou nd volum e of movies When pl aying bac k a movie , touch (OPTION) t tab t [VOLUME], then ad just the volum e with / . z Tips • When playback from the selected movie reaches the last movie, the screen retur ns to the INDEX scr een.
17 Rec ordin g/Pl ayback Parts an d fun ction s used for the ca mcor der The nu mbers in ( ) are r efe rence pages. 1 Power zo om lever To use the zoom, move the power zoo m lever. Move the power zo om lever slight ly for a slower zo om. Move it furth er for a faster zoom .
18 5 Viewfinde r lens adjust ment leve r (12) (HDR-SR 7/SR8) 6 ACCESS lam p (Hard disk) Whe n the AC CESS lamp is lit or flash ing , your cam corder is wri ting/read ing data. 7 (fl ash) bu tto n You can sel ect the settin gs for the flash. 8 REMOT E jac k Conn ect other opt ional ac cessories.
19 Rec ordin g/Pl ayback ef ( Film R oll Ind ex) button (15) eg DISP/BATT INFO button You c an swit ch the scre en di splay when you press whil e the power is set to on. When yo u pre ss wh ile the power is set to OFF (CHG ), you can chec k the rem aining battery.
20 Indi cators d ispla yed duri ng rec ording/ play back Recor ding mo vies Recordi ng still im ages Viewin g movi es Viewing s till ima ges A Rec ord ing quali ty ( HD/ SD ) and Recordin g mode (XP/HQ/SP/LP) B HOME but ton C Rema ining batte ry (approx.
21 Rec ordin g/Pl ayback X VISUAL INDEX button Followin g indicator s appear duri ng recordi ng/play back to ind icate the settin gs of your camc order. Upper le ft Cent er Upper right Botto m * HDR-SR7/SR8 b Notes • The recording date and time i s recorded automatically on the hard disk and “Memory Stick Duo.
22 Perf orming vario us funct ions - “ HOME” and “ OPTION” You ca n cha nge t he re cordi ng f unct ions and the ope rating sett ings for your c onvenie nce. For det ails, see “ Handyca m Hand book” (PDF). 1 Turn on your camc order, then press (HOME) A (or B ).
23 Rec ordin g/Pl ayback b Not es • When the item you want is not on the screen, touch another tab. If you cannot find t he item anywhere, the function is not avail able under the current situatio n. • The tabs and items that appear on the screen depend on the recording/playback s tatus of your ca mcor der at th e tim e.
24 Item s you can se t only on the OPTI ON MENU will be de scribed below. SOUND/DISP SET * 2 [VOLUME] * 1 , [BEEP] * 1 , [L CD BRIG HT] , [LC D BL LE VEL ], [L CD COLO R], [ VF B.
25 Rec ordin g/Pl ayback Saving imag es Due to the li mited capac ity of the i ntern al hard di sk, make sure t hat you sa ve the image data to some t ype of e xternal media such a s a DV D-R or a computer. You can sav e the i mages record ed on the camcorde r as described be low.
26 Enjoyin g with a computer Viewin g “Handycam Handbook ” (PD F) For de tail s on usi ng yo ur cam corde r, see “Handyc am Handb ook” (PDF) . To view “ Handyc am Ha ndbook” (PDF ), you need to install Ad obe Read er on your comput er. 1 Turn on the computer.
27 Enjoyi ng with a com pute r What y ou can do with a Wind ows computer Whe n you instal l the “ Pic ture M oti on Browse r” on a Windo ws com puter fro m the supplied CD-R OM, you ca n enjo y the following ope rations.
28 DVD burner (CD-ROM drive is necessary for installatio n) b Notes • Even in a computer environment where the operations are guaranteed, f rames may be dropped from movi es with HD (high definition) image quality, resu lting in uneven playback. However, imported images and images on disc s created subsequently will not be affected.
29 Enjoyi ng with a com puter 9 Click [N ext] on the co nnection confirmation screen of the computer. b Notes • Even if a screen pr ompting you to restart your computer appears, you do not need to restart it at this time . Click [NO], and continue installing the software.
30 After you install the software, shortcut icons for “Picture Motion Browser” and “Pictu re Mo tion Brow ser Guid e” are create d on the d eskt op. For the basic op erat ion of “Pi cture M otion Browser,” see “Picture Motion Browser Guide.
31 Enjoyi ng with a com pute r 2 Click [Sa fely rem ove USB M ass S torage Device]. 3 Click [OK] (W indows 2000 only) . 4 Touch [END] o n the s creen of you r camc order. 5 Touch [YES] on the scr een of your camc order. 6 Disconne ct the USB cable from the Handycam S tation and the co mputer.
32 Troublesho oting Troubl eshoo t ing If you run i nto an y prob lems u sing y our camcord er, use t he follow ing t able to trouble shoot the pr oblem.
33 Troubles hooting You cannot ma ke new recordin g during this period . • The h ard di sk o f th e camcor der is ful l. Delete un necessary images (p. 25) . • To tal numbe r of movie scenes or still images ex ceeds th e record able capac ity of your camcor der.
34 (Warni ng on t he har d disk of the camcorder)* Fast flashing • An error may have occurred with the hard disk dr ive in your camcor der. (Warnin g on th e hard disk o f the camcorder)* Fast flashing • T he hard disk of th e camcorde r is fully recorded.
35 Additi onal Info rmation Addition al Informa tion Precau tion s On use an d care • Do not use o r store the camcorder and accessories in the fol lowing locations: – Anywhere extremely hot, cold or humid. Never leave them exposed to temp eratures above 60°C (140°F), such as under direct sunlight, near heaters or in a car parked in the sun.
36 – Leaving the cas ing in contact wit h rubber or vinyl objects for a long period of time. About care and stora ge of the lens • Wipe the surface of the lens clean wi th a sof t cloth in the following instances: – When there are fingerprints on the lens surface.
37 Additi onal Info rmation Speci f icat ions System Video compression format AVCHD (HD)/MPE G2 (SD)/JPEG (Still im ages ) Audio compression format Dolby Digital 2/5.
38 Input/Ou tput co nnectors Audio/ Video output 10-pin connector Video signal: 1 Vp-p, 75 Ω (ohm s) Luminance signal: 1 Vp-p, 75 Ω (ohms) Chrominance signal: 0.286 Vp-p, 75 Ω (ohms) Audio signal: 327 m V (at load impedance 47 k Ω (kilohms)), Output impedance with less than 2.
39 Additi onal Info rmation Power cons umption 18 W Output voltage DC 8.4 V * Operating temperature 0 °C to + 40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F) Storage temperat ure -20 °C to + 60 °C (-4 °F to + 140 °F) Dimens ions (approx.) 48 × 29 × 81 mm (1 15/16 × 1 3/16 × 3 1/4 in.
Printed on 70% or more recycled paper using VOC (Volatile Organic Compound)- free vegetable oil bas ed ink. Printed in Japan US Addition al inform ation on t his product and answer s to frequent ly asked que stions can be found at o ur Custome r Support Website .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sony HDR-SR5 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sony HDR-SR5 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sony HDR-SR5 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sony HDR-SR5 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sony HDR-SR5 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sony HDR-SR5 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sony HDR-SR5 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sony HDR-SR5 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.