Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product MHS-PM5 van de fabrikant Sony
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© 2010 Sony Corporation 4-167-123- 11 (1) Handbook Mobile HD Snap Camera MHS-PM5/PM5K T able of c ontents Getting st arted Basic Op erations Using with y our computer Using func tions for shooting Us.
2 Notes on using your came ra T y pes of memory car d yo u ca n us e wit h your c amera • The memory cards that you can use with this camera are “Memory Stick PR O Duo” media, “Memory Stick PRO- HG Duo” media, SD memory cards and SDHC memory cards.
3 Not es o n usi ng y our camer a • Do not aim th e camera at the sun or other bright light. This may cause ir recoverable damag e to your eyes. Or it may cause the malfunction of your camera. • Do not use t he camera near a location that generates strong radio wa ves or emits radiation.
4 Notes o n usin g your came ra Warning on copyri ght • T elevision programs, films, videotapes, and other materials ma y be copyrighted. Unauthorized recording of such materials m ay be contrary to the prov isions of the copyright laws.
5 Enjoy ing the ca mera Enjoyi ng high defin ition im ages The mo vies sho t with this camera w ill be reco rded i n MPEG-4 A VC/H.2 64 Main Pro fi le, approxi mately 30 fram es per second, Prog ressive, AAC LC, “MP4 form at”.
6 How to ha ndle the cam era • When carr ying the ca mera, rotate the len s porti on back as illu strate d . • Be caref ul not to block the lens with your finger w hen shootin g. • Do not hold th e came ra by only holding th e battery/ memory card cover , jack cover , th e USB jack or the le ns portion.
7 T abl e of conte nts Notes on usi ng yo ur camera ........ ............. ...... ...... .......... ............. ....... ......2 Enjo y ing th e camera........... .......... ............. ...... ...... .......... ............. ....... ......5 How to h andle the came ra .
8 T a ble of co ntents Viewing men u ..... ................ ............. ....... ...... .......... ............. ...... ....... ...... 43 (Delete): Allows you to select and delete unwant ed images (S.
9 T a ble of con tents T roubleshoot ing ..... ................ ............. ....... ...... .......... ............. ...... .......... . 58 W ar ning indicators and messages ........ ............. ....... ...... .......... ............. . 64 On the “Memo ry Stic k” media .
10 Identif ying parts See the pages in pare ntheses for details of oper ation. A Lens B Microphone C Hook for wrist strap (15 ) D Speaker E Batter y/Memor y card cove r (19) F Batter y slot G Memory c.
11 Ident ifying part s R Tripod r ecept acle (botto m) • Use a tripod with a screw length of less than 5.5 mm (7/32 i nches). You will be unable to firmly secure the camera to tripods having screws longer than 5.5 mm (7/32 inches), and may damage the camera.
12 Indicat ors on the scre en Whe n yo u ti lt th e mu lti-s elec tor t o v (Scree n display ) rep eated ly, the di splay chang es (p age 2 5). Indica tors on the scree n disappear aft er about 5 secon ds with the defau lt settings in effect when you purc hased this cam era.
13 Indica tors on the screen D E b Note • Indicator s and their positions are approxim ate and differ from what you actually see. Displ ay Indication Image size (40) [00 :00:0 5] Remaining r ecordab le time ( 40) Info rma tio n on t he mo vie sett ings appear s near the (Movie) icon.
14 Indic ators on the sc reen When pl aying back s till i m ag es When pl aying back m ovi es A B C b Note • Indic ators and their positions are app roximate and differ from what you actually see. Displ ay Indication Battery re maining (18) Image size (40) Protect (44) VOL.
15 Getting st arted Gett ing star ted Check ing the acce ssories supplied • Rechargeable bat tery pack NP-BK1 (1) • Memory card (“Memory Stick PR O Duo” 4GB) (1) (MHS-PM5K only) • A/V connec.
16 1 Prepar ing th e ba tter y p ack 1 Open the battery/m emory card co ver and inser t the battery pack into this camera, then close the cover . • Insert the ba ttery pack as far as it will go, then pres s the back of the batt ery pack ge ntly until it clicks.
17 Getting st arted 1 Pr eparin g the ba tter y pack • Do not appl y force to the camera, wh en you connect the camera to a computer. This may cause dama ge to the camera or the computer .
18 1 Pr eparin g the batter y pac k T o check the remaining b attery time Rotate the lens portion o r press the ON/OFF button t o turn on and c heck the rem aining battery on th e LCD scr een. • It takes about one minute until the co rrect battery rema ining indicator appear s.
19 Getting st arted 2 Insert ing th e memor y card 1 Open the cover . 2 Insert th e memory card all the way in u ntil it cl icks with its notched corner directed downward as shown in the i llustration. 3 Close the cover . When there is no memory ca rd insert e d The camer a recor ds/pla ys back images using the in terna l memory (approx .
20 2 Inse rting the m emory card T o remove the memory card Open the batt ery/me mory card co ver . • Ne ver remo ve the memory card when the access lamp is lit. This m ay cause damage to data in the memo ry card. Make sure tha t the acc ess lamp is not lit, then pus h the memory card in once.
21 Getting st arted 3 T u rning th e camera on/s etting the la nguage and cloc k 1 Rotate the lens por tion to turn the power on. • The Power/Charge lamp lights up in green. • Rotating the lens portion in the arrow direction turns on the camera. • Y o u can also turn the power on b y pres sing the ON/OFF button.
22 3 T u rning the ca mera on /settin g the lang uage and c lock 3 Set the cloc k with the multi-selector . 1 Select the date display form at with v / V , t hen press t h e mult i-selector . 2 Sele ct each item with b / B a nd set the nume ric value with v / V .
23 Basic Op erations Basic Op erations Shoot ing images 1 Rotate the lens por tion to turn the power on. • The Power/Charge lamp lights up in green. • Y o u can also turn the power on b y pres sing the ON/OFF button.
24 Shoo ting im ages 3 Start shooti ng. When shoo ting st ill im ages: 1 Press and hold (Photo) halfway do wn. A beep sound is heard, and the z (AE lock) ind icator (gree n) lights on th e lower center, l ittle toward the left s ide of the screen.
25 Basic Op erations Shoo ting im ages Changi ng the screen displ ay When yo u ti lt the multi-selec tor to v (Screen display) repe atedly , th e display chan ges as follo ws. • Indicators on the screen disappear after about 5 sec onds with the default settings in effect when you purchased the camera.
26 Shoo ting im ages W/T Usi ng the zo om Slid e the z oom lever towa rd T to z oom in, sli de the zoom lever toward W to zoo m out . Y ou cannot use the zoom fun ction when the m ovie size is [1920 × 1080 30P]. Using the s elf-timer Ti lt the mult i-sele ctor t o V (Self-timer).
27 Basic Op erations Viewin g images 1 Press and hold ( Play) b utton . • Inde x screen appears. 2 Select the imag e y ou want to playback with the multi-selector tilt to v / V / b / B . Stil l imag e: Press the mu lti-se lector . • A still imag e is displa yed.
28 Viewi ng images T o return to the index scre en Slide the zoom lever toward (Index) w hile displayi ng a still imag e or pausing t he playbac k of a movie. T o delet e the i mage s Allows you to select unwanted imag es for deletion. Y ou ca n delete images from t he MENU b utton ( page 43).
29 Basic Op erations Using th e menu items 1 Press MENU to display the menu. • The menu will be displayed only during shooting and playback mode. • D iff ere nt it ems will become vis i ble depending on the selected mode. 2 Select the desired menu item with the multi-selector tilt to v / V .
30 Menu i tems The available menu item s vary dependi ng on t he cam era mo de. The shootin g menu is av ailable onl y in the shootin g mode, and the vi ewing menu is av ailable only in the pl ayback m ode. Only th e av ailable items are display ed on the s cre en.
31 Using with your comput er Using with your computer Using w ith your comp uter “PMB” and other appl ications are contained on the CD- R OM (supplie d) to allow more ver satil e use of images shot w ith you r camer a.
32 Using with your c omputer T o play back a nd edi ting movie file s (MPEG -4 A VC/ H.264) r ecorded by the camera, y ou need to install the software compat ible with MPEG -4 A VC/H.
33 Using with your comput er Connec ting the cam era to the comput er Connect the c a mera a s illustrate d belo w . “PMB” al lows you to easily import i mages.
34 Conn ecting the camer a to the com puter Perform the proc edures fr om step 1 to 3 be low before: • Removing a memory card. • Inserting a memory car d into the camera after copying images from the internal memory . • T urni ng off the camera.
35 Using with your comput er Upload ing videos and still images to media ser vic es The ap plicat ion softw are “PMB Port able” is pr e-installed on t h e ca mera. Y ou can do the following using “PMB Port able”. • Y ou can easily upload videos and still im ages to me dia services, such as a blog.
36 Uploa ding vid eos and st ill image s to media s ervi ces 1 Make a USB connection between the camera and a computer . When you connect the camera and your com puter , [PMBPOR T ABLE] app ears on the desktop. Click [×] to c l ose an y unnecessary dri ves.
37 Using with your comput er Uploading videos and still ima ges to media ser vices • If we terminate the services provided by t he Sony s ervers, we will notify you of the ter mination of the service on the Sony website in advance.
38 Using th e software 1 T urn on yo ur comput er , and insert th e CD-R OM (supp lied) i nto the CD-R OM driv e. The installa tion menu s creen ap pears. • If it does not appea r, double-c lick [Computer] (in Windo ws XP, [My Computer]) t (SONYPMB).
39 Using with your comput er Using t he software b Notes • Log on as Administrator . • When “PM B” is started up for the first time, the confirmati on message of the Inf ormation tool a ppears on the screen.
40 Using f unctions f or shootin g Shooti ng menu The functi on in shooting mode using ME NU button are described be low . For details on how to oper ate the m enu, see page 29. The de faul t sett ings a re mar ked wi th . When the mode has been se t to p layback , switch it to sh ooting mode with (Play ) b utton.
41 Using f unctions f or shooti ng Shoo ting m enu For detail s on the op eration 1 page 29 * The range you can shoot is nar rowed compared to [1280 × 720 30P] or [1280 × 720 60P]. • The movies shot with this camera will be rec orded in MPEG-4 A VC/H.
42 Shoot ing menu For det ails on th e operation 1 page 29 • The camera shake r eduction function works only in [640 × 480 30P] or [1280 × 720 30P] mode. Y ou ca n change the settin gs on the (setup ) scre en. Y our camera u ses t he VBR (V ariabl e Bit Rate) forma t to automati cally ad just image qualit y to sui t the reco rding scene.
43 Using fun ctions for viewing Using func tions fo r viewing Viewin g menu The fu nction in vi ewing mode us ing MENU button are d escribed bel o w. F or detai ls on how to operate the menu, see page 29. When the m ode has been set to shoo ting mode, switch it to playback with (Play) button.
44 Viewi ng menu For det ails on th e operation 1 page 29 Prot ects r ecor d ed image s ag ainst accidenta l erasur e. The mark is displaye d for registered imag es. T o canc el th e prot ectio n Select the im age for which you want to canc el protection, and un lock it by pressing the multi-selector as the same procedure to protect it.
45 Viewin g menu For details on the opera tion 1 page 29 Using fun ctions for viewing 4 Sele ct [R otat e] wit h v / V , the n press the mu lti-sel ector. 5 Select [ ], then r otate the im age wit h b / B . 6 Select [ OK] with v / V , then pre ss the multi -sele ctor .
46 Customiz ing the settin gs Using Se tup items Y ou ca n change the de fau lt settin gs using th e Set up scr een. 1 Press MENU to display the men u. 2 Tilt the multi-selector to v / V to select (Set up). 3 Tilt to v / V / b / B to select the item you want to set.
47 For detail s on the op eration 1 page 46 Customiz ing the settin gs Shoot ing Se tting The defau lt se ttin gs are ma rked w ith . Curbs the fl icker generated by fluorescent by using the el ectro-shutte r . Fl icke r Red ucti on On Use the Fl icker Reducti on.
48 For det ails on th e operation 1 page 46 Main Setti ngs 1/2 The de faul t sett ings a re mar ked wi th . Selects the soun d produced when you opera te the camera . Select s the brig htness of the LCD ba cklight. • Y ou can change the setting by tilting the multi-selector v (DI SP) longer .
49 For detail s on the op eration 1 page 46 Customiz ing the settin gs Main S ettings 2/2 The defau lt se ttin gs are ma rked w ith . Allows you to selec t the se tting s for th e disp lay met hod of .
50 For det ails on th e operation 1 page 46 Memor y Card T ool This it em appears only when t he memory c ard i s inserted in th e camera. Forma ts the memory card. T o ensu re stable operatio n of the m emory ca rds, we re comme nd that you format the memory card t he fir st ti me you use i t with this cam era.
51 For detail s on the op eration 1 page 46 Customiz ing the settin gs Internal Memor y T ool This it em appears only when t he memo ry card is n ot inserte d in the c amera. Forma ts data stor ed in th e inte rnal m emor y . • Note that formatting irrevocably erases all data in the intern al memory , including ev en protected images .
52 For det ails on th e operati on 1 page 46 Cloc k Sett ings Sets the da te and time. 1 Select [ Clock Se ttings] wi th the multi -selecto r tilt to v / V , then press the multi-s elector or til t to B . 2 Select the date disp lay forma t with v / V , then press th e multi -sel ector .
53 Enjoying the 360 Vi deo (MHS-PM5K) Enjoying th e 360 Video (MHS-PM5 K) Shoot ing 360 Video im ages By attachi ng the supplie d 360 V ideo Lens to the cam era, you can shoot 360-degree ima ges of the ar ea a roun d the camera. 1 Rotate the lens por tion, then attach the 360 Video Lens to the camera.
54 Shooti ng 360 Vi deo image s For det ails on th e operation 1 page 53 T o remove the 360 Vi deo Lens Remove the 36 0 V ideo Len s after you have finished reco rding. z Usin g th e se lf-ti mer func tio n It is often convenient to use the self-t imer function when shooting .
55 Viewing image s on a TV Viewing i mages on a TV Viewin g images on a TV Y ou can vi ew images on a TV screen by co nnecti ng the camera to a TV . The conn ection or the image qual ity (HD (high definition)/SD (standa rd definition)) varies dependi ng on the type of TV or input jacks th e camera is conn ected to.
56 Viewi ng images on a TV Images recorded with HD (hi gh def inition) image qual ity are pl ayed back with HD (high definition) im age qua lity . Image s recorded with SD (stan dard definition ) image qu ality are playe d back with SD (stand ard definition) image quality .
57 Viewin g images o n a TV Viewing image s on a TV P AL system Australia, Austria, Belgiu m, China, Cze ch Republi c, Denmark, Fin land, Germany , Holland, Hong Kong, Hungary , Italy , Kuwait, Malay sia, New Zealand, Norway , Poland, Portugal, Singapore , Slovak Republic , Spain, Sw eden, Switzerlan d, Thail and, Unit ed King dom, et c.
58 T rouble shooting T roub lesho oting If you experienc e trouble with you r camera, try the fol lowing solutions. When rep airin g the camera, we may che ck a mi nimum a mo unt o f da ta stored on the in terna l me mory in orde r to im prove the c ondit ion.
59 T r oubles hooting T roubles hooting Cannot turn on the camera. • The re maining ba ttery is low or deple ted. – Connect th e camera to a com puter that is turned on, and charge the batter y fully (page 16).
60 T r oubles hooting The pow er turns off sudd enly . • If you do not operat e the camera for about f iv e minutes whil e the power is on, the camera turn s of f automat ically to p reven t wearing d own th e ba ttery .
61 T r oubles hooting T roubles hooting The recor ding date is not supe rimpos ed on an image. • This came ra does not have a feature for superimp osing dates on ima ges. The scr een is too d ark or too bright . • Adjust t he brightnes s of the LC D backligh t (page 48).
62 T r oubles hooting The top, bottom, ri ght, a nd l eft edge s of images ma y be tri mmed sl ightly whe n yo u play ba ck on a connecte d TV . • The LCD screen of the camera can displ ay recordi ng images acro ss the entire s creen (full pixel display).
63 T r oubles hooting T roubles hooting Cannot inser t a memory card. • Insert it in the correc t direction. Y ou have formatted a mem ory card by mistake . • All the data on the m emory c ard is del eted by for matting. Y ou cannot restor e it. Cannot pl aybac k or recor d images usi ng the inter nal mem ory .
64 W arning indi cators a nd messages If t he f ollowing me ssag es ap pear, fo llow the instru ctions. • The b attery level is low . Cha rge the battery im mediatel y . Internal memory error • T urn the power of f an d then on again. System error • T urn the power of f an d then on again.
65 Warning i ndicator s and mess ages T roubles hooting File protected • Relea se the protecti on (page 44). T urn the power off and on again • A problem with the lens caused an error. Camera overheating Allow it to cool • The camera temperatur e has r i sen.
66 Others On the “M emory Stick” medi a “Memor y Sti ck” med ia i s a co mpact, portabl e IC recordin g medium with a l arge data c apacity . Y ou can use the fol lo wing ty pes of “Memor y Sti ck” media l isted below on this camera.
67 On th e “Memory St ick” medi a Others On t he “ Memory Sti ck Duo” m edia adapto r • When using “Memory Stick PRO Duo” media with a “Memory Stick” media compliant device, be sure to i nsert the “Memory S tick PR O Duo” media into a “Memory Stick Duo” media adap to r .
68 On the ba tter y On c har ging the bat tery • W e r ecommend charging the battery in an ambient temperature of bet ween 10°C to 30°C (50°F to 8 6°F). Y ou may not be able to eff iciently charge the battery outside of this temperature range. • Y ou may not char ge the battery pack, or the Power/Charge lamp may not light in the following.
69 Others Precau tions Do not use /store the c amera in t he foll owing pl aces • In an extremely hot, cold or humid place In places such as in a car parked in the sun, the camera body may become deformed and thi s may cause a malfunc tion.
70 Specifi cations Camer a [Syst em] Image device: 7.13 mm (1/2.5 t ype) CMOS sensor T otal pixel number of camera: Approx. 5 038 000 (2 592 × 1 944) pixels Effecti ve pixel number of camera: Approx. 5 038 000 (2 592 × 1 944) pixels (still images), Approx.
71 Index Index Index Numeric s 360 V ideo images .................53 4:3 TV ....... ......... ..... ....... .......55 A A/V conn ecting cab le .......... . 55 A/V OUT jack......... ....... .......55 AE lock indica t or ........ ..........24 B Batter y .
Additional information on this pr oduct and an swers to frequen tly asked questions ca n be found at our Custome r Support W ebsite..
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sony MHS-PM5 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sony MHS-PM5 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sony MHS-PM5 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sony MHS-PM5 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sony MHS-PM5 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sony MHS-PM5 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sony MHS-PM5 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sony MHS-PM5 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.