Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product PCG-F630 van de fabrikant Sony
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PCG-F610 PCG-F630 Printed in USA 4-650-597-11 © 2000 Sony Electronics Inc. www ® V AIO Notebook User Guide.
V AIO Notebook User Guide PCG-F610/F630 ®.
Notice to Users © 2000 Son y Electr onics In c. All rig ht s reserved. T hi s ma nual an d the soft w are descr ibed h e rein, in wh o le or in p art , may not be rep rodu ced, tr anslat ed, or reduce d to an y mach ine-readab le fo rm w ithou t prior written appr oval.
Owner’ s Record The model number and s erial number a re located on the bo ttom of your Sony V AIO® Note bo o k. R eco rd the s e ri al n um b er in the space provided here. Refer to the mod e l and serial numb e r w hen you c all your Sony Service Center .
❏ Pour prévenir tout risque d’incendi e ou d’élect r ocuti on, gar d er ce t appar eil à l’abri de la plu ie et de l’ h umid it é . ❏ Pour prévenir tout risque d’électr ocution, ne pas ouvrir l e châ ssis de cet a p p a reil et n e con fie r son ent retien qu’à u ne personne qualif iée.
❏ Reorie nt o r reloc ate t he receivin g antenna. ❏ Incr ease the separatio n between the equipment and the receiver . ❏ Connect th e equipment into an outl et on a circuit different from that to which t he receiver i s connected. ❏ Consult the dealer or an exper ienced radio/ TV technician fo r help.
FCC Part 68 This equipment co mplies with Part 68 of the FCC rules . On the bottom of thi s equipment is a la bel that co ntain s, amo ng other informa ti on, the FCC equivalence number (REN) for this equipment. If requested, thi s in for mat ion m u st be provi ded to the telephone company .
T elephone Consumer Guidelines ( Canada) Please refer to your telephone directory under ‘Pri vacy I ssue s’ and/ or ‘ T erms of Servic e.’ Fo r m ore det ailed inform atio n, ple ase co nt act: CR TC T errasses de la Chaudiére, T our centrale 1 pro m enade du Portage, 5 étage Hull PQ K1A 0N2.
INDUSTR Y CANADA NOTICE NOTI CE : T he I ndu str y C an ada la bel identifi es certified equipment. This certific atio n mean s tha t th e equ ipment meets certa in tel ecommu nica tio ns netw ork protective, operat io nal and safe t y requir ements as pr escribed in the appropriate T er minal Equipment T ec hnical Requir ements document( s).
parti cu l iè rement im por ta nte d ans le s rég ions r ural es. A vertissement: L ’utilisateur ne doit pas tenter de fair e ces raccor dements l ui-même; il doit avoi r reco urs à un servic e d’inspec tion d e s in st all at io ns élect riq ues, ou à un électrici e n, se lo n le cas.
xi Contents Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Features ................................... .................................... ........................ 1 Unpacking Your Notebook ......
Notebook User Guid e xii Using the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM .............. ....................................26 Changing the Vi deo Memory Size ................ ....................................28 Using PC Cards ........................... .............
xiii Supplementary Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Hard Drive Partition ................................................................................. 73 Power Managem ent Tips ..................................
Notebook User Guid e xiv.
1 ® W elcome Con gratul atio ns on your p urc hase of th e Sony V AIO® noteb ook. Sony h as combined l eading-edge tec hnology in audi o, video, computin g, and communicatio ns to provide y ou with state-of-the-art pe r sonal compu t ing.
Notebook User Guid e 2 ❑ Mic rosoft ® Windows® ope rati ng system: Y our system comes with Microsoft ® W indows® M illennium Edition . ❑ Communicati ons: Access popular onl ine services, send e-mail , browse the Internet , and use f ax features.
Unpacking Y our Notebook 3 Unpacking Y our No tebook Remo ve the fol lowing h ardware items fr om the box: Manuals ❑ The V A IO® Notebook User Guide (this man ual) contains informat ion on ho w to get the most from your comput er , find h elp, and solv e common problems.
Notebook User Guid e 4.
5 Er gon omic Considerations Y ou will be us ing your noteboo k computer as a portab le de vi ce in a v ariety of en vironments. W henev er possible, you sh ould attempt to appl y the following erg onomic considerations to both stationary and portable en vironments.
V AIO Notebook User Guide 6 fatigue by adjusting the tilt of the disp lay to the proper position. Ad just the brightness s etting of the display also . ❑ Light ing — Choose a location where windo w s and lights do not create glare and reflecti on on the displ ay .
7 Using Y our Notebook This secti on describes ho w to start using your computer and h ow to use yo ur computer’ s internal and external devices such as the touchpad, f loppy di sk dri ve, and D VD-R OM (PCG-F630) or CD-R OM (PCG-F610) dri ve.
Notebook User Guid e 8 Left S400 i.LINK® connector (page 48) PC card slots (page 29) Headphone connector (pages 42, 45) Battery bay (page 12) Microphone connector (pages 42, 46) 1 4 2 i 5 3 m.
Locating C ontrols and Connectors 9 Right Po wer button (page 16) Floppy disk drive (page 25) * * Always leav e the floppy disk drive in the drive bay .
Notebook User Guid e 10 Back Bottom Modem jack (page 35) Monitor connector (page 41) Mouse/K eyboard connector (page 44) USB connectors (page 50) Serial connector DC In connector (page 11) Printer connector (page 40) T here is a ventilation slot located between the USB connector and the DC In connector .
Connectin g a Power Source 11 Connecting a Power Source Y ou can use ei ther A C po wer or a rechar geable battery pack as a power source. Using the AC Adapter 1. Plug the cable atta che d to the AC adap te r into the DC In conne ct or on the comp uter .
Notebook User Guid e 12 Using Battery Power Y ou can use a battery pack as a sour ce of power .For mor e information on conservi ng battery lif e, see “Using Po wer Sav ing Modes” on page 32. The batt ery pack that comes wit h your computer is not fully charged at the time of purchase.
Connectin g a Power Source 13 The computer automatically charges the ba ttery (the battery indicator light flashes in a double- blink pattern as the b attery charges). When the b attery is 85 percent full, the battery indicator light turns off. This process takes approximately two hours.
Notebook User Guid e 14 T o remove the battery pack 1. Open th e cov er of the b at t ery b ay . 2. Pull out the b attery pack . 3. Close the cov er of the ba ttery bay . Notes on Batteries ❑ Nev er lea ve the bat tery pack in temperatures abo ve 14 0 ° F (60 ° C), su ch as under direct sun light or in a car pa rked in the sun.
Connectin g a Power Source 15 ❑ Battery life i s shorter in a cold en vironment. This is d ue to decreased battery ef f iciency at lo w temperatures. ❑ Cha rge the ba tter ies at te mper at ures betw een 50 ° F and 80 ° F (10 ° C to 30 ° C). Lo wer temperatures require a longer c harging t ime.
Notebook User Guid e 16 Starting Y ou r Com puter 1. Slide the LCD lock lever in the direction of the arr o w , and lift the cov er . 2. Press the po w er bu tton on top of the compu ter until the gree n pow e r indi ca to r li g h t t urn s on . 3. If necessary , adju st the brightne ss contro ls fo r the LCD display .
Shutting Down Y our Computer 17 Shutting Down Y o ur Com put er 1. Click the Star t bu tton on t he Window s ® taskbar . 2. Click Shut Dow n at the botto m of the Start menu to display t he Shut Dow n Windows dialog box . 3. Sele ct S hut D ow n. 4. Click OK.
Notebook User Guid e 18 Registering Y our Com puter Y ou can tak e adva ntage of Son y’ s commit ment to quality cu stomer support and recei ve the follo wing benefi ts by re gistering your computer wit h Sony . ❑ Sony Custo mer Support – T alk to a Suppo rt Representati ve to troublesho ot problems you may be havin g with your computer .
Changing the Window Design of Son y Software 19 Changing the Windo w Design of Sony S oftware T o change the window desig n of Sony software 1. Click the Start bu tton, point to Se ttin gs , and the n click Co ntrol Panel. ( If you don’ t see the UI Desi gn Selector , from the Control Pa nel, click “v iew all Control Pane l option s.
Notebook User Guid e 20 Using the Keyboard Y our keyboard is very simi lar to a typewriter’ s, but the keyboard ha s additional k eys tha t perform specif i c computer -related tasks. Key Description Numeric k eypad area Contains the k eys found on a typi cal calculator .
Using the Keyboard 21 Combinations and Functions with the Win dows Key Oper ator k eys Sever al key s are alw ays used with at le ast one other k ey: Ctrl, Alt, and Shift. When held down with ano ther k ey , the Ctrl (Control) an d Alt (Altern ate) k eys offer an other way to gi ve commands .
Notebook User Guid e 22 Indicators Indicator Fu nction P ower Light is green when the power to t he computer is turn ed on. Light flashes red in Standby mode. The light turns off when the co mputer is in Hibernat ion mode or powered off . Battery Indicates the status of the battery i nserted in the battery bay on the left side of the com puter .
Using the Keyboard 23 Combinations and Functions with t he Fn Key Combination s/ Feature Func tion Fn+ Esc o r Fn+ F1 2 Hibernat ion mode: Provides fo r the lowe st level o f po wer consumption.
Notebook User Guid e 24 Using the T ouchpad The ke yboard cont ains a cursor -pointing devic e called a touchpad . Y ou can point t o, select, drag, an d scroll objects on the screen using the b uilt-in touchpad. Action Description P oint Slide one finger on the touchpad to place the pointer on an item or object.
Using the Floppy Disk Drive 25 Using the Floppy Disk Drive The computer comes with a flopp y disk driv e.* T o insert a diskette 1. Hold th e di sk ette with the lab el si d e f acin g up. 2. Gently push the diskett e into the drive until it clicks into place.
Notebook User Guid e 26 Using th e CD-ROM o r DVD-R OM Y our computer comes wit h a CD-R O M (PCG-F610) or D VD-RO M (PCG-F630) . T o insert a disc 1. T urn on the c om put er . 2. Press the Eject button t o open the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM dr ive. Th e tray slid es ou t.
Using the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM 27 4. Close the tray by pushing it gen tly . Playing a DVD ❑ Y ou can play D VDs using a D VD-R OM driv e and the Media Bar so ftware. See the online manual th at came with the Media Bar software for d et ails. On Handling CD and D VD media ❑ Do not touch th e surface of the disc.
Notebook User Guid e 28 Changing the Video Memory S ize The video memory for this note book computer uses a pa r t of the main memory . Y ou can select the size, 2 MB/4 MB/8 MB, th e default sett ing is 4 MB. Select 4 MB when using features su ch as dual display mode and 8 MB for high er resolution and bet ter color , when playing 3D ga mes.
Using PC Cards 29 Using PC Cards Y our comput er includes tw o PC card slots. PC car ds allo w you to connect portable external d evices such a s another hard disk dr ive , or to connect to a netw ork. T o insert a PC card Use the lo wer slot for T ype III PC cards.
Notebook User Guid e 30 3. Inse rt the PC ca rd int o th e PC ca rd sl o t, fr ont la bel fa cin g up . Ge ntl y push the card into th e slot until the card is fixe d into the connector . The release button co m es ou t. T o remove the PC card 1. Double-cli ck in the sy stem task tray .
Using PC Cards 31 3. In the Un plug or E ject Hardware dialog box, select the appropriate option, and the n cl ick St op. 4. Confirm the de vice and click OK. 5. A messa ge appears in forming you that the de vice can n ow be safely rem ove d fr om the sy stem .
Notebook User Guid e 32 Using Power Saving Modes When you use a battery as the source of po wer for your c omputer , you can take a dvantage o f po wer management sett ings to conserv e battery life.
Using Po wer Saving Mo des 33 Press Fn+Esc or Fn + F12. The scre en turns off, and then the computer en ters Hibernation mo de. T o return to normal mo de T u rn on the computer by pressing the power b utton. The compu ter returns to its pre vious st ate.
34 Connecting Peripheral Devices Y ou can ad d functionalit y to your computer b y connecting any of these peripher als: ❑ Phone li ne (page 35) ❑ Port replicator (page 36) ❑ Printe r (page 4 0).
Connecting a Phone Line 35 Connecting a Phone Line Y ou need to co nnect a phone line t o take adv antage of online services and t he Internet. 1. Plug one end of the pho ne cable into the phone line jack on the co mputer . 2. Plug the other end into th e wall jac k.
Notebook User Guid e 36 Connecting the Port R eplicator Y our noteb ook supports the us e of an optional po rt replicator (PCGA-PRF1A). At taching a port r eplica tor enables you to co nnect additional peripherals to your computer .
Connecting the Port Replicator 37 T o attach your c omputer to the port replica t or T o supply po wer to your comp uter while it is connected to the port replicat or , you can conn ect the A C adapter directl y to the port replica tor . 1. T urn off your compute r an d disc onne ct all pe riphe ra ls.
Notebook User Guid e 38 The po w e r ind i ca tor li gh t tu rn s g r een . 5. T urn on the c om put er . Use the A C adapter that co mes with your comput er .
Connecting the Port Replicator 39 T o remove y our computer from the port rep licator when the power is o ff 1. T urn off your compute r an d the conn ec te d per ipher als. 2. Pull the levers on each side of the port replicator to disenga ge the compute r fr om the port replicat or .
Notebook User Guid e 40 Connecting a Printer Y ou can con nect your computer to a pri nter that is c ompatible with W in dows® Mil len nium Ed ition . T o connect a pr inter ❑ Use the symbol to locat e the Printe r connec tor . Plug the pr inter c able (supplie d with th e pr inter) into this po rt on the comp uter .
Connectin g an External Displa y 41 Connect ing an Ex ternal Di splay Y ou can co nnect an exter nal displa y to your notebook. F or e xample, you can use the comp uter with an y of the fol lowing: .
Notebook User Guid e 42 6. Sel ect th e type of di splay: 7. Click OK. 8. A Warning Message appears. Click OK if the display dev ices are connected . 9. Another Warning Messag e dialogue box will appear . Click OK to confirm the ch ang es. 10. Click OK to close t h e Display Properties scr e en.
Connectin g an External Displa y 43 T o select a display When you co nnect an e xternal display t o the monitor conne ctor , you can toggle t he outp ut bet ween th e Liqu id Cryst al Displa y (LCD ), the extern al monitor , or both de vices. Use the Fn+F7 ke ys to select di splay .
Notebook User Guid e 44 Connecting an External Mouse or Keyboard Y ou can connect a PS/2® style mouse or k eyboard. Plug th e keybo ard cable or mouse c able into this conn ector with the mark facing u p. T o connect both a mouse and ke yboard at the same time, use the opti onal PS/ 2 divisi on c onn ect or .
Connecting E xternal Speakers 45 Connecting External Speakers Y ou can en hance the sound qu ality of your co m puter b y connecting e xternal speakers. T o connect external speakers ❑ Use the s ymbol to l ocate the Headphone connec tor . Plug the speak er cable into this c onnector .
Notebook User Guid e 46 Connecting an External Microphone Y ou can enhance the quality of sound input b y using an e xt ernal microphon e. T o connect an ex ternal microph one ❑ Use the to locate the Mic rophone connector . Pl ug the microphone cable into thi s connec tor .
Using Smart Connect 47 computer . Y ou can also print f rom a printer that is attached to either compu ter . Select the STD mode in Smart Connect 3 .0 software to connect with another computer that has W indows Me preinstalled.
Notebook User Guid e 48 Connectin g a Digital Video Camera R ecorder Y ou can connect an i.LINK*-enabled digital video camera rec order to the i.LINK (IEEE 1394) connector . T o connec t a digital video ca mera recorder ❑ Plug one end of the i.LI NK cable (not supplied ) into the i.
Connectin g a Digital V ideo Camera Rec order 49 i.LINK cabl es ❑ i.LINK cable s compatible with your V AIO notebook include cable s with the follo wing part numbers: VMC-IL4415 (a 1.5 meter cable with a 4-pin connector a t each end), VMC-IL4615 (a 1.
Notebook User Guid e 50 Connecting a U niversal Serial Bus (USB) Device Y ou can con nect a USB de vice to your comput er . T o connect a U SB device ❑ Use the symbo l to locate t he USB connecto r . Plug on e end of the USB cable into this por t and the othe r end into th e USB de vice.
Connecting a Universal Serial B us (USB) Device 51.
Notebook User Guid e 52 About the Software o n Y our Noteboo k Y our V AIO notebo ok is ready to help y ou work, play , learn, and communicate as soon as you tur n it on. This sect ion gi ves you an o ver view of the activities you can perform with yo ur software title s.
About the Softwa r e on Y our Notebook 53 EarthLi nk Network T otalAccess ® EarthL in k Netwo r k , Inc. An Internet S ervice Pro vider that supplies a ccess, information, an d assistance to its cust omers, introducing them to the Internet.
Notebook User Guid e 54 Mo vi eS h a k e r ™ (PCG-F630 only) Sony Elec tr onics Sony’ s or igin al M ovieSha ker s oftwa re c rea tes p ers onal movies that have transiti ons, background music, and text . Just import your video clips and “shake” wi th a click of the mouse.
About Y our Recovery CDs 55 Quicken ® 2000 Intuit, Inc. Quicke n is a f ast, easy way to or ganize your f inances. Quicke n works just lik e your che ckbook, so it is easy to learn and use. Quicken manag es all your f inances, bank accounts, cred it cards, in vestments, and l oans.
Notebook User Guid e 56 Soft ware Inst ructions Movi e Sha k er (PCG-F630 only) This applicat ion can be used to create fun and inno v ati ve movies with out any kno wledge of f ilm editing.
Software Instructions 57 3. Click . A thir ty second sce ne is automat ically gene rated and saved to the Prod uct tray . 4. T o previ ew , swit ch the W ork Pa n el to Pro duct tray mo d e and pre ss play .
Notebook User Guid e 58 1 V erify that the clip (s) you want to save is on th e Product tray . See Help for more detail s on saving movi es. 2 Click Ex por t. 3 Select the format in w hich you want the document to be saved. 4 Click Next. 5 Locate the folder to which you want the file saved.
For Answers to Y our Software Questions 59 For Ans w er s to Y our Software Questio ns Acrobat ® Reader , Adobe PhotoDeluxe ® Home Edition, Ad obe Premiere ® LE (Adobe Sy s tems Incorporated ) America Onli ne ® (America Online) A T &T World Net ® Ser vic e (A T&T) Compu S erve ® 2000 (CompuSe rve, Inc.
Notebook User Guid e 60 Netscape Communicator ® (Netscape Commu nications Corporation) Prodigy Inte r net ® (Prodigy Communications Corpora tion) Quicken ® 20 00 (Intuit Inc.
61 T roubleshooting This sectio n describes ho w to solv e common probl ems you may encounte r when using y our computer and answer the most fequ ently asked questi ons. Many problems ha ve simple so lutions, so t ry these suggestions be fore you contact Sony Customer S upport (http:// www .
Notebook User Guid e 62 setup” wo uld appear at th e bottom of the display . Should t his happen, you need to initiali ze th e BIOS. Follow steps 3 to 8 bel ow .
T roubleshoo ting 63 The screen im age on my external display is not centered or sized properly Use the controls on you r external di s play to ad just the image. See the manu al supplied with your display for more informatio n. My computer “ locks up” ❑ T ry restarting the co mputer .
Notebook User Guid e 64 When I cli c k an application icon a message appe ars, such as “Y ou must insert the applic ation CD into your CD-RO M drive,” and the softwa re does not star t ❑ Some titl es require specif ic fi les that are lo cated on the appli cation’ s CD- R OM.
T roubleshoo ting 65 My mode m connection is slow The comput er’ s modem uses V .90 technolog y . Many fa ctors influence modem connect ion speed, includi ng telephone line noise or c ompatibility with te lephone equipmen t (such as fax machines or other modems).
Notebook User Guid e 66 My touchpad i nterprets a single tap as a double-click Click th e Mouse icon i n the Control P anel and t hen change the b utton assignments i n the Mouse Prope rties dialog box. One of the b uttons is assigned t o the double-clic k action.
T roubleshoo ting 67 My computer doe s not enter the power saving mode I selected Conf irm the current po wer management setti ngs: 1 Click Start, point to Program>Accessories>System T o ol>System Information. The Help and S upport windo w appears.
Notebook User Guid e 68 Freq uentl y Asked Ques tio n s (F AQs) Q: How do I recov er applications or drivers tha t came with my c omputer if the files are c orrupted or deleted? A: The Appli cation Reco very CDs a llo w you to reinstall in dividu al applications an d devi ce dri vers if the y are corrupted or accident ally erased.
Frequently Asked Questions (F AQs) 69 Q: Why does Win dows lock up during shu t down? A: W indo ws may not shut d own proper ly for many reasons, includin g incompat ible or confli cting dri vers, dama ged file s, or non-respon s i ve hardw are. For t roubleshooting i nformation, you can search W indo ws Me Help.
Notebook User Guid e 70 Using the System and Application Recovery CDs The follo wing sections describe how to u se the System Reco very and Applica tion Recovery util ities. Using the System Recovery CD(s) Y ou can rei nstall softwar e titles that shippe d with your comput er if the y are corrupted or acc identally erased.
Using the Sy stem and Application Re covery CDs 71 T o use the System Recovery CD(s) 1. Inse rt t he So ny Sys te m R ec ove ry C D i n the CD -RO M or DV D-R OM d rive . 2. Shut dow n your com puter as described in “S hutting Dow n Y ou r Comput er” on page 17.
Notebook User Guid e 72 Using the Applicat ion Recov ery CD(s) The App lication Re cov e ry CD(s) a llo w s you to reinstall i ndividual applications an d devi ce dri vers if the y are corrupted or accident ally erased.
73 Supplementary Information Hard Drive Partition In order to improv e the perfor mance of your compu t er’ s D V gate™ M otion softw are, the hard disk d riv e on your comput er has been formatt ed with two partitio ns, C and D. DVgate Motion saves files to the D partiti on.
Notebook User Guid e 74 ❑ If you pl ugged the computer into a po wer strip or UPS, mak e sure the po wer strip or UPS i s turned on and w orking. ❑ If you ar e using an ext ernal display , check that it i s plugged into a power source and turned on.
75 Applicati ons That Use the TWAIN Driver Digita l imaging applicat ions, such as Adobe Ph otoDeluxe ® , allo w you to transfer i mages to your notebook from an external device, such as a scanner or digital camera. When you select a de vice, a TW AIN driv er windo w appears on th e screen.
Notebook User Guid e 76 ❑ Provide ad equat e air ci rcula tion to prevent intern al heat buildup. Do no t place your co mputer on porous surf aces such as rugs or blanke ts, or near materials such as curt ains or draperies that may block i ts ventilation slots.
77 Adding Memory In the fut ure you may want to i nstall memory module s to expand the function ality of your co mputer . Y our system comes with 64 MB of instal led memory (64 MB x 1). By inserting optiona l memory modules in your computer's e xpansion slot , you can increase the memory up to 256 MB (128 MB x 2).
Notebook User Guid e 78 (cellophan e wrappers, for e xample). Ground yourself b y maintaining contact wi th an unpainted metal portion of the chassis while p erforming the procedure. ❑ Do not ope n the memory module pac kage until you are ready to install the module .
Adding Memo ry 79 6. T ighten the screw on the bottom of the compute r . T o install a memory module 1. Follow st eps 1 to 4 of “T o remo ve a me mory modu l e. ” 2. Remove th e memory module f rom its packa ging. 3. Insta ll th e memo ry module. 4.
Notebook User Guid e 80 Specifications Model PCG-F630 PCG-F610 Processor Mobile AMD-K6®-2+ 550MHz * Mobil e AMD-K6®-2+ 550M Hz * Hard Disk Drive 12.0 GB † 6.
81 Specific ations ar e subje ct to cha nge wit hout no tice. Weig ht 7.0 lbs . (3.2 kg) (wit h bat te ry an d fl o ppy disk d rive ) 6.9 lbs . (3.2kg) (with bat tery and floppy disk drive) Operating .
Notebook User Guid e 82.
83 Index A About the Software on Your Computer 52 About Your Recovery CDs 55 AC adapter 7, 11 AC power 11 adding hardware 35 memory 77 peripherals 35 printers 41 Alt key 21 Application Recovery CD 72 .
Notebook User Guid e 84 power source 12 cleaning CD-ROMs and DVD- ROMs 28 coin-operated telephones 36 computer handling 76 lithium ion battery vii setting up 7 starting 16 troubleshooting 61, 63 unpac.
Index 85 closing tray 27 opening tray 26 using 26 DVD-ROM drive tray troubleshooting 63 DVD-ROMs cleaning 28 handling 27 E Eject button 25, 26, 27 ejecti ng CD-ROM/DVD-ROM discs 27 diskettes 25 Energy.
Notebook User Guid e 86 See speaker s K keyboard 21, 37 connector 7, 10 L LCD 7 lock lever 16 selecting to display ou tput 44 troubleshooting 62, 63 LCD (Video) Standby mode 62 LCD screen handling 17 .
Index 87 PBX 36 PC card inserting 30 release button 30 slot protector 30 slots 30 troubleshooting 66 phone cable 7 connecting line 36 jack 36 laws governing vi port replicato r connecting 37, 38 disco.
Notebook User Guid e 88 switching 23 troubleshooting 64 Specifications 80 Start button 17 starting computer 16 startup problems 17 switching display 23 monitor 23 System Hibernation mode 33 System Rec.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sony PCG-F630 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sony PCG-F630 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sony PCG-F630 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sony PCG-F630 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sony PCG-F630 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sony PCG-F630 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sony PCG-F630 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sony PCG-F630 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.