Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product PCG-FX600 van de fabrikant Sony
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N Son y note book user gui de P C G-FX 600 seri es.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Re ad t his fi rst 1 nN Read this first Notice © 2002 Sony C o rporation. All rights reserved. This manual and th e sof tware describe d here in, in whole or in part, m ay no t be re produc ed, tra nslated, or reduced to any machi n e- readable form without prior w ritten approval.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Re ad t his fi rst 2 nN RealPlayer is a trademark or re g istered trademark of R ealNetworks, inc. in the U.S. and o ther countries. Symantec Norton AntiVirus is a trademark of Sy m antec Corporation. All other names of systems, pro du cts and services are trad e marks of the i r respective owners.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Re ad t his fi rst 3 nN Sa fety infor mati o n Own er's r ecor d The model number and seria l number a re l ocated o n the bottom of your S o ny note book. R ecord th e seria l number i n the space p rovi ded here. Refer to the mo d el and se rial number if you contact V AIO-L i nk.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Re ad t his fi rst 4 nN ❑ TV s e ts ❑ Speaker s ❑ Ma g ne t s ❑ M agnetic bracelets. Au di o/vi de o ❑ Aud io and pictu re disto rtion m ay oc cur if this equ ipme nt is positi oned i n close prox imity to an y equipm ent emitting el ectromagn etic radiation .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Re ad t his fi rst 5 nN Reg ulat o ry inf ormation Sony hereby declares that this product is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of European Directive 1999/5/EC.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Re ad t his fi rst 6 nN Di sposi n g of li thiu m ion batt eries Do n ot ha ndle da maged or l eak in g li thi um ion bat teri es. Di sp ose o f p rom p tl y a nd pro per ly. Dang er of expl osion if ba ttery is inc orrectly r epla c e d.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Welcome 7 nN We l c o m e Cong ratu l ation s on purc hasin g a So ny VAI O noteb ook. S ony has com bine d l e ading-e dge tech nolog y in aud i o, v i de o, com putin g and comm unica tions to pr ovi de you with sta te-of- the-a rt persona l compu ting.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Welcome 8 nN Do cume ntati o n pack Your doc umen tation pack cont ains printe d inform atio n as well a s o nline user gui des on yo ur compu ter's har d drive.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Welcome 9 nN 2 Refe r to yo ur Sof tware Gu ide fo r i nformat i on on th e b undled so ftware and the Son y applications . ❑ A bout the Sof tw are is a sho rt descript ion of th e fe atures of the software pr e-installe d on your sy st em .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Welcome 10 nN Y our not ebook and its a ccessor ies The followi ng h a rd ware i tems are in the bo x: 1 main unit 6 weig ht save r 2 product recovery CD-ROMs 7 v ideo cabl.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Welcome 11 nN Erg onomi c cons ider at ions You w ill be us ing you r notebo ok a s a portab le devic e in a variet y of envi ronm ents.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Welcome 12 nN ❑ Furn i tur e an d po stu re – Si t in a c hair wi th go od back suppo rt. Ad j ust t he level of the chair so your f eet are flat on th e fl oor . A footr est may mak e yo u more comfo rtable. Sit in a relaxed , upright po sture and avoid slouchi ng fo rward o r leanin g far backw ards.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 13 nN Us in g yo ur n ot eb ook This se ction des cribes h ow to start using y our comp uter and ho w to use yo ur comp uter’s i nternal an d extern al devic es.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 14 nN Locat ing control s and connector s Rig ht * on th e PCG- FX60 1 ** o n t he PC G-FX60 2 and PC G- FX60 4 1 power button (p ag e 27) 2 DVD-R OM d .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 15 nN Left 1 TV O ut co nnector (page 68) 4 i.LINK ™ c onnector (p ag e 75) 2 mic rophone connec tor (page 71) 5 PC Card slots (p ag e 45) 3 head phon.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 16 nN Front 1 LCD screen (p age 3 3) 2s p e a k r s (p age 7 0) 3 k eyboard (p age 2 9) 4 tou chpa d (p age 3 4) 5 left/right buttons (p age 3 4) 6 powe.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 17 nN Bac k ✍ T here is a ventilation slo t located near the USB connect or . D o not cover the ventil ation slot when the computer is on.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 18 nN Bott om 1 rel eas e lev er (p a ge 4 1) 2 tilt st ands (p a ge 1 1).
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 19 nN C onnec t ing a power s ource You can use eithe r an AC adapter or a rechar g eable ba ttery pack as a power sourc e. Using the AC adapter To use the AC adapter , procee d as follows: 1 Plug the c able attached to the AC adapte r (1) into the D C I n connec tor (2) on the comp uter .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 20 nN Usi ng t he bat tery pac k You c an use one or t wo ba tteries as a so urce o f powe r. You c an ins ert the se c ond b atte ry pack into the m ulti- purpo se bay on th e righ t side o f the compu ter.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 21 nN Cha rging t he batter y pack To ch arge t he batte ry pack , pr oceed as follow s: 1 Conne ct the AC ad apter to the computer .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 22 nN If the b attery level falls be low 10% , you s hould either a t tac h the AC ada pter t o rech arge th e batter y or sh ut dow n your c ompute r a nd i ns ert a f ully charge d batte ry .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 23 nN Remo ving the ba ttery pack To remo ve the batt ery pac k, proce ed as follow s: 1 T urn o f f the c ompute r . 2 Ope n the c ov er of the batter y bay . 3 Pull out the ba ttery pac k. 4 Close th e c over of the batt ery bay .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 24 nN Usi ng t he seco nd ba tter y pack You ca n purch ase a second rech argeabl e batte ry pack. Wi th two ba ttery packs, y ou can e x tend the time you use y our com puter with b attery po wer. When usin g two battery packs, the batt ery pack y ou ins ert first, charge s firs t.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 25 nN Cha rging the secon d battery pack To charg e t he second batt ery pack , procee d as fo llows : 1 Keep th e bat te ry p ack ( 1-3 ) in t he co mp u te r whil e it is con nec ted t o AC power . The ba ttery indicat or (2) flashes wh ile the batter y is char ging.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 26 nN Remo ving the se cond ba ttery pack To rem ove th e sec ond b attery p ack, pro ceed a s follo w s : 1 Slide the ej ect lever on th e bottom of the weigh t saver , i n the direct i on of arro w 1. 2 Slide the releas e l ever on the bo ttom of the co mputer in th e directio n of arrow 2.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 27 nN Sta rtin g you r noteb oo k To s ta rt you r comp uter , proc eed as fo ll ows : 1 Slide the LCD loc k lever (1) in the d i re c tion of the arrow , a nd lift the co v e r . 2 Press the pow er butto n (2) of the compu ter until the gr een pow er indi cator (3) lig h t turns on .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 28 nN Sh utt ing do wn your no tebook I t is i mp or ta nt th a t you shut do wn yo ur c ompu ter p rop er ly so you do no t lo se u nsav ed data . To sh ut down your computer, proceed as follo ws: 1 Click the Star t button on th e Wi ndow s ® taskb ar .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 29 nN Us ing th e key bo ar d Your keyboar d is very simila r to a deskt op compu ter’s, but ha s a ddition al keys that perfo rm speci fi c notebo ok-relat ed tasks.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 30 nN Keys Descri ptions Esc ape key ( 1) The <E sc> (Esc ape ) key is u sed to canc el com mands . Fun ction keys (2) The tw elve f uncti on keys a long the top of the keybo ard are used to per form designated tasks.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 31 nN Com binat ion s a nd fu ncti ons wi th th e Win dows key Combinati ons F unction s + F1 Displays Window s Help a nd Supp ort Center . + T ab Switches the selected button on the ta sk bar . + E Displays My Com puter .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 32 nN Ind icators Indic ator Funct i on s Powe r Power on : li ghts gr een. Stand by mod e: fla shes um ber . Battery 1 Indicates the status of the b a ttery inserted in the battery bay on the l eft side of the co mp ute r .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 33 nN Com binat ion s a nd func tions wi th the <Fn > ke y ✍ T his fun ction can only be used by t he first user to log on. It will not work if you have swi t ched to another user account . Som e functi ons are not availab le unti l Wind ows ® is launch ed.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 34 nN Us i n g the to uchp ad The k eyboa rd cont ains a cu rsor-po inting d evice, yo ur touchp ad (1). You ca n point to , selec t, dra g, and sc roll objec ts on the screen us ing the bu i lt-i n touchpad .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 35 nN Using the CD-RW/DVD- R OM or DVD- ROM drive Depe nding on y our mode l, your co mpu ter is equi pped wi th a CD-R W/DV D-RO M drive or a D VD-R OM. To insert a disc, pr oceed as follow s: 1 T urn o n the comp uter .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 36 nN ✍ When the computer is in Stan dby or Hi be rnat e mod e , you c a nnot insert o r remove a di sc.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 37 nN ❑ Before w riting to a n ew CD-R W , you may h ave to fi rst for mat the d isc for your co mputer t o reco gnise it . This is not alw ays the case. ❑ T o m ake a CD -R’s data re ad able on a CD-ROM drive, you need to c l ose th e session w hen yo u eject it.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 38 nN ❑ Close all open appl ications be fore p l a y ing a D VD-RO M movie . ❑ When pl aying DV D mo vies on battery p ower , set the pow er managem ent pro fi le to DV D. With othe r profiles, the m o vies can be ch o ppy .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 39 nN Us i n g the we ight saver The w eight sa v er protects th e m u lti-purp ose b ay when i t is emp ty. To atta ch th e weigh t sav er, proc eed as fo llows: 1 I f a n ot h e r de v i c e i s i n the m u l t i - p u rp o se ba y , r e m o v e the d e v i c e (page 41) .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 40 nN To rem ove th e we ight saver, p roceed a s follo ws: 1 Slide the ej ect lever of th e w eight sav er i n the di rec t i on of arro w 1. 2 Slide the releas e l ever on the bo ttom of the co mputer in th e directio n of arrow 2.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 41 nN Us ing th e floppy disk drive Your com puter i s e quipp ed with a flop py disk driv e which i s rem ovable .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 42 nN Inse rting the f loppy dis k drive To i ns er t the fl oppy di sk dr i ve , pr oc ee d a s foll ows : 1 T urn o f f the c ompute r . 2 If the w e ight s a ver i s in the mu ltip urpose bay ( 1 ) , remove it.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 43 nN Inse rting a f loppy dis k To insert a flop py disk , proc eed as fo l low s: 1 Hold the disk (1) with the lab el side facing up . 2 Gently p ush the di sk i nto the flopp y disk drive (2 ) u ntil it clicks int o place .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 44 nN Remo ving a flop py d isk To remo ve a flop py disk, p roceed as fo llows: 1 Wait unti l the L ED indica tor (1) turn s off. 2 Press th e ejec t button (2) to remo ve t he flopp y dis k. ✍ Do not pres s the e j ect b utton when the L E D i ndica tor is turned o n.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 45 nN Us i n g PC Ca rds This co mpu ter has a PC Ca rd slot tha t supp orts Typ e II a nd Type I II P C Cards. PC C ards all ow you to co nnect portab le external dev i ces. You do not ne ed to shut dow n your c omputer w hen ins erting a PC C ard.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 46 nN Us e the lo we r sl ot fo r T ype II I PC C ard s . Some PC Cards may require you to disable idle devices when using th e PC Card. Be sure to us e the most recent soft ware driver pro vided by the PC Card manufactur er .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 47 nN Remo ving a PC Card Fo llo w the ste ps belo w to r em ove the PC car d whil e yo ur co mpu te r is on . If it i s not rem ove d cor rect ly , you r system m ay not w ork prop erl y. If you w ant to remov e a PC Card w hen your com puter is off, skip step s 1 to 6.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 48 nN Us ing th e Memory S tick ™ Your VAIO co mputer i s designed to sup port the M emory S tick™. T he Mem o ry Sti ck™ is a c ompact, p ortabl e, and ve rsatile dev i ce esp ecially desi g ned f or exchan g ing and shari n g di g ital da ta with c ompatible products.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 49 nN The main advan tages of the Mem ory Stick™ are its: ❑ Com pa ctne ss: with dimen s ions of just 21.5 mm (W) x 2.8 m m (H) x 50 mm (D), com patible products c an also be smal l, light weig ht and attrac tive in their des i gn.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 50 nN Ge n er ic Memo ry St ic k™ The original Me mory Stick™, blue in colour , can be used to record i mage data taken wi th digital still came ras, etc. or data from the PC. With it, you can rec ord, play bac k and tra nsfe r v arious kinds of data at any g iven t ime.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 51 nN MagicGat e Mem o ry Sti ck™ The Ma gicGate M emory Stick™, whi te in c olo u r, r ec ords PC and image data jus t like its blue c o unter part; the d ifference is it u ses th e MagicGa te cop yri ght prote ction t ec hno logy.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 52 nN ✍ MagicGate is a copyright protec tion technology that c omplies with the standards s et by SDMI (Secure Digi tal Music Initiativ e , a n or ganizat i o n working to d r a w up i ndustr y sta ndard specific ations i n ord er to pro tect co pyrigh ts o f dig ital m usic).
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 53 nN Assoc iat ion of Ameri ca (RIAA) took the initia tiv e to org aniz e a f orum calle d Secure Music Dig ital In itia tive (SDM I) to study tec hnology for prote cting cop yrights d uring the ele ctronic d istributi on of music.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 54 nN ❑ Sony mobile phones ❑ Digita l printers ❑ AIBO the Sony En tertainment R obot To find out m ore abou t t he produ cts avail able in y our co untry, go to: http: //ww w .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 55 nN Inse rting a Mem ory Stick™ To insert a Memo ry S tick™, p roceed as follow s: 1 Once y ou have store d your d ata from y our digi tal device, in sert the Mem o r y Stick™ ( 1) into the opt ional PC Card adapter (2).
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 56 nN Remo ving a Mem ory S tick ™ To remov e a Mem ory Stick™, p roceed as follows: 1 Double -c lick the Sa fely R emov e Ha r dwa re icon i n the taskba r . The Sa fely R emo ve Hardw are dial og b ox appe ars.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 57 nN Us ing th e mod em Your noteb ook is equi pped with an i nternal modem . You nee d to conne ct a phone line to tak e adva ntage of onl i ne ser vices an d the Intern et, to regi ster you r compu ter and s oftware on line, and to contac t VAIO-L i nk.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 58 nN Us ing po wer savin g modes When you u se a b attery as the s ource of power for you r com puter, you can tak e a d vant age of p ower ma nag ement sett ings to co nse r ve batt ery lif e.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Using your notebook 59 nN Using Hibernate mode The sta te of the sy stem i s saved on th e hard disk an d pow er is t urned off. The pow er ind i cato r ligh t is off in th is mo de. To ac ti vat e Hibernate mode, p roceed a s follows: 1 Go to Star t an d click T urn Of f Comp uter .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Connecting periphera l devic es 60 nN Connec ting peripheral d evice s You ca n add fu ncti onality t o your c omp uter by co nnect i ng or us ing any of these pe ripher als. Before you c onnect p eriph erals, tu rn of f the co mputer and a ll peri pherals.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Connecting periphera l devic es 61 nN Conn ecti ng a port re plicat or Yo u r no te book su ppo rts th e u se of an opt i on al p ort rep li cat or. At tac hi ng a port re pli cat or enabl es yo u to conn ec t addi ti onal peri p heral s to your compute r, such as a printer or an exter n al displ ay.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Connecting periphera l devic es 62 nN Att achi ng yo ur com pute r to t he po rt re plica tor To atta c h you r c om puter to the port rep licator , procee d as follows : 1 T urn o f f th e com pute r and discon nect a ll p eriphe rals.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Connecting periphera l devic es 63 nN 5 Plug the p ower co rd (4) int o the AC adapte r a nd an AC o utlet. The po wer i ndicato r ligh t turns g reen. 6 T urn o n the comp uter . ✍ Whe n you use the po rt re plica tor for the f irst ti me, the in stal lation of the n etwo rk dr i ve rs sta rts au toma tical ly .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Connecting periphera l devic es 64 nN Discon necting you r computer from the p ort rep licator To disc onnec t yo ur compu ter from th e po rt replicato r, proce ed as follow s: 1 T urn o f f the c ompute r and the c onnected peri pherals.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Connecting periphera l devic es 65 nN C onnec t ing a n exter nal dis play You ca n conne ct an ex ternal d ispl ay to your no tebook . For exa mple, y ou can use y our com puter wit h the fo llowi ng d evice s: ❑ Com puter di splay (mo nitor ); ❑ Mult imed ia c omputer dis pla y; ❑ TV ; ❑ Projector .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Connecting periphera l devic es 66 nN Con nect ing a c omp uter d is play To co nnect a computer display, p roceed as follows: 1 Pl ug th e di s pl ay cab le ( 1) in th e moni tor /VG A co nn ec to r (2) on t he compu ter .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Connecting periphera l devic es 67 nN Con necting a m ultim edia com puter disp lay You can co n nect th e n otebook to a m ulti me dia comp uter display th at i nclud es bu ilt-in sp eakers and a mic ropho ne.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Connecting periphera l devic es 68 nN Con nect ing a TV To connect a TV , proceed as foll ows: 1 Plug one end of th e audio/video cable (1) into th e TV Out c onnector (2) (yellow) and t he other end into the TV . 2 Plug one end of the sou n d cable (3) into t he headphon e c onnector (4) and the other end i nto the TV .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Connecting periphera l devic es 69 nN Conn ecti ng a proje ctor You ca n use a pro j e ctor as an ex ternal disp lay, such a s t he Sony LCD Pro j ec tor. To co nnect a projector, proceed as follow s: 1 Plug the RGB sig nal cable (1) in to the moni tor connec tor (2) identi fied by the symbo l.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Connecting periphera l devic es 70 nN Con nectin g exte rnal s pea kers You ca n enh ance the so und qual ity of yo ur compu ter by co nne c ting externa l spea kers. To co nnect exter nal speak ers, proceed as fo l lows: 1 Plug the speaker cable ( 1 ) into t he headph one con n ecto r (2).
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Connecting periphera l devic es 71 nN Conn ecti ng an ext e r nal mic ro ph one Your VAIO note book d oes n ot contai n an intern al micro phon e. I f you ne ed to use a sound inpu t device , for exampl e to chat on th e I ntern et, you need to plug in an extern al microphone .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Connecting periphera l devic es 72 nN Conn ecti ng a Uni vers a l Seria l Bus ( USB) m ous e You ca n conne ct a US B device (e.g. mou se, flo ppy disk dri ve, ke y boa rd, pr i nte r, …) to you r com pute r. Bef ore conn ecting or di sconn ecting a USB p eriphe ral, you do no t n eed to shut dow n the comp uter .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Connecting periphera l devic es 73 nN Conn ecti ng a print er You ca n conne ct a Wind ows- compa tible pr inter to y our com pute r to print doc umen ts. Conn ec ting a pri nter using the U SB c onn e c tor You ca n conne ct a US B printe r c omp atible w ith you r ver sion of W indo ws to your co mpu ter.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Connecting periphera l devic es 74 nN Conn ecti ng a print er us ing the p rinte r conn ecto r To co nnect a pr inter usi ng the pri nter con necto r, pr oceed as fo llows: 1 Plug the p rinter ca ble (1) sup plied wi th the pri nter into the pr inter conn ector (2) i dentified by the sym bol.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Connecting periphera l devic es 75 nN Conn ecti ng an i.L IN K™ d evi ce Your c o mputer includes an i.LINK™ (IEEE1394) c onnecto r , w h ich you can use to connect to an i.LINK ™ device such as a di gital video cam era recorder or to con nect t wo VA IO note books i n order to cop y , del ete or edit files.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Connecting periphera l devic es 76 nN Conn ecti ng a digi tal v ideo c amer a re cord er To co nnect a digital v ideo c amera re corder , procee d as follo ws: 1 Plug one end of t he optional i . L INK™ cable (1) into the i.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Connecting periphera l devic es 77 nN Conn ecti ng to a netw ork (LAN ) You can c o nnec t your comp uter to 10BAS E-T/100BASE-T X -type net works via an Eth ernet network ca ble. For the detailed setting s and devic es need ed to conn ect to the net work, c onsult your Netwo rk Adm inistra tor.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Getting help 78 nN Getting help This se ction des cribes h ow to get he lp and sup port fro m Sony , as we l l as trou blesho otin g ti ps for your co mpu ter. So ny sup port op tions Sony pro vid es several support opt ions for yo ur compu ter.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Getting help 79 nN ❑ Glo s sar y re fers to ter ms u sed in this m anual. 2 Refe r to yo ur Sof tware Gu ide fo r i nformat i on on th e b undled so ftware and the Son y applications . ❑ A bout the Sof tw are is a sho rt descript ion of th e fe atures of the software pr e-installe d on your sy st em .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Getting help 80 nN Othe r sources o f informat ion ❑ The onl ine help fi les that accomp any your p re-insta lled softw are contain instr uctions on usi ng the softwar e. ❑ V AIO-Link website : i f y ou have any probl em wi th your c ompute r , you c an access th e V A I O - Link w ebsite.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Getting help 81 nN T rou bl eshoo ting This se ction des cribes h ow to sol ve commo n probl ems you migh t e ncounte r when u sing you r note book. Man y prob lems hav e si mple solut ions. Plea se t ry these sugg estion s b efore con tacting VA I O- Link.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Getting help 82 nN ❑ If you are using an exte rnal displ ay , check th at it is p lugged into a powe r s ource and turn ed on. Chec k that you ha ve switched t o the extern al display and th at the brigh tn es s and co ntrast contr ols are adjusted correc tl y .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Getting help 83 nN 12 Press the arrow keys to select Exit (save changes) and then press <E nter> . The Save conf igur ation c ha n ge s and exit now? message app ears. 13 Make sure that Ye s is sel e c ted a nd th en pr ess <Enter> .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Getting help 84 nN My s oftware p rogram l ocks up or c rashe s Make s ure the softw are is compat i ble w ith your equi pment and op erating system and/or tr y r e-installing the sof tware. If i t still d oesn’t w ork, c onta ct the softw are pu blisher or d esignated prov ider fo r tech nical support.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Getting help 85 nN The sc reen image on my exter nal display is not centered or sized properl y Use the c ontrol s on your extern al disp lay to adjust the i mage. Ab out C Ds a nd flo ppy dis ks My CD -RW/D VD-ROM drive tray or DVD-RO M driv e tra y does no t open ❑ Make sure the co mputer is turned on .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Getting help 86 nN ❑ If you hear so und b ut can not se e video , yo ur com puter's v ideo reso lution may b e set to o hi gh. Fo r best results , c hang e the reso lution in Wind ows Co nt r ol Pa nel - Display - Se tting s to 800 x 600 using the mini mum colour settin gs.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Getting help 87 nN Wh en I do ubl e- clic k an ap pl ica tion ic on a me ssa ge suc h a s Y ou m ust inse rt the app li cat ion C D i nto yo ur CD - ROM drive ap pears and th e soft ware d oes not start. ❑ Some tit l es req uire speci fic fi les th at are lo c ate d on the appli cation CD-RO M.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Getting help 88 nN The disc tray ejects ev en when i t h as been locked in to p lace ❑ Ensure tha t the disc is pla c ed wit h the label side faci ng up. ❑ Clean the disc and the CD-RO M drive lens. ❑ The disc m ay be scratc hed.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Getting help 89 nN Ab out t he mo dem My in ter nal mode m do es no t work ❑ Che ck that the phon e l ine is plug ged in to you r c omp uter . ❑ Che ck that the phon e l ine is work ing. Y ou c an che ck the line by plug ging in an or dinary phon e a nd listenin g for a dial tone .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Getting help 90 nN ❑ Have yo ur phon e company check th at your phone l ine is free from an y line noi s e. ❑ If your prob l e m is fa x- relat ed, check that there are no p roblems with the fax m ac hine y ou are calling a nd tha t it is com pat ib le wit h fa x mo dem s.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Getting help 91 nN I canno t print ❑ Check that t h e p rint er cables are corr ec tly c onnected . ❑ Che c k that you r printer is correc tly confi gured and that y ou ha ve up-to-d ate dri vers. If n eeded, c ontac t your d eal er .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Getting help 92 nN Ab ou t di git al vi deo ca ptur es and D Vgat e While I am reco rding imag es to a digital v ideo dev i ce using DVga te, my system displays the message Rec ording to DV dev ice failed. Chec k the powe r an d ca ble c onnec tions to t he DV dev i ce a nd try th e operati o n a gain.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Preca utions 93 nN Pr ecau ti ons This se ction des cribes sa fety gui deline s and pre cautions to h elp you pro tect yo ur compu ter from p ote ntial dama ge. Your noteb ook a nd memo ry mo dules use h igh precisi on c omponen ts a nd e l ec tronic conn ectors techn ology.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Preca utions 94 nN Cha nging the memory In the fut ure you may wa nt to chan ge memor y mo dules in ord er to expand the func tiona l ity o f your com p uter. You can i ncrease th e m emory by instal l ing optio nal memo ry module s.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Preca utions 95 nN ! Do not place the memory module in places su bject to: - H eat sou rces s uc h as rad iator s or air duct s , - D ire ct s unl ig ht, - Excessi v e dust.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Preca utions 96 nN In st all i ng a me mory m odule To in stall a memo ry modu le, pro ceed a s follows: 1 Shut dow n your com puter and disco nnect all periphe ral devic es. 2 Un plug t he comp uter and r emo ve the batt ery pac ks.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Preca utions 97 nN 8 Close the c omp uter c over . 9 T i ghten the screw s on the bo ttom of the compu ter . 10 T urn o n the comp uter .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Preca utions 98 nN Ot her pr ecaut ions On ha ndling the h ar d disk The ha rd disk has a hi gh storag e dens ity and re ads or w rites data in a s hort time. O n the othe r hand , i t may be easily dam aged b y mec hani cal vi bratio n, shoc k or dust.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Preca utions 99 nN ❑ The screen b ecomes war m duri n g oper ation. This is normal a nd does not indi c ate a m alfunction.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Preca utions 100 nN ❑ H eat source s, such as rad i ators or a i r ducts , ❑ D i rect sun light, ❑ E x cessi ve dust, ❑ M oisture or rain, ❑ Mec ha ni cal vi br a.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Preca utions 101 nN On ha ndling flopp y disks ❑ Do not open the shu tter manual ly and touch th e surface of th e floppy d isk. ❑ Keep floppy disks a way fro m mag nets. ❑ Keep floppy disks a way from d irect su nlight and o ther h eat so urces.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Preca utions 102 nN ❑ Keep the b attery pack aw ay from al l sources o f heat. ❑ Keep the ba ttery pack dry . ❑ Do no t o pen or try to disasse mble the bat tery pack. ❑ Do not e x p ose th e batt ery pack to an y me c hani cal sho c k.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Preca utions 103 nN ❑ E x t remely h igh tem p e ratures, s u ch a s in a car p arked in the sun, ❑ D i rect sun light, ❑ H igh humi dity or ne ar cor rosive sub stan c es. ❑ Use the sto rage case suppl ied with th e Memo ry Stick™.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Glossary 104 nN Glossary This section refer s to terms us ed i n this ma nual and elsewh ere i n the VAIO w orld. These term s and def i n i tion s have been comp i led to p rovide you wi th a better underst andin g of your VAI O compu ter.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Glossary 105 nN CD-ROM Ab brevia tion for Compa ct Dis c Rea d-Only Memory. A high -cap a city optic al disc, usua lly 650 M B in size, capable o f being read from bu t n ot w ri tten to. CD-RW Short for C ompa ct Di sc-ReWriteable.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Glossary 106 nN i.L IN K™ i.LINK™ is Sony’s version of the IEE E 13 94 sta ndard for high-speed d igital serial interface. The standard is regarded in the audio/video and IT industries as the most suitable interface fo r conn e ctin g com puters and dig ital a udio/v ideo de vic es (suc h as d igital camera s etc.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Glossary 107 nN ma xi mum RAM The maxim um am ount o f RAM that y our co m p uter can conta in. Onc e this amoun t is re a che d, yo u can n o long er add additi onal R AM to y our co mpute r . Motherboar d T he mo therboa rd is the m a in circuit board i nside y our c ompute r .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Glossary 108 nN PCMCIA PCMCIA (P ersonal Computer M e mory Card I n ternational Association) is the nam e of the group that pro du ced th e specification for the c re dit card-sized plug-in bo a rds for laptop computers.
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Glossary 109 nN Re sol uti on The d e gree o f sh arpn ess and cl arity of an imag e. Re solut ion is e xpr ess ed in pi x els .
Sony Notebook Us er G ui de Glossary 110 nN VAI O Shor t for Vid eo Audi o Integ rated O perat ion. B r and name c over ing Sony 's PC p roduc ts, peripherals, accessories and software. VAI O-branded items are all designed to make the best us e of Sony 's Au dio-Vide o (A V) an d Inf ormati on T echn ology (IT) sk ills.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sony PCG-FX600 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sony PCG-FX600 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sony PCG-FX600 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sony PCG-FX600 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sony PCG-FX600 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sony PCG-FX600 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sony PCG-FX600 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sony PCG-FX600 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.