Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product PCV-F11M van de fabrikant Sony
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N Har dwar e Guide VGC-V2 Series (PCV -E11M/PCV -F11M).
1 nN Read this first Read this first Notice © 2004 Sony Corporation. All rights reserved. This manual and the software described here in, in whole or in part, may not be reprod uced, translated, or reduced to any mach in e-readable form wi thout prior written approval.
2 nN Read this first E NERGY S TA R As an E NERGY S T AR Partner , Sony has determined that this product meets the E NERGY S T AR guidelines for e ner gy ef ficiency . The International E NERGY S TA R Offic e Equipment Prog ram is an international pr ogram that pr omotes energy savi ng through the us e of computers and their of fice equipment.
3 nN Read this first Safety information General ❑ Opening the unit, for wh atever reason, could lead to damag es that are not covered by the guarantee. ❑ T o avoid electrical shock, do not open t he cabine t. Refer serv icing to qua lified pers onnel only .
4 nN Read this first Connectivity ❑ Never install modem or te lephone wiring during a sever e lightning storm. ❑ Never install telephone jack s in wet locations unless th e jack is specifically de signed for wet locations. ❑ T ake car e when installing or modifying telephone lines.
5 nN Read this first Regulatory infor mation Sony hereby de clares that this product is in com pliance with the essential r equirements and other r elevant prov isions of Eur ope an Directive 1999/5/EC s(radio equipment and tel ecommunicati ons terminal equipmen t Directive).
6 nN Read this first Disposing of the internal memor y backup batter y ❑ Y our Sony V AIO desktop is equipped wit h an internal back-up memory b attery (motherboar d battery) that should not have to be replaced during the lifetime of the product. If you want to replace the batt ery , please contact VAIO-Link: www .
7 nN We l c o m e We l c o m e Congratulat ions on purchasing a Sony VAIO comput er. Sony has combined leading-edge technology in audio, video, compu ting and communications to provide you with state-o f-the-art per sonal computing.
8 nN We l c o m e Documentation pack Your documenta tion pack contain s printed informa tion and us er guides to rea d on your co mputer. Guides are provided in PDF format, w hich you can e asily browse thro ugh and print ou t.
9 nN We l c o m e Printed documentation The printed part of your documen tation pack inclu des the follo wing: ❑ A Getting Started br och ure, where you will find a brief description of the items in.
10 nN We l c o m e Non-printed documentation My Documentation contains the following VAIO user guides: ❑ The Hardwar e Guide (this guide) explai ns the featur es of your V AIO in detail, how to use these featur es confidently and safely , connect peripheral de vices and more.
11 nN We l c o m e Further sources ❑ Go to Start > Help and Suppor t for V AIO support informa tion as well as tips and tricks. ❑ Consult the Online Help files of the s oftware you are using for detailed inform ation on fea tures and troubleshooting.
12 nN We l c o m e Ergonomic considerations Whenever po ssible, try and take into ac count the following e rgonomic cons iderations when using your new compute r, whether at home or in the office : ❑ Position of the keyboar d and mouse – Make sure the keyboa rd is dir ectly in front of you.
13 nN Using your V AIO Using your V AIO Once you have read and followed the information in the printed Getting Started guide and Specifications sh eet, you can start using your computer safely and confiden tly. Read on to g et the most o ut of using yo ur VAIO computer.
14 nN Using your V AIO Shutting down your computer safely It is important t hat you shut do wn your compu ter properly so you do not lose unsaved dat a. To shut down your computer, proceed as follo ws: 1 T urn off any per ipherals co nnected to your computer .
15 nN Using your V AIO Using the keyboard Your VAIO is delive red with a wir eless keyboard. You can place the keyboard anywher e you find co mfortable within a range of approx. 80 cm* fr om the main unit. The keyboar d has a standar d key arrang ement and addition al keys that perform specif ic functions.
16 nN Using your V AIO KEY FUNCTION 1 Standby Press the button to pl ace the computer i n Standby mode. Press the power button or Standby key briefly to r esume normal operation. 2 Numeric keypad Use the numeric k eypad to type numbers or to perf orm basic maths calculations.
17 nN Using your V AIO 7 <Fn> key Used in com bination with other keys to exec ute commands. <Fn> + <F2> : T urns off the speaker sound. <Fn> + <F3> : Decrea ses the volume of the sp eakers. <Fn> + <F4> : Increases the volume of the spe akers.
18 nN Using your V AIO Before you use the keyboard Before attemptin g to use the wireless keyboar d, you must en able communicat ion between the computer and the keyboard. Two AA batteries, for use in the wire less keyboard, are suppli e d with your VAIO.
19 nN Using your V AIO Using the pointing device The keyboard f eatures a pointing device (1), wh ich controls the cursor on th e screen. You ca n point to, selec t and drag objects on the screen using the built-in pointing device. Action Description Point Sl ide one finger on the pointing device to place the po inter (2) on an ite m or object.
20 nN Using your V AIO Before using the pointing device Before attemp ting to use the pointin g device, you mus t activate it. To activate th e pointing device, pr oceed as follows: 1 Fold the ke yboard out. 2 T ur n on the Pointing Device switch (1).
21 nN Using your V AIO Using the mouse Your computer is deliv ered with a wire less optical mo use, which h as no cables to plug in and us es a light-emitting diode (LED) inst ead of a ba ll. You can use t he mouse an ywhere you fe el comfortable within a rang e of approx.
22 nN Using your V AIO Before using the mouse Before atte mpting to use th e wireless mo use, you mus t enable commun ication betwee n the comput er and the mous e. Two AA batteries, specific for use in th e wireless mouse, ar e supplied with yo ur VAIO.
23 nN Using your V AIO ✍ Steps 4 and 5 must be carried out within 10 seco nds of each other . If your wireless mou se does not oper ate properly , the batteries may nee d to be replaced . If your wireless mou se is not being us ed for an extende d period of time , remove the batterie s to avoid possible da mage from battery leakage.
24 nN Using your V AIO Using the TV function Your VAIO is equipped with a TV tune r board. In co mbination with Sony's VA IO Zone software, it allows you to: ❑ W atch , recor d and play back an.
25 nN Using your V AIO Using the disc drive Your computer is equipped with a double la yer DVD±RW drive, which re ads data fr om a compatible CD or DVD and writes data to a DVD-RW, D VD+RW, DV D-R, DVD+R, CD-RW, or C D-R. To insert a disc , proceed as follows: 1 T ur n on the c omputer .
26 nN Using your V AIO Reading and writing CDs and DVDs To achieve optimum performa nce when writ ing data on t o disc (also calle d ’burning’), fo llow these recommendation s: ❑ T o make the data on a disc readable on an optica l drive, you need to close the session w hen you ejec t it.
27 nN Using your V AIO Playing DVDs To achieve optimum performa nce when pla ying DVDs, you should follow t hese recommen dations: ❑ Close all open applications before playing a DVD movie. ❑ Play DVDs with the softwar e VA I O Z o n e . ❑ Do not switch powe r saving mode s while playing a DVD.
28 nN Using your V AIO Using the modem Your VAIO desktop is equ ipped with an in ternal modem. As described in the printed Getting Started guide, use the single RJ-11 jack to connec t the supplied modem cable to the pho ne line.
29 nN Using your V AIO Using power modes The colou r of the po wer indicato r light behind the po wer button tells you which mode the comp uter is in. ✍ Please see the pr inted Specifications sheet for the exact location of the indicators.
30 nN Using your V AIO Using Hibernate mode If you are in terrupted and need t o leave yo ur computer suddenly, you can pu t it into Hiberna te mode. This power sav ing mode saves you the time of shutting down in the no rmal way. When you put your computer into Hibernate mode: ❑ Everything in th e memory is save d to the hard disk.
31 nN Using your V AIO Using the Memory Stick Your VAIO computer is desig ned to support th e Memory Stick. The Memory Stick is a c ompact, portable, an d versatile device especially design ed for exchang ing and sharing digital data with compa tible products, s uch as digital camera s, mobile phones an d CLIÉ handheld dev ices.
32 nN Using your V AIO Inserting a Memory Stick To insert a Me mory Stick , proceed as follows: 1 Locate the Memory Stic k slot on the unit. 2 Hold the Memory Stick with the conn ectors poin ting towar ds the fr ont and push it in until it clicks.
33 nN Using your V AIO Write-protecting cards Some Memory Sticks a re designed with an erasu re prevention sw itch to protect va luable data from ac cidental erasure or overwriti ng. Move the tab horizont ally or vertica lly to set or release write -protection.
34 nN Using your V AIO Using PC Cards Your VAIO desktop h as a PC Card slot o n the side p anel that suppor ts Type I or Type II PC Cards. PC Cards allow you to in tercon nect with portable ex ternal devi ces. Inserting a PC Card Insert the PC C ard gently int o the PC Card slot with the label and a rrow facing to wards you.
35 nN Using your V AIO Removing a PC Card Follow the steps below to remove the PC C ard while your computer is on. If it is no t removed in the correct way, your system ma y crash and unsaved data may be lost. If you want to remove a PC Card w hen your compu ter is off, skip steps 1 to 5.
36 nN Using your V AIO Using Wireless LAN (WLAN) Thanks to Sony’s Wireless LAN (WLAN)*, all your digital devices with built-in WLAN fu nctionality c ommunicate free ly with each o ther through a powerful ne twork. A WLAN is a networ k in which a mo bile user can connect to a local ar ea network (L AN) through a wireless (radio) connecti on.
37 nN Using your V AIO Communicating without an Acces s Point (computer -to-computer) A computer-to-com puter network is a ne twork in which a local netw ork is created only by the wireless devices themselves, with n o other central c ontroller o r Access Poin t.
38 nN Using your V AIO 12 Fill in exactly the same Network key again , for confirm ation. 13 Select the This is a computer (ad hoc ) network; wir eless access points ar e not used check box at th e bottom of the sc reen. 14 Click OK . Yo u r Network name appears in the Preferr e d networks list.
39 nN Using your V AIO Communicating with an A ccess Point (infrastructure) An infrastruc ture network is a network tha t extends an ex isting wired lo cal network to w ireless devices b y providing an Access Point, for example the Sony PCWA-A320 Access Point .
40 nN Using your V AIO How to select a Wireless LAN channel In an 802.11b/g co nfiguration, channe ls 1 to 13 can be used. (a) With an Access Poin t ("Infrastructure") ❑ The channel used will be the channe l selected by th e Access Point.
41 nN Using your V AIO Troubleshooting Wireless LAN if you cann ot use the Wir eless LAN funct ion, make sur e the wireless switch is t urned on befor e checking the following poin ts. The Wireless LAN Access Point and my comput er cannot communicate ❑ Check if the power of the Access Point is turned on.
42 nN Using your V AIO I cannot access the Internet ❑ Check the sett ings of the Access Point. Se e the manua l of the Acces s Point. ❑ Check if your computer and th e Access Point are comm unicating.
43 nN Connecting peripheral devices Connecting peripheral devices You can add fu nctionality to your computer by using the va rious ports on y our unit.
44 nN Connecting peripheral devices Connecting a Universal Serial Bus (USB) device You can co nnect a US B device such as a scanne r, a floppy dis k drive or a printer, to y our VAIO deskt op. To connect a USB device, simply plug in the USB cable of the de vice into one o f the ports on your system unit.
45 nN Connecting peripheral devices T roubleshootin g printing If you have pro blems printing, ch eck the pr inted Guide to Troubleshooting and Recov ering your VAIO System ; the documentation deliv ered with your pr inter; and the VAIO-Link website ( ww w.
46 nN Connecting peripheral devices T roubleshooting i.LINK devices If you have pro blems with your i.L INK device, ch eck the printed Guide to Troubleshooting and Recoveri ng your VAIO System , the documentation delivered with the dev ice, and the VAIO-Lin k website ( www.
47 nN Connecting peripheral devices Connecting to a network Your computer co mes with a built-in Ethernet interfac e. To connect to a netwo rk, proceed as follows: 1 Connect your 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX Eth erne t cable (not s upplied) to the Ethe rnet port on the comput er .
48 nN Upgrading your V AIO computer Upgrading your V AIO computer Sony recommend s contacting you r local dealer for upg rade or maintenanc e of your new co mputer.
49 nN Upgrading your V AIO computer Upgrading memory In the future, you may want to upgrade th e memory insta lled on your VAIO by r eplacing / addin g memory modules. However, we recommend that you do not install th em yourself unless you are familiar wi th upgrading memory on a computer.
50 nN Upgrading your V AIO computer Vi ewing the amount of memor y To view the amoun t of memory, pr oceed as follows: 1 T ur n on the c omputer . 2 Click the Start button, po int to All Programs , Security & Utilities, then V AIO System Informat ion , and click VA I O S y s t e m Information again.
51 nN Upgrading your V AIO computer 8 T o ins ert a new memor y module, remove it from its anti-static pa ckage, handling it only by the edges. 9 Locate the not ch on the bottom edge of the memory modu le. 10 Align the memory m odule over th e slot, making sure the module is facin g the correct way .
52 nN Upgrading your V AIO computer 12 Align the tabs on th e side cover t o the rim of the unit and press the side cover f irmly against the unit until it sn aps into pl ace. 13 Put the memory co ver and the back panel back into place. ✍ The illustrations he re may vary from the actu al configuration o f your V AIO.
53 nN Getting help Getting help This section describes how to get help and supp ort if something goes wron g with your computer. Sony offers you many s upport opt ions for yo ur comput er.
54 nN Getting help e-Support What is e-Support? You have se arched our use r guides an d website ( www ) but have not f ound an an swer to y our questio n/issue? e-Support is the idea l.
55 nN Getting help Can I submit my questions at any time? Yes, you can submit you r questions 24/7, but ple ase keep in min d that our e-Su pport Team ca n only treat your queries from Monda y till Friday between 8am and 6pm.
56 nN Precautions Precautions This section de scribes safety guideline s and precautions to help you prot ect your computer from potential dama ge. Please contac t VAIO-Link if you need assistan ce.
57 nN Precautions On handling the hard disk The hard disk has a high storage densit y and reads or writes da ta in a short time. However, it can be ea sily damaged by mechani cal vibration, shock or dust.
58 nN Precautions On using the power source ❑ See the prin ted Specifications sheet to check th e power oper ation of you r V AIO. ❑ Do not share the AC o utlet with othe r high powe r -consum ing equipment, su ch as a phot ocopier or sh redder . ❑ Y ou can purch ase a power strip with a sur ge protecto r .
59 nN Precautions On handling your computer ❑ Clean the unit with a soft cloth, which is either dry or lightly moistened with a mild deter gent solution. Do not use any type of abrasive pad, sc ouring powde r , or solve nt such as a lcohol or ben zene, as th ese may da mage the finis h of your c omputer .
60 nN Precautions ❑ If the computer is brought directly from a cold location to a warm one, mois ture may condense inside your computer . In th is cas e, allow at least one hour bef ore turning o n your compute r . If any problems oc cur , unplug yo ur comput er and contact V AIO -Link.
61 nN Precautions On handling discs ❑ Do not touch the surfac e of the disc. ❑ Do not dr op or bend the disc. ❑ Fingerprints a nd dust o n the surfa ce of a disc may cause reading errors. Always hold the disc by its edge and centr al hole, as shown.
62 nN Precautions On handling Memor y Sticks ❑ Do not touch the Memory St ick connector with your fi nger or metallic objects. ❑ Use only the label supplied with the Memory Stick as a label. ❑ Do not bend, drop, or apply heavy shock to t he Memory Stick.
63 nN T rademarks T rademarks Sony , Battery Checker , Click to DVD, DVgate Plus, HotKey Utility , Keyboa rd Utility , Memory Stick Formatter , PictureGear Studio, Pr epare your V AIO, SonicStage, Son.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sony PCV-F11M (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sony PCV-F11M heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sony PCV-F11M vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sony PCV-F11M leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sony PCV-F11M krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sony PCV-F11M bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sony PCV-F11M kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sony PCV-F11M . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.