Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product PEG-NZ90 Intellisync Lite van de fabrikant Sony
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User Guide.
Intellisy nc Lite Page ii Copyright Notice No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retr ieval system, o r tra nslated into a ny computer la nguage, i n any form or b y any m eans, with out the express w ritten perm ission of Pumatech , Inc.
Page iii Table of Contents C HAPTER 1: B EFORE Y OU B EGIN .................................................... 5 I NT RODUCTION TO I NTEL LISYNC L ITE ................................................ 5 Intellisy nc System Requirem ents...............
Intellisy nc Lite Page iv Editing and Adding Virtual Fields in the Handheld ................. 39 C HAPTER 5: F REQUENTLY A SKED Q UESTIONS ............................. 41 G ENERAL ......................................................................
Befo re Y ou B egin Page 5 Chapter 1: Before Y ou Begin Introduction to Intellisyn c Lite ntellisy nc Lite (Intellisy nc) software en ables you to sy nchronize you r P al m OS ® han dheld wi th a host of popular Window s applications.
Intellisy nc Lite Page 6 Windows 2000 Profes sional Edi tion • 133 MHz Pentiu m-com patible processor or hi ghe r • 30 MB available hard disk space • 64 MB RAM • VGA m onitor or bette r, 640 x 480 resolu tion • CD-ROM drive • One available USB or serial port • HotSync 3.
Befo re Y ou B egin Page 7 The Intellisync Icons These are the icons as they appear in the Intellisy nc Pr ogram Group: The Intellisync Configure icon accesses the Intellisy nc Configuration dialog—the m ain dialog used to configu r e Intellisy nc op erations.
Intellisy nc Lite Page 8 The HotSync ® Manager In order to use Intellisy nc Lite, y ou must already have Palm Desk to p installed on your PC. Installing Palm Desktop installs HotSyn c man ager in the Startu p group on your PC.
Quick Start Page 9 Chapter 2: Quick S t art Using Intellisyn c: A Tutorial This tutorial is for users w ho w ant to start syn chronizing im mediately. For more complete inf o rmation on sy nchronizati.
Intellisy nc Lite Page 10 Follow these steps to configure and perform your first synchronizatio n: 1. Click on the Intellisync Configure shortcut, or the Intellisync Configure icon in th e Intellisy nc Lite program group. This displays the Intellisy nc Configuration dialog box.
Befo re Y ou B egin Page 11 3. In the Ch oose T ranslator dialog box, select the PC application y o u want to synchroni ze. I f you select Lotus Or ganizer , a Fil e Name box and Brow se button appear, use Brows e to select the f ile you want to synchro nize.
Intellisy nc Lite Page 12 Note the check box adj acent to the h andheld application n ame. By default, this check b ox is checked, indicating that the data is activated for syn chro nization. (If y ou clear this box, the application data is not synchroniz ed.
Befo re Y ou B egin Page 13 10. If a Conf lict Resolution dialog box appears , resolve “data conflicts” (see note below ). When the operation is complete, y o ur handheld w ill disp lay th e message HotSync complete . If any errors are reported during th e operation, click the HotSync L og button on the handheld w hen the operation is finished.
Intellisy nc Lite Page 14 Re-Running the Operation Now that you ha ve confi gured a synchroni zati on, r e-exec uting the operation is basically a one step operation. Simply p ress the HotSync button on the cradle (w ith the handheld in the cradle and th e cradle connected to your PC), an d synchroniz ation b egins.
The Intellisync Dialogs Page 15 Chapter 3: The Intellisync Dialogs The Configuration & Choose T ranslator Dialogs The Intellisyn c Configuratio n and Choos e Translator dialogs are w here y o u specify the handheld an d P C applications y ou wan t to synchroniz e.
Intellisy nc Lite Page 16 The Choose Translator Dialog Select a PC application. If y ou selected Lotus Organi zer, use the Browse button to select the data file.
The Intellisync Dialogs Page 17 Now the PC application y ou selected appears next to the h ighlighted handheld application name, and the check box adjacent to the handheld application nam e is checked. In addition, a two-w ay arrow (for sy nchronization) appears betw een the han dheld and PC application names.
Intellisy nc Lite Page 18 Refer to the “ Quick-Start” tu torial in Chapter 2 f or more specific instructions. Dialog Buttons The Config uration an d Choose Translator dialog s contain the following buttons: • Advanced: A ccesses the tabbed Adv anced Setting s dialog.
The Intellisync Dialogs Page 19 The Advanced Settings dialog box When y ou select the Ad vanced button in the Configuration dialog, the Advanced Settings dialog appears. This tabbed dial og cont ains on e or more of th e follow ing s ettin gs an d features.
Intellisy nc Lite Page 20 The Date Range Tab The setting in this tab determ ines the rang e o f Date Book items th at will be inclu d ed in a syn chronization. Transfer Only Future Item s is the default Date Range settin g. • Transfer All Scheduled Items: Includes all dated items .
The Intellisync Dialogs Page 21 The To Do List Tab The To Do List setting in this tab d etermin es w hich To Do items are pro cessed when you run a synchroni zatio n.
Intellisy nc Lite Page 22 The Conflict Resolution Tab When a data conflict occurs during a data transfer, and Intellisy nc can’t res olve it using the normal sy nchronization process, th e Co nflict Resolution setting selected in this tab is used to resolve it.
The Intellisync Dialogs Page 23 The use of key fields in detecting data conflicts is premised on the follo wing: When ke y fields in a hand held reco rd match the ke y fields in a PC application record, oth er mapped f ields in the tw o records should als o m atch.
Intellisy nc Lite Page 24 • Other Applicatio n Wins: Uses PC data w hen conflicts occu r. Use this option wh en you’re confident th at your PC applicatio n contains th e most accurate inf ormation .
The Intellisync Dialogs Page 25 • Update: Updates one or both records (as neces sary ) with the value o r val ues highlight ed in t he grid . Conflict Resolution Dialog Buttons The Conflict Resolution dialog box also co ntains the f o llowin g buttons: • OK: Initiates the chosen action and continues the operation.
Intellisy nc Lite Page 26 The F ield Mapping Dialog In order for data to be transf erred between you r handheld and y our PC application file, correspon ding fields in each application m ust be mapped to one another. Intellisy nc pro vides default fi eld mapping, which links equi valent fie lds in your two systems.
The Intellisync Dialogs Page 27 As y ou can see, the Field Mapping dialog lists handheld f ields on th e left, and PC f ields on the righ t. Two- way arrow s appear betw een fields that are “m apped , ” or linke d, fo r synchro nizati on.
Intellisy nc Lite Page 28 Field M apping Notes: • Before you edit field m ap ping, scroll up and down the field list to see the available f ields. They m ay n o t be organized as you’d expect. • If y o u chan ge field mappin g after data has been s ynchronized, th e next sy nchronization will be, in eff ect, a first run synchroniz ation.
Special Topics Page 29 Chapter 4: S pecial T opics This chapter is devoted to explaining in detail some aspects of Intellisync that have only been touched upon in pr evious chapters.
Intellisy nc Lite Page 30 Multi-User Support Intellisy nc can be used to sy nchronize m ultiple handhelds. A separate operation can be con figu red for each. How ever, before y ou can config ure an operation for a secon d (or third, etc. ) hand held, a Use r name for that ha ndheld must be ad ded to t he Palm ™ Desktop Software User list.
Special Topics Page 31 Notes on Multi- User Support: • You may be prompted to select a Us er nam e the very first time you ru n an Intellisy nc synchronization. • The handheld “ow ner nam e” is not the same as a Us er name. User nam es can onl y be def ined in Palm Desktop.
Intellisy nc Lite Page 32 Synchronization and History Files During a sy nchronization, Intellisyn c co mpares records in y our handheld to records in your PC application, an d makes w hatever changes are necessary in each sy stem to ensu re that they both con tain the sam e inform atio n.
Special Topics Page 33 The Same Record Changed and Deleted Dialog If, during a sy nchronization, Intellisyn c d iscovers that a previously sy nchronized record has been changed in one sy stem an d delet ed in the other sin ce the last syn chronization, a special dialog is display ed.
Intellisy nc Lite Page 34 Remote Synchronization Once y ou have conf igured a sy nchronization, Intellisy nc can syn chronize remotely , via modem. This topic outlines w hat must be done prio r to running a r emote synchro nizati on, and desc ribe s differen ces between rem ote and local operations.
Special Topics Page 35 Remote vs. Local Sy nchronization When y ou run a sy nchron ization locally , you are some times prompted for inform atio n. For exam ple, if the “Notify ” Conflict Resolution setting is selected, y ou may be p rompted to resolve data conflicts.
Intellisy nc Lite Page 36 Importing and Exporting Data In addition to synchronizin g y our handheld w ith P C applications, Intellisy nc can also perform imports and exports of data from on e system to the ot her. The same procedu res that are involved in con figuring an d performing a synchroniz atio n are use d for impor ting and expo rting.
Special Topics Page 37 Virtual Fields Sometimes the ha ndheld do es not ha ve field s cor resp ondi ng to importan t P C application f ields. For exam ple, a PC application's To Do records m ight have C ontact and C ompany fields w hich the handhe ld T o Do List re cor ds do not.
Intellisy nc Lite Page 38 Virtual Phone and Email Fields Virtual Phone an d Email f ields can be used to increas e the nu mber of phone n um bers and email address es that can be entered into h andheld Address r ecor ds. Unlike virtu al fields in the Date Book and To Do List applications, these virtu al fields are never ma pped by def ault.
Special Topics Page 39 Editing and Adding Virtual Fields in the Handheld You c an bo th edit and add virtual field values in ha ndhel d rec ord s. B ut you m ust adhere to the followin g rules: • When adding virtual f ield names, use th e exact spelling and letter case used in the Field Mapping dialog.
Freq uently Asked Quest ions Page 41 Chapter 5: Frequently Asked Questions General I received the message “Wrong version of Window s,” but I am using a Windows application that is supported by Inte llisync. This message appears if Palm ™ Desk top is not already installed on your PC w hen you attem p t to install Intellisync Lite .
Intellisy nc Lite Page 42 During synchroniz ation, I am losing t he connection between m y handheld and PC. If y our handheld and PC are hook ed up correctly, y o ur batteries are not run dow n, and the CO M port setting is accurate, try sy nchronizing with the P alm Desk top.
Freq uently Asked Quest ions Page 43 5. This displ ays the Developer’ s Backdoor wi ndow . DL Server Wai t Forever is ON. Press OK . 6. Press the HotSync button on the cradle to start a syn chronization. Your handheld w ill remain in the “ wait-forever” m od e until the sy nchron ization is com pleted or canceled.
Intellisy nc Lite Page 44 Lotus Organizer When I try to synchronize my handheld with Lotus Organizer, I get the message “Unable to access d ata file; verify that the f ile is closed or not in use.” When syn chro nizing w ith Lotus Organi zer, the application can be running, b ut the fi le must be c losed .
Appen dix Page 45 Appendix: Log Files For each han dheld application that is sy nchronized during an Intellisy nc operation, a “Log” f ile is created . Log files contain a detailed accountin g of w hat occurred durin g the s yn chronization. It is not normally necessary to read log files after a sy nchronization.
Intellisy nc Lite Page 46 The follow ing actio ns m ay be not ed: ADD: The record was added. DELETE: The record was deleted. FAIL RANGE: The item w as excluded f rom the operation. IGNORE: The record was ignored. REPLACE: The record was deleted and replaced w ith a record from the other system.
Glossary Page 47 Glossary Conflict Resolution A process (controlled by a setting in the Conflict Resolution tab of th e Advanced Setting s dialog) that is sometim es used by Intellisy nc to determine h ow to resolve data conflicts dur ing synchroniz ations.
Intellisy nc Lite Page 48 Fie ld Mapping The linkage th at directs the comparison an d transfer of han dheld and PC d ata d uring synchro nizatio ns. Fiel d mappi ng is cont ained (and can be edited) in the Intellisyn c Field Mapping dialog. To access the Field Mapping dialog , select the Field Mapping button in the A dvanced Settings dialog.
Glossary Page 49 exam ple, in Address records, if Last Name an d First Nam e (key) values m atch, b ut Address values diff e r, this is a data conflict. See also Data Conflict. Mapped F ields Handheld and PC application fields that are linked f or synchron ization in the Intellisy nc Field Mapping dialog.
Glossary Page 51 Index A Address records and La st Nam e f ields, 27 Adv anced button, 19 Adv anced Se ttings dialog box , 21 Conflict Re solution tab, 24 Date R ange tab, 22 To Do Lis t ta b, 23 C Ca.
Intellisy nc Lite Page 52 import a nd export operations , 38 installing the sof tware, 6 uninstalling, 8 Intellisy n c dialog box buttons, 20 Intellisy n c dialog boxes Adv anced Se ttings, 21 Choose .
Index Page 53 W Wrong version of Windows e rror message Palm De sktop not installed, 43.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sony PEG-NZ90 Intellisync Lite (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sony PEG-NZ90 Intellisync Lite heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sony PEG-NZ90 Intellisync Lite vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sony PEG-NZ90 Intellisync Lite leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sony PEG-NZ90 Intellisync Lite krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sony PEG-NZ90 Intellisync Lite bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sony PEG-NZ90 Intellisync Lite kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sony PEG-NZ90 Intellisync Lite . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.