Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product PXW-Z100 van de fabrikant Sony
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Operating Guide Before operating t he unit, please read t his manual thorough ly and retain it for f uture reference. © 2013 Sony Corporation 4-484-009- 11 (1) Digital 4K Video Camera Recorder PXW-Z1.
Table of Content s 2 Overview Location a nd Fu nction o f Parts .......... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... 5 On-Screen Indication s ........... ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........... .. 12 LCD/view finder sc reen ............. .
Table of Contents 3 Recording Basic Opera tion Proced ure ....... .......... ........ ....... ....... ........ ..... 25 Changing Basic Settings ........ ....... ....... ........... ........ ....... ....... .. 28 Recording format . ....... ....... ....
Table of Content s 4 External D evices Connect ion Connectin g Externa l Monitor s and Recording Device s ...... 52 Operatin g Clips w ith a C ompute r .............. ....... ....... ........ ..... 53 Connectin g with a USB cab le ........... ....... .
Locat ion and Func tion of Parts 5 Ove rvie w For func tions and usage, see the pages in parent heses. 1. Hook for shoulder strap ( 8) 2. ASSIGN 7/FOCUS MAGNIF IER button (33) 3. Accessory shoe mount 4. Microphone fixing clampe r (16) 5. Microphone holder (16) 6.
Location and Function of Parts 6 Ove rvie w 1. Len s (1 7) 2. Lens hood with lens cover (17) 3. Intern al micr ophon e ( 31) 4. Front re cordi ng lamp (49) The recording lamp fl ashes if t he remaining capacity of reco rding me dia or ba ttery i s low.
Locat ion and Func tion of Parts 7 Ove rvie w 1. AUDIO OUT connectors/VIDE O OUT connect or (52, 63) 2. HDMI OU T connec tor (52) 3. UTILITY SD slot (Used for storin g and loading the settings (File function), and to be supported by a future upgrade (software update).
Location and Function of Parts 8 Ove rvie w 1. Hook for shoulder strap 2. Focus ring (26) 3. Lens cove r lever (17) 4. Zoom r ing (26) 5. Iris ring (28) 6. GAIN button (28) 7. WHT BAL button* (30) 8. SHUTTER SP EED butto n (29) 9. AUTO/MANUAL switch (28) 10.
Locat ion and Func tion of Parts 9 Ove rvie w 1. OPTION butto n (36) 2. THUMBNAIL button (35 ) 3. Playback control buttons (PREV, PLAY/ PAUSE*, NEXT, STOP , F REV, F FW D) (27) 4. DATA CODE button (To be supported by future upgrade.) 5. DISPLAY but ton (12) 6.
Location and Function of Parts 10 Ove rvie w To hide the sta tus screen • P ress the STATU S CHECK butto n. Camera st atus screen Displays the electronic sh utter setti ngs or the status of the lens. Audi o stat us scree n Displays t he input settin gs for e ach cha nnel, audio leve l meter, and wind filter setting .
Locat ion and Func tion of Parts 11 Ove rvie w Media information o f Media B Media icon displayed when recording media is inserted in the slot B Protect information o f Media B Protect icon displayed .
On-Scr een Ind ica tions 12 Ove rvie w While re cor ding, stan ding by to rec ord, or play back, th e statuses and settings of th is unit are superi mposed on the LCD/v iewfinder screen. The statuse s and settings of this uni t can be turned on/ off using the DIS PLAY button.
On-Screen I ndicatio ns 13 Ove rvie w 22. A/B slot media status/remaining space indication (pa ge 19) When th e left s ide o f the icon i s ora nge, record ing is possible . When the gr een lamp on the uppe r right of the icon l ights, pla yback is possible.
Power Supply 14 Prepa rati ons You ca n char ge the “In foLITH IUM” ba ttery pac k (L seri es) with the su pplied Ch arger. Notes • You can use a large capacity battery pack, NP -F970 (supplied), with your camcorder. You cannot use NP- F570/F770 (sold separat ely).
Power Supply 15 Prepa rati ons Storing the battery pack If the batt ery pack is not in use for a while, run down th e battery and store it. See pa ge 57 for details on stora ge of the battery pa ck. Char ging t ime Approx imate t ime (minute ) req uired w hen you charg e a fu lly disc harg ed batt ery p ack.
Setting t he Clock / Attach ing Devices 16 Prepa rati ons When y ou turn the c amcord er on for th e first time after pur chasing or t he backup battery has comple tely disc harge d, the Init ial Se tting displa y appear s on the viewfi nder scr een and LC D screen .
Attaching Devices 17 Prepa rati ons Align t he m arks on the l ens h ood to those o n the ca mcorder, and turn the l ens hood in the direc tion of the a rrow 2 until it is locke d.
Using XQD Memory Cards 18 Prepa rati ons Viewfinder Notes • You may see primary co lors shimmering in the viewfinder when you move your line of sight. This is not a malfunction. T he shim mering colo rs will no t be recorded on t he recording media.
Using XQD Memory Cards 19 Prepa rati ons Notes • Data inte grity is not guarante ed if the power is turned off or a memory card is removed while it is being accessed. Data on t he card m ay be destroyed. Be sure that its access lamp i s lit in green or off when you tu rn off the power or rem ove a memory car d.
Using a USB Wireless LAN Module 20 Prepa rati ons Repla cing an XQ D me mory card • If th e avai labl e time on two c ards i n to tal becomes less tha n 5 mi nutes, the warni ng message “Me dia Near Full” is disp layed, the record ing lamp flashes, and a beep sound is output to the h eadphon es to wa rn you.
Using a USB Wireless LAN Module 21 Prepa rati ons For details a bout the m enu settings a nd en tering a chara cter st rin g, see “Setup Menu Operat ions” (page 3 9) . Making a co nnect ion 1 Set “Wi-Fi” in “ Wi-Fi” (p age 50) of the System men u to “Enable.
Using a USB Wireless LAN Module 22 Prepa rati ons Cursor screen Assign scr een Tablet Main s creen • Assignable button indication: Assignable buttons 1 to 7 • Recording settings indication: S&.
Using a USB Wireless LAN Module 23 Prepa rati ons Displaying the Wi-Fi remote commander The disp lay s ize o f the Wi-Fi remot e comma nder chang es acco rding to the de vice screen size automa tica lly. 1 Mak e a Wi-F i conn ection betwee n the devic e and camc order (p age 2 0) .
Using a UTILITY SD card 24 Prepa rati ons You can stor e th e sett ing v alue file of th e ca mera on an S D card (opt ional) . Th e sto red fil e can be loade d fro m th e SD car d.
Basic O peration Proce dure 25 Recording Basic re cording ca n be perform ed with th e followi ng procedu res. 1 Make su re t hat the nece ssar y de vice s are at tached to the ca mcorde r and power i s sup pl ied to the m. 2 Load the memo ry card( s).
Basic Ope ration Pr ocedure 26 Recording Notes • You cannot use the handle zoom lever A when the handle zoom s witch B is set to OFF. • You cannot change t he zoom speed of t he power zoom leve r D with the handle zoom switch B . Using the zoo m ring You c an zoom at the de sired speed by turning the zoom ring C .
Basic O peration Proce dure 27 Recording Playin g a r eco rded clip You can play the r ecord ed cli p whi le the camcord er is in standb y mode. 1 Inser t the X QD me mory card. 2 Press the PLAY/PAUSE button of the playba ck con trol buttons. 3 Sear ch for th e desire d clip by p ress ing PREV or NEXT bu tton.
Changing Basi c Setting s 28 Recording You can make changes to the settings based on the int ended u sage of the re corde d video or recordi ng conditio ns. Selecta ble format depe nds on the setting of th e region where t he ca mcorde r is u sed ( Countr y).
Changing B asic S ettings 29 Recording Notes • When you set AUTO/MANUAL switch H to AUT O, other manually a djusted items (iri s, shutter speed, white balanc e) also become autom atic. Adjusting the shutter speed You can ma nually adj ust and fix the shut ter speed.
Changing Basi c Setting s 30 Recording You ca n adjust and fix the wh ite balanc e accord ing to the ligh ting condit ions of record ing environ ment. You can store white balanc e values in mem ory A ( A) and m emory B ( B ), respectivel y. Unless a white bala nce is re adjust ed, va lues will remain e ven af ter the power has been turned off.
Changing B asic S ettings 31 Recording The f ollowing c onnectors, switches a nd dia ls allow you to set the sound to be recorded . See page 16 on connec ting the mi crophones.
Changing Basi c Setting s 32 Recording • S et the input level of th e micro phone by “INPUT1 Reference /INPUT2 Refe rence” in “Audio Inp ut” of the Au dio menu (page 4 3) . Adjus t ac cordi ng to the sensitivity of th e microp hone. 3. Se lect th e chan nel you want to re cord.
Us eful F unct ions 33 Recording 2 Confirm that th e TC LINK IN/OUT switch (page 7) is set to IN, then supply the re fere nce ti me co de. The built- in ti mecode gen erator of your camcor der l ocks to t he ref eren ce ti mecode, and the mess age “ TC I N” is d ispl ayed o n the scre en.
Us eful F unct ions 34 Recording tha n the on e on the ta ble b elow , the S hutt er Va lue is change d to the va lue on the table auto matic ally. Notes • Slow & Quick Motion m ode cannot be us ed while recording, playing, or dis playing thumbnail.
Thumbna il Screens 35 Thumbna il Screens When yo u press the THUM BNAIL button (pag e 9) , clips record ed on the XQD memor y card are displayed as thum bnail s on the screen . You c an start pla yback f rom the clip sel ected on the t humbnai l screen .
Playing Clips / Clip Operation s 36 Thumbna il Screens 1 Turn the S EL/SET dial (page 9) to move the cur sor to th e thumbn ail imag e of the clip with wh ich you wish to sta rt play bac k. 2 Press the SEL/SET d ial. Playba ck starts from the beginning of t he selec ted clip .
Clip Operations 37 Thumbna il Screens Select “ Displa y Cl ip Pro perti es” fr om the thumbnai l men u. 1. Image of the current cli p 2. Time code TC Index: Tim ecode of the disp layed frame Start: Timecode at the re cording starti ng point End: Time code at the recordin g ending point Duration: Duration of the c lip 3.
Clip Operations 38 Thumbna il Screens You can delete clips from the XQD memory card. Sele ct “Se lect Cl ip” from “Del ete Cli p” on the thumbn ail men u. Yo u ca n sele ct mult iple cli ps to be del ete d. Pr ess the OPTION button (page 9 ) after se lecti ng the cli p to be d elete d.
Setup Menu Op eratio ns 39 Settings The Setup m enu al lowing you to perform va rious setti ngs that a re need ed for reco rding and p layi ng, appear s on the LCD/v iewfinde r screen by pressing t he MENU bu tton. (You c an display the Setup menu on the externa l video moni tor.
Setu p Menu List 40 Settings The f unctions a nd av ailable settings o f menu s are l isted bel ow. The defau lt se tting s set a t the f acto ry are show n in b old fac e (e xam ple: 18dB ).
Setup Me nu List 41 Settings Handle Zoom Setting f or the handle zoom speed Setting 1 to 8 ( 3 ) Sets the handle zoom speed. (This setting is av ailable only when the hand le zoom s witch is set to “FIX. ”) Speed Zoom Setting for the fast zoom function Setting On / Off T urns on/off the f ast zoom function.
Setu p Menu List 42 Settings Gamma Adjusting the gamma compensation Gamma Category STD / CINE Select fr om among “STD” (standar d gamma), “C INE. ” Gamma Select When “Gamma Categor y” is set to “STD” STD1 DVW / STD2 ×4.5 / STD3 ×3.5 / ST D4 240M / STD5 R709 / STD6 ×5.
Setup Me nu List 43 Settings Matrix Setting f or the Matr i x co rre cti on Setting On / Off T urns the matrix correction function on/ off. Prese t Ma tr ix On / Off T urns the preset matr ix function on/ off. Prese t Se le ct Standard / High Saturation / FL Ligh t / Cinema Selects the preset m atrix.
Setu p Menu List 44 Settings Video menu Vi d e o Menu items Sub items and setti ng values Contents Outpu t On/Off Setting the vid eo output SDI On / Off T urns the SDI output on/off.
Setup Me nu List 45 Settings Marker Setting f or the marker indicatio ns Setting On / Off T urn all marker indications on the viewf inder on/off. Center Mark er On / Off T urns on/off the center marker . Safety Zone On / Off T urns the safety zone ma rker on/off .
Setu p Menu List 46 Settings Display On /Off Selecting the items to be displayed Shutter Sett ing On / Off Selects the item to be displa yed on the LCD screen or the viewfi nder . ND Filter Position On / Off Gain Setting On / Off Play Stat us On / Off Color T emp.
Setup Me nu List 47 Settings Rec Format On / Off Gamma On / Off TC IN On / Off Audio Format On / Off Wi-Fi Condition On / Off V ideo Lev el W arning On / Off Clip Num ber On / Off LCD/VF Menu items Su.
Setu p Menu List 48 Settings This menu is not av ailabl e when th e media is not loade d. SDI/ HDMI Rec Control Setting t he SDI/ HDMI re cordi ng control function Setting On / Off T urns on/off this function th at controls recording /stop recording of the external device by the SDI/HDMI output sign al.
Setup Me nu List 49 Settings System menu System Menu items Sub items and setting values Contents Rec Format Setting t he record ing form at V ideo F ormat NTSC Area: 4096×2160 59.94P 4096×2160 29.97P 4096×2160 23.98P 3840×2160 59.94P 3840×2160 29.
Setu p Menu List 50 Settings Clock Set Setting t he built-in clock Time Zone UTC –12:00 K wajalein to UTC +14:00 Sets the time-zone diff erence from UTC in steps of 3 0 minutes. Date Mode YYMMDD / MMDD YY / DDMMYY Selects the display mode of the date.
Setup Me nu List 51 Settings Thumbnail me nu Thumbnail Menu items Sub items and setting values Contents Display Cli p Properties Displaying the detailed informa tion sc reen of a cli p Opens the detailed info rmation screen of the clip. Delete Clip Deleting a clip Execute / Cancel Deletes a selected clip (one o r more clips s hould be selected).
Connecting Ex ternal Mon itors and Rec ording Devices 52 External De vices Connec tion To display re cordi ng/play back pict ures on an extern al moni tor, selec t the ou tput sign al and u se an approp riate ca ble for the monitor t o be connec ted. An ou tput signa l from t he camc order c an be recorde d when a re cordi ng device is conne cted.
Operating Clip s with a Computer 53 External De vices Connec tion To use an XQ D car d reade r (s old separately) When you co nnec t the MRW-E8 0 XQD card reader (sold separat ely) using a U SB cabl e, the memo ry card in the s lot is ac knowl edged as an exten ded dri ve by the co mput er.
Important Notes on Operati on 54 Appendic es Estim ated d urati on o f reco rdi ng an d playb ack Recordi ng time Approx imate tim e availa ble when you use a fu lly charg ed battery pa ck. (unit: minute) Notes • Using ECM-XM1 (supplied) • Typical record ing time shows the time whe n you repeat recording start/stop, zooming, and so on.
Impor tant Notes on Op eration 55 Appendic es Notes • Available recording time may vary depe nding on the record ing condition s, subject conditions, etc. • You can record movie s to a maximu m of 66 0 scene s in total. • The maxi mum con tinuous recor ding time of m ovies is approxi mately 13 ho urs.
Important Notes on Operati on 56 Appendic es Power supp ly You can use yo ur camc order in any c ountry/ region using th e AC Adapt or or Charger supp lied with your c amcorder w ithin the A C 100 V to 240 V, 50 H z/60 Hz rang e.
Impor tant Notes on Op eration 57 Appendic es • Be s ure to s et the POW ER swi tch t o OFF when not rec ording or playi ng back on you r camcor der. Th e b attery pac k is also consu med when your camcord er is in reco rding stand by or playb ack p ause .
Important Notes on Operati on 58 Appendic es About handli ng o f yo ur cam corde r On use and care • Do not use o r s tor e th e ca mcor der and accesso ries in the follo wing loca tio ns.
Impor tant Notes on Op eration 59 Appendic es LCD scre en • Do no t ex ert exces sive pres sure on th e LC D screen , as it may caus e damage. • If yo ur ca mcor der is used in a cold pla ce, a resid ual ima ge may appe ar on the LCD scr een . This i s not a mal function.
Important Notes on Operati on 60 Appendic es 2 Remove dust in side th e eye pi ece an d viewf ind er w ith a bl owe r. To prev ent el ect romagn etic inter feren ce from porta ble t eleph ones, wirel ess devices, etc. The use o f portab le telephon es, wire less devices, etc.
Format s and Limitat ions of Out puts 61 Appendic es Output formats for the SDI OUT connector Formats and Li mitat ion s of Ou tputs Video for mats and output si gnals Region set ting Recordi ng f orm.
Formats and Limit ations of Outputs 62 Appendic es Notes • If you set “HDMI” in “Out put Format” of th e Video menu to “4096×2160P ” or “3840×2 160P,” signals cannot be output from the SDI OUT connector.
Format s and Limitat ions of Out puts 63 Appendic es * Compatible with the Sony transmission s ystem. You can co nnect the camcorder t o a Sony 4K television, or a 4K monitor.
Error/Warni ng Indicat ions 64 Appendic es The camc order info rms you of situati ons where w arning, cauti on, or an ope ration ch eck is require d, through m essages on the LC D/view finder scr een, the record ing lamp, and a bu zzer. The b uzzer is output to t he hea dphones c onnect ed via t he h eadphon e conne ctor.
Error/Warn ing Indica tions 65 Appendic es * “Media(B)” f or the card i n slot B . Unknown Media(A)* Please Change A partitio ned memory card or one that cont ains recor ded clips exceeding the number permitted with this camcorder is loaded. This card cannot be used with this camcorder.
Licenses / Specif ications 66 Appendic es Thi s prod uct uses s oftw are to whic h the G PL/ LGPL applies. This informs you that you have a right to have access to, modi fy, and redistr ibute source co de for thes e software pr ograms unde r the cond itio ns o f the GPL /LGP L.
Specifications 67 Appendic es Input/ Output c onnectors VIDEO OUT connector Pin conne ctor 1 Vp-p , 75 Ω (ohms) unbalanc ed, sync negative AUDIO OUT connectors Pin conne ctors -10 dBu ( at load impeda nce 47 k Ω (kilohms)) , Output impe dance wi th less than 2.
Specifications 68 Appendic es Charger AC -VL1 Power requirements AC 100 V - 240 V, 50 Hz /60 Hz Current consumption 0.35 A - 0.18 A Power consumption 22 W Output voltage DC 8.4 V* Operat ing temp erature 0° C t o 4 0° C ( 3 2° F t o 1 0 4° F ) Storage te mperature -20 °C to + 60 °C (-4 °F to +1 40 °F) Dimensions (approx.
Specifications 69 Appendic es • Microsof t, Window s, Windo ws Vista, a nd Windows Me dia are tr adem arks or reg ist ered tradema rks of U.S. Micro soft Corpora tion in the U.S. and other countries. • Mac and Ma c OS are reg ist ered tr adema rks of Apple Inc .
Index 70 Appendic es A AC Adaptor 15 Accessory sho e 5 Accessory sho e mount 5 Accessory sho e plate 5 All File 48 All Reset 50 Assignable Butto n 33, 49 Audio 27 Audio Inp ut 43 Audio me nu 43 Audio .
Index 71 Appendic es Media Fu ll 20 Media me nu 48 Media Near Fu ll 20 MENU butto n 39 MIC+48V 31 Moisture condensation 58 MRW-E80 5 3 N ND filter 29 Nonlinear editing 53 O Offset White 4 1 One pus h .
Printed in China.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sony PXW-Z100 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sony PXW-Z100 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sony PXW-Z100 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sony PXW-Z100 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sony PXW-Z100 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sony PXW-Z100 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sony PXW-Z100 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sony PXW-Z100 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.