Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Ferrari 1000 van de fabrikant Acer
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F er rar i 1 000 User's Guide.
Changes may be made peri odically to the i nformation in this publication without obligation to notify any pers on of such revi sion or changes. Such changes wi ll be inco rporated in new editions of thi s manual or supplem entary documents and publ ications.
iii Information for your safety and comfort Safety instructions Read these instructions carefully. Keep this document for future reference. Follow all warnings and instruct ions marked on the product. Turning the product off bef ore cleaning Unplug this product fro m the wall outlet before cleanin g.
iv circuit rating. If power strips are used , the load should not exc eed 80% of the power strip's input rating. • This product's AC adapter is eq uipped with a three-wire grounded p lug. The plug only fits in a gr ounded power outlet. Make sure the power outlet is properly grounde d before inserting the AC adapter plug.
v Replacing the b attery pack The notebook uses lithium batteries. Repl ace the battery with the same type as that which came bund led with your produ ct. Use of another battery m ay present a risk of fire or explosion. Warning! Batteries m ay explode if n ot handled pro perly.
vi Electronic Industries Alliance at . For lamp-specific disposal information, check www.lamprecyc . ENERGY STAR is a government pro gram (public/private partnership) that gives people the power to pro tect the envi ronment in a c ost effective way and without sacrificing quality or prod uct features.
vii • aching, soreness or tenderness • pain, swelling or throbbing • stiffness or tight ness • coldness or weakness If you have these sym ptoms, or any ot her recurring or persistent discomfort and/or pain related to compu ter use, consult a physician imm ediately and inform your company's health and safety department.
viii • placing your display in such a way that the side faces the window or any light source • minimizing room light by usin g drapes, shades or blind s • using a task light • changing the dis.
ix First things first Thank you for choosing the Ferrari 1000 o f notebook computers to meet your mobile computin g needs. Your guides To help you use your Ferrari n otebook, we have designed a set of.
x To turn the power off, do any of the following: • Use the Windows shutdown co mmand Click on Start , Turn Off Computer , then click on Turn Off . • Use the power button You can also put the comp uter in sleep mode by pressing the sleep hotkey <Fn> + <F4> .
xi Taking care of yo ur battery pack Here are some ways to take care of your battery pac k: • Use only batteries of the same kind as repla cements. Turn the power off before removing or repla cing batt eries. • Do not tamper with batteries. Keep them away from children.
Information for your safety and comfort iii Safety instructions iii Disposal instructions v Tips and information fo r comfortabl e use vi First things first ix Your guides ix Basic care and tips for u.
Hotkeys 31 Special ke ys 33 Using Acer Bluetooth optical mouse 34 Installat ion 34 Usage 34 LED indicator 35 Using Acer external IEEE 1394 optical drive 35 Using Acer Bluetooth VoIP phone 36 Getting t.
What to brin g to meetings 63 Taking the computer home 63 Preparing the computer 63 What to take with you 63 Special consid erations 64 Setting up a ho me office 64 Traveling with the computer 64 Prep.
Error messages 79 Regulations and safety notices 81 FCC noti ce 81 Modem not ices 82 Laser compliance sta tement 85 LCD pixel statement 85 Macrovi sion copyri ght protection no tice 85 Radio devic e r.
1 English Empowering Tech nology Empowering Technology Acer Empowering Technology Acer's innovative Empowering Technology to olbar makes it easy for you to access frequently used functions and manage your new Acer computer.
2 Empowering Tech nology Empow ering Technolo gy Acer ePower Management Acer ePower Management features a straightforward user interface. To launch it, select Acer ePower Ma nagement fr om the Empo wering Tec hnology interface. AC mode (Adapter mode) The default setting is "Maximum Performance .
3 English Empowering Tech nology Empowering Technology Battery status For real-time battery life estimates based on current usage, refer to the panel in the upper half of the window. For additional options, click "Settings" to: • Set al arms.
4 Empowering Tech nology Empow ering Technolo gy.
5 English Empowering Tech nology Empowering Technology Acer ePresent ation Manage ment Acer ePresentation Managemen t lets you project your computer's display to an external device or projector using the hot key: Fn + F5.
6 Empowering Tech nology Empow ering Technolo gy Acer eDataSecurity Management (for sel ected models) Acer eDataSecurity Managem ent is a hand y file en cryption utility that protects your files from being acc essed by unauth orized p ersons.
7 English Empowering Tech nology Empowering Technology Note: Acer eDataSecurity supports Windows ® XP Professional x64 Edition only..
8 Empowering Tech nology Empow ering Technolo gy Acer eRecovery Manageme nt Acer eRecovery Management is a powerful utility that do es away with the need for recovery disks provided by th e manufacturer. The Acer eRecovery Management utility occu pies space in a hidden p artition on your system's hard drive.
9 English Empowering Tech nology Empowering Technology For more information, please refer to "Acer eRec overy Man agement " on page 76 in the AcerSystem User's Guide .
10 Empowering Tech nology Empow ering Technolo gy Acer eSettings Management Acer eSettings Management allows you to inspect hardware specifications, change BI OS password s or other Wi ndows setti ngs, and to monitor the system health status. Acer eSettings Management also: • Provides a simple graphical user interface for navig ation.
11 English Empowering Tech nology Empowering Technology Acer ePerformance Management Acer ePerformance Management is a syste m optimization tool that boosts the performance of your Acer com puter. It provides an express optim ization method to release unused mem ory and disk space quickly.
12 Empowering Tech nology Empow ering Technolo gy.
13 English A Ferrari tour After setting up your computer, let us sh ow you around your new Ferrari computer. System Front view # Item Description 1 Built-in camera 1.3 mega pixel we b camer a for vide o com municati on. 2 Display screen Also called Liquid-C rystal Display (LCD), displays co mputer output.
14 English Closed front view 6 Touchp ad Touch-sensi tive po inting device whi ch functio ns like a computer mouse. 7 Click buttons (left and right) The left and right buttons fu nction like the left and right mouse but tons.
15 English Left view Right view 8 Infrared port Interfaces with infr ared devices (e.g., infrared printer and IR-aware co mputer). # Icon Item Description 1 Kensington lock slot Connects t o a Kensingt on-compa tible computer security lock. 2 Ventilation slots Enable the computer to stay cool, even after prolonged use.
16 English Rear view Base view 3M o d e m ( R J - 1 1 ) port Connects to a phone line. 4 External display (VGA) po rt Connects to a display de vice (e .g., external monitor, L CD proje ctor). # Icon Item Description 1 124-pin Acer ezDock connector Connects to Acer ezDock.
17 English Bluetooth optical mouse Front view 2 Battery release latch Releases the battery for removal. 3 Memory compartment Houses the computer's main memory. 4 Hard disk bay Houses the computer's hard disk (secured with screw s). 5 Battery lock Locks the battery in position.
18 English Base view # Icon Item Description 1B l u e t o o t h connection/ pairing button Enable/disables the Bluetoo th function. 2 Power button Turns the mouse on and off.
19 English Bluetooth VoIP phone Front view # Icon Item Description 1 PC Card (PCMC IA) interface connector Connects the computer's PCMCIA ca rd interface. 2 Speaker Speaker delivers audio output. 3 Volum e up/do wn button Increases/decreases the sound volume .
20 English Specifications Operating system • Genuin e Wind ows ® XP Home Edition (Service Pack 2) • Genuin e Wind ows ® XP Professional (Service Pack 2) • Genuin e Wind ows ® XP Professional .
21 English Display and graph ics • 12.1" WXGA 200-nit Acer CrystalBrite ™ high-brightness TFT LCD, 1280 x 800 pixel resol ution, 16:10 viewing ratio, sup porting simultaneous multi- window viewi ng on du al displa ys via Acer Gr idVista ™ • 12.
22 English Input devices • 84-/85-key Acer FineTo uch ™ keyboard • Touchpad pointin g device • 12 function keys, four cursor keys, two Windows ® keys, hotkey controls, embedded numeric keypad.
23 English Security • Acer DASP+ including A cer DASP (Disk Anti-Shock Protection), Acer GraviSense an d Acer Anti-Theft HDD protection technologies • Kensington lock slot • BIOS user and superv.
24 English Note: The specifications listed above are for reference only. The exact confi gurati on of your P C depend s on the model purchase d. Warning! For safety reasons, do no t use non-compliant parts when adding or chang ing components. C onsult your reseller for purchase options.
25 English Indicators The computer has several eas y-to-read status indicators: The front panel indicators are visible even when the computer cover is clo sed up. Icon Function Description Caps Lock Lights up when Caps Lock is activated. Num Lock Lights up when Num Lock is activated.
26 English 1. Chargi ng: The light shows amber when the b attery is charging. 2. Fully charged: The lig ht shows green when in AC mode. Easy-launch buttons There are several con veniently located easy-laun ch buttons. They are: mail, Web browser, Empowering Key < > and one user-pro grammable button.
27 English Touchpad The built-in touchpad is a pointing device that senses movem ent on its surface. This means the cursor respon ds as you move your finger across the surface of the touchpad. The cen tral location on the palmrest provides op timum comfort and support.
28 English Note: When using the touchpa d, keep it — and your fingers — dry and clean. The touchpad is sensitive to finger movement; h ence, the lighter the touch , the better the response. Tap ping harder will not increase the touchpad's responsiveness.
29 English Using the keyboard The keyboard has full-sized keys and an embedded numeric keypad, separate cursor, lock, Windows, func tion and special key s. Lock keys and embedded numeric keypad The keyboard has three lo ck keys which you can toggle o n and off.
30 English To simplify the keyboard legend, curso r-control key symbols are not printed on the keys. Desired acce ss Num Lock on Nu m Lock off Number keys on embedded keypad Type numbers in a n ormal manner. Cursor- control keys on embedded keypad Hold <Shift> while using cursor-control keys.
31 English Windows keys The keyboard has two keys that perform Windows-specific func tions. Hotkeys The computer employs hotkeys or key combin ations to access most of the computer's controls l ike screen brightness, volum e output and the BIOS u tility.
32 English To activate hotkeys, press and hold the <Fn> key before pressing the other key in the hotkey comb ination. Hotkey Icon Function Description <Fn> + <F1> Hotkey help Displays help on hotkeys. <Fn> + <F2> Acer eSettings Launches Acer eSettings in Acer Empoweri ng Technol ogy.
33 English Special keys You can locate the Euro symbol and th e US dollar sign at the upper-center of your keyboard . The Euro symb ol 1 Open a text editor or wo rd processor. 2H o l d < Alt Gr> and then press the <5 > key at the upper-center of the keyboard.
34 English Using Acer Bluetooth optical mouse Your Ferrari 1000 notebook computer comes with a Bluetooth optical mo use and two AA batteries. Installation 1 On your computer, en able Bluetooth commun ication (see " Closed front view" on page 14) and open "My B luetooth Places" by do uble-clicking on the Blueto oth icon.
35 English LED indicator In pairing mode or when l inking with the note book the LED indicator on the body of the mouse blin ks every second. If th e mouse is not functioni ng correctly, press the "Blueto oth connection /pairing" button on the bottom of the mous e to re-i nitiali ze the B luetoot h conne ction .
36 English Using Acer Bluetooth VoIP phone Getting to know your VoIP phone LED indicators Charging the phone You need to charge the pho ne before initial use. It takes approxima tely four hours for a full charge. To charge the phone: 1. Turn the notebook on.
37 English 4. The power/charge indicator lights up during charge and tu rns off when the battery is full. Eject the phone from the PC Card slot when charging is finish ed.
38 English Note: Click "Resca n" if the Acer Bluetoo th VoIP Phone does not appear on the list. After pairing, Acer VCM automatically connects the phone to the noteboo k each time you turn the phon e on. There is no need to connect the ph one again.
39 English Using the phone You can use the phone in ha ndheld or hands-free (speakerphone) mod e. When you receive an Intern et call from your Instant Messag ing service (i.e. MSN ® Messenger, Skype), press the Bluetoot h connection/pairing button . The incoming call vo ice automatically dive rts to the phone speaker so yo u can receive the call.
40 English Using a computer security lock The notebo ok comes wi th a Kens ington- com patible security slot for a security lock. Wrap the computer security lock c able around an immo vable object such as a table or handle of a locke d drawer. Insert the lock into the no tch and turn the key to secure the lock.
41 English Audio The computer comes with 32-b it High-Definition audi o, and built-in stereo speakers. Adjusting the volume Use hotkeys to easily adjust the vo lume on your co mputer. See " Ho tkeys" on page 31 for more information o n adjusting the speaker volum e.
42 English Acer InviLink Nplify wireless technology Acer InviLink Nplify wireless technology uses mu ltiple radios to create a robust signal and deliver advanced wireless netw orking performance i n addition to all- in-one compatib ility. Nplify supports Acer SignalUp technolo gy and 802.
43 English Acer OrbiCam The Acer OrbiCam is a 1.3 megap ixel CMOS camera approp riately mounted on top of the LCD panel. The c amera's 225-degree ergonomic rotatio n allows you to capture h igh-resolu tion phot os or videos up front or at the back of t he LCD panel.
44 English Launching the Acer OrbiCam Click Start > All Programs > A cer > Acer OrbiCam . The A cer OrbiCam capture window appears. Changing the Acer OrbiCam setti ngs Resolution To change the capture resolution , click the displayed resolution at the bottom right corner of th e capture window, then select the desired resolution.
45 English Options Click Opt ions to display the Window, Pre view , and Folder tabs. Use the options to change the capture win dow size, preview settings, an d the folder for captured photos or v ideos.
46 English Capture settings From the Camera Settings window, click the Driver Settings button. The Properties window appears. Device Settings allows you to change the came ra brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, sharpness, etc.
47 English Enabling the A cer VisageON The Acer Visa geON technology comes with two features: Face tracking and Video effects (selected models only). The face tracking feature tracks your head movement and au tomatically centers your face in the capture window.
48 English Using the face tracking feature To use the face tracking feature: 1 Click the left icon down arrow button, then select Single User or Multiple Users from the pop-up me nu.
49 English Using video effects (select ed models only) The Video Settings section allows you to select an avatar or accessory video effect from the list. To select an effect: 1 Click the encircled icon to display the available video effects. The Video Effect Selection window appears.
50 English Acer GraviSense Acer GraviSense is an innovative utility designed to further protect you r data by automatically moving the read/write head s of your Acer notebo ok's ha rd disk away from the storage disk (this is known as "parking" the head s) in the event that sudden motion is detected.
51 English When enabled, this feature wi ll sound an alarm if your no tebook is moved. T his feature is password-protected to prevent unau thorized access. The first time you activate this function, you will be prompted to set a new password. Your password needs to be between fo ur and eight characters, and should consist of letters and numbers.
52 English • When activated, Acer GraviSense will show a full-screen image and a password window . • When activated, the Anti-Theft feature will disable the following functions: 1 Alt + Tab 2 Ctrl.
53 English Using the system utilities Note: The system utilities work under Mic rosoft Windows XP only. Ferrari Calendar Acer offers monthly wallpap er calendars until December, 2007. W hen your calendar expires, please visit the Acer web site to get the most up to date calendar: http://global.
54 English please go to Start , All Program s and click on Acer Grid Vista ™ . You may choose any one of the four display settings indicated below: Double (vertical), Triple (prim ary at left), Triple (primary at right), o r Quad Acer Gridvista ™ is dual-display compatibl e, allowing two displays to be partitioned independently .
55 English Launch Manager Launch Manager allows you to set the fo ur easy-launch bu ttons located abov e the keyboard. "Easy-launc h buttons" on pa ge 26 for the location of the easy- launch bu ttons. You can ac cess the La unch Manag er by click ing on Start , All Programs , and then Launch M anager to start the application.
56 English 2 In the Norton Anti-virus main window, click Scans . 3I n t h e Scan s panel, click Run Full System Scan . 4 When the scan is compl ete, a scan summary appears. C lick Finished . You can schedule customized virus scans that run unattended on specific dates and times or at periodic intervals.
57 English 2 In the CA eTrust Antivirus main window, click Start Scan . You can schedule customized virus scans that run unatten ded on specific d ates and times or at periodic intervals. If you are using the computer when the scheduled scan begins , it runs in the background so th at you do no t have to stop working.
58 English Frequently asked questions The following is a list of possible situations that may arise during the use of your computer. Easy solutions are p rovided for each one. I turned on the power, but the computer does not start or boot up. Look at the power indicator: • If it is not lit, no power is being supp lied to the computer.
59 English No audio is heard f rom the compu ter. Check the following: • The volume may b e muted. In Wind ows, look at the volum e control (speaker) icon on the taskbar. If it is crossed-out, click o n the icon and deselect the Mute all option. • The volume level may be too low.
60 English • Make sure that the printer is connected to a power outlet and that it is turned on. • Make sure that the printer cable is conn ected securely to the comp uter's parallel port or a USB po rt and the corresponding port on the printer.
61 English To start the recovery process: 1 Restart the system. 2 While the Acer logo is showing, press <Alt> + <F10> at the same time to enter the recovery process. 3 Refer to the onscreen instructio ns to perform system recovery. Important! This feature occupies 3 to 4 GB in a hidden p artition on your hard disk.
62 English Taking your notebook PC with you This section gives you tips and hints to consider wh en moving around o r traveling with your co mputer. Disconnecting from the desktop Follow these steps to disconnect your computer from external accessor ies: 1 Save any open files.
63 English Note: If the Sleep indicator is o f f, the computer has entered Hibernation mode and is turn ed of f. If the power indicator is off but the Sleep indicator is on, the computer has entered Sleep mode. In both cases, press the powe r button to tu rn th e compu ter back on.
64 English Special considerations Follow these guidelines to pro tect your computer while travelin g to and from work: • Minimize the effects of temperature chang es by keeping the computer with you.
65 English Special considerations In addition to the guidelin es for taking the computer home, follow these guidelines to protect yo ur computer while traveling: • Always take the computer as carry-on luggage. • If possible, have the com puter inspected by hand.
66 English Securing your computer Your computer is a valuable investm ent that you need to take care of. Learn how to protect and take care of your computer.
67 English • Type the Superviso r Password and press < Enter > to access the BIOS utility. If you enter the password inc orrectly, a warning message appears. Try again and press < Enter >. • When the User Password is set and th e password on boot parameter is enabled, a prompt ap pears at boot-up.
68 English Expanding through options Your note book PC of fers you a co mplete mo bile comp uting ex perience. Connectivity options Ports allow you to connect peripheral de vices to your computer as you would with a desktop PC. For instru ctions on how to connect different external devices to the computer, read the fol lowing section.
69 English Connectin g to a notebook PC 1 Pull out the connector from the co nnector slot and remove the cap. 2 Align the connector with the designated po rt on the note book PC and push firmly. Fax/data modem Your computer has a built-in V.92 56 Kbps fax/data modem.
70 English To use the fax/data modem port, conn ect a phone cable from the modem port to a telephone jack. Warning! Please make sure that the cab le you use is appropriate for the country in wh ich you are workin g. Built-in network feature The built-in network feature allows you to connect your computer to an Ethernet-based network.
71 English Fast Infrared (FIR) The computer's Fast Infrared (FIR) port a llows you to do wireless data transfer with other I R-aware co mputers an d peri pherals such as PDAs, mobile phones, and infrared printers. The infrared port can transfer data at speeds of up to 4 Mbps at a distance of up to on e meter.
72 English IEEE 1394 port The computer's IEEE 1394 port allows you to connect to an IEEE 1394 supported devices like a DVD/CD-RW com bo or DVD-Dual drive. PC Card slot The Type II PC Card slot of the co mputer accepts PC Cards that enhan ce the usability and expand ability of the computer.
73 English Inserting a PC Card Insert the card into the slot and make the proper connections (e.g., ne twork cable), if necessary. See your card ma nual for details. Ejecting a PC Card Before ejecting a PC Card: 1 Exit the application using the card. 2 Left-click on the PC Card ico n on th e taskbar and stop the card operation.
74 English 3 (a) Insert the memory module diag onally into the slot, then (b) gently pr ess it down until it clicks into pl ace. 4 Replace the memory cover an d secure it with the screw. 5 Reinstall the battery pack, and reconnect th e AC adapter. 6 Turn on th e computer.
75 English Password To set a password on boot, activate th e BIOS utility, then select Security from the categories listed at the top of the screen. Find Passwo rd on boot: and use the <F5> and <F6> keys to enable this feature.
76 English Acer eRecovery Management Acer eRecovery Management is a tool to quickly backup and restore the system. You can create and sav e a backup of th e current system configuration to hard disk, CD or DVD.
77 English 7 After choosing the backup method, click Next . Follow the instructions on screen to complete the process. Restore from backup You can restore backups previously created (as stated in the Create back up section) from hard disk, CD or DVD. 1 Boot to Windows XP.
78 English Re-install bundled software without CD Acer eRecovery Managemen t stores pre-loaded software internally for e asy driver and application re-installation. 1 Boot to Windows XP. 2 Press <Alt> + <F10> to open the Acer eRecov ery Management utility.
79 English Troubleshooting This chapter shows you how to deal with common system problem s. Read it before calling a tech nician if a problem occurs. Solution s to more serious problems require op ening up the computer. Do not attempt to ope n the computer yourself; co ntact your dealer or autho rized service center for assistance.
80 English If you still encounter problems after going through the corrective measures, please contact your dealer or an au thorized service center for assistance.
81 English Regulations and safety notices FCC notice This device has been tested a nd found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
82 English and (2) this device must accept any interference rece ived, including interference that may cause undesired operatio n. Notice: Canadian users This Class B digital apparatus co mplies with Canadian ICES-003.
83 English If this equipment should fail to operate p roperly, disconnect the equipment from the phone line to determin e if it is causing the problem. If the pro blem is with the equipment, disco ntinue use and con tact your dealer or vendo r. Caution: To reduce the risk of fire, use only No.
84 English Notice for New Zealand 1 The grant of a Telepermit for any item of terminal equipment indicates only that Telecom has accepted that the item complies with min imum conditions for connection to its netw ork. It indicate s no endorse ment of the produc t by Telec om, nor does it provide any sort of warra nty.
85 English Laser compliance statement The CD or DVD drive used with this comp uter is a laser product. The CD or DVD drive's classification label (shown below) is located on the drive. CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT CAUTION: INVISIBLE LASER RA DIATION WHEN OPEN.
86 English Radio device regulatory notice Note : Below regulatory information is for models with wireless LAN and/ or Blue tooth only. General This product complies with the radio fre quency and safety standards of any country or region in which it h as been approved for wireless use.
87 English List of applicable countries EU member states as of May 2004 are: Belg ium, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, United King dom Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, P oland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slova k Republic, Slovenia, Cyprus an d Malta.
88 English 2 This device is restricted to indoor us e due to its operation in the 5.15 to 5.25 GHz frequency range. FCC re quires this product to be used indoors for the frequency range 5.15 to 5.25 GH z to reduce the potential for harmful interference to co-channe l Mobile Satellite systems.
89 English Federal Communications Comission Declaration of Conformity This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference , and (2) This devic e must accept any interference received , including interference that may cause undesired operation.
90 English Declaration of Conformity for CE Ma rking Is in compliance with the e ssential requirements and other relevant p rovisions of the following EC directives.
91 English LCD panel ergonomic specificati ons Design vie wing di stance 500 mm Design inclination angle 0.0° Design azimuth angle 90.0° Viewing direction range class Class IV Screen tilt angle 85.
92 English Acer Computer (Shanghai) Limited 3F, No. 168 Xizang medium r oad, Huangpu District, Shanghai, China Declaration of Conformity We, Acer Computer (Shanghai) Limited 3F, No. 168 Xizang medium road, Huangpu District, Shanghai, China Contact Person: Mr.
93 English Acer Computer (Shanghai) Limited 3F, No. 168 Xizang medium r oad, Huangpu District, Shanghai, China R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC as attested by conformity with the following harmonized standard: z Article 3.1(a) Health and Safety -. EN60950-1:2001 -.
94 English.
95 English Index A AC adapter cari ng fo r x audio troubleshooting 59 B batter y pack carin g fo r xi BIOS utility 46, 74 brigh tness hotkeys 33 C caps lock 29 on indicator 25 care AC adapter x batter.
96 English inserting 73 ports 68 printer troubleshooting 59 problems 58 display 58 keyboard 59 printer 59 startup 58 troubleshooting 79 Q questions setting location for modem use 60 S safety CD or DVD.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Acer Ferrari 1000 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Acer Ferrari 1000 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Acer Ferrari 1000 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Acer Ferrari 1000 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Acer Ferrari 1000 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Acer Ferrari 1000 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Acer Ferrari 1000 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Acer Ferrari 1000 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.