Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product SLV-D910B van de fabrikant Sony
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3-084-916- E2 (1) GB D VD Pla yer/ Video Cassette Recor der Oper ating Instructions SL V - D 950B SL V - D 910B © 2003 Sony Cor poration P AL SECAM.
2 W ARNING WARNING T o p revent f ire or shoc k hazard , do not expos e th e unit to rain or moisture . T o av oid electrical shock, do not open the c a bin et. Refer servicing to qualified person nel only . Mains lead must only be change d at a qualified service shop.
3 Wel co me ! Welcom e! Thank you for purchasin g this Sony DVD Player/Vi deo Cass ette Re corder. Before opera ting this player, please read th is ma nu al thoroug hl y and re tain it fo r future refere nce. Cauti on For use of th e VCR Television pro grammes, films, video tape s and othe r materi als may be cop yright ed.
4 T able of contents T ab le of contents 2 WA R N I N G 3 We l c o m e ! 3 Caution 6 About this manual 6 This player can pla y the fol l owing disc s 7 Notes ab out discs Getting Started 8 Step 1 : Un.
5 T abl e of contents D VD Additi onal Operations 73 Using the DVD’ s menu 75 Zooming into a scene 76 Cha nging the angles 77 Displaying the subtitle 78 V arious pl ay mode functions (Programme play.
6 About th is manual • The mean in g o f the ic ons use d in thi s manua l is described be low: * MP3 (MPE G 1 Audio Laye r 3) is a sta ndard form at defi ned by ISO /MPEG w hich compre sses audio data. This player c an pla y the foll ow in g di sc s The “D V D V ID E O” logo is a tr ad emark.
7 Note Some DVD-RWs/DVD-Rs, DVD+RWs/DVD+Rs or CD-Rs/C D-RWs cannot be played on th is player due to the recor ding qualit y or physical condition of t he disc, or the c haracteristi cs of the recording device. Furth er m ore, the disc w ill not play if it has not been correctly final iz ed .
8 Unpacking Getting Started Step 1 : Unpac king Check that you have recei ved the foll owing items with the DVD-VCR: • Remote c ommander • PERITEL cab le • R6 (si z e AA) batterie s • Audi o c.
Getting Started 9 Setting up the remot e commander Step 2 : Setting up the remote commander Notes • W i th norm a l use , the ba t te ries shoul d last about three to six mo nt hs. • If you do not use the rem ote comman der for an extended pe riod of time, re mov e the batterie s to avoid possible dam age from ba ttery leak ag e.
10 Setting up the remot e commander Contr olling other TVs with the remote commander The re mote command er is prepr o grammed to co ntrol n on-Sony TVs. If yo ur TV is listed in t he following table, set the ap prop riate manufacturer’s code number .
Getting Started 11 Connecting the DV D-VCR Step 3 : Connectin g the D VD-VCR Note t hat “ Adv anced Ho okups” (p age 59) e xplai ns addition al hooku p methods th at will optimiz e the picture and sound for a true “ho m ethe a tre” experie nce.
12 Connecting the D VD-VCR Additiona l connection T o a satelli te or digital tuner with Line T hrough Using the L ine Throug h functio n, you can wat ch programme s from a satellit e or digital tun e r connec te d to thi s D VD-VCR on the TV even when the D VD-VCR is turned of f.
Getting Started 13 Setting up the D VD-VCR with the A uto Set Up function Step 4 : Setting up the D VD-VC R with the A uto S et Up fun ction Before using the D VD-VCR for the first time, set up the DVD-VCR u sing the Auto Set Up functi on.
14 Setting up the D VD-VCR with the A uto Set Up function T o cancel the A uto Set Up fun ction Press SE T UP. Tip • If you want to ch ange the lan gua ge for the on- scre en display from the one pre set in the Auto Set Up functio n, see page 15.
Getting Started 15 Selecting a language Step 5 : Selecting a langua g e If you pr efer an on -screen l anguage oth er than Fr ench , use the on-screen di splay to sele ct anoth er lang uage. Bef ore you st ar t… • T u rn on the DVD-VCR and yo ur TV .
16 Setting the cloc k Step 6 : Setting the cloc k Y ou must set the tim e and dat e on the D VD- VCR to use the timer features properly . The Auto Clock Set functio n wo rk s only if a station in your area i s broadcas t ing a time signal. Bef ore y ou star t… • T u rn on the DVD-VCR and you r TV .
Getting Started 17 Setting the clock Tips • If you set “H o rloge Auto” to “Oui”, the Au t o Cl ock Set functi on is a ct ivated whenever the D VD- VCR is turned of f. The time is adjusted a utomaticall y b y making r ef er e nce to the ti me signal fro m the stat ion.
18 Presetting channels Step 7 : Presetting channel s If som e chan nels c oul d not be pr eset usin g the Auto S et Up functio n, you can pr eset them manu ally . Bef ore y ou star t… • T u rn on the DVD-VCR and you r TV . • T o control the D VD-VCR, set TV / D VD·VIDEO to DVD·VIDEO on th e remote (page 9).
Getting Started 19 Presetting channels 3 Pre ss V/v t o select “Insta llation Ma nu elle”, then press ENTER. 4 Press V/v to select the row whic h yo u w ant to preset, the n pres s b . T o disp lay othe r pages for pro gramme positions 6 to 80, press V/v repe at edly .
20 Presetting channels If the picture is not clea r If the pictur e is not clear , you may use the Man ual Fine T uni ng (REGL.FIN) function. After step 7, press V/v to select “REGL.
Getting Started 21 Presetting channels Changing/disab ling progra mme posit ions After setting the channe ls, yo u can chan ge the program m e positions as you lik e. If any programm e po sitions are unuse d or contain unwanted channels, you can disab le them.
22 Presetting channels 3 Press V/v to select “Insta llation Manuelle” , then press ENTER. 4 Press V/v to select t he ro w con taining the progra mm e positio n you want to c han ge. T o displ a y other pag es for progra mm e positions 6 to 80, press V/v repeatedly .
Getting Started 23 Presetting channels Disablin g unwanted programme positions After pre setting ch an nels, you can disable unused pro gramme positions. The disabled positions w ill b e skipped later when you press the PROG +/– buttons. Bef ore you st ar t… • T u rn on the DVD-VCR and yo ur TV .
24 Presetting channels Note • Be sure to sele ct the p rogramme position you want to disable co rrectly . If you disable a program m e po sition by mistake, you nee d to reset that channel man ua ll y . 3 Press V/v to select “Insta llation Manuelle” , then press ENTER.
Getting Started 25 Presetting channels Changing the st ation names Y ou can change or enter t he station names (up to 4 characters ). The D VD-VCR must recei ve channel in formation for station names to app ear au tom a tica lly . Bef ore you st ar t… • T u rn on the DVD-VCR and yo ur TV .
26 Presetting channels 4 Press V/v to selec t th e row wh ich yo u wan t to change o r enter the station name, then press b . T o displ a y other pag es for progra mm e positions 6 to 80, press v/V repeatedly . 5 Press V/v to select “NOM ”, then press b .
Getting Started 27 Setting the Canal Plus dec oder Sett in g the Ca na l Pl us de co de r Y ou can watc h or re co r d Can al Pl us pr o gra m m es if yo u c on ne c t a de c od e r (not supplied) to the D VD-VCR.
28 Setting the Canal Plus decoder Setting Canal Plus c hannels T o watc h or recor d C anal Plus programme s, set your DVD-VCR to recei ve the chan nel s using the on -screen di splay . In orde r to set the cha n nels correctly , be sure to follo w all of the s teps b elow .
Getting Started 29 Setting the Canal Plus dec oder 4 Press V/v to select the row whic h yo u w ant to set for the decod er, then press b . T o disp lay posit ions 6 to 80, pr ess V/v repeatedly . 5 Press V/v to select “S YS . ” if necessary . 6 Press B/b to set “L/ L ’” or “B/G ” if ne cessary .
30 Setting the Canal Plus decoder Notes • T o supe rimpose subtitl es whi le watc hin g Ca na l Plu s progr ammes, make bo th dec ode r-VCR and VC R-TV connec tions usi ng 21-pin PERITEL cab les that are compat ible with th e RGB signals. Y ou cannot record subtitle s on the VCR.
31 Playing discs Basic Oper ations Basic O perations Playing disc s Dependi ng on the disc, some operati ons may be different or restricted. Refer to th e opera ting instr uc tions su pp lied with your disc . Bef ore you st ar t... • T u rn on the DVD-VCR and yo ur TV .
32 Play ing discs Additio nal task s * If you pause the DVD player for more t han 5 minu tes, the D VD player w ill automa tically stop. T o Resume p layback for the current disc (Resume Pla y) The D V D play er remembe rs the poin t wh e re yo u st opped the dis c e ven if the D VD player en ters stand by mode by pressing ?/1 .
33 Playing discs Basic Oper ations T o locate a point quic kl y b y pla yi ng a disc in fa st f orwar d or fast reve r se in continu ous play mode (DVD , VIDEO CD and CD onl y) Press m or M . For D VD or VIDEO CD, each time you p ress the button, th e playback sp eed changes as fol l ows .
34 Play ing discs Notes on pla ying DVDs wi th a DTS sound t rack • DTS aud io signals are outp ut on ly through the DI G IT A L AUDIO OUT (C OAXIAL or OPTICAL) jack. • When you play a DVD with DTS sound t racks, set “DTS ” to “Oui” in “Op tions Audio” menu (page 63) .
35 Guide to the on-screen displa y Basic Oper ations Guide to the on-scree n displa y Press DISPLA Y. The foll o wing in formatio n appears; ty pe of disc, c urrent title/tra ck, chapter , counter p osition, v oice language, su btitle language and surround se tting.
36 Guide to the on-screen displa y T o pla ybac k from the desired title/track counter position Tip • Y ou can change the co unter position inf ormation (pla yin g time or remaini ng ti m e) usi ng B/b (DVD and CD onl y). DVD CD Notes • The displ a y ma y not chan ge a s operated dependin g on the disc.
37 Play ing a tape Basic Oper ations Playing a tape Bef ore you st ar t... • T u rn on the DVD-VCR and yo ur TV . • Set you r TV to the video chan nel so that the signal from the player appears on the TV screen. •S e t T V / D VD·VIDEO to DVD·VIDEO , then press SELECT VIDEO to control the VCR (page 9).
38 Play ing a tape Additio nal task s * If you pa use the VCR for mor e than 5 minut es, the V CR will automa ti ca ll y re sum e play . T o pla y a recently watche d scene Y ou can imm ediately rewind and p layback th e scene yo u want to watch agai n.
39 Play ing a tape Basic Oper ations T o resume normal playbac k Press H . T o set the co lour system If the playback pict ure has no colour, or streaks appea r during pa lyback, set the “Syst .
40 Recording TV programmes Recor ding TV pr ogrammes Bef ore y ou start... • T u rn on the DVD-VCR and you r TV . • Switch the in put selector on your TV so that the sig nal from the player app ears on the TV screen. •S e t T V / D VD·VI DEO to D VD·VIDEO , then press SELECT VIDEO to control the VCR (page 9).
41 Recording TV programmes Basic Oper ations T o stop recor ding Press x . T o chec k the remain ing time Press DISPLA Y twice. With the display on, pre ss DISPLA Y again to check the remaining ti me. 2 • T o recor d a nor mal channel, press P R OG +/– until the progra mme positi on numbe r you want appea rs in th e displa y wind o w .
42 Recording TV programmes In order to g et an accurate remaining time i ndication, be sure “S élect. Cassette” i n the “REGLA GE DE LA FONCTION VIDEO” menu is set acc ording to the tape type you us e (see pa ge 105).
43 Recording TV programmes Basic Oper ations Notes • If a tape has port io ns rec orded in both P A L (SECAM, MESECAM) and NTSC systems, the time cou nter reading will not be corre ct. This discr ep ancy is due to the differen ce between the coun ting cycles of the two video system s.
44 Recording TV programmes using the ShowVie w ® syst em (SL V -D950B only) Recor ding TV pr ogrammes us ing the Sho wVie w ® system (SL V -D950B only) The ShowV iew system is the feature that simplif ie s prog ra mmin g the VCR to mak e timer record ings.
45 Recording TV programmes using the ShowVie w ® syst em (SL V -D950B only) Basic Oper ations 2 Press V/v to select “S howV iew”, then press ENTER. The “ShowV iew” menu appears. 3 Press the numb er b ut to ns to enter the ShowV iew number. If you m ake a mistake, p ress CLEAR a nd re- enter the c orrect number.
46 Recording TV programmes using the ShowVie w ® syst em (SL V -D950B only) T o stop recor ding T o stop the D VD-VCR while recording, press SELECT V I DEO and t hen press x . Dail y/weekly reco rding In step 5 above, press v to s elec t the recording p attern.
47 Recording TV programmes using the ShowVie w ® syst em (SL V -D950B only) Basic Oper ations T o watch an other TV program me after setting the tim er Tips • T o set the channe l , you can also use the V/v or number buttons. • If the ind icator appea rs, this m eans that the VCR is curren tly recor ding this programme.
48 Recording TV programmes using the timer Recor ding TV pr ogrammes using the ti mer Y ou can preset up to six prog rammes at a time. Bef ore y ou start… • Check that th e D V D-VCR cloc k is set to the correct time. • T u rn on the DVD-VCR and you r TV .
49 Recording TV programmes using the timer Basic Oper ations 1 Pre ss TIME R. • SL V -D95 0B The “OPTIONS PROG. ” menu appears. • SL V -D91 0B The time r programming me nu appears . Step 2 is skip ped. 2 SL V -D950 B only Press V/v to select “No rmal”, then press ENTER.
50 Recording TV programmes using the timer T o stop recor ding T o stop the D VD-VCR while recording, press SELECT V I DEO and t hen press x . Dail y/weekly reco rding In step 3 above, press v to s elec t the recording p attern. Ea ch time you press v , the indica tion ch ang es as sho wn be lo w .
51 Recording TV programmes using the timer Basic Oper ations T o watch an other TV program me after setting the tim er Tips • T o set the channe l , you can also use the V/v or number buttons. • If the ind icator appea rs, this m eans that the VCR is curren tly recor ding this programme.
52 Recording TV programmes using DIAL TIMER (SL V -D950B only) Recor ding TV pr ogrammes us ing DIAL TIMER (SL V -D950B onl y) The Dial Timer functi on allows you to make timer record ings of pro grammes without turning on yo ur TV .
53 Recording TV programmes using DIAL TIMER (SL V -D950B only) Basic Oper ations 3 Press DIAL TIMER to se t th e star t time. “ST AR T” and the next qua rter hour increment app ear alternatel y in the displa y window . 4 T urn DIAL TIMER to set the recordin g start time.
54 Recording TV programmes using DIAL TIMER (SL V -D950B only) T o return to the previous step T o return to th e pr e vious step, pr ess the PR OGRAM + and – b utton s on th e unit at the same time duri ng any of the Dial T imer settings. 7 Press DIAL TIMER.
55 Recording TV programmes using DIAL TIMER (SL V -D950B only) Basic Oper ations T o set the c lock Tips • T o cancel a D ial Timer settin g, press any button othe r th an DIAL TIMER or PROGRAM +/ – on t he un it or any button on the remot e wh il e yo u are making the setting.
56 Checking/changing/cancelling timer settings Checking/cha nging/c ancelli ng tim er settings Bef ore y ou star t… • Check that th e D V D-VCR cloc k is set to the correct time. • T u rn on the DVD-VCR and you r TV . • Switch the in put selector on y our TV so that the signal from the player app ears on the TV screen.
57 Checking/changing/cancelling timer settings Basic Oper ations 1 Press SET UP, then press V/v to select (TIMER) and press ENTER. • SL V -D95 0B The “OPTIONS PROG. ” menu appears. • SL V -D91 0B The time r programming me nu appears . Step 2 is skip ped.
58 Checking/changing/cancelling timer settings When the tim e r settings overl ap The program me that starts f irst has priority and the seco nd programme starts recording only after the f irst program me has finished. If the programmes start at the same time, the programme listed f irst in the m enu has prio rity .
59 A/V Receiver hookup Adv anced Hookups Adv anced Hookups A/V Receiv er hookup A Use this h ookup if your A/V receiver has a Dolby ∗ Surr ound (Pro Logic) decode r and 3 to 6 spea kers Y ou can enjoy the Do lby Surround ef f ect s only when pl ay ing Dolby Surr ou nd audio or multi-ch a nnel audio (Dolby Digital) discs.
60 A/V Receiver hookup B Use this hookup i f yo ur A/V r eceiver h as a Dolb y D igital, MPEG audio or DTS ∗ deco der , a digit al in put jack a nd 6 sp eake rs This connectio n will allo w you to use the Do lby Digita l, MPEG audio or DTS decoder fun ct i on of your A V amplifier (receiver).
61 S-Video hookup Adv anced Hookups S-Vid eo hook up Make audio connections using the OU T A UDIO L/R jacks or DIGIT AL A UDIO OUT (OPTICAL or COAXIAL) jacks when yo u use S-VIDEO ho ok up. Use this hook up if your T V has an S VIDEO input ja ck • Connect a n S VIDEO cord (not supplied).
62 A udio Set up D VD Settings and Adjustments A udi o Se tu p “Opti ons Audio” allows you t o set the sound accordi ng to the playback and c onnection condition s. 1 Press SET UP when the D VD pla yer is in stop mode , then pre ss V/v to se lect (D VD) and press ENTER.
63 A u dio Setup D VD Settings and Adjus tments Menu choice s • Dolby Digital Selects the type of Dolb y Digital signal. The def ault setting is i n dicated in bold p rint. •M P E G Selects the typ e of MPEG audio sign a l. The def ault setting is i n dicated in bold p rint.
64 A udio Set up • Audio DRC (Dynamic Range Control) Makes the soun d clear when the volume is turne d do wn wh en playing a DVD t hat conforms to “ Audio DRC”. Thi s af fects the outp ut from the follo wing jacks: – OUT A UDIO L/R jacks – DIGIT AL A UDIO OUT (OPTICAL or CO AXIAL) jack only when “Dolby Digital” is set to “D-PCM”.
65 Screen Setup D VD Settings and Adjus tments Scre en Setup “Réglage de L ’ écra n” allo ws you to set the screen ac cording to the play back and connectio n conditions. 1 Press SET UP when the D VD player is in stop mode, then press V/v to select (D VD) and press ENTER.
66 Screen Setup Men u ch oices •T y p e T V Selects th e aspect ra tio of the conn ected TV (4:3 standa rd or wide). The def ault setting is ind icated in b o ld print. • D VD LINE1 R VB Out Selects the meth od of o utputtin g video signals f rom the L INE-1 (E UR O A V) jack on the rear panel of th e pl ayer .
67 Screen Setup D VD Settings and Adjus tments Notes • Playback settin gs store d in the disc take priori ty over the “REGL AGE DU D VD ” menu sett i ngs and not al l the funct ions des c r i bed may w o rk. • Depen ding on the D VD, “4:3 Lett er Box” may be selec ted automatic ally instea d of “4:3 P an Scan ” or vi ce versa.
68 Setting the displa y or sound track language Setting the displ ay or so und trac k lang uage You ca n se t various languag es for th e disc’s menu, so und track o r subtitle. 1 Press SET UP when the D VD pla yer is in stop mode , then pres s V/v to select (D VD) and press ENTER .
69 Setting the display or sound t r ac k language D VD Settings and Adjus tments Tip • If you selec t “ Autre” i n step 4, an addi tional language menu appears.
70 P arental Control (limiting pla yback by children) P arental Contr ol (limit ing playback by children ) Playba c k of so m e D V Ds can be li m ite d accordi ng t o a predeterm i ned lev el suc h as the age of the users. The parental cont rol functi on allows you to set a pl ayback limitation level.
71 P arental Control (limiting pla yback b y children) D VD Settings and Adjus tments 3 Press b to select “Ou i”. • If yo u ha ve not en te r e d a pa ss w o r d The disp lay for r egis te ri n g a new password appears . Enter a 4-di gi t pas sword using the number but ton s.
72 P arental Control (limiting pla yback by children) T o change th e passw ord T o turn off the P a rental Control function Set “Util ise r le Code” to “N on” in step 3 on page 71.
73 Using the D VD’ s menu D VD Additional Op erations D VD Additio nal Operations Using the D VD’ s menu A D VD is divi ded into lon g sections of a picture o r a music feature call ed “titles”. When yo u pl ay a D VD whi ch contains sev eral titles, you can select the title you want usin g t he T O P MENU button.
74 Using the D VD’ s menu T o turn off the D VD’ s menu Press x . Note • Depending on the D VD , you m ay not be ab le to use the TOP MENU button.
75 Zooming into a scene D VD Additional Operatio ns Zooming into a sc ene Notes • Y ou cannot use 4 × magnification wh en you play VID EO CD s. • The zoom function may not work de pe ndi ng on the DVD. Y ou can zoom into a scen e du ring playback or still mode.
76 Changing the angles Changing the angles Note • Depen ding on the D VD, you may no t be abl e to cha ng e th e angles e ven if multi -angles ar e recorde d on t he DVD. If v a rious angles (multi-angles) for a scene are recorded on th e DVD, “ ” appears in the disp la y wh e n yo u pr e ss ANG LE du r ing playb ack.
77 Display ing the subtitle D VD Additional Op erations Displa ying the subtitle T o turn off the s ubtitles Sele ct “Non” in s t ep 3 . Note • Dependi ng on the D VD, you may not be able to cha nge the subt it les even if multilin gua l subti tl es are reco rded on the DVD.
78 V ar ious play mode functions ( Progr am me play , S huffle pla y , Repeat pla y) V arious pla y mode funct ions (Progra mme play , Shuffle pla y , Repeat pla y) Y ou can set the foll owing p lay m.
79 V arious play m ode func tions (Programme play , Shuffle pla y , Repeat pla y) D VD Additional Op erations T o stop pr ogramme play Press CLEAR during prog ramme play . T o change o r cancel a pr ogramme 2 Press B / b to select “PR OGRAMMA TION”, then press ENTER.
80 V ar ious play mode functions ( Progr am me play , S huffle pla y , Repeat pla y) Play i ng in random order (Shuff le pla y) T o return to normal pl ay Press CLEAR durin g shuf fle play . Y ou can shu f fle the playba ck order o f tracks. Subsequ ent “shufflin g” ma y produc e a dif ferent p laying ord er .
81 V arious play m ode func tions (Programme play , Shuffle pla y , Repeat pla y) D VD Additional Op erations Play ing repeat edly (Repeat pl ay) T o return to normal pla y Selec t “Non” in step 2 or pr ess CLEAR du r ing repeat pl ay . Tip • When pl ay ing a D A T A CD, pr ess RE PE A T again to cancel repeat play.
82 Changing the sound Changing the sound When playi ng a D VD recorded in mu ltiple audio formats (PCM, Dolb y Digital, MPEG or DTS ), you can chan ge the a udio fo rmat. If the D VD is recorded wit h multilingual tracks, you can also cha nge th e languag e.
83 Vir tual surround setting D VD Additional Op erations Virtual surr ound sett ing T o cancel the s etting Sele ct “Non” in s t ep 2 . When yo u connect a ste reo TV or 2 f r on t speakers, SURR .
84 Vir tual surround setting Notes • Surroun d effect s can not be ob tained for DTS or linear PCM. • When the pl aying signal doe s not contain a sig na l for the rear speakers, the surro und effects will be dif ficul t to hea r .
85 Playi ng an MP3 audio trac k D VD Additional Op erations Pla ying an MP3 audi o track Y ou can play back DA T A CDs (CD-ROMs/ CD-Rs/CD-R Ws) recorded in MP3 (MPEG1 Audio La y er 3) forma t. 1 Press Z and place a DA T A CD on th e disc tray , then press Z to close the tray .
86 Play ing an MP3 audio track T o go to the n ext or previou s page Press b or B . T o return to the previous display Press O RETURN. T o turn off the display Press x , then press O RETURN repeatedly . Notes • Only the letters in the a lphabet a nd numbers can b e used for a lbum or track na mes.
87 Playi ng an MP3 audio trac k D VD Additional Op erations T o pla y a Multi Session CD This pla yer can play Multi Session CDs when an MP 3 audio track is located in th e first sessi on. Any subsequ ent MP3 audio tr acks, recorded in the later sessions, can also be play ed back.
88 Play ing an MP3 audio track Tips • If you add num bers (01, 02, 03, et c. ) to the front of the trac k file names, the tracks w il l be play ed in that o rder . • A disc with m an y trees takes longer to start pla yback. Some discs wi th many trees cannot be play ed bac k.
89 Playing JPEG image files D VD Additional Op erations Playing JP EG imag e files Y ou can play JPEG im age files on D A T A CDs (CD-R OMs/CD-Rs/CD-R Ws).
90 Play ing JPEG image files T o rotat e an i mag e T o zoo m in an imag e 3 Press ./> to select the ne xt/previo us album pag e , th e n pre s s V/v / B/b to select an image in the “ Alb um” display . T o displa y the selected image 1 Press ENTER.
91 Playing JPEG image files D VD Additional Op erations T o enjo y the Slide show T o turn on/off the menu in the single ima g e dis play Press DISPLA Y in the sing le image display . T o return to the “A lbum” display Press DISPLA Y to turn on the menu and press B / b to select “ ”, then press ENTER.
92 Play ing JPEG image files Tip • If you add num bers (01, 02, 03, et c. ) to the front of the file names, th e files will be played in that orde r. Notes • The system ca n play t he exten sion “.J PG” or “.JPEG” . • Some CD-R s or CD-R Ws canno t be played on this syst em dep ending on file format .
93 Pla ying VIDEO CDs with “MENU OUI/NON” functions D VD Additional Op erations Pla y ing VIDEO CDs with “MENU OUI/NON” funct ions The PBC (Pla yback control) functio n allows you to sear c h an d perf o r m othe r oper a tio ns interactively .
94 Pla ying VIDEO CDs with “MENU OUI/NON” functions T o return to the men u Press O RETURN. T o play using “MENU NON ” Press MENU to select “MENU NON”. When “MENU NON” is selected, the D VD play er starts continuous play . Y ou cannot play still p icture s such a s a men u.
95 Playing a tape with SQPB function VCR Additional Operation s VCR Ad ditional Operatio ns Playing a tape w ith SQPB function Notes • Y ou cannot use t he SQ PB function for rec ord ing. • The playb ack display will be di stor ted if you use the SQPB func ti on with a normal VHS format tape.
96 Quick Timer Record ing Quic k Timer Recor ding After yo u hav e starte d recordi ng , you can have the VCR stop re c ording au tomatica lly after a specified durat io n. 1 While record ing, pre ss z REC. 2 Press z REC repeatedly to set the duration time.
97 Quick Timer R ecordi ng VCR Additional Operation s T o extend th e duration Press z REC repeatedly to set a new durati on time. T o cancel the du ration Press z REC repeatedly until the indicator disapp ears and the VCR returns to normal rec ording mode.
98 Recording stereo and bilingual progr ammes Recor ding stereo and b il ingual pr ogrammes In the ZWEIT ON (German stereo ) system This VCR autom atically receives and records st ereo and bilin gual programm es based on the ZWEITON sy stem . W hen a stereo or bilingual programme is recei ved, the STEREO indi cator appears in the display windo w .
99 Recording stereo and bilingual programmes VCR Additional Operation s T o select the so und while recor ding Press A UDIO to select the sou nd you want. ∗ Usually the mixed so und of l eft and right channe ls ∗ Usually th e main sound ( monaural) Selecting t he sound during Hi-fi playbac k Press A UDIO to select the sou nd you want.
100 Recording stereo and bilingual progr ammes How sound i s recorde d on a video tape The VCR rec ords soun d on to two separat e tracks. Hi-fi au di o is recorded onto th e main tr ack along wi th the pictur e. Monaur al sound is re corded ont o the normal a udio track al on g the edge of th e ta pe.
101 Searching using inde x function VCR Additional Operation s Sear ch ing using in de x funct ion T o find a specific recor ding by scanning (Inde x scan) The VCR autom a ticall y marks the tape with an index sign al at the point where eac h record ing begins.
102 Searching using inde x function T o sear c h a specific recordi ng (Inde x search) T o stop sea rching Press x . Note • No index signa l w ill be ad ded when rec ord ing starts from re cording pause . However , an index signal wil l be ma rked if you change th e pro gramme positi on du ring recor din g pa use.
103 Adjusting the picture (tracking) VCR Additional Operation s Adju s tin g th e picture (tracking) Adjusting t he tracking Although th e VCR automatically a djusts th e trackin g when play ing a tape, d istortion m ay occur if th e recording is in poor condi tion.
104 Adjusting the picture (t rac king) 2 Press V/v to select “Réglages U tilisate u r”, then press ENTER. 3 Press V/v to select “S mart T ri l ogic”, then press b . 4 Press V/v to set “SMA R T TRILOGIC” to “OUI” or “NON”. • OUI: Picture sharpn ess is automatical ly adjusted.
105 Changing menu options VCR Additional Operation s Changi ng menu option s 1 Press SET UP when the D VD player is in stop mode, then press V / v to select (OPTION) or (VIDEO) and press ENTER.
106 Changing menu options Men u ch oices The defau lt sett ing s are indic a ted in bo ld prin t. OPTION VIDEO SETUP 3 Press B / b to cha nge the sett ing. 4 Press SET UP to exit the menu . Menu opt ion Se t t hi s option to V eille A u t o • “ Non ” t o deactivate the Au to Power Off functio n.
107 Editing VCR Additional Operation s Editi ng How to connect to recor d on this VCR Connect t h e line outputs of the other VCR to th e input connecto r of this VCR. Refer to the examples A throu gh C and choose the conne ction that best sui ts your VCR.
108 Editing Example C How to connect to a stereo system Connect t he LINE-2 IN t / o L/R jacks on this D VD-VCR to the a udio output jacks on the stereo system , using an aud io cable (not su pplied). Notes • Make sure you c onn ect the plugs t o jack s of the same colour.
109 Editing VCR Additional Operation s Operation (when recor ding on this VCR) T o stop editin g Press the x (stop) butto ns on both VCRs. Tip • T o cut out unwant e d sc e nes w h ile editin g, press X on this VCR when an un wanted sc ene begins. When it ends, pr ess X again to resu me re co rding.
110 General setup inf orm ation Additional Inf ormation General setup inf ormation Changing setup options 1 Press SET UP when the D VD pla yer is in stop mode , then pre ss V / v to select (OPTION) and press ENTER. 2 Press V / v to select “Réglag e s Utilisateur”, then press ENTER.
111 General setup information Additiona l Information Menu choice s Initial settin gs are indicated in bold print. 4 Press B / b to change the setting. 5 Press SET UP to exit the menu. Menu opt ion Se t t his opt ion to Syst. Couleur • “ Auto ” to select the colou r system automatica ll y .
112 T r oub leshooting T ro ubl eshooting If you have any questi on s or probl e ms not covered below , please co nsult your n earest Sony service f ac ility . General T r oubleshooting D VD T rouble shooting Symptom Remedy Pow e r The ?/1 (on/stand by) switch does not func tion.
113 T r oub lesh ooting Additiona l Information Pict ure Even thou gh you set the a spect ratio in “T ype TV ” of th e “R EGLA G E D E L ’ECL AN” menu th e picture does not fill th e screen. • The aspect ra ti o of t he di sc i s f ixed on your DVD.
114 T r oub leshooting Operation The title of the M P3 audio album o r track is not corr ectly displa yed. • The pl ayer can only displ ay numbers and a lphabet. Other charac ters are dis p layed as ast e r is k s. The disc doe s not start playing from the beginning.
115 T r oub lesh ooting Additiona l Information VCR T roub leshooting Symptom Remedy Play back The play back p icture do es not appe ar on the TV sc re en. • M ake sure the T V is s et to the ch annel for t he VCR. If you are using a mo nitor, set it to vide o input.
116 T r oub leshooting Timer recording The tim er do es no t operate. • Check that the clock i s set. • Make sur e a tape has bee n in serted. • Check that the safe ty tab has not been remov ed. • Make sur e the ta pe is not at its end. • Make sure a programme has been set f or timer r ecordin g .
117 Glossar y Additiona l Information Glossary Chapter (page 3 5) Sections of a pi ct ure or a music feat ure t hat are smaller tha n titl es. A title is c omposed of se veral c hapters.
118 Glossa r y Title (page 35) The lo ngest secti on of a picture o r music feat ur e on a D VD, mo v ie , etc ., in vi de o software , or the entire alb um in audio software. T rack (pa ge 35) Section s of a pi cture or a music feat ure on a CD or VIDEO CD (the length of a song).
119 Specifications Additiona l Information Specification s System Laser Semiconductor lase r Signal f ormat system PA L / ( N T S C ) SECA M MESECAM Channel coverage SECAM (L): VHF F2 to F10 UHF F21 t.
120 Specifications General Po wer requi r ements 220 – 240 V A C, 50 Hz Power consumption 25 W Operating temperature 5 ° C to 40 ° C Storage temperature –20 ° C to 60 ° C Dimensions including projecti ng parts and controls (w/h/d) SL V -D950B Approx.
121 Index t o par ts and controls Additiona l Information Inde x to parts and contr ols Refer to th e pa ges indicated in p a renthe ses ( ) for details.
122 Inde x to par ts and controls Displa y window A D VD indicat or (32) B Disc i ndicator (32) C MONTH indicator ∗ (52) D D A Y in dicator ∗ (5 2) E YEAR indicator ∗ (52) F D A TE indi ca tor .
123 Index t o par ts and controls Additiona l Information Rear panel D V D player a nd VCR A (out to tv) connector ( 11) B (in from antenna) co nnector (11) C OUT VIDEO/A UDIO L/R jacks (11) (59) D LI.
124 Inde x to par ts and controls Remote commander for D VD A TV / D VD•VIDEO switch (9) B Z (open/cl o se) button (31) ( 32) C SELECT D VD bu tton (9) D Number b uttons ∗ (10) (71) E CLEAR bu tto.
125 Index t o par ts and controls Additiona l Information Remote commander for VCR A TV / DVD•VIDEO swit c h (9) B Z (eject) b utton (38) C SELECT VIDEO b utton (9) D Number b uttons ∗ (10) E CLEA.
126 D V D A udio/ S ubtit le Language D VD A udi o/Subt itle La nguage Abbrev iation Langua g e ARA Ara bic CHI Chi nese CR O Croatia n CZK Czech DAN D a ni sh DEU G erma n ENG Engl ish ESP Spani sh F.
127 Index Inde x Numerics 16: 9 66 4:3 Lette r Bo x 66 4:3 Pan Scan 66 A Adju stin g pict ure 103 tracki ng 103 Aerial hookup 11 Angle 76 Audio t rack 100 Auto Clock Se t 13 Auto S e t Up 13 C Cana l .
Sony Corporation Prin ted in Indo nesia AK68-00306G.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sony SLV-D910B (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sony SLV-D910B heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sony SLV-D910B vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sony SLV-D910B leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sony SLV-D910B krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sony SLV-D910B bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sony SLV-D910B kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sony SLV-D910B . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.