Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product SNC-RX550P van de fabrikant Sony
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3-990-782- 11 (1) Netw ork Camera © 2005 Sony Corporation SNC-RX550N/RX550P User’ s Guide Software V ersion 1.0.
2 Owner's Recor d The model an d serial numb ers are lo cated on t he bottom. Record these numbers in the spaces provided bel o w . Refer to these numbers wh ene ver yo u call upon you r Sony dealer re garding this product. Model No. _________ __________ _ Serial No.
3 A TTENTION The electromagnetic f ields at specif ic frequencies may influence the picture of the uni t. For the customers in Netherlands V oor de klanten in Nederland Gooi de batte rij niet we g, maar le ver hem in als KCA. NO TICE T O USERS © 2005 Son y Corporation.
T able of Contents 4 T ab le of Contents Overview F eatur es ................... ...................... ....................... .. 6 How to Use This User’ s Guide ................... ........... 7 Precauti ons ....................... ...............
T able of Cont ents 5 Common T a b — Setting the image memory function ............. ....................... ...................... 55 Alarm recording T ab — Setting the Image memory function when detecting the alarm ... 56 Periodical recording T ab — Setting the periodical recording mode .
Ov erview Features 6 Overview Features High-quality monito ring via the network Y ou can monitor a high-qualit y li ve ima ge from the camera using the W eb browser on a comp uter connected to a 10B ASE-T or 100B ASE-TX network. The maximum frame ra te is 30 fps for SNC-RX550N and 25 fps for SNC-RX550P .
Ov erview How to Use This User’ s Gu ide / Precautions 7 Ho w to Use This User’ s Guide This User’ s Guide explains ho w to operate the SNC- RX550N/RX550P Netw ork Camera from a computer . The User’ s Guide is written to be read on the computer display .
Ov erview System Requir ements 8 System Requirements These are the requirements for the compu ter that displays the image or controls the camera. Processor Pentium 4, 1.5 GHz or higher (Pentium 4, 2.4 GHz or higher recommended ) RAM 256 MB or more OS Microsoft W indows 2000, W i ndows XP W eb browser Internet Explorer V er .
Preparation Assigning t he IP Address t o the Camera 9 Preparation The Preparation section e xplai ns what the administra tor has to prepare for monitoring images after installati on and connection of the camera.
Preparation Assigning the IP Addr ess to the Camera 10 7 Set the IP ad dress. T o obtain the IP address automatically fr om a DHCP serv er: Select Obtain an IP addr ess automatically . The IP address, Subnet mask an d Default gate way are assigned automatically .
Preparation Accessing t he Camera Using th e Web Browser 11 The welcome page of the network camera is displayed. Note If the IP address is not set correctly , the welcome page does not appear after step 12. In that case, try to set the IP address a gain.
Preparation Accessing t he Camera Using the Web Browser 12 When the main viewer of the camera is displayed f or the first time When you click Enter , “Security W arning” is disp layed. When you click Ye s , Acti veX control is instal led and the main vie wer is displayed.
Preparation Basic Config uration by the Administrator 13 Basic Configuration b y the Administrator Y ou can monitor the camera image b y logging in with the initial conditions set for this network camera. Y ou can also set v arious functions according to the inst alling position, netw ork conditions or purpose of the camera.
Operat ing the Camer a Administrator and User 14 Operating the Camera The Operating the Camera secti on explains ho w to monitor the image from the ca mera using your W eb browser . Use Internet Explorer as the W eb browser . The functions of the camera should be set b y the Administrator .
Operat ing the Camer a Logging in to Home page — Welcome P a ge 15 Logging in to Homepa g e — W e lcome P age Logging in as a user 1 Start the web bro wser on your comput er and type the IP address of the c amera you wan t to monitor . The welcome page of Network Camera SNC- RX550N or Network Camera SNC-R X550P is displayed.
Operat ing the Camer a Logging in to Homepage — W elcome P age 16 With the Ja va a pplet view er Control the camera from the main vie wer . Note If the welcome page does not start correc tly , the security lev el of the Internet Explo rer may be set to higher than Medium .
Operat ing the Camer a Configur ation of Main Vie wer 17 Jav a applet viewer Y ou can select this vie wer when the camera image is in JPEG . The frame rate is lo wer than the Acti veX vie wer . The Jav a applet vie wer operates only when Jav a is installed and Ja va (Sun ) is enabled.
Operat ing the Camer a Configur ation of Main View er 18 Main menu Setting Click to disp lay the Administrator men u. (page 29) Y ou can operate this function on ly when logging in as the administra tor . Home Displays the welcome page. Camera contr ol section Frame rate (Displayed only when the camera image is in JPEG .
Operat ing the Camer a Configur ation of Main Vie wer 19 Focus cont rol T o focus on a nearby object, press . T o focus on a distant object, press . By pressing , the focus is set to the optimum position. Note T o control the focus manually , set Fo c us m o de of the Camera menu to Manual .
Operat ing the Camer a Controll ing the Monito r Image 20 Contr olling the Monitor Image Y ou can monitor the camera image on the monitor window of the main vie wer . Monitoring the camera ima g e 1 Log in to the homepage to disp lay the main vie wer .
Operat ing the Camer a Capturing a Moni tor Image 21 Capturing a Monitor Image Y ou can capture an image be ing monitored as a still image and sav e it in the computer . Capturing a monitor ima ge 1 Display the camera image in the monitor windo w . 2 Click .
Operat ing the Camer a Operating the C amera 22 Operating the Camera Y ou can operate the camera from the main vie wer . When you click , the display switches to .
Operat ing the Camer a Operat ing the Camer a 23 Notes •W h e n Zoom mode in the Came ra menu is set to Full (see page 36), zooming of the specified area stops at the TELE end of the optical zoom. If you w ant to zoom in furthe r using the digi tal zoom, specify the area again.
Operat ing the Camer a Controllin g the Camera on a Panorama Image 24 Contr olling the Camera on a P anorama Image When you hav e the authorization to control the camera, the panorama window is displayed under the normal camera window . In the panorama window , a 360° vie w around the camera is displayed as a panorama image.
Operat ing the Camer a Sending an Ima ge File / Record ing a Still Imag e in the Memor y 25 Sending an Image File Y ou can send a captured still image by atta ching it to an e-mail, or to the FTP serv er .
Operat ing the Camer a Controlling Alarm Output 1, 2 / C ontrolling Da y/Night Func tion 26 Contr olling Alarm Output 1, 2 Y ou can control On (short-cir cuit) and O f f (open) o f Alarm Output 1, 2. T o use this function, you need t o make Al arm output 1 or Alarm output 2 acti ve in the T rigger menu of the Administrator menu (page 62).
Operat ing the Camer a Play ing the A udio File Stored in the Camer a / Switching TCP/UDP T ransmi ssion Mode 27 Pla ying the A udio File Stored in the Camera Y ou can play the audio file stored in the camera using the SNC audio upload tool.
Operat ing the Camer a Switching T CP/UDP T ransmission Mode 28 properly when UDP (Unicast) is selec ted. In that case, select TCP . UDP (Multicast): This protocol is selectable when Multicast st reaming (page 40) is On .
Administratin g the Camera Basic Oper ations of Administr ator Men u 29 Administrating the Camera The Administrating the Came ra section explains ho w to set the func tions of th e camera by the Ad ministrator . For the monitoring of the ca mera image, see “Operating the Camera” o n page 14.
Administratin g the Camera Basic Operation s of Administrator Menu 30 Example: “ System” menu 5 Select the required tab ab o ve the menu, and set each setting op tion in th e tab . Example: “Date & time” ta b of “System” menu See pages 32 to 72 for details of the menu tabs and setting options.
Administratin g the Camera Basic Oper ations of Administr ator Men u 31 e-Mail (SMTP) Displays the e-Mail (SMTP) menu for send ing an e- mail. (“Sending an Image vi a E-mail — e-Mail (SMTP) Menu” on page 50) FTP c lient Displays the FTP cli ent menu for sending an image/ audio fi le, etc.
Administratin g the Camera Configuring the Syste m — System Menu 32 Configuring the System — System Menu When you click Sys tem in the Administrator menu, the System menu appears. Use this menu to perform the principal settings of the software. The System menu has f ive tabs: System , Date & time , Initialize , System log and Access log .
Administratin g the Camera Configuri ng the System — Sys tem Menu 33 Maxim um wait number Sets the numb er of users who are p ermitted to w ait for their turn for co ntrol authority du ring operation b y one user . The selectable number is from 0 to 10 .
Administratin g the Camera Configuring the Syste m — System Menu 34 Manual setting: Select if you want to set the camera’ s date and time manually .
Administratin g the Camera Configuri ng the System — Sys tem Menu 35 Notes • W ith Restore setting , some it ems in the Network menu (page 41) cann ot be restored. •W h e n Restore pr eset position data is selected, it may take a long ti me to load the setting data.
Administratin g the Camera Setting the C amera Imag e and A udio — Camera Men u 36 Setting the Camera Image and A udio — Camera Menu When you click Camera in the Administra tor menu, th e Camera menu appears. Use this menu to set the funct ions of the camera.
Administratin g the Camera Setting the Camera Imag e and A udio — Camera Menu 37 A udio upload Using the SNC audi o upload tool st ored in the su pplied CD-R OM, you can output the audio th at is input to the computer’ s audio inp ut termin al from the sp eaker connected to the line ou tput jack of the camera.
Administratin g the Camera Setting the C amera Imag e and A udio — Camera Men u 38 SNC-RX550P: 1/1 0000, 1/6000, 1/3500, 1/2500, 1/1750, 1/12 50, 1/1000, 1/ 600, 1/425, 1/300, 1/215 , 1/150, 1/120, 1/100, 1/75, 1/50, 1/25, 1/12, 1/6, 1 /3, 1/2, 1 (sec.
Administratin g the Camera Setting the Camera Imag e and A udio — Camera Menu 39 While a sensor in put is detect ed, the camera works in night mode. OK/Cancel See “Button s common to e very menu” on pa ge 30. Video codec T ab Use this tab to set the items for the video c odec.
Administratin g the Camera Setting the C amera Imag e and A udio — Camera Men u 40 Bandwidth contr ol (for JPEG only) Limits the netw ork bandwidt h for the JPEG image data output from the camera. Selectab le bandwidths are as follo ws: 0.5, 0.6, 0.
Administratin g the Camera Configuring the Netw or k — Network Men u 41 Multicast address T ype the multicast a ddress used on the Mult icast streaming. Video port number Specify the MPEG4 video transmission port numb er used for the Multicast streaming.
Administratin g the Camera Configur ing the Networ k — Network Menu 42 Default ga tewa y T ype the default gate way . DNS server Configure the DNS serve r address. Obtain DNS server address automatically: Selec t this option to obtain the IP address of DNS server automatically .
Administratin g the Camera Configuring the Netw or k — Network Men u 43 Use the f ollowing IP address: Select this opt ion when you set a f ixed IP address.
Administratin g the Camera Configur ing the Networ k — Network Menu 44 Dynamic IP address notification T ab — Notifying the IP Address When Obtain an IP addr ess automati cally (DHCP) is selected in the Netw ork tab or W ireless tab, you can send notif ication of completion o f the netw ork settings using the SMTP or HTTP proto col.
Administratin g the Camera Setting the User — User Menu 45 parameter: T ype the command parameter if necessary . Y ou can use the special tags mentioned belo w for the parameters. Pro xy ser ver name When you send HTTP commands via a proxy ser ver , type the name or IP ad dress of the proxy serv er , using up to 64 characters.
Administratin g the Camera Setting the Security — Security Menu 46 Note T o output audio using the SNC audio upload tool, set A udio upload to Enable in th e Common tab of the Camera menu (page 37). Viewer mode When the user is authenticated for logging in the main vie wer , select the vie wer mode to be displayed aft er authentication.
Administratin g the Camera Saving the Camera P osition an d Action — Preset po sition Menu 47 OK/Cancel See “Button s common to e very menu” on pa ge 30. Sa ving the Camera P osition and Action — Preset position Menu When you click Pr eset position in the Administrator menu, the Preset position me nu appears.
Administratin g the Camera Saving the Camera P osition and Ac tion — Preset po sition Menu 48 Preset Configure and sa ve preset positions. No. Select a preset number from 1 to 16 from the drop-down list. Name T ype the preset position na me of the se lected preset number using up to 32 characters.
Administratin g the Camera Saving the Camera P osition an d Action — Preset po sition Menu 49 W ith this ite m, you can se lect whethe r you restar t or stop the tour after it has stopped by manual pan, tilt or zoom operatio n or by camera movement to the pres et position triggered by an alarm.
Administratin g the Camera Sending an Ima ge via E-mail — e-Ma il (SMTP) Menu 50 Sending an Image via E- mail — e-Mail (SMTP) Menu When you click SMTP in the Administrator menu, the e-Mail (SMTP) me nu appears.
Administratin g the Camera Sending an Imag e via E-mail — e-Mail (S MTP) Menu 51 Alarm sending T a b — Setting the e- mail sending mode when detecting the alarm Set to send an e-mail linked with alarm detection b y the external sensor input or by the buil t-in object detection function.
Administratin g the Camera Sending an Ima ge via E-mail — e-Ma il (SMTP) Menu 52 P eriodical sending T ab — Setting the periodical e-mai l sending mode Y ou can set to send e-mails periodically . P eriodical sending Select On when y ou want to use period ical e-mail sending.
Administratin g the Camera Sending Images to FTP Server — FTP client Menu 53 Sending Images to FTP Server — FTP c lient Menu When you click FTP client in the Administrator menu, the FTP client menu appears. Use this menu to set up for ca pturing and sending still images to an FTP serv er .
Administratin g the Camera Sending Images to FTP Ser ver — FTP client Menu 54 Suffix Select a suf fix to be added to t he fil e name. Date & time: The date & time suf fix is added to the image fil e name.
Administratin g the Camera Recording I mages in Memory — Image memo r y Menu 55 None: The name of the sent f ile will be the image file name. Date & ti me: The date & time suffix is added to the image file name.
Administratin g the Camera Recording I mages in Memor y — I mage memor y Menu 56 Selected root directory Select a memory in which you want to sav e an image. The current memory space is displayed on the right. Memory Stick: “Memory Stick” inserted into the memory stick slot of the camera.
Administratin g the Camera Recording I mages in Memory — Image memo r y Menu 57 Image file name T ype the file name you want to assign to the images to be recorded . Y ou can use up to 10 alp hanumeric characters, - (hyphen ) and _ (underscore) for naming.
Administratin g the Camera Recording I mages in Memor y — I mage memor y Menu 58 Suffix Select a suf fix to be added to t he fil e name. None: The recording f ile name will be the image f ile name. Date & time: The date & time suf fix is added to the image fil e name.
Administratin g the Camera Downloading Imag es from the Camera — FTP se rver Menu / Set ting the Alar m Outpu t — Alar m output Menu 59 Do wnloading Images fr om the Camera — FTP server Menu When you click FTP server in the Administrat or menu, the FTP server menu appears.
Administratin g the Camera Outputting Au dio Link ed to Alarm Detection — V oice alert Menu 60 Sensor input 1 Select this option when you l ink the alarm output to an external sensor tha t is connec ted to sensor input 1 of th e camera I/O port.
Administratin g the Camera Setting the Op erations f rom the Vie wer — T rigger Menu 61 Repeat Select playback repeat time from 1 to 3 . Alarm Select the alar m to be linke d with the voice al ert function. Sensor input 1: The external sensor tha t is connected to sensor input 1 of camera I/O port.
Administratin g the Camera Setting the Op erations from the Viewer — T rigger Menu 62 FTP client Checking this box allo ws you to select FTP from the trigger drop-down list in the main viewer . Y ou can send an image file to FTP server b y selecting FTP and clicking .
Administratin g the Camera Setting the Sc hedule — Sche dule Menu 63 Note The day/night fu nction is in valid whe n Day/Ni ght mode is set to Disable or Au t o in the T rigger -Day/Night menu, e ven if yo u click . V oice aler t Checking this box allo ws you to select V oice alert from the trigger drop-do wn list in the main vie wer .
Administratin g the Camera Setting the Alarm Buff er — Alar m buff er Menu 64 OK/Cancel See “Buttons co mmon to e very menu” on page 30. Setting the Alarm Buffer — Alarm b uffer Men u When you click Alarm buffer in the Administrator menu, the Alarm buf f er menu appears.
Administratin g the Camera Setting the Object Detec tion Function — Object dete ction Menu 65 Recording time Set the re cording time for the Pre-alarm image/audio and Post alarm image/audio. Pre alarm period: T ype the recording time of the image/audi o before alarm detectio n.
Administratin g the Camera Setting the Ob ject Detec tion Functi on — Object dete ction Menu 66 A car appears in the foreground. m After the detection time, the car in t he f oreground is detected as an unattended object. Removed object detection The camera first stores in memory the background image for reference.
Administratin g the Camera Setting the Object Detec tion Function — Object dete ction Menu 67 Mode setting section PTZ position Select whether object detection is performed un der the indi vidual conditions for each pre set position or al ways under the same condi tions.
Administratin g the Camera Setting the Ob ject Detec tion Functi on — Object dete ction Menu 68 Moving object det ection indicator This indicator sho ws the thre shold le vel fo r outputtin g an alarm and a graph of the motion le vel in the windo w .
Administratin g the Camera Setting the Object Detec tion Function — Object dete ction Menu 69 Note Be sure to click the OK button to conf irm the settings. The setti ng will be canc elled if you do not click the OK but t o n. 11 When Preset position is selec ted for PTZ position , perform settings for other pres et positions.
Administratin g the Camera Setting the Ob ject Detec tion Functi on — Object dete ction Menu 70 OK button Click to conf irm the settings and send the set values for the selected position to the camera. Notes • Unattended object detec tion does not op erate until the status lamp turns green.
Administratin g the Camera Setting the Object Detec tion Function — Object dete ction Menu 71 Unattended object setting T ab Use this tab to set the alarm time for una ttended object detection. Time setting Unattended object detection requires the foll owing three kinds of time setting s.
Administratin g the Camera T ransmitting with External Equipment Using the External Serial T er minal — Serial Menu 72 T ransmitting with External Equipment Using the External Serial Te r m i n a l — Serial Menu When you click Seria l in the Administra tor menu, the Serial menu is displayed.
Others Using the Supplied Setup Prog ram 73 Others This section e xplains ho w to use the application software and commands, in cl uding the supplied CD- RO M . Using the Supplied Setup Pr ogram Explains the functi ons exc ept those of the Netw ork tab in the IP Setup Program.
Others Using the Sup plied Setup Program 74 Date time T ab Y ou can set the date an d time on the camera. 1 Click the Date time tab to display the date/ time setting windo w . 2 Click to select the ca mera that you want to set the date and time for . Y ou can select multiple cameras and se t the date and time simultaneously .
Others Using the SNC aud io upload too l — T ransmitti ng A udio to Camer a 75 Using the SNC audio upload tool — T ransmitting A udio to Camera The supplied SNC audio uplo ad tool allows you to transmit sound from the computer to the camera. This section e xplains the setup and operations of the SNC audio upload tool.
Others Using the SNC audi o upload tool — T ransmit ting Audio to Camera 76 Using the SNC audio upload tool When you st art the SNC audi o upload tool, the follo wing window is di splayed. A udio upload tab Use this menu to transmit audio from the computer to the camer a.
Others Using the SNC aud io upload too l — T ransmitti ng A udio to Camer a 77 (stop) Click to stop recording or pl ayback. When you click it du ring recording, recording stops, and you can re vie w the recorded soun d or upload the recordin g to the cam era.
Others Using the SNC vid eo pla yer — Play ing Video/A udio File Recorded with Camer a 78 Codec Select the audio mode (Cod ec) from the dr op-do wn list. Pro xy Check this item whe n you use a proxy server for communications. When it is not check ed, direct communications with the camera is performed.
Others Using the SNC vid eo play er — Playing Video/Audio File Recorded wi th Camera 79 Using the SNC video pla yer 1 Start the SNC vide o player . 2 Click the (bro wse) icon.
Others Using the SNC pano rama creator — Creating a Panorama Image 80 Using the SNC panorama creator — Creating a P anorama Image The supplied SNC panorama crea tor allo ws you to create a panorama image to be displayed on the main vie wer .
Others Using the SNC pano rama creator — Creating a Panorama Image 81 File open Allows use of a Bitma p or JPEG im age file in spite of a panorama image. Note The size of the image i n th e file should be 320 × 90 pixels (horizontal /vertical). Other image sizes are not supported .
Others Using the Cust om Homepage Inst aller 82 The camera does not support us e of images that do not conform to the abov e conditions. 1 Click File open on the Main tab . The File dialo g opens. 2 Select the image you hav e prepared. 3 Select the vie w angle of the image to be created in Angle setting .
Others Using the Cust om Homepage Inst aller 83 Note If you click “Sa ve this program to disk” on the “Fi le Download” dialog, the CustomHomepageInstal ler .exe f ile will be sav ed on the computer . Double -click the save d file to start it .
Others Assigning the IP Addr ess to the Camera Us ing ARP Command s 84 Note Do not turn of f the camera until the camera is rebooted after uploading the homepage file. The follo wing page will appear after a while. After displayi ng this pa ge, the ca mera will b e adjusted and rebooted automatica lly in two minutes.
Others Using the SNMP 85 Using the SNMP This unit supp orts SNMP (Sim ple Network Management Protocol). Y ou can read MIB-2 objects and write some MIB-2 object s using softw are such as SNMP manager software.
Others Using the SNMP 86 3) sysName=<string> Set the case of “ mib-2.sys tem.sysName.0” in the <string> position. The maximum length of <string> is 255 characters. 4) enaAuthT raps=<value> Set the case v alue of “mib-2.snmp.
Others Specificat ions 87 Specifications Netw ork Protocol TCP/IP , ARP , ICMP , HTTP , FTP (server/client), SMTP (client), DHCP (client), DNS (client), NTP (client), SNMP (MIB-2), R TP/ RT C P Compression V ideo compression format JPEG/MPEG4 Audio compre ssion format G.
Others Glossary 88 Supplied accessories CD-R OM (User’ s Guide and supplied programs) (1) Upper ceiling bracket (1) Lo wer ceiling bracke t (1) Cable cov er (1) Cable co ver mounting bracket (1) Scr.
Others Glossary 89 DNS server Abbre viation for Domain Name System serv er . As an IP address required for connecti ng to the de vice on an IP network i s numerical and di f fic ult to remember , the Domain Name System was establ ished. A domain name is alphabetic and is easier to remember .
Others Glossary 90 SMTP server A serv er for sendi ng or re laying e-mail messag es between servers. SNMP A protocol fo r monitori ng and managi ng netwo rk de vices. Subnet mask 32-bit stream used to distinguish the subnet address from the IP address.
Others Inde x 91 Inde x A abandoned object detection ............ 65 Access log .............. .............. .......... 35 Acti ve .... .............. .............. ....... 67 , 69 Acti veX control .......................... .... 12 Acti veX vie wer .
Others Inde x 92 FTP client .................. .............. . 31 , 62 FTP client function ......... ................ 53 FTP client Menu .......... ................. .. 53 FTP server ................... ............. 31 , 53 FTP server function .....
Others Inde x 93 R Reboot ............ ........... ............... 34 , 74 reboot ............. .............. ............ 34 , 74 Recipient e-mail address .......... 44 , 50 recipient e-mail ad dress ........... 44 , 50 Recording capacity ......... .
White balance ....................... .......... 37 white balance .......... .............. .......... 37 W indow ............ .............. .......... 67 , 69 W ireless ..................... .............. ....... 42 wireless cards ............ ....
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sony SNC-RX550P (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sony SNC-RX550P heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sony SNC-RX550P vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sony SNC-RX550P leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sony SNC-RX550P krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sony SNC-RX550P bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sony SNC-RX550P kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sony SNC-RX550P . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.