Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product VGN-NW series van de fabrikant Sony
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N User Guide P erson al Computer VG N - N W s e r i e s.
2 nN Cont ents Before Use ................ ............. ............. ............. ............. ...... 4 Finding M ore about Your VAIO Co mputer ....... ............. 5 Ergono mic Cons ideratio ns ......................... ............. ...... 7 Getting Started .
3 nN Precauti ons .. ............. ............. ............. ................... ......... 11 1 Handling the LCD Screen ................... .................... .. 112 Using th e Power S ource ..................... ............. ......... 113 Handling Your Com puter .
4 nN Before Use > Bef ore Use Congrat ulatio ns on your pur chase o f this Sony VA IO ® comp uter, and welcome t o the on -scre en User Gu ide. S ony has combin ed lea ding- edge tech nology in audi o, vid eo, compu ting, and com munic ations to provide state-o f-the-ar t perso nal computi ng exper ience.
5 nN Before Use > Finding More about Y our V A IO Computer Finding More about Y our V AIO Computer This sect ion prov ides suppo rt in formation about y our VAIO co mputer . 1. Printed Documentation ❑ Quick Star t Guide — An overvi ew of compone nts conn ection, s et-up infor mation, etc.
6 nN Before Use > Finding More about Y our V A IO Computer 3. Suppor t W eb Sites If yo u have an y pro blem with the co mputer , you can visit the V AIO-Li nk web s ite at h ttp://www.
7 nN Before Use > Ergon omi c Considerations Ergonomic Considerations You wil l be u sing you r compu ter as a p ortab le dev ice in a variet y of en vironme nts.
8 nN Before Use > Ergon omi c Considerations ❑ Viewing angle of the computer's displa y – Use the display's tilting feature to find the best posi tion. Y ou can reduce eye strain and muscle fatigue by adjusting the tilt of the displ ay to the proper position .
9 nN Getting Started > Getting Star ted This sect ion desc ribes h ow to ge t started using your V AIO com puter. ❑ Locating Controls a nd P or ts (pag e 10) ❑ About the Indicator Lights (page .
10 nN Getting Started > Locating Controls a nd P or ts Locating Cont rols and P or ts Take a mome nt to id entify the contr ols and ports s hown on t he followi ng pag es. ! The appea rance of your comp uter may be di fferent fr om those i llustrat ed in this man ual due to variations in specif ications .
11 nN Getting Started > Locating Controls a nd P or ts F ront A Built-in micr ophon e (mona ural) B Built-in MO TION EYE camera in dicator (page 16) C Built-in MO TION EYE came ra (page 34) D WIREL.
12 nN Getting Started > Locating Controls a nd P or ts A WEB b utton (page 32 ) , (page 33) B Muting (S1) butt on (page 32) C DISPLA Y OFF bu tton (pag e 32) D Num lock indicator (pag e 16) E Caps .
13 nN Getting Started > Locating Controls a nd P or ts Right A Headp hones jack (p age 70) B Microp hone jack (pag e 83) C Hi-Spee d USB (USB 2 .0) por ts * (p age 84) D Opti cal di sc driv e (page.
14 nN Getting Started > Locating Controls a nd P or ts Left A DC IN por t (pag e 17) B Ne twor k (E th er n et) por t (page 56) C Air vent D Monitor por t (page 72 ) E HDMI out put port (page 72) F i.LINK 4- pin (S400 ) por t (pag e 86) G Hi-Spee d USB (USB 2 .
15 nN Getting Started > Locating Controls a nd P or ts Bac k/Bottom A Air vents B Batter y c onnec tor (pag e 18) C Memory module compa r t me nt co ver (page 105).
16 nN Getting Started > About the Indicator Lights About the Indicator Lights Your c omput er is eq uipped with th e followin g indi cator l ights: Indicat or Functions Po w e r 1 Ill u minates in .
17 nN Getting Started > Connecting a P ower Sour ce Connecting a P ower Source You ca n use either an AC ada pter or a recharge able ba ttery pa ck for s upplyi ng power to your c omputer. Using the A C Adapter ✍ Use only the su pplied A C adapter for your co mputer .
18 nN Getting Started > Using the Battery P ack Using the Batter y P ac k The ba ttery pac k suppl ied with y our comput er is n ot fully c harg ed at th e time of de live ry. Installing the Battery P ack To install th e battery pack 1 T urn off the c ompute r and cl ose the LC D scree n lid.
19 nN Getting Started > Using the Battery P ack 3 Slide t he batte r y pack diagonal ly into the batte r y co mpar tment until th e projec tions (2) on eit her sid e of the batt er y compar tment fit into the U- shape d cuts (3) on either side of the batt er y pack.
20 nN Getting Started > Using the Battery P ack 4 Push th e batter y pack down into th e compar tment until i t clicks into pla ce. 5 Slide t he batter y LOCK switch out ward to se cure the batter y pack on the c omputer.
21 nN Getting Started > Using the Battery P ack Charging the Batter y P ack The ba ttery pac k suppl ied with y our comput er is n ot fully c harg ed at th e time of de live ry. To charge th e battery pack 1 Install the batter y pack. 2 Connect t he com puter to a power source with the AC adapter .
22 nN Getting Started > Using the Battery P ack ✍ Keep the bat ter y pack in your comput er while it is d irectly conn ected to AC power . The batter y pack co ntinues t o charge whil e y ou are usin g the comput er .
23 nN Getting Started > Using the Battery P ack Using the Batter y Char ge Functions You ca n cust omize th e curr ent batte ry charg ing method using the Battery Charge Functions . To mak e the lif e of batt ery longer , enable th e battery care fu nction.
24 nN Getting Started > Using the Battery P ack Using the Batter y Lif e Conser ving W allpaper You ca n cons erve your batte ry life just b y settin g the s pecif ic wallp aper as your des ktop backgro und. To set t he bat tery life conservi ng wall pape r 1 Click St ar t , All Pr ograms , and V AIO Control Center .
25 nN Getting Started > Using the Battery P ack Removing t he Batter y P ack ! Y ou may lo se data if you remove t he batte ry pa ck while you r comput er is on and no t connec ted to the A C adapte r or if you remove the bat ter y pac k while the co mputer is i n Sleep mo de.
26 nN Getting Started > Shutting Down Y our Computer Safel y Shutting Down Y our Computer Saf ely To av oid lo sing uns aved data , be sure to shut do wn you r comput er prop erly, as desc ribed b elow. To shut dow n your computer 1 T urn off any per iphe rals conn ected to the comp uter .
27 nN Getting Started > Updating Y our Computer Updating Y our Computer Be sure to ins tall the l atest u pdates on your compu ter with th e followi ng sof tware appl ications so that t he com puter can run more e fficientl y. ❑ Windows Update Click St ar t , All Pr ograms , and Windo ws Update a nd then follow the on -screen instr uctions.
28 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using Y our V AIO C omputer This se ction des cribe s how to ge t the mo st out of using y our VAI O compu ter. ❑ Using the K eyboard ( page 29) ❑ Using the .
29 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the K eyboard Using the K eyboard Your k eyboar d has additiona l key s that per form mod el-spe cific ta sks . Combinations and Fun ctions with th e Fn K ey ✍ Some keyb oard funct ions can be used on ly after th e operatin g system is finish ed launch ing.
30 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the K eyboard ! While t he Quic k Web Access func tion is activa ted, only the F2 , F3 , and F4 keys are func tional . Any other fun ction keys and the Sc r Lk key are not functi onal. For i nformat ion on th e Quick Web Access fun ction, see Usin g the Quic k Web Access Fu ncti on (page 33 ) .
31 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the T ouch P ad Using the T ouch P ad You ca n poin t to, se lect, d rag, and scro ll objec ts on the scr een usin g the tou ch pad . ✍ Y ou can di sabl e/enabl e the touc h pad whil e a mouse is connect ed to your com puter .
32 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using Special-function But tons Using Special-function Buttons Your c omput er is eq uipped with spec ial b uttons to h elp y ou use sp ecifi c functi ons of the compu ter.
33 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Quic k W eb Access Function Using the Quic k Web Access Function The Q uick Web A cce ss funct ion en ables yo u imme diately to acces s the Internet wi thout laun ching the Wi ndows ope ratin g system.
34 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Built-in Camera Using the Built-in Camera Your co mputer is eq uipped wit h a bui lt-in MOT ION EYE camera.
35 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Optical Di sc Drive Using the Optical Disc Dr ive Your c omput er is eq uipped with an optical disc dr ive. Featur es and o ptions in this se ctio n may not be availa ble on your compu ter . See the speci ficat ions to find out about the confi guratio n of your co mput er .
36 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Optical Di sc Drive 3 Place a disc i n the m iddle of th e dr ive tra y with the la bel s ide facing upward and gently push it down until the disc clicks into place . ! Do not exert pressure on the drive tray .
37 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Optical Di sc Drive Suppor ted D isc Media Your com puter pl ays and r ecords CDs , DVDs, a nd Blu-ray Disc ™ media , depen ding o n the mo del you p urch ased. See the referenc e ch art below to find out which type o f optic al disc drive supports which ty pes o f media.
38 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Optical Di sc Drive ! This prod uct is design ed to play back discs that conform to the Co mpact Disc D igital Au dio stan dard specif ication s (CD Standard ).
39 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Optical Di sc Drive Notes on Using the Optical Disc Dr iv e Notes on writing data to a disc ❑ Only use c ircular di scs. Do not use dis cs in any other sha pe (star , he ar t, c ard, etc.) , as this may damage the op tical disc dri v e.
40 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Optical Di sc Drive Notes on region codes ❑ Region c ode in dicat ors are la beled on the d iscs o r packages to in dica te in wh ich reg ion and on what ty pe of pl ay er you can play the di sc.
41 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Optical Di sc Drive Pla ying Discs To pl ay a dis c 1 Inser t a disc int o the optic al disc dri v e. ! Connec t the AC adapt er to the compu ter and clo se all runni ng softw are appli cations before pla ying a disc .
42 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Memor y Stick Using the Memor y Stic k The Me mory Sti ck is a comp act, porta ble, an d versa tile IC reco rding me dia es pecia lly des igned f or exch anging and sh arin g digital data with compa tible p roducts, s uch a s digital c ameras, mobil e phone s, and othe r devic es.
43 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Memor y Stick Inser t ing and Removing a Memor y Stic k To insert a Memory Stic k 1 Loca te the M emo r y Sti ck slot. 2 Hold t he Memor y Stick with the arr ow f ac ing upward an d poin ting toward the sl ot.
44 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Memor y Stick ! Be sure to hol d the Memor y Stick with the arrow poi nting in the corre ct direct ion as you in sert it in to the slot . T o avoi d dama ging your computer or the media, do not force th e Memor y Stic k into th e slot if yo u canno t insert it smoothl y .
45 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Memor y Stick F or matting a Memory Stick To format a Memo ry Stick The Me mory St ick has been f ormatt ed in th e fact ory defau lt se tting an d is re ady for u se. If you wa nt to refor mat the me dia wi th your com puter, fol low these steps.
46 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Memor y Stick Notes on Using the Memor y Stic k ❑ Y our compu ter has been tes ted and found compati ble with Sony branded Memor y S tick with capacit y of up to 16 GB that are availabl e as of January 2009.
47 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using Other Modules / Memory Cards Using Other Modules / Memor y Cards Using the ExpressCard Module Your co mputer is eq uipped wit h an Ex press Card/34 slot * for tra nsferring data am ong di gital cameras , camco rders, mus ic players , and o ther au dio/vid eo devic es.
48 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using Other Modules / Memory Cards To insert an ExpressCard mo dule 1 Locat e the Ex pressCar d slot. 2 Careful ly slid e the Exp ressCar d mod ule in to the slo t until it clicks into plac e. Do not force it into the sl ot.
49 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using Other Modules / Memory Cards To remov e an Exp res sCard mo dule ✍ T o rem ove the Expr essCard mod ule when you r computer i s off, skip steps 1 to 4. 1 Double-click the Safely Remove Hard war e icon on the taskbar.
50 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using Other Modules / Memory Cards Using the SD Memor y Card Your co mputer is eq uipped wit h an SD memory card sl ot. Yo u can u se this slot t o transfe r data among digital c amer as, camco rders, mus ic p layers, an d other audio/v ideo d evices.
51 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using Other Modules / Memory Cards To insert an SD memory card 1 Locate th e SD memor y card slot. 2 Hold t he SD memo r y ca rd wit h the arr ow f acin g upward an d poin ting toward the sl ot. 3 Careful ly slide th e SD me mor y c ard int o the slot until it clicks into pl ace.
52 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using Other Modules / Memory Cards To remove an SD memory ca rd 1 Check that the Media Acce ss indi cator l ight is u nlit. 2 Push in the SD mem or y car d toward the comp uter and r elease. The SD memor y card ejec ts.
53 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using Other Modules / Memory Cards Notes on Using Memor y Cards Gene ral not es on us ing th e memo ry car d ❑ Be sur e to use m emor y card s that ar e comp liant with the s tandards suppo r ted by your computer.
54 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Internet Using the Inter ne t Before using th e Inter net, yo u need to sign up with an Internet Servic e Prov ider (I SP) and set up devices requir ed for connec ting you r comput er to the In ternet.
55 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Internet To connect a telephone ca ble ! The fol lowi ng proce dure a pplies t o models w ith a bui lt-i n mode m only . 1 Plug on e end of the pho ne cable (1) in to the m odem po r t on the co mputer.
56 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Network (LAN) Using the Network (LAN) You ca n conn ect your c ompute r to 1000B ASE-T /100B ASE-TX /10BASE -T type network s with an E thernet n etwork c able. Connect one end of a netwo rk ca ble (not su pplied) to the network (Etherne t) port on the comp uter an d the other end to your network .
57 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Wir eless LAN Using the Wireless LAN Using t he Wire less LA N (WLAN), a ll your di gital dev ices wi th the bui lt-in W LAN fun ction co mmunicat e free ly with e ach oth er through a networ k.
58 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Wir eless LAN The IE EE 8 02.1 1b/g st anda rd is a wi reless LAN stand ard, using the 2. 4 G Hz ba nd. The IEE E 802 .11g standa rd p rovid es hi gher-speed com muni cations than t he IEEE 80 2.11b st andar d.
59 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Wir eless LAN Communicati ng without an Access P oint (Ad-hoc) An ad- hoc net work is a ne twork in w hich a LAN is created only b y wirel ess devi ces them selv es, with no other c entral c ontr oller or ac cess po int.
60 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Wir eless LAN To commu n icate wi thout an access po int (ad-hoc) ! The IEE E 802.1 1a standar d, usi ng the 5 G Hz ban d, and th e IEEE 80 2.11n dr aft st andard , using the 2.4 G Hz or 5 GH z band, are not avai labl e on ad-hoc networks.
61 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Wir eless LAN Communicati ng with an Access P oint (Infrastructure) An infr astructur e network is a n etwork tha t extends an exist ing wired local network to wirele ss devi ces by pr ovidin g an acce ss poin t (not su pplie d).
62 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Wir eless LAN To conne ct to a wirele ss net work 1 Make sure an ac cess point is set up. See the m anual tha t came with your access point for more informa tion.
63 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Wir eless LAN Stopping Wireless LAN Commun ications To stop wireless LA N communications Click the button next to or abov e the WLAN icon in the VAIO Smart Networ k wind ow. ! T urnin g off the wi reless LAN fu nctio n while acces sing remote document s, files , or resources may resu lt in data loss.
64 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Bluetooth Function Using the Bluetooth Function The B luetooth ® fu nctio n may be avail able on y our comp uter. Featur es and o ptions in this se ctio n may not be availa ble on your compu ter . See the speci ficat ions to find out about the confi guratio n of your co mput er .
65 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Bluetooth Function ❑ All Bl uetooth devices must be cer tified to make sure t hat the a pplicable s tandard r equir ement s are ma intain ed. Even if standar ds are met , individ ual device performanc e, specific ations, and operation pr ocedure s can vary .
66 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Bluetooth Function Bluetooth Security The B luetooth wi reless technolo gy has an authent ication f unctio n, whic h allows yo u to dete rmine wi th whom y ou choos e to commun icate .
67 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Bluetooth Function Communicati ng with Another Bluetoo t h De vice You ca n conn ect your c ompute r to a Bl uetooth device s uch as another c ompute r, a mobi le phon e, a PD A, a he adset, a mouse, or a digi tal came ra withou t the us e of any c ables.
68 nN Using Y our V AIO Comput er > Using the Bluetooth Function Stopping Bluetoo th Communications To stop Blueto oth c ommun ication s 1 T ur n off the B luetoo th device that is communic ating with your compute r . 2 Click the button next to or above the Bluetooth icon in the V AIO Smar t Network window .
69 nN Using Peripheral Devices > Using P eripher al De vices You ca n add fu nctio nality to your VAIO c ompute r by usi ng the various ports on the c ompute r.
70 nN Using Peripheral Devices > Connecting External Spe ak ers or Headphones Connecting Exter nal Speak ers or Headphones You ca n conn ect exter nal sou nd outpu t devi ces (n ot sup plied), such as speak ers or he adphone s, to y our com puter .
71 nN Using Peripheral Devices > Connecting an External Display Connecting an Exter nal Displa y You can conne ct an ex ternal d isplay to your c omputer. F or exa mple, you c an use the compu ter wit h a compute r displ ay or a proj ector . Featur es and o ptions in this se ctio n may not be availa ble on your compu ter .
72 nN Using Peripheral Devices > Connecting an External Display Connecting a Computer Displa y You ca n conn ect a com puter display (monito r) to y our com puter. To connect a computer displ ay 1 If neces sar y , plug on e end o f the di splay's power cord (1) into your dis play , and the other end into a n AC outlet.
73 nN Using Peripheral Devices > Connecting an External Display ! Y our comp uter is complian t with the H DCP stand ard and ca pable of encr ypting the transm issio n chan nel of digi tal vide o s.
74 nN Using Peripheral Devices > Connecting an External Display Connecting a Multimedia Computer Disp lay You ca n conn ect a m ultim edia com puter display that in clud es built- in spea kers an d a mi crop hone to your co mputer .
75 nN Using Peripheral Devices > Connecting an External Display Connecting a TV You ca n conn ect a TV wi th an HDM I input to your comput er. To connect a TV to your comp uter ! T o hear soun d fro m the d evice co nnected to t he HD MI outp ut por t, y ou ne ed t o chan ge t he de vice f or so und output .
76 nN Using Peripheral Devices > Connecting an External Display ✍ See t he manu al th at came with your T V fo r more i nformatio n on inst allati on and use.
77 nN Using Peripheral Devices > Connecting an External Display Connecting a Projector You ca n conn ect a pro jector (fo r examp le, the So ny LCD p rojecto r) to your computer . To connect a projector 1 Connect t he power cord (1) of your proje ctor int o an AC outlet.
78 nN Using Peripheral Devices > Selecting Display Modes Selecting Displa y Modes When an externa l displ ay is connect ed, you can sel ect ei ther you r compu ter s creen or th e con nected di splay to use as the prim ary monito r.
79 nN Using Peripheral Devices > Selecting Display Modes To select a display ✍ Y ou may no t be able to di spla y the same con tents on you r computer sc reen and t he externa l displa y or projec tor at the same time , depend ing on the type of your ext erna l displa y or pro jector .
80 nN Using Peripheral Devices > Using the Multiple Monito rs Function Using the Multiple Monitors Function The M ultipl e Mon itors f unction allows you to dis tribute p ortio ns of y our desktop across sep arate di spla ys.
81 nN Using Peripheral Devices > Using the Multiple Monito rs Function To use t he Multiple M onitors fun ction ✍ Y our e x ternal d isplay may not s uppo rt the Multiple Monitors function. Certain so ftware appli cation s may not be compa tible wit h Multipl e Monito rs settings.
82 nN Using Peripheral Devices > Using the Multiple Monito rs Function ✍ Y ou can al so change t he muting (S 1) button ass ignm ent to acti vate the Mul tiple Mo nitors fun ction wit h the VAIO Cont ro l Cen ter . For detai ls on the muting (S 1) button, see Using Special-fun ction Buttons (page 32) .
83 nN Using Peripheral Devices > Connecting an External Micr ophone Connecting an Exter nal Microphone If yo u use a s ound inpu t devi ce (f or examp le, to cha t over th e Inter net), yo u need t o conn ect an ex ternal m icropho ne (not suppl ied).
84 nN Using Peripheral Devices > Connecting a USB Device Connecting a USB De vice You ca n conn ect a U nivers al Se rial Bu s (USB) devic e to yo ur comp uter, suc h as a mouse, fl oppy disk dr ive, speaker , and prin ter. To connect a USB device 1 Choose th e USB por t (1) you prefer to use.
85 nN Using Peripheral Devices > Connecting a USB Device Notes on connecting a USB de vice ❑ Y ou may need to in stall the d river software s upplie d with your USB device before use. See the manua l that ca me with th e USB device for more inform ation.
86 nN Using Peripheral Devices > Connecting an i.LINK Device Connecting an i.LIN K De vice Your co mputer is eq uipped wit h an i. LINK por t which you c an use to connec t an i.
87 nN Using Peripheral Devices > Connecting an i.LINK Device Connecting a Digital Video Camcorder To connect a digital video camcorder Plug on e end o f an i.L INK cable (1) ( not sup plied) int o the i. LINK po rt (2) on th e com puter and the othe r end into the DV In/ Out por t (3) on th e digi tal vide o camcor der.
88 nN Customizing Y our V AIO Computer > Customizing Y our V AIO Co mputer This sect ion brie fly de scrib es how to c hange the main s etting s of your VAIO c ompute r. Among other things, y ou will learn how to us e and cus tomiz e the look of your Sony s oftware an d utiliti es.
89 nN Customizing Y our V AIO Computer > Setting the Passw ord Setting the P ass word Use one of the B IOS func tions to set the password. Once you ha ve se t the pass word, you will be promp ted to en ter th e passwor d afte r the VA IO log o appears to star t your compute r.
90 nN Customizing Y our V AIO Computer > Setting the Passw ord To add t he powe r-on pa ssword (mach ine pas sword) 1 T ur n on the c ompute r . 2 Pres s the F2 ke y when th e V AIO log o appea rs. The BIOS setup s creen appea rs. If not, re star t th e comp uter and p ress the F2 key se veral times wh en the V A IO lo go appears.
91 nN Customizing Y our V AIO Computer > Setting the Passw ord To add the power-on password (use r password) ! Make sure you set the mach ine passwo rd before set ting the user pa ssword. 1 T ur n on the c ompute r . 2 Pres s the F2 ke y when th e V AIO log o appea rs.
92 nN Customizing Y our V AIO Computer > Setting the Passw ord Changing/Remo ving the P ower- on P ass word To change or remove the p ower-on password ( machine pass w ord) 1 T ur n on the c ompute r . 2 Pres s the F2 ke y when th e V AIO log o appea rs.
93 nN Customizing Y our V AIO Computer > Setting the Passw ord To change or remove the p ower-on password ( user password) 1 T ur n on the c ompute r . 2 Pres s the F2 ke y when th e V AIO log o appea rs. The BIOS setup s creen appea rs. If not, re star t th e comp uter and p ress the F2 key se veral times wh en the V A IO lo go appears.
94 nN Customizing Y our V AIO Computer > Using the V AIO Control Center Using the V AIO Control Center The VAIO Control Center utility allows y ou to a ccess sy stem informat ion an d to sp ecify pr eferenc es for s ystem be havior . To use t he VAIO Contr ol Center 1 Click St ar t , All Pr ograms , and V AIO Control Center .
95 nN Customizing Y our V AIO Computer > Us ing the Power Savin g M ode s Using the P ow er Saving Modes You can take adv antage of the power manage ment set tings to c onserve batte ry life. In add ition to the normal operati ng mode, your compu ter has two dist inct power saving modes : Sleep and Hi bernate.
96 nN Customizing Y our V AIO Computer > Us ing the Power Savin g M ode s Using Sleep M ode Sleep m ode turns off th e LCD scr een and places the built- in stor age devi ce(s) and the CP U into a low po wer consum ption mode. T he orang e power indica tor ligh t blinks slowly in this m ode.
97 nN Customizing Y our V AIO Computer > Us ing the Power Savin g M ode s If the comput er is not u sed for a cer tain pe riod of ti me, it will enter S leep m ode. To m odify thi s, yo u can ch ange the Slee p mode se ttings . To change the Sleep mode settings 1 Right-cli ck the power status icon on the ta skbar and sele ct P ower Optio ns .
98 nN Customizing Y our V AIO Computer > Us ing the Power Savin g M ode s Using Hibernate Mode In Hibe rnate mode, the state of th e syste m is s aved on the b uilt-in storag e devic e(s) and power is turne d off. Even when the battery runs o ut of pow er, no data will be l ost.
99 nN Customizing Y our V AIO Computer > Us ing the Power Savin g M ode s To retu rn to Norma l mode Press t he power butto n. The c omputer ret urns to its norma l sta te. ! If you press an d hold the po wer button f or more than fo ur seconds, your computer wil l turn off automati cally.
100 nN Customizing Y our V AIO Computer > Using the V AIO Po w er Management Using the V AIO P ow e r Management Power management helps you set up powe r plans for running on AC or batter y power to s uit your requir ements fo r power cons umpt ion.
101 nN Customizing Y our V AIO Computer > Using the V AIO Po w er Management V AIO P ow er Management Vie wer You ca n view performanc e with the powe r plan th at was modified w ith the VAIO Power Management . To start th e VAIO Power Management Viewer 1 Click St ar t , All Pr ograms , and V AIO Control Center .
102 nN Customizing Y our V AIO Computer > Configuring Y our Modem Configur ing Y our Modem Before you can star t using y our inte rnal mod em (no t all m odems ar e built- in), or each tim e you us.
103 nN Customizing Y our V AIO Computer > Configuring Y our Modem 9 Check that your mode m is lis ted on the Modems tab. If your modem is not l isted, cl ick Add and follow the wizard. 10 Click Appl y/OK . Y our mo dem is configu red. ! Before appl ying new co untr y sett ings, mak e sure your phon e cable is discon nected f rom your co mputer .
104 nN Upgrading Y our V AIO Computer > Upgrading Y our V AIO Comp uter Your V AIO co mputer and m emory m odules u se hi gh preci sion co mponen ts and electr onic con nectors tech nology.
105 nN Upgrading Y our V AIO Computer > Adding and Remo v ing Memory Adding and Removing Memor y If yo u want to expand th e func tionality of yo ur comp uter, you can i ncrease the amoun t of mem ory by insta lling opt ional memory modules .
106 nN Upgrading Y our V AIO Computer > Adding and Remo v ing Memory ❑ Do not open the mem or y mo dule package before y o u are re ady to ch ange th e module. The package prot ects the module fr om ESD . ❑ Use the s pecial bag su pplied wi th the m emor y module or wrap the mo dule i n aluminum foil to prot ect it from ES D .
107 nN Upgrading Y our V AIO Computer > Adding and Remo v ing Memory Removing and Installing a Memory Module To change or add a mem o ry mo dule 1 Shut down the c omput er and discon nect all per ipheral d evices. 2 Unplug th e comp uter and rem ov e the ba tter y pack.
108 nN Upgrading Y our V AIO Computer > Adding and Remo v ing Memory 5 T ou ch a m etal objec t to di scha rge stati c elec tric ity . 6 Remove the currentl y instal led me mor y module as follows: ❑ Pull the latch es in the dire ction of th e arrows (1) .
109 nN Upgrading Y our V AIO Computer > Adding and Remo v ing Memory 7 Remove the new memor y mod ule from its pa ckaging. 8 Slide t he memo r y mod ule into t he memo r y mod ule slot and pu sh it in u ntil i t clicks into place. ! Do not to uch any other compo nent s on the mot herbo ard.
110 nN Upgrading Y our V AIO Computer > Adding and Remo v ing Memory Viewin g the Amount of Memory To view the amount of me mory 1 T ur n on the c ompute r . 2 Click St ar t , All Pr ograms , and V AIO Control Center . 3 Click System Information an d System Information .
111 nN Precaut ions > Precautions This sect ion desc ribes s afety gui deli nes and pr ecautio ns to h elp y ou protec t your V AIO com puter fr om pote ntial dam age.
112 nN Precaut ions > Handling the LCD Screen Handling the LCD Screen ❑ Do not leave the LCD screen facing the su n. This could da mage the LCD scree n. Be careful when using your computer near a w indow . ❑ Do not sc ratch the s urface of the LCD s creen o r e xer t p ressur e on it.
113 nN Precaut ions > Usin g th e P ower Sour ce Using the P ower Source See the speci ficat ions to find out about the confi guratio n of your co mput er . ❑ Do not sh are th e AC outlet with othe r power-consum ing equ ipmen t, such as a photoc opier or a shre dder .
114 nN Precaut ions > Handling Y our Computer Handling Y our Computer ❑ Clean the cabin et with a soft cl oth, whi ch is dr y or lightly moistene d with a mild detergent solut ion. Do not use any ty pe of abrasi v e pad, s cour ing powder, or solv e nt such a s alcoho l or benzi ne, as these m ay damage the f inish of your compu ter .
115 nN Precaut ions > Handling Y our Computer ❑ Provide adequa te air circulatio n to prev ent in ter na l ov er heating . Do not place your comp uter on porous su rfaces such as rug s, blank et s, couches, or bed s, or near d raper ies that m a y block its air vents.
116 nN Precaut ions > Handling Y our Computer ❑ Do not ex er t pressure on the LCD sc reen or its edges whe n openi ng the L CD screen l id or liftin g your comput er . The L CD screen m ay be sensit ive to pressure or added stre ss, and ex er ting pressu re may damage the scree n or cau se it t o malfunc tion.
117 nN Precaut ions > Handling the Built-in Camera Handling the Bu ilt-in Camera ❑ Do not t ouch the l ens prote ction cover of the built-in c amera, as it may cause scratches on the c ov e r and such s cratches will app ear on th e captu red imag es.
118 nN Precaut ions > Handling Discs Handling Discs ❑ Finger prints and d ust on t he sur face of a disc may cause r ead erro rs. Alwa ys hold th e disc by its edg es and central hole, as shown below: ❑ Proper c are o f the disc is e ssentia l to it s con tinuous rel iabi lity .
119 nN Precaut ions > Using the Battery P ack Using the Batter y P ac k ❑ Do not leave batter y p acks in t emperature s above 60°C , s uch as i n a ca r par ked in the su n or u nder dir ect sunl ight. ❑ Batter y life is shor ter in a col d environment .
120 nN Precaut ions > Using Headphones Using Headphones ❑ Road safety – Do not use headph ones while d riv ing, c ycling, or operating any motor ized vehicle. It may creat e a traffic hazard and is illega l in som e areas. It c an also b e potent ially da ngero us to play loud mus ic whil e walking, es peciall y at pedestr ian c rossi ngs.
121 nN Precaut ions > Handling the Memory Stick Handling the Memor y Stic k ❑ Do not touc h the M emor y Stick conne ctor with your fing er or m etallic obj ects. ❑ Use only the ad hesive label suppl ied with th e Memo r y Sti ck as a labe l. ❑ Do not ben d, dro p , o r e x pose the Mem or y Stick.
122 nN Precaut ions > Handlin g the Built-in Storage Device Handling the Bu ilt-in Storage De vice The b uilt-in stora ge dev ice ( hard di sk driv e or solid stat e driv e) has a hi gh stor age density and reads o r writ es d ata in a sho rt time.
123 nN T roubleshooting > T roubleshooting This sectio n des cribes h ow to s olve c ommon problem s yo u might encoun ter when usin g you r VAIO c ompute r. Many prob lems have s imple solutio ns. T ry thes e sugges tions before c ontact ing VAIO -Link.
124 nN T roubleshooting > ❑ A udio/Video (page 164) ❑ Memory S tick (page 167) ❑ P eriphe rals (page 168).
125 nN T roubleshooting > Computer Computer What should I do if m y computer does not st ar t? ❑ Make sure your comp uter is sec urely plugged i nto a power sourc e and tu rn ed on a nd the p ower indicator l ight is l it. ❑ Make sure the b atter y pac k is ins talled proper ly a nd cha rged.
126 nN T roubleshooting > Computer What should I do if the g reen power indicator light turns on b ut my screen remains b lank? ❑ Make sure the LCD ba cklight of your comput er is tur ne d on. T o tur n on the LCD backlight, se e Using Special-func tion Buttons (page 32) .
127 nN T roubleshooting > Computer What should I do if m y computer or soft ware stops r esponding? ❑ If your comput er sto ps resp onding while a so ftware app licatio n is r unn ing, pres s the Alt + F4 ke ys to c lose the ap plica tion window .
128 nN T roubleshooting > Computer Wh y doesn't my comp uter enter Sleep or Hiber nate mode? Your co mputer may b ecome uns table if the o perating mode i s change d befor e the com puter compl etely en ters Sl eep or Hibernate mod e. To restore yo ur computer to Normal mode 1 Close al l open pr ograms.
129 nN T roubleshooting > Computer What should I do if a message appears n otifying of eit her incompatibility or t he improper installatio n of the batter y pac k and my computer then enters Hibernate mode? ❑ This pro blem could be du e to the bat ter y pack not bei ng instal led prope rly .
130 nN T roubleshooting > Computer What should I do if m y game softw are does not work or it k eeps crashing? ❑ Check the web si te of the game i f there ar e any patch es or up dates t o download. ❑ Make sure you have installed the lates t video dr iver software.
131 nN T roubleshooting > Computer Wh y doesn't my scree n tur n off after the aut omatic tur n-off time has passed? The V AIO origi nal scr een s aver di sables t he time r settin g, whic h you can sel ect usin g the W indows power op tions, for your screen t o turn off.
132 nN T roubleshooting > System Sec urity System Security How ca n I protect m y computer against security th reats, such as viruses? The Mi crosoft W indows op erating s ystem i s prein stalled on your comp uter.
133 nN T roubleshooting > Batter y Batter y How do I fi nd the battery charging status? You c a n che ck the cha rge indi cator fo r th e bat tery char ging sta tus.
134 nN T roubleshooting > Batter y Should I b e concer n ed that the inst alled batter y pac k is warm ? No, it is normal for the ba ttery pa ck to be w arm when i t is powe ring your computer .
135 nN T roubleshooting > Built-in Camera Built-in Camera Wh y does the vie wfinder sho w no images or poor-quality images? ❑ The built-in ca mera cann ot be share d by more than one sof tware appli cation . Exit the curren t appli cation before launching another .
136 nN T roubleshooting > Built-in Camera What should I do if movie pla yback sho w s dropped fr ames when my computer is r unning on the batter y? The ba ttery pac k is run ning ou t of powe r.
137 nN T roubleshooting > Internet Inter ne t What should I do if m y modem does not work? ❑ Make sure the te lepho ne cable is s ecurel y plugged into th e mode m por t on your computer and the wall jack. ❑ Make sure t he telepho ne cable is worki ng.
138 nN T roubleshooting > Internet Wh y is my modem connection slo w? Your com puter is equip ped wit h a V.9 2/V.90 compat ible m odem. Many facto rs may influ ence mode m conn ection s peed, inclu ding tele phone li ne nois e or com patibi lity with telepho ne equi pment, s uch as fax mach ines or o ther m odems.
139 nN T roubleshooting > Networki ng Networking What should I do if m y computer cannot con nect to a wireless LAN access point? ❑ Connecti on cap ability is affected by distan ce an d obstr uct ions. Y ou may need t o move y our comp uter awa y fro m obst ruct ions or clos er to any ac cess poin t you may be using.
140 nN T roubleshooting > Networki ng ❑ Make sure Maximum P erformance i s s e l e c te d fo r Wi reless Ad apter Set tings in the P ower Options wind ow .
141 nN T roubleshooting > Networki ng What should I do if I ca nnot access the I nter net? ❑ Check the ac cess po int se ttings. See th e manual t hat cam e with your access poi nt for more inform ation. ❑ Make sure your comp uter and th e acc ess point a re co nnecte d to one an other .
142 nN T roubleshooting > Networki ng How do I a v oid data transf er interr uptions? ❑ When your comp uter is connec ted to a n acces s point, d ata transfer interr upti ons may occur if a large fi le is ex c hanged or the comp uter is place d in clo se proximity t o microwav es and co rdle ss telep hones.
143 nN T roubleshooting > Networki ng How do I displa y the V AIO Smar t Netw or k window? To di splay th e VAIO Smart Network window on t he des ktop, foll ow thes e steps: 1 Click St ar t , All Pr ograms , and V AIO Control Center . 2 Click Netw ork Connections and V AIO Smart Networ k .
144 nN T roubleshooting > Bluetooth T echnolog y Bluetooth T echnolo g y What should I do if other B luetooth de vices cannot find my comput er? ❑ Make sure both devices hav e the Blueto oth function enabled. ❑ Make sure the WIRELESS s witc h is on and the WIRELESS indica tor li ght is lit on your c omput er .
145 nN T roubleshooting > Bluetooth T echnolog y What should I do if other B luetooth de vices cannot connect to my comput er? ❑ Check the sugge stion s in What should I do if I cannot find t he Bluetooth de vice I want to comm unic ate with? (pa g e 144) .
146 nN T roubleshooting > Bluetooth T echnolog y Can I use a de vice with Bluetooth t echnolog y on air planes? With Blueto oth tec hnology , your com puter transm its a radio freq uency of 2.4 GHz . Sensi tive loca tions, such as h ospita ls and airpl anes, may ha ve res trictions on use of Blue tooth dev ices to av oid radio interfer ence.
147 nN T roubleshooting > Bluetooth T echnolog y What should I do if I do not hear sound f rom my headph ones or audio/vid eo controller? Check th e SCMS -T setting s.
148 nN T roubleshooting > Optical Discs Optical Discs Wh y does my computer freeze when I tr y to read a disc? The di sc that your co mputer is tryin g to r ead may be dirty o r dam aged. Fol low the se steps : 1 Pres s the Ctrl + Alt + Delete ke ys and c lick the arrow next to the Shut down b utton and Rest ar t to r estar t the computer.
149 nN T roubleshooting > Optical Discs What should I do if I ca nnot pla y a disc properly on my computer? ❑ Make sure t he disc is inse r ted into the optic al disc dri ve with the label facing upward. ❑ Make sure t he neces sar y program(s) i s inst alled ac cordi ng to the manufacturer's in str uction s.
150 nN T roubleshooting > Optical Discs 4 Click De vic e Manager in the left pa ne. The Device Ma nager win dow appea rs with a li stin g of your compute r's hard ware devices. If an "X" or an exclamat ion point a ppear s on th e listed device, y ou may need to enable th e device or reins tall the dr iver software.
151 nN T roubleshooting > Optical Discs What should I do if I ca nnot pla y Blu-ra y Di sc media or my computer becomes unstabl e during Blu-ra y Disc play back? You may not be able t o play s ome Bl u-ray Dis c conte nts on your co mputer , or the c ompute r may be come unstab le durin g Blu-ray Disc p layba ck.
152 nN T roubleshooting > Display Displ a y Wh y did my screen go blank? ❑ Y our com puter sc reen may go blank if the comp uter loses power or enter s a power saving mo de (Slee p or Hibe r nate). If the comput er is in LCD (Vi deo) Sl eep mod e, press any k ey to br ing the c omputer back int o Nor mal mod e.
153 nN T roubleshooting > Display What should I do if I do not see proper images or videos? ❑ Be sure to sele ct Highest (32 bit) for the display color s before using vid eo/ima ge software or star ting D VD pl aybac k . Select ing any other opti on may prev ent such software from displaying ima ges s uccess fully .
154 nN T roubleshooting > Display Wh y doesn't my screen displ ay a video? ❑ If the dis play output i s dire cted t o the exter nal d isplay and the exter nal d isplay is di sconnec ted, you ca nnot di splay a video on your compute r scre en.
155 nN T roubleshooting > Display What should I do if the LCD b r ightness of m y screen changes? ❑ The LCD b rig htness setting, adjusted with th e Fn + F5 / F6 ke ys, is t emporar y an d may be restored to the or igi nal setti ng when your compute r retur ns to Nor mal m ode fr om Sleep or Hi ber nate m ode.
156 nN T roubleshooting > Display ❑ Y our com puter screen may temporar ily go blank : ❑ When you con nect or d isconne ct the A C adapter ❑ Immediate ly after you star t the computer with batte r y power To save your prefere nce for th e bri ghtness, follo w these steps: 1 Click Start a nd Control P anel .
157 nN T roubleshooting > Display What should I do if the e xter nal displa y remains b lank? If yo u cannot c hange the displ ay ou tput wit h the Fn + F7 keys, y ou nee d to ch ange th e settings fo r the e xternal display with the VAIO Control Center .
158 nN T roubleshooting > Printing Pr inting What should I do if I ca nnot print a document? ❑ Make sure your pr inter i s on, and the pr in ter cable is s ecurely conn ected to th e por ts on the pr in ter and your com puter . ❑ Make sure your pr inter i s compa tible wit h the Wind ows operating s ystem i nstalled on your comp uter .
159 nN T roubleshooting > Microp hone Microphone What should I do if m y microphone does not w ork ? ❑ If you are usin g an exter nal mi crophon e, make sure the m icropho ne is tur ne d on an d is p roperl y plu gged into t he micropho ne jack on your com puter .
160 nN T roubleshooting > Speake rs Speak e rs What should I do if I do not hear sound f rom the b uilt-in speak ers? ❑ If you are usin g a pr ogram that has its own volume c ontrol, m ake sure the volume cont rol is proper ly s et. See the program's h elp file for mor e informat ion.
161 nN T roubleshooting > T ouch P ad T ouch P ad What should I do if the t ouch pad does not wor k? ❑ Y ou may hav e d isabled the t ouch p ad before conne cting a mou se to your com puter . See Using the T ouch P ad (page 31) . ❑ Make sure that a mous e is not c onnected to your compu ter .
162 nN T roubleshooting > Ke yboard K eyboard What should I do if the k e yboard config uration is wrong? The la nguage l ayout of y our comp uter's ke yboar d is labe led on t he packag ing box . If you choose a d iffere nt region al keybo ard when yo u comp lete th e Windows setup , the key confi guration will be m ismat ched.
163 nN T roubleshooting > Floppy Disks Flopp y Di sks Wh y doesn't th e Saf ely Remov e Hardwar e icon appear on the taskbar when t he dr iv e is connected ? Your com puter does n ot recog nize the floppy disk dri ve. Fir st, mak e sure th e USB cab le is pr operly conn ected to th e USB port.
164 nN T roubleshooting > A u dio/Video A udio/Video What should I do if I cannot use my digital video camcorder? If a m essage a ppears sta ting tha t the i. LINK de vice is di sconnec ted or tu rned o ff, the i.LIN K cab le may no t be se curely plugged into th e port o n your c omputer o r camco rder.
165 nN T roubleshooting > A u dio/Video What should I do if I do not hear the sound fr om the sound output de vice connected to t he HDMI output por t, optical output por t, or headphones jac k? �.
166 nN T roubleshooting > A u dio/Video How do I output the Dolb y D igital or DTS sound thro ugh an H DMI-compati ble de vice? To outp ut the Dol by Digita l or DTS sound fr om a disc through a n HDMI-co mpatibl e devi ce conne cted to your co mputer , follo w these s teps: 1 Click St ar t and Cont rol P a nel .
167 nN T roubleshooting > Memory St ick Memor y Stic k What should I do if I cannot use a Memor y Stic k that was f or matted on a V A IO computer on other de vices? You may need to reformat y our Mem ory Sti ck. Form atting a Memor y Stick er ases all data , includin g music d ata previo usly sav ed on it.
168 nN T roubleshooting > P eripherals P er ipherals What should I do if I cannot connect a USB de vice? ❑ If applic able, check the USB device is tur ned o n and us ing its own power supply . F o r example, if you are usi ng a di gital camera, che ck if the ba tter y is char ged.
169 nN T radema rks > T r a demar ks Sony, V AIO, the VAIO l ogo, VA IO Contr ol Center , VAIO P ower Mana gement, VAIO Po wer Ma nageme nt Viewer , VAIO Update, a nd "BRAV IA" are trademar ks or registe red trad emarks of Sony C orporati on.
170 nN T radema rks > The E xpressCa rd word mark a nd log os are owned b y the P CMCIA a nd any use of such marks by Son y Corporat ion i s und er licen se. Other tr adem arks an d trade na mes are those of th eir res pectiv e owners . SD L ogo is a t radem ark.
171 nN Notice > Notice © 2009 S ony Co rporation. All ri ghts res erved. This manual an d the s oftware de scribe d herein , in who le or in part, may not be reprod uced, tra nslated, or reduced to any machin e-read able fo rm withou t prior written ap proval.
© 2009 S ony Corp oration n.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Sony VGN-NW series (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Sony VGN-NW series heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Sony VGN-NW series vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Sony VGN-NW series leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Sony VGN-NW series krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Sony VGN-NW series bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Sony VGN-NW series kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Sony VGN-NW series . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.