Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product iMN1921 van de fabrikant Baldor
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NextMove ST Motion Controller MOTIO N CONTROL Installation Manu al 2/03 M N1921.
Content s i MN1921 Contents 1 General Information 1-1 ................................. 2 Introduction 2-1 ........................................ 2.1 Next Move ST feat ures 2-1 ................................... 2.2 Receiving and ins pection 2-2 ..
ii Cont ents MN1921 5 Operation 5-1 .......................................... 5.1 I ntr oduction 5-1 ............................................ 5.1.1 Connec ting the Nex tMov e ST to the P C 5-1 ............................ 5.1.2 Installing WorkB ench v 5 5-1 .
General I nformat ion 1- 1 MN1921 L T0184A00 Copy right Baldor ( c) 2002. All rights res erv ed. This manual is c opy righted and all right s are r eser ved. This document or attac hed sof tware may not, in whole or in par t, be c opied or reproduc ed in any form w ithout the prior writ ten cons ent of B ALDO R.
1-2 General I nform ati on MN1921 Safety N otice Only qualified pers onnel s hould attempt the s tart -up proc edure or tr oubleshoot this equipment . This equipment may be c onnec ted to other machines that hav e rot ating parts or par ts that are cont rolled by t his equipment.
Int roducti on 2-1 MN 1921 2.1 NextMove ST features Nex tMov e ST is a high performanc e multi -axis intelligent c ontroller f or s tepper motors . Nex tMov e ST featur es the MintMT mot ion contr ol language. Mint MT is a s truc tur ed form of Bas ic, c us tom designed f or st epper or s erv o motion cont rol applicat ions.
2-2 I ntroduct ion MN1921 Inc luded with Nex tMov e ST is the B aldor Motion T oolk it CD . T his c ontains a number of utilit ies and usef ul resour ces to get the most from y ou MintMT c ontroller . T hese inc lude: H Mint WorkBenc h v 5 This is the us er interfac e for c ommunicating w ith the Nex tMove S T .
Int roducti on 2-3 MN 1921 2.3 Units and abbreviations The following unit s and abbrev iations may appear in this manual: V V olt ( also VAC and VDC ) ............... WW a t t .............. A Ampere ............... Ω Ohm ............... µF mic rofarad .
2-4 I ntroduct ion MN1921.
Basic I nst allat ion 3-1 MN1921 3.1 Intr oduction Y ou should read all t he sections in Basi c Insta lla tion . It is impor tant that the c orrec t s teps ar e followed w hen installing the N ext Move ST . This s ec tion des cribes the mec hanic al installat ion of the Nex tMov e ST .
3-2 Basic I nstal lati on MN1921 3.1 .2 Mounting the Ne xtMov e ST CAUTION : Before t ouching the unit be s ure to dis c harge s tatic elect ricit y fr om your body and c lothing by touc hing a grounded metal s urfac e. Alter nativ ely , wear an ear th st rap while handling the unit.
Basic I nst allat ion 3-3 MN1921 3.1. 3 Oth er req ui rements for i nstal lati on H The Nex tMov e ST requir es a pow er supply as des cr ibed in sec tion 4.
3-4 Basic I nstal lati on MN1921.
Input / Out put 4-1 MN1921 4.1 Intr oduction This sec tion des cr ibes the digit al and analog input and output c apabilities of the Nex tMov e ST . The following c onv entions w ill be us ed to refer t o the inputs and out puts: I/O Input / Out put .
4-2 Input / Out put MN1921 4.1. 1 Con nect or l ocati o ns T ightening torque for terminal block connecti ons is 0.25Nm (2.2 lb-in) Anal og Inputs Shield AIN0+ AIN0- AIN1+ AIN1- AGN D Digit al Outputs.
Input / Out put 4-3 MN1921 4.2 Power connection s The Nex tMov e ST c an acc ept AC or D C power supplies , and has c onnect ions for separ ate driv e and logic s upplies . How ever, the NextMov e ST c an operate f rom a single c ombined supply if nec ess ary.
4-4 Input / Out put MN1921 4.2. 2 Op erati on u sin g separate d rive an d l o gi c sup pl ies For improv ed nois e immunity, the ±12V and +5V s upplies us ed for t he contr ol car d and internal cir cuitr y c an be deriv ed from a s eparate logic s upply.
Input / Out put 4-5 MN1921 4.3 Ste pper output s The Nex tMov e ST prov ides three 37VD C (max ), 2A s tepper ax es driv e outputs , operat ing at 10Hz to 200k Hz . Logic lev el outputs are pr ovided to c ontrol a f ourth s tepper ax is. If requir ed, the output c urrent f or indiv idual axes c an be derated.
4-6 Input / Out put MN1921 C onnectin g a 6-w ire moto r Six -wir e unipolar motors c an be us ed with the N extMov e ST . Six -wir e motors are s imilar to eight -wire motors ex cept t he coils in eac h phase hav e a permanent c enter t ap connec tion.
Input / Out put 4-7 MN1921 C onnectin g a 8-w ire moto r Eight -wire (univ ers al) motors c an be us ed with the N extMov e ST . C onnect ions ar e show n in Figures 7 and 8. If t he motor turns in the w rong direc tion, rev ers e the c onnect ions fr om one of the phase out puts A B or C D, but not bot h.
4-8 Input / Out put MN1921 4.3. 2 Stepp er axes 0-3 lo gi c ou tp uts J3 DIR3 BOOS T3 DIR2 BOOS T2 DIR1 BOOS T1 DIR0 BOOS T0 DGND STEP3 DGND STEP2 DGND STEP1 DGND STEP0 Next Move ST STEP0 DGND ULN2003.
Input / Out put 4-9 MN1921 4.4 Analog I/O The Nex tMov e ST prov ides : H T w o 12-bit res olution analog inputs . H One 0 -1 1V analog output. 4.4 .1 Ana log input s H Differential inputs . H V oltage r ange: ±10V . H Res olution: 12 -bit with s ign (ac cur acy ±4.
4-10 Input / Out put MN1921 4.4 .2 Ana log output H Single ended output. H V oltage r ange: 0 -1 1V . H Output c urr ent: 30mA max imum. The analog output prov ides an independent opto -isolated 0 -1 1V output for c ontrolling an additional ax is or ot her ex ternal equipment.
Input / Out put 4-1 1 MN1921 4.5 Digital I/O The Nex tMov e ST prov ides : H 24 general purpos e digital inputs . H 16 general purpos e digital outputs . Note: It is rec ommended to us e s eparate s hielded cables for t he digital inputs . The shield s hould be c onnected t o the input connec tor ’s s hield pin.
4-12 Input / Out put MN1921 Using a digital input as a LIMIT or HOME input An input c an be conf igured as a Limit or H ome input for any ax is, us ing the LIMITFORWARDINPUT , LIMITREVERSEINPUT or HOMEINPUT key wor ds. T ypic ally, limit and home inputs will be grounded by nor mally c losed s w itches .
Input / Out put 4-13 MN1921 4.5. 2 Dig ital ou tp uts The digital outputs are av ailable ac ros s a r ange of connec tors , as s hown in s ection 4. 1.1. H 16 general purpos e digital outputs H Update fr equency : Immediate There are 16 gener al purpos e digital outputs , arranged in t wo groups ; DO UT0 -DO UT7 and DO UT8 -DOU T15.
4-14 Input / Out put MN1921 4.5 .3 Err or output The Nex tMov e ST c ontrol c ard has an internal er ror output c onnec ted direc tly t o the enable inputs of the ST L297 s tepper c ontroller s ( see s ec tion 4.3.1). The error output mus t therefor e be used t o enable the axes .
Input / Out put 4-15 MN1921 4.6 Other I/O 4.6. 1 RS232 serial commu ni cati on Locatio n Seria l Mating c onnector : 9 -pin female D-ty pe Pin Name Descriptio n 1 SC Shield c onnection 2 RXD Recei ve .
4-16 Input / Out put MN1921 NextMove ST (DCE) 9- -p i n Computer COM Port (DCE / DTE) RS232 RXD 2 TXD 3 GND 5 2R X D 3T X D 5G N D RTS 7 CTS 8 7R T S 8C T S COM Connect overall shiel d to connector backs hell. Figure 15 - RS232 serial port connections The maximum r ecommended c able length is 3m (10ft) at 57.
Input / Out put 4-17 MN1921 4.6. 3 CAN commu ni cati on The CA N c onnection is made us ing the RJ 45 c onnect or on the Nex tMov e ST c ontrol c ard. Locatio n Ne xtM ove ST co ntr ol ca rd Pin Name .
4-18 Input / Out put MN1921 The CA N c hannel is opto -isolated. A v oltage in the range 12 -24V must be applied to pin 5 of the CAN c onnector. An internal v oltage regulator prov ides the 5V required f or the is olated CAN cir cuit.
Input / Out put 4-19 MN1921 4.7 Connection summar y - minimum system wiring As a guide, Figure 17 s hows an ex ample of the ty pic al minimum wiring r equired to allow t he Nex tMov e ST to c ontrol a s ingle s tepper motor . The diagram s hows the logic s upply being deriv ed from the main Dr ive s upply (s ee sec tion 4.
4-20 Input / Out put MN1921.
Oper ati on 5-1 MN1921 5.1 Intr oduction The sof tware pr ovided inc ludes a number of applic ations and utilities to allow you to c onfigur e, tune and program the N ext Move ST . The Baldor Mot ion T oolkit C D c ontaining the s oftwar e can be found separ ately within the pac k aging.
5-2 Oper ation MN1921 5.1. 5 Pow er o n ch ecks If at any time the s tatus dis play s hows a digit and a flas hing dec imal point, this indic ates that the Nex tMov e ST has detec ted a fault - see s ect ion 6. 1. Turn on the Logic s upply ( if separ ate from the D riv e supply ).
Oper ati on 5-3 MN1921 5.2 W orkBench v5 WorkBenc h v5 is a fully featured applic ation for pr ogramming and controlling the Nex tMove S T . The main WorkBenc h window cont ains a menu s ys tem, the T oolbox and other toolbars . Many func tions c an be ac ces s ed from the menu or by clic king a butt on - use whichev er y ou pr efer .
5-4 Oper ation MN1921 5.2. 2 St artin g WorkBen ch v5 1. On the W indows Start menu, selec t Programs , Wo r kBen ch v5 , Wo r kBen ch v5 . WorkBenc h v 5 will s tart, and the Tip of the Day dialog w ill be display ed. Y ou can prev ent the Tip of the Day dialog appear ing next t ime by remov ing the c hec k mark nex t to Show tips at s tartup.
Oper ati on 5-5 MN1921 3. In the Selec t Cont roller dialog, go to t he drop down box near the t op and selec t the PC ser ial port to w hich the N ext Move ST is c onnec ted. If y ou are uns ure w hich PC s erial port is c onnec ted to the driv e, s elect Scan all ser ial ports .
5-6 Oper ation MN1921 5.3 Configuri ng an axi s The Nex tMov e ST is capable of cont rolling up to four s tepper ax es . This sec tion des c ribes the basic s etup for t hese ax es . Commands ty ped in the Command w indow hav e immediate effect - they do not need to be s eparately dow nloaded to the Nex tMov e ST .
Oper ati on 5-7 MN1921 5. Clic k Apply . This immediately sets the s caling fact or for the selec ted ax is, w hich w ill remain in the Nex tMov e ST until another s cale is defined or power is r emoved from the N ext Move ST .
5-8 Oper ation MN1921 5.4 S tep per axis - testing This sec tion des cr ibes the method f or tes ting a st epper ax is. T he stepper cont rol is an open loop sy s tem so no tuning is nec es sar y . 5.4 .1 T esting the output This sec tion tes ts the operation and dir ect ion of the output.
Oper ati on 5-9 MN1921 5.5 Digit al input/output configur ation The Digital I /O w indow c an be used to s etup other digital inputs and outputs . 5.5 .
5-10 Oper ation MN1921 4. Now dr ag the IN1 ic on onto the Fw d Limit icon . This will s etup IN1 as the For ward Limit input of ax is 0. 5. Clic k Apply to s end the c hanges to the N ex tMove ST . Note: If required, multiple inputs c an be c onfigured before c lic king A pply .
Oper ati on 5-1 1 MN1921 5.6 Saving setup information When power is r emoved fr om the Nex tMov e ST all data, inc luding c onfiguration par ameters , is lost. Y ou should ther efore s ave t his infor mation in a file, whic h c an be loaded when the c ard is next us ed.
5-12 Oper ation MN1921 4. On the main menu, c hoos e File , Save File . Locate a folder, enter a filename and c lic k S ave . 5.6. 1 Lo adi ng saved i nf ormati o n 1. In the T oolbox , clic k the Edit & Debug ic on. 2. On the main menu, c hoos e File , Open File.
T roubl eshooti ng 6-1 MN1921 6.1 Intr oduction This sec tion ex plains c ommon problems and their solut ions. If y ou want to k now the meaning of the LED indic ator s, s ee s ection 6.
6-2 T r oubleshoot ing MN1921 6.2 NextMove ST indicators 6.2. 1 St atus d isp lay The S t atus LE D normally display s the unit’s node number. T o display infor mation about a spec ific ax is, us e the LED k ey word ( see the MintMT help f ile). When a s pecific axis is s elec ted, the following symbols may be display ed by the S tatus LED .
T roubl eshooti ng 6-3 MN1921 Ax is dis abled. The ax is /driv e must be enabled befor e operation c an cont inue. See sec tion 5.4.1. Clic k the Dr ive enable button in W ork Benc h v5. Sus pend. T he SUSPEND command has been is sued and is ac tiv e.
6-4 T r oubleshoot ing MN1921 6.2. 3 Commu ni cati on If the problem is not lis ted below pleas e c ontact Baldor T ec hnic al Support. Symptom Check Cannot detec t N extMov e ST Chec k that the N extMov e ST is power ed. Chec k t hat the ser ial lead is w ired c orrec tly and properly connec ted.
S pecif icati ons 7-1 MN1921 7.1 Intr oduction This s ec tion prov ides t echnic al s pecific ations of the N extMov e ST . 7.1 .1 Input power De scri pti o n Va l u e Logic power Nominal s upply v ol.
7-2 S pecifi cations MN1921 7.1 .3 Ana log input s De scri pti o n Unit Val u e Ty p e Differential Common mode volta ge range VDC ±10 Input impedance k Ù 120 Input ADC r esolution bits 12 (inc ludes s ign bit) Equival ent resol ution ( ±10V input) mV ±4.
S pecif icati ons 7-3 MN1921 7.1. 6 Dig ital ou tp uts De scri pti o n Unit Val u e Load supply volt age (max imum) V 50 Output curr ent (DOUT 0-DOUT 7) Per output, one output on Per output , all outputs on mA 500 150 Output curr ent (DOUT 8-DOUT 15) Per output, one output on Per output , all outputs on mA 500 150 Up date i nterv al Immediate 7.
7-4 S pecifi cations MN1921 7.1. 9 CAN in terface De scri pti o n Unit Val u e Signal 2- wir e , iso la te d Channels 1 Protocols CA Nopen Baldor C AN ( with optional fir mware) Bit r ates Kbit/s 10, 20, 50, 100, 125, 250, 500 7.
Index MN1921 A Abbrev iations , 2-3 Analog I/O , 4 -9 analog inputs, 4 -9 analog output, 4 -10 Aux iliary enc oder , 4-12 B Bas ic Ins tallation, 3 -1 locat ion requirements , 3 -1 mounting, 3 -2 C CA.
Index MN 1921 J Jumper s ettings CAN terminat or , 4 -18 error out put, 4-14 L LED indic ators stat us dis play , 6-2 sur face mount, 6 -3 Loading sav ed informat ion, 5 -12 O Operat ion, 5-1 connec t.
Comments MN1921 If y ou have any s uggest ions for improv ements to this manual, pleas e let us k now. Write your comment s in the s pac e prov ided below , remov e this page f rom the manual and mail it to: Manuals Baldor UK Lt d Mint Motion Cent re 6 Bris tol Dis tr ibution Park Hawkley Dri v e Bristol BS32 0BF United K ingdom.
Comment s MN1921 Thank you for taking the time to help us..
P r i n t e di nU K E Baldor UK Ltd L T 0184A00 Eur ope (Southe rn) Baldor ASR AG , Switzer land T el: +41 52 647 4700 Fax: +41 52 659 2394 Eur ope Baldor ASR GmbH, Ger many T el: +49 (0) 89 905 080 F.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Baldor iMN1921 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Baldor iMN1921 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Baldor iMN1921 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Baldor iMN1921 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Baldor iMN1921 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Baldor iMN1921 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Baldor iMN1921 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Baldor iMN1921 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.