Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product TR-800 van de fabrikant Telex
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T elex Op er ating In struc tions RadioCom ™ BTR-800, TR-800, TR-825 Pro fes sional W ire less In ter com Sys tem 0891.
Thank you for choos ing RadioCom TM T elex Com mu ni ca tions would l ike to take this op por tu nity to thank y ou for choos ing the RadioCom ™ BTR-800 Pro fes sional W ire les s In ter com Sys tem.
T a ble of Con tents In tr o duc tion .......................................................................... 1 -1 Gen eral De scrip tion .......................................................................... 1 -1 Sys tem Fea tures ............
T a ble of Con tents (con tin ued) TR-800 Beltpack Op er a tion ................................................................. 7-11 Power/Lo cal Head set V ol ume .............................................................. 7-1 1 Bat tery Check .
In tro duc tion Gen eral De scrip t ion The T elex Radio Com ™ BTR-800 UHF Sy n the sized W ire less in ter com sys tems of fer the ul ti mate in re li ab le, high-perform ance, high-fideli ty full-duplex com m u ni ca ti ons.
BTR-800 Base S ta tion Con tr ols and Con nec tions - Front Pane l 1. Power switch . 2. [Menu] and [Set] but tons – Used to se lect m enus and set op tions on the LCD. 3. Backlit Gra ph ics LCD (Liq uid C rys tal Dis play). 4. [Up] and [Down] but tons – Used to se lect base sta tion op tions on the LCD.
Con tr ols and Con nec tions - Rear Pane l 1. Re ceive An tenna - Fe male “ TNC ” Con nec tor . Color band on an tenna must m atch color dot on base st a tion. 2. T rans mit Power Switch – HIGH = T rans mit ters at full power . NOR MAL = Trans mit ters 10dB be low full power .
2-3 BTR-800 Spec i fi ca tions Over all RF Fre quency Range ...................... 470 - 608 MHz, 614 - 740 MHz in 18 MHz TX a nd RX bands Power Re quire ments ....................................... 100-240 V AC, 50-60 Hz, IEC re cep ta cle T em per a ture Range .
2-4 Blank.
TR-800 Beltpack Con tr ols and Con nec tions - T op Panel Fig ure 4 TR-800 T op Panel 1. On/Off & V ol ume Con trol – T urns the beltpack power on and con trols head set vol ume.
Con tr ols and Con nec tions - Rear Panel Fig ure 5 TR-800 Rear Panel/Con nec tor /An tennas 1. [MENU] and [SET] but tons – Used to se lect menus and set op tions on the LCD. 2. LCD (Liq uid Crys tal Dis play) 3. [UP] and [DOWN] but tons – Used to se lect beltpack op - tions on the LCD.
3-3 TR-800 Spec i fi ca tions RF Fre quency Range ...................... 470 - 608 MHz, 614 - 740 MHz in 18 MHz TX a nd RX bands Power Re quire ments ........................................ 6 “AA” Cells Al ka line (NiMH o p tion al) Cur rent Draw .
3-4 Blank.
TR-825 Beltpack Con tr ols and Con nec tions - T op Panel Fig ure 7 TR-825 T op Panel 1. On/Off and V ol ume Con trol - T urns beltpack power on and con trols head set vol ume for In ter com Chan nels “A” and “B”. Ei ther knob, “A” or “B” , turns the beltpack on.
Con tr ols and Con nec tions - Rear Panel Fig ur e 8 TR-825 Rear Panel/Con nec tor/An tennas 1. [MENU] and [SET] but tons – Used to se lect menus and set op tions on the LCD. 2. LCD (Liq uid Crys tal Dis play) 3. [UP] and [DOWN] but tons – Used to se lect beltpac k op - tions on the LCD.
4-3 TR-825 Spec i fi ca tions RF Fre quency Range ...................... 470 - 608 MHz, 614 - 740 MHz in 18 MHz TX a nd RX bands Power Re quire ments ........................................ 6 “AA” Cells Al ka line (NiMH o p tion al) Cur rent Draw .
4-4 Blank.
Ini tial Equip ment Set- Up Un packing Un pack your RadioCom ™ Sys tem. Be low are the items that should com e with your ba se sta tion and ea ch belt pac k. BTR-800 TR-800, TR-825 Con tact the shi p per or your dealer im me di ately if any thing is dam aged or miss ing.
An tenna Con nec tion The base st a tion is sup plied with t wo (2) an ten nas. One 1/2-wave an tenna for T rans mit and one 1/2-wave for Re ceive. The an ten nas have TNC male con nec tors. The fre quency range of t he an ten nas should matc h the re ceiver and trans mit ter of the base sta tion.
Keep the dis tance be tween the base sta tion and the beltpacks as short as pos si ble. The g reater the dis tance, the weaker the sig nal. Make su re the “sig nal paths” be tween the base sta tion and beltpacks are un ob structed. Y ou should be able to vi s i bly lo cate the base sta tion an ten nas at all times for best per for - - mance.
Fig ur e 17 An tenna Place ment Im pr oving Re cep tion and In cr easing Range Keeping the dis tanc e from the ba se sta tion and beltpack as short, and un ob structed as pos si ble will pro duce the most re li - - able per for mance. The base st a tion is sup plied with t wo an ten nas.
Base S ta tion Set-up Lo ca tion Lo cate the base sta tion with the front and rear of the unit ac - - ces si ble so that switches may be set and con nec tions made. Place the trans mit and re ceive an ten nas on the base sta tion. Make sure t he an tenna’ s color band matc h the color dot near each an tenna.
In ter nal T rans mit Switches In ter nal to the BTR-800 are tw o trans mit switches which en - - able a user to t urn on or off the two trans mit ters in di vid u ally . See Fig ure 19 for the lo ca tion. The top cover of t he base st a - - tion m ust be re moved for ac cess.
5-7 T e l e x W T A A B O F F B A T / O M T A L K R a d i o C o m T R - 8 0 0 T M VOL SA T e l e x W T A A B O F F B A T / O M T A L K R a d i o C o m T R - 8 0 0 T M VOL SA T e l e x W T A A B O F F .
Dual Lis ten Func tion al ity The base st a tions's m ain au dio board has the op tion of plac ing ad di tion al parts to en able d ual lis ten. Dual lis ten al low s the mix ing of the in ter com chan nels. The m ix ing will oc cur lo - - cally , within t he base sta tion, and is only heard on t hat base sta tion's beltpacks .
Aux il iary In put/Out put The in put and out put 3-pin XLR aux il iary con nec tions are for sup ply ing ad di tional bal anced au dio into and re ceiv i ng bal - - anced au dio from the ba se sta tion. The out put aux il iary con - - nec tion only in ter faces to in ter com B.
S tage An nounce / Re lay Con tacts The stage an nounce out put con nec tor is where au dio ex its the base when any of the beltpacks press the [SA] but ton. The out put is bal anced au dio though a male 3-pin XLR . The stage an nounce out put level is s et at t he fac tory for 2 Vr m s typ i cal out put at rated de vi a tion into 600 Ohms.
Base S ta tion Link This RJ-45 type ja ck al lows the con nec tion of wire less talk around ( WT A ) to two base sta tions of the sam e fre quency bands. This al lows WT A on I/C chan nel A and WT A on I/C chan nel B to be the ca r ried through to the ot her base st a tion at tached to gether via this jack.
Beltpack Set-up Bat tery In stal la tion En sure that the On/Of f vol ume con trol knob is t urned off. Press down and hold down the bat tery re lease latch, sli de the bat tery pac k about 1/8 inch back, t o ward the latch, un til it stops. Th en lift bat tery pack out.
An tenna Con nec tion The beltpack co mes with two de tach able, screw-type, 1/4-wave an ten nas. T o at tach the two an ten nas, screw into t he re cep ta cles at the bot tom of the beltpack . The color dot on the screw end of the an tenna must m atch the color dot on an tenna re cep ta cle.
5-14 Blank.
Pr e-W alk- Thru Check list Fol low ing the in struc tions fully to thi s point you have suc cess - - fully com pleted the fol low ing check list: r Lo cated the base sta tion prop erly . r Con nected power to base sta tion. r Con nected the 1/2-wave an ten nas to the base sta tion.
6-2 Blank.
System Op er a tion Fr e quency Plan Over view The BTR/ TR-8XX has 36 fac tory de fined fre quency groups and 12 user -programm able fre quency groups. A Group de - - fines the two ba se sta tion trans mit fre quen cies and thus the two re ceive fre quen cies on all the beltpacks.
Base S ta tion Op er a tion Power If you have fol lowed the in struc tions in Sec tion 4, “Ini tial Equip ment Set- Up”, you should now be ready to t urn the base sta tion on. Set the ba se sta tion power switch to the on po si tion, by push - - ing the top o f the switch.
Dis play Con trast The LCD’ s (Liq uid Crys tal Dis play) con trast is set from the fac tory to a stan dard level. How ever it is pos si ble for the user to ad just the con trast if de sired. The con trast con trol is in ter - - nal to the BTR-8 00 unit near the front panel.
BTR-800 Menu S tructur e Main Scr een Flowchart The fol low ing con tains the base sta tion m enu struc ture and ref er ences the pages in w hich fur ther de tail of that menu may be found. 7-4 T elex RadioCom Operating Screen - Pg. 7-5 Power -Up Screen - Pg.
Power -Up Screen • This screen is dis played only on power up, first us e de - fault and fac tory de fault. • The 1 st up per right cor ner num ber dis plays the base’ s soft - ware re vi sion. The sin gle ver sion num ber in cre ments for changes in op er a tional soft wa re.
Gr oup / Chan nel Se lect The Group/Chan nel se lect sc reen al lows the user to change the group and se lect from a pre-deter mined num ber of chan nels on each re ceiver . • Hit [MENU] onc e to en ter the G roup / Chan nel Se lect Screen from the op er at ing screen.
Gr oup / Fr e quency Se lect The Group/Fre quency se lect screen al lows a u ser to set the group and se lect from a pre-deter mined num ber of fre quen cies on each re ceiver . Each fre quency dis played on the right half of the screen corres ponds to a chan nel num ber in the Group/Chan nel Screen.
Fr e quency Edit (User -Programmed Groups Only) This m enu only oc curs for user-program mable groups or when copy ing to a user-program able group. The Fre quency Edit screen al lows the user to se t the group trans mit fre quen cies and re ceive chan nel fre quen cies of a user-programmable group.
ClearScan ™ ClearScan ™ per forms a fre quency scan of th e fac tory-d efined and any set -up user -programm able groups in or der to find the group with the hi gh est num ber of clear re ceive chan nels. Af ter about 20-30 sec onds, the group with the high est num ber of clear re ceive chan nels will be dis played.
Spe cial Key Se quences Lock out • Press [UP]+[DOWN] for 3 se c onds to lock or un lock the base sta tion. Pressin g [MENU] will still f unc tion to view screens, but [SET] wil l no lon ger start any ed it ing. ClearScan ™ , First use, Fac tory de fault are no lon ger ac - ces si ble.
Beltpack Op er a tio n On/Off and V ol ume Con tr ol T urn the beltpack power on by ro tat ing the knob CW . Ad just the vol ume to the head set by ro tat ing the vol ume con trol as re - - quired for a com fort able lis ten ing vol ume.
TR-800 Menu S truc tur e Beltpack Menu S truc ture 7-12 [MENU] S10001 c60001 03A 01 Power -Up Screen - Pg. 7-13 Group/Channel Scr een - Pg. 7-14 GP CH [MENU] 704.200 T ransmit Screen - Pg. 7-15 TX [MENU] 566.200 R1 [MENU] 570.300 R2 Receive 1 Screen - Pg.
TR-800 Menu S truc tur e Power -Up Screens • The first s creens dis played when the beltpack is pow ered up are the soft ware and chan nel map ver sion scr eens. • The 1 st screen dis played in di cates the beltpack’s soft ware ver sion num ber .
TR-800 Menu S truc tur e Gr oup / Chan nel Scree n The Group/Chan nel screen al lows the user to change t he group and se lect from a pre-de termined num ber of trans mit chan nels. • The screen dis played af ter the beltpack pow er-up screens. • Press [SET] to edit t he chan nel num ber .
TR-800 Menu S truc tur e T rans mit Screen The T ransmit screen al lows the u ser to set the beltpack tran s - - mit fre quency . Fac tory-defined groups will al low only a set num ber of pre-defined fre quen cies to be se lected. User -programm able groups will al low the user to change the fre quency in 25kHz ste ps.
TR-800 Menu S truc tur e Re ceive 1 Screen The Receive 1 screen al lows the u ser to set the beltpack re - - ceive 1 fre quency . This cor re sponds to the base st a tion’ s trans - - mit 1 fre quency . In fac tory-defined groups re ceive 1 is not change able.
TR-800 Menu S truc tur e Re ceive 2 Screen The Re ceive 2 screen al lows the user to set the beltpack re - - ceive 2 fre quency . This cor re sponds to the base st a tion’ s trans - - mit 2 fre quency . In fac tory-defined groups re ceive 1 is not change able.
TR-800 Menu S truc tur e ClearScan ™ ClearScan TM per forms a fre quen cy scan of the fac tory-d efined and any set -up user -programm able groups in or der to find the clear est group. Af ter about 30 sec onds, the clear est group is dis played. A group is de fined by re ceive 1 and 2 fre quen cies.
TR-800 Menu S truc tur e S tage An nounce En able/Dis able • Press and hold [SET] then press t he [SA] but ton to show the SA en able/dis able screen. The cu r rent set ting of the fea ture is dis played on the LCD. • While con tin u ing to hold [SET] pr ess [SA] again t o tog - gle the dis play from ON to OFF or back.
TR-800 Menu S truc tur e Au dio Chan nel A or B Dis able/En able • Press and hold [SET] then press t he [CHAN] but ton to show the chan nel en able/dis able screen .
TR-800 Menu S truc tur e Spe cial Key Se quences Lock out • Press [UP]+[DOWN] for 3 se c onds to lock or un lock the beltpack . The words “Loc on” wi ll be dis played when the fea ture is ac ti vated, “Loc oFF ” will be dis played when the beltpack is un locked.
TR-825 Menu S truc tur e Beltpack Menu S truc ture 7-22 The fol low ing con tains the m ain beltpack m enu struc ture and ref er - - ences the pages in which fur ther de tail of t hat menu may be found. All beltpack fea tures and spe cial key se quences can on ly be done from the gr oup/channel s creen.
TR-825 Menu S truc tur e Power -Up Screens • The first s creens dis played when the beltpack is pow ered up are the soft ware and chan nel map ver sion scr eens. • The 1 st screen dis played in di cates the beltpack’s soft ware ver sion num ber .
TR-825 Menu S truc tur e Gr oup / Chan nel Scree n The Group/Chan nel screen al lows the user to change t he group and se lect from a pre-de termined num ber of trans mit chan nels. • The screen dis played af ter the beltpack powered-up screens. • Press [SET] to edit t he chan nel num ber .
TR-825 Menu S truc tur e T rans mit Screen The T rans mit screen al lows the user to set the beltpack trans - - mit fre quency . Fac tory-defined groups will al low only a set num ber of pre-defined fre quen cies to be se lected. User -programm able groups will al low the user to change the fre quency in 25kHz ste ps.
TR-825 Menu S truc tur e Re ceive 1 Screen The Re ceive 1 screen al lows the user to set the beltpack re - - ceiver 1 fre quency . This cor re sponds to the base sta tion’ s trans mit 1 fre quency . In fac tory-defined groups re ceiver 1 is not change able.
TR-825 Menu S truc tur e Re ceive 2 Screen The Re ceive 2 screen al lows the user to set the beltpack re - - ceive 2 fre quency . This cor re sponds to the base st a tion’ s trans - - mit 2 fre quency . In fac tory-defined groups re ceiver 2 is not change able.
TR-825 Menu S truc tur e Au dio Out put The Au dio Out put screen al lows the user to se t the au dio out - - put to Mono (Add) or S te reo (SEP). This op tion only ap plies to beltpac ks with 5 pin head set con nec tors. Sin gle sided 5-pin head sets will only re ceive A or B Au dio de pend ing on how the head set is wired.
TR-825 Menu S truc tur e ClearScan TM ClearScan TM per forms a fre quen cy scan of the fac tory-d efined and any set -up user -programm able groups in or der to find the clear est group. Af ter about 30 sec onds, the clear est group is dis played. A group is de fined by re ceive 1 and 2 fre quen cies.
TR-825 Menu S truc tur e S tage An nounce En able/Disable • Press and hold [SET] then press t he [SA] but ton to show the SA en able/dis able screen. The cu r rent set ting of the fea ture is dis played on the LCD dis play . • While con tin u ing to hold [SET] pr ess [SA] again t o tog - gle the dis play from ON to OFF or back.
TR-825 Menu S truc tur e W ir e less T alk Ar ound • Press and hold [SET] then press t he [ WT A ] but ton to show the WT A menu screen. The c ur rent set ting of the fea ture is dis played on the LCD dis play . The first screen to the right i s cur rently set to a de fault of “A” chan nel, nonlatching.
TR-825 Menu S truc tur e Au dio Chan nel A Options • Press and hold [SET] then hit t he [A] but ton to show the chan nel “A” menu screen. The c ur rent set ting of the but - ton is dis played on the LCD di s play; Chan nel “A” “T alk-Latchin g Off”.
TR-825 Menu S truc tur e Au dio Chan nel B Op tions • Press and hold [SET] then hit t he [B] but ton to show the chan nel “B” menu sc reen. The cur rent set ting of the but - ton is dis played on the LCD di s play; Chan nel “B” T alk-Latching Of f.
TR-825 Menu S truc tur e Spe cial Key Se quences Lock out • Press [UP]+[DOWN] for 3 se c onds to lock or un lock the beltpack . The words “Loc on” wi ll be dis played when the fea ture is ac ti vated, “Loc oFF ” will be dis played when the beltpack is un locked.
Sys tem W alk-Thru Now that you have s uc cess fully “s et-up” your T elex W ire less Inter com Sys tem and turned on any aux il iary equip ment, you are ready to test the over all per for mance by “W alking” th e T elex sys tem through t he ar eas in which yo u will be us ing it.
8-2 Blank.
T rou b le shootin g Re read the sec ti ons of this m anual to m ake sure you have com pleted sy s tem set -up prop erly . If you are un able to solve the prob lem, con tact the dealer from whom you purc hased the sys tem for as sis tance.
9-2 Blank.
T ech Tips Fr e quency In ter ac tion Un for tu natel y , ra dio fre quency (RF) chan nels can not be ran - - domly se lected for use in ra dio de vices. They must be se lected to avoid known fre quen cies in use, FCC re stric tions on the lo - - ca tion of de vices, and even in ter fer ence be tween your own RF de vices.
10-2 Blank.
Bat tery Information Im proper b at tery se lec tion, use, in stal la tion and care are the cause of nu mer ous wire less sys tem fail ures. Al ka line Bat teries: Al ka line bat ter ies such as Mallory’ s DURACELL ® or Eveready’ s EN ER GIZER ® pro vide the most re li able op er a tion in wire less trans ceiv ers.
1 1-2 Blank.
In ter com Sys tems Spec i fi ca tions 12-1 S ection 12 RTS In put Im ped anc e: ............................................................... 200 W Out put Level: ............................................. 0.775 V rms nom i nal Bridg ing Im ped ance: .
12-2 Blank.
Ac ces sories and Re place ment Parts AB-2 Bracket for 1/2 wave An tenna with 10 ft. of coax- PN 71 138000 BTR Power Cords North Amer ica ................................................. 550024013 U.K . ...............................................
13-2 Blank.
Soft war e Li cense 14-1 End-User Li cense Agree ment fo r T elex ® Soft war e IM POR T ANT - Please red t his doc u ment care fully be fore us ing this prod uct. THIS DOC U MENT ST A TES THE TERMS AND C ON DI TIONS UPON WHICH TELEX COM MU NI CA TIONS, INC.
14-2 Blank.
Certification In for ma tion 15-1 FCC LI CENSING The T elex BTR-800, TR -800, and the TR -825 T rans mit ter/Re ceiver are T ype Ac cepted un der United S tates Fed eral Com m u ni ca ti ons Com mis sion Part 74.
EU DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY We of : Telex Communications, Inc. 8601 East Cornhusker Highway Lincoln, NE 68507 - 9702, USA Declare under our sole responsibility that all essential radio test suites ha.
TELEX COM MU NI C A TIONS, INC. • 12000 Port land A ve. South, Burnsvil le, MN 55337. PN 803257-1 Rev . H MARCH 2005 Made in U.S.A..
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Telex TR-800 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Telex TR-800 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Telex TR-800 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Telex TR-800 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Telex TR-800 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Telex TR-800 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Telex TR-800 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Telex TR-800 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.