Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product OMC-70 van de fabrikant Thermo Products
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All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 1 I. SAFETY SECTION This page and the following two page s contain various warnings and c autions found througho ut this f urnace Servi ce and Install ation Manu al.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 2 : If you do not follow these instructions exactly, a fire or explosion may result causing personal injury, loss of life or property damage. : NEVER use gasoline or a mixture of oil and gasoline to start the burner or furnace.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 3 : If you suspect th ere is a problem w ith the fu rnace, the vent ing system or any other related problem, im mediately contact a qualified service agency. If a service agency is not available contact your fuel supplier.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 4 This page and the following page contain reproductions of the various warning and instruction labe ls placed on the Ther mo Pr ide Oil Furnac e. Please read and com ply with the contents of these labels .
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 5 POWER SWITCH.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 6 TABLE OF C ONTENTS SECTION B E G I N N I N G P A G E I . S A F E T Y S E C T I O N 1 I I. GENERAL I NSTRUCTIONS AND CL EARANCES 7 III. F U R N A C E S P E C IFIC A T IO N S 9 I V .
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 7 II. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS AND CLEARANCES NOTE: READ THIS SECTION BEFORE START ING INSTALLATION 1.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 8 b. Non-co mbustible mate rial: “...material that is not capable of being ignited and burned; such as mater ial consisting entir ely of, or a combination of , steel, iron, brick, concrete, slate, asbestos, glass, and plaster.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 9 III. FURNACE SP ECIFICATIONS MODEL O M C - 7 0 G M C - 8 5 HEAT I NPUT RATE (BTUH) 85,000 85,000 HEATI NG CAPACITY (BTUH) 71,000 69,700 BURNER NOZZ LE (GPH X ANGLE, HOL LOW CONE) 0.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 10 BURNER DATA OMC-70 G M C - 8 5 MANUFACTURER: R.W. BECKETT CORP. WAYNE COMBUSTION SYSTEMS MODEL: AF G P265 FEP AI R TUBE L ENGTH (IN.): 3-5/8 3-5/8 HEAD DESIGN: F-3 -------- REFRACTORY TYPE: MHC (FI BER) MHC (FI BER) OI L PUMP PRESSURE (P.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 11 IV. INSTALLATION A. ROOF JACK The roof jack assembly and accessories must be listed by a nationally recognized testing agency for the appropriate fuel.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 12 Combustible F loor Base Model: 70-BASE Figure 1A. Cottage Base Model: 01COT-BASE.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 13 Figure 1B. D. BASE INSTAL LATI ON 1. Combustible Floor Base Model: 70-B ASE Referring to Figure 1A, for applications using a combustion air channel and a supply air duct, use the base as a template to mark the floor opening locations.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 14 If the combustion air passageway cannot term inate outside of the skirting or enclosure, a permanent opening with a minimu m of 50 square inches of unobstructe d infiltration (free area) for ve ntilation air mu st be provided f or adequate combustion.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 15 IMPORTANT : Adequate combustion air m ust be provided under all circumstances.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 16 E. ALCOVE INST ALLATION I n this application, a minimum of 18 inches of clearance mu st be provided to the front of the unit. Refer to Figure 4. Alcove installations must use the No.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 17 2. The return air opening may be located in the top, the center or (ideally ) the bottom of the closet door, or side wall. : Do not obstruct any return air ope nings, including the return grille on the furnace.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 18 The preferred location of the outside combustion air intake termination (e.g. an optional stainless steel intake hood, part no.370183) is through the side of the structure, skirting or enclosure.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 19 Figure 6..
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 20 H. FUE L PI PING Sizing and inst allation of fuel li nes must be in accordance with federal, state and local regulations. 1. General Gas Piping (GMC-85) : Because of the potential of the odorant to fade, a gas leak may not be detected by smell.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 21 : The furnace and its gas valve must be disconnected from the gas supply during pressure testing of the gas supply system at pressures in excess of 1/2 PSIG (13.9 inches W.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 22 I f possible, install the tubing under the floor. Specific information on piping, fuel pump connections, lift c apabilities and tank insta llations is provided in the fue l pump manufacturer ’s instructions.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 23 Figure 7. J. ELECTRICAL WIRING All electrical wiring must be instal led in strict accordance wi th local ordinances and codes.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 24 1. Electrical Branch Supply Circuit Route all electrical wiring to the left side of the furnace.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 25 Once the furnace is installed, check the thermostat anticipator the proper nominal setting. a. Connect a multimeter, c apable of re ading milliamps (mA), in se ries with the low voltag e wires to the ther mostat.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 26 4. WIRING DIAGRAM.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 27 K. BURNER INSTALL ATION The burner mounts to the furnace on three mounting bolt studs, located on the burner mounting plate, in the lower portion of the vestibule, directly in front of the heat exchanger.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 28 8. The furnace is now ready for burner adjustm ent, refer to the foll owing “BURNER OPERATION AND ADJUSTMENT” section. L. BURNER OPERATION AND ADJUST MENT : NEVER burn garbage or refuse in the furnace.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 29 replacement parts for l ocation identi fication). After the furnace is warmed up to a steady- state condition (.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 30 The temperature rise across t he furnace heat exchanger operating at steady-state conditions (about 15 to 20 minutes) should not exceed 100°F. The normal comfort range is between 70°F to 100°F.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 31 V. DEALER MAINTE NANCE THIS SECT ION IS ONLY TO BE PERFORMED BY TRAINED, QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL, AND NOT BY T HE FURNACE OWNER. A. TROUBLESHOOTING : When testing electrical equipment, always follow standard electrical procedures and precautions.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 32 Yes Set thermostat subbase to "HEAT" Does thermostat make contact? Does a "call f or heat" initiate an ignition cycl e? No Yes Is room temperature above 90 deg.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 33 Is there c ombustion airflow to the furnace? Yes Yes Is the trans former (GMC) or oil primary control (OMC) supplying 24 VAC to the thermostat? Replace control trans former (GMC) or try resetting the oil primary control (OMC).
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 34 Is there 24 VAC across the power terminals of the ignition control module (GMC) or 120 VAC across the ignition .
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 35 After f uel v alv e opens, does the burner i gnite? For the GM C, measur e gas supply pressur e at inlet to gas val ve. Is it at l east 4.5" W .G. f or natural gas or 11" W .
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 36 Troubleshooting Complete. Does the circulating air blower tu rn off after thermostat is satisfied within 4 minu.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 37 B. CAD CELL CHECKOUT PROCEDURE: (OMC ONLY) 1. Remove cad cell lead wires, then start the burner. Shortly after burner starts, place a temporary jumper between ter minals f & f of the oil primary control.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 38 C. HEAT EXCHANGER CLEANING INSTRUCT IONS : The heat exchanger must be cleaned by a qualified service person. For oil-fired units, it is important to inspect and clean the heat exchanger once a y ear, or as necessary , to remove any build-up of soot.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 39 Figure 8. Reassemble the furnace to the original factory -built condition. Remount the burner, being certain that the air tube is properly inserted into the chamber opening.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 40 Check all flue pipes for restrictions due to soot, or carbon build-up, as well as foreign matter, or any materials, that cause the venting sy stem to restrict the proper venting of combustion products.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 41 VI. USER INFORMATION SECTION A. WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS: : If you suspect there is a problem with the furnace, pertaining to the venting system or any other related problem , imm ediately contact a qualified service agency.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 42 B. COMP ONENT LOCATIONS The following diagram shows a ty pical furnace installation and typical position of the components referenced in these instructions. Figure 9.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 43 2. EXTERI OR OF FURNACES: The furnace ex terior should be inspected for signs of excessive heat such as discoloration of materials or damage from rust or corrosion.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 44 APPENDIX A. REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST.
All installations and ser vices m ust be perform ed by qualified se rvice per sonnel. 45.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Thermo Products OMC-70 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Thermo Products OMC-70 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Thermo Products OMC-70 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Thermo Products OMC-70 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Thermo Products OMC-70 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Thermo Products OMC-70 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Thermo Products OMC-70 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Thermo Products OMC-70 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.