Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product TX80 van de fabrikant Toshiba
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1 Congratulations on choosing the T oshiba TX80. Thank you for choo sing the T oshi ba TX80 m obile ph one, whic h inco rporate s 3G techno logy , al so known a s UMTS. T o shiba TX 80 brings t ogether the mobile phone and a music p layer in one packa ge.
3 4. LIMITED WARRANTY . Only dur ing the wa rranty pe riod for the Phon e, T oshi ba, T oshi ba s affil iate, its suppliers or it s authori zed ser vice compa ny will rep air or re place, at T osh iba s sole discretion, defective Software unless such defect results from acts or phenom enon b eyond the rea sonable c ontro l of To s h i b a .
4 License d by QUALCOMM Incorporate d under one or mor e the follow ing Unite d States Patents a nd/or their counte rparts in other nations : 4,901,307 5,504,773 5,109,390 5,535,239 5,267,262 5,600,75.
5 Copyright © 1998-2003 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved. Copyright © 1995-1998 Eric Young (eay@cr All r ights r eser ved. THIS SOF TWARE I S PROVIDED BY THE O penSSL PROJECT AN.
7 Car e and M ainte nanc e If yo u maint ain your phone an d all t he part s and acce ssories suppli ed with the or iginal box , ( Phone ), in good c onditi on, the quality o f your Phone us age as w ell as Ph one life spa n will be g reatly e nhanced .
8 Information to U ser This equipmen t has been tested a nd found t o comply with the limits of a Class B dig ital device, pursua nt to Part 15 of the FCC Ru les. Thes e limit s are des igned t o prov ide reas onable p rotect ion ag ainst harmfu l interferen ce in a res identi al installa tion.
9 Introduc tion ........................................................................... 1 Safety Instructio ns .................................................................. 7 Contents ..........................................................
10 5 Message ............................................................................ 77 Messa ging C apa bilitie s ......................................................... 78 Creatin g & Sending an MMS Messa ge...............................
11 11 A ppendix ......................................................................... 125 T r oubleshooting.................................................................. 126 Specifica tions .....................................................
12 Y our box contai ns the fo llowing i tems: ◆ Phone ◆ Batter y Pack ◆ Batter y Cover ◆ AC Adap ter ◆ USB Cable for PC Co nnection ◆ CD-RO M ◆ User Guide Symbols This manual use s the fol lowing symbol. indicates to use G to select an item and press @ or J (Select) to confirm the selection.
1 Basic Operations This chapter explains the basic operations and functions of your phone. In This Chapter ❍ Pa rt s & F un c t i on s ❍ Indic a tors ❍ SIM Car d ❍ Codes ❍ Eme rgency C a.
14 Basic Operations P arts & Functions 18 30 19 22 23 24 21 20 25 26 27 29 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 10 9.
Basic Operations 15 1: Earpiece 2: Main Display 3: Navigation Key E : M o ves the cursor up, do wn, left or right. Press A to access shor t cuts (page 103). Centre Key @ : Con firms sel ections a nd perf orms sel ected oper ations. Di splays the main me nu.
16 Basic Operations Using the Remote Control Keys (Optional Accessory) Y ou ca n use th e remote control k eys for op erati ons such as maki ng calls and playing music (pages 52, 54, 107). 1: Send/End K ey: Makes and answers calls. Ends calls. 2: Play/Pause Key 3: Hold Switch: Disabl es the rem ote cont rol keys.
Basic Operations 17 Main Display The foll owing in dicators appe ar on the m ain disp lay . //// : Indic ates the s ignal st rength is at one of five level s. : Indicates Flight mode (page 105) is set to On . : Indi cates data is being s ynchro nised w ith an externa l devic e.
18 Basic Operations (Phone Lock): In dicates the phon e lock ( page 10 8) is s et. : Ind icates t he alar m (page 1 16) is se t. // : Indicates b oth Silent a nd Vibra tion are se t or either Silent or Vibration is set (pages 101, 102). : Indicates a missed call.
Basic Operations 19 Information Prompt This feature not ifies yo u of misse d calls, u nread mess ages or o ther unco nfirme d infor mati on. If yo u have uncon firme d inf ormatio n, the inform ation pr ompt ap pears in standb y mode . While the inf ormatio n prom pt is display ed, sel ect the ite m you w ant to conf irm and pr ess J (Select) .
20 Basic Operations Inserting & Removing the SIM Card Before inser ting or removing the SI M card, remov e the batter y pack. For details on removing the batte ry pack, see page 22. Make sure the power is turn ed off bef ore remov ing the SI M card.
Basic Operations 21 Codes Y our security cod e, centre access code an d call barring ser vice code are re quired f or using yo ur phone. Securi ty Code Y our security code i s 0000 or the four -d igit numb er you sel ected when yo u conclu ded your co ntract.
22 Basic Operations Before us ing your phone for the first time, ch arge the batte ry . Make sure the power is turned off before removing the batte ry pack. Inserting & Removing the Batter y Pack 1. Slide t he battery c over by pres sing the notch with your finge rtip.
Basic Operations 23 Charging the Battery Pack 1. Open t he cover of the ca ble and ph one char ging term inal and insert th e connecto r of the AC adapter . 2. Insert th e plug of the AC adapter into an AC outlet. The chargi ng indi cato r light s up a nd charg ing begins .
24 Basic Operations About the Memory Card Y ou can save pic tures tak en and v ideos reco rded with th e camera of your pho ne and v arious do wnload ed data to the memo ry card . ◆ This manual refer s to the microSD memory card as the memory ca rd.
Basic Operations 25 T urning On the P ower 1. Press and hold O . The sta ndby scree n appears on the mai n displa y . If th e PIN code request ( page 108) is set to On , enter your PIN code af ter you pr ess and hol d O . T urning Off the P ower 1. In st andby mode , press and hold O .
26 Basic Operations 1. In st andby mode , press @ . The mai n menu ap pears. 2. Use E to select an icon and press J (Select) to d isplay the menu of th e function. ◆ Game&Application: All ows you to d ownload an d use games, screensavers a nd other Java app lications ( page 90) .
Basic Operations 27 ◆ Camera: Al lows you t o take pic tures and re cord video s (pag e 67). ◆ Gallery: Allow s you to c heck the pi ctures y ou took, videos you reco rded an d othe r data stor ed in da ta folder s (page 93). ◆ Media Player: Allow s you to pl ay music and vid eo files, a s well as stre am play back (pag e 50).
28 Basic Operations Making an International Call 1. In st andby mode , press and hold 0 . + appea rs. 2. Enter t he count r y code , area co de and ot her part y s phon e number . If th e other p arty s phone n umber begi ns with 0 , omit t he first 0.
Basic Operations 29 Rejecting a Call Y ou can manually r eject an incomi ng call. T o automa tically re ject calls from spe cific phone numbers, add the ph one numb ers to the Rejection list (page 108).
30 Basic Operations Other Operations during a Call Y ou can perfor m the foll owing oper ations if you press J (Options) during a call. ◆ Hold: Places th e call on hold . ◆ Mute My Voice: Mutes the ou tgoing sound . ◆ Mute All: Mutes b oth the ou tgoing a nd incom ing sound.
Basic Operations 31 For deta ils on ser vices, co ntact your ser vice provider . V oicemail Ser vice If you are una ble to answer a call because, f or ins tance, yo ur pho ne is out of ran ge or a call is in progres s, the calle r can leav e a messag e (voi cemail ) at the V oicema il Centr e.
32 Basic Operations Call Divert Ser vice This service al lows you t o divert calls yo u are unab le to an swer to a pres et phone num ber . Starting the Call Diver t Se rvice 1. In st andby mode , press @ . The mai n menu appe ars. 2. Settings Call Settings Call Diverting 3.
Basic Operations 33 Stopping the Call Dive rt Ser vice 1. After Step 2 of Starting the Call Divert Ser vice (pag e 32), select Deac tiv ate A ll and press J (R equ est). After a n etwork connectio n is establish ed, the settings com plete scree n appe ars and al l call dive rt ser vices ar e stopped.
34 Basic Operations Using the Call W aiting Service 1. The cal l waiti ng tone is he ard dur ing a call . 2. Press J (Op tions). 3. Select Answer and pre ss J (Select). The or iginal call er is pla ced on ho ld and a connectio n is establi shed with the secon d caller .
Basic Operations 35 Caller ID Ser vice This serv ice allows you to set whether to notify the other party of your phone number whe n you make a call. 1. Befo re the ph one numb er , di al *31# if you want to notify the othe r party of your phon e number and dial #31# if you do not wan t to notify the ot her party of your phone n umber .
36 Basic Operations ◆ abc/Abc/ABC (Multi T ap mode): Allo ws you to dir ectly enter let ters of th e alphabe t. Each p ress of a digit key switche s the letter to the ne xt letter assigned to that key . Se lect abc for al l lowercas e chara cters, Abc for initial ca ps and ABC for all upperc ase char acters.
Basic Operations 37 Entering Simplified Chinese in T9 PinY in Mode Y ou ca n enter si mplifi ed Chines e char acters by enterin g alphabe tical Piny in codes . T o en ter a Piny in code, yo u only nee d to pre ss, one tim e each, the dig it keys to whi ch the letters of th e alphabet yo u want to enter ar e assigned .
38 Basic Operations Entering Characters in Multi T ap Mode In Mul ti T ap mode, you can en ter a le tter of t he alpha bet by pre ssing the digit ke y assigned to the lette r as many times as necessar y to display the le tter . 1. In a cha racter in put screen , switch to Multi T ap mod e (page 36 ).
Basic Operations 39 Setting the Input Language The la nguage d isplayed in chara cter in put scre ens is the display langu age set fo r the lang uage sett ing (pa ge 103). Y ou can al so chang e the in put langu age temp orarily d uring c haracte r input.
40 Basic Operations ◆ Settings : Allows you to a dd an entr y to the Speed Calling list, set the sto rage pl ace of th e Contac ts lis t and set the scro ll speed for the Conta cts list screen. ◆ Memory Status: Dis plays th e number of Contacts li st entries in each of y our phon e, SIM card and memor y card.
Basic Operations 41 ◆ Postcode: Al lows you to enter a postcode. ◆ Job Tit le: Allow s you to enter a job title. ◆ Com pany : Allow s you to enter a company name. ◆ Birthday: Allow s you to enter a birthday . ◆ URL: Allows you to enter a URL.
42 Basic Operations Editing Categories Y our p hone ha s pres et cate gori es. In ad dition , you c an set y our own categor ies. Y ou can e dit and set the o ptions of ca tegories. For each categor y , you can set the incomin g external lig ht, ringtone volu me, ringt one patte rn and v ibration.
Basic Operations 43 Setting Groups Y ou ca n set the groups (br oadcast l ists) t o use for M MS addres ses. Ther e are five groups a nd you can add up to ten member s to each grou p. For det ails on using the Grou p list, see Cre ating & Se nding an MMS Me ssage (page 7 9).
44 Basic Operations Renaming & Resetting a Group 1. After Step 2 of Adding a New Me mber to a Group (pag e 43), select a group, press J (O ptions ) and per form one o f the foll owing oper ations . ◆ Rename: Allows you to ren ame the gr oup.
Basic Operations 45 Using Speed Ca lling to Make Calls 1. In st andby mode , enter t he speed c alling nu mber of th e phone number y ou want t o call. 2. Press N . Editing Contacts List Entries Y ou can edit and de lete entrie s in the Co ntacts lis t individu ally .
46 Basic Operations Options A vailable from the Contacts List Y ou can perfor m the foll owing oper ations if you press J (Options) from the Co ntacts list. ◆ Vie w: Displ ays th e deta ils s creen fo r one e ntry . ◆ Search by: Allo ws you to search fo r an entry in the Contac ts list.
Basic Operations 47 Owner Information Y ou can d isplay an d edit ow ner info rmation such as the p hone numbe r and em ail addres s of yo ur phon e. 1. In st andby mode , press @ . The mai n menu appe ars. 2. Call Manager My Details 3. Press J (Op tions).
48 Basic Operations.
2 Media Player Media Player allows you to play music and video files. In This Chapter ❍ Media Player Menu ❍ Playback Scre en of Media Player ❍ Playin g Music & Vi deos ❍ Usin g Musi c Pla .
50 Media Player In s tandby mo de, you c an disp lay the Me dia Play er menu if you pr ess H . The Med ia Player m enu has th ree tabs ( sub men us). T o s witch between the ta bs, press F . Music T ab ◆ More Music: Starts th e browser an d connec ts to a downl oad site.
Media Player 51 Playable Music Files Y ou can play the following mu sic files. However , some music fi les may not be ab le to be playe d. Also, the T oshiba TX80 cannot p lay variab le bit ra te (VBR) enco ded musi c files oth er than a t the suppo rted bi t rate (kb ps).
52 Media Player 1. In st andby mode , press H . The Medi a Player menu appe ars. 2. Use F to switch to th e Music tab or Video tab, select Playlists , Music Library , My So unds , My Video or Recent and pr ess J (Select). 3. Selec t a playli st or a file wi thin a fold er and pr ess @ .
Media Player 53 Switching to B ackground Playb ack Y ou c an swi tch to ba ckg round p layba ck in or der to use ot her functions if you press H while a track i s playi ng/pause d.
54 Media Player Starting Music Player 1. Close your phon e while a music fi le is b eing play ed on Medi a Play er . Operations while a T r ack is Playing (Play bac k Screen is Displayed) T o adjust the playback volume: Press side keys ( P , Q ) or remote control ke y .
Media Player 55 Switching Play Modes Y ou ca n switch the play mode in seq uence ea ch time yo u press an d hold W w hile a track is pl aying or pau sed.
56 Media Player Using Music T ra nsfer Mode to Connect to a PC T o tr ansfer music files fro m a PC to your pho ne, you need to use music transfer m ode to establis h a connection b etween the PC and your ph one. 1. End a ll function s, displa y the st andby s creen an d use the USB cable to connect your phon e to the PC.
Media Player 57 Updating Music File Information Y ou ca n update th e file m anagement i nformatio n of musi c files transferr ed from a PC. 1. Displa y the Mu sic tab (page 50) of the Media Player menu, se lect Musi c Libr ary and press J (Se lect). 2.
58 Media Player Editing a Playlist Y ou ca n add new t racks to a playli st you hav e alread y created, as well as cha nge the pla yback or der and del ete trac ks. 1. In St ep 2 of Creati ng a Pl aylis t (p age 57), se lect the pla ylist yo u want t o edit a nd press J (Options ).
Media Player 59 Other Operations Y ou ca n perform va rious ope rations i f you pre ss J (Opt ions) w hile a playli st or file list is display ed or a file i s playing /paused . Media Player Settings 1. In st andby mode , press @ . The mai n menu appe ars.
60 Media Player.
3 V ideo T elephon y Vide o C alling allows both you and the other party to see each o t her’ s image during the call. In This Chapter ❍ V ideo Calling ❍ Making a V ideo Call ❍ Answer ing a Vi.
62 Video Teleph ony Video C alling all ows two pa rties with Vid eo Callin g compa tible phon es to see each other s im age durin g the call. Indicators The fo llowin g indicato rs appear during v ideo call s.
Video Telephony 63 When a v ideo call i s received, the rington e plays, th e external l ight flash es and t he Video C all scre en appe ars on the main dis play . 1. Press N wh en a vi deo call is rece ived. The sound automatica lly switches fro m the earpiece to the speake r , th us enablin g you to begi n a handsf ree call .
64 Video Teleph ony Adjusting the S peaker V olume Y ou ca n adjust t he speak er volume during a ca ll. 1. Press the side key ( P or Q ) duri ng a cal l. 2. Use G or side keys ( P an d Q ) to adjust the vol ume. T urning O n/Off the Outgoing V oice Y ou can tu rn on/off the ou tgoing voice d uring a call .
Video Telephony 65 Y ou can set the outgoing video, au to answer , backlight, ho ld guidance and ap pearance ch eck settin gs for Video Calling . 1. In st andby mode , press @ .
66 Video Teleph ony.
4 Camera/V ideo Camera Y ou can use the c amera to take pictu res and rec o rd video s, and attach them to messages. Y ou can also edit and u se pictures as wa llpaper , etc.
68 Camera/Video Camera Y ou can use the camera to take pictures and record vid eos. Mode s for T aki ng Pic tures ◆ Landscape Mod e: Allows you to ta ke high -qualit y pictu res at W640 × H480 or larger size. ◆ Portrait Mode: Allows you to take pictures a t W240 × H320 size or smaller fo r use as w allpap er , etc.
Camera/Video Cam era 69 Camera Indicat ors V ideo Camera Indicators Camera & V ideo Camera Indicators Camera Mode Lands cape Mode Portrait M ode Sub Camera On Multi Shots Hig h Speed Norm al Speed.
70 Camera/Video Camera Ther e are tw o modes fo r takin g pictur es: Land scape mod e and Portr ait mode (page 68). Y ou can als o edit t he pictur es you tak e and set them for C ontacts list entries. 1. In st andby mode , press L or the side key ( R ).
Camera/Video Cam era 71 Preview Screen O ptions Y ou can perfor m the foll owing oper ations if you press J (Options) from the preview screen. ◆ T o Monitor Sc reen: T akes you back to the camera m onitor screen. ◆ Send: All ows you to use th e MMS an d infrared functio ns to send a pictur e.
72 Camera/Video Camera Monitor Screen Opt ions Y ou can perfor m the foll owing oper ations if you press J (Options) from the mo nitor screen. ◆ Record Mode: Allows you to change the re cord mode (size). ◆ My Videos: Al lows you to see t he video s you re corded previo usly.
Camera/Video Cam era 73 Settings for T aking Pictures 1. In st andby mode , press @ . The mai n menu appe ars. 2. Camera Se ttings Camera Setting s ◆ Picture Set tings: Allo ws you to set the pi cture qua lity , pi cture size, pi cture effec ts, date sta mp or wheth er to show a preview after you take a picture.
74 Camera/Video Camera Settings for Pictures & Videos Y ou ca n set the followin g items i f you pres s J (Options) from the monit or scree n for pict ures/vid eos and se lect Advan ced . ◆ Delay Timer: Allows you to ta ke a picture or star t recording aft er a spe cified t ime elap ses.
Camera/Video Cam era 75 Shortcut Key Assignment The foll owing ke ypad sho rtcuts are a vailab le while you are takin g pictur es and r ecordin g videos.
76 Camera/Video Camera.
5 Message Message allows you to send and receive text me ssages, pictures, sounds, vObjects and other data. In This Chapter ❍ Messaging Ca pabilities ❍ Crea ting & Sendi ng an M MS Me ssage .
78 Message Via the Se rvic e Centre, y ou can exch ange text m essage s, pictures, soun ds, vObjec ts and othe r data wi th oth er phones o r PCs and o ther devices co nnected t o the Inter net. For d etails on th e messagi ng serv ice, contact y our serv ice provid er .
Message 79 The Mu ltimedia Messag ing Ser vice (M MS) allow s you to exchang e multi media m essages containi ng data s uch as text, p icture s, sounds, anima tions an d video clips . For detai ls on MMS , contact your servi ce provider . Y ou ca n send a mes sage up to 3 00 KB incl uding body text an d attachm ent files.
80 Message Managing Pages Y ou ca n add, dele te and re place page s. Y ou can s et up to 20 pages for each message. 1. From t he Crea te MMS Messa ge scr een (page 7 9), press J (Options). 2. Select Add P ag e and pr ess J (Select). A page i s added.
Message 81 The Shor t Message Ser vice (SMS ) allows you to exchange text messa ges with oth er phon es. For deta ils on SMS , contac t your serv ice provide r . 1. In st andby mode , press J ( ). The Mess age menu appe ars. 2. Create Message SMS The Crea te Messa ge scree n appears .
82 Message When a messa ge is re ceived in stand by mo de, you are notif ied by the ringtone a nd vibration. At the top of the di splay , the indicator appear s for an MMS messa ge and th e in dicator ap pears f or an SMS message. Received messages are saved to Inbox.
Message 83 Inbox Operations Y ou ca n perfor m various o peration s such as replying to, forwar ding or deletin g a received messag e or savi ng a rece ived mes sage to T emplates if you press J (Opti ons) from the Inbox l ist or a me ssage.
84 Message Sent Messages Operations Y ou can pe rform vario us operat ions such as re sending to, forward ing or deleti ng a sent me ssage or sa ving a sent m essage to T empla tes if you press J ( Options) from the Sent Messages list or a message. Common Settings Y ou can set various settings common to MMS and SMS.
Message 85 eac h of the set tings, you can sele ct Immedia te , Deferred or Always Ask . Auto-extract File: Allows you to set w hether to automaticall y display/p lay picture and so und files attached to messages. Reply for Delivery: Allows y ou to set whether to reply to reque sts for de livery confi rmation.
86 Message Using an SMS/MMS T emplate to Crea te a Message T emplate s allow you to enter messages easily . 1. In st andby mode , press J ( ). The Mess age menu appe ars. 2. T emp lates SMS T emp lates or MMS T emplates 3. Selec t a templa te and pres s @ .
6 Browser Y ou can browse information or download pictures, melodies and ap plications. In This Chapter ❍ Accessing Browser ❍ Bookmarks ❍ Other Ope rations ❍ Game & Application.
88 Browser 1. In st andby mode , press @ . The mai n menu appe ars. 2. Select Browser and pr ess J (Se lect). ◆ Homepage: Displa ys the home page. ◆ Enter URL: All ows you to ac cess a W eb page by di rectly entering th e address. ◆ Bookmarks: Allows you to bookma rk your f avourite Web pages and access bookmarked Web pages (page 89).
Browser 89 Key Assignments for Browsing the Web The fo llowin g shows the key assign ments for browsing t he Web . J : Selects an item or display s the Option s menu. K : T akes y ou back to the prev ious screen. @ : Selects an ite m. G : Scrolls up or down.
90 Browser Y ou ca n perform va rious ope rations su ch as movi ng to anot her page or clearing th e cache if you press J (Options) while a W eb page is disp layed. Using Files in Web P ages Y ou ca n perform va rious ope rations s uch as savi ng and di splaying/ playi ng pictu re and anima tion fil es in W eb pages.
Browser 91 Downloading Java™ Applications 1. In st andby mode , press @ . The mai n menu appe ars. 2. Game&Application Ap plications More Games A conf irmati on screen appear s. 3. Press J (Y es). An app licatio n downl oad site appears . 4. Select the Java appli cation y ou want t o downlo ad and pre ss @ .
92 Browser Java™ Application Settings 1. In st andby mode , press @ . The mai n menu appe ars. 2. Game&Application S ettings ◆ Prior ity Sett ing s: Allo ws you to se t the prior ity for when the re is an incomin g call, incom ing mess age or alarm while a Java applica tion is ru nning.
7 Galler y The data you save in your phone is stored in Gallery . Y ou can move the data stored in the folders of Gallery and edit it for use with other functions.
94 Gallery Galler y of y our phon e conta ins folde rs for s toring fi les. Y ou c an cre ate your ow n folde rs (per sonal fo lders). Gallery c an store a total combination of approximately 500 files and per so nal folders. Y ou can also use Gall ery of the m emory card ( page 24) .
Gallery 95 vObject is a collectiv e name for file form ats that en able yo ur phon e and ot her vObje ct compati ble phone s, PCs and o ther devi ces to exchan ge and mut ually u se data such as Contacts list entrie s and Cale ndar da ta. ◆ vObject com patible software is r equired to u se the da ta of vObjects on a PC or other device .
96 Gallery Y ou c an check and edi t pict ures and other d ata saved t o the memory card. Y ou c an also sa ve a bac kup of Gal lery , C ontacts li st and othe r data in yo ur phone to the me mory ca rd. Form atting the Memory Card Y ou ca n use you r phone to format th e memory c ard.
Gallery 97 8. Select T o Phone Memor y , To S I M or T o Memor y Card an d press J (Select). Moving SMS Messages Y ou can move messages in the Inbox (page 82) and Sent Messa ges (page 8 3) of your p hone and m essag es in your SIM card.
98 Gallery.
8 Settings Y ou can make various settings to personalise your phone. In This Chapter ❍ Display Settings ❍ Phone Profiles ❍ Langua ge Setting ❍ Shortcut F unction ❍ Externa l Light Settings .
100 Settings Setting the Main Display 1. In st andby mode , press @ . The mai n menu appe ars. 2. Settings Display Settings ◆ Wallpaper: Allows y ou to se t a pictu re prei nstal led in yo ur phone o r taken with th e camera as the wa llpaper fo r standb y mode .
Settings 101 This feature a llows you to chan ge the sou nd and vib ration t o match your s urrou nding co nditio ns. Y o ur phon e has fo ur prese t profi les. You can c hange the s ound and vibrati on setting s of eac h profil e. ◆ Normal: Profil e for ordi nary use.
102 Settings P ersonalis ing Profiles Y ou can perso nalise pr ofiles. Th e items you can p ersonali se var y depend ing on th e profile . 1. In st andby mode , press @ . The mai n menu appe ars. 2. Settings Phone Profiles 3. Select the profile you wa nt to set and press J (Op tio ns) .
Settings 103 Y ou ca n change th e display l anguage. 1. In st andby mode , press @ . The mai n menu appe ars. 2. Settings Phone Sett ings Lan guage 3.
104 Settings Setting the Shortcut Key Function 1. In st andby mode , press @ . The mai n menu appe ars. 2. Settings Phone Settings Shortcuts ◆ Side U p Key : Allows you to change the fu nction accessed when yo u press and hold th e side key ( P ) i n standby mode .
Settings 105 Y ou ca n use Flig ht mode t o block s ignal r eception and tran smission without tur ning off t he power . Flight mode disab les the use o f network service s for maki ng and rec eiving ca lls, s ending an d receiv ing messages, etc. 1. In st andby mode , press @ .
106 Settings Setting the Auto Answer Y ou can an swer a call without h aving to pres s a key wh ile the ster eo hands free head set is co nnected. Y ou can als o change t he leng th of time bef ore a call is answered . When Auto Answer is set, the au to answer tone plays regardless of the setting for the p hone profil e (pag e 101).
Settings 107 Simpl y press ing the send/en d key ( ) of the ster eo hand sfree headset a llows you to dial a pr eset phon e number or answer a call with out ev en openin g your p hone. 1. Open the earphone micropho ne jack c over . 2. Inse rt the plug of th e stereo handsfre e headset in to the ear phone micro phone jack.
108 Settings Y ou ca n configur e securi ty related s ettings s uch as se tting ca ll barri ng or cha nging the P IN/PIN2 co des and sec urity cod e for your phon e.
Settings 109 Key Guard Setting the Key Guard The ke y guard ca n prevent u nintent ional o perations while yo ur phone is i n your bag or p ocket by di sabling t he sid e keys and M usic Playe r keys f or opera ting yo ur phon e when it is closed. 1. Whil e your pho ne is closed , press an d hold R .
110 Settings Y ou can s et the networ k (telecom municatio ns carrier) and system mode to u se. Y ou can also set th e network c onnection i nformation f or usin g the We b. Note tha t you may no longer be able to connect to the h ome netwo rk if the settin gs are set incorre ctly .
9 Convenient Functions Y our phone includes v arious convenient functions. In This Chapter ❍ Cale ndar ❍ Voice Recor der ❍ Multi T ask ❍ Other Conve nient Functions.
112 Convenient Functions Calen dar allow s you to save your appo intments a nd use yo ur phone as an organis er . Adding a New Appointment Y ou ca n save up to 100 appo intments . 1. In st andby mode , press @ . The mai n menu appe ars. 2. Organiser Calend ar 3.
Convenient Functions 113 Checking Appointments 1. In st andby mode , press @ . The mai n menu appe ars. 2. Organiser Calend ar The mont h view sc reen appe ars. Press * t o switch to the previo us month a nd press # to switch to the n ext month. 3. Use E to select a date and press @ .
114 Convenient Functions Sending a V oice Mes sage 1. After Step 4 of Reco rding So und (page 1 13), re cord a voice message. 2. Press @ to st op recordin g. The voi ce message is saved. 3. Press J ( Y es) when a confi rmation screen app ears.
Convenient Functions 115 This featur e allows you to run up to two fun ctions (applicati ons) simultan eously a nd switch betw een them . Starting a New Application Y ou ca n start a nother appl ication without e nding th e applic ation you are usin g.
116 Convenient Functions Accessing Other Functions from the Organiser Menu The foll owing fu nctions are also avai labl e in the Org aniser men u. 1. In st andby mode , press @ . The mai n menu appe ars. 2. Select Organiser and press J (Selec t). The O rganis er men u ap pears.
10 File T ransfer & Synchronisation Y ou ca n use infra red, a USB cable or a memory card t o transfer data be tween your p hone and other phones, PCs and other devices. These capabilities allow you to back up data and manage the same data on multiple devices.
118 File Transfer & Synchronisation Using Infrared for T ransferring Data Y ou ca n use infr ared t o exchange the Cal endar dat a of your ph one, Contacts list en tries of your phone , memory ca .
File Transfer & Synchronisation 119 Using Infrared f or Receiving Data 1. In st andby mode , press @ . The mai n menu appe ars. 2. Setti ngs Connectivity In frared Inco ming D ata 3. Select Save and press J (Sel ect). T o rejec t the rec eption o f files, select Reject .
120 File Transfer & Synchronisation Using a USB Cable for T ransferring Data As show n in the il lustration below, you can us e a USB cabl e to conne ct your ph one to a PC, then send and receiv e the Con tacts l ist, Calend ar and Gall ery data.
File Transfer & Synchronisation 121 Using a USB Cable for Receiving Data Y ou can recei ve data to the Co ntacts list, Calen dar and Galler y . 1. After Step 3 of Using a USB C able for Sen ding Data (pag e 120), follow the instructions o n the PC to se nd data from the PC to your phone.
122 File Transfer & Synchronisation 5. Press J (Op tions). 6. Select Backup and p ress J (Select). 7. Enter your secu rity code (page 21). A conf irmati on screen appear s. 8. Press J (Y es). A conf irmati on screen appear s. 9. Press J (Y es) or K (No) in acco rdance with the confirmatio n screen.
File Transfer & Synchronisation 123 Y ou ca n use th e networ k of a se rvice pro vider or infra red/USB c able to synchr onise the d ata on a netw ork ser ver or PC wi th the Con tacts lis t and Calen dar of yo ur phone. The sup plied dat a managemen t software M y Mobil e needs to be i nstalled.
124 File Transfer & Synchronisation Synchron ising the Contacts Li st 1. In st andby mode , press @ . The mai n menu appe ars. 2. Call Manager Synchronise ◆ Server Profile: Allows yo u to sele ct a server and per form sync hronisat ion. ◆ Phone Nam e: Allo ws you to change your phone n ame.
11 Appendix In This Chapter ❍ T roubleshooting ❍ Specif ications ❍ Index ❍ Health and S afety Information ❍ Menu S truc ture.
126 Appendix T roubleshooting Problem Possible Causes and Remedies Cannot turn the po wer on. Make sure the batt ery pack is inserte d correctl y (page 22 ). Make sure the b attery is ch arged (page 23). Cannot charg e the battery. Make sure the b attery pac k is insert ed correc tly (page 2 2).
Appendix 127 T oshiba TX80 AC Adapter Specifications Frequency Range Within 3G (UMTS) 2100 1920 - 2170 MHz Within GSM 900 880 - 960 MHz Within DCS 1800 1710 - 1880 MHz Within PCS 1900 1850 - 1990 MHz Continuous T alk Time Within 3G (UMTS) area Approx.
128 Appendix A Alarm 116 Attachment 79 Audio remote c ontrol keys 16, 52, 54 Auto answer 106 Auto laun ch 88 B Backg round pla yback 53 Backi ng up data 1 19, 121 Bookmarks 89 Browser 88 C Calcu lator.
Appendix 129 Inco ming voice calls du ring data communica tion 106 Indicator s Camera 69 Exter nal displa y 18 Main d isplay 17 Video C alling 6 2 Video ca mera 69 Info rmatio n prompt 19 Infr ared 1 .
130 Appendix Theme 1 00 Troub leshooting 126 U Unsent messages 78, 86 USB 120 Cable 12, 23, 120, 123 Transf erring data 120 V Vibration 41, 102 Video C allin g 62 vObject 95 Voi ce record er 113 Recor.
Appendix 131 Safety Guidelines Foll ow the guid elines be low to us e your phone in a safe and lega l manner . Gener al Use your phone in the intende d manner (holding it to y our ear) . Inco rrect u sage may affect its pe rformance . Only q ualifi ed service perso nnel shou ld install o r repai r the phone and its acces sories .
132 Appendix Switch yo ur phon e off when in an are a with a potentiall y explos ive atmos phere (fo r example fuel storag e areas, spr ay paint fac ilities etc.). Only q ualifi ed person nel shou ld insta ll the d evice in a vehicle . Fault y installa tion or s erv ice may be dang erous an d may invalid ate any wa rranty .
Appendix 133 Do not dispose of the bat tery in an ordinary bi n. The batt ery contains toxic che micals and must be dispo sed of in th e correct manne r .
134 Appendix Addition al informa tion on Sp ecific Absorpti on Rates (SAR) can be found o n the Cel lular T elecom municat ions & I nternet A ssociatio n (CTI A) websi te at htt p://ww w. phonefa . European RF Exposure Information Y our mobile devi ce is a r adio tra nsmitte r and rec eiver .
Appendix 135 1. G ame & Application Applic ations Screensavers Settings Java Infor mation 2. Browser Hom epage Enter U RL Bookm arks News Music Games Sports PLUS Email History Browser Settings 3. Organiser SIM T ool Kit Calend ar Alarms Calcu lator Conver ter Vo ic e Re co rd e r Count down Time r Notepa d Worl d Clo ck Backup/ Restore 4.
136 MEMO.
137 MEMO.
138 MEMO.
139 MEMO.
140 MEMO.
141 MEMO.
142 MEMO.
143 MEMO.
144 MEMO.
Purchase Record For your futu re reference, we recommend th at you fill in yo ur purchase detai ls in the form be low . * The serial number is prin ted on the b ottom of the batter y com partment.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Toshiba TX80 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Toshiba TX80 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Toshiba TX80 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Toshiba TX80 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Toshiba TX80 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Toshiba TX80 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Toshiba TX80 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Toshiba TX80 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.