Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product NL-507ETTL van de fabrikant Tragant
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Abstra ct This docu ment guide s you to an effic ient use of the u-cent er ANTARIS™ Edit ion GPS Eval uation softw are, an efficient and easy to us e tool for t he evaluation and test of G PS r eceivers . u-bl ox AG Zürcher strasse 68 8800 T halwil Switzerl and www.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide GPS-SW -02001-1 This software uses parts of source code developed by other companies or g roups. JPG and J PEG grap hic s import filter : Copyright © .
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Content GPS-SW -02001-1 Contents 1 Preface .......... ...... ...... .......... ...... ......... ...... ....... ......... ...... ....... ......... ...... .......... ...... ...... . .. 5 1.1 Intended Au dience .
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Content GPS-SW -02001-1 4.5.8 Histog ram View ... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... ...... ........ ........ ....... ........ .. ... ....... 28 4.5.9 Devia tion Map .
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Preface GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 5 1 Preface 1.1 Intended Audience This user’s gu ide prov ides a descr iption of t he features of the u-center G PS evaluatio n software. It wil l allow GPS end us ers t o evaluate and test u-blox GPS r eceiver s for navigat ion and po sitioni ng p erform ance.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Getting Started GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 6 2 Getting Started 2.1 General Information about displayed values • Longitude and latitud e are displayed acc ording to the datum selected in th e GPS receiver (usually: WGS-84) .
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Getting Started GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 7 2.5 Configuring the Serial Co nnection u-cent er stor es th e seri al setting s wi ll us e the la st c onfig uration w hen started . How ever, w hen u-c ent er is started the first tim e, the COM port needs to be in itialized.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Getting Started GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 8 the same value, t he “C ommun icat ion Info rmatio n” ic on ch anges to r ed. Pl ease r efer to section 4 for f urther inform ation. Fig ure 3: C OM-Po rt an d Baud rate succe ssful ly d etected 2.
u-center ANTARIS™ Edition - User’s Guide Concept and Philosophy GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 9 3 Concept and Philosoph y Underst and ing th e bas ic co ncept behin d u-c enter is im port ant in order to get the high est be nefit ou t of th is powerful GPS evaluati on software.
u-center ANTARIS™ Edition - User’s Guide Concept and Philosophy GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 10 • Graphica l Views Dis play pa rame ters from the dat abas e in graphic al a form. Chart s, Hist ogr ams and eve n a Map Overlay ca n be created. Th ere are two more vie ws that m ay be us ed for st atistical perfo rmance an d an tenna pat tern a nalysis.
u-center ANTARIS™ Edition - User’s Guide Concept and Philosophy GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 11 3.2 Operating Modes u-cent er has dif ferent opera ting mode s. The m ode chan ges when yo u open or cl ose a log fil e or when you m ake an action i n the p layer.
u-center ANTARIS™ Edition - User’s Guide Concept and Philosophy GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 12 12:00:01 24 47 5 0 56 54 47 2C 30 2E 30 30 2C 54 2C 2C 4D 2C 30 2E 30 30 30 2C 4E 12:00:02 24 47 5 0 56 54 4.
u-center ANTARIS™ Edition - User’s Guide Concept and Philosophy GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 13 The example belo w shows the Run-Wind ow for a databa se limit ation of 1 hou r at an upda te rate of 1Hz (36 00 ep ochs): . ! Note For long-term observation s, it’s recommended to start re cording a log file before ana lysis begins.
u-center ANTARIS™ Edition - User’s Guide Concept and Philosophy GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 14 Sto p Re cor di ng N o F ile Ope n Stop ( Pause d ) Rec o rd (Paus ed) Pl ay (Pau s e d ) Step Pl ay Scan (P.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 15 4 Menu Struct ure 4.1 The Main F rame The Main Frame is the pr imary display screen of u- center. It disp lays all tool bar s and some of the information provided by the GPS receiv er.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 16 • Operati ng T ime: The time el apsed s ince yo u star ted u-c enter • UTC Ti me: The curre nt time sent by th e GPS receiver • Communi cation Information: Shows the acti ve COM port and baudra te.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 17 N ew… u-cente r can capture receiver o utput da ta into a logfile . Howeve r, loggi ng wil l only sta rt after Record in t he Player Menu has been sel ected. The elapse d logging time is d isplay ed in the field operat ing time .
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 18 Elemen t Name Descr iption Loc k Pr eve nts the Te xt Con sole fro m bein g upd ate d wi th ne w da t a when lo c ked . Clear All Erases all da ta in the Text Console Filter On/Off Filter unwant ed data from the data stream.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 19 Chara cter Descri pti on ^ Beginnin g of th e str ing. The ex press ion "^ A" will m atch an ‘A’ only at th e beg inning of th e string.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 20 Exampl e 2 : Sea rchi ng fo r al l GSV with the messa ge inde x of ‘ 2’ o r ‘3’ “ GSV,.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 21 Figure 19 : Binar y Console Re fer to sectio n 4.5. 1 for an explanat ion of t he icons an d text fields. 4. 5.4 M es sa ge Vi ew The Me ssage Vie w is utili zed to com munica te with t he GPS re ceive r.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 22 Elemen t Name Descr iption Lock P revents the Message View from being updated with new da t a when lo c ked . Clear All Erases the entire Mess age View. Sen d Sen ds th e c ur re nt m ess ag e t o th e GP S r ece iv er.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 23 Figure 22 : Mess age Dis play of an inp ut mes sage ! Note u-center performs some range checks on input messag es.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 24 4. 5.5 St ati s t ic Vie w All availab le GPS v alues (t ransmitte d from the G PS r eceiver or c alculat ed by u-center ) ar e d i sp lay ed .
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 25 Figure 26: Sele ct in g a new value ! Note The nu mber of d ispl ayed epochs is li mit ed to 1800 by defau lt (3 .2.5 Data base Lim ita tion). ! Note Choos ing Database E mpt y in the F ile M enu or pr essin g the But ton deletes the Table View.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 26 The exampl es b elow illu strat e 3 differ ent ty pical applicat ions Figure 28: Alt itud e as a f un ction of.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 27 Elemen t Name Descr iption Cursor The cur sor posit ion is sh own in t he low er left edge of t he u- center w indows. Clic k the right butto n mouse and hold the button d own to measur e dif ferenc es.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 28 4.5.8 His togram View Histogra m Vi ews all ow t he user t o view GPS- Data an d probab ility distri buti ons (F igur e 31) and print th e entire histogr am if des ired.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 29 Elemen t Name Descr iption Cursor The cur sor posit ion is sh own in t he low er left edge of t he u- center w indows. Clic k the right butto n mouse and hold the button d own to measur e dif ferenc es.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 30 4.5.9 Deviati on Map The Deviati on Map di splays positi ons in longi tude and latitud e rela t ive to a de f ine d refere nce pos ition .
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 31 Figure 34 : Disp layin g a posit ion 4.5. 10.1 Using Map View You can access the v iew spec ific co mmand s in tw o diff erent ways: • Using th e comm and in th e Tool Bar below the Map V iew.
u-center ANTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 32 Elemen t Name Descr iption Cursor The position of th e cursor is show n on th e lower l eft edg e of the u-center screen (Longitude, Lati tude and Pixel-Positio n).
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 33 Figure 35 : Logf ile f rom a r oad te st 4.5. 10.3 Map Calibrati on To creat e your own ma p yo u will n eed a digit ized ma p or pict ur es with orthog ona l project ion in o ne of t he fol lowing pi xel graphi cs forma ts.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 34 Exampl es: As an example we will have a clos er look at the provide d map 'world.png' an d its calibr ation file 'world .mcf'. Digital Ma p File: world.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 35 ; I N F O ; ------- ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ --- ; File: world.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 36 Figure 36: Sky Vie w Elem ent Name Descri ption Lin e ar Sel ec ts a l in ear pro je ct i on of t he Sky Vi ew.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 37 4.7 Pla yer Menu and Player Toolbar Goto Positi on The primary functio n of the Player is to d isplay previously recorded G PS data from a file. Refer to Sec t ion 4.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 38 4.8 View Menu: Docking Wind ows The Docking Windows are gra phic di splays , which p rovid e real-ti me information about the G PS receiver. These are the mos t comm only u sed win dows for u-cent er user s.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 39 Satell ite Position Displa ys th e p osition of s atelli tes in the sky Satellite Level Displays Elevation, Az.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 40 7. If ‘Pro duct ion Mod e’ is s et t o ‘seria l port with U BX pr otocol’ , chec k th e UBX pr ot ocol bau drate ( u-c enter automatica lly initia lize s it with the u-center b audrate .
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 41 4.9.2 GPS Configu ration u-cent er AE is capab le to ge t the actu al config uratio n of an ANTARIS™ based G PS re ceiver and stor e it to an ASCII text file cont aining he xadeci mal recor ds.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 42 Figure 41 : Conte nt Conf igurat ion File When cl icking the “ Edit” b utto n in the GPS Conf igur ation di alog, t he Notepad edit or ope ns (st andard Windo ws softw are).
u-center ANTARIS™ Edition - User’s Guide Troubleshoo ting GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 43 5 Troubleshoo ting NMEA or UBX protocol is not av ailable i n the Message View u-center uses dy na mic link lib raries (DLL) . The installat ion prog ram will auto matically inst all the r equired DLL’ s into the u-cent er pr ogram di recto ry.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Index GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 44 A Index A Antenna Perf ormance Analysis, 35 ASCII, 5, 20, 23, 34, 41 Autobaudin g, 7, 8 Average, 9, 24, 27 B Batt ery Bac.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Lists GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 45 B Lists B.1 L i st of Fi gur es Figure 1: Start Dis play ..................... ...................................... ..................................... ................
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Lists GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 46 Figure 39 : Scre ens hot, u-cen ter GPS c onfi guration ............. ...................................... ........................... ...................................
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Gloss ary GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 47 C Glossary MSL Hei gh t abo ve Me an Se a L ev el or Or th om et ric H eig h t HAE Height Ab ove WGS-84- Ellips oid NMEA 01 83 ASCII based standa rd data comm unica tion pro tocol used b y GPS re c ei vers.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 48 Rel ated Do cum ents [1] ANTARIS™ EvalKit – Users Gu ide, Doc No GPS.G3-EK-020 01 [2] u -blox’ GPS Dict ionary - Doc No G.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Tragant NL-507ETTL (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Tragant NL-507ETTL heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Tragant NL-507ETTL vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Tragant NL-507ETTL leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Tragant NL-507ETTL krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Tragant NL-507ETTL bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Tragant NL-507ETTL kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Tragant NL-507ETTL . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.