Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Engineered Smoke Control System for Tracer Summit van de fabrikant Trane
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BA S-APG0 0 1 -EN Applications Guide Engineer ed Smok e Contr ol S yst em f or TRA CER SUMMIT ™.
BAS-APG00 1 -EN September 20 06 Applications Guide Engineer ed Smok e Contr ol S yst em f or TRA CER SUMMIT ™.
BAS-APG00 1 -EN Applications Guide, Engineered Smoke Control System for T racer Summit ™ This guide and the info rmation in it are the property of American Standard and may not be used or reproduced in w hole or in par t, without the written permiss ion of American Standard.
BAS-APG00 1 -EN NO TICE: W arnings and Cautions appear at appropriate sectio ns throughout this manual. Read these carefully: WA R N I N G Indicates a pot entially hazar dous situation, whic h, if not a voided, could r esult in death or ser ious injury .
Contents BAS-APG00 1 -EN i Cont ents Chapt er 1 Smok e control o v erview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Methods of smoke control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Compartmentation method . . . . .
Contents BAS-APG00 1 -EN ii Smoke control system e quipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Equipment supervisi on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 System testing . . . . . . . . . .
Contents BAS-APG00 1 -EN iii Circuit requireme nts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Wiring high-voltage power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 EMI/RFI considerations . . . .
Content s iv BAS-APG00 1 -EN Binary outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Analog outputs ( UUKL nondedicated only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Analog output a nd uni versa l input setup .
Contents BAS-APG00 1 -EN v Node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Binding types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Basic binding shapes and the hub/target system .
Content s vi BAS-APG00 1 -EN.
BAS-APG00 1 -EN 1 Chapt er 1 Smok e contr o l o v erview Smoke is one of the major problems created by a fire. Smoke threatens life and prop erty , both in the imme diate location of the fire and in locations remote from the fire.
Chapte r 1 Smok e contr ol ov erview 2 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Methods of smok e contr ol Smoke control system des igners use fi ve methods to manage smoke . They use the methods individually or in combination. The specific methods used determine the standards of desi gn analysis , performance criteria, acceptance tests , and routine tests .
Methods of smoke control BAS-APG00 1 -EN 3 Figur e 1: Sample pr essure dif f erence acr oss a bar ri er Ta b l e 1 provides the National Fi re Pr otection Association (NFP A) recommended minimum pressure diff erence between the high-pressure side and the low-pressure side .
Chapte r 1 Smok e contr ol ov erview 4 BAS-APG00 1 -EN T able 2: Maximum allow able pressur e diff er ences acr oss doors Airflo w method The airflow method controls smoke in spaces that have barriers with one or more large openings. It is used to manage smoke in subway , railroad, and highw ay tunn els .
Applications of smoke control methods BAS-APG00 1 -EN 5 A disadvantage of the airflow method is that it supplies in creased oxygen to a fire . Within buil dings , the airflo w method must be used with great caution.
Chapte r 1 Smok e contr ol ov erview 6 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Zoned smoke control cannot limit the spread of smoke within the smoke control zone. Consequently , occupant s of the smoke control zone must evacuate as soon as possible a fter fire detection.
Applications of smoke control methods BAS-APG00 1 -EN 7 Figur e 4: Sample HV AC o peration du r ing smok e contr ol When an HV AC system serves only one smoke co ntrol zone, the following sequence provides smoke control: 1. In the smoke control zone, th e re turn/exhaust fan activates , the supply fan deactivates .
Chapte r 1 Smok e contr ol ov erview 8 BAS-APG00 1 -EN If the technique em ploys modulated su pply airflow , a fan provides at least minimum pressure when all stairwel l access doors are open.
Applications of smoke control methods BAS-APG00 1 -EN 9 Single and multiple injection pr essur ization tec hniques The single injection and mul tiple injection techniques prov ide pressurization air to a stairwell ( Fig ure 6 ). Both techniques use one or more pressurization fans located at gro und level, roof leve l, or any location in between.
Chapte r 1 Smok e contr ol ov erview 10 BAS-APG00 1 -EN more information about elevator shaf t smoke control, refer to Klote, J .K., and Milke , J .A. ( Design of Smoke Ma nagement Systems , 1992). Atr ium smok e contr ol Atrium smoke control uses buoyancy to manage smoke in large-volume spaces with hig h ceilings.
Applications of smoke control methods BAS-APG00 1 -EN 11 Natur al smok e venting tec hnique The natural smoke venting technique em ploys vents in th e atrium ceiling or high on the atrium walls to let sm oke flow out w ithout the aid of fans ( Figure 8 ).
Chapte r 1 Smok e contr ol ov erview 12 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Under gr ound building smok e control The smoke control objective for underground buildi ngs is to contain and remove smoke from the alarm zone . The smoke control system fully exhausts the alarm zone and provides makeup air to replace the exhausted air .
Smoke detection and system activation BAS-APG00 1 -EN 13 Zoned smok e contr ol det ection and activ a tion Zoned smoke control activation occurs on a signal from either a sprinkler water flow switch or a heat detect or . F or maximum benefit, the zoned smoke control system should only resp ond to the first alarm.
Chapte r 1 Smok e contr ol ov erview 14 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Beam smoke detectors minimize in terference problems created by stratified hot air under atrium ceilin gs . On hot days or days with a hig h solar load on the atrium roof, a ho t la yer of air may form under the ceiling.
Design approac hes to smoke control BAS-APG00 1 -EN 15 Design appr oaches t o smok e contr ol Smoke control methods p rovide a mec h anical means of directing smoke movement in an enclosed space . The applicat ion of one or more method s to a building provides a bu ilding smoke control system.
Chapte r 1 Smok e contr ol ov erview 16 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Design consider ations f or smok e contr ol Two occurrences will hinder smoke control: • Plugholing • Smoke feedback Smoke control systems should be desi gned to address the problems that are caused by plugholi ng and smoke feedback.
Design co nsideration s for smok e con trol BAS-APG00 1 -EN 17 Smok e f eedb ac k Smoke feedback occurs when smoke en ters a pressurizatio n fan intake and flows into protected spaces.
Chapte r 1 Smok e contr ol ov erview 18 BAS-APG00 1 -EN.
BAS-APG00 1 -EN 19 Chapt er 2 Pr e-installation consider ations This chapter provi des considerations that must be gi ven prior to installing an engineered smo ke co ntrol system.
Chapte r 2 Pre -installation considerations 20 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Nor mal mode A zone is in normal mo de when no fire, smoke, or sprinkler alarms are present in the b uilding . In some zoning systems , a zone may be in normal mode if an alarm condition is presen t in th e building b ut the zon e is not affected.
Associated e quipment BAS-APG00 1 -EN 21 beam, and duct smoke detectors; manua l pull stations; an d sprinkler flow devices. Ar ea smok e det ectors Area smoke detectors detect the presen ce of smoke at the ceiling. When activated, an area smoke detector signals the fire alarm system.
Chapte r 2 Pre -installation considerations 22 BAS-APG00 1 -EN system, since a pull station is not ne cessarily activat ed in the zone that contains the smoke or fire. Spr inkler flo w devices Fire alarm system equipment may in clude tw o types of sprinkler fl ow devices: sprinkler flow sw itches and tamp er switches .
Associated e quipment BAS-APG00 1 -EN 23 Lights The FSCS provides lights that s how th e mode of each zone and the status of each piece of smoke control m echanical eq uipm ent. The status lights must conform to a specific color code scheme ( Ta b l e 3 ).
Chapte r 2 Pre -installation considerations 24 BAS-APG00 1 -EN The smoke control system controls fans and positions dedicated a nd nondedicated dampers, both in the smoke control zones and at the air- handling systems. It may also position dampers or air modulation devices such as variable-a ir -volume (V A V) boxes serving the smoke control zones.
Associated e quipment BAS-APG00 1 -EN 25 Smoke dampers are o rdered as a complete assembly . T hey are typicall y two-position damp ers and have end swit ches that indi cate the fully open and fully closed position . The switches are installed in the fiel d.
Chapte r 2 Pre -installation considerations 26 BAS-APG00 1 -EN and dampers: statu s switches , differ ential pressure switches , airflow paddle switc hes, current -sensing relays , limit switc hes, and en d switches . Status switches at fans and dampers monitor the operation of the devices.
System testing BAS-APG00 1 -EN 27 S yst em t esting System testing is a pre-in stallation consideration. T o verify proper operation, the smoke control system must include provisions for: automatic weekly self-testing and manual periodic testing.
Chapte r 2 Pre -installation considerations 28 BAS-APG00 1 -EN T able 5. Sample aut omatic smok e contr ol matr ix (dedicat ed) T able 6. Sample aut omatic smok e contr ol matr ix (nondedicat ed) Equi.
Resp onse times BAS-APG00 1 -EN 29 Response times Response times are a pre-installation consideration. F or a discussion of response time requirements for smok e control systems, refer to NFP A 92A (NFP A 2000, Recommended Practice for Smoke Control Systems ), section 3.
Chapte r 2 Pre -installation considerations 30 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Distance limitations for unmonitored da ta paths are severely limited. T able 8. Cabling practices an d restr aints Note: Process verification, so metimes referred to as end-to-end testing , can be considered a means of monitori ng data (N FP A 92A [200 0] section 3.
BAS-APG00 1 -EN 31 Chapt er 3 Installation diagr ams Smok e contr ol syst em o v erview An engineered smoke control system can be added on to a Tracer Summit ™ building automation system . The system layout, wiring requirements, and capacities for smok e con trol applications differ from Tracer Summit systems that do not employ smoke control.
Chapte r 3 Installation di agrams 32 BAS-APG00 1 -EN S yst em r iser diagrams System riser diagrams (Figure 11) show panel locations, power requirements , power sources, and in terc onnecting wiri ng requirements. They also show the wiring that must be in conduit.
Sy stem termination dia grams BAS-APG00 1 -EN 33 S yst em t er mination diagra ms System termination diagrams show wire terminations at panels and field devices. Guidelines for creating system termin ation diagrams inclu de: • Diagrams for Tracer MP581 pane ls may be formatted as list s.
Chapte r 3 Installation di agrams 34 BAS-APG00 1 -EN T racer MP581 t o FSCS wir ing The FSCS panel is designed for a specific smoke control system ( Figure 13 ). The FSCS panel comes from a listed vendor and is provided as part of the smoke control system.
Sy stem termination dia grams BAS-APG00 1 -EN 35 The wiring betwee n a Tracer MP581 and the FSCS is non-sup ervised and power limited. Addition al requirements are: • Tracer MP581 an d FSCS must be in the same room. • Wiring between the Tracer MP581 and FSCS must be in conduit.
Chapte r 3 Installation di agrams 36 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Figur e 14. T racer MP581 t o FSCS wir ing.
Sy stem termination dia grams BAS-APG00 1 -EN 37 T racer MP581 t o F A CP wir ing The wiring between the Tracer MP58 1 an d the F ACP is non-supervised and power limited. In addition: • Tracer MP581 an d F ACP must be in the sa me room. • Wiring between the Trac er MP581 and FACP must be in conduit.
Chapte r 3 Installation di agrams 38 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Figur e 15. T racer MP581 t o F ACP wir ing.
BAS-APG00 1 -EN 39 Chapt er 4 Installing the T r acer Summit BMTX BCU Mounting the har dw ar e Make sure that the selected locati on meets the operating environment requirements described in this se ction and clearance requirements described in this Figure 16 on page 40 .
Chapt er 4 Installing the T racer Summit BMTX BCU 40 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Clear ances Make sure that the mounting location has enough room to meet the mini - mum clearances shown in Figur e 16 . Figur e 16. Minimum clear ances fo r the BMTX BCU enclosur e 24 in.
Mounting t he hardw are BAS-APG00 1 -EN 41 Figur e 1 7 . BMTX BCU enclosur e dimensions Fr ont view T op view Bott om view Lef t view Right view Not e: Six of the t w elve kn oc k outs are dual - sized knoc kouts for 1 -inc h (25 mm) and 0.75-inc h (1 9 mm) con duit.
Chapt er 4 Installing the T racer Summit BMTX BCU 42 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Mounting the bac k of the enclosur e The back of the enclosure is ship ped with the termination board installed inside it. IMPOR TANT The te r mination boar d should be shipped with the gr ounding scr ew installed.
Wiring high-voltage ac powe r BAS-APG00 1 -EN 43 2. Set the enclosure back aside and drill holes for the scre ws at the marked locations. Drill holes for #10 (5 mm) screws or #10 w all anchors . Use wall anchors if the mounting surfa ce is dry wall or masonry .
Chapt er 4 Installing the T racer Summit BMTX BCU 44 BAS-APG00 1 -EN CA UTION Use copper conduct ors only! Unit ter minals are designe d to accept copper conduct ors only . Other conduct ors may cau se equipment damag e. 1. Lock open the supply-p ow er disconnect switch.
Wiring high-voltage ac powe r BAS-APG00 1 -EN 45 Figur e 1 9. AC w irin g.
Chapt er 4 Installing the T racer Summit BMTX BCU 46 BAS-APG00 1 -EN EMI/RFI consider ations T ake care to isolate HV AC controller s from electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interf erence (RFI).
EMI/RFI considerations BAS-APG00 1 -EN 47 Figur e 20. Chec king the ear th grou nd.
Chapt er 4 Installing the T racer Summit BMTX BCU 48 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Connecting the main cir cuit boar d The main circuit boa rd is attached to a pl astic frame.
Connecting the ma in circuit board BAS-APG00 1 -EN 49 Figur e 22. Connecting the fr ames 3. Connect the 24 V ac power cable to the termination board. The seven- segment LED display should light up. 4. Connect the Ethernet cable to the Ethernet connector on the circuit board (this step applies to UUK L nondedicated systems only).
Chapt er 4 Installing the T racer Summit BMTX BCU 50 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Installing the door T o install the enclosure door: 1. Unpack the door and chec k for missing or damaged parts . Check to make sure that th e magnet ic latches are installed. Check for any cracks in the plastic .
T ranstector , Ethernet (UUKL nondedicated only) , and LonT alk connections on the BMTX BCU BAS-APG00 1 -EN 51 T r anst ect or , Ether net (UUKL nondedicat ed only), and LonT alk connections on the BMTX BCU T o compl y with UUKL, a pr otection device must be wired to the BMTX BCU to reduce transients in the ac power .
Chapt er 4 Installing the T racer Summit BMTX BCU 52 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Figu re 25 shows the Ethernet LAN connection (UUKL nondedica ted only) and the LonT alk connection to the BMTX BCU .
BAS-APG00 1 -EN 53 Chapt er 5 Installing the T r acer MP581 pr ogr ammable contr oller Installation guidelines Guidelines for in stalling a Tracer MP581 inc lude: • A Tracer MP581 that monitors th e fire alarm control panel for consistency (F ACP) must be installed in the same room as the F A CP .
Chapt er 5 Installing the T racer MP581 pr ogr ammable contr oller 54 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Specifications The Tracer MP581 conforms to th e specifications show n in T able 13.
Selecting a mountin g location BAS-APG00 1 -EN 55 Selecting a mounting location Make sure that the location meet s the operating environment require - ments and clearance requireme nts described in the followi ng sections. The Tracer MP581 controller must be instal led indoors.
Chapt er 5 Installing the T racer MP581 pr ogr ammable contr oller 56 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Clear ances and dimensions Make sure that the mounting location has enough room to meet the mini - mum clearances shown in Figur e 26 . Fig ure 27 on page 57 shows the dimensions of the Tracer MP581 enc losure.
Selecting a mountin g location BAS-APG00 1 -EN 57 Figur e 27 . T r acer MP581 enclosur e dimensions Not e: Six of the twelve knocko uts are dual-sized knockouts for 1-inc h (25 mm) and 0.
Chapt er 5 Installing the T racer MP581 pr ogr ammable contr oller 58 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Mounting the bac k of the enclosur e The back of the enclosure is ship ped with the termination board installed inside it. IMPOR TANT The te r mination boar d should be shipped with the gr ounding scr ew installed.
Wiring high-voltage ac powe r BAS-APG00 1 -EN 59 2. Set the enclosure aside and drill holes for the screws at the marked locations. Drill holes for #10 (5 mm) screws or #10 w all anchors . Use wall anchors if the mounting surfa ce is dry wall or masonry .
Chapt er 5 Installing the T racer MP581 pr ogr ammable contr oller 60 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Wir ing high-voltag e pow er W ARNING Hazardous v oltage! Befor e making electr ical connections, lock open the supply -po wer di s - connect switch. F ailure t o do so could r esult in death or ser i ous injury .
Wiring high-voltage ac powe r BAS-APG00 1 -EN 61 Figur e 30. T er minal block f o r high-v oltage po w er wires W ARNING Hazar dous voltag e! The co ver plat e must be in place when the cont roller is ope ratin g. F ail - ur e to r eplace the cove r plate could r esult in death or ser ious injury .
Chapt er 5 Installing the T racer MP581 pr ogr ammable contr oller 62 BAS-APG00 1 -EN EMI/RFI consider ations T ake care to isolate HV AC controller s from electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interf erence (RFI).
EMI/RFI considerations BAS-APG00 1 -EN 63 Figur e 31 . Checking th e earth gr ound.
Chapt er 5 Installing the T racer MP581 pr ogr ammable contr oller 64 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Wir ing inputs and outputs The Tracer MP581 enclosure is designed to simplify the wiring and con - figuration o f inputs and ou tputs by prov iding a large space for routin g wires and by eliminating the ne ed to manipulate jumpers .
Wiring in puts and outp uts BAS-APG00 1 -EN 65 Wir e r outing Figu re 32 shows how to route input/output wires through the enclosure . It also shows the locations of wire-tie brackets . See Figur e 27 on page 57 for knockout locations and dimensions .
Chapt er 5 Installing the T racer MP581 pr ogr ammable contr oller 66 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Scr ew t er minal locations Figu re 33 shows screw terminal location s on th e termination board. The top row of scre w terminals is fo r sign al wires, and the bottom row of screw terminals is for common wires .
Wiring in puts and outp uts BAS-APG00 1 -EN 67 Wir ing universal inputs The Tracer MP581 controll er has 12 universal inputs . Use the Rover ser - vice tool to configure inputs for analog or binary operation. The common terminals on the Tracer MP581 termination board are con - nected to the metal enclosure by mean s of a ground screw .
Chapt er 5 Installing the T racer MP581 pr ogr ammable contr oller 68 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Wir ing analog outputs The Tracer MP581 controller has six analog outputs . These outputs can be either 0–10 Vdc outputs or 0–20 mA out puts. Analog outputs co ntrol actuators and secondary control lers.
Wiring in puts and outp uts BAS-APG00 1 -EN 69 Wir ing binary outputs The Tracer MP581 controll er has six binary outputs . These are powered outputs, not dry-conta ct outputs. IMPOR T ANT Use pilot r ela ys for dry -contact outputs when the load is gr eater than 6 V A or has a cur rent dra w of gr eat er than 0.
Chapt er 5 Installing the T racer MP581 pr ogr ammable contr oller 70 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Figur e 36. Wir ing binary outputs Chec king binary inputs T o check binary inputs for proper operatio n: 1.
Chec king outputs BAS-APG00 1 -EN 71 Chec king outputs F ollow the proce dures in this section to test outputs for proper operation. IMPOR TANT P erf or m the t ests in this section bef ore pro viding po wer t o the te r mina - tion boar d or installing the main cir cuit board.
Chapt er 5 Installing the T racer MP581 pr ogr ammable contr oller 72 BAS-APG00 1 -EN 1. Make sure that the actuator is connected but powered off . 2. Set the multi-meter to measure V ac, then measure the voltage across the analog output at the sig nal and common screw terminals .
Chec king outputs BAS-APG00 1 -EN 73 3. Set the multi-meter to measure Vd c, then measu re the voltage across the analog output at the sign al and common screw terminals. The measured voltage should be less than 0.1 Vdc. If the voltage is greater than this, a shared pow e r supply may be incorrectly con - nected.
Chapt er 5 Installing the T racer MP581 pr ogr ammable contr oller 74 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Wir ing LonT alk t o the T r acer MP581 IMPOR TANT When installing the T racer MP58 1 contr oller in ar eas of hig.
Wiring LonT alk to the T rac er MP581 BAS-APG00 1 -EN 75 3. At the last controller on the LonT alk link: • Connect the white wire to the first LonT alk screw terminal. • Connect the black wire to the second LonT alk screw terminal. • Place a 105 Ω termination resistor across the LonT alk screw terminals .
Chapt er 5 Installing the T racer MP581 pr ogr ammable contr oller 76 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Installing the cir cuit boar d The main circuit boa rd is not installed in the Tracer MP581 e nclosure when it ships . Y ou can store the circui t board in the office while the enclo - sure is mounted and wired.
Installing the circuit board BAS-APG00 1 -EN 77 5. Align the snaps on the top frame with the mounting locks on the bot - tom frame, as shown in Figur e 40 , then push the two frames together . Y ou will hear a clic k when the frames connect. Figur e 40.
Chapt er 5 Installing the T racer MP581 pr ogr ammable contr oller 78 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Figur e 41 . 24 V ac po wer -supply cable connection 24 V ac power connector.
V erifying operation and communication of the T racer MP581 BAS-APG00 1 -EN 79 V er ifying operation and communication of the T r acer MP581 This chapter describes the location and function of the Service Pin button and the light-emitting di odes (LEDs) on the Tracer MP581 controller .
Chapt er 5 Installing the T racer MP581 pr ogr ammable contr oller 80 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Binary output LEDs The BO1–BO6 LEDs indi cate the stat us of the six binary outputs. Ta b l e 18 describes binary output LED activi ty . Service LED The red Service LE D indicates whethe r the controller is operating nor - mally .
V erifying operation and communication of the T racer MP581 BAS-APG00 1 -EN 81 Status LED The green Status LED indicates whethe r the controller has power applied to it. Ta b l e 20 describes Status LED activity . Comm LED The yellow Comm LED indicates the co mmunication status o f the Tracer MP581 controller .
Chapt er 5 Installing the T racer MP581 pr ogr ammable contr oller 82 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Installing the door T o install the enclosure door: 1. Unpack the door and chec k for missing or damaged parts . Check to make sure that the magn etic latches and touch screen (if ordered) are installed.
Installing the door BAS-APG00 1 -EN 83 2. F or doors with an operator displa y , disconnect the operator -display cable from operator display . 3. Lift the door to pull the hinges from the hinge holes.
Chapt er 5 Installing the T racer MP581 pr ogr ammable contr oller 84 BAS-APG00 1 -EN.
BAS-APG00 1 -EN 85 Chapt er 6 Installing the EX2 expansion module The EX2 is a field-installed expansion module for the Tracer MP581 pro - grammable controller . Up to four EX 2s with metal enclosure , model num - ber 4950 0523, can be connected to a Tracer MP581.
Chapte r 6 Installing the EX2 exp ansion module 86 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Figur e 44. Dimensions an d clearances f or metal-enclosur e EX2 St or ag e en vironment The storage environment mus t meet the follo.
T erminal strips BAS-APG00 1 -EN 87 Te r m i n a l s t r i p s The EX2 modu le is shipped w ith termin al strips already in place ( Figure 45 ). If you need to replace the ci rcuit board, you can transfer t he terminal strips to the new board without rewiring.
Chapte r 6 Installing the EX2 exp ansion module 88 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Figur e 46. Mountin g the metal-enclosur e EX2 AC - p owe r w i rin g Use 16 A WG copper wire for ac-power w iring. All wiring must comply with National Electrica l Code and local codes .
AC- power wiring BAS-APG00 1 -EN 89 CAUTION Equipment damag e! Complete input/o utput wir ing bef or e applying pow er t o the EX2 mod - ule. F ailur e t o do so may cause damag e t o the module or pow er tr ans - for mer due to inadv ert ent connections to pow er cir cuits.
Chapte r 6 Installing the EX2 exp ansion module 90 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Figur e 47 . Po wer and gro und ter minals Note: If a power transformer must be shared between EX-2 modules (an example would be at the FSCS), the +V A rating on output is 0.6 V A. This is enough to run any L ED or sonalent pro vided on the FSCS .
I/O bus wiring BAS-APG00 1 -EN 91 I/O bus wir ing The EX2 communicates with the Tracer MP581 and up to three other EX2 modules on an IEEE-485 link. This link must be a daisy chain. Typi - cally , the Tracer MP581 is at on e end of the daisy chain, but any device can be at the ends of the link ( Figure 48 and Fi gur e 49 on page 92 ).
Chapte r 6 Installing the EX2 exp ansion module 92 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Figur e 49. I/O bus wir ing example 2.
Se tting th e I/O bus addresses BAS-APG00 1 -EN 93 Set ting the I/O bus addr esses Each EX2 on t he link with the Tracer MP581 must ha ve a unique address. Configure the addres s using the DIP switches on the EX2 circuit board ( Figu re 50 ). Ta b l e 23 shows the DIP switch settings for expansion modules 1 through 4.
Chapte r 6 Installing the EX2 exp ansion module 94 BAS-APG00 1 -EN The EX2 module has four binary outputs , four analog outputs , and six universal inputs . Univ ersal inputs Each of the six universal inputs ma y be configured as binary . Binary outputs The four binary outputs are form A (SPST) relay outputs .
Analog output and univer sal input setup BAS-APG00 1 -EN 95 Figur e 51 . T ypical input/output ter minal wiring diagr am for th e EX2 expansion module.
Chapte r 6 Installing the EX2 exp ansion module 96 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Int er p r eting EX2 LEDs The informatio n in this section wi ll help you in terpret LED acti vity on the EX2 expansion module .
Interpreting EX2 LEDs BAS-APG00 1 -EN 97 Status LED The Status LED on the EX2 module op erates differently from the status LED on LonT alk devices. Ta b l e 25 describe s EX2 Status LED activity . Communications LEDs The LEDs lab eled TX and RX i ndicate the communication status of the EX2 module.
Chapte r 6 Installing the EX2 exp ansion module 98 BAS-APG00 1 -EN.
BAS-APG00 1 -EN 99 Chapt er 7 Pr ogr amming Programming occurs after hardware in stallation is complete . The smoke control system must be programmed fo r automatic respon se, weekly self- testing , end-process verification , and response to manual FSCS commands.
Ch ap ter 7 Prog ram m in g 10 0 BAS-APG00 1 -EN In general, the B CU cannot pa ss information faster th an every 5 s econds . This is the fastest a CPL routine can run. A BCU is inclu ded to collect system events , such as communication failure, an d allow a user a remote connection to the system for status.
Subsequent alarms BAS-APG00 1 -EN 101 Subsequent alar ms (UL 864: 49.8) When multiple inpu t signals are receiv ed from more than one smoke zone to initiate different automatic sm oke-control seque nce(s), the smoke- control system sha ll continue auto matic operation in the mo de determined by the fi rst signal received.
Ch ap ter 7 Prog ram m in g 10 2 BAS-APG001 -EN The wireless connector , smokeAlarmFloor , is used for the following two reasons: • Because smokeAlarmFloor clears the floor alarms value one program execution sooner than when using just the binary variable , smoke AlarmAllFloor • T o send a smoke alarm to any floor (see Fig ure 54 on page 103 ).
Smoke alarm annunciation BAS-APG00 1 -EN 10 3 Smok e alar m annunciation Systems serving two or more zones sh all visually identify the zone of origin of the sta tus change (UL-864: 3 3.2.1). The visual a nnunciation shall be cap able of displ aying all zones h aving a status cha nge (UL-864: 33.
Ch ap ter 7 Prog ram m in g 10 4 BAS-APG001 -EN From requirements 33 .2.1 and 33.2 .2, we can see that there is a decoupling between annunciation and reaction. The series of network variables shown in Fig ure 54 , nvoSwitch05 through nvoSwitch12, are used to directly control the smoke alarm LEDs on the FSCP .
W eek ly self-test of dedicated systems BAS-APG00 1 -EN 10 5 W eekly self-test of dedicat ed systems (UL-864: 49.7 ) Dedicated smoke-control systems shall employ a weekly automatic self- test ( AST). The AST automatically co mmands activation of each associated function.
Ch ap ter 7 Prog ram m in g 10 6 BAS-APG001 -EN (On/Off), self-t est enable, and self -test reset. Damper direction and fan state are set to Open/On for 5 minutes then Close/Off for 5 minutes . There is also a “blink” function built into the program fragment.
W eek ly self-test of dedicated systems BAS-APG00 1 -EN 10 7 [Figure 57 needs to be introduced.] Figur e 57 . ast ov er rid esense 3-13-2006.
Ch ap ter 7 Prog ram m in g 10 8 BAS-APG001 -EN Figu re 58 illustrates how adding self-t esting to the system affects programming for damper control on each floor . The self-test request becomes another source of damper/fan control, al ong with automatic and manual override self-tests.
End process verification BAS-APG00 1 -EN 10 9 End pr ocess ver ification End process verification confirms that a device responded to an operation command.
Figu re 59 illustrates a basic actuator fai lure routine. Some c hanges are necessary when automati c self-testing is added to the program. The different wa ys of controlling an actuat or have different means of resetting a failure.
End process verification BAS-APG00 1 -EN 111 Figur e 61 . ast actuator f ail chec kb 3-13- 06.
Ch ap ter 7 Prog ram m in g 11 2 BAS-APG001 -EN Communication w atc hdog Since multiple Tra cer MP581s are u sed to interface with the mechanical equipment and F ACP and FSCS panels , checking communications between each MP581 and BCU is necessary .
Communication w atc hdog BAS-APG00 1 -EN 11 3 Figur e 62. W a tc hdog communication r elationship between a syst em MP581 and the centr al FSCP contr ol MP581 Figur e 63. Sample TGP sho wing tra nsmittin g dur ing watc hdog communication pr ocess] Figur e 64.
Ch ap ter 7 Prog ram m in g 11 4 BAS-APG001 -EN information. A program fragment illust rating the collection process is shown in Figure 65 . Figur e 65.
Communication w atc hdog BAS-APG00 1 -EN 11 5 Figur e 66. Det er mining ov er all communicat ion stat us for the syst em Finally , the FSCP Comm F ault LED is controlled. A sample TGP fragment is shown i n Figure 67. The FSCP Comm F ault LED is also controlled by the lamp test function .
Ch ap ter 7 Prog ram m in g 11 6 BAS-APG001 -EN Lamp t est and audio alar m silence A lamp test must be performe d for every FSCS panel. This test wi ll cause all indicator lights to come on.
Lamp test and audi o alarm silence BAS-APG00 1 -EN 11 7 Triggering a lamp test affects all LEDs on the smoke control panel. Figu re 69 shows an example o f how to use the lamp test sig nal in combination with any smoke alarm information.
Ch ap ter 7 Prog ram m in g 11 8 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Nondedicat ed smok e purg e (UL-864: 3.21 .h) The term nondedicated refers to a system that provides the building’ s HV AC functioning under normal condit ions and a smok e control objective during a fire alarm condition.
V ariable-air -volum e system BAS-APG00 1 -EN 11 9 V ar iable-air -volume syst em F or varia ble-air -volume (V A V) systems, some form of duct pressure relief is required on each floor or in e ach smoke control zone. In smoke control mode, a ll return and supply fans will be set to their highest speed.
Ch ap ter 7 Prog ram m in g 120 BAS-APG00 1 -EN.
BAS-APG00 1 -EN 121 Chapt er 8 Netw or k v ar iable bindings Ov erview The LonT alk communications protocol al low s data to be shared betw een devices (stand-alo ne or with a BAS) on a LonT alk network.
Chapte r 8 Networ k v ar iable bin dings 122 BAS-APG00 1 -EN T r acer MP580/581 bindings This section discusses which networ k variables will be necessary to achieve UUKL time performance requir ements . Only “generic” network variables , which are neither Space Comf ort Controller (SCC) or Discharge Air Controller (DAC), are necessary .
Custom bindings BAS-APG00 1 -EN 123 Cust om bindings A distinction is made between FSCP and mechanical system contr ol in this section. While smoke control p anel processing is predi ctable, mechanical system processing (a ctuators, feedback validation) is unknown.
Chapte r 8 Networ k v ar iable bin dings 124 BAS-APG00 1 -EN In T able 31, the term multi-vibra tor is used to indicate a network variable whose state is changed regul arl y . The receiver expects this value to change state within a certain interv al.
Custom bindings BAS-APG00 1 -EN 125 Figur e 71 . W atchdog communication in a hub-based syst em Sy stem hubs Mec hanical syst em Smok e contr ol panel int erf ace MP580-A MP580-B MP580-1 MP580-2 MP580.
Chapte r 8 Networ k v ar iable bin dings 126 BAS-APG00 1 -EN UUKL binding list (smok e alar m status) Ta b l e 32 shows an example list of smok e alarm custom bindings. In order to comply with UL-864 annunciation and control requirements, smoke alarm signals are sent to the mechan ical system, FSCP lamps , and audio alarms (Sonalerts).
Custom bindings BAS-APG00 1 -EN 127 UUKL binding list (FCSP o ver r ide contr ol) Ta b l e 33 shows an example list of FS CP override custom bindings. Override commands from the FSCP are sent directly to the mechanical system.
Chapte r 8 Networ k v ar iable bin dings 128 BAS-APG00 1 -EN UUKL binding list (actuat or Open/Close or On/Of f status) Ta b l e 34 shows an example list of actuator status custom bindings . Actuator Open/Close or On/Off status is sent from the mechanical system directly to the FSCP .
Custom bindings BAS-APG00 1 -EN 129 UUKL binding list (act uat or f ailur e status) Ta b l e 35 shows an example list of actuator fa ilure status bindings .
Chapte r 8 Networ k v ar iable bin dings 130 BAS-APG00 1 -EN UUKL binding list (aut omat ic self-test tr igger and status) Ta b l e 37 shows an example list of actuat or failure status bindings . Only dedicated smoke control systems require a scheduled self-testing.
Understanding bindings BAS-APG00 1 -EN 131 A heartbeated network variable has a ti mer associated with it. When the timer expires , the heartbeated networ k variable is sent regardless of change of stat e or delta value of that network variable .
Chapte r 8 Networ k v ar iable bin dings 132 BAS-APG00 1 -EN targets can be either input NVs or ou tput NVs, depend ing on the shape of the binding . F or a one-to-one binding , the hub/target model loses its meaning , and either side of the bind ing could be the hub or the target.
Understanding bindings BAS-APG00 1 -EN 133 The address table consists of the fo llowing elements (refer to column headings in Ta b l e 38 ): • Use Domain at Index: This number represents a pointer or reference to a table entry in the Domain table. F or Trane devices, the value at index (or row ) 0 will be a decimal 17.
Chapte r 8 Networ k v ar iable bin dings 134 BAS-APG00 1 -EN A unique subnet/node binding type is a speci fic path from devi ce X to device Y . Any number of ac tual network variabl e bindings could be built upon this path (see below).
Understanding bindings BAS-APG00 1 -EN 135 Figur e 7 4. One-wa y subnet/node binding In the example shown in Figure 75 on page 135, the custom bindings consume an address table entry in both MP581-A and MP581- B . Both MP581s are now transmitters of data.
Chapte r 8 Networ k v ar iable bin dings 136 BAS-APG00 1 -EN Figur e 7 6. Gr oup binding Groups are unique. Two unique groups are shown in Figure 77. One consists of MP581-A, B , and C while the other has members MP581-A, B , C , and D . Even though one is a subset of the other , it is set apart by having a different amount of member s .
Understanding bindings BAS-APG00 1 -EN 137 Figur e 77 . Group binding uniqueness When a group binding is made, all memb ers of the group have an entry in their address table defini ng which gr oup , what their membe r number is within that group and size of the gr oup.
Chapte r 8 Networ k v ar iable bin dings 138 BAS-APG00 1 -EN made, each member of the group has a entry made in it s address table . F or this example, all the devi ces are in Group 1. Now the user defines a second group bindin g with Device B transmitting nvoSwi tc h01 to Device A and Devi ce C .
Understanding bindings BAS-APG00 1 -EN 139 Figur e 79. Mix ed subnet/node and gr oup bindings.
Chapte r 8 Networ k v ar iable bin dings 140 BAS-APG00 1 -EN.
BAS-APG00 1 -EN 141 Appendix A Ref er ences Huggett, C . 1980. Estimation of Rate of Heat Rele ase by Means of Oxygen Consumption Measurements , Fire and Materials , V ol.
Appendix A Ref er ences 142 BAS-APG00 1 -EN.
T rane has a policy of continuous product and product data impro vement and reserves the right to c hange design and specifications wi thout notice. Only qualified techni cians should perform the installa- tion and servicing of equipment refer red to in this publication.
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Als u nog geen Trane Engineered Smoke Control System for Tracer Summit heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Trane Engineered Smoke Control System for Tracer Summit vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Trane Engineered Smoke Control System for Tracer Summit leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Trane Engineered Smoke Control System for Tracer Summit krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Trane Engineered Smoke Control System for Tracer Summit bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Trane Engineered Smoke Control System for Tracer Summit kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Trane Engineered Smoke Control System for Tracer Summit . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.