Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Zone Controller van de fabrikant Trane
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CNT -S VX07C-EN Installation and Oper ation T r acer ™ ZN521 Zone Contr oller.
Installation and Oper ation T r acer ™ ZN521 Zone Contr oller CNT -SVX07C-EN Apr il 20 05.
CNT -SVX07C-EN T racer ZN521 Zon e Controller Installation and Operation This guide and th e information in it are the property of America n Standard Inc. and m ay not be used or reproduced in w hole or i n p art, without the written permission of American Standard Inc.
CNT -S VX07C-EN NO TICE: W arn ings an d Caution s appea r at appr opriate sectio ns th roughou t this manual. Read th ese carefully: W ARNING Indicate s a potentially hazar dous situation, which, if not a voided, could r esult in death or ser ious injury .
CNT -SVX07C-EN i Cont ents C ha p t e r 1 Overview a nd sp ecificat ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Product de scription . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Storage environment . . . . . . .
Conte nt s ii CNT -S VX07C-EN Analog inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 GND: Ground terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 ZN: Zone tempera ture .
Contents CNT -SVX07C-EN iii Modulating outdoor/return air dampers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 ASHRAE Cycle 1 conforma nce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 ASHRAE Cycle 2 conforma nce . . . . . . . .
Conte nt s iv CNT -S VX07C-EN C ha p t e r 7 T r ou bleshooti ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Inde x . . . . . . . . . . . .
CNT -SVX07C-EN 1 Chapt e r 1 Ov erview and specifications This guid e provides i nstallation an d configuratio n information f or the Trac er ZN521 zone co ntrolle r , as wel l as a desc riptio n of its ope ratio ns. The overvi ew includes a pro duct description, sp ecifications , and descrip- tions of ancillary products that may be necessary .
Chapter 1 Overview and specific ations 2 CNT -S VX07C-EN St or age en vir onment If a Tracer ZN521 zone co ntroller is to be s tored for a su bstantial amo unt of tim e, store it in an indo or envi ro.
Clearan ces CNT -SVX07C-EN 3 Figur e 1 . Plas t ic- cove r model dimensions and clear a nce s Figur e 2. Metal-co ver model dime nsions and clearance s 4 in. (1 02 mm) 5.625 in ( 1 43 mm) 1 in (25 mm) 6.87 5 in (1 75 mm) 1 in (25 mm) 4 in (1 02 mm) 4 in (1 02 mm) 6.
Chapter 1 Overview and specific ations 4 CNT -S VX07C-EN A g ency l isting/compliance CE—Immunity: EN 50082-1:1997; EN 50082-2:1 995 CE—Emiss ions: EN 500 81-1:1992 (C ISPR 22) Clas s B UL and C-U.
Additional components CNT -SVX07C-EN 5 returns the valve to normall y open or clos ed (dependent on th e desired default po sition). F o r modula ting valve control , use tri-state modul ating actuators w ith or with out a spring return, as requ ired by the ap plication.
Chapter 1 Overview and specific ations 6 CNT -S VX07C-EN.
CNT -SVX07C-EN 7 Chapt e r 2 Gener al wir ing inf or mation This chapte r provides sp ecifications and general in formation about w ir- ing the Tracer ZN521 zone controller .
Chapter 2 General wir i ng infor mation 8 CNT -S VX07C-EN CAUTION Complet e input/output wir ing bef ore a pply ing po wer t o the T racer ZN521 zone con tr o ller . F ailure to do so may cau se damage to the con- tro ller or powe r transf or mer due to inadve rtent connections to po wer circuits .
Communication-link wiring a nd addressing CNT -SVX07C-EN 9 Commun ication-lin k wir ing an d addr e ssing The T racer ZN5 21 zone co ntroller communica tes wi th the BAS an d with other LonT alk controllers by means of a LonT alk communication link.
Chapter 2 General wir i ng infor mation 10 CNT -S VX07C-EN.
CNT -SVX07C-EN 11 Chapt e r 3 Mounting the contr oller This chapter gives recommendat i ons and requiremen ts for mounting a Tracer ZN521 zone control l er .
Chapt er 3 Mounting the con troller 12 CNT -S VX07C-EN Mounting r ecommendations Mounting recomme ndations are as follows: CAUTION Mount the T r acer ZN521 z one controller with the co ver on t o av oid the possibility of damaging the circuit board dur ing installation.
CNT -SVX07C-EN 13 Chapt e r 4 Input/output functions and wir ing f or typical applications This chap ter provide s informatio n about the f unction o f inputs an d out- puts and examp l es of wiring for typical applicati ons. Applicat ions sup- ported b y the Tracer Z N521 zone contro ller are sh own in T able 2.
Chapt er 4 Input/output func tions and wir ing for typical applications 14 CNT -S VX07C-EN Binary inpu ts The Tracer ZN521 cont roller includes four binary inputs . Each binary input a ssociates an in put signal o f 0 V a c with open contacts and 24 V ac with clos ed contacts .
Binary inputs CNT -SVX07C-EN 15 BI3: Occupancy or gener ic binary inpu t The BI3 binary input can function as either: • The o ccupa ncy i nput • A generic binary input The functi on of occupancy is to sa ve energy by spre ading zone setp oints when the zone is unoccupied .
Chapt er 4 Input/output func tions and wir ing for typical applications 16 CNT -S VX07C-EN Analog inputs The Tr acer ZN521 con troller includes seven anal og inputs. T able 4 describes thei r functions . Each function is explained in the following para graphs .
Analog inputs CNT -SVX07C-EN 17 SET : Local setpoint The SET anal og input functions as the local (hard-wire d) temperature setpoin t input for ap plications u tilizing a Trane zone senso r with a tem- perature setpoint t humbwheel. T he local setp oint input i s configura ble (as ena bled or disable d) using the Rov er service tool.
Chapt er 4 Input/output func tions and wir ing for typical applications 18 CNT -SVX07C-EN F or units not configured as cha ngeover units , the entering wat er temper- ature va lue is used for i nformation and t roubleshooti ng only and doe s not affect t he operation of th e controller .
Analog inputs CNT -SVX07C-EN 19 Economi zing ( free cooling ) is a f unction whereby o utdoor air is used as a source of co oling before hyd ronic or DX cool ing is used. The T racer ZN521 uses the o utdoor air temperature val ue to determine whe ther economiz- ing is f easible.
Chapt er 4 Input/output func tions and wir ing for typical applications 20 CNT -SVX07C-EN is estab lished and then is no lo nger present, the controller g enerates a Generic AIP F ailure diagnostic. Fo r t h e C O 2 measurement configuration, a 4–20 mA sensor must be hard- wire d to the AI4 termi nal as sh own in Fi gure 5.
Binary outputs CNT -SVX07C-EN 21 Binary ou tputs The ZN521 zo ne controller supp orts fan coil, b lower coil, and unit ventila- tor applica tions that ma y include the following compo nents: • Suppl.
Chapt er 4 Input/output func tions and wir ing for typical applications 22 CNT -SVX07C-EN Over r iding binary outpu ts The Tracer ZN521 control ler includes a manual output test and a w ater valve overri de feature. Use the manual output test to manua lly control the outputs i n a defined sequence .
Wiring requirements and optio ns CNT -SVX07C-EN 23 Figur e 7 . T w o-pipe hy dronic-cooling unit Lon T a lk in Ente ring water temper ature Outdoor a ir or generi c temperature 24 V † Exha ust (or f.
Chapt er 4 Input/output func tions and wir ing for typical applications 24 CNT -SVX07C-EN Figur e 8. T wo-pipe hy dronic-he a ting unit in Enteri ng water tempera t u re Outdoor a ir or gene ric tempe.
Wiring requirements and optio ns CNT -SVX07C-EN 25 Figur e 9. T wo-pipe h ydr onic heating/cooling unit wit h auto c hangeo ver LonT alk Enter ing w ater temp erat ure Outdoor air or generi c temperat.
Chapt er 4 Input/output func tions and wir ing for typical applications 26 CNT -SVX07C-EN Figur e 1 0. F our -pipe hy dronic heating/cooling unit Lon T a lk in Enteri ng w ater temp erat ure Outdoor a.
Wiring requirements and optio ns CNT -SVX07C-EN 27 Figur e 1 1 . Four -pipe heating/cooling unit with aut o chang eover LonT alk in Outdoor a ir or generi c temperature 24 V † Exhaus t (or fan, medi.
Chapt er 4 Input/output func tions and wir ing for typical applications 28 CNT -SVX07C-EN Figur e 12. T wo-pipe heating unit with DX cooling LED A B B A AI4 +20 GND AI2 AI3 FA N GND AI1 ZN GND LED SET.
Wiring requirements and optio ns CNT -SVX07C-EN 29 Figur e 13. Electr ic heat unit with DX cooling LED A B B A AI4 +20 GND AI2 AI3 FA N GND AI1 ZN GND LED SET PIN ZONE SENSOR SERVICE ANALOG INPUTS COM.
Chapt er 4 Input/output func tions and wir ing for typical applications 30 CNT -SVX07C-EN Figur e 14. Electr ic heat unit LonT alk in Enteri ng water temperature Outdoor air or generi c temperature 24.
Wiring requirements and optio ns CNT -SVX07C-EN 31 Figur e 15. T wo-pipe heating unit with f ace-and-b ypass damper LonT alk in Enteri ng w ater temp erat ure Outdoor air or generi c temperature 24 V .
Chapt er 4 Input/output func tions and wir ing for typical applications 32 CNT -SVX07C-EN Figur e 16. T wo-pipe heating/cooling unit with face -and-bypass damper LonT alk in Enteri ng water temper atu.
Wiring requirements and optio ns CNT -SVX07C-EN 33 Figur e 17 . Four -pipe h e atin g/cooling unit wit h f ace-and- bypass damper LonT alk in Enteri ng water tem perat ure Outdoor ai r or generic temp.
Chapt er 4 Input/output func tions and wir ing for typical applications 34 CNT -SVX07C-EN.
CNT -SVX07C-EN 35 Chapt e r 5 Sequence of oper ations The Trace r ZN521 zone controlle r will operate to maintain th e zone tem- pera ture setpoi nt. This chapter discusse s many of the op erationa l sequences used by the controlle r to accomplish this goal.
Chapt er 5 Sequence of oper ations 36 CNT -SVX07C-EN Occupanc y modes Occupancy modes can be controlled by any of the follow i ng: • The state of the local (hard-wired) occupancy binary input BI3 (s.
Timed over ride control CNT -SVX07C-EN 37 The fan will run as confi gured (continuous or cycling ) for occupied mode. The control ler alwa ys uses the stored de fault setpoi nt values (config- urable usi ng the Rover servic e tool), regardless of hard-wired or commu- nicated se tpoint values .
Chapt er 5 Sequence of oper ations 38 CNT -SVX07C-EN Zone temper a t ur e cont r o l The Tracer ZN 5 21 zone con troller uses two methods of zone tempera ture control: • Cascade zone cont rol—used.
Disc har ge air t emperi ng CNT -SVX07C-EN 39 Disc har ge air t emper ing If the cont roller is i n cooling mode , cascade zone control initiates a dis- charge air tem pering f unction when t he disch.
Chapt er 5 Sequence of oper ations 40 CNT -SVX07C-EN In heating and cooling mode, the control ler maintain s the zone tempera- ture based o n the active he ating setpoi nt and the active cool ing setpoint, respec tively . The active hea ting and coolin g setpoints are determined by the occupan cy mode of the controller .
Exhaust cont rol CNT -SVX07C-EN 41 fan configur ation. The co ntroller can be conf igured to auto, to a sp ecific fan speed, or t o off . If both a communicated and hard-wired valu e (fan- speed swi tch) is present, t he communicated value ha s priority .
Chapt er 5 Sequence of oper ations 42 CNT -SVX07C-EN • The exhau st output is de-e nergized if the outdoor air dampe r position drops 10% below the Exha ust F an/Da mper Ena ble Setpoint.
Modulating outdoor /return air dampers CNT -SVX07C-EN 43 T wo-position v alve operation The T racer ZN5 21 supp orts tw o-posit ion va lves with a single binary out- put for each va lve. Contro llers used for two-pipe a pplications support heating, cooling, or heat /cool changeover with a sing le valve/coi l.
Chapt er 5 Sequence of oper ations 44 CNT -SVX07C-EN low-spee d fan operatio n. A controlle r can also receive a BAS-communi- cated outdoor air damper minimum position. A BAS-communi cated minimum position setpoin t has priority over all locally conf igured setpoint s .
Modulating outdoor /return air dampers CNT -SVX07C-EN 45 ASHRAE Cy cle 1 confor mance Tracer ZN521 applicati ons with an outside air damper support ASH RAE Cycle 1 confo rmance. ASHR AE Cycle 1 operati on admits 100% outdoo r air at all times except during a warm-up cyc le.
Chapt er 5 Sequence of oper ations 46 CNT -SVX07C-EN T w o-position contr ol of a modulating outdoor ai r damper The Tracer ZN 521 does not suppo rt a two-posit ion outdoor air da mper actu ator . However , a modulatin g outdoor/retu rn air damper actuat or can be used for two-pos ition control.
Electric heat operation CNT -SVX07C-EN 47 Electr ic heat oper ation The Tracer ZN 521 supports both singl e-stage and two- stage electr ic heat. Electri c h eat is cycled on and o ff to maintain the dis charge air tempera- ture at the activ e heating setpoint.
Chapt er 5 Sequence of oper ations 48 CNT -SVX07C-EN P e er -t o-peer communication Tracer ZN 521 zone con trollers have the ability to share da ta with o ther LonT alk -based controllers .
Unit protection strategies CNT -SVX07C-EN 49 Smart r es et The Tr acer ZN521 w ill auto matically restart a unit that is locke d-out as a result of a Low Coil T emp Detection (BI1) diagnostic. Referred to a s “smart reset,” this autom atic rest art will o ccur 30 m inutes af ter the diag - nostic occurs .
Chapt er 5 Sequence of oper ations 50 CNT -SVX07C-EN Filter -maintenance timer The filter -maintenance timer tracks the amount of time (in hours) that the fan is en abled.
CNT -SVX07C-EN 51 Chapt e r 6 Stat us indicat ors f or oper ation and communication This chapter describes the operation and communication status indica- tors on the Tracer ZN521 controller , includin.
Chapt er 6 Status indicat ors for oper ation and communicati on 52 CNT -SVX07C-EN Manual output test The manual output test se quentially turns on and off all binary outputs to verif y their operatio n. The test override s normal operation of t he con- troller , which is su spended while the test is b eing performe d.
Manual output test CNT -SVX07C-EN 53 T able 1 1 . Manual output t est sequence fo r non-f ace-and-b ypass configur ations St ep Result BOP1 BOP2 BOP3 BOP4 BOP5 BOP6 BOP7 BOP8 BOP9 BOP1 0 Number of tim.
Chapt er 6 Status indicat ors for oper ation and communicati on 54 CNT -SVX07C-EN 11 : E x i t 5 1 The controller tu rns of f all fan and electri c heat outputs and drives all d ampers and valves closed. 2 The controller attempts to clear all diagnostics.
Manual output test CNT -SVX07C-EN 55 T able 12. Manual output t est sequence f or f ace-and-b ypass configuration s (two-position iso lation v alves only) Step Result BOP1 BOP2 BOP3 BOP4 BOP5 BOP6 BOP.
Chapt er 6 Status indicat ors for oper ation and communicati on 56 CNT -SVX07C-EN Service pin but ton The Servi ce pin button is locat ed as shown in Figure 19 on page 51.
Interp reting LED s CNT -SVX07C-EN 57 The gr een (status) L ED on the Trace r ZN521 controll er (see Figure 19 on page 51) indicates whether the controller has powe r a pplied to it and if the controller is in manual test mode ( see T ab le 14).
Chapt er 6 Status indicat ors for oper ation and communicati on 58 CNT -SVX07C-EN Diagnostics Diagnosti cs are info rmational messa ges that indi cate the operat ional sta- tus of the controller .
Diagnostics CNT -SVX07C-EN 59 Smart r eset diagnostics After the contro l ler detects the first smart reset diagnostic, the unit w aits 30 minutes before init iating the smart reset functi on.
Chapt er 6 Status indicat ors for oper ation and communicati on 60 CNT -SVX07C-EN Space T emperatu r e F ailure Invalid or missing value for z one temperature Fan off Va l v e s closed Outdoor air dam.
Diagnostics CNT -SVX07C-EN 61 Generic AIP Failure Inv alid or missing value for generic analog input Fan unaffec t e d Va l v e s unaffec t e d Outdoor air damper unaf f ected Fac e and bypass da mper.
Chapt er 6 Status indicat ors for oper ation and communicati on 62 CNT -SVX07C-EN.
CNT -SVX07C-EN 63 Chapt e r 7 T r oubleshooting Use T able 17 thro ugh T able 22 to assist you in diag nosin g any of th e fol- lowing operat i ona l problems that you might encounte r with the Tracer.
Chapt er 7 T roubleshooting 64 CNT -SVX07C-EN Cycling fa n operation/ continuous The control ler operates the fa n continuously when in the occupied, o ccupied standby , or occupie d bypass mode. Whe n the controller is in th e unoccupied mode, the fan is cycled between high spe ed and off with capacity .
T roubleshooting CNT -SVX07C-EN 65 T abl e 19. V alves r em ain open Pr obable cause Explanation Unit wirin g The wiring between the co ntroller outputs and the valve(s) must be present and cor rect for normal valve operation. R efer to applicable wiring diagram.
Chapt er 7 T roubleshooting 66 CNT -SVX07C-EN R equested mode of f Y ou can communic ate a desired operati ng mode (suc h as of f, hea t, and cool) to the con- troller . If of f is communicated to the controller , the unit shuts off the c ompressor or elec- tric heat.
T roubleshooting CNT -SVX07C-EN 67 Normal operati on The control ler opens and cl oses the outdoo r air damper based on th e controller’ s occu- pancy mo de and fan status. N ormally , the outdoor a ir damper is open d uring occupied mode whe n the fan is runnin g and closed during unoccupied mod e.
Chapt er 7 T roubleshooting 68 CNT -SVX07C-EN.
CNT -SVX07C-EN 39 Index Numer ics 24 V ac wiring, 7 A A C-power wiring, 7 Actuators Damper , 5, 46 V alve, 4 Additional a pplication-depend ent comp onents , 4–5 Addressing LonT alk commun ication, .
Index 40 CNT -SVX07C-EN Electri c h eat, 1 Fac e-and-bypass dam pers, 1 Outdoor/return air dampers, 1 R over service to ol, 1 T ri-state m odulating dampers, 1 T ri-state m odulating valves , 1 T wo-p.
Ind ex CNT -SVX07C-EN 41 Low-coil -temper atur e det ection Diagnostic , 14, 59 Input, 14 M Manual ou tput test, 52 Modulating outdo or/return air dampers, 43 Modulat ing valves Calibration, 42 Oper a.
Index 42 CNT -SVX07C-EN Switc hing devices Condensat e overflow , 4, 14 Cur rent sensing, 4 Fan st at us , 4 Fr eeze pr otection, 4, 14 Low-coil -temper atur e, 4 Occupa ncy , 4, 15 T T emperature s e.
T rane has a policy of continuous product and product data impro vement and reserves the right to c hange design and sp ecifications without notice. Only qualified techni cians should perform the installa- tion and servicing of equipment refer red to in this publication.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Trane Zone Controller (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Trane Zone Controller heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Trane Zone Controller vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Trane Zone Controller leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Trane Zone Controller krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Trane Zone Controller bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Trane Zone Controller kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Trane Zone Controller . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.