Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 335 van de fabrikant Vixel
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real world solutions for storage networking 1·888·A T·VIXEL / www Vixel HQ / 11911 North Creek Parkway South / Bothell, W A 98011 / USA tel 425 806 5509 / fax 425 806 4050 Vixel Europe / P .
Part Num ber 0004136 3-001 Rev . A i Copyright © 200 3 V ixel Corporation . All rights reserve d worldwide. No p art of this docume nt may be reprodu ced by any means no r transl ated to a ny electron ic medium without the written consent o f V i xel Corporation.
ii T able of Contents 1 Introduction ............. ....................... ................... ............ 1 2 Installation ............... .............. .............. .............. ............ 3 3 Management ............ ....................... .
1 CHAPTER 1 Introduction About Th is Guide This guide is desi gned to provide the user with the ne cessary informati on to install the V ixel Mo del 335 Sw itch and ass ociated S mall Form- Factor Plug gable T ransceivers (SFPs) for use in Fibre Chann el applica tions in typi cal Storage Are a Networks (S ANs).
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 1 Introduct ion 2 Fibre Channel-Ar bitrated Loop The Fibre Chann el-Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL) is a n ANSI standard (X3T11) d esigned to provide sha red bandwid th over low-c ost media.
3 CHAPTER 2 Installation Unpacking th e Switch T o unpack the swi tch: 1. Inspect th e outer shi pping conta iner for any damage tha t may have o c curred i n shipping and rep ort any sign of damage to the appropr iate shipp ing agenc y .
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 2 Instal latio n 4 Using Small Form-Factor Pl uggable (SFP) T ransceivers The switch supports any SFP modu le that compli es with the S FP specificatio n as prod uce d by MSA con so rti um.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 2 Instal latio n 5 Setting Up the Switch Before th e switch can establish com munication with you r network, i ts IP Addres s needs to be changed from its default value. T o set the IP Address: 1.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 2 Instal latio n 6 Note: FC-AL compat ible nodes must perform initializati on procedures upon po wer -up in order to function properly .
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 2 Instal latio n 7 Port LEDs Port LEDs indicate the current sta tus of the pa rticular po rt.The switch u ses two port LEDs: SFP Statu s and Por t Bypassed/ Port Activity . The Port Bypass ed and Port Activity LEDs share the same yellow/gr een LED.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 2 Instal latio n 8 An explana tion of the Po rt LED indicato rs is listed below: SFP Status LED Port Bypassed/ Activity LED Indicati on Off Off Normal s tatus of operation fo r ports in which SFPs are not insta lled.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 2 Instal latio n 9 Cascading Switches Cascading allo ws you to co nnect two or mo re switches togethe r to increase the number of ports and availabl e devices. The sw itch allows y ou to link up to 12 switches.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 2 Instal latio n 10 2. Y ou may not hav e multiple casc ades in Zones 2 -12. Figure 2-6. NOT ACCEP T ABLE: Multiple cascades in Zones 2-12 3. Y ou may h ave a si ngle cas cade in Zon e s 2-12 only .
11 CHAPTER 3 Management Overview The sw itch util izes bo th a W eb Mana ger i nterf ace and a Com mand L ine I nterf ace (CL I) to manage the swi tch. Y o u can change the switch’ s de vice identifica tion, upgrade firmware, configure switch settings and polic ies, define severity levels for event message s, and configure z oning.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 12 Figure 3-1. W eb Ma nage r Home Pag e The W eb Manager for the selected switch appears, and monitoring is availab le.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 13 Config uring the S witch A quick list of frequent c onfigurati on tasks and their locatio ns is shown her e. More detailed information on e ach conf iguration ta sk follows the table.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 14 System Informa tion Settings The System Informations page displays the switch’ s parameters and genera l conf igur ati on s etti ngs. T o view the syste m settings, clic k System .
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 15 T o modify the current settings, click C hange Setting s . The System Informati on page appear s with the f ields ava ilable for modification .
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 16 4. Y ou must reset the switch for the new netw ork settings to become active. T o re set the switch in the W eb Mana ger, click Ho me and then clic k Reset Switch . Y ou may also reset the switch through th e CLI.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 17 Downloa d ing the Sw i tch Con figur ation Y ou can dow nload the c urrent switc h configur ation to the W eb Mana ger . The configu ration file displ a ys in t ext format.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 18 T o chan ge the Time Mod e: 1. From the T ime Mode d rop-down box, se lect the desired time setting. 2. C lic k Submit . T o use a time ser ver: 1. Se le ct Serv er in the T ime Mode dr op-down box.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 19 T o change the firmware settings: 1. C lic k Chang e Firmware Settings . 2. C lic k Switch Image for execu tion on ne xt boot to swap the current firmware imag e and the alternate firmware image.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 20 FC Switch Info rmation The FC Switch Information pa ge displays th e switch view b y ports. Each port di splays the zone, uti lization percentage, and associated ALP A(s).
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 21 OS Inform ation The Ord ered S ets In format ion page displays the Ordere d Sets t hat are bein g tr ansmitt ed on the switch by their as sociated port number . T o view the Ordered Sets Informatio n page: 1.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 22 RRDY The receiving node on thi s port has sent an R_RDY si gnal, indicating that it is ready for a frame to be transmitted ove r the link. CLS The port is attempting to be gin the process of closing the current loop circuit.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 23 T o highlight a specific zon e, click the Highlight Zone dro p -down bo x and selec t the desired zone .
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 24 The Utilization Pe rcentages values are: The sam ple perio d, average w indows s ize, and p eak/low w indow size values ar e also disp lay ed.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 25 3. C lic k Submit to accept the changes. 4. C lic k Back to Port Usage to view the new settings. Port Setting s The Port I n formati on page disp lays the port sta tus for eac h port on the switch.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 26 T o highlight a specific zon e, click the Highlight Zone dro p -down bo x and selec t the desired zone .
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 27 T o modify the port cascade settings: 1. C lic k Chan ge Port Casc ade Se ttings .
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 28 5. A fter makin g chan ge s, cl ick Submit to accept the changes. T o highlight a specific zon e, click the Highlight Zone dro p -down bo x and selec t the desired zone .
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 29 Policy Setting s Policies defin e switch opera tion and determ ine how the sw itch handles error recovery . The Poli cies page displays the switch policie s that are enab led or disable d.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 30 T o update the switch’ s policies: 1. C lic k Chan ge Settin gs on the Polic y page. The Policies page appears with fields available for modification. Figure 3-21 .
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 31 Zone Sett ings The switch uses two types of por t zoning: O verlapping and Non-Ov erlapping Z ones.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 32 The Zone Information p a ge displ ays the curre nt zoning confi g uration, th e ports in e ach zone, the zone state, the init count, and th e time duration ("up time") for the zone.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 33 T o config ure the overlappin g ports: 1. C lic k Change Overla pping Zones . The Ov erlappin g Zone 1 I nformation pag e appears with th e ports available for modifica tion.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 34 Note: Y ou can have simultane ous overlap ping and non-ov erlapping zoning . Overlap ping zonin g operate s in Zone 1 and non-over lapping zonin g operate s in Zones 2-12.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 35 T o highlight a specific zon e, click the Highlight Zone dro p -down bo x and selec t the desired zone .
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 36 Using the Command Line Interface (CLI) The Command Line Interface (CLI) allows y ou to complete several switch manag ement tasks ove r Ethernet th rough a teln e t session or through a direct se rial link.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 37 Config uring the S witch The CLI ena bles you to con figure the swit ch settings, policie s, and zoning . A list of frequent switch configu ration tasks and their commands is sho wn here.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 38 Changin g the Switch’ s IP Parame ters T o view the curre nt switch co nfiguration, type co at the prom pt.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 39 Managi ng the Fir mwar e T o view the current firmwa re settings and a complete list of comma nds, type fw at the prompt.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 40 d. T y pe th e fo llow ing an d pre ss En ter . quit 4. In the termina l session window , type 1 to verify a nd store the new firmw are. The following message appears.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 41 6. T ype fw , then type 1 . The active and alternate fir mware versions are disp layed. 7. If the “a lternate ve rsion” is a nything o ther than th e firmware you just downloade d, verify that the file is good and repeat th e download.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 42 4. If you w ant to edit any of the listed op tions, type the n umber correspond ing to the desi red opti on (co mmuni ty [p ass word] , se v erity , state, or mode) and follow the prom pts.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 43 Chang ing the CLI /W eb Pass word Note: If you d o not remembe r your p assword, call your cu stomer service representative. One pas sword is u sed to ac cess both the W eb Man a ger an d the Comm and Line Interface.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 44 Policies Note: The mc comman d must be ent er ed pri or to issuing one of the s ubmenu command s. Y ou can vie w the curre nt global poli c y setting s and con figure the s witch to use the policies you se lect.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 45 T o enable o r disable a po licy: 1. Enter the number f or the desir ed policy . 2. E nter 2 to enable the policy o r 3 to disa ble the policy . T o view your chang es, type mc and an upda ted list app ears.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 46 Actio ns Additiona l actions a re avail able from the Managemen t Agent Menu. An explan ation of the actions follows: T o perform an action, enter the sp ecific nu mber for the action and follow the promp ts.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 47 Chang ing the Sw itchi ng Mode The Switc h Menu allows y ou to configu re the switch, v iew specific switch information, and turn o n/off the switching mode. T o activate the switch control c ommand, type sw at the prompt.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 48 Ports Displays all information concerning a specific port. When a port number (e.g., 2) is entered, the default port number (1) is c hange d to the new port number . Y ou can also change the port policies.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 49 Displaying Ports The Sh ow Port co mmand displ ays all informat ion concer ning a s pecific por t and a llows you to c hange the po rt policies. T o configur e the currently sel ected port, typ e po at the prompt.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 50 Setting Description Control Enables you to configure control of the port. Select from: (2) auto – the default setting. The swit ch controls the p ort and prevents the insertion of incom patible ports which may cause disruption.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 51 Viewing the Eve nt Log The event log comman d enables yo u to view the ev ent log.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 52 Changin g the S witch’ s Opera ting Speed The link speed co mmand enabl es you to change the switch’ s op erating speed. T o activa te the link sp eed control , type lsp at the pr ompt.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 3 M anagement 53 Non-Overl apping Zo ning Conf igurati on Note: Ports 11 and 12 c an only be in Zone 1. The non -overlapping zones feat ure enables you to as sign each p ort on the switc h to one of 12 a vailable zones.
54 CHAPTER 4 T echnical Reference T echnical Suppor t Before cont acting Customer S upport, ch eck for solution s in this g uide. Contac t information for T echnic al Support is p rovided in the W elcome Le tter that came wi th your switch.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 4 T echni cal Reference 55 T roubl eshoot ing Some co mmon trou bleshootin g situations are liste d below wi th suggeste d courses o f action. Situation* Recommended Action No LEDs a re on.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide CHAPTER 4 T echni cal Reference 56 Small Form-Facto r Pluggable (SF P) Issues Items to ch eck for common SFP -related symptoms are li sted below . Fibre Channel References The follo wing boo ks give u seful inform ation abo ut Fibre Cha nnel.
57 Appendixes.
58 APPENDIX A Specifications Specifications The switch’ s specifi cations are listed below: Specifica tions 58 Operating Conditions 5 9 Number of Ports 12 Operating Rate 1.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide APPENDIX A Specifications 59 Operating Condit ions The switch must be op er ated i n a clean, dry enviro nment with unrestricted airflow . Air flows in th rough the cosmetic end and out th rough the bus iness end (s ometimes called the transceiver end or “ba ck-of-box”).
60 APPENDIX B CLI Console Commands Conso le Command s All of the com mands below are ordered generall y by category . The format of the command s is given i n the list, ho wever , the “help” comma nd at the command lin e may give e ven more detail .
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide APPENDIX B CLI Console Comma nds 61 Show Hardware Menu sh Di splays hardware informa tion and versions. Show Enclosure Menu se Displays information on fan status, temperature, controller status, a nd management sta tus.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide APPENDIX B CLI Console Comma nds 62 Configure Non- overlapping Zones noz noz z:p,p,p.. z:p p.. z.. Configures ports for no n-overlapping z ones. Va l u e s : z = zone number 1 to 12 p = port number 1 to 12 Note: Unspecified ports are placed into zone 1.
63 APPENDIX C Event Messages The event messag es are listed by refe rence numbe r . Also include d are the event descriptions, rec ommended actions, refere nce numbers, and the me ssage’ s applicabl.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide APPENDIX C Event Messages 64 132 Z one up t hen dow n The zo ne state has cycle d through the “u p” and “down” states sev eral times. Cu rrent zone state (at the time of thi s message) i s dow n.
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide APPENDIX C Event Messages 65 203 Port switch connect overf low A numbe r of stalls have occurre d in a sp ecific amoun t of tim e. --- Info 204 Port switch stall An instance occurred where two de vice s cou ld not disc on- nect c ommunic ations wi th one another .
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide APPENDIX C Event Messages 66 272 D aytime m ode changed The current daytime mode (none , user , server) has changed. --- Info 273 Daytime server IP Address changed The IP Address f or the daytime serv er has ch ange d.
67 APPENDIX D Loop ID—AL_P A Cross References Arbitrated Loo p Physical Add resses AL_P A Loop ID AL_P A Loop ID AL _P A Loop ID (hex) (hex) (decimal) (hex) (hex) (decimal) (hex) (he x) (dec imal ) .
68 APPENDIX E Gloss ary AL_P A or Arbitrated Loop Physic al Addre ss A one-byte v alue used t o identify a port in an Arbitrate d Loop topology . The va lue of the AL_P A corresp onds to bits 7:0 of th e 24-bit Native Ad dress Identifier .
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide APPENDIX E Glossary 69 Non-ove rlapping Zones Enables the switch to be divided into se parate environme nts, where ea ch envir onment sus tains a complete 127-d evice AL_PA space. Open An Arbitrated Loo p protocol used to estab lish a switc h circuit.
70 Index A AL_P A-Loop ID Cross Refe rences.... 6 7 attaching devices .............. ................. . 5 C cascading sw itches ................ ............. 9 Command L ine Interface (CLI) ........ 36 configu ring switch ......... ........... 37 configur ing switch informatio n .
V ixel Model 33 5 Insta llation & Configu ration G uide Index 71 S setup ......... ................. ................. ....... 5 SFPs ........................... ........................ 4 shipped conte nts .............. ................ 11 specification s .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Vixel 335 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Vixel 335 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Vixel 335 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Vixel 335 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Vixel 335 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Vixel 335 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Vixel 335 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Vixel 335 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.