Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product CPU-55 van de fabrikant Vizio
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INTERCOM SYSTEM CPU-55 Functions and Operating Instructions T O A ELECTRIC CO, LTD. KOBE, JAPAN 133-02-475-1.
Part na m e s a nd functions on the station keyboard Volume switch speaker. In-use Lamp Lights up when the station is o n line with another sta tion. Pocket P ager response Conference Mic off Pocket P.
Function o f th e EXES-5000 CPU-55 No. Function Fixed Function Selective Function *1 Programmed function at No.200 *2 Optional Function (Required units) Page N o.
Summary o f Dial Operations Classification Function Di a l operation Number Press-to-talk Continuous ca lling ton e Privacy Sec ret ary transfer Sing le digi t registration Single digi t di alin g Per.
Classification Function Di al operation Number Description Paging Data Transmitting and Receiving U ni t All-call p l us 7-zone paging All-call pl us 1 5-z one paging Combination paging All-call respo.
Classification o f Functions Classification Function Content Explanation Group Blocking Programmable Restricted Access for Stations. Different types o f paging are ranked by priority. Priority o f station paging over c a lls: Length of calling tone Length o f paging tone Automatic line release Station numbers (sequencial st ation nu m bers): max.
Automatic Line R e l e a s e When, i n dialing, all of the numbers are no t dialed within 5 s ec on ds , th e station i s automatically disconnected from the speech path a n d dialing cannot be completed. In this instance, the dialing process will have t o be repeated from the beginning.
Ca mp -O n Privacy When the party yo u ar e calling h a s h i s station on Privacy mode, by simply waiting you will automatically "Camp- On" the line. (Busy tone sounds continuously.) As soon a s the Privacy mode i s released, you w i ll b e automatically connected.
Personal Nu m b e r C a l l A personal number may b e registered at any master station which the person t o whom the number i s assigned expects to be . A party w ish ing t o receive personal number c a l l s at a specific station may re g ister h is number at that station b y touch di a ling Personal Number.
Single Digit Dialing Single di git registration Register i n advance as follows: Confirmation t on e Station number (2 digits f o r 2-digit dial) Confirmation t on e Personal number Confirmation to ne.
Master S u b Relationship Master/Substation associations are s e t up by using station #200 as th e programming station. O nce these relationships ha v e b ee n established, substations c an then cont.
Secretary Transfer This function i s o nly available whe n a specified station i s programmed for t hi s purpose with us e o f Station # 2 00 i n the programming mo de . Automatic transfer of incoming calls by an executive to his secretary is accomplished by placing the Privacy Switch on his station in the ON position.
Call Transfer Call Transfer fro m Called Station Du r in g the conve rsa tio n, first dial (th e Station Num ber of the person th e ca ll i s to b e tr ans- ferred to) . The orig ina l c al l is then held and the holding tone is trans- mi tte d to the o t h er party, while th e third party is called and asked whether he wi ll accept the c al l.
Priority When th e party called is on the line, as indicated by the busy tone, dialing transmits a priority tone to the called party. The same tone i s audible a t the calling station.
Talk B a c k First, ca ll the " T a lk - Back" station as i n a normal call. ("Talk-Back" st a t io n) Th e Calling tone wi ll sound and t he message is transmitted. I n this case, while th e calling station ha s th e Press-To-Talk bar depressed, th e caller c a n tran smi t a one-way message.
Conference A "Hands-Free" conference call ca n b e ma de with up to 4 persons. For a conference under t hi s function t he other participants may be called either through their station num- ber, personal number or by Single Digit D ialing.
Paging A variety of paging modes allows paging over a wide area from an y master station. The paged p a r t y may respond f r o m th e nearest master station. Paging modes include external P A systems and/or Station paging and Z one paging is f o r calling a limited area, and All-call paging is f or calling over the entire area.
Note: Priority of Paging Emergency all-call paging > All-call paging > Co m bination paging = (Individual) zone paging 1 . The higher priority page overrides t he lower pr io ri ty one. The lower priority page will b e restored when the higher priority page is termi- nated.
Paging area All-call paging Calling Maxi mum of 1 5 zones Combination paging of u p to 1 0 zones No. 0 1 7 8 15 90 99 Paging Ex t e rn a l PA paging All-call a nd maximum of 7 zones paging Combination zone Available Available, provided the combination zone i s within the zone of 1 through 15 .
All-Call Paging a nd Individual Zone Paging Ex t er na l PA paging to a specific zone is possible from a ny master station by pressing and the desired zone number ('0' = all-call). I t i s p o ssible to wait fo r a response in this m ode, bu t anything said w i l l b e broadcast over the entire zone.
Combination Paging Several zones ca n be called simultaneously us ing external PA paging and station paging. This is combination paging an d is initiated by pressing Paging will b e broadcast to predetermined zones.
To operate combination paging, No. 2 0 0 registration indi- cating the individual zones to b e included in the combina- tion zone-must b e m ade. Fo r further details, refer to Installation Hand Book fo r EXES-5000 CPU-55.
Paging Priority Wh en using the st andard paging functions, paging is n o t < Example > heard whi le other calls ar e i n pr o gr es s. Using paging priority: 1 . Dial Whe n the st at io n being paged is already o n the li ne, the call i s interrupted.
Note 1: If the station called is in the process of dialing when s ta ti on paging is initiative, paging w i l l not be heard at that station and the call c an b e c om - pleted without interference. Note 2: If a station being paged with station paging is called b y a thir d party, camp-on-busy w il l result.
Programmable S ta ti on Nu m bering This function allows th e system to have " Pro gr ammable station numbers", other than the "Hardwired station numbers" by programming. The unprogrammed stations (uni t station numbers) are u s e d as original hardw ire d station numbers.
< Example > Calling station Station receiving Group Blocking Function ( A ) . . The system can be grouped or divided into a maximum o f 8 gr ou ps o f stations with sequencial station numbers. Stations i n the group cannot call another. Function ( B ) .
1 . F o r a conference call, only those stations allowed to us e the conference link ca n dial. The other members of t he conference ne ed no t b e allowed conference access. 2 . No . 2 0 0 programming of the specified station mu st b e m a d e i n the exchange.
In/Out Annunciation Th e in/out annunciation indicators can b e turned on or o ff f r o m any master sta t io n by usi ng t he personal number registering procedure.
Calling Party Indication (7-SEG Display Type) A numerical type calling party indication panel ca n b e provided fo r certain specified stations (32 stations from No. 200 to No. 231). 1. The party receiving the call i s indicated in the area fo r th e calling station number with 7 segment display.
General Purpose Control Stat ion may be restricted fr o m access to this function. Thi s function c an control other equipments by employing the Da ta Transmitting and Receiving Units. Select the required t yp e of output. (Mode 1 ) One-shot make ou tpu t Dial ( 0 0 0 ~ 49 9 , max.
Note 1: In th e event that an error h a s been made when dialing for Transfer o r Conference, a t the start of or during the conversation, dial Thi s w i l l restore th e c ondition befor e t he error was made, allowing t h e caller t o make a correction without interrupting the call.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Vizio CPU-55 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Vizio CPU-55 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Vizio CPU-55 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Vizio CPU-55 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Vizio CPU-55 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Vizio CPU-55 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Vizio CPU-55 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Vizio CPU-55 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.