Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product EXES-6000 CP-64 van de fabrikant Vizio
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EXES- 6000 CP-64 INTERCOM SYSTEM CP-64 Functions a n d Operating Instructions T O A ELECTRIC C O . , LTD. KO BE , JAPAN 133-06-081-8.
Introduction to the "Functions and Operating lnstructions" for stations for EXES-6000 .......... 3 Chapter 1. Basic Functions, Their Operating Procedures and Al l Functions 1. Stations ............................... 4 2. Speech Functions ..
Chapter 3. Functions an d Operating Procedures o f Tie-Line System for a Maxi mum of 76 8 Stations 1 . Par t Names and Functions of the Stati on Keyboard . . . 6 0 2. Tie-Line Connections of Exchanges ............. 6 1 3. Function Description ........
Thi s handbook explains the functions and operating procedures o f stations fo r TO A' s EXES-6000 Intercom System using central processing unit CP-64 ( f o r single exchange or tie-line system) and exchanges EX-630.
Chapter 1 Basic f u n c t i o n s , their operating procedures a n d al l functions.
1. TL-600M 2. TL-600S 3. HF-660M 4 . AK-024 5. HF-600M 6. HF-600S 7. HF-610M 8. HF-610S Desk/Wall-Mounted H andset Master Station Desk/Wall-Mounted H andset S ub- station Des k / Wall-Mounted Hands-Fr.
Either " PV " Type ( the system with Privacy function) o r "NP" Type (Without Privacy function) mo d e should b e selected in th e total intercom system.
1) Handset Master Station Model TL-600M N P Type Handset In-use l amp Speaker volume switch Dial k ey s key < Making a call > 1 . P i c k u p th e handset and touch di a l the st at i on number of the party y ou wi sh t o ta l k to after he a ring dial tone.
3 ) Hands-free Master Station Model HF-620M/630M/631M/650M P V Type Speaker volume switch Microphone Speaker In-use lamp Privacy switch Dial k ey s key HF-620M HF-630M HF-631M HF-650M < Responding to a c al l > [I n the ca se that the Privacy switch i s in the O F F position.
3) Hands-free Master S tat ion Model HF-620M/630M/631M/650M N P Type Speaker volume swit ch Microphone Speaker In-use lamp Privacy sw itch Dial k e y s key HF-620M HF-630M HF-631M HF-650M < Making a call > 1 .
4) Hands-free Substation Model (HF-620S/630S/631S/640S) PV T y pe Speaker v o l u m e sw i tc h Microphone Speaker In-use lam p Privacy switch Dial k e ys key HF-620S HF-630S HF-631S HF-640S < Making a call > 1 .
4 ) Hands-free Substation Model (HF-620S/630S/631S/640S) N P Type Speaker volume switch Microphone Speaker In-use lamp Privacy swi tch D ia l keys key HF-620S HF-630S HF-631S HF-640S < Making a call > 1 .
5) Hands-free / Handset Master S tation Model HF-600M/610M/660M ( W i t h Auto-Dialer) PV Ty p e Handset Speaker v ol ume sw itch Microphone Lo ud speaker Speaker In-use lamp Privacy switch Dial k e y s key HF-600M HF-610M HF-660M < Making a ca ll > 1 .
5) Hands-free / Handset Master Station Model HF-600M/610M/660M (W i th A u to - Di aler) NP T y p e Handset Speaker v ol um e switch Microphone Loud speaker Speaker In-use lamp Privacy switch Dial ke ys key HF-600M HF-610M HF-660M < Making a ca l l > < Responding to a c all > 1 .
6) Hands-free / Handset Substation Model H F - 600S/610 PV Type Handset Speaker volume switch Microphone Loud speaker Speaker In-use lam p Privacy switch Dial ke y s key HF-600S HF-610S < Making a call > 1 .
6) Hands-free / Handset substation Model HF-600S/610S N P Type Handset Speaker volume switch Microphone Loud speaker Speaker In-use lamp Privacy switch D i al keys key HF-600S HF-610S < Making a call > 1 .
7) Hands-free / Handset Master Station wi th Auto-Dialer Model HF - 660 PV T y p e N P Type Handset Registration mo de switch Privacy/In-use la mp Privacy switch key Lo ud speaker Auto-Dialer keys Pa ge selector sw it ch Entry key Dial keys Hands-free microphone < Making a call > 1 .
Functions: EXES-6000 CP-64 No. Classification Automatic Line Release Camp-On-Busy Mic-Off Single Digit Dialing Automatic Access t o Paging Master/Sub Relationship Priv acy • Camp-On-Privacy/Continuo.
Functions: EXES-6000 CP-64 Notes. 1 . XX/YY i n d i c a t e s t o s e l e c t e i t h e r XX ( Function) o r Y Y (Function). 2. N o t a ll circles ( ) i n The Switch Selection table correspond to the DIP switches of the CP unit.
Chapter 2 Functions a n d operating procedures o f single exchange system fo r a maximum of 2 5 6 stations.
Vol ume switch Adju sts the volume of the station speaker. In-use La mp Lights up w hen the station is on li ne wit h another station. Pocket Pager response Conference Mic off Pocket Pager c a l l Per.
Besides f i x e d standard fu n ctions, th ere are selectable standard functions an d optional functions. Selectable standard f unc ti ons ca n b e selected by chang- in g over The CP Un it switches and by establishing station N o. 2 0 0 programming. Optional functions can b e ma de av ai lab le by using ext er nal equipment or additional units.
3. O pt i on a l Functions 27) Station Paging and R esponse ( P I - 6 2 U n i t i s required) Paging is available through the built-in station speakers.
Classification Call Function Press-to-talk Remote response Remote response registration Continuous calling tone response Privacy Secretary t r ansfer Single digit r eg istration Single d igit dialing .
Classification Paging Function All-call plus9-zone paging All- call pl u s 31-zone paging Combination paging Al I -call r esponse Zone paging response Paging transfer Display and Control Data Transmit.
Automatic L i n e Release When, in dialing, all o f the numbers a re not dialed within 5 seconds, the station is automatically disconnected f r om th e speech pa th a nd d i al in g cannot be completed. In this ins tanc e, the dialing process w il l have to be repeated from th e beginning.
Camp-On P ri vacy PV Type When th e party you are calling ha s his station on Privacy mode, by simply waiting you will automatically "Camp- On" the li ne.
Press-To-Talk Control Touch d i a l i n g th e specific station num ber. On e w ay conversation is ac tiv ate d w h i l e t he Press-To-Talk ba r i s continuously depressed, same as the Press-To-Talk (selected simplex) function, an d a relay is activated wit h continuous m ake-contact.
Single Digit Dialing Single digit registration Register in advance as f o l lows: Confirmation ton e Station number Confirmation tone Personal number Confirmation tone Paging z on e Confirmation tone .
Master S u b Relationship Master/Substation associations are se t up by using station #2 00 as the programming station. Once these relationships have been e s t ab lished, substations can then co ntac.
Personal Number Ca ll A pe rsona l numbe r ma y b e registered at an y master station wh ic h the person t o whom the number is assigned expects to b e. A party wishing t o receive personal number calls at a specific station m ay register his number at t ha t station by touch dialing Personal Number.
Continuous Calling Tone When a specified station receives a ca l l , the c a lling ton e continues until is depressed by th i s pa rty. 1 . When calls cannot be answered immediately or when it is difficult to he ar a normal calling tone due to h ig h back- ground noise, the station shou ld be provided w it h t he continuous calling tone function.
Re mot e Response This feature is available only among stations programmed fo r thi s purpose. W he n a station at which no one is present i s called by means o f a continuous calling tone, remote response to t ha t c a l l can be made by pressing th e ke y from any ot he r station programmed for th is function.
C a l l Transfer C al l Transfer f rom C alled Stat ion Call During th e conversation, first dial (th e Station Number o f the person t h e ca ll is t o be trans- ferred to). The original ca ll is then hel d and th e holding tone is trans- mitted to the other party, while the third party is cal led and asked whether he w il l accept th e call.
Paging during Normal Calls A paging c al l can be ma de by a c al le d party o f an existing cal l t o a third party, the third party's res pon se accepted while th e origin al call i s o n h old, a nd the orig inal cal l resumed wh en the response c a l l has ended.
Secretary Transfer Th is function is only available when a specified station is programmed f o r thi s purpose wi t h use o f Station #2 00 in th e programming mode. Automatic transfer of incoming calls by an executive to hi s secretary is accomplished b y placing th e Privacy Switch on his station i n t he ON position.
Secretary Transfer a n d C a l l Transf er P V Type Adoption of the selective function "Tr ansfer" al low s rerout- in g of th e call transferred to the secretary ba ck to the executive's station. Executive's station number th e privacy tone sounds continuously at bo th en ds of the line , w h i l e the ca ll i s hel d.
Secretary Transfer e n d C e l l Transfer Adoption of the selective function "Transfer" allows rer ou t- i ng of the cal l transferred to the secretary ba ck to the executive's station.
C a l l Forwarding Wh en you wi ll b e away from you r station and wis h all incoming calls to be rerouted to a different destination you ar e going to move to, you c an do s o b y registering that station number before yo u le av e.
Priority When the party called i s on the li ne, a s indicated by t he bu sy tone, dial ing transmits a priority tone to the called party. The same tone is audible at the calling station.
Highest Executive Priority Th is function is available onl y for th ose s ta t io n s specifically programmed f o r th is function, with programming station N o. 20 0 . W hen the station called is busy, as indicated by the bu sy or privacy tone, dialing sends a priority t one.
Conference A "Hands-Free" conference call can be made w it h u p to 4 persons. For a conference under t h i s f uncti on t he o th er participants may be called ei th er t hro ugh their station nu m- ber, personal number or by Si ngl e Digit Dialing.
Paging A va r i et y o f paging modes al l ow s paging over a w id e ar ea f r o m a ny m a st e r s t a t i o n . T h e paged p a r t y m ay respond from th e nearest master station.
Other Paging Modes 1 . Combination paging Combination paging is used whe n several zones mu st be paged s i m ul t aneously through E xternal P A or Station paging. A special paging a rea ca n be created wherever the paging ranges overlap by combining several zones.
How t o select the paging a r e a an d m a k e t h e paging call. Paging fu n ctions ma y include both external PA an d sta - tions, depending on t he z o n e being used. Th e paging a rea is limited t o individual zone, Combination pag in g and All-call paging depending on t he ca l l range.
All-Call Paging a n d Individual Z o n e Paging Paging c al l Ex t e r na l PA paging t o a s p e cific zone is possible fr o m a ny ma st er station by pr ess in g ('0' or '0 0" = all-call) 1~9(1~8*) (00~31) an d th e desired zone numbe r ('0' = all-call).
Combination Paging Several zones c an be called sim ultaneously u sing e x t e r na l PA paging and s ta ti o n paging. T h i s is co m bination paging and is initiated b y pressing 90 ~ 9 9 Paging wi ll be broadcast to predetermined zones.
< Example 4 > To operate combination paging. No. 20 0 registration indi- cating the individual zones to be included in t he co mb in a- ti o n zo n e mus t be made. For further details, refer to Installation Hand Book fo r EXES-6000 CP unit. Programming fo r Example 1 .
Emergency All-Call Paging Handset substation TL-600S sh ould normally b e used fo r the emergency all-call station, No. 2 4 7 . < Emergency all-call paging is m a d e > To broadcast emergency all-call paging, pick up a handset. Th e hi gh es t priority all-call paging can be broadcasted to all zones without pre-announcement of paging.
Paging P r i o r i t y When usi ng the standard pa ging f unctions, paging i s no t heard whil e other calls are in progress. < Example 1 > * : Conversation ma de at a station with its Privacy switch i n ON is no t resumed on ce interrupted. (The EXES-6000 System permits the station in Privacy mad e t o make or receive a call.
Personal Number Paging If you wish to receive personal number paging calls, y ou may register yo ur personal number at any station assigned in yo ur desired pagin g z one by dialing confirmation ton e is hea rd.
Selectable First Station Number Th e first station number f o r system may be selected from any of the followi ng nu mbe rs (Hardwired station number): Th e system wit h Personal Numbers can't us e No . 100 ~ 199. Note. Station No . 2 0 0 prog ramm ing is required wh en any other numbering schedules than standard (No.
Group Blocking Note. 1 . When th e paging ca l l is ma de, the group of stations to which the response is mad e is r es tricted b y Function B . Function B permits th e normal station call in the direction of the a rrows. Its paging response can be ma de in the opposite direction of the arrows.
Programmable Restricted Access for Stations Stations which can u se the 6 groups of following functions mu st b e programmed, so as to restrict access to those f un c- tions b y tho se stations no t pro gr ammed. 1. Al l - c a l l paging 2. Conference St a ti o n number 3.
Selectable C alling Tone T h e duration of the calling tone can be set f o r eit her 0.2 second (single not e tone) or 0 .3 second (warble tone). I t i s also possible to h av e th e station without any c a lling tone. Note. 1 . Th e dur ati on of th e continuous ca lling t one is im- possible to change.
In/Out Annunciation The in/out annunciation indicators can b e turned on or off f ro m any ma s te r station by using th e personal numbe r registering procedure. 1000~1999 ( pe r sonal number) from an y s ta tion, the call is put through to the station registered wi th the personal number.
Destination Annunciation Indication When a personal number is registered at the station of the destination a per so n ha s mo ved to, the corresponding lamp o n the de st in at io n i n d i c a ti o n panel co mes on, i n d i c a t i n g where h e is.
Calling Party Indication (Lamp Type) A on e station/one lam p type calling party indication panel ca n b e provided fo r certain specified stations (eight stations or eight gr oups of st a ti o n s) T.
< Calling party s elect ion > 1 . When there are more than 2 incoming calls t o a b us y sta tion , th e calling pa rties' lamps o n the indication panel come on . The called party may se lec t the calling pa rty h e wish es to re s pond to b y touch dialing plus (desired calling party's number).
Pocket Pager The system can be connected w it h usual typ e P ocket pag er using the interface w it h Make/break relay output. 1 . Dial (00 ~ 9 9, Pager No.) and the pager is c all ed after confirmation to n e is h eard. 2. When (00 ~ 9 9 , Pager No .
General Purpose Control Station ma y b e restricted from access t o this function. This function can control oth er equipments by e m ploying th e D at a Transmitting a nd Receiving Un its .
Simplified Paging If a n external speaker is connected instead of a station, simplified paging ca n be made without the PA am plifier if the caller d ia ls that station nu mbe r and makes a paging call.
Chapter 3 Functions a n d operating procedures of tie-line system fo r a maximum of 7 6 8 stations.
Pa rt names an d functions o f t he station keyboard Volume switch Adjusts the volume o f the station speaker. Pocket Pager response Conference Pocket Pager call Personal number cancellation Call Back.
Tie-line Connections of Exchanges 1 . Purpose of tie-line connection When the EXES-6000 system us es t he Central Processing Unit Model CP -64, n ot only the u s e of a sin gl e exchange (up to 25 6 stations) bu t also the tie-line connections of 2 exchanges ( up to 51 2 stations) or 3 exchanges (up to stations) are possible.
3 . Numbering schedule fo r stations an d paging zones Type of exchange Single Exchange (EX-1) Exchange " A" (EX-2A/3A) Exchange "B " (EX - 2B /3 B) Exchange "C" (EX-3C) Numbering f or stations Standard 200 ~ 455 470 ~ 725 740 ~ 995 Without personal number 1 0 0 ~ 355*1 400 ~ 65 5 * 1 700 ~ 95.
Function description Be sid es f ix ed standard functions, there a re selectable standard functions a nd optional functions. Selectable standard functions ca n b e selected by chang- in g ov er The CP Uni t switches and b y establishing station N o . 20 0 programming.
2 1 ) Group Hunting Wh en the first called party in a group is busy, the c all is automatically transferred to th e next stat ion s. 22) Secretary Tr ansfer Calls to an "Executive" ma y b e automatically trans- ferred t o a "Secretary".
Restrictions Resulting from T i e-line Connection Tie-line 1 . Paging 1 ) Paging i s possible u p to a maximum number of 15 zone p e r exchange. 2) It is possible to mak e paging to a l l z on es (30 zones fo r 2 exchanges a nd 45 zones f o r 3 exchanges) by m ea n s of All-call paging.
EXES-6000, CP-64 S ummary o f Di al Operations Tie-line system of 2 or 3 exchanges Station numbering: N o. 200 ~ 455, No. 470 ~ 725, No. 740 ~ 995 (standard) Tie-line Classification Call Function Pres.
Classification Paging Display and Control Data Transmitting and Receiving Unit Function <Tie-line system of 2 exchanges> All-call plu s 30-zone paging <Tie-line system of 3 exchanges> All-.
Automatic L i ne Release When, in dialing, a ll o f the numbers are not dialed within 5 seconds, th e station is automatically disconnected from the speech path an d dialing cannot be completed. In this instance, the dialing process w il l have t o be repeated f r o m th e beginning.
Camp-On P r i vacy Wh en the party y ou are calling ha s his station on Privacy mode, by simply waiting you will automatically "Camp- On " the line.
Single Digit Dialing Single digit registration Register in a dv an ce a s f o l l o w s : Confirmation t on e Station nu mb er Confirmation to ne Personal number Confirmation tone Paging zon e Confirm.
Master S u b Relationship Maste r/Subst ation associations are se t up by using station #20 0 as the programming station. Once thes e relationships have b ee n established, substations can then contac.
Personal Number Ca l l Tie-line A personal number m ay b e registered at an y master station which the person to whom the number is assigned expects to be . A party wi sh ing to receive personal number calls at a specific station may register hi s number at th at s t a t i o n by touch dialing Personal Number.
Continuous C alling T o n e Whe n a specified station receives a call, th e calling tone continues until (except key) is depressed by this party. 1 . Whe n calls cannot be answered im m ediately or wh.
Remote Response This feature is available only among st a t io n s programmed fo r t hi s purpose. W he n a s t a ti o n at whi ch no on e is p res ent i s called by me ans of a continuous ca lling tone, remote response to th at c al l can be made by pressing the key fr om any other station programmed f or th is function.
C a l l Transfer Tie-line Ca ll Transfer from Called Station During the conversation, first dial ( t h e St a ti on Number of the person t h e call i s to b e trans- ferred t o).
A paging ca ll can be made by a called party of an existing ca l l to a third party, the third party's re sponse accepted while the original call i s o n h old, and the original call resumed w hen the response c a ll has ended. Press an d th e desired zone number.
This function is only available whe n a specified station is programmed f o r th i s purpose wi th us e o f Station # 20 0 in th e programming mode. Automatic transfer of incoming calls b y an executive to h i s secretary i s accomplished by placing t he Privacy Switch on hi s statio n in the ON position.
Adoption of the selective function "Transfer" al lo ws rerout- i n g of th e cal l transferred to the secretary ba ck to t he executive's stati on. Wh en the secretary answering a call t ouch dials Executive's stat ion number th e privacy tone sounds continuously at bo th en ds of the line, whi le the ca ll is h eld.
Adoption of the selective function "Transfer" allows rerout- in g of the call transferred to th e secretary bac k to the executive's station. Wh en the secretary answering a call touch dials Executive's station number the continuous calling tone sounds at both ends of t he line, w h i le the ca l l is held.
Th is function is available only for th ose stations specifically programmed for thi s fu n ction, with programming station N o . 20 0 . Wh e n the station called i s busy, as indicated by th e bu s y o r privacy tone, di al in g sends a p r i o rity t one.
A "Hands-Free" conference call ca n b e mad e with up to 4 persons. For a conference under t h i s function the ot her participants may be called either thr oug h t hei r sta ti on num- ber, personal number or by Single Digit D ialing. Addition of stations or pe rsonal numbers (total of only 4) may be added by anyone already connected.
A v ar i et y o f paging modes allows paging ove r a wide area f r o m any master sta tion. Th e paged p a r t y may r espond fr o m the nearest master station. Paging modes include ex t ernal PA systems and/or Station paging, and Zone paging is fo r calling a limited are a and All-call paging is f or calling over the entire area.
Paging ar ea All-call paging o ver t he entire zones of exchanges "A ", "B"and "C " *1 Zon e paging to t he zone of exchange "A" Zone paging t o t he zone of ex.
External P A paging to a specific zone is possible f ro m an y master station by pressing after picking u p a h andset I t is possible to wai t fo r a response in th is m ode, but any- thing said will b e broadcasted over the entire zone. It is b e s t to en d the paging c all by pressing and waiting for a r esponse.
1 .. Th e exchanges A, B and C permit the f ol l o w i n g Standard Station Numbering Schedules (Hardwired station number): < Standard station numbering > 2 .
Programmable Station Numbering 1 . Numbering schedules can b e ch anged easily b y pro- gramming in s tead of rewiring. 2 . Numbering schedule (such as 200's, 300's, 900's) is av a i la b l e for convenient o ffice differentiation. (archi- 3 .
Group Blocking Function ( A ) The system can b e grouped or divided into a maximum of 6 groups of s ta tions with consecutive station numbers b y exchanges " A", "B" an d "C ". D ifferent station groups cannot call ea ch another.
Example of Group B locking registration T o u s e this function, station No . 20 0 programming (N o.4 70 programming or No .7 40 programming) of t he al loc ate d stati on number, group, paging zon e, etc.
Programmable Restricted Access for S tations Tie-line St a ti o ns whi ch can us e the 6 groups o f following f unctions mu st b e programmed, so as to restrict access to those func- tions b y th ose stations no t programmed. 1 . All-call paging 2. Conference 3.
Selectable Calling Tone Tie-line T he duration of t he calling to ne c an b e set for either 0. 2 second (single no te tone) or 0 . 3 second (w arble tone). It is al so possible to ha ve the station without any calling tone. Note. 1 . Th e duration of th e continuous calling to ne i s i m - possible to ch ange.
The in/out annunciation indicators can b e turned on or o f f fr o m any master station by using the personal number registering procedure. When a personal number registration is made at a station, by.
Calling Party Indication (Lamp Type) Tie-line A one stat ion /o ne la mp type calling party indication panel can be provided fo r certain specified stations (eight stations or eight groups of stations.
< Calling p art y selection > 1 . When there are more t han 2 in coming c al l s to a bu sy st at io n, th e calling pa rties' lamps o n the indication panel c om e on. Th e called par ty m ay select the calling party he wi shes t o respond to b y touch dialing pl us (de sir ed calling party's number).
Pocket Pager Tie-line The system can b e connected with usual t y pe P ocket pager using the int erf ace wi th Make/break relay output. 1 . Dial (00 ~ 99, Pager No. ) and th e pager is called after confirmation tone is h eard. 2. When (00 ~ 99, Pager No .
General Purpose Control Tie-line Station may b e r es tricted from ac ce ss to this function. Th is function can control oth er equipments b y employing the D a ta Transmitting a nd Receiving U nits. Select the required t ype of output. (Mode 1 ) One-shot make o utput (500/50 contacts) Dial an d the relay output is mad e fo r 1 to 2 seconds.
Note. When 2 or 3 exchanges ar e connected by ti e -lines, Data Transmitting an d Receiving Un its can b e operated fr o m th e stations whi ch sh are the s ame exchange bu t t heir operation is impossible f r o m the st ati ons which are co n- nected to the other exchange.
Simplified Paging If an external speaker is connected instead of a station, simplified paging can be made wi th o ut th e PA a m plifier i f the c a ll e r d ia l s tha t s t at i on number and ma ke s a paging c al l .
T O A ELECTRIC C O, LT D. KOBE,JAPAN P r in t e d in Japan.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Vizio EXES-6000 CP-64 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Vizio EXES-6000 CP-64 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Vizio EXES-6000 CP-64 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Vizio EXES-6000 CP-64 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Vizio EXES-6000 CP-64 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Vizio EXES-6000 CP-64 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Vizio EXES-6000 CP-64 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Vizio EXES-6000 CP-64 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.