Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product L37 van de fabrikant Vizio
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www V e rsion- 10/5/05 3 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Dear VIZIO Customer , Cong ratulati ons on your new VIZIO L37 Hi gh Defin iti on LCD T elev isi on purchase. T hank you f or y our suppor t. F or max i mum benefit of y our set, please read these instructions bef ore making any adjustments, and retain them for fu ture reference.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 4 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual T his product is designed and manufactured to oper ate within defined desi gn l im its, and misuse may result in e lec tric shock or fire.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 5 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Note: In some countries or reg ions, the shape of the powe r plug and powe r outlet may sometimes d iffer from that sho wn in the e xplanator y drawi ngs. Howeve r , the method of connecting and ope rati ng the un it is the same.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 6 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Opening the P ackage Y our VIZIO L37 H DTV is packaged in a carton together with other standard accessories. Any optional accessories woul d be packed separ atel y in anothe r car ton. T he wei ght of the LCD display is appr o x imate ly 62 lbs.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 7 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Addit ional VIZIO Cert ied Accessories f or the VIZIO L3 7 HDTV ar e sold separ at el y: W all Mounts Hi gh Definiti on Cables Extra or replacement Remote VIZIO also offers Installation Se rvices and Extended W arr anty Services f or your VIZIO L37 H DTV .
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 8 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual T o r emove the s t and base: 1. Unplug all the cables and cords fr om your LCD TV . 2. Place the LCD TV face down on a soft and flat surface (b lanket, foam, cloth, etc) to prevent any damage to the display .
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 9 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Chapt er 1 – Basic Contr ols and Connect ions 1.1 – F ront P anel Controls 10 1.2 – Side P anel Controls 10 1.3 – Rear P anel Connections 11 1.4 – VIZIO Unive rsal Remote Control 12 1.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 10 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Chapt er 1 – Basic Cont r ols and Connect ions 1.1 - Fr ont P anel Cont r ols 1. OSD (On-Screen Display) – T his button opens the TV OSD menu. 2. Mu te/Ex it – T his button allows the use r to turn off the sound on the LCD TV .
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 11 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 1.3 - Re ar P anel Connect ions 1. Service – T his custom commun ication port is for factory s ervice onl y .
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 12 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 1.4 - VIZIO Uni versal Remot e Cont r ol T he VIZIO Remote is a comprehensive remote that can be used to control up to f our diffe rent components. T he remote control button functions are e xplained on the f ollowin g pages.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 13 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual • WIDE/Record –T his button cycles through standard and widescreen v iewin g modes. Opti ons include Normal, W ide and Zoom. Note: in RGB mode , the only opti on is Wi d e. T his button also func ti ons as a VCR Record w hen the component is activ ated with the remote control.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 14 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual • ZOOM (- and +) – Use this k ey to z oom the image 2x or shri nk the image by one half . When in ZOOM mode, a 2x or 1/2x wi ll appear in the top r i ght area of the screen. Use the arr ow k eys to mo ve the zoomed portion.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 15 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.4.1 - Insert ion of Bat t eries in the Remot e Contr ol Insert two AA batteries i nto the remote control. Make sure that y ou match the (+) and (-) symbols on the batter ies with the (+) and (-) symbols insi de the battery compar tment.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 16 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Chapt er 2 - Connect ing Equipment 2.1 - Which Video Connect ion Should I Use? T he VIZIO L37 H DTV has six diffe rent ways to connec t y our vi deo equipment from a basic connection to the most advanced f or di g ital displays.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 17 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 2.2 - Connect ing Y our DVD Player Y ou have s eve ral opti ons f or connec ti ng y our DVD playe r to your new L37 H DTV – H DMI (Dig ital H D), Component (Analog H D), S-V ideo (A V), and Composite (A V) inputs.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 18 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual For DVD Player s with DVI: 1. T urn off the po wer to the LCD TV and DVD playe r . 2. Using a H DMI-DVI cable , connec t the DVI end to y our DVD Playe r and the H DMI end to the H DMI input (located in the white area) i n the rear of y our LCD TV .
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 19 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 2.2.2 - Using Component (Analog HD1) Video Connect ing DVD Player (Bet t er): 1. T urn off the po wer to the LCD TV and DVD playe r .
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 20 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 2.2.3 - Using S-Video (AV3) Connect ing DVD Player (Good): 1. T urn off the po wer to the LCD TV and DVD playe r . 2. Connec t the S-V ideo jack on the rear of y our DVD playe r to the S-V ideo jack in the A V3 In group on the side of y our LCD TV .
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 21 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 2.2.4 - Using Composit e (AV) Video Connect ion DVD Player (Good): 1. T urn off the po wer to the LCD TV and DVD playe r .
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 22 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 2.3 - Connect ing Y our HDTV Set-T op Box Y ou have s eve ral opti ons f or connec ti ng y our H DTV Set-T op Bo x to your new L37 H DTV: H DMI (Di g ital H D) and RGB inputs. Bas ed on y our home theater config urati on, y ou can decide which opti on is the ri ght one f or you.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 23 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual For HDTV Set-T op Boxes with DVI: 1. T urn off the po wer to the LCD TV and H DTV Set-T op Bo x. 2. Using a H DMI-DVI cable , connec t the DVI end to y our H DTV Set-T op Bo x and the H DMI end to the H DMI input (located in the white area) i n the rear of your LCD TV .
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 24 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 2.3.2 - Using RGB Video Connect ing Set-T op Box (Bet t er): 1. T urn off the po wer to y our LCD TV and H DTV Set-T op Bo x.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 25 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 2.4 - Connect ing Y our VCR or Video Camer a 1. T urn off the po wer to y our LCD TV and VCR or video came ra. 2. Connec t the S-V ideo jack on y our VCR or vi deo camera to the S-V ideo jack on the side of y our LCD TV .
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 26 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 2.5 - Connect ing Coaxial (RF) T here are seve ral opti ons for connecting y our antenna or cable to y our new L37 H DTV - directly to the DTV , N TSC TV or through y our VCR. Based on your home theate r configur ati on, you can deci de w h ich option is the ri ght one for y ou.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 27 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 2.5.2 - Using Y our Ant enna or Cable TV 1. T urn off the po wer to y our LCD TV . 2. Connec t the coax ial (RF) connec tor fr om your antenna, cable or cable bo x to the TV connector on the rear of y our LCD TV .
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 28 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 2.6 - Connect ing an Amplier or Speaker s 1. T urn off the po wer to y our LCD TV and Receive r/Amp.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 29 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 2.7 - Connect ing a Comput er 1. T urn off the po wer to y our LCD TV and Compu te r . 2. Connec t a 15-pi n D-sub RGB (V GA) cable to the RGB outpu t of y our compu te r and the other end to the RGB input (purple area) i n the rear of your LCD TV .
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 30 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Chapt er 3 – Set t ing Up t o W at ch TV and DTV F or ‘Prepari ng Y our LCD TV for W all Mounting’, s ee page 7.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 31 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual d. Press bu tton twice to h ighl ight TV/Cable. Use the bu tton to select either TV or Cable. TV s ets the tune r for an antenna and Cab le sets the tuner f or cable or a satell ite dish.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 32 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 3.2 - W atching a TV Pr ogr am Bef ore you star t watch ing TV , please make sure that any cable , satell ite, or off-air antenna connections are secure. Also, verify that the po wer cord is plug ged into a cor rectly gr ounded electrical outlet or surge protector .
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 33 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 3.4 DTV T uner Setup When the MEN U bu tton is pressed, the On-Screen Display (OSD) appears on the PICTU RE ADJU S T page. Press the RIGHT arr ow button to hi ghl ight the TV s e lec ti on.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 34 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Time Zone – Settin g the correct T ime Zone f or your area wi ll ensure that the correct prog ram ti mes are shown afte r pressin g the Guide button on the remote control. Press the DOWN arr ow button and the TIME ZON E category is hi ghli ghted.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 35 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Manual Scan – If y ou feel that not all of the av ailab le di g ital TV channels we re found with A u to Scan, then selecting th is option makes the TV tr y agai n to find any missi ng channels.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 36 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Channel Skip – Gives y ou the option to skip channe ls w hen usin g the Channel + or Channe l - keys. If y ou di d not EXIT from the MAN U AL SCAN, press the DOWN arr ow button again to h ighl ight CHAN N EL SKIP .
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 37 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual CLOSED CAPTION – Allo ws you to read the v oice content of telev ision pr ogr ams.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 38 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Use the and arr ow buttons to select the Analog Clos ed Capti on, usually CC1. Press EXIT to navi gate away fr om this screen when finished. Use the and arr ow buttons to select the Dig ital Clos ed Capti on, usually SE RVICE1.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 39 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual If y ou di d not EXIT from the CLOSED CAPTION page , press the DOWN arr ow to hi ghli ght DIGIT AL CAPTION S TYLE. Press OK. T he d efault style, AS BROADCAS TE R, is shown as selected.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 40 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 3.4.1 – P ar ent al Contr ols for DTV When at the firs t DTV screen, press the RIGHT arr ow button twice. T he P AREN T AL CONTROL screen wi ll be shown. Press the OK button to hi ghl ight the bar .
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 41 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Once the correct password has been entered, the option f or blocki ng channels becomes av ailab le. Press OK. T he list of channels av ailab le and s tored i n memor y is sho wn on the screen.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 42 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 3,4,2 DTV Channel Inf or mat ion When a channel is se lec ted, an inf ormati on header is sho wn o ver the picture for a few seconds.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 43 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Press the INFO button again and onl y the channel number and name wi ll remain. Press the INFO bu tton one more ti me and this wi ll disappear .
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 44 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 3.4.4 - Set t ing a P assword Y ou control access to the P arental Control features with a password. The default password is “0000”. Y ou can change the password to any f our -di g it number .
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 45 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 3.5 - Using the On-Scr een Display (OSD) T he remote control or the bottom contr ol keys on the fr ont panel of the TV can control all the functi on settings. T he on-screen display (OSD) allo ws you to adjust and save contrast, bri ghtness and other setti ngs.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 46 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 3.5.2 – Pictur e Adjust A vailable f or the f ollowing input sources – A V1, A V2, A V3, Analog H D1, Analog H D2, Dig ital H DTV , or DTV . Picture Mode – Select from one of the f ollowi ng: User , VIVID1, VIVID2 or VIVID3.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 47 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 3.5.4 – T emper atur e T he T emper ature Menu Option is onl y avai lable when RGB selected as the input. T he s tandard color temper ature f or all other i npu ts is 6500K to match the color temper ature of the source.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 48 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 3. 3.5.7 – P ar ent al Contr ols for TV Parental Lock Enab le - T urns TV and mov ie blocki ng on or off . TV Ratin g - Sets the level of te levisi on prog rams that wi ll be block ed withou t typin g in the password.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 49 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 3.5.1 0 - Unders t anding Vie wing Fe atur es Y our LCD TV features four v iewin g modes and Pic ture-in-Picture (PIP)/Picture-by-Pic ture (POP) mode. Y ou can switch viewi ng modes usin g the On-Screen Display (OSD) or the remote control.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 50 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 3.5.12 - Pictur e-in-Pictur e (PIP)/Pictur e-by-Pictur e (POP) Mode Y our TV features PIP mode, so y ou can watch two pic tures at the same ti me. When PIP is turned on, by pressin g the PIP bu tton on y our Remote Control, you can d isplay two pic tures at one ti me.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 51 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 3.5.14 - Using the P ar ent al Contr ols T he P arental Controls feature prevents v iewers from watch ing pr ogr ams that are not age-appropr iate, such as prog rams contai n ing v iolence or adult lang uage.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 52 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual R (mature audience) NC-17 (no one under 17 y ears of age) X (no one under 17 y ears of age) 12. Press the or bu tton on the remote contr ol to navi gate thr ough the LCD TV menu options.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 53 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 3.6 - Pr ogr amming the VIZIO Uni versal Remot e Contr ol Y ou can progr am the remote control to wor k with up to f our diffe rent components. Lis ted belo w are the steps f or prog ramm ing y our VCR, Cable Bo x and DVD Playe r .
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 54 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 3.6.2 - Pr ogr amming for Cable Box 1. Manually tur n on the Cable Bo x. 2. Press the Cable button on the remote control. 3. Press and hold the SETUP button until the LED LIGHT flashes twice.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 55 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 3.6.4 - Sear ching for Component Codes If the user cannot find the manufacturer i n the component list or the prog ram code does not wor k, the us e r can use the remote control to search f or the correct component cod e.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 56 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Chapt er 4 - Maint enance and T r oubleshoot ing 4.1 - Maint enance Import ant 1. Make sure that the po wer cab le is removed fr om the socket bef ore cleani ng the display . 2. Do not use volati le solvent (such as toluene, rosin and alcohol) to clean the d isplay .
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 57 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Problem Solution Check your i nput connec ti ons. If the screen is blue Make sure the v ideo cable suppl ied with the LCD display is ti ghtly secured to the vi deo ou tput por t on the back of the computer .
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 58 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Problem Solutio n When your LCD TV’s dig ital capabil ities exceed a d ig ital broadcast signal, the signal is up-con verted (increased) to match your LCD TV’s display capabil ities.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 59 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual 4.4 - Compliance Caution: Always use a po wer cab le that is prope rl y gr ounded. Please us e the AC cords l is ted belo w for each area. U SA UL Canada CSA Ger many VDE Britai n BASE/BS J apan Elec tr ic Appliance Contr ol Act 4.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 60 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Specicat ions Specif ications 37.02” Diagonal, Color TFT Active Matrix LCD 1366 x 768 pix els (WXGA f ormat) 16.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 61 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Glossary - St andar d Denit ions Analog TV : T oday’s TV sys tem usin g rad io frequency waves to tr ansmit and display pictures and sound. Aspect Ratio (4 X 3): T rad itional TV “aspec t r atio ,” that is, the screen’s width as compared to its hei ght.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 62 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual INDEX A Adjustments - Audio 47 - Picture 46 - V olume 47 - TV Channels 32 - Wide (Wide, Zoom, Panoramic, Normal) 48-49 Audio Adjust 4.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 63 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual O On Screen Display (OSD) - Menu Operations 45 - Picture Adjust 46 - Picture 46 - T emperature 47 - Audio Adjust 47 - DTV T uner Setu.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 64 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Appendix A: Limit ed Pr oduct W arr ant y Please read this warr anty card carefully , it is a “ON E-YEAR LIMITED W ARRANTY” on par ts and labor . See below f or the VIZIO Extended Service warr anty .
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 65 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Appendix B: Component Pr ogr am Codes SETUP CODES FOR CURRENT VIZIO PRODUCTS Setup Code f or TV’s (1 Pr ef ix) Setup Code f or TV.
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 66 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Setup Code f or TV’s (1 Pr ef ix) Setup Code f or TV’s (1 Pr ef ix).
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 67 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Setup Code f or TV’s (1 Pr ef ix) Setup Code f or TV’s (1 Pr ef ix).
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 68 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Setup Code f or TV’s (1 Pr ef ix) Setup Code f or TV’s (1 Pr ef ix).
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 69 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Setup Code f or TV’s (1 Pr ef ix) Setup Code f or TV’s (1 Pr ef ix).
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 70 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Setup Code f or VCR’s (2 Pr ef ix) Setup Code f or VCR’s (2 Pr ef ix).
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 71 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Setup Code f or VCR’s (2 Pr ef ix) Setup Code f or VCR’s (2 Pr ef ix).
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 72 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Setup Code f or VCR’s (2 Pr ef ix) Setup Code f or VCR’s (2 Pr ef ix).
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 73 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Setup Code f or Digit al Video Disks (2 Pr ef ix) Setup Code f or Digit al Video Disks (2 Pr ef ix).
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 74 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Setup Code f or Digit al Video Disks (2 Pr ef ix) Setup Code f or Digit al Video Disks (2 Pr ef ix).
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 75 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Setup Code f or Cable Convert ers (0 Pr ef ix) Setup Code f or Cable Convert ers (0 Pr ef ix).
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 76 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Setup Code f or Sat e llit e Recei vers (0 Pr ef ix) Setup Code f or Sat e llit e Recei vers (0 Pr ef ix).
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 77 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Setup Code f or Audio Amplif iers (3 Pr ef ix).
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 78 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Setup Code f or CDPlayer s (3 Pr ef ix) Setup Code f or CDPlayer s (3 Pr ef ix).
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 79 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Setup Code f or Audio Amp/ T uners (3 Pr ef ix) Setup Code f or Audio Amp/ T uners (3 Pr ef ix).
www V ersi on- 10/5/05 81 VIZIO L37 H DTV User Manual Bravo , Vizi o and the V Logo are trademar ks of V ., Inc. Product specifications are subject to change without notice or obli gation.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Vizio L37 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Vizio L37 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Vizio L37 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Vizio L37 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Vizio L37 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Vizio L37 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Vizio L37 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Vizio L37 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.