Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 832 van de fabrikant Whirlpool
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2 INST AL L A TION PRIOR TO CONNEC T ING E NSURE TH A T THE A PPLI A NCE IS NO T D AMA GED . Check that the oven doo r closes f ir mly agains t the door sup por t an d that the internal d oor se al is not damage d. Empt y the oven and clean the interior w ith a sof t, damp cl oth.
3 IMPORT AN T SAFET Y INST RUC TI ONS D O NOT HE A T , OR USE FL AMMA BLE MA TERI A LS in o r near the oven. Fumes c an create a f ire haz ard or explosion. D O NOT USE YOU R M ICRO WA VE oven for dr y ing tex- tiles, pap er, spices, herbs, woo d, f lowers , fruit or other combus tible mater ials.
4 PUSH PU SH K NO BS T HE KNOBS OF THIS OVE N are aligned w ith the but tons on the p anel, at d eliver y. The k nobs w ill slide out i f pushed and their va rious fun cti ons can be accesse d. It is not necessar y to have them petrud ing from the p anel duri ng ope ration.
5 ACCE S S O R I E S GENERAL I F A CC ESSORI ES CONT A INING M ET A L com es in contac t with the oven inte rior, while the oven is in op - eration, sp arki ng can occur and th e oven could be da maged. TURN T ABLE SUPPORT U SE THE TURNT A BLE SUPPOR T un der the Glass turnt able.
6 Safety Lock is activated close door and press Key Lock has been activated Key Lock has been deactivated 19:30 ST ART PRO TECTION T HE S T A RT P ROTECTION FUN C TIO N IS A CTI V A TED ONE M INUTE A FTER the oven has retur ned to “s ta n d b y mo d e “ .
7 DONENESS WEIGHT END TIME COOK TIME Normal Steamed Fillets 30:00 300g 19:30 DONENESS WEIGHT Light Fruit Pie 400g DONENESS Extra Rolls AMOUNT 8 Please add milk Press when done Cooking nearly finished .
8 Shortcut Your most used cooking functions French Fries Shortcut Shortcut Shortcut Your most used cooking functions Pan Pizza Lasagna French Fries Your most used cooking functions Pan Pizza Lasagna French Fries Your most used cooking functions CO O L I N G D O W N W HEN A FUNCT IO N IS FINI SHE D , the oven may car r y out a coolin g procedure.
9 English Français Turkçe Please select language Language has been set Settings W HEN THE A PPLI A NC E IS FIRS T PLUGGE D IN it will ask you to s et the L an - guage and 24 hour Clock . A FTER A PO W ER F A ILURE the Clo ck will f lash and ne eds to b e reset .
10 Press to set time, to confirm ^ ^ 00 : 00 (HH) (MM) Time has been set Low High For normal living conditions Medium Volume has been set CLOCK SET TING T URN THE A DJUST K NOB until T ime is displayed . P RESS THE OK BUTTON . ( Th e digits f licker).
11 Medium Low High For normal living conditions Brightness has been set On Off Minimal power consumption e Eco Mode has been set e e e BRIGHTNESS T URN THE A DJUST K NOB until Bri ghtness is displayed . P RESS THE OK BUTTON . T URN THE A DJUST K NOB to set th e level of bri ghtness suitab le to your preference.
12 WEIGHT 200 g GRILL POWER COOK TIME High 07:00 DURING COOKING O NCE THE COOK I NG PROCESS H A S BEEN ST A RTED : The tim e can easily b e increased in 30 -secon d steps by pressing the Star t but ton. Each press increas es the time with 30 s econds .
13 Timer 00 : 59 : 59 00 : 00 : 00 Press to prolong, to switch off ^ POWER END TIME COOK TIME 750 w 00:05 19:00 Microwave U SE THIS FUNC TI ON w hen you ne ed a k itchen tim er to measure ex act tim e for vario us purpos es such as cook- ing eggs o r let ting the do ugh rise be fore bak ing etc.
14 POWER LEV EL C OOK & REHEA T WITH MICRO W A V ES MICROW AVES ONL Y P OWER S UGGESTED USE : 90 0 W R EHE A TIN G OF BEVER A GES , w ater , clear so ups, cof fee, tea o r other foo d with a high wate r content. If th e food cont ains egg o r cream choose a l ower power.
15 JET ST ART P RESS THE S T A RT BUTTON TO A UTO MA TIC A LL Y ST A RT with full microw ave power level and the cook ing time s et to 30 secon ds. Each ad ditional press increas es the time with 30 s econds. T HIS FUNC TI ON IS USED for quick rehe ating of food w ith a high water content such as; clear soups , cof fee o r tea.
16 END TIME COOK TIME 00:05 19:00 Crisp T URN THE M UL TIFUNCTION K NOB until Crisp is sh own. T URN THE A DJUST K NOB to se t the cook ing time. P RESS THE S T A RT BUTTON . CRI SP U SE THIS FUNC TI ON TO reheat an d cook piz z as and other d ough base d food .
17 GRILL POWER END TIME COOK TIME High 07:00 19:07 Grill GRILL T URN THE M UL TIFUNCTION K NOB until G rill is shown . T URN THE A DJUST K NOB to se t the cook ing time. P RESS THE OK BUTTON to conf irm your se ttin g. T URN THE A DJUST K NOB se t the Grill p ower level.
18 GRILL POWER END TIME COOK TIME Low POWER 650 w 07:00 19:07 Grill + MW Grill + MW GRILL C OMBI T URN THE M UL TIFUNCTION K NOB until G rill + MW is shown . T URN THE A DJUST K NOB to se t the cook ing time. P RESS THE OK BUTTON to conf irm your se ttin g.
19 6th Sense Reheat 6th Sense Steam 6th Sense Crisp For heating frozen, readymade food 6th Sense CONTROL Automatic 6th Sense Reheat 6 TH S ENS E REHEA T T URN THE M UL TIFUNCTION K NOB until 6th Se nse is shown . T URN THE A DJUST K NOB until 6th Se nse Reh eat is shown .
20 MANU AL DEF ROST F OLLO W THE PRO CEDUR E f o r “Cook & R eheat w ith microwaves” and choose p ower level 1 6 0 W when defrosting manual ly. C HECK A ND INSPECT THE FOOD REGUL A RL Y . Exp eri- ence will give you the tim es nee ded fo r vari- ous amounts.
21 AMOUNT END TIME COOK TIME 15:00 200g 19:15 Defrosting Jet Defrost JET DEF ROST T URN THE M UL TIFUNCTION K NOB until J et Def rost is show n. T URN THE A DJUST K NOB to se lec t the fo od. P RESS THE OK BUTTON to conf irm your se lec tion .
22 FROZEN FO OD S: I F THE FOOD IS WA R M ER than de ep -fre eze temp erature (- 1 8°C ), choose l ower weight of the fo od. I F THE FOOD IS CO LD ER than d eep -f ree ze temper ature (- 1 8 °C ), choose hi gher weight of the fo od. WEIGHT : T HIS FUNC TI ON NEEDS TO KNO W the ne t weight of the fo od.
23 6th Sense Crisp 6th Sense Steam 6th Sense Reheat For heating frozen, readymade food Forced Air Thin Pizza Pan Pizza French Fries Please select food CONTROL END TIME COOK TIME Automatic WEIGHT 200 g --:-- --:-- Thin Pizza 6th Sense 6 Th SENSE C RI S P T URN THE M UL TIFUNCTION K NOB until 6th Se nse is shown .
24 6 Th SENSE C RI S P FOO D HIN TS F RENCH FRI ES (300g - 6 00 g) S PRE A D OUT THE FR IES in an even layer on the crisp plate. Spr inkle w ith salt if d esired. S TIR FOOD when oven prompts. P IZZ A , thin crus t (250g - 500 g) F OR PIZZ A S with thin crus t.
25 6th Sense Steam 6th Sense Crisp 6th Sense Reheat For vegetables, fish, rice and pasta CONTROL END TIME COOK TIME Automatic 00:05 19:00 6th Sense Steam Please use steamer bottom and lid 6th Sense 6 TH S ENS E STEAM T HIS FUNC TI ON W ORKS IN 2 STEPS .
26 6 TH S ENS E STEAM COV E R A L WA YS COV ER THE FOO D W ITH A LID . Ensure that the vessel and lid are microw ave proof befo re us- ing them . If you do n’t have a lid avail- able to your ch osen vessel , you may use a plate instead . It should b e placed with the und erside f acing the insid e of the vessel.
27 Soften Melt Dessert For softening ice cream, margarine or butter Ice Cream Butter Margarine Please select food Soften/Melt AMOUNT END TIME COOK TIME 200g 02:30 19:02 Melting AMOUNT END TIME COOK TIME 200g 02:30 19:02 Softening SOF T EN/MEL T T URN THE M UL TIFUNCTION K NOB until So f ten/M elt is show n.
28 SOF T EN/MEL T FOO D HIN TS B UTTER (50g - 250g) T URN OR STIR FOOD when oven prompts. S TIR als o af ter sof tening. M A RG A RINE (50g - 250g) T URN OR STIR FOOD when oven prompts. S TIR A LS O af ter sof te ning. I CE CRE AM (0,5l - 2,0l) T URN FOOD when oven prompts.
29 Press to view recipes Bread/Cakes Snacks Pizza/Pie Please select food Canned Rolls Scones DONENESS END TIME COOK TIME Normal Baking Pieces 09:00 4 11:18 Recipes AUTO REC IPE S T URN THE M UL TIFUNCTION K NOB until Re cipes is sh own.
30 REC IPE S FOO D AMO UN T AC CESSO RI ES HIN TS POT A TOES B OILED 3 00 G - 1 KG S TE AM ER BO T TO M + LID . P L A CE in steame r bot- tom and ad d 1 0 0ml water. C over wi th lid. B A KED 2 00 G - 1 KG M ICRO WA VE A ND OVE NPR OO F DISH ON TURNT A BLE .
31 REC IPE S FOO D AMO UN T AC CESSO RI ES HIN TS MEA T R IBS 70 0 G - 1 , 2 KG C RISP PL A TE S E A SON and place in crisp plate. E NTRECÔTE 2 - 6 PCS H IGH R A CK ON TURNT A BL E A DD M E A T w hen grill is preheate d. T urn w hen oven prompts. Season.
32 REC IPE S FOO D AMO UN T AC CESSO RI ES HIN TS POUL T RY C HIC KEN F ILLETS (S TE AM ) 3 00 G - 8 00 G S TE AM ER S E A SON and p lace in steam grid. Ad d 1 00 ml water in bo ttom an d cover with lid F ILLETS (F RY ) 3 00 G - 1 KG C RISP PL A TE L IGHTL Y GRE A SE the cr isp plate.
33 REC IPE S FOO D AMO UN T AC CESSO RI ES HIN TS FISH W HOLE FIS H B A KED 600 G - 1 , 2 KG M ICRO WA VE - A ND OVEN PR OOF DISH ON TURN - T A BLE S E A SON an d brush with som e but ter o n top B OILED 600 G - 1 , 2 KG M ICRO WA VE S A FE DISH W ITH COV - ER OR USE PL A STIC FIL M A S COV E R S E A SON an d add 1 0 0ml f ish stock .
34 REC IPE S FOO D AMO UN T AC CESSO RI ES HIN TS VEGET ABLES (F ROZEN )V EGET A BLES 3 00 G - 8 00 G S TE AM ER P L A CE IN STE AM GRID . Add 1 0 0ml w ater in bot tom and cover with lid. C A RROTS 2 00 G - 500 G (G REEN )B E A NS 2 00 G - 500 G S TE AM ER BOT - TO M + LID P L A CE in steame r bot tom and add 100ml w ater .
35 REC IPE S FOO D AMO UN T AC CESSO RI ES HIN TS PA S TA P A ST A 1 - 4 PORTIONS S TE AM ER BOT - TO M A ND LID S ET REC O MM ENDED co ok time for the pas ta. Pour water in steam er bot- tom. Cover with li d. Add pas ta wh en oven prompts an d cook cov- ered.
36 REC IPE S REC IPE S FOO D AMO UN T AC CESSO RI ES HIN TS PIZZA / PIE P IZZ A H O M E MA DE 1 B A TCH C RISP P L A TE P REP A RE YO UR F A VORITE rec- ipe (dough made with 1 50ml water) and place on.
37 REC IPE S FOO D AM OUN T AC CE SSORI ES HIN T S SNACKS P OPC ORN 90 - 100 G P L A CE B A G on turntab le. Onl y pop on e bag at a time R O A STED N UTS 50 G - 2 00 G C RISP PL A TE A DD NUTS w hen the cr isp plate is preh eated.
38 MAINTE NANC E & CL EANING C LE A NING IS THE ONL Y MA INTEN A NCE normall y re - quired. F A ILURE TO MA INT A IN THE OVE N in a clean condition could lead to de terior ation of the sur f ace that could advers ely af fe c t the life of the ap pliance and possib ly result in a haz ardous situation.
39 DISHWASHER SAFE: T URNT A BLE SUPPORT . G L A SS TURNT A BL E . C RISP H A NDL E . W IRE R A CK . CAR EFUL CLEANIN G: T HE C RISP - PL A TE should b e cleane d in mild, dete rgent water. Heavily soil ed areas can be cleane d with a scour ing spong e and a mild cleans er .
40 I N A CCOR D A NCE W ITH IEC 60705. T HE I NTERN A TION A L E LECT ROTECHNI C A L C O MM ISSION has develop ed a st andard for compar ative testing of heating p er forman ce of dif ferent microwave ovens. We recommend th e followin g for this oven: D A T A FOR TEST HEA TING P ERF ORMANCE TEC HNIC AL SP EC IFICA TION T est A mount A ppro x.
44 4619- 694- 70821 GB Whirlpool is a registered trademark of Whirlpool, USA. © Whirlpool Sweden AB 2009. All rights reserved. Made in Sweden. ENV IR ON MEN T AL HI NT S T HE P A CKIN G BOX may be fully re - c ycled as conf irme d by the re - c ycling symb ol.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Whirlpool 832 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Whirlpool 832 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Whirlpool 832 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Whirlpool 832 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Whirlpool 832 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Whirlpool 832 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Whirlpool 832 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Whirlpool 832 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.