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Xer ox Doc u P rin t 18 0 La se r Pr in ti ng Sys te m Print Description Language Ref erence April 1998 721P8553 0.
Xerox Corpora ti o n 701 S. Aviation Boulevard El Segu ndo, CA 90245 ©1998 by Xerox Corporat ion. All righ ts reserved. Copyright protection claimed includes all forms and matters of copyrightable ma.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE iii Rela te d pu bl i ca ti o n s The Xerox DocuPrint 180 Laser Printing System Print Description Language Ref erence is part of the ten m anual refe rence set for yo ur laser printing system. The entire reference set is listed in t he table below.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE v Table of Conte nts Related publications iii Notice iii Intr od ucti on xxi About the reference set xxi DocuPrint 180 Laser Printing Syst em document se t xxi About t his man ual xxiv PDL syntax conven tions used in this manua l xxv 1.
TAB LE OF C ONTE NTS vi XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE 2. Pr int Desc ript i on Lan guage (P DL) 2- 1 Purpose of PDL 2-1 PDL com mand structure 2-2 Comma nd line length 2-2 Comma nd compon e.
TABL E OF CONTENTS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE vii Review of PDL comp onents and syntax 3-6 Comma nd levels 3-6 Comma nd compon ents 3-6 Comma nd identifiers 3-6 Comma nd keywords 3-7 Co mm.
TAB LE OF C ONTE NTS vi ii XEROX DOCUPRI NT 180 L PS PD L REFEREN CE DocuPrint 180 compat ibility with the 4850, 4135, 4635 and 4050/4090 /4650 LPS 3-27 Xerox 485 0 an d 4890 HighLight Color LPS 3-28 .
TAB LE OF C ONTE NTS x XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE RSAT 4-50 TCO DE 4- 51 UNPACK 4-52 Poi nts to not e 4-5 2 Exampl es 4-53 Inp u t s o u r c e s 4- 5 4 Online printing system s 4-54 Chan.
TABL E OF CONTENTS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE xi Where clusters are stored 5-2 How applications use clusters 5-3 Simple and OTEX T app lications 5-3 Stockset applications 5-4 Mixing applic.
TAB LE OF C ONTE NTS xi i XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 L PS PD L REFEREN CE Example 1 6-22 Example 2 6-22 EXPOR T comm and 6-23 SEPAR ATORS 6 -24 SNUM BER 6-25 SPL IT 6-26 SR EC O VER 6 -2 7 STIM ING 6-27 Poi .
TAB LE OF C ONTE NTS xi v XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 L PS PD L REFEREN CE PMODE 6-103 Poi nts to not e 6-1 04 Exampl es 6-105 Exampl e 1 6-105 Exampl e 2 6-105 Exampl e 3 6-105 ROUTE command 6-106 Cataloged .
TABL E OF CONTENTS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE xv Exampl es 7-9 Exampl e 1 7-9 Exampl e 2 7-9 String com parison c oncepts 7-10 String com parisons 7-10 Character ty pes 7-10 Masked compari.
TAB LE OF C ONTE NTS xvi XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L PS PD L REFERENC E Poi nts to not e 7-2 7 Example 7-28 RPAGE com mand 7-29 SIDE 7-30 TEST 7-31 WHEN 7-31 Poi nts to not e 7-3 2 RSTACK com mand 7-35 RS.
TABL E OF CONTENTS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE xvii OPRINFO 8-8 PRE FIX 8- 8 SKIP 8- 9 Poi nts to not e 8-9 DJDE record s p ecificati o n 8-10 Application of DJDEs 8-12 DJDE operator inform.
TAB LE OF C ONTE NTS xvii i XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L PS PDL RE FERENCE FORMAT 8-42 FO RMS 8-42 Poi nts to not e 8-4 3 GRAPH I CS 8- 44 IM AG E 8- 46 I NVERT 8- 47 IT E XT 8- 48 JDE 8-48 JDL 8-49 MAP 8 .
TABL E OF CONTENTS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE xix DJDE FILE parameter 8-72 Poi nts to not e 8-7 3 Fi le ef f e ctiv ene s s 8- 7 3 File rep lacement and del etion 8-73 Card-image file processing 8-74 LPS-labeled file proc essing 8-75 Delim it ed rec ord s f or L PS- lab eled fi les 8-76 9.
TAB LE OF C ONTE NTS xx XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE A. PDL comma nd and DJD E su mmary A- 1 Conventions A-1 B. PDL co mmand quick refere nce B-1 Conventions B-1 C.
INTRODUCTION XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE xxi Introduc tion This document is part of a ref erence set de signed t o help you receive maximu m benefit from y our Doc uPrint 18 0 La ser Pr inting S ystem (LPS).
INTRO DUC TIO N xxii XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L PS PD L REFERENCE DocuPrint 180 LPS System Generati on Guid e This referenc e contains the following informat ion: • Configuration op tions • Comm ands.
INTRODUCTION XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE xx iii DocuPrint 180 LPS Product Referenc e This reference con tains t he following in formation: • Product overview • Hardware and software •.
INTRO DUC TIO N xxiv XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L PS PD L REFERENCE Ab out th is manua l The DocuPrint 180 Laser P rinting System PD L Reference describes the print desc r iption lan guage com mands and d ynamic job des criptor entries used t o control the printing of jobs on the Xerox Doc uPrint 180 LPS.
INTRODUCTION XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE xxv PDL syn ta x con v entio ns u sed i n t his ma nu al Table 1 lists t he s yntax convent ions and the ir usage. Table 2 . Syntax conven tio ns Syn t ax c onvention Exp lanation inkr ef or dot s Variable nam es or values are represente d in i tal ic s .
XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 1-1 1. 1 Ov ervie w This chapt er provides an ov erview of PDL related informat ion you will need in order to eff ectively utilize the PDL capabil ities. PDL fe atur es a nd func tions Print Description Language (PDL ) i s used to descr ibe printing jobs t o a Xerox laser printing sy s tem (LPS).
OVERVI EW 1-2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE LPS c omp onen t ty pe s LPS components consist of hardware and software. Hardware Hardware refers to all the physical components of the LPS.
OVE RVIEW XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 1-3 L PS so ftwa re co mpone nts The LPS operating system soft ware (OSS), housed in the syste m controller, runs both background and foregrou nd processing. Th e major programs or “tasks” run by the system cont roller are shown in their hierarchical relationships in the list below.
OVERVI EW 1-4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Figure 1-1 shows the relationships between these operating system software tasks which l oad or invoke LPS operat ions. F i gur e 1 - 1. Major LPS proces sing tasks Note: Docu Pr i ntSer ve r ( fo rm e r l y XPSM ) and XPAF a re s u pported by HIP, but X NS / Enet are not supported.
OVE RVIEW XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 1-5 PDL rel ate d prog rams a nd tasks This sect i on lists t h e programs and tasks mo st important t o PDL. Oper ating syste m executive task (OS EXEC) The op erat ing sy stem execut ive (OSEXEC) task is always r u nni ng.
OVERVI EW 1-6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Rep ort t ask (R PT) The report task works in conne ction with t he input ta sk. It records the disk addresses of the font, form, and image files to be used for t h e job. The result i s a page buffer and a page log for each page to be printed.
OVE RVIEW XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 1-7 Pr epar ing for a p rint jo b Bef ore a pri nt j ob runs, t he syste m admini strator , pr o grammer, operator, and LPS work together: • System adm inistrator loads fonts, logos, and signatures to the printer from tape, floppy, or the host.
OVERVI EW 1-8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Job fl ow proce ss The job flow proces s consists of OCS processing, Input proc essing, and Output proce ssing. OCS p rocessi ng The steps required during OCS processing are summarized below. St e p 1.
OVE RVIEW XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 1-9 Ou tput proce ssing The ste ps requ ired during Output p rocessing a re sum marized b elow. St e p 1. The OCS task sends a mess age to output indicating that output processing can start. This messag e includes the addre ss in the PRFIL 1.
OVERVI EW 1-1 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Inp ut da ta type s The LP S can work ef fectively in m any differe nt environment s, and it has the capability to handle input from a wide variety of sources.
OVE RVIEW XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 1- 11 — DJDE. Enables you to modif y the printing environment dyn amically. T hese com mands are i nserted into the i nput data stream to modify the comman d characteristics of the existing job descriptor entr y (JDE).
XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 2-1 2. 2 Print Descript ion Language (PDL) This chapter discusses the following PD L topics used to create and control print jobs.
PRINT DESCR IPTI ON LANGUAG E (PDL) 2-2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE PDL com mand stru ctur e The prim ary e lement of a JS L is a job. A job, which is o ne p rinting task, i s referred to as a job descriptor entry (JDE). (In PDL, t he terms “job” and “J DE” are used interchangeably.
PR INT DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE (PDL) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 2-3 In addition, there are s ynt ax rules you must use in orde r for the system to recognize and proces s your JSLs. These rules are described later in this section. F i gur e 2 - 2.
PRINT DESCR IPTI ON LANGUAG E (PDL) 2-4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Para meter Each com mand key word is followed by pa r ameters u sed t o select it s processing param eters. The param eters for a PDL command keyword consist of a left and right pa rt separated by an equal sign (=).
PR INT DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE (PDL) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 2-5 Syntax ru les When entering your JSL records on the system controller keyboard, mak e sure to fol lo w these rules: • Use commas or blanks to separate the individual left- and ri ght- part parameters of a c omm and.
PRINT DESCR IPTI ON LANGUAG E (PDL) 2-6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Ri ght- p ar t co ns tan t s Constants within the ri ght part of a le ft/right-pa rt parameter may be either value or str ing cons tants. The syntax of these const ants is defined below.
PR INT DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE (PDL) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 2-7 Hexadecim al Normally used as string constants , but they may also be used as value constant s.
PRINT DESCR IPTI ON LANGUAG E (PDL) 2-8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Note that EBCDIC is the de fault, therefore the E ’x xx’ is usual ly not required. Octal Octal cons tants sho uld be used on ly as s tring constants be cause of the control program conve rsi on proc ess.
PR INT DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE (PDL) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 2-9 Table 2 -2 represen ts a J SL which includes t he compon ents of PDL command s and shows a variety of ri ght-part constants.
PRINT DESCR IPTI ON LANGUAG E (PDL) 2-1 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Job so urce lib rar y (JS L) s tr uctu re To simplify JS L coding, PDL c ommand s are grouped into com mand levels.
PR INT DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE (PDL) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 2- 11 Figure 2-3 illustrates a sample JSL file format and prov ides examples. F i gur e 2 - 3.
PRINT DESCR IPTI ON LANGUAG E (PDL) 2-1 2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE ID l evel The I D lev el has c omm ands that req uire identifiers so that they can be referenced by other commands in lower command levels. For example, the ID level contains one or more VFU comm and s, as shown in table 2-2.
PR INT DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE (PDL) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 2- 13 For exam ple, to reference t he ca talog name d POW ER in a job, the job level command w ould be: JOB1:JDE INCLUDE=POWER; Job o r JDE l evel The job or JDE l evel allows t he groupin g of i ndividual jobs t ogether.
PRINT DESCR IPTI ON LANGUAG E (PDL) 2-1 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE F i gur e 2 - 4. Samp le o ffl ine job descrip to r li brary In figure 2-5, note t hat onl ine syste ms d o no t de fine the BLOC K command .
PR INT DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE (PDL) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 2- 15 F i gur e 2 - 5. Samp le o nline j ob d escri ptor li brary ONLINE: JDL; JDL coding VFU1: VFU ASSIGN=(1,4),ASSIGN=(2,10),.
PRINT DESCR IPTI ON LANGUAG E (PDL) 2-1 6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Cr eating sepa rate fi les fo r group ing PD L command s If you have mu ltiple c o mmands of the same type, such as C.
PR INT DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE (PDL) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 2- 17 catalog which, in turn, specifies EBCDI C in the VO LUME command CODE paramete r.
PRINT DESCR IPTI ON LANGUAG E (PDL) 2-1 8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE • If a specified f ont o r form file fails a vali dity chec k during input, the system aborts the job and display s.
PR INT DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE (PDL) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 2- 19 Example 1 ST ART J12,H2 SYS This command starts a print j ob using the H2SYS job descriptor library and the job descriptor entry J12. It runs in multiple report mode (by default) and prints the number of copies as specified in the J12 job descriptor entry.
PRINT DESCR IPTI ON LANGUAG E (PDL) 2-2 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Example 5 ST ART ,ONLINE ,,,FO RM=GBAR This command proc esses online data according to the DFLT JDE in the online JDL file, using the GB AR form. Final modification can be made to job descriptor parameters through DJDE param eters in the job inpu t data st ream.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 3-1 3. 3 Creating a job so urce library (JSL) There are m any com mands a vailable t o include in y our job source libraries (JSLs) and many ways of organizing them.
CREATING A JOB SOURCE L IBR ARY (JSL) 3-2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Wh at your J SL spec ifie d for LP S proc essi ng If your docu ment requires forms, you code programs in form source language (FSL). You then c ode job s in job s ource languag e (JSL ).
CREATING A JOB SOURCE L IBRAR Y (JSL) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 3-3 De cisi ons to mak e be fore crea ti ng yo ur JSL Before sta rting to d evelop th e JSL for your a pplication, there are some k ey decisions you mus t mak e, based on your site-specific needs and the design of the application.
CREATING A JOB SOURCE L IBR ARY (JSL) 3-4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Outp ut specific ations You m ust al so deci de on s ome basic questions ab out t he output: • Will the pag e orie.
CREATING A JOB SOURCE L IBRAR Y (JSL) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 3-5 Spe cial featur es You a lso want to de termine the f ollowing: • Will you include operat or information, such as rou.
CREATING A JOB SOURCE L IBR ARY (JSL) 3-6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Rev iew of PDL co mpo n ents an d syn ta x Before beginning the formatting of your JSL, a quick review of PDL component s may be he lpful. T hese a re di scussed in m ore detail i n the “Print description l anguage co mponents an d processes ” chapter.
CREATING A JOB SOURCE L IBRAR Y (JSL) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 3-7 Command keyw ords Comma nd keywords iden ti fy the command for wh ich various parameter s may be s elected.
CREATING A JOB SOURCE L IBR ARY (JSL) 3-8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE PD L s yntax Keep the following rules in mind when entering your PDL commands and DJDEs: • You may abbrevi ate the first t hree letters of commands and parameters , f or example, PO SITION or POS, and CATALOG or CAT.
CREATING A JOB SOURCE L IBRAR Y (JSL) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 3-9 Hin ts an d tip s The following tips may help you as you create your JSL: • The o nly req uired elem ents in a JSL ar.
CREATING A JOB SOURCE L IBR ARY (JSL) 3-1 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE • You do not need to use all command level s in a J SL. Man y JSLs have only ID, system, and job-level commands . • Keep in mind that the specifications to se lect in your JSL can be chang ed eas ily.
CREATING A JOB SOURCE L IBRAR Y (JSL) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 3- 11 Sett in g up i np ut par a mete r s Next, you may w ant to specify the input data characteristics for the application. The basic input process ing com man ds are BLOCK, CODE, PCC, RECORD, TCODE, and VOLUME .
CREATING A JOB SOURCE L IBR ARY (JSL) 3-1 2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Sp ec if yi n g u s e o f D J D E s Most PDL comm ands can also appear in the form of DJDEs , which allow pag e-by-page or record-by-record modifications t o yo ur applications.
CREATING A JOB SOURCE L IBRAR Y (JSL) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 3- 13 Usi ng cop y modifica tion en tries Copy modification entries (CMEs) allow you to change report output on static data and to change fonts within variable data.
CREATING A JOB SOURCE L IBR ARY (JSL) 3-1 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Spe cifying ou tput r equir ement s There are m any specificat ions y ou can select to def ine the m ann er and look of your printed application. You can also have messa ges displayed to operators to advis e or remind them of specia l circumstances.
CREATING A JOB SOURCE L IBRAR Y (JSL) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 3- 15 Finis hed JSL The following shows the JSL constructed in t his section i n its entiret y: XRXSPL: JDL; /* ID level co.
CREATING A JOB SOURCE L IBRAR Y (JSL) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 3- 17 Parame ters may be any c ombi nation of the parameter s l isted in table 3-2. Exampl es: PDL XEROX,NOSOURCE,NOPRINT PDL H2SYS,TRAY XEROX and H2SYS are JSL names. Note that paramet er keywords are not order dependent.
CREATING A JOB SOURCE L IBR ARY (JSL) 3-1 8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Print ing t he jo b Once your JD L is compi led success fully, you can hav e the LPS print the actual application u.
CREATING A JOB SOURCE L IBRAR Y (JSL) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 3- 19 Edge m arking Edgem arking is the placement of marks along the edge of the page. These marks consist of graphic elements that bleed off the paper, tabs for s ection reference, or m arks that denot e changes made in redline drafts.
CREATING A JOB SOURCE L IBR ARY (JSL) 3-2 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Page orient ation There are two t ypes of page orientat ion: • Lands cape • Portrait The vertical and horizo ntal positions for each o f these orie ntations is sh ow n in f igu re 3- 1.
CREATING A JOB SOURCE L IBRAR Y (JSL) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 3- 21 La ndsca pe orie ntatio n Figure 3-2 shows landscape orientation di mensions.
CREATING A JOB SOURCE L IBR ARY (JSL) 3-2 2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Portr ait or ientati on Figure 3-3 shows portrait orientation dimensio ns.
CREATING A JOB SOURCE L IBRAR Y (JSL) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 3- 23 Reg istr ati on sh if t and s kew The registration of a printed im age can appe ar shifted or skewed on a page if the s heet of paper is misaligned as it enters the printer.
CREATING A JOB SOURCE L IBR ARY (JSL) 3-2 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE F i gur e 3 - 5. Portrait orientation shift and skew For best results, when designing preprinted forms, allow approximat ely .
CREATING A JOB SOURCE L IBRAR Y (JSL) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 3- 25 F onts A font is a character s et which has a u nique type style, type s ize, and orientation. B oth fixed a nd propo rtionally spa ced fonts are available for use on an L PS.
CREATING A JOB SOURCE L IBR ARY (JSL) 3-2 6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Custom fonts, signatures, and logos may be ordered from Xerox through your Xerox sal es represen tative. Fo nt a nd gr ap hi c me m or y The LP S can print up to 128 fonts on a single pag e.
CREATING A JOB SOURCE L IBRAR Y (JSL) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 3- 27 Do cuP rint 180 c o mp ati bili ty wi th th e 4850 , 41 35, 46 35 an d 405 0/4 09 0/4 650 LPS Your Xerox DocuPrint 180 LPS allows you to process Xerox 4850 HighLight Col or LPS print jo bs which c ontain ink referenc es.
CREATING A JOB SOURCE L IBR ARY (JSL) 3-2 8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Xer ox 4850 a nd 4890 High Light Color LPS This section explains how the DocuPrint 180 LP S runs application s created for the 4850 and 4890 HighLight Color Laser Printing Sy stems .
CREATING A JOB SOURCE L IBRAR Y (JSL) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 3- 29 DJD E comm and s DJ DE commands include the foll o wing: • ALT ER • BFORM • FOR MS • GR APHIC • ICATAL OG .
CREATING A JOB SOURCE L IBR ARY (JSL) 3-3 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE that t he DocuPrint 180 LPS will not print t hem . If an FSL were precompiled by a 4850/ 4890 LP S FD L compiler an d i ts file (FRM) downloaded to a DocuPr int 180 LPS, the form will print .
XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4-1 4. 4 Specify ing input parame ters Input data is processed and temp orarily written to disk f or subsequent print ing under control of user-selected PD L comman ds.
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE BLOCK comman d Table 4 -2 summ arizes the BLOCK comm and param eters. The following section s describe the syntax of the comma nd parameter s and explanations of the parameter options.
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4-3 CONSTANT This param eter spec ifies th at the b lock de limiter cons tant s c and a ll data following it are i gn ored until the end of the block is reache d. Synt a x BLOC K CONST ANT = option(s) Op ti ons Table 4-4 lists the parameter option(s) and definition(s).
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE LE NGTH This param eter spec ifies the lo ngest physical b lock bei ng processed. Synt a x BLOC K LENGTH = option(s) Op ti ons Table 4-6 lists the parameter option(s) and definition(s).
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4-5 LTH FL D This param eter spec ifies th e lengt h of the field containing the blo ck length. Synt a x BLOC K LTH FLD = option(s) Op ti ons Table 4-8 lists the parameter option(s) and definition(s).
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE POST AMBLE This param eter spec ifies th e lengt h in b ytes o f the ext raneous data at the end of each tape block ; that is, it is an offset from the end of a block backw ards to the end of the last logical record.
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4-7 ZE RO This parameter speci fies the end of block indicator. Synt a x BLOC K ZERO = option(s) Op ti ons Table 4-1 2 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE will be t runcated. A s a result, t he data wil l not be format ted as specified.
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4-9 CODE comman d A CODE command is referenced by the CODE or LCODE parameters of the VOLUME comm and whenever a user-defined code translation table is required. An identifier label (ac:) is optional for the f irs t CODE command within a JDE.
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-1 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE DEFAULT This param eter spec ifies a base code f rom whi ch code ass ignment exceptions can be made. The base code is specified by a code-type; the exceptions are specified using the ASSIGN parameter.
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 11 Exam ples Following are two examples of how to use t he com man d. Example 1 A user’ s input tape is recorded in E BCDIC. On out put, howe ver, codes 5A, 5B and 5C (characters !, $, *) respectively), are assigned to the c haracter blank (X’ 4 0’).
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-1 2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE PCC command The PCC command enables the user to create a t able (or modify an existing standa rd table) of one -byte printer c arriage con trol codes and define their action.
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 13 ASSIGN This parameter specifies printer carri age co ntrol exceptions to a default table (refer t o DEFA ULT paramet er). Synt a x ac : PCC AS SIGN = option(s) Op ti ons Table 4-1 8 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-1 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Table 4 -18. ASSIGN parameter option(s) and d efinition(s) O pt i on (s ) D ef in iti on (s ) ( byte ,( ccln 1 , [ ccln 2 ][,. .. ] ) This option has the following compo nents: • byte The printer carriage control b yte being defined.
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 15 Considerations Y ou do no t have to specify consecut ive by te values. F or e xample, you can code the f ollowing c omma .
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-1 6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE DEFAULT This parameter allows selection of a s et of printer c a rriage control codes. A table may be s elected and then specific control codes may be mod ified with t he ASS IGN parameters.
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 17 INITIAL This parameter specifies the initial ref e rence point (TOF or BOF) from which a rep ort performs its first carria ge con trol function. Synt a x ac :P C C IN I T I A L = option(s ) Op ti ons Table 4-2 0 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-1 8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Poi nts to note Note the following wh en u sing the PCC com mand: • Multiple us er-defined P CC t ables are allowed, but only one may be used without a command identifier.
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 19 RECORD command Table 4 -22 summ arizes the use of the RE CORD c omm and parameter s. The following section s describe the syntax of the comma nd parameter s and explanations of the parameter options.
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-2 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE CONSTANT This parameter speci fies a constant string used to signal the end of a record. Th is record del imiter constant st ring signals t he end of the record, but it i s not included in the print li ne.
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 21 LE NGTH This parameter speci fies the length of the l o ngest logical reco rd. A value s pecifies the leng th, in b ytes, of t he longest logical record. Synt a x RECORD LENGTH = option ( s) Op ti ons Table 4-2 6 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-2 2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE LTH FL D This param eter spec ifies the l ength of the f ield cont aining the rec ord length. Synt a x RECORD LTHFLD = option(s) Op ti ons Table 4-2 8 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 23 POST AMBLE This param eter specifies the length of any extraneous da ta at the en d of the r eco rd. Synt a x RECORD POSTAMBLE = option(s) Op ti ons Table 4-3 0 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-2 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE STRUCTUR E This parameter specifies the general record structure of t he inpu t data. Synt a x RECORD STRUCTURE = option(s) Op ti ons Table 4-3 2 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 25 For onl ine proc essing, pri nt position index ing must n ot be us ed if LENG TH great er than 150 is specif ied.
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-2 6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE F i gur e 4 - 3. Record format type s.
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 27 SE FFNT comm and Paper i s fed from the short edge to allow f or printing on large size paper.
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-2 8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Map pi n g f ile s A font mapping associa tes one font to another font. A collection of font mappings may be stored in a mapping file. Font fi les are files having the FNT extens ion and are stored on disk.
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 29 [la b el : ] SE FF NT SEF MA P When coded outside of a st a ndard JSL (either prior to a JDL command or after an E ND comma nd), a file c on taining the font mappings by t he name of label.
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-3 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Poi nts to note Note the following when using the SEFFN T command: • When the system recognizes a SEF job, it scans the PDE font list and subst itutes them with fo nt mappings def ined in the JSL.
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 31 Exam ples Following are a few exam ples of how to u se the command. Example 1 FNTMAP:SEFFNT SEFMAP =(L0112B,P0612A); SYS1:SYSTEM; VOLUME `CODE’=ASCII; FNTMAP .LIB is created on system disk.
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-3 2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE TC O DE comma nd The TCODE comm and def ines a set of input-character-to-type assignment s to b e used for t he ma sked s tring comparisons in a report.
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 33 DEFAULT This param eter spec if i es an initial set of charact er type assignm ents for use with m as ked compa risons . Default assignments for any standard character set may be specified by coding the approp riate keyword.
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-3 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE TASSIGN This param eter associates on e or more specified cha racters with on e or more specif ied typecod es. Thi s paramet er may also b e u sed to disassociate o ne o r m ore cha r acters f rom al l typecode ass ignments.
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 35 TRESET This parameter disassociates one or more characters (or all characters) in a s et from one or more types. Synt a x TCODE TRESET = option(s) Op ti ons Table 4-4 0 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-3 6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Poi nts to note Note the following wh en u sing the TCODE comm and: • The LPS accepts lowercase charac ters expressed literally or symb olically, that is, preceded by the pound sign ( # ) functioning as a switc h ca se ope r ator.
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 37 Exam ples Following are a few exam ples of how to u se the command. Example 1 Ba s ic ch arac ter set us e d for default types is ASCII.
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-3 8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE VOLU M E comma nd Table 4 -42 summ arizes the VOLUM E com mand paramete r s. The following section s describe the syntax of the VOLU ME command parameters and explanations of the param eter options.
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 39 BMULT This parameter speci fies a multiplication factor you can use to determine true block length. Synt a x VOL U ME BMUL T = option(s) Op ti ons Table 4-4 3 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-4 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Considerations If the sy stem reports missing font s whe n running XPPI jo bs with CODE=NO NE specified, the operator can elect to con tinue by pressi ng the <CON> key.
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 41 EOV This parameter speci fies the action the system takes when it encounters an en d-of-volume (EOV) on t he input d ata t ape. Synt a x VOL UME EO V = option(s) Op ti ons Table 4-4 5 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-4 2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Considerations For onl ine systems, yo u must specify IB MO NL or O LD UMP. For HOST=ICL2900, the PCCT YPE i s always s pecif i ed as NO NE. For HOST=RSX1 1(FLX), you must specify t he DATA command .
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 43 If a selected HOST type is inconsistent wit h a selected LAB EL type, the PDL issues an error me ssage an d au tomatically substitutes a valid label.
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-4 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE LCO DE This param eter spec ifies th e cod e translation table to use in interpreting the tape label. Synt a x VOLUME LCO DE = option ( s) Op ti ons Table 4-4 7 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 45 LPACK This parameter specifies whether undefined labels (LABEL=UNDE F) are pac ked or unpa cked . Synt a x VOL UME L PAC K = option(s) Op ti ons Table 4-4 8 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-4 6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE MINLAB This param eter spec ifies th e small est phys ical block to treat as a label for u ndefined labels (L ABEL=UNDEF) . Synt a x VOL U ME MI NLAB = option(s) Op ti ons Table 4-5 0 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 47 OPTI M IZE This parameter enhanc es the performa nce of the data stream. Synt a x VOL U ME OP TIMI Z E = opt i on( s) Op ti ons Table 4-5 1 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-4 8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE OSCHN This parameter specifi es the channel the system uses to signal the end of a report gen erated by an IBM OS Writer. Synt a x VOLUME O SCHN = option(s) Op ti ons Table 4-5 2 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 49 OST LP This param eter speci fies the n umber of trailer ban ner p ages generated by an IBM OS Writer. Synt a x VOL UME OS TLP = option(s) Op ti ons Table 4-5 4 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-5 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE RMULT This parameter speci fies a multiplication factor the record length uses to dete r mine t he true record length. Synt a x VOLUME RM ULT = option ( s) Op ti ons Table 4-5 6 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 51 TCO DE This parameter speci fies the set of t y pe assignment s to use for masked comparisons . Synt a x VOL UME TCO DE = option(s ) Op ti ons Table 4-5 8 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-5 2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE UNPACK This param eter spec ifies th e unpac king me thod of the input dat a when required. Synt a x VOL UME U N PACK = option(s) Op ti ons Table 4-5 9 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 53 Table 4-60 lists th e component s of this example an d their definitions. If m is computed as less than or equal to zero, MARGIN should be specified as zero or i gnored altoget her.
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-5 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Inpu t s our ces Data to be pr oc es sed by the pri nt i n g syst em may orig ina te fro m several sources.
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 55 Onlin e-specific co mmands This section ex plains how to create a J DE or JDL, DJ DE p r oce ssing, online o ptimization and copy -sensitive copy m odification entries (CME).
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-5 6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE F i gur e 4 - 4. Samp le o nline JDL file ONLINE: VFU1: JDL; VFU ASSIGN=(1,4),ASSIGN=(2,10),ASSIGN=(3,16), ASSIGN=(4,22),AS.
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 57 DJDE proc essing Printing i s controlle d through parameters from the user-defined JDE file which may be dynamically modif ied by dynami c job descriptor entries. DJDEs are user created and are proces sed by the LPS as part of the print data from the ho st machine.
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-5 8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Un iversal c haracter set buffers ( U CSB s) The IBM 3211/4245 uni versal charac ter set buffer (UCSB ) feature is supported b y the LP S. The UCSB is used by the LP S sof tware as a basis for generation of folded and unfolded translate tables.
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 59 Forms control buffer (FCB) The 3211/ 4245 forms co ntrol buffer (FCB) defines cha nnel positions and forms length. Online users may restrict the f orms control buffer information by accept ing or suppressing the normal proces sing of host-transm itted FCB input.
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-6 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Onlin e r ecord l ength The def ault rec ord length supp orted by the Xerox l aser printing systems is 150 bytes, the same default as the 3211/424 5 printer.
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 61 Onlin e r ecov er y In the event of a system failure, data that is formatted for print and sto red o n di sk can be imaged up on system re st art i f j ob recove ry is requested.
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-6 2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Onlin e d ump The online dump feature allows you to genera te a hard copy of the command and data transmission taking place between the host computer and the LPS.
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 63 • NO-OP comm and from the host is not du mped sin ce it is intercepted and process ed by the O LI hardw are an d is transparent to the LPS software.
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-6 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Vali d do wn loa d file ty pes Files may be d ownloaded i n two formats : card-image files an d LPS- labeled files. Cert ain desti nation file type s are not ac cepted for e ither LPS-labeled or card-image files.
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 65 Offlin e mo de For offline operat ions, the input medium t o the printing system is magnetic tape, which m ay be recorded in one of a variety of standard vendor formats.
SPECIFYI NG INPUT PARAME TERS 4-6 6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Pack ed data formats Six-bit charact ers may be written o nto a 9-track tape in a 4-by -3 packed (or compressed) format. That is, four 6-bi t data bytes are compressed into three 8-bit data bytes.
SPE CIFY ING INP UT PA RAM ETE RS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 4- 67 Mult ivolume pr ocessin g All multivolume reports that force input to make multiple passes over the data are handled in t he following mann er. For each copy requested, a complete pa ss is made over t he group of volumes t hat make up the current report .
XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 5-1 5. 5 De fining clus ters The DocuPrint 180 LPS provides several methods for f eeding paper. There are internal tr a ys (trays 1-3) and a bulk input enablement (tray 7). Each of the input source trays can be addressed and used individually.
DEFINING CLUSTERS 5-2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Wh at clus ters do for the progr ammer and o perat or As the programmer, you group any comb ination of trays into a cluster. Group the trays together because they hold the same stock or they hold stock which differs only in s i z e.
DEFINING CLUSTERS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 5-3 • Do not, however, use FEED=MAI N and FEED= AU X in conj unct i on wit h sto cksets. • You mu st use the FEED=M A IN operator command at the start of a job if the dat a stream is controlling trays, c luster informat ion, and so on.
DEFINING CLUSTERS 5-4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Sto ckset applic ations Each page has a particul ar stockset and a particula r cluster associated with it. The cluster is always verified because it determines from which t rays a page m ay feed.
DEFINING CLUSTERS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 5-5 Def ini ng c lus ters an d st ocks ets wi th PD L and D JD E The PDL commands and DJ DEs listed here relate to clusters. F or more detailed information on each comman d, refer to the chapters “Specifying output param eters” and “Spec ifying dynami c job descriptor ent ries (DJDEs).
DEFINING CLUSTERS 5-6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Poi nts to note Note the f ollowing when defining clust e rs and stocksets with PD L and DJDE commands: • Assign each cluster a unique logical name which begins with a letter an d consists of 1 to 6 alphanu meric charac ters.
DEFINING CLUSTERS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 5-7 Ste ps for cr eating cluster s The steps you s hould take t o create a cluster are listed be low. Figure 5-1 pr ovides a visual repres entation of thes e s teps. F i gur e 5 - 1. Steps for creating clusters Follow these steps: St e p 1.
DEFINING CLUSTERS 5-8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE St e p 4. Use the FEED= DJDE in the JSL file to specify th e cluster to be used. For example: ... for cover letter... DJDE FEED=BILPAG,END; for bill... DJDE FEED=SUMMRY,END; .
DEFINING CLUSTERS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 5-9 Kee ping stoc kset cha nges to a minimu m Each formatted page is ass ociated with the active stockset and t he active F EED= option stock iden tified by the I NIFEED paramet er of the STO CKSET c omm and, the FEED pa rame ter of the O UTPUT command, or the FEED DJDE.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6-1 6. 6 Print forma t comman ds Print format commands serve many different functions, the most common of which specify the physical characteristics of a prin t job, define the placeme nt of data on t he page, and identi fy system responses t o error cond itions.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE ABNORMAL comman d The ABNORM A L command allo ws you to restric t certain operator functions and de fine system res ponses to error con ditions T able 6-2 summarizes ABNORM AL comma nd parame ter functions.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6-3 ERROR This parameter specifies the required system respons e to abnormal conditions detected in input while p r ocessing o r com piling DJDEs. Synt a x ABNORMAL ERROR = option(s) Op ti ons Table 6-3 lists the parameter option(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE designated bla ck-only calls for the green primary and the ink currently loaded in the pri nt er is red. Synt a x ABNORMAL IM ISMATCH = option ( s) Op ti ons Table 6-4 lists the parameter option(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6-5 IS UB STI TUTE This param eter specifies whether operat or-initiated ink subs titution is allowed. Synt a x ABN ORMAL IS UBSTIT U TE = option(s) Op ti ons Table 6-5 lists the parameter option(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE OTE XT This parameter specifi e s t hat th e system is t o stop and dis play a WAIT m essage whe n the recovery m arker page is printed. T his delay allows the o perator t o verify the output report in the nea r vicini ty of the mark er page.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6-7 REP This param eter spec ifies that the first data pag e delivered to t he bin fo llowing a pr inte r jam recove ry o r a syst e m crash may be o ffse t fro m the rest of the report.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE operator assistance is requested, that is, the operator or user i s requested to mount a preceding tape volume (offline) or ret urn to point of origin or last val id checkpo int (online).
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6-9 F i gur e 6 - 1. Sample marker page.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-1 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE ACCT com mand The syste m maintain s report p rocess ing inform ation i n two f iles which are ac cessible to th e user. Both files can be saved on tape or trans mit te d to the host thr ou gh the host fil e trans fer facilit y for fu rth er processing.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 11 name only on ce with the ACCOUNT p arameter, but it must be don e before a print job is run using t he DE PT n ame. If the nam e is no t entered with the ACCOUNT paramet er, the a ccounting d ata for t his report is accumulated i n the NODEP T entry in the acco unting log.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 13 F i gur e 6 - 3. Customer usag e acco unting repo rt The following section s describe the syntax of the comma nd parameter s and explanations of the parameter options.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-1 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE DEPT This param eter de fines the nam e u nder which a ccou nting stat isti cs should be accumulated for this report job. Synt a x ACCT DEPT = option(s) Op ti ons Table 6-1 1 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 15 Poi nts to note Note the following when using the ACCT comman d: • If the report completion code on the accounting page is non- zero, an account ing pag e i s delivered t o th e tray ev en if USER =NONE is coded.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-1 6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE ac:C ME com mand The copy mod ification feature (also referred to as spot-carbon ) allows certain parts of report output to be replaced on selected copies with predefined static data or t o spec ify font changes within the variab le data.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 17 Cataloged CMEs CMEs need not be part of a user’ s JDL. They may be created as separate disk files and used as if they were part of the JDL that references them. This is done by creating a JSL file containing only CMEs and using the PDL processor to compile it.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-1 8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE FON TS This param eter specifies an index into the font list (PDE command or DJDE) for font s witc hing on input data or CME data. A P DE command is selected by the F ORM A T paramet er of the OUTPUT command .
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 19 LIN E This parameter specifies the line range of the CME. Synt a x ac :CM E L IN E = option(s ) Op ti ons Table 6-1 6 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s). Considerations The l ine numbers specified in the LINE parameter must alway s be in ascending order.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-2 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE POSIT ION This param eter speci fies the i nitial characte r position of the CM E in the prin t line . Synt a x ac :CM E P O SI TI ON = option(s) Op ti ons Table 6-1 7 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 21 LINE=(11,20),POS=1,FONT=3,POS=40,FONT=1,POS=80 ,FONT=2, LINE=(31,50),POS=1,FONT=2,POS=40,FONT=3,POS=80 ,FONT=1; • For m an d var .
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-2 2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Exam ples This s ection sho ws tw o exa mples of using the CM E com mand. Example 1 The f ollowing is an exam ple of c opy-sensitive CMEs.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 23 EXPORT comm and A “segm ent” is a set of cons ecutively d elivered sheet s whose managem ent as a set or seg men t has been specified by PDL or DJDE command.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-2 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE SEPARATORS This parameter specifies that the printer software save an internal copy of the first data pa ge of the report and use it to generate segment separator she ets.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 25 SNUMBER This parameter specifies th at the printer merge the current segment sequence num ber (beginn ing with 001) i n to any separator sheets produced.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-2 6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE SPLI T This parameter speci fies the use of seg men t managem ent, and is required in order f o r the other EXPORT paramet ers to work. Synt a x EXPO R T SPL IT = option(s) Op ti ons Table 6-2 1 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 27 SREC OVER This param eter speci fies the m ode of jam , or error, recov ery. Synt a x EXPO R T SR ECOVER = option(s) Op ti ons Table 6-2 2 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-2 8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Poi nts to note Note the following wh en u sing the EXPO RT comm and: • SNUMBER If you specify a l ine and colum n value for SNUMBER that is off the page, the segment num ber will no t print.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 29 • Resetting th e s egment n umber You may s et a new s egment num ber after the c urrent o ne is terminated. This is accomplished when the system encounters a se ri es of tw o DJD Es: SP LI T=O FF f oll ow e d by SPLI T=(mi n,m a x ).
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-3 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE LI NE co m mand The LINE command prov ides param eters which allow the user to define the charac teristics of the user portion of the input data record and how it i s to be printed. Table 6 -23 summ arizes the LINE comma nd parame ters.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 31 DATA This parameter spe cifies the location and length of the print line data within an input data record. Synt a x LINE DATA = option(s ) Op ti ons Table 6-2 4 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-3 2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE FONTINDEX This parameter specifies th at a fiel d within a user dat a record defines the index to a specific font to be u sed for that line. If FONTINDEX is not specified, none is used.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 33 MARGIN This parameter speci fies the left margin on a physical page . Synt a x LINE MARG IN = option(s) Op ti ons Table 6-2 7 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s). Table 6 -27.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-3 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE OVERP RINT This param eter speci fies the m anner in which overprint lines are handled. (Overprint lines are print l ines whos e carriage control specifies pri nting w ith no line spaci ng sin ce the last printed lin e.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 35 PCC This param eter spec ifies the p osition (an d possible t ranslation) o f the printer carriage cont rol field. Synt a x LINE PCC = option(s) Op ti ons Table 6-2 9 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-3 6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE PCCTYPE This parameter specifies a carri age control set used i n prin ting a job. Synt a x LI N E PCCT YPE = option ( s) Op ti ons Table 6-3 0 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 37 UCSB This param eter speci fies UCSB options. Synt a x LI N E UCSB = option ( s) Op ti ons Table 6-3 1 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s). VFU This parameter specifies VFU options.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-3 8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Poi nts to note Note the following wh en u sing the LINE com mand: • FONTINDEX Although the maxim um bit-opt value may be 7 (allo.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 39 The height of the last font used determines the initial base line of that first prin t line. The FONTINDEX byte, if selected, i s processed for every record, DJDEs, RPAGE, and all criteria records.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-4 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Exam ples This section shows examples of using the LINE com man d. Example 1 LINE DATA=(1,132),PCC=(0,NOTRAN), PCCTYPE=IBM1403,FONTINDEX=133; The LINE command abov e defines the characteristics of the following record structure sho wn i n figure 6-4.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 41 Example 3 LINE PCCTYPE=NONE, DATA=(1,57), VFU=V1; F i gur e 6 - 5. Sample print-data-offset p arameter of the DATA par ame ter.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-4 2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE MESSAGE command Th e M ESSAGE and ROUTE c ommands permit t he user t o inform t he operator of special conditions. The ME SSAG E comm and displa ys user-defined text to t he operator.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 43 ITE XT This parameter spe cifies a text m e ssage to be output to the operator during input processing. Synt a x MESSAG E IT EXT = option(s) Op ti ons Table 6-3 4 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-4 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE OTE XT This parameter spe cifies a text m e ssage to be output to the operator during job printing. Synt a x MESSAG E OT EXT = option(s) Op ti ons Table 6-3 5 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 45 BTEXT This parameter supports the PC UI report audit logging feature which creates a n audit log on the UI hard disk. The au dit log is initiated an d terminated by including enabli ng data in the job stream.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-4 6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE LDT=[* | U | W | BW | SM | M | Q | 0...365| yy -mm-d d ] Log stale date indicator. Once this date has pass ed, the au dit log m ay be d eleted or overwritten wi thout warning to t he operat or.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 47 DDE=[Y | N] Duplicate detection ena blement. (Y)es indicates the audit report will flag duplicate she ets delivered. This option must be set to (N)o if multiple copies of a report or pages within the report are pri nted.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-4 8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Considerations P age detail paramete rs (SEQ, PRA, TXT) are used in a BTEXT command for every page f or which detailed auditing is desired. These paramet ers are meaningless without bar code text printed on the pa ge, or bar code reader.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 49 BTEX T par am ete r rul es Note the following rul es whe n using t he B TEXT parameter: • All parameters have the form: Keyword= value • Each va lu e mu st be spe cified as shown in the BTEXT comma nd syntax .
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-5 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Points to n ote Note the following when using the BTEXT param et er: • If RNA (report name) i s not specified, no audit loggin g will be performed.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 51 • The B TEXT repo rt parameter(s) must preced e the first BTEXT page det a il para m et e r . The ESS soft w a re do es not chec k for this. It i s up to the user to c ode the appl ication correctly.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-5 2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE • BTEXT commands a re trea ted as text strings by the PDL/ DJDE compile r and forwarded t o the PC UI t o process. Therefore, it i s possible that JSLs co ntaining BTEX T will compile success fully even though e rrors exist in t he BT EXT com mand st ring.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 53 waste m anagem ent dat a. If a j ob con sists o f many reports, all those reports must be reviewed for waste managemen t.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-5 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Ot her Aud it Logg ing poin ts t o n o te Note the following: • Delete log s regul arly. For m aximum control, audit logs are never autom atically deleted. The following exceptions exist: — A rerun of a report that had no st ale date specified (LTD=0).
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 55 — If both JSL and job stream BTEXT are to take effect, JSL BT EXT must not have an RNA parameter, and job stream BT EXT must follow the fi rs t data record and contain the RN A parameter.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-5 6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE OUTPUT The OUTP UT com man d controls the organization and format of a report. This includes control of t he num ber of copi es of a report , the forms to be printed wit h the variable data, report of fsetting, and the use of simplex or duplex mode.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 57 The following section s describe the syntax of the comma nd parameter s and explanations of the parameter options.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-5 8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE BFORM This parame ter prints a form on the back s ide of a dup lex data page. In association with the duple x printing mode DUP LEX=YE S, a page containing only a f orm (no variable data can be printed with this pa ge) may be printed on t he back side of a user pag e.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 59 COLLATE This parameter specifies whether pages are to be collated or uncollated . Synt a x OU TPUT C OLL ATE = option(s) Op ti ons Table 6-3 8 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-6 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE COVER This parameter specifies t hat cover pages are t o be picked from th e AUX cluster. These cover pages may be placed at the front or back of each copy of a re port. Synt a x OUTP U T COVER = option ( s) Op ti ons Table 6-4 0 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 61 CYCLEF ORMS This parameter specifies a set of forms to be associated with report pages in a cyclical fashion. Refer to t he exam ples at t he end of this sect ion. Synt a x OUTPUT CYCLEFORMS = option(s) Op ti ons Table 6-4 1 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-6 2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE DENSITY This param eter is listed for compat ibil ity purposes o nly; it i s not supported on the DocuP rint 18 0 LPS. Synt a x OUTPUT DE NS ITY = option(s ) Op ti ons Table 6-4 2 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 63 DUPLEX This parameter specifies wheth er printing is to occur in duplex (pri nt on both sides of a sheet) o r simplex (print on a single side). Synt a x OUTPUT DUPLEX = option(s) Op ti ons Table 6-4 4 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-6 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE FE ED This param eter cont rols the stock on which th e page is prin ted. Synt a x OUTP U T FEED = option ( s) Op ti ons Table 6-4 6 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 65 FORMAT This param eter specifies a p age d escriptor entry (PDE) t o be used in formatting the printed output, such as location of st arting print li ne for each logical page on the physical page, font usage, and page orientation.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-6 6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE FOR MS This param eter speci fies forms to be associated w ith t he report copies. Di fferent forms may be assoc iated with di fferent copi es of a report by the us e of multiple FORM S left parts on the same OUTPUT command .
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 67 GRAPHICS This parameter specifies how graphics are to be processed in a job. Synt a x OUTP U T GRAPHI CS = option(s) Op ti ons Table 6-4 9 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-6 8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE IMAGE This param eter specifies, for batch m ode processing only, the initial graphic imagin g parameters to be used. Synt a x OUTP U T IMAGE = option(s) Op ti ons Table 6-5 0 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 69 INVERT This param eter allows you to invert the current position of the p age. A pag e can effectively be rotated 180 ° —head-to-head and head -to- toe. Inversion is also used for pa ge orientation for finishing functions.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-7 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE MOD IF Y This parameter specifies CMEs to be associated with report c o pies. Synt a x OU TPUT M ODI FY = option(s) Op ti ons Table 6-5 2 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 71 NTO1 This parameter specifies, on a report b as is, whether all copies of a particular r eport are printed last page to f irst ( n -to-1).
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-7 2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE NUMBER This param eter spec ifies page num bering o n the output pages of a report. The pa ge number c haracter st ring is placed o n the page at the specified line number based on t he line spacing of the specified font.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 73 OFF SET This param eter spec ifies of fset control on a re port basis. Synt a x OUT PU T OFF S ET = option(s) Op ti ons Table 6-5 5 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-7 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE OST K This parameter specifies ordered stocks. Synt a x OUT PU T OSTK = option(s ) Op ti ons Table 6-5 6 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s). The default is 1 for mod and pos RES n o ta b s> 0.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 75 PAPERSI ZE This param eter speci fies the p aper si ze to b e used for printing t he job. Synt a x OUTP U T PAPERS IZE = option(s) Op ti ons Table 6-5 7 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-7 6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE PURGE This parameter specifi e s wheth er or not t he syste m should delete graphic disk files at the end of report . This is only t rue for document interleaved. Synt a x OUTPUT PURGE = option ( s) Op ti ons Table 6-5 8 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 77 SF1FUNCTION This parameter provides control over third-party finishing devices that conform to the DFA s tandard. Using this comma nd, you can invoke sheet finisher func tion number 1 through the DFA c hannel C6.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-7 8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE SHIF T Image shift is th e shifting of the image data (system p age) relative to the ph ysical pa ge. Th is shifting is in t he s can coun ting d irection (vertical for l ands cape and horizont al for portrait).
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 79 SIZING This parameter specifies how the system matc hes the paper s ize s in bins when the LPS is unattended. Synt a x OUT PU T SIZI NG = option(s) Op ti ons Table 6-6 3 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-8 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE STOC KS This parameter d efines t he stockset a nd its ass o ciat e d sto ck(s) to b e used in a report.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 81 SYSPPR This parameter specifi es the syst e m page paper size f or a job. Synt a x OUTP U T SYSPP R = option(s) Op ti ons Table 6-6 5 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-8 2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE TMO DE This parameter specifies paper sizes in order to i mprove throughpu t efficiency. Synt a x OUT PU T TM ODE = option(s ) Op ti ons Table 6-6 6 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 83 TRANS This parameter specifies whether transparenc ies are used for the print job.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-8 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE XSHIF T This parameter specifies whether the image of the form and data on a page is to be shifted, and if so, by w hat value s. This parameter is used to shift t he imag e of the data for t w o-hole paper, bindin g, finishing, and edgemark ing.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 85 XMP Xerographic mode pers istence (XMP) controls xerographic mode switching (XMS) to use for t he report. Depend ing on the option specified, t he effect is to max imize throug hput or minim ize tone r usage.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-8 6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Poi nts to no te — OUTP U T co mmand Note the f ollowing when usin g the O UTPUT command . These p oints to note list parameters followed by the applicable action or system response.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 87 Exa mple 1: The default order is 1TON, OUTPUT NTO1= N O is specified, and a JDE or JDE dynam ic job des criptor entry (DJDE) containing NTO1=Y ES is invoked. The system does not process the DJDE.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-8 8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE • DUPLEX=NO, ACCT USER=TRAY, BFORM ignored, RPAGE SIDE=NUBACK, fo rced to NUFRONT If t ransp arency (TRANS) is specified, t he input task forc es these param eters. Any operator key-ins, however, override the JSL specif icatio ns .
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 89 stock . Having recognized it, INPUT then adds n dots (width of the tab) t o the paper size i n the slow scan direction. Th e IOT disables any dynami c width checking whenever it enc ounters a tab.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-9 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE — W hen feeding fro m tab stock: – Be sure to revert the DJDEs back to: FEED= regular-stock SIMPLEX=YES or DUPLEX=YES after printing t h e tab stock. – Ensure that PFEED does not specify the tray th at contains t he ta b stock .
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 91 • Paper si ze s The PAPERS IZE pa ra me te r i s not s upported as a DJ DE. Therefore, a JDE page-orie nted DJDE that calls out the des ired paper s ize is n eeded.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-9 2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE • Us ing pit ch an d th e TM ODE para met er ef fe ctiv ely Paper sizes each have an ass ociated pitch mode. There are six processing mod es available on your LPS. These are called pitc h modes.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 93 — Est imating the time needed to run your print j obs for sched uling purpo ses.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-9 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE As you c an se e, there are no absolutes and no s et meth ods for accom plishing you r printing goals.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 95 You ma y also specify pitch mode boundarie s in centimeters (CM), DOTS, and XDOTS . The minim um and maxim um scan values with these units of measurem ent and the pitch mode ppm print speeds are shown in table 6-72.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-9 6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Exam ples This s ection sho ws exam ples of usin g the OUTPU T command. Example 1 OUTPUT GRAPHICS=MOVE,UNITS=150,CYCLEFORMS=NONE,FO.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 97 Example 5 The c om ma n ds in figur e 6 -7 illu str at e the u s e o f cy cl efor m s wi th multiple copies. Note t hat every copy of a particular page has the same f orm whether COLLAT E=YES or NO .
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-9 8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE PDE comm a nd The PDE comm and specifies a page descriptor entry (PDE) which defines formatting informat ion for eac h page of a report.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6- 99 Table 6 -75. St a ndard LPS pr int f ormat PDE id No. of lin es No . of colum ns lpi cpi Approx. poi nt size Page si ze an d or ienta tion* BE GIN valu es Default font id FMT 1 66 13 2 8.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-1 00 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Mult ip le log ical pages o n a phy sical page Multiple BEGINs define multiple logical pages (a user-defined page image bordered by top of form and bottom of f orm , left and right margins) on one physical page (one side of a s heet).
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6-10 1 The following section s describe the syntax of the comma nd parameter s and explanations of the parameter options. BEGIN This param eter spec ifies th e locati on of the starting p rint lin e of a logical page for graphics.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-1 02 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE FON TS This param eter spec ifies th e fonts to be use d in pri nting vari able input data and CM E d ata. Synt a x ac :PDE FONTS = option ( s) Op ti ons Table 6-7 6 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6-10 3 PMO DE This param eter spec ifies th e printing mod e for e ach ph ysical shee t. Synt a x ac : PDE PMO D E = option(s) Op ti ons Table 6-7 7 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-1 04 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Poi nts to note Note the following wh en u sing the PDE c omm and: • The m aximum n umber of fonts that may be used i n p rinting a given page or a given job varies depending on a numbe r of factors.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6-10 5 Exam ples This section shows examples of using the PDE com man d. Example 1 PDE1: PDE PMODE=LANDSCAPE,BEGIN=(.861,.7),FONTS=(L0112B, L01BOB); PDE2: PDE PMODE=PORTRAIT,BEGIN=(1.3,.37),FONTS=((P08TYA,6.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-1 06 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE ROUTE comm and The RO UTE com mand allows t he us er to print identifying in formation (text and a n op tional form) o n the page precedi ng a report . The ROUTE command may be coded within a JDL or in a di sk file of ROUTE com mands.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6-10 7 RFORM This parameter specifies a form to be pri nted with all RTEXT pages. If RTEX T data is not specified, RFORM is not honored. Howeve r, RTEXT can be specified as one blank character (or s p ace) to print an RFORM on the routing pa ge wi thout any accompa nying text.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-1 08 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE RTEXT This parameter speci fies text to be printed on a sepa rate page preceding a report (or copy ply). Synt a x ROUTE RTEXT = option ( s) Op ti ons Table 6-8 0 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6-10 9 Considerations The font index is a ssociated only wi th a particular string. To print an entire RTEX T page in the same font, the font index must be given with each string.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-1 10 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE STOCKSET co mmand The STOCKSET command defines a set of stocks used in a report . This allows output to veri fy the exclusivity of all stocks in t e rms of trays currently assigned to them.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6-11 1 INIFEED This param eter spec ifies which sto ck to us e in the abs ence of a ny FEED param eter. If not specified, the IN IFEED parameter defaults to the first s tock nam e spe cifi ed in t he A SSIGN parameter.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-1 12 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Poi nts to note Note the following when using the STO CKSET com ma nd: System-generat ed pages, such as with t h e VOLUME comm and PLABEL parameter or t he I D EN c o mmand OP RINFO parameter, are formatted us ing 8.
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6-11 3 VFU The VFU comman d is used to assign output line numbers to printer carriage control chan nels. T hese line-t o-channel as signments perform the same function as the printer carriage control tape on a conventional line printer.
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-1 14 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE ASSIGN This parameter specifies the output line-to-channel assignments. Synt a x ac :V F U A S SI GN = option(s) Op ti ons Table 6-8 6 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FO RMAT COMMAN DS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 6-11 5 TOF This parameter specifies the top-of-form line number. Synt a x ac : V FU TO F = option(s) Op ti ons Table 6-8 8 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
PRINT FORMAT COMMANDS 6-1 16 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Exam ple Following is an example of how to us e the ROUTE c ommand : In the following example, top of form is assigned to line number 5 and bottom of form is assigned to line number 55.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 7-1 7. 7 Using l ogical proc essing The logical processing (somet imes referred to as “ spe cial processing”) comm ands enable the user to specify logical functions performed on either a record, a set of records, or o n a block basis.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING 7-2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Log ical proces sing comm and form at To define a logi cal processing com mand fu lly, you must spec ify one or two fields i n the record or block to be tested.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 7-3 CRITERIA c ommand The basic eleme nt used to describe a test for a logical function is the CRITERIA comman d. Each CRI TERIA com mand describes a field in either a rec ord or b lock and the specific t est to be performe d.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING 7-4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE CHANGE This parameter defines test specifications for a logical processing function with change mode criteria. Synt a x CRITERIA CHANGE = option(s) Op ti ons Table 7-3 lists the parameter option(s) and definition(s).
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 7-5 CONSTANT This parameter defines test specifications for a logical processing function with constant mode criteria i n block processing. Synt a x CRITERIA CONSTANT = option(s) Op ti ons Table 7-4 lists the parameter option(s) and definition(s).
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING 7-6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Test expression s The activation of testing is done by coding the TEST parameter of any logical process ing com mand d escribed i n this chapt er. Either one or two CRI TERIA comm and s can be specified.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 7-7 either an A ND or an O R. Th e form ats of t hese TE ST parame ters may be as foll ows: TEST = ( cri ,AND, cri -i d - 2 ); or TEST = ( cri ,OR, cri- id- 2 ); The cri- id and cri- id- 2 are the identifiers for two CRI TERIA command s.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING 7-8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Comb in ing cha nge an d con stant m od es The CRITERIA tables may specify either change mode or constant mode func tions; there are no restrictions on t heir usage or combination.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 7-9 Exam ples This section shows tw o examples of using the CRITERIA command. Example 1 The f ollowing are exa mples of C RIT ERIA com mands includi ng the TABLE comm ands they referenc e.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING 7-1 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Stri ng co mpariso n concep ts This section focuses on string comparisons, character types, and masked comparisons using def ault and non-default type assignment s.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 7- 11 Maske d compar isons us ing de fault t ype assig nmen ts Performing mas ked comparison s using unmodified standa rd default type ass ignments req uires c oding the follow ing: • TCO D E comm a nd .
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING 7-1 2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE F i gur e 7 - 1. String comp ari son parameter s.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 7- 13 BANNER command The s tacked report s feature enable s the o nline and offl ine user t o define a series of reports in a s ingle file.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING 7-1 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE HCOUNT This parameter speci fies the total number of consecutive header banner pages which must be detected to sat isfy the test expression. Synt a x BANNER HCOUNT = option(s ) Op ti ons Table 7-7 lists the parameter option(s) and definition(s).
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 7- 15 HRPTNA This param eter speci fies that for each report a subfield of the first record satisf ying the bann er selection criteria is to be d isplayed as the REPORT N AME o n the LPS system controller in response to t he JOBS c ommand o r S TATUS function key.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING 7-1 6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE TE ST For online jobs, this p arameter defines the test expression for detection of a banner page f or either chang e mode or c onstant mod e cr ite ria. Synt a x BANNER TEST = option(s) Op ti ons Table 7-1 1 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 7- 17 Poi nts to note Table 7-13 shows the effect of t he TCO UNT and HCOUNT parameters of the BANNER command under the conditions listed and th e results o f eac h. Exam ples This section shows examples of using the BANNER comman d.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING 7-1 8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE BSEL ECT and BD E LE TE commands Interspersed blocks within o ne offline report o r file may be either selected f or or del eted fr om prin ting by use of the B DELE TE and BSEL EC T comm ands.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 7- 19 Exam ples This section s hows examples o f using t he BSEL ECT and B DELETE command s. Example 1 The following comm ands illus trate the use of BSELECT to process interspersed reports (refer t o t he following figure) on a block basis.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING 7-2 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE RAUX command Feeding a single sheet of paper from the auxiliary tray may be controlled from within t he input data stream.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 7- 21 • Since DJDE process ing occurs pri or to R AUX processing, DJDE records are not checked for sat i sfying the RAUX criteria (offline only).
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING 7-2 2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE RFEED c ommand The logical processing RFEED comm and allows you to change cluster names on a page-by-page basis without using DJDEs. The RFEED com mand allows you to specify pa per fed from different clusters if c ertain c r iteria are m et on a record ba sis.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 7- 23 Poi nts to note Note the following wh en u sing the RFEED command : • Satis faction of the RFE ED criteri a will cause t he current page to feed from the cluster defined in t he RFEE D comm and.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING 7-2 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE RSEL ECT and RD E LE TE commands Interspersed records within on e repo rt or file may ei ther be deleted from or selected for printing b y use of the RDELE TE and RS ELECT command s.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 7- 25 Exam ple The following commands illus trate the use of RDELETE to process interspersed reports on a record basis (refer to figure 7-4).
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING 7-2 6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE ROFF SET command The logical processing func ti on ROF FSE T provides the capability for online and offline users to initiate a page of fset in the stacker tray under con trol of the input data, that is, data and DJ DE records.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 7- 27 TE ST This parameter defines test expression for offsetting pages to the sta cker t ray. Synt a x ROFF SET T EST = option(s) Op ti ons Table 7-1 9 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING 7-2 8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Exam ple Following is an example of using the ROFFS ET comm and. A file has m ultiple reports without any delimiters separating the reports (as i llustrated bel ow). Each p age of the rep ort has a pag e number a s part of the hea ding.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 7- 29 RPAGE command The RPAGE comm and allows for the repositioning of the current (or next) logic al page. Ref er to figures 7-5 and 7-6 for a pictorial description of the effect of the RPAGE parameters .
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING 7-3 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE SIDE This param eter de fines the side of th e phy sical she et on which the repositioned logical page is to appear. Synt a x RPA GE SI D E = option(s) Op ti ons Table 7-2 1 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 7- 31 TE ST This param eter de fi nes the test e xpression for d etection of an RPAGE record. Synt a x RPA GE TEST = option(s) Op ti ons Table 7-2 2 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING 7-3 2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Poi nts to note Note the following wh en u sing the RPAGE c omm and. Thes e points apply to offline jobs only: • If a r ecord intended to satisfy t he criteria for RPAGE is suspende d by RSUSPEND, that record is not checked for the RPAGE criteri a .
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 7- 33 F i gur e 7 - 6. Ef fects of RPAGE co mma nd SI DE paramet er.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING 7-3 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE F i gur e 7 - 7. RPAGE c ommand par a meters.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 7- 35 RST ACK command The s tacked report s feature enable s the o nline and offl ine user t o define a series of reports in a s ingle file.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING 7-3 6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Del imit er disp l ay Display of the deli miter (performed only when DELIMI TER= YES) i s dependent on the mode (S ingle/Multi) in which the job is run. S ingle or multiple rep ort mo de is a select able param eter on the offline START comma nd.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 7- 37 sub sequent report unless it also satisfies the TE ST (or DJDE) criteria of t he starting JDE or JDL.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING 7-3 8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE DE LIMITE R This parameter specifies whether or not records that are s eparated from other records are pa rt of t he subseq uent report. Synt a x RSTACK DELIMITER = option(s) Op ti ons Table 7-2 5 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 7- 39 PRINT If DELIM ITER=YES is cod ed, the user m ay spe cify if t he report delimiters a re to be p rinted, and if so, the output de stinatio n of the printed delimiters. Synt a x RSTACK PRINT = option(s) Op ti ons Table 7-2 7 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING 7-4 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Poi nts to note Note the following wh en u sing the RSTACK c omm and: • If the TEST expression on the RSTACK comma nd consists solely of a chang e m ode CRI TERIA c omma nd, DELIMITER= NO must be code d.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 7- 41 RSUSPE ND and RRESUM E commands The print suppression lo gical processing function perm its the user to delete from printing groups of records that are distinguishab le at the start and end, but whose intermediate records may not be unique or distinguishable.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING 7-4 2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE BEGIN This parameter speci fies the BEGIN options. Synt a x RSUSPEND BEGIN = option(s) Op ti ons Table 7-2 9 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s). TE ST This parameter defines test expressions for t he beginni ng of print suppression (RSUSPEND).
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 7- 43 Poi nts to note Note the f ollowing when using the RSUSPEND and RRESUME command s: • RSUSPEND — Make s ure that if an RSUS PEND c ommand is coded, an RR ESUME com mand must a lso b e presen t for the j ob.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING 7-4 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Exam ple Following i s an example of using the RSUSPEND and RRESUME command s. T1:TABLE CONSTANT=(’//JOB ’,’//EXEC’); T2.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 7- 45 TA B LE co mmand The T ABLE command is used to build a table of c onstants for u se by the logical processing command s.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING 7-4 6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE MAS K This parameter defines mask characters used within string constants (specified by CONS TANT parameter) and indi cates which character positions have special type tes ting and what that testing is.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 7- 47 Exam ples This s ection sho ws exam ples of usin g the TABLE comm and. Example 1 The following are sample TABLE commands. The identifiers T1, T2, and T3 are each referenced by a CRITERIA command.
USING LOGICAL PROCESSING 7-4 8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Therefore, in t his ex ample, on ly da ta strings that begin with A7 can possibly pass the entire test.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8-1 8. 8 Speci fying dyna mic job descriptor e n tries (DJDEs) Dynamic j ob d escri ptor entries (DJ DEs) are paramet ers embedd ed within th e input data stream and are used to modify th e printing environment es tablished by a job desc riptor entry (JDE) “on the fly.
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Be nefit s of us ing DJ DEs Some of the benefits derived f rom c hanging these j ob p arameters with DJDEs are as follows: • The printing system does not stop between reports nor does it require op erator intervent ion.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8-3 Pag e- an d re co rd -o r ien te d DJD E s There are two t ypes of DJDEs: p age-oriented and record-oriented. Pag e-orie nted Page-oriented DJDEs c hange s pecific pa ges within a report and can change these pages differently in differen t copies.
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Table 8-1 lists t he page-oriented DJDEs. Table 8 -1. Page-ori ented DJDEs DJ DE Func tion BEGIN Specifies the lo cation of the starting pri nt line of a logical page for graphics.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8-5 RFORM S pecif ies whether a form is printed on all RTE XT pages . RTEXT S pecifies text to be printed on a separa te page preced ing a report. SEFMAP Specifies a font map ping table different than the one spe cif ied in the JDL .
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Re cord -ori en te d Record-oriented DJDEs take effect immediately at the next r eco rd following the.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8-7 IDEN co mmand To invoke DJDE processing, an IDEN command m ust be coded in the JDL. This c ommand not ifies the system that DJDE records may be part of the input data strea m.
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE OPRINFO This parameter specifies whether the DJDE record is to be printed t o the tray or not . Synt a x OPRINFO = option(s) Op ti ons Table 8-5 lists the parameter option(s) and definition(s).
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8-9 SKIP This param eter offse ts to th e starting column of the DJ DE parameter s. Synt a x SKIP = option ( s) Op ti ons Table 8-7 lists the parameter option(s) and definition(s).
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-1 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE DJDE re co rd spe cif icatio n DJDE records are created by the user as part of t he data stream. The system lo oks for t hem o nly if a DJDE prefix h as bee n specified by an IDEN command within the JDL us ed t o proce ss the j ob.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 11 • After a se t of DJDEs is terminated by a n END param eter, there must be one or more data records before the next DJ DE packet. DJDE records directly f ollowing a previousl y t erminated DJDE parameter set are ignored.
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-1 2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Applicat ion of DJDEs The following occurrences shoul d be noted when using DJDE records: The specific parameters included in a DJDE packet are the only ones modified when the DJDE is applied.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 13 The norm al page t ransition is caused by a skip f rom the bot tom o f a page t o the top of the next, general ly chan nel 1.
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-1 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE DJ DE opera tor inf ormat ion pa ge s The changes to the JDE, specified in the DJDE, are i ncorporated when END parameter is encountered. The changes begin on the next record or page following the last DJDE record.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 15 Changing the online BANNER offset criteria or VO LUME command OPTIM IZE parameter in a selected JDE c auses unpredi ctable results and should not be attempted .
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-1 6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Du plex D JDE page prin ting When c ertain DJ DEs (listed b elow) are i nvoked between a n o dd- numbered pag e (front side) and an e ven-numbered page (back side), the foll owing printing sequen ce occurs.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 17 Effe ct o f mu ltip le lo gical pa ges If multiple B EGIN s are being us ed to define mul tiple log.
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-1 8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Onlin e DJDE res trict ions Online DJDE restrictionsIf an online job has h eader pages only (no trailers), DJDEs i n the first header page of a report are recognized but no t applied.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 19 DJD E p ar a me ter de fin iti on s The following section s describe the syntax of the comma nd parameter s and explanations of the parameter options.
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-2 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE ASSIGN This parameter specifies an as signment of a VF U channel num ber to a page line number or set of line nu mbers. It is pos sible to h ave mult iple ASSI GN paramete r s w i th i n a DJDE.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 21 BSEQ Note: The DocuPrint 180 LPS doe s not support the barcode opt ion. This syntax will c ause the error message "Barcode reader not found continue I or Abort I" will be dis pla ye d at the beginning of the job.
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-2 2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE BSKIP Note: The DocuPrint 180 LPS doe s not support the barcode opt ion. This syntax will c ause the error message "Barcode reader not found continue I or Abort I" will be dis pla ye d at the beginning of the job.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 23 Poi nts to note Note the following when using the BARCODE comm and: • Sequen ce num bers can ran .
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-2 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE BATCH This parameter is supported for online batch mode jobs only. It permits normal processing of online banner pages for batch mode jobs by delim iting the bat ch mode gra phic d ata.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 25 BFORM This parameter specifies that a f orm be pri nted on t he back side o f a user page (must have DUPLE X= YES) . It ta kes eff ect as so on as t he data is read into the system.
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-2 6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE BOF This param eter speci fies the b ottom-of-form li ne numb er. It takes effect at the nex t record following a DJDE END param eter. A value is defined the dame as for VFU B OF in the chapter "Print f o rmat command s.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 27 Table 8 -19. BTEXT parameter option(s) a nd definition (s) Option(s) Definition(s) RNA= xxx Report name (maximum of 16 characters). This keyword is required in the first BTEXT of each rep ort to be a udited.
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-2 8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE DDE=[Y | N] Dupli c ate det ection enablem ent. (Y)es indicates the audit report wi ll fl a g duplicate sheets delivered. This option must b e set to (N)o i f m ultiple copies of a report or pages within the report are printed.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 29 Para met er ru le s Note the following rul es: • All parameters have the form keyword = va lu e • valu es must be specified as shown in the BTEXT comm and synt ax .
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-3 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Poi nts to note Note these points when using the BTEXT comman d: • If RNA (report name) i s not specified, no audit loggin g is performed.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 31 is processed. The ESS software does not check for t his.
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-3 2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE • The ma ximum lingth of all BTEX T strings within a DJDE packet or in the JSL MES SAG E som ma nd is determined by the follo w ing: 509-N where N is the number of BTEX T command s in t h e JSL MESSA GE command or DJ DE packet.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 33 Example 2 DJDE to p rint a report with s h eet reconciliation only: $DJDE BTEXT=’RNA=Personnel Reviews, CJN=HR052,NSE=249’,; $DJDE BTEXT=’SEQ=1,TXT=326769 Harold R.
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-3 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE CANCEL Cancels, effective on the current page, the hold (automatic reimaging) s pecified by the H parameter of an IMA GE or GRAPH IC parameter . Synt a x CANCEL = option ( s) Op ti ons Table 8-1 8 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 35 COPIES This parameter specifies the number of copies of a report to produce at the next page boundary.
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-3 6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE DATA This parameter speci fies the location and length of printable data within an input r ecord. It takes effect at t he next record following a DJDE END parameter.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 37 DUPLEX This param eter specifies whether printing i s to occur on both sides of a page (duplex mode) or a single side (simplex mode). It takes effec t on the next p age bounda ry.
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-3 8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE FE ED This param eter cont rols the stock on which th e page is prin ted. FEED=s toc k-reference reference s the stock assigned to a stock- name by the STO CKSET com m and in effect a t the time the page is printed.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 39 FIL E This pa rameter prov ides a capab ilit y of loading f iles to the LPS di sks while a pri nt job is in progress. The print job m ay be invoked solely for t he purpos e of downloading permanen t files.
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-4 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE FONTINDEX This parameter allows the user to specify a c ertain location in the input record where an index to t he font t o be used is st ored. It takes effect on the next l ogical page bounda ry.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 41 Op ti ons Table 8-2 7 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s). If an o verride l ine spac ing value is specified, li nes printed using t he font cause the indicated line spacing to be performed after the line using the font.
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-4 2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE FORMAT This param eter specifies an entirely n ew page descriptor entry (PDE) to be used for formatting control. I t takes effect on the next page boundary.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 43 Poi nts to note Note the following wh en u sing the FORM AT and F ORMS command s: • Since there is ambiguity between the FORMA T and FORMS parameters , if eith er is abbreviated to the fi rst three letters, t he parameter d efaults to FORM AT.
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-4 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE GRAPHICS This parameter specifies that the DJDE is a graphic sentine l. T ha t i s, it i mm ediately precedes and identifies a graphic in the report data stream.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 45 Op ti ons Table 8-3 0 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-4 6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE IMAGE In batch mode, this OVERPR IN T = paramete r defines new imaging parameter s for subsequent graphic s. In all other modes, it defines imaging parameters for the named graphi c.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 47 The param eters T, H, and n/d are not orde r dependent . They may be coded as ne eded wit hout extr a position holding c omm as. If the UN parameter is used t o define pos ition, the UNITS paramet er must precede this command in the OUTPUT comm and.
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-4 8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE ITE XT This param eter spec ifies a text m essage to be output during input processing.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 49 JD L The jdl -id specifies the name of the JDL to be invoked at the next page boundary .
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-5 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE MARGIN This param eter speci fies the l eft printing margin w ithin each l ogical page. It takes effect at the logical page following a DJDE END parameter.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 51 MOD IF Y This parameter specifies the copy modification entry (CME) to be used in report processing. It takes effect at the next l ogical physica l page boundary .
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-5 2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE NUMBER This param eter spec ifies page num bering con trol. It takes e ffect on the ne xt logical page bo undary. The p arameters are the same as those for O UTPUT com mand.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 53 OTE XT This parameter spe cifies a text m e ssage to be output to the operator during job printing.
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-5 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE OVERP RINT This parameter specifies overprint control. Overprint lines are print lines whose carriage control spe cifies printing wi th no line spacing after the la st printed l ine.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 55 PMO DE This param eter speci fies the p rinting mode for e ach pa ge. LANDSCAPE indicates that printing is to be parallel to the long edge of paper. PORTRAIT indicates that printing is t o be parall el to t he narrow edge of paper.
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-5 6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE RTEXT This parameter speci fies text to be printed on a sepa rate page preceding a report. It t akes effect on the nex t page boundary . The parameter s are the same as for the ROU TE com mand d efined in the chapter "Print format commands.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 57 SAVE This param eter mus t occur prior to or at the end of the report an d specifies IMG files updat ed during the current report which are no t to be purged when the report’ s outp ut processing is completed.
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-5 8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE SEFM AP This parameter speci fies a mapping table different than the one defined in the PDL comman d on a page-by-pa ge basis. Synt a x SEFM AP = option(s ) Op ti ons Table 8-4 6 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 59 SEPARATORS This parameter specifies that the printer software save an internal copy of the next data page in the r e port and use it to g enerat e segment separator sheets.
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-6 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE SF1FUNCTION This pa rameter spe cifi es t o t he fi nish er whe ther (YES) or not (NO) to begin a particular operation on t he current sheet.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 61 SHIF T This parameter speci fies a shift of t h e image on the page for purposes of binding. It takes effect on a physical page boundary. Synt a x SHI F T = option(s) Op ti ons Table 8-5 0 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-6 2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE SIDE This param eter specifies r e positioning of the new logical pa ge to th e first logical p age of the gi ven side of a phys ical sheet . It takes effect at a logica l page boundary.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 63 SNUMBER This parameter specifies th at the printer merge the current segment sequence num ber into any subseque nt segm ent sepa rator sheets produced.
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-6 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE SPLI T This param eter spec ifies th e use of seg ment managem ent.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 65 SREC OVER This param eter specifies the recovery m ode. Whe n used as a DJDE, SRECOV ER mus t be specified prior to t h e first data r e co rd in the report or it is ignored.
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-6 6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE STIMI NG This param eter is p r ovided f or pos sible compatibility with o ther Xe r ox software supp orting third pa rty finishing devices and is i gnored b y the Xerox DocuP rint 180 LPS.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 67 TMO DE This param eter speci fies process direction m easurement for determining default pitch mode. Synt a x TMOD E = option(s) Op ti ons Table 8-5 7 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-6 8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE TRANS This param eter spec ifies whet her or not transparenc ies are us ed in the print job. Synt a x TRAN S = opt i on( s) Op ti ons Table 8-5 9 lists the paramet er o ption(s) and definition(s).
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 69 Poi nts to note Note the f ollowing when using DJDE parameters: • TOF The DJDE top-of-form (TOF) c ommand af fects the fir st data record following the DJDE record.
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-7 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE • SNUMBER If the system encounters a valid S NUMBER dynamic job descriptor entry after an i ncorrect EXPORT comm and SNUMBER param eter ha d been s pecified, unpred ictable results may occur .
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 71 Example 2 Before the DJDE short-edge feed parameter, the contents of the memory font mapping table .
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-7 2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE DJ DE FI LE parame ter This DJDE provides a c apability of l oading card-im age or LPS- labeled files to the LPS disk while a printing job is in progress.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 73 Poi nts to note Note the following wh en u sing the DJDE F ILE param eter: • If the fil e nam e or file type specified in t he DJDE FILE paramet er differ from those in t he label record, the file is renamed as specified i n t h e label record.
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-7 4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Card- image f ile proces sing The FILE paramete r is checked for valid parameters, and an appropriate amount of disk space is made available for the file.
SPECIFY ING DYNA MIC J OB DES CRIPTOR ENTRIES (D JDES ) XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 8- 75 File processing mode is conclude d, and print mode is resum ed with the DJDE record unl ess the DJDE rec ord contains ano ther FILE parameter .
SPECIFYI NG DYNAMIC JOB DESCRIPTOR ENTRIE S (DJD ES) 8-7 6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Deli mited re cord s for L PS-lab eled fil es To prevent loss of data through trailing blank suppres.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 9-1 9. 9 Using graphi cs This chapter contains information on the following topics: • Graphics consid erations • Input f or graphics • Proces sing mod es .
USING GRAPHICS 9-2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE In put f or gr ap hi cs Named graphics may be input to the LPS through magn etic tape or the online channel. They may be input either separately from or interleaved with t extual data. If input s eparately, they are reco r ded a s permanent disk files.
USING GRAPHICS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 9-3 Blo ck mod e In block mode, a graphic is obtained from the input data stream immediat ely following the textual data to be imaged on the same page (refer to t he “Pa ge interleaved” section of this chapter).
USING GRAPHICS 9-4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Do cumen t interleav ed In this format, a report’ s data stream begins w ith a set of o ne or more graphics prior to t h e first record of te xt. These graphics are copied one at a time to named IM G disk files.
USING GRAPHICS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 9-5 Bat ch mo de In this m ode , a rep ort cont ains only g raphics i maged one per pa ge and an optional IMAGE DJDE preced ing each graphic. These graphics are copied to the print file and processed as block mode graphics.
USING GRAPHICS 9-6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Onlin e f ormat s This section covers the following t opics: • Noninte r leaved • Document and p age interleaved • Batch mode • Doc.
USING GRAPHICS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 9-7 paramet ers for sub sequent graphics . The ac tual batch m ode data stream is defined by t he BATCH =S TART and BATCH=END DJDEs. • There i s no change in t he maxim um record le ngth whe n processing batch m ode grap hic records.
USING GRAPHICS 9-8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE PD L co mm and a nd DJD E opti on s f or g r aphi cs Several PDL comma nds are available for graphic handling. These include four jo b descriptor en try (JDE) OU TPUT commands and six dynamic j ob d escriptor entries (DJDE s).
USING GRAPHICS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE 9-9 Perf orman ce This section covers the following t opics: • Random m ode • On line • Document inte r leaved file crea tion Ra ndom m od e Random mode req uires a separat e disk access by the output processing task for every graphic on a page.
USING GRAPHICS 9-1 0 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Restrict ions This section summarizes graphic restrictions, some of which have been mentioned elsewh ere in this document. These restrictions are grouped ac cording to whether t hey affect graphic features.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE A-1 A. A PDL comma nd and DJDE su mm ary This appendix may be used as a quick reference for information about PDL commands and comm and param eters. The following definitions describe the convention s used in this appendix.
PDL COMMAN D AND DJDE SUMMARY A-2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Table A-2. PDL comman ds an d DJDEs Command Paramete r Defau lt LPS Offlin e Online DJDE orient a -ti o n ABNORMAL ERROR IMIS.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE B-1 B. B PDL command q uick referen ce Co nvent ion s Symbol s used in the command syntax are listed in table A-1. Table B-1. Sym bo ls used in comman d syntax Symbol M e anin g ac Comma nd ident ifier. Consi sts of 1 t o 6 al ph anumeric characters (A through Z and 0 through 9).
PDL COMMAN D QUICK REFER ENCE B-2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Table B-2. P DL c omm a n d qu ic k refe re nc e Co mm and Sy ntax Def ault ABNORMA L ABNORMAL ERROR = {CONTINUE | ABO R T | .
PDL C OMMAND QUICK REFEREN CE XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE B-3 ac :CRITERIA ac :CRIT ERIA CHANGE = ( offset , length , NE, LAST ) CONSTANT = ( offset , length , {EQ | NE}, ta b- id ) ac :CRI.
PDL COMMAN D QUICK REFER ENCE B-4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE OUTPUT OUTPUT BFORM = { form- id | ( form- id [, ini | t [, copies ]][, INK[S] , inkr ef [, inkr ef ][,. ..]) } OUTPUT COLLATE = {YES | NO } OUTP UT COPI ES = num be r OUTPUT COVER = cover-opt OUTPUT CYCLEFORMS = { form-id [, fo rm -i d ],.
PDL C OMMAND QUICK REFEREN CE XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE B-5 OUTPUT OUTPUT NTO1 = {YES | NO | n } OUTPUT NUMBER ={( pnum , lnu m , cnum [,[ findex ][, inkr ef ]]) | NO } OUTPUT OFFS ET = {.
PDL C OMMAND QUICK REFEREN CE XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE B-7 ac :STO CKSET ASSIGN = { stock-descr iptor | ( sto ck-descr i pt o r 1 [, stock-de scriptor 2 ][,.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE C-1 C. C Characte r code assignm ent This appe ndix illus tr ates the follow ing char act er code assignm ent s: • IBM BCD code set • Honeyw ell 200/2000 BCD.
CHARACTER CODE ASSI GNMENT C-2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Honeywe ll 200 /2000 BCD c ode set Figure C-2 presents t he Honey well 2 00/2000 BCD code set .
CH ARACTER CODE ASSIGN MENT XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE C-3 Honeywe ll 600 0 BCD co de set Figure C-3 presents t he Honey well 6 000 BCD code set.
CHARACTER CODE ASSI GNMENT C-4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE F iel data tran slati on Figure C-4 presents the Fi eldata translation . Fig ure C -4.
CH ARACTER CODE ASSIGN MENT XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE C-5 UNIVAC ASCII c haracter set Figure C-5 presents the UNIVAC ASCII character set. Fig ure C -5.
CHARACTER CODE ASSI GNMENT C-6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE St andard ASC II ch arac ter set Figure C-6 presents t he s tandard ASC II charac ter set.
CH ARACTER CODE ASSIGN MENT XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE C-7 St andard EBCD IC char acter set Figure C-7 presents the standard EBCDIC character set.
CHARACTER CODE ASSI GNMENT C-8 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Xerox EBCDIC to extended ASCII hexa decimal transl ation v alues Figure C-8 presents t he X erox EB CDIC to ext ended A SCII hexadecimal t ranslation values.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE D-1 D. D Offline sp ecificatio ns This appendix provides offline specifications. Inp ut unp acki ng ex ampl es Figure D-1 shows several input unpac king ex amples.
OFFL INE SPECI FICA TIONS D-2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Valid ho st co mpu te r and la b el spe cifica ti ons Figure D-2 shows the valid ho st computer and label specifications.
OFF LINE SP ECIFI CATIO NS XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE D-3 Each shade d area of t his tab le show s the l abel that is sub stituted by PDL when an invalid host/label pair is spe cified. Each X indicates a valid label specification parameter for each type of host.
OFFL INE SPECI FICA TIONS D-4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Afte r an L PS so ftware syst em is c rea ted by t he user, the s ource for these JDLs is resi dent in the JSL directory. Use the E d itor PRINT parameter or the P DL compiler to obtain a printout of the JDL(s) desired.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE E-1 E. E Editor quick reference This append ix summari zes the basic E ditor comm ands an d steps for creating a nd modi fying JS Ls. Fo r detail ed informat ion on using the Editor, refer to your Xerox DocuPrint 180 LPS Operations Ref erence .
EDIT OR QU ICK REFER ENCE E-2 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE full command line, a continuation of a previous command line, or a comment line. For example, if you wish to add line 00011, following 000010, you would sim ply ent er 11. St e p 6.
E DITOR QU ICK RE FEREN CE XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE E-3 DISPLAY • Display a particular port ion of the work file by en tering: DISP L AY n- y n is the starting l ine numb er to be displayed. y is t he ending line num ber to be displayed.
EDIT OR QU ICK REFER ENCE E-4 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE Mod ifying a portion of the work file lin e To modify portions of a line, you must first enter: MO D IF Y n n is the number of the line t o be mo dified, for example, MODIFY 60.
E DITOR QU ICK RE FEREN CE XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE E-5 • Insert a set of characters following other characters by ent ering: F/ x / y / x is the word p r eceding the tex t to be ad ded.
EDIT OR QU ICK REFER ENCE E-6 XER OX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS PD L REFEREN CE n is the starting l ine numb er. m is t he e nding line n umb er. i is the increment of line numbering you want.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE GLOSSARY- 1 Gloss ary A3 Paper size measuring 297 by 420 mm. A4 Paper size measuring 210 by 297 mm. abort To term inate the printing of a job or execut ion of a program bef ore it comple tes. algorithm Com putational procedure that can be repeated any number of t imes.
GLOSSARY GLOSSARY- 2 XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 L PS PD L REFEREN CE auxili ary menu Menu that contains options not displayed in a window . The symbol for an auxiliary menu is a box containing three horizontal lines .
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE GLOSSARY- 3 bit m ap Visual representation of graphic images in which a bit defines a picture element (pixel); for example, i f a bit is 1, the corresponding pixel is printed. bit map ped Display image generated bit by bit for each point o r dot.
GLOSSARY GLOSSARY- 4 XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 L PS PD L REFEREN CE charac ter S ingle printable l etter (A-Z), n umeral (0 - 9), symbol (& % #), or punctuation m ark (, . ! ?) used to represent dat a. Characters can also be nonprinting, such as space, tab, or carriage ret u rn.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE GLOSSARY- 5 communi cation line Tel ec ommuni catio n line connecting devices at one location with devices a t ot her locations in orde r to t ransmit and rec eive info rma tio n.
GLOSSARY GLOSSARY- 6 XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 L PS PD L REFEREN CE copy -sensitive Term used to indicate jobs in which multiple copies of a report will cont a in di ff eren t data, as wit h paychecks and banki ng state m ents. cpi characters per i nch. Design ates th e numb er of cha racters p er inch for a part i cu lar typeface.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE GLOSSARY- 7 descen der P ortion o f alphabetic character that extends below the baseline. See also ascender, x height. desktop Basic di splay screen of the PC UI. devic e Any piece of h ardware other than the central processing unit (CPU).
GLOSSARY GLOSSARY- 8 XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 L PS PD L REFEREN CE el ite Smallest size standard typewriter type: 12 ch aracters per horizontal inch. See also pica.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE GLOSSARY- 9 font Set of images, usually charac ters and symbol s, having com mon characteristics such as style, width , height, an d we ight. form 1. Compiled forms source library (.FSL) fil e. 2. Printed or t yped document with blank spaces for insert i ng information .
GLOSSARY GLOSSARY- 10 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE hard ware P hysical com ponents, such as m echanica l, magnet ic, and elec tronic elements of a system, as oppose d to programs, procedures, rul es, and associated docume ntation. Hardware is operated by software and firmware.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE GLO SSARY-11 input processi ng F ormatting control for the pages of a r e port. inser t To add text or graphics to a docu men t. inte rface Device by whi ch two systems connec t an d comm unicate w ith each other.
GLOSSARY GLOSSARY- 12 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE la be l 1. In da ta storage, a reference to a file saved o n tape or disk, a rec ord indicating the file n ame or date created, or oth er control information.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE GLO SSARY-13 lit e ral A lphanumeric beginni ng with a letter, optionally including a n asterisk, period, colon, or slash, and not enclosed in single quotes. loa d To enter data i nto storage or working registers.
GLOSSARY GLOSSARY- 14 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE media Vehicles or devices by which information is st ored or transmitted. Classifications include source, input, and output. me di um Obj ec t or material on which data is stored, for exam ple , magnet ic tape or floppy disk.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE GLO SSARY-15 noni m pa ct pri n te r Printer that forms characters w ithout any strikes of a key or elem ent against the paper. objec t f ile Sourc e file conv erted into machine language (binary code). offline Devices not under the ac tive control of a cent ral processing unit.
GLOSSARY GLOSSARY- 16 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE ove rpri nt line s Print l ines whose carriage control specifies printing with no line spacing after the la st printed l ine. overp rint ratio Ma ximum num ber of varia ble data and form cha racters that m ay be intersected by a single scan line.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE GLO SSARY-17 intensity. Pixels are definable locations on a display used to form images. F or graph ic displays, more pi xels generally provide higher resolution. Spots, dots, and pixels are used interchangeab ly.
GLOSSARY GLOSSARY- 18 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE purg e To del e te da ta f rom a syst em. que ue List of d ocuments waiting to be proc essed. RAM random access memory. Storage that allows data, such as document s, to be stored and retrieved directly by address location without reading through any other data.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE GLO SSARY-19 scro ll b a r Part of a window that allows you to vi ew informat ion exte nding beyond the window display. SCS I small comput er system interface. Accepted standard f or connecting peripheral devices to computers.
GLOSSARY GLOSSARY- 20 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE special processi ng Commands al lowing the user t o proc ess special reports, s uch as printing certain records, or printing on special paper.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE GLO SSARY-21 system disk M agnetic di sk storag e medi um, usually of large capa city, t hat is not removable as oppos ed to floppy disk or disk pac ks. system file Ma ster software program that keeps all componen ts working tog e th e r.
GLOSSARY GLOSSARY- 22 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE terminal Device equipped with a k eyboard and conne cted to a computer or a network testing 1. Process of running a program for the express purpose of discovering any errors it m ay contain.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE GLO SSARY-23 type style Italic, condensed, bold, and other variations of typeface that form a typ e f a mi l y . UCS Universal Character Set. Printer feature that permits the use of a variety of character upl oad To copy f i les from a remote peripheral device to a hos t.
GLOSSARY GLOSSARY- 24 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE x axis Horizont al axis on a forms grid. xdot Unit of measureme nt represent ing a fraction of an inch. It may also be referred to a s a picture el ement (pixel) or spot, for exam ple, 1/600 spots per inch ( spi).
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE GLO SSARY-25 CPU central proces sing un it CR carriage return DCE data com municat ions equip ment DDCMP Digital Data Communic ation Message Pr otocol D.
GLOSSARY GLOSSARY- 26 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE FDL forms d escription languag e FDR f i le dire ctor y FFM f on t file management FIS Font Interchange Standard FMS file managem ent su.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE GLO SSARY-27 IPFO N TS In terpress fonts IPL initial prog ra m load IP M Interpress mapp ing ip s inches per second JCB j ob control block JCL job contr.
GLOSSARY GLOSSARY- 28 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE OSDS operat ing sy stem d iagnostic sof tware OSEXEC operating system execu tive OSS operating sy stem software PC personal comput er PC.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE GLO SSARY-29 SFS st atus file services SI F sequence insert file SNA system ne twork arch it ecture spi spots per inch SST sy stem softwar e tape sysgen.
GLOSSARY GLOSSARY- 30 XER OX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PD L REFEREN CE XMP xerographic mode persisten ce XMS xerographic mode swi tching XPA F , X PF X erox P rint er A cc ess Fa cilit y XP MF- VMS Xerox Pri.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 96 LPS P DL REFERE NCE IN DEX-1 Ind ex Numerals 3211/4245 mode, 4-56 4850/4890 HighLight Color LPS applications , 3-28 to 3-30 forms, 3-29 to 3-30 4050/4090 /465 0/9700F LP S, creating.
INDEX INDEX-2 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 LPS PD L RE FERENCE features, 5-1 processing overview, 5-1 specifying, 5-3 to 5-4 sto ring MAI N , 5 -2 AU X, 5 -2 AU TO , 5 - 2 usage, 5-3 CMEs cataloged, 6 -18 sp.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE IN DEX-3 INDEX def ining characteristics, 6-31 clusters, 5-5 to 5 -9 paper requirements, 3-13 system res ponses, 6 -3 deleting specialized rec ords, 7-24 delimit.
INDEX INDEX-4 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 LPS PD L RE FERENCE G graphics considerations, 9-1 DJDE options, 9-8 feature restri ctions, 9-10 handling modes batch, 9-2 to 9-3 block, 9-2 to 9-3 mo ve , 9- 2 ran.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE IN DEX-5 INDEX JSL colu m ns, 3- 9 creating, 3-10 to 3-16 editor, 3-10 identifier, namin g, 3-10 requirements, 3-9 specifying, 3-9 structure, 2-10 to 2-15 VFU, 3.
INDEX INDEX-6 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 LPS PD L RE FERENCE recovery , 4-63 report separation, 4-59 restrictions, DJDE, 8-18 specific com mands CMEs, 4-59 DJDE processing, 4-59 JDE, creating, 4-57 to 4-58.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE IN DEX-7 INDEX RECORD command parameters ADJUST , 4-19 CONSTANT, 4-20 FORMAT , 4-20 LENGT H, 4-21 LM U LT , 4- 21 LTHFLD, 4-22 OFFSE T, 4-22 PO S TA MBL E, 4 -2 .
INDEX INDEX-8 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 LPS PD L RE FERENCE output requireme nts, 3-14 VFUs, 3-10 SPLIT paramet er DJDE command, 8-56 EXPOR T comm and, 6-27 SRECO V ER paramet er DJDE command, 8-57 EXPOR .
XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 LPS PDL REFERENCE IN DEX-9 INDEX V valid host specifications computer, D -2 to D-3 label, D-2 t o D-3 value c onstants, 2-6 variable data, 1-6 name constants , 2-6 VFU parameter 6.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Xerox 721P85530 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Xerox 721P85530 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Xerox 721P85530 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Xerox 721P85530 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Xerox 721P85530 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Xerox 721P85530 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Xerox 721P85530 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Xerox 721P85530 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.