Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DocuPrint 180 van de fabrikant Xerox
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Xer ox Doc u P rin t 18 0 La se r Pr in ti ng Sys te m Product Guide April 1998 721P8557 0.
Xerox Corpora ti o n 701 S. Aviation Boulevard El Segu ndo, CA 90245 ©1998 by Xerox Corporat ion. All righ ts reserved. Copyright protection claimed includes all forms and matters of copyrightable ma.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE iii Rela te d pu bl i ca ti o n s The Xerox DocuPrint 180 Laser Printing System Product Guide is part of the ten-m anual ref erence set fo r your laser p rinti ng syste m. The entire reference set is listed in t h e table below.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE v Table of Contents Related publications iii Notice iii Intr od ucti on ix Xero x Do cuPrin t 180 L PS Pr oduct Guid e ix About the reference set x Xerox Docu Pri n t 180 Laser pr int ing system document se t x Document conventions xiii 1.
TAB LE OF C ONTE NTS vi XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UIDE Pr inter 2- 3 Imaging sub system 2-3 Xerographic subsystem 2-3 Outp ut su b syste m 2-4 DocuPrint 180 LP S p roduc.
TABL E OF CONTENTS XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE vii Error messages 5-23 Deletions 5-23 Print Darkness 5-25 Interpolation and scann ed images 5-25 Switching paper size and feed modes 5-26 Cleaning time between pitch mode changes 5-27 6.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE i x Introduc tion The purpose of the Xerox DocuPrint 180 LPS Produc t Guide is to introduce you to the Xerox DocuPrint 180 Laser Printin g System (LPS).
INTRO DUC TIO N x XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E Abou t t he r efe ren ce set This document is part of a ref erence set de signed to help you receive maximum benefit from your Xerox DocuPrint 180 laser printing syste m.
INTRODUCTION XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE x i Xero x DocuPrint 180 LPS PDL Reference The Xerox DocuPrint 180 LPS PDL Referenc e consists of the following: • Print De scr.
INTRO DUC TIO N xii XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E Xero x Docu Print 18 0 LPS M essage Guid e The Xerox DocuPrint 180 LPS Message Guid e consists of the following: • OSS and oth er messages • Meanin g and rec overy procedures.
INTRODUCTION XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE xiii Doc ume nt con ven ti ons This guide uses the following conventions: < > Angle b rackets are used for keys on the system co ntroller keyboard. { } Curl y brackets are used for required characters.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 1-1 1. 1 Xerox DocuPrin t 180 LPS over view The Xerox DocuPrint 180 Las er Printing Sys tem (LPS) is a versatile , high-performanc e printing system that processes and prints data from a varie ty of sources.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 8 0 LPS OVERVIEW 1-2 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E Xer ox Do cu Print 18 0 L PS The standard Xerox DocuPr int 180 LPS cons ists of two main component s: Figure 1-1 shows the Xerox DocuPrint 180 LPS .
XEROX DOCUPRIN T 180 L PS OVE RVIEW XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 1-3 Soft wa re DocuPrint 180 LP S soft ware funct ionally cons ists of seve ral component s to mana ge printing system resources .
XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 8 0 LPS OVERVIEW 1-4 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E Opt ions The following op tions are available to further enhanc e the capabi lities of your Xerox DocuPrint 1 80 LPS. Note: For detailed information regarding these options, please contact your sales representative.
XEROX DOCUPRIN T 180 L PS OVE RVIEW XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 1-5 Byp ass tr anspor t The bypass transport increas es your production capabi lities by providing you w ith a m eans of using f inishing devices with you r Xe rox DocuPrint 180 LPS .
XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 8 0 LPS OVERVIEW 1-6 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E Do cuPrint 180 LP S connect ion The X erox Docu Print 180 LPS m ay b e ordere d with t he following optional c onnection s: On li ne i nt e rfa c e The online channel interface recei ves inp ut directly f rom t he host system.
XEROX DOCUPRIN T 180 L PS OVE RVIEW XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 1-7 Xer ox Do cu Print 18 0 L PS sp ec ific atio ns The specifications for the Xero x DocuPrint 180 LPS are desc ribed in the follo w ing se ctio ns: Equ ipmen t Dim ens ions Table 1-1 sho ws the s pecifications for the X erox DocuPrint 180 LPS.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 8 0 LPS OVERVIEW 1-8 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E Cle ara nce req uirem ent s Table 1-2 describes the am oun t of clearance requ ired for the vario us component s. Env ironment al requir ements Table 1 -3 lists the env ironmen tal requireme nts.
XEROX DOCUPRIN T 180 L PS OVE RVIEW XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 1-9 Elect rical r equir ements Table 1-4 shows the electrical re quirements for the Xerox DocuP rint 180 LPS.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 8 0 LPS OVERVIEW 1-10 XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UIDE Xer ox Do cu Print 18 0 L PS fe atu res Listed below are features of t he Xerox DocuP rint 180 LPS. System con trol le r Th e foll owing are fea tures of t he syst em cont roller: • PC UI (r e fer below) • Three 1.
XEROX DOCUPRIN T 180 L PS OVE RVIEW XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 1-11 Pri n te r The follow ing are f eatures o f the prin ter: • Xerograph ic engine • Laser raster sc.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 8 0 LPS OVERVIEW 1-12 XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UIDE Pape r h and ling Paper h andling feat ures i nclude t he following: • 16-pound bond to 110-pound inde x/60-gsm to 200-gsm , cut- sheet paper, colo red, preprinted, predr ille d, or preperfo rated paper • Variable paper s izes such as A3 (11.
XEROX DOCUPRIN T 180 L PS OVE RVIEW XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 1-13 Printed for mat The features for printed f ormats include the following: • Variable spacing of 3 to.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 2-1 2. 2 Ba sic co n c ep ts This chapt er introduc es basic concepts associated with a Xerox Laser Printing System (LPS). Major s e ctions in this chapter cover the following topics: • DocuPrint 180 LPS overview • DocuPrint 180 LPS product ion process overview • Fonts.
BASIC CONCEPT S 2-2 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E Syst em con troller The system c o ntroller contains the input subsystem and the con trol subsystem electroni cs.
BASIC CO NCEPT S XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 2-3 Prin ter The printer contains the imaging, xerographic, and output subsys tems. Imaging su bsyste m The imaging sub system accept s a formatted page of data from the system controller (forms and graphi cs have already been m erged) for the xerograp hic process.
BASIC CONCEPT S 2-4 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E Output subsystem The out put subsy stem provid es pape r stacking, repo rt collating, and samp le print capab ilit ies .
BASIC CO NCEPT S XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 2-5 F i gu r e 2 -3. Xerox DocuPri nt 180 LPS input options On li ne The chann el-attached host computer input is received by the DocuPrint 180 LP S o nline in terface. In an online e nvironment , the system controller is physically wired to the host compute r.
BASIC CONCEPT S 2-6 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E Typ es of da ta Data is created at one of the abov e source s and transmitted to the DocuPrint 180 LPS.
BASIC CO NCEPT S XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 2-7 Spe cial proces sing Special processing fe atures distinguish the Xerox LPS from an impact printer.
BASIC CONCEPT S 2-8 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E Job s ource li brary (JS L) fi les Print description langua ge (PDL) commands are us ed to describe the data l ayout and provide instructions f or data plac ement on a page with or wi thout an FDL-created form.
BASIC CO NCEPT S XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 2-9 F onts A font is a ch aracter set which has a unique t ypestyle, type s ize, and orientation. B oth fixed and proportional ly spaced font s are avai lable for use on an LPS.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 3-1 3. 3 Xerox DocuPrin t 180 LPS hardwa re compone nts This chapter describes the hardware components associated with the Xerox DocuPrint 180 Laser Printing Sy ste m (LPS).
XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS HARDW ARE COMPONENTS 3-2 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E Syst em con troller h ardware co mponen ts The system controller compone nts are the sy.
XEROX DOCUPRI NT 180 L PS HARDWAR E COMPONENT S XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 3-3 System co ntro ller pa nel As shown in figure 3-3, the syst e m contr oller i s powered o n or off, booted, and s witched between local and remote using the bu ttons on this pan el.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS HARDW ARE COMPONENTS 3-4 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E As shown in f igure 3-5, the optional p eripheral cabinet houses the 9- track magnetic tape drive and 36-track cartridge tape drive. F i gur e 3-5.
XEROX DOCUPRI NT 180 L PS HARDWAR E COMPONENT S XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 3-5 Pr inter har dware com ponents Figure 3-6 shows the com ponents of the X erox DocuPrint 180 LPS printer modul e.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS HARDW ARE COMPONENTS 3-6 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E Pur ge tr ay The purge tray located at the top of the last feede r/stacker modul e is where was te sheets are s ent wh en cleared from the printer.
XEROX DOCUPRI NT 180 L PS HARDWAR E COMPONENT S XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 3-7 As shown in f i gure 3-8, the printer control c on sole is where you perform many printer adjustments and select printer f u nctions . F i gur e 3-8.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS HARDW ARE COMPONENTS 3-8 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E Appearing in the message area are th e following messages : • Lines 1 and 2. These lines display the current status of the printer, for e xample, REA DY.
XEROX DOCUPRI NT 180 L PS HARDWAR E COMPONENT S XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 3-9 Att ent i on al a rm An attention alarm is l ocat ed within the printer. Like the attention light, the attention alarm is e nabled and disa bled by t he operator (refer to Xerox Doc uPrint 180 LPS Ope rator Guide ).
XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 4-1 4. 4 Xerox DocuPrin t 180 LPS software compone nts This chapter describ es the software com ponents ass ociated with the Xerox DocuP rint 180 Las er Printing System (LPS).
XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS SOFTWAR E COMPONENTS 4-2 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E Mi ni sysgen In a mini sysgen, an existing operating system is modified in a way that does not require new system fi le input or patchi ng.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS SOFTWAR E COMPONENTS XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 4-3 F i gur e 4-1. Major Docu Prin t 180 LPS PROC ESSI NG TASK S Operating system exec utive task The OSEXEC task is always ru nning. It int e rfa ces with the DocuP rint 180 LP S hardwa re an d logs ha rdware e rrors.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS SOFTWAR E COMPONENTS 4-4 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E Ed ito r ta s k The Editor task creates and modifies disk files. When you save a work fil e, it stores the contents permanent ly o n the disk.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS SOFTWAR E COMPONENTS XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 4-5 Prin ter Soft war e The Printe r Soft wa r e works in conjun cti o n with th e OSS (syst e m controller) to print your job.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LPS SOFTWAR E COMPONENTS 4-6 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E Optio n al ho st- resi de nt so ft ware pa ckag es This section describes a few o f the many host-resident software packages avai lable for us e with your Xerox DocuP r int 180 LPS.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 5-1 5. 5 Product di fferences/ user consi derations Your Xerox DocuPrint 180 Laser Printing System (LPS) has many unique st andard and opt ional feat ures which distinguish i t from o ther Xerox LPS.
PRODUCT DIFFERENCES/USE R CONSIDERATIONS 5-2 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E In order to evaluate whether your Xerox DocuPrint 180 LP S running software version 3C 2 ca.
PRODUCT DIFFERENCES/USE R CONSIDERATIONS XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 5-3 Usi ng your X erox DocuPr int 180 LPS as a b ackup LPS Tables 5-1 through 5-6 identify particular.
PRODUCT DIFFERENCES/USE R CONSIDERATIONS 5-4 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E Table 5 -2. Will this 4050/4090 (V 3.5) job print on my X erox DocuPrint 18 0 LPS Job features from 405 0/ 4090 (V3.
PRODUCT DIFFERENCES/USE R CONSIDERATIONS XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 5-5 Table 5 -3. Will this 4650 (V3. 5) job p ri nt on my DP 180 LPS? Job features from 465 0 (V3.5) Results when run o n DP 180 L PS) Clusters Job prints.
PRODUCT DIFFERENCES/USE R CONSIDERATIONS 5-6 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E Table 5 -4. Will this 4850 (V3. 7) job p ri nt on my DP 180 LPS? Job features from 485 0 (V3.7) Results when run o n DP 180 L PS Clusters Job prints.
PRODUCT DIFFERENCES/USE R CONSIDERATIONS XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 5-7 Table 5 -5. Will this 9790 (V2) p rint on my DP 18 0 LPS? Job features from 979 0 (V2.
PRODUCT DIFFERENCES/USE R CONSIDERATIONS 5-8 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E Ch ecking pap er sizes a nd spe cial stoc ks If you r job requires a particular paper size, you need to make sure your Xerox Doc uPrint 180 LP S can han dle it.
PRODUCT DIFFERENCES/USE R CONSIDERATIONS XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 5-9 which type of spec iality pap er and s tock wil l run in your Xerox DocuPrint 180 LPS, as well as the other Xerox LPS.
PRODUCT DIFFERENCES/USE R CONSIDERATIONS 5-10 XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UIDE tr ay. Refer to t he Xerox DocuPrint 180 LPS Operator Guide for loading instructions. Note: Paper size s with differences exc eeding + 25 mm in e ither dimension cannot stack in the same bin.
PRODUCT DIFFERENCES/USE R CONSIDERATIONS XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 5-11 Checkin g JDL co mpatibilit y Job d escriptor libraries (JDLs ) are c ollections of c ompiled job descriptions w hich are set up by th e user. Many jobs m ay be compiled on one LPS and run on another.
PRODUCT DIFFERENCES/USE R CONSIDERATIONS 5-12 XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UIDE Ch ecking PDL compa tibility Print Description Language (PDL) comman ds define the format of the input media, processing requirem ents , and the format of the printed output.
PRODUCT DIFFERENCES/USE R CONSIDERATIONS XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 5-13 Table 5-12 shows the PDL com mand param eters tha t are uniqu e to your Docu Prin t 180 LPS, and will not run on any other LPS exce pt the 46 35 LPS.
PRODUCT DIFFERENCES/USE R CONSIDERATIONS 5-14 XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UIDE Your Xerox Doc uPrint 180 LPS is capa ble of processing DJDEs that other LPS cannot handle. Table 5-13 shows the DJDEs that are unique to your Xerox DocuPrint 180 LPS.
PRODUCT DIFFERENCES/USE R CONSIDERATIONS XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 5-15 System controller System di sk capac ity (MB ): Standard 3-1.2Gb 1-1.2Gb 2-50Mb 2-1 70Mb 2-170Mb 2-182 Mb 2-50Mb 2-50Mb Optional 1-1.2Gb up to 4 - 1.
PRODUCT DIFFERENCES/USE R CONSIDERATIONS 5-16 XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UIDE Stitcher/stacker (un stitched sheets) No No 2000 20 00 200 0 2000 No No High-capacity stacke.
PRODUCT DIFFERENCES/USE R CONSIDERATIONS XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 5-17 Note: Within the DocuPrint 180 LPS Reference set, s p ots, dots, and pixels are used interchangeabl y. Resolution (300 spi or 600 spi) applies to both coordinate axes.
PRODUCT DIFFERENCES/USE R CONSIDERATIONS 5-18 XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UIDE Xer ox Do cu Print 18 0 L PS us er con sid era tions This section describes Xerox DocuPrint 180 LPS user considerations.
PRODUCT DIFFERENCES/USE R CONSIDERATIONS XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 5-19 Figure 5-1 illustrates the edge marking consid erations for a po rtrait page.
PRODUCT DIFFERENCES/USE R CONSIDERATIONS 5-20 XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UIDE Figure 5-2 illustrates the edge marking consid erations for a landscape page.
PRODUCT DIFFERENCES/USE R CONSIDERATIONS XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 5-21 Reg istrat ion sh ift and skew The registration of a printed im age can appe ar shifted or skewed on a page if the s h eet of paper is misaligned as it enters the printer.
PRODUCT DIFFERENCES/USE R CONSIDERATIONS 5-22 XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UIDE Figure 5-4 i l lustrates the portrait ori e ntation shift and sk ew. F i gur e 5-4. Portrait orientation shift and skew (8.5- by 11- in che s) Pape r s iz e The following section s describe pape r sizes.
PRODUCT DIFFERENCES/USE R CONSIDERATIONS XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 5-23 Syst em page size The Xerox Docu Print 180 maxi mum imaging area (tha t is, the syste m page) measures 14- by 17-inches. Vi rtua l pa ge si ze The default virtual page size is identical to the physical page size.
PRODUCT DIFFERENCES/USE R CONSIDERATIONS 5-24 XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UIDE Thus, if you s wi tch f rom 8.5- by 11-inch/216- by 279 -mm to U.
PRODUCT DIFFERENCES/USE R CONSIDERATIONS XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 5-25 Pr int Darkn ess The Xerox DocuPrint 180 LPS provides you with capabilities for tuning your output print quality to meet the particular needs of your application.
PRODUCT DIFFERENCES/USE R CONSIDERATIONS 5-26 XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UIDE Swit ching p aper s ize and f eed modes The Xerox Do cuPrint 180 LPS system operates i n a multiple-pitch print mode: 8 p itch to 3 pitch.
PRODUCT DIFFERENCES/USE R CONSIDERATIONS XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 5-27 Cle aning ti me be twee n pitc h mod e ch ang es Because the xerographi c process places toner images on the photoreceptor bel t, it is necessary for the printer to clea n the system completely when s witching to diffe rent modes.
XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 6-1 6. 6 Xer ox c u sto m er res o ur ces This chapter references the many resources available to Xerox customers in the U. S. If t he resource you need is not li st ed in this chapter, contact your site representative.
XEROX CUSTOMER RESOURCES 6-2 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E Xer ox Custo mer Su pport Center The X CSC i s avail able to ad dress your soft ware a nd applicat ions problems or to direct you to t h e appropriate docum enta tion.
XEROX CUST OMER RESOURCE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 6-3 Cu stome r Service S uppor t Cen ter If you enc ounter software- or h ardware-related problems, s uch as system failures, continuou s paper jams, or poor print quality, f irst try the corrective act ions described in your LPS operator guide.
XEROX CUSTOMER RESOURCES 6-4 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E Xer ox Conn ect ion For informa ti on on interfaces an d con nections avai lable for on -line and of f-li ne op eration with t he Xe rox DocuPr int 180 L PS, cont act Xerox Conn ection at: 1-800-451-9312 (c ontinent al U.
XEROX CUST OMER RESOURCE S XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE 6-5 Xer ox Docu mentation and Sof tware Ser vices XDSS offers a variety o f services that can be c u stomized to meet your do cumentation nee ds.
XEROX CUSTOMER RESOURCES 6-6 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E Xer ox Supplies Or der Service To avoid downtime, be sure always to have an adequ ate amount of the necessary supplies avail able. To do this, you need t o establish a procedure for checking and orderi ng supplies .
XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYSTEM PRODUCT G UIDE GLOSS ARY-1 Gloss ary A3 Paper size measuring 297 by 420 mm. A4 Paper size measuring 210 by 297 mm. abort To term inate the printing of a job or execut ion of a program bef ore it comple tes. algorithm Com putational procedure that can be repeated any number of t imes.
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-2 XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UIDE auxili ary menu Me nu that contains options not displayed in a window. The symb ol for an auxiliary menu is a box containin g three horizontal lines. B4 Paper size measuring 250 by 353 mm.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYSTEM PRODUCT G UIDE GLOSS ARY-3 bit m ap V isual representati on of graphic images in which a bit defines a picture element (pixel); for example, i f a bit is 1, the correspond ing pixel is printed. bit map ped Display image generat ed bit by bit for each point o r dot.
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-4 XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UIDE charac ter S ingle printable l etter (A-Z), n umeral (0 - 9), symbol (& % #), or punctuation m ark (, . ! ?) used to represent dat a. Characters can also be nonprinting, such as space, tab, or carriage ret u rn.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYSTEM PRODUCT G UIDE GLOSS ARY-5 communi cation line Telecommuni ca tion line connecting devices at one location with devices a t ot her locations in orde r to t ransmit and rec eive info rma tio n.
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-6 XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UIDE copy -sensitive Term used to indicate jobs in which multiple copies of a report will cont ain di ffere nt data, as wit h payche cks and banking statemen ts. cpi characters per i nch.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYSTEM PRODUCT G UIDE GLOSS ARY-7 descen der P ortion o f alphabetic character that extends below the baseline. See also ascender, x height. desktop Basic di splay screen of the PC UI. devic e Any piece of h ardware other than the central processing unit (CPU).
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-8 XEROX DOCUPRINT 1 80 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UIDE el it e Smallest size standard typewriter type: 12 charac ters per horizontal inch.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYSTEM PRODUCT G UIDE GLOSS ARY-9 form 1. Compiled forms source library (.FSL) fil e. 2. Printed or t yped document with blank spaces for insert ing information . Specific arrangement of lines, text, and graphics stored in a com puter unde r an identifying name.
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-10 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E and associated docume ntation. Hardware is operated by software and firmware. HCF high-capacity f eeder. Feeder tray ca pable of holding 250 0 sheets of 20 pound/75 gsm paper.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE GLOSSARY- 11 inser t To add text or graphics to a document. inte rface Device by which t wo systems connect an d com municat e w it h each other.
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-12 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E 2. In p rogramming , a name assigned to a particular i nstruction or portion of a program as a locational reference (the computer translates the label into an address).
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE GLOSSARY- 13 loa d To enter data into storage or working regi st ers. loc ation Place in w hich d ata can be stored. log Coll e ction of messa ges or message segm ents placed on an au xiliary storage device for accounting or data collection purposes.
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-14 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E me dium Object or m at erial on which data is stored, for example , magnet ic tape or floppy disk. memory Space in a device where inform ation is kept, or the ability of a device to keep information until needed.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE GLOSSARY- 15 offline Devices not under the ac tive control of a cent ral processing unit. For example, a computer makes outpu t to a magnetic tape. The tape is th en us e d by an offl i ne print ing syste m to pr o duce p r int ed data .
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-16 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E overr ide To take preced ence o r priority o ver, to ov errule. overstrik e To print cha racters over each other. pag e 1. In com puter programming, a block of instruction, data, or both that can be l ocated in m ain o r auxiliary s torage.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE GLOSSARY- 17 poin t si z e Height of chara cter set from the top of its ascenders to t he bottom of its descenders in units (points).
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-18 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E RAM random access memory. Storage that allows data, such as document s, to be stored and retrieved directly by address location without reading through any other data.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE GLOSSARY- 19 secon dary sto rage Form of storage external to a system , such as magnetic tapes or floppy d isks. securi ty 1. Procedure for li miting access t o the system resources, programs, or fil e s, to authorized personnel .
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-20 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E sp ooli ng Process of releasing data from main memo ry and storing it temporarily until a p eripheral device is read y to accept it, for exampl e storing text before s e nding it to a printer.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE GLOSSARY- 21 system file Master software program that keeps all com ponen ts working tog e th e r. system generation Process whereby the syst em is made ready to operate. Ty pically involves selecting the ope rative param eters and act ivating the relevant soft ware.
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-22 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E testing 1. Process of running a program for the ex press purpose of discovering any errors it may co ntain.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE GLOSSARY- 23 UCS Universal Character Set. Printer feat ure that permits the use of a variety of charact er upl oa d To copy files from a remo te peripheral device to a host. LPS files are not copied to the host because one of the LPS functions is to store files for the host.
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-24 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E xdot Unit of measureme nt represent ing a fraction of an inch. It may also be referred to a s a picture el ement (pixel) or spot, for exam ple, 1/600 spots per inch ( spi ).
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE GLOSSARY- 25 CR carriage return DCE data com municat ions equip ment DDCMP Digital Data Communic ation Message Pr otocol DEC Digital .
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-26 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E FDR f ile dire ctory FFM f ont file managem ent FIS Font Interchange Standard FMS file managem ent subsystem FPS f.
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE GLOSSARY- 27 IPL initial prog ra m load IP M Interpress mapp ing ip s inches per second JCB j ob cont rol block JCL job control langu.
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-28 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E OSEXEC operating system execu tive OSS operating sy stem software PC personal comput er PCC printer carriage cont .
GLOSSARY XEROX DOCUPRINT 180 LASER PR INTING SYST EM PRODUCT GUIDE GLOSSARY- 29 SI F sequenc e insert file SNA system ne twork arch it ecture spi spots per inch SST sy stem softwar e tape sysgen syste.
GLOSSARY GLOSS ARY-30 XER OX DOCUPRI NT 180 L ASER PRINT ING SYS TEM P RODUCT G UID E XMS xerographic mode swi tching XPA F , X PF X erox Pr inte r Ac ce ss F ac ility XP MF-V MS Xerox Print M anag em.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Xerox DocuPrint 180 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Xerox DocuPrint 180 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Xerox DocuPrint 180 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Xerox DocuPrint 180 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Xerox DocuPrint 180 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Xerox DocuPrint 180 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Xerox DocuPrint 180 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Xerox DocuPrint 180 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.