Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product M7VIG van de fabrikant Biostar
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M7V IG Federal Communications Commission (F.C.C.) Statement This devic e compli es wit h Part 15 of the F CC Ru les. Op eration of this devi ce is sub ject to the foll owi ng two condit ions : (1) thi.
revi se this publi ca tion a nd to make change s o f the content s he re of w itho ut obligation to notify any p arty beforehand . Duplica tio n of thi s publica tio n, in part or in wh ole, is no t allowe d wit hout f irst obta ining the v e ndo r’s appr o v a l in wr iti ng .
Contents i Introduction .... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ...... 1-1 1. Motherboar d Description ..... ... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ... 1-2 1.1 Feat ures ....... ....... .....
Contents ii 1.6 Connec tors, Heade rs & Jumpers ............. ............ ............. .. ............ ....... 1-19 1.6. 1 F ron t Pa nel C on nect or : JPA NE L1 ........... .... .... ...... .... ..... .... ...... .... .... ....... .... 1-20 1.
Contents iii Teleph ony Au dio Conn ector: J TAD1 ...... .... .. .. ..... .. .. .. .... .. .. .... .. ... .. .... .. .. . 1-3 4 2. BIOS Setu p .. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ...... 2-1 2.1 Mai n Menu .
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-1 Introduc tion System Over v ie w Congratu lations on the purchase of your n ew system! T his motherboard is designed to take adva ntage of th e late st indust ry tec hno log y to pro vide you with t he ulti m ate solut io n in da ta proc e ssing .
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-2 1. Moth er board D escription 1.1 Features 1.1. 1 Ha rdw a re CPU − Sing l e AMD S ocket-A for At hl on TM (Thun derbird TM )/ Athlon TM XP/ Dur on TM processors. − Running at 200/266 MHz Fro nt Side Bus (FS B) .
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-3 − Wakes fro m power savi ng sl eep mode at the press of any key or an y mouse activity. BUS Slots − Thre e 32-bit PCI bus m aste r slots. − One CNR slot . − One AGP slot . Flash Memory − Support s fla s h m e m o ry .
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-4 3D Re ndering Featur es − Sing le -pass m ul tipl e texture s. − Anisotr opic filt ering. − 8-bit st e nc il buffe r . − 32-bit tr ue co l o r re nde ring . − Spec ul a r lig hting and diff use shading .
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-5 (2) Enha nced Para llel Po rt (EPP). (3) Exte nded C apabilitie s Po rt (ECP). (4) Normal. − Support s two se rial po rts, 16550 UAR T. − Sup ports one Infrared tran smission (IR). − Support s PS/2 mo use and PS/ 2 keybo ard.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-6 1.1. 2 S oft w are BIOS − AWAR D legal BIOS. − Support s APM1. 2. − Sup ports US B Fun ction. − Support s ACPI . Operating Sys tem − Offers th e hi ghest perfor m an ce for MS-DOS, W indows 200 0, Wind ows ME, Wi ndow s XP, SC O UNIX etc.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-7 1.2 Motherboard Installatio n 1.2. 1 S ystem Bl ock Dia gra m CNTL ADDR ADDR/DA T A DA T A CNTL CNTL MEMORY HOST BUS PCI BUS HOST BUS VT8233A CLOCK 2 DDR DIMM + 2 SDR DIMM ICW312-02 14.318MHZ ID E ID E AC' 97 CODE C LAN CO NN.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-8 1.2.2 Lay out of Mo therboard Model No . M7VIG JPRNT1 JCOM1 JVGA1 JKBMS1 JUSBL AN1 JAUD GAME JSPKR1 SP-OU T JMIC1 MIC-IN JLIN1 LINE -IN JMIC1 GAME Port PCI3 PCI2 PCI1 KM 266 JCFAN1 JCMOS 1 BA T1 JSF AN1 1 JP ANEL1 1 2 23 24 FDD1 FLOP PY DIS K CONN.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-9 1.2 . 3 Qu i ck R ef e r en ce A. Back Panel Connectors L. DIMM Voltage Selection Header B. AGP Slot ( A GP1) (JDIM MVOL T) C. Fr ont A udio Heade r ( JA UDIO1) M. Floppy Disk Conne c tor (FDD1) D. PCI BUS Slots (PCI1-3) N.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-10 1.3 CPU Installatio n 1.3.1 CPU Installation Procedure: Socket A 1. Pull the lev er sid eways awa y fr om the s ocket t hen r aise t he lev er up to a 90-deg re e a ng le. 2. Locate Pin A i n th e s ock et and l ook for t he w hit e d ot or cu t edge i n t he C PU.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-11 1.3.2 CPU Frequency Selection: JCLK1 *200MHz 266MHz JCKL1 Close Open NOTES: The “ * ” mark indicate primitive value. KM 266 DDR1 DDR2 SDR1 SDR2 BA T1 FLOP PY DISK CO N N. PRIMAR Y IDE CONN. SECONDAR Y IDE CONN.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-12 1.3.3 CPU Fan Co nnector: JCFA N1 Pin N o. Assignment 1 Ground 2 +12V 3 Sense 1.3. 4 S y s tem Fa n C onn ector : JSF AN1 Pin No.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-13 1.4 RA M Module Installation 1.4.1 DDR SDRA M DRAM Ty p e: 2.5V Unbuffere d DDR SDRAM PC1600/ PC210 0/ PC2700 Type requi red.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-14 1.4. 2 S DRAM DRAM Ty pe: 3.3V Unbuffe red SDRAM PC100/ PC133 Type required. 128MB/ 256MB/ 512MB DI MM Mo dule (168 pin) Total M emo ry Size wi t h unbuff er DI.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-15 1.4.3 How to install DDR/SDRAM DIM M Module DDR SDRAM: 1. Th e DDR D IMM socket has a “ Plastic Safe ty Tab”, and the DDR DIMM memo ry modul e has an A symmetr ical n otch”, s o the DDR DIMM memo ry module can only fit into th e slot in one direction.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-16 SDRAM: 1. The S DRA M DIMM socke t has a “ Plas tic Saf ety Tab ”, and the SDRAM DIMM me mory module has an Asym metrica l notch”, so th e SDRA M DIMM me mory module can o n ly f i t int o the slot in one di rection.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-17 1.5 Slots The slot s in this motherbo ar d ar e desi gned to hol d ex pansion cards an d conn ect them t o the syste m bus. Expansio n sl ot s are a me an of adding or enhanc ing the mother board's featur es and capabi lities.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-18 1.5.1 A GP (Acc elerated Graphics Port) Slo t Unlike the mouse ports, key board por ts and printe r port s , this mot herboard do es not have built in v ideo fac ilitie s; and theref ore, re quires a video c ard for one of the expa nsion slots .
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-19 1.6 Connectors, Headers & Jumper s The c onnect ors, h eaders an d jump ers in troduced below p rov ide you lots of capab ilitie s such as power supply, fro nt panel s i gna l r eve lation, I DE har d disk conne ction, flo ppy disk connec tion, Wake On LAN func tion a nd USB co nnectio n .
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-20 1.6 .1 Front Pane l Conne ctor: J PA NEL1 Pin A s signment Function Pin A ss ignment Function No. No. 1 +5V 2 Sleep Contr ol Sleep 3 NA Speaker 4 Ground Bu tton.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-21 RST (Reset Button) This conn ect or can be attach ed to a m o ment ar y SPS T swi t ch . Th is swit ch i s u su all y ope n, and when it is c losed, it w ill cause the mo therboa r d to rese t and run t he POST (Power On Self Test).
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-22 1.6.2 A TX 20-pin Pow er Connector: JA T XP WR1 This c onnector suppo rts the powe r button on-bo ard. Using the ATX powe r supply func tio ns , such as Mode m Ring Wake -U p and Soft Powe r Off are suppor te d on this mothe rboard.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-23 1.6.4 Floppy Disk Connector: FDD1 The m otherboa rd prov id e s a standard f loppy disk co nn e ctor (FDC) that suppo rts 360K, 720K, 1. 2M, 1.44M and 2.88M f loppy dis k types . This conne ctor supports the pro vide d floppy driv e r ibbon c abl e s .
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-24 1.6. 8 D DR DI M M Vo lta ge: JDI MM V OLT Pi n DDR DI MM Vol tage 1-2 2.5V (Default ) 3-4 2.6V 5-6 2.7V 7-8 2.8V 1.6.9 CNR Codec Primary / Secondary Select: J1 0 (O ptiona l) J10 A ssignment 1-2 On board prima ry Codec is used.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-25 1.7 Peripheral Por t Connectors 1.7.1 PS/2 Mo use / Key board Connector: JKBMS1 The mo therboar d pr ovides a s tandard PS/2 m ouse / Key board mini DI N connecto r for attach ing a PS /2 mous e. You can plu g a PS/2 m ouse / K eyboard d irectly into this c onnecto r.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-26 PS/2 Mouse / K eyboar d Connectors Pi n Assi gnm ent 1 Data 2 No connection 3 Ground 4 +5 V (f use d ) 5 Cloc k 6 No connection 1.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-27 LAN Port Con nector This co nnector al lows you to conne ct to th e Inte rnet throug h a Local Are a Netwo r k (LAN ). Yo u can set up the connec tion by e nt ering an acco unt informa tion prov id ed by yo ur ISP.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-28 1.7.3 Serial and Parallel Interface Ports and Video Graphi c s Po r t This system is equipped on e serial port, on e parallel port and a VGA port . These type s of inte rfac e por ts will be e xpla ine d in this chapt e r .
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-29 Con nectivity The seri al port can b e used in many wa ys, and it ma y be n ecessary t o beco me famil iar wit h the pinout diag ram. The follow in g c hart g i ves you the functio n of each pi n on the 9-pin co nnect o r and some o f the 25-pin c onnec to r.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-30 Video Graphics Adapter Po rt: JVGA1 This m other board has built in video f a c ilitie s. Your monito r will at tach dire ctly to JVGA1 c o nnecto r on the mothe rboard.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-31 1.7. 3. 3 P arallel Interface Port: JPRNT1 Unlike the serial port, pa rallel inter face port has bee n standardize d, and it sho uld not p resent any diffi cult y int erfacing perip herals of your s yst em. So metimes call ed centr onics po rt, the para llel port is alm ost exclus ively used wit h printer s.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-32 1.7.4 Game and A ud io Port Conn ector: A UD_GA M E1 This connector is composed of a Game port connector and an Audio por t connector. Ga me P ort Connecto r: Game port connec tor allo ws you to connect a joy stick or a gam e pad for play ing compu ter games .
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-33 1.7. 5 Audi o S ubsystem KM 266 DDR1 DDR2 SDR 1 SDR2 BA T1 FLOPPY DISK CON N. PRIMARY IDE CONN. SECONDA RY IDE CONN.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descripti on 1-34 CD-ROM Audio-In Co nnector: JCDIN1 Pin No. A ssignment 1 Left Channel Input 2 Ground 3 Ground 4 Right Cha nnel Input CD-ROM Audio-In Co nnector: JCDIN2 Pin No. A ssignment 1 Left Channel Input 2 Ground 3 Right Cha nnel Input 4 Ground 1.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-1 2. BIOS Se tup Introdu ction This ma nual discusse d Award™ Setup prog ram built into the ROM BIO S. Th e Setup pr ogram al l ow s use rs to modify the basic system configura tion.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-2 PCI Bus Support This AW ARD BIO S also su pports Ve rsion 2. 2 of the I nt e l PCI (Periphe ral Com pone nt I nt e rc o nne ct) lo c al bus spe cifi ca tio n. DRAM Support SDRAM (S ynchron ous DRAM) are supp orted. Supported CPUs This AWARD BI OS supports the AMD Athlo n TM / Duron TM CPU.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-3 2.1 Main Menu Once yo u enter A war d BIO S™ CMOS Se tup Utility, the Ma in Menu wi ll appe ar on the sc r ee n. The Main Menu all ows you to selec t from se veral setup func tions. Use the arr ow keys to sele ct among the ite ms and press < Enter> to acce pt and ente r the sub-m enu.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-4 Advanced Chipset F eatures This submenu a llows you to configur e special chi pset features. Integrated Peripherals This subm enu al lows you to co nfigure certain IDE hard drive optio ns and Prog ram m e d Input/ Output f ea t ur es .
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-5 Set User Passw ord If the Supe rviso r Pass w or d is not set, the n the Use r Pas sword will func tion in the same wa y as the Supervi sor Passwor d. If the Supe rvisor Pass w ord is set and the User Password i s s e t, the “U ser” will only b e able t o view con figurati ons but wi ll not be able to change them.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-6 2.2 Standard CMOS Features The i tems in St andard CM OS Set up M enu ar e divi ded in to 10 cat egori es. E ach category inclu des n o, on e or more t han on e s etup it ems. Us e th e arrow keys to highli ght th e item and th en us e th e<P gUp> or <PgDn > k eys to sel ect th e valu e you want in each it em .
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-7 Mai n M enu Selecti o ns This table sh ows the selections that you can make on the Mai n Menu. Item Options Description Date MM DD YY YY Set the system date. Note that the ‘ Day’ auto matically changes when you se t the date.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-8 Item Opti on s Description Halt On All Errors No Erro rs All , but Key board All , but Di skette All , but Disk/ Key Select the situa t ion in w hich you want the BIOS t o stop the POST pr ocess and notify you. Base Memory N/A Display s the amount of convention al memory detected dur ing boot up.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-9 2.3 A dvanced BIO S Features Figure 3. Ad vanced BIOS S etup Virus Warning This opti on allo ws you to c h o ose the V I RU S War ning feat ure that is use d to protec t the ID E Ha rd Disk bo o t sect or.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-10 Swap Floppy Drive For syst ems with t wo flop py dri ves, this op tion all ows you t o swap logical drive assignments. The Cho ices: D isabl ed (def ault ), Enable d. Boot Up Flop py Seek Enab ling this op tion will test th e floppy d rives to d etermin e if they have 40 or 80 trac k s .
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-11 O f f N u m p a d i s a r r o w k e y s . Gate A20 Option Select if chip set or ke yboard controll er should cont rol Gate A20. The Cho ices: Normal A pi n in the keyboard control ler controls Gate A20 . Fast (default) Lets chip set control Gate A20 .
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-12 op era ti ng s ys tem. Th e Choi ces : Enabled (def au lt ), Di sa bl ed . MPS Versi on Control For OS The BIOS sup ports versions 1.1 and 1.4 of th e I n tel multiprocessor sp ecification. Sele ct the ve rsion suppo rted by the o perati on syste m r unning on t his co mputer.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-13 2.4 A dvanced Chipset F e atures This submenu allows you to conf igure the specifi c featu res of the ch ipset in stalled on your s ystem. Th is chi pset m anages b us sp eeds and acc ess t o th e system m emory resourc es, s uch as DRAM an d ext ernal ca che.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-14 DRAM T imin g This item determ ines DRAM cl ock/ ti ming follow SPD or not . The C hoices: By S PD (default ), Man ual. DRAM CAS Lat ency Whe n DRAM is instal led, the num ber of clock cyc les of CAS late ncy depe nds on the DRA M tim ing .
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-15 AGP & P2P Br id ge Control If you h ig hlight the literal “P ress Enter” n e x t to th e “AGP & P2 P Bridge Control ” labe l and t hen pres s the ente r key, .
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-16 CPU & PCI B u s Control If yo u highlig ht the lite ral “Pre ss Ente r” ne xt to the “CPU & PCI Bus Co nt rol” la be l and th en press the enter key, i t will.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-17 Video RAM Cacheabl e Enab ling this opti on allows cachi ng of th e vid eo RAM , resul ting in bett er system perf ormance. H oweve r , if any pr ogram w rites to this mem ory area, a sys t e m e rror may resul t. The Cho ices: Enabled , Disa b led (default) .
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-18 2.5 Integrated Peripherals Fig ure 5. Integrated P eripherals Onboard PCI LAN This ite m allows yo u to e nable d or disabl e d the o nbo a rd PCI LAN functi o n.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-19 followin g options: On-Chip Prim ary / Secondar y PCI ID E The in tegrated perip heral c ontroll er cont ains an IDE interfac e wit h supp ort for tw o IDE chan nels. S elect E nabled to activ ate each chan nel separately. The Ch oices: E nabled (default ), Disabled.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-20 OnChip PCI Device If you h ighli ght the lit e ra l “Press Ent er” next to t he “ OnChip P CI Device ” label and th en press the enter key, i t will take you a submenu with the followin g options: VIA-3058 A C97 Audio This op tion allow s you to control the onb oard AC97 audio.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-21 UART M ode S elect This it em allow s you to d e termine whic h Inf ra Red (IR) functi on of onboa rd I/O c hip. The Cho ices: Normal (de fau lt ), A S KIR , Ir DA. RxD, TxD Acti ve This i tem allows you to d etermin e which Infrar ed (IR) f uncti on of onboa rd I/O c hip.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-22 EPP Mo de Select Sel ect EPP po rt type 1.7 or 1.9. The Cho ices: EPP 1.7 (default ), EPP1. 9. ECP M o de Us e DM A Select a DMA C hann el for the port . The Cho ices: 3 (default) , 1. Game Port Address Game Port I/O Ad dress.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-23 2.6 Pow er Management Setup The Po wer Manag eme nt S etup Me nu allows yo u to confi gure your system t o utilize ene rgy conse r vation a nd powe r up/power down fe ature s.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-24 Power Manageme nt Option This categor y allow s you to selec t th e type ( or degr ee) of power savin g and is directly related to th e following modes: 1. HD D Power Down. 2. Do ze Mode . 3. Suspe nd Mode. Pow er Mana gement There are four o ptions of Powe r Manage ment, t hree of which ha ve fixed m o de se tting s .
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-25 Suspend Mode When enabled and wh en after the s et time of system i nactivity, al l devices except the CPU w ill be shut o f f. The Cho ices: Disa bled (de f a ult) , 1 Min, 2 Min, 4 Min, 6 Min, 8 Min, 10 Min, 20 Min, 30 Min, 40 Min, and 1Hour.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-26 State After Pow er Fail ure This fie ld dete r mi nes the ac tion the syste m will autom atical ly take whe n powe r is res tored to a sys t em that had los t power prev iously witho ut any subseque nt manual interven tion .
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-27 Reload Global T i mer E vents Reload Global T imer E vents are I/O events wh ose o ccurr ence can p revent t he system from entering a power savin g mod e or can awaken the s ystem fr om such a mod e.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-28 2.7 PnP/PCI Configuration s This s ection de scribes configur ing the P C I bus syste m. PCI, o r Perso nal Com puter Intercon nect , is a syst em, which all ows I/O d evic es to op erat e at sp eeds n earin g th e speed of th e CP U its elf us es wh en co mmunicati ng w ith i ts own sp ecial componen ts.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-29 Reset Co nfigurati on Data The sy stem BIO S supports the PnP fe ature, which r equire s th e sys tem to record which re sources a re assig n ed and pr otects re source s from conflic t. Every peri pheral dev ice has a node, which is c alled ESCD.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-30 IRQ Reso urces This su bmenu wil l allow you to assign each system in te r rupt a t ype, dep e n ding on the type of dev ice using the inte rrupt. When you pre ss the “Press Ente r” tag, you will be directe d to a subme nu that wi ll allow you to config ure the sys t em inte rrupts.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-31 2.8 PC Health Status Figure 8. PC Healt h Status Current CPU Tem pera ture This field displays th e current temperature of the CPU. Current CPUFAN Speed This field displays th e current speed of CPU fan. Current SYSFAN S peed This field displays th e current speed SYSTE M fan.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-32 2.9 Frequency Control Frequency Control Auto De t ect DIMM/PCI Clk This item allows you to enabl e / di sable aut o Detect DIMM/PC I Clock. Th e Choi ces: Enab led (defa ult ), D isa bl e d. Spread Spectrum This item allows you to enabl e / disab le spectrum f or all cl ock.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-33 ※ It’s strongly rec ommended to s et CPU Vcore and c lock in default set ting. If the C PU Vcore and cloc k are not in defaul t se tti n g, it may ca us e CPU or M/B da ma ge .
Chapter 3 Trouble Shooting 3-1 3. Trouble S hooting PROBL EM No powe r to the system at all. Powe r light does no t illumi nat e , fan inside powe r supply do e s not turn o n. I ndi c ato r lig ht on k e y bo a rd do e s no t tur n o n. PROBABLE CAUSE DIAGNOSIS SOLUTION Power ca ble is unplugged .
Chapter 3 Trouble Shooting 3-2 PROBL EM Syste m do es not boot fr om ha rd disk d ri ve, can be bo ote d f rom C D-ROM dr iv e. PROBABLE CAUSE DIAGNOSIS SOLUTION Connector bet ween hard drive and sy stem board unplugged . W hen attem pt ing to run the FDISK uti lity you get a message, I NVALID DRIVE SPE CIFICATION.
Chapter 3 Trouble Shooting 3-3 PROBL EM Error message re ading “SECT OR NOT FOU ND” or othe r e rror mes sages will not allow certai n dat a to b e retrieve d. PROBABLE CAUSE DIAGNOSIS SOLUTION A num ber of causes could be behi nd t his. Use a file by f il e backup instead of an image backup to ba ckup the hard disk.
Chapter 3 Trouble Shooting 3-4 PROBL EM No sc reen . PROBAB LE CAUSE DIAGNOSI S SOLUTION Memory problem. Reboot com puter. Re insta ll me mor y, mak e sure that al l memor y modules are install ed in correct sockets. Com puter virus. Use anti-vir us programs to detect and clean viruse s.
Chapter 3 Trouble Shooting 3-5 PROBL EM No color on screen. PROBABLE CAUSE DIAGNOSIS SOLUTION Fault y Monitor . If possib le, connect monit or to anoth er syst em. If no color replace monit or. CMOS in correc tly set up. Call technical support. PROBL EM C: driv e fai lure.
Chapter 3 Trouble Shooting 3-6 PROBL EM Miss ing o pe rating sy s te m on har d driv e . PROBABLE CAUSE DIAGNOSIS SOLUTION CMOS setu p has been changed. Run setup and select correct dr i ve type. PROBL EM Cer tain ke ys do no t functio n. PROBABLE CAUSE DIAGNOSIS SOLUTION Key s jammed or defective.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Biostar M7VIG (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Biostar M7VIG heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Biostar M7VIG vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Biostar M7VIG leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Biostar M7VIG krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Biostar M7VIG bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Biostar M7VIG kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Biostar M7VIG . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.