Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product PDHD640USE-72 van de fabrikant Acomdata
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User's Guide.
2 Get ting star ted 6 W elcome 7 Precautions 8 Package cont ents 9 Syst em requirements 9 Wind ows user s 1 0 Mac user s Get ting to know your AcomDat a Dri ve 12 pureDrive at a glanc e 13 pureDrive in-depth 1 3 H i-Spe ed USB 2.
3 20 Drive setup 20 Placing the D rive on your desk to p 21 Connecting the Drive 24 Re -namin g your Driv e Using you r AcomData Drive 26 How to unmount and turn off the Driv e 26 Wind ows user s 27 M.
4 43 Obtaining service 44 Contact Ac omData 45 Notices.
Gettin g sta r t ed.
6 W el co me , a nd t han k y ou f or ch oos ing an A co mDa ta pu r eD ri v e . Y our pureDrive features high-qualit y construction, advanced engineering, and state -of-the -ar t data storage technology , designed to pro vide years of reliable, user-friendly per formance .
7 P l ea se f ol lo w t he p re c a ut io ns b el ow . F a il ur e t o so d o ma y re su lt i n device damage, data loss , and voiding of the warr anty.
8 AC A dApt er Q ui Ck S t A rt G ui de uSB C ABle Cd -r OM A COM d At A pure d r ive e SA t A C ABl e (S upplied w ith e SA t A- equipped model S on l y ) S tAnd P ac kag e c on t en ts.
9 Windo ws users • M inimum 233 MHz p rocessor (P entiu m, C elero n, AMD , etc. ) • O ne of the foll owing Windows operating systems: - W indows Vist a (Ultimate , Home Basic/Premium, Business ) .
10 Mac user s • G3 ( or later ) or Int el processor • Ma c OS 1 0. 2 or later • A computer or hub w ith a free US B 2.0 or USB 1 . 1 por t OR a fre e eSA T A por t (eSA T A- equipped mode ls only) IMPORT ANT NOTES : • USB 1.1 ports limit inter face tr ansfer rates to up to 12 Mbps .
Gettin g t o kno w y our A co mDa ta Dri v e.
12 (A ct uAl lAyout s of t he BAc k pAnel s mAy not Be e xAct l y A s show n ) pu r eD ri v e a t a g l an c e usB2.0 m odel usB2.0 m ode l usB2.0 / e sAt A m odel O n -O ff S wi tch P Ower P Ort USB .
13 Hi-Speed USB 2.0 USB 2.0 has a maximum interface transfer rat e (ie bandwidth) of 480 Mbps ( M ega b its p er s econd). T hat's 40 times faster than the ear lier stan dar d, USB 1.
14 Howev er , data transfer rates bet ween two devices are limited by the device with the slower interface. F or example, if you plug a USB 2.0 device into a USB 1.1 por t on your computer , data transfer rates between the computer and the deivce will be limited to USB 1.
15 mance demands. The external implementation of SA T A is called 'eSA T A ' . eSA T A cables and connec tors are more robust than those used for internal SA T A hard disks and can sustain greater wear and tear . Mac & PC ready Y our AcomData Drive was formatt ed at the factory with the F A T32 file system.
16 ciently that it doesn’ t need a fan. The results are a sleeker , more compact design, and near-silent operation. Security lock s lot Deter would-be thieves by physically securing your Drive to your desk (secur ity lock not included). On- O ff switch It's a simple thing, but it's powerful too.
17 Dimensi ons ............................................................................................................ 4.4 " X 1.26" X 7 .4" Inter face s .............................................................................
In sta ll in g y our pu reDr iv e.
19 If you are using Window s 98SE or Windo ws 2000 (with S ervice P ack 3 or earlier) you need to install the USB 2.0 driver before connect- ing the Drive to a USB 2.0 por t. Follow the instruc tions below . All other users can proceed to " Drive setup.
20 Placin g the D riv e on your desk top Th e pur eDri ve can be pl ace d on y our de skt op ho riz ont ally or ve rtical ly us ing th e sup plie d sta nd. Plac e the Driv e on a stur dy , flat surfac e. Do not pl ace the Dri ve o n an unst able or ma kesh ift base , suc h as a stack of books , that may be pr one to col laps e or topp ling .
21 Refer to the illustration belo w when following the instruc- tions on the next page. C on nec t ing th e Dri ve AC A dapter T o AC outlet USB Cable Pow er Port On-O Switch T o computer or USB hub USB 2.
22 If your Driv e is equipped with m ultiple interfaces (e .g. USB 2.0 and eSA T A) never use more than one inter fac e at a time. D oing so may damage the Drive, damage y our computer , and void the warranty . Step 1 : Connect the A C a dpater: 1 . Pl ug the smal l, round connec t or into the Drive 's Power Port.
23 If using eSA T A … The eSA T A cable has eSA T A (also called "SA T A II") connectors at both ends. The connectors are keyed, so the y will only plug in one way . Be sure to corr ectly inser t the connectors, or you may damage the Drive and void the warr ant y .
24 Re -naming your Drive This section shows you how to change a volume label (ie name) of a formatted volume/drive . If you wish to re-format the Drive go to " F ormatting the Drive " now . Y ou will have the oppor tunity to assign a volume label during the formatting setup process.
U si ng y our A co mDa ta Dri v e.
26 When a hard drive is 'mounted' to a computer , that means the computer has established a communications link with it. When you unmount the drive, the communications link is severed and the computer can no longer access it— even if the drive is still power ed on.
27 Mac user s Option 1- From the Desk top: Drag the Drive' s icon to the T rash. After the icon disappears from the Desk t op y ou ca n saf ely tu rn of f the Driv e. Option 2 - From wit hin the Finder: Loc at e the Dri ve ic on in th e Si deb ar .
28 Y ou r AcomD ata Drive was fo rmat ted at the fac tor y … Y ou do NOT need to format the Drive . W e recommend that you only re-format the Drive if absolutely necessary .
29 About the most comm on f ile systems: • F A T3 2 is the defa ult f ile system used on Win dow s 98S E and Me, and is suppor ted under W indows Vist a, XP , 200 0 and the Mac OS. Think of F A T 3 2 as the "universal" PC and M ac f ile s ystem.
30 Choosin g a f ile system • I f you plan to use the Drive only on Windows V ista, XP or 2000, we recomme nd format ting the Drive with the N TFS f ile s ystem. • I f you plan to use the Drive only on a Mac, we re commend for- matting the Dri ve with the Mac OS Ex tended f ile sys tem.
31 For matting the D riv e in Windows Vista, XP or 2000 1 . Disable any anti-viru s sof tware you may ha ve r un ning. 2. Go to My C omputer and right - click the D rive 's icon. 3. Sele ct Forma t … in the p op-up menu. The Format dialog box wil l appear .
32 For matting the D riv e in Windows Me or 98SE 1 . Disable any anti-viru s sof tware you may ha ve r un ning. 2. Double -click on My Compute r . In the My Comput er window , righ t - click the Dr ive 's icon and select Format.
33 For matting the D riv e on a Mac 1 . Launch Disk Utility in the Applicat ions folder . 2. T he Disk Utility window will op en. In the small window on the lef t, click the Dr ive 's icon. 3. Click on the Erase tab. In the Erase window you will see a Volume Forma t pop- up menu and a Name field.
Help & ot her in form at ion.
35 Defragmenting and optimiz ing a hard driv e Ove r time , as mor e and mo re files are sav ed to and er ase d fro m a har d drive , y our data can bec ome incr eas ing ly fr agm ent ed .
36 has been compromised until it’ s too late . Th e most comm on wa y compu ter s cat ch viru ses is by do wnl oadi ng and shar ing infected files via e -mail and other Internet ser vices. Y ou can protect your data against viruses by using anti-virus soft- ware .
37 Q: Ca n I u se m y Dr iv e o n tw o co mpu te rs a t th e sam e ti me ? A: No. If you connect the Drive to two com puters at the same time, you may damage the Drive and the comput ers. Q: Do I h a ve t o f or ma t th e Dr iv e pr io r t o u si ng i t ? A: No.
38 Q: Why is t he cap acity of my Drive, as shown on my comp uter , lower t han the Drive’ s stated capacit y ? A: The dif ferenc e is mostly due to the way Windows and Mac operat - ing s yste ms measur e storage capacit y , as com pared to the method used by har d drive manufacturers.
39 T roubleshooting for Window s users The power wi ll not go o n whe n I turn on the Drive. Make sur e your con nec tions are secure. My comp uter do es not recogni ze the Drive. Make sur e all of your c onnec tion s ar e secure . If you hav e an add- on card, mak e su re it is working properly and upda te the sof tware/firm- ware .
40 The Drive gives me a “D evice cannot sta rt . Code ( 1 0). ” This is a power issue. Make sur e you r c onnec tion s ar e secure . T he other possibil it y is tha t the Drive requires ser vice . I d on’t se e the Drive in My Comp uter , but it do es ap pear in Device Manager.
41 F A T3 2 file sys te m. If reforma t ting the Drive and you do not need Mac compa tibility , Windows V ista/ XP /200 0 users should use the N TFS files system. Afte r I connec ted the Drive to my PC , I got the f ollowing aler t message: “H i-Spee d USB device plu gged into non -H i-Spee d USB Hub.
42 T roubleshooting for Mac users The power wi ll not go o n whe n I plug in the Drive. Make sur e your con nec tions are secure. When I le av e my computer i dle fo r a while and come back , th e Drive won’t work p roperly. The most likely cause is tha t your comput er is going to sleep .
43 What you nee d to obtain warrant y ser vice: 1 ) A copy of the bill of sale for your AcomDa ta produ c t; 2) A R eturned Merchan dise Autho rization (RMA) number that is assig ned to your product by your TSS. An RMA can only be gener - at ed if the product has been regi stered online at w w w .
44 Address: 3410 Pomona Blvd., Pomona, CA 9171 0 Telephone: (909) 348-0680 Fax : (909) 598-8663 Web Site: C u st om er S e rv ic e : c us t o me rs er vi ce @a co md at a. co m Technical Support: Pre-Sales Questions: sales@acomdata.
45 c OPyr igh tS c opy right © 20 07 . A l l righ ts re serv ed . n o pArt of t his p uBlic Ation mAy Be re produ ced o r tr Ansmit ted in An y for m By Any meA ns , el ect ronic , mec hAnic Al ph otocopyi ng , re cordin g or otherw ise , w itho ut pri or wr itt en con sent .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Acomdata PDHD640USE-72 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Acomdata PDHD640USE-72 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Acomdata PDHD640USE-72 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Acomdata PDHD640USE-72 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Acomdata PDHD640USE-72 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Acomdata PDHD640USE-72 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Acomdata PDHD640USE-72 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Acomdata PDHD640USE-72 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.