Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product ADH1167 van de fabrikant Adidas
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2 CHRONOGRAPH TWO EYE OS11 TIME SETTING 1. Pull cr own out to position 3. 2. T urn cro wn to set the desir ed time. 3. Return cr own to position 1. DA TE SETTING 1. Pull cr own out to position 2 (the watch continues to run). 2. T urn cro wn until yester day’ s date appears.
3 CHRONOGRAPH OS62 SETTING THE TIME 1. Pull cr own out to position 3, so that the sec ond hand stops at the zer o position. 2. T urn cr own to set hour and minute hands. 3. When cr own is pushed back to position 1, in synchr onization with a time signal, small second hand begins t o run.
4 SETTING THE DA TE 1. Pull cr own out to position 2. 2. T urn cr own count er-cl ockwise to set the date. NO TE: If the date is set between the hours of ar ound 9:00 PM and 1:00 AM, the date may not change on the foll owing day . 3. After the date has been set, push cr own back to position 1 .
5 LED DIGIT AL TIME AND D A TE MODE 1. Pr ess A to view time. NO TE: Animation will be displayed for 2 seconds befor e time is shown. 2. With time shown, pr ess A to view date. TIME SETTING 1. Pr ess A to view time. 2. With time shown, pr ess and hold B f or 2 seconds.
6 DA TE/TIME ANAL OG-DIGIT AL SWIT CHING DISPLA YS 1. Pr ess A to advanc e fr om time mode to cal endar mode. 2. Pr ess A again to return to time mode. TIME/CALEND AR SETTING 1. In normal time display, Pr ess B to enter setting mode; year will begin flashing.
7 RECALL MODE 1. Pr ess A to r ecall the memory when the chronogr aph is stopped. 2. Pr ess A to view the next lap. 3. Pr ess C or D to exit Recall Mode and go back to chr onograph mode. TIMER MODE 1. Pr ess B to change to timer mode. 2. Pr ess C to st art timer .
8 TWEEN ANAL OG-DIGIT AL NORMAL TIME DISPLA Y 1. Pr ess B to change modes. 2. Pr ess A for EL. 3. Pr ess C to sel ect 12/24 hour f ormat. 4. Pr ess D to enabl e/disable hourly chime. TIME SETTING 1. In time mode, pr ess and hold A for 2 seconds to enter time setting; hour will begin flashing.
9 KIDS DIGIT AL TIME MODE 1. Pr ess B to change modes. 2. Pr ess A for EL. 3. Pr ess C to sel ect 12/24 hour f ormat. 4. Pr ess D to enabl e/disable hourly chime. TIME SETTING 1. In time mode, pr ess and hold A for 2 seconds to enter time setting. 2. Pr ess C to incr ease setting v alue.
10 10 LAP DIGIT AL NORMAL TIME DISPLA Y 1. Pr ess A for EL. 2. Pr ess C to sel ect T1 or T2 format. TIME SETTING 1. In time mode, pr ess and hold D for 2 seconds to enter time setting; hour will begin flashing. 2. Pr ess C to incr ease setting v alue.
11 TWIN ANAL OG-DIGIT AL NORMAL TIME DISPLA Y 1. Pr ess A for EL. 2. Pr ess E to toggl e chime on/off . 3. Pr ess and hold B to turn off L CD scr een. Pr ess and hold B again f or day and date. Pr ess and hold B again for normal time mode. TIME SETTING 1.
13 CHRONO MODE 1. F rom any mode, pr ess and hold E to enter chrono mode. 2. Pr ess C to st art chr onograph. 3. Pr ess D to st op chr onograph. 4. Pr ess and hold A to save data (if desir ed). 5. After data is saved, pr ess A to r eturn to chr ono mode.
14 NORMAL TIME DISPLA Y 1. Pr ess A for EL. 2. Pr ess B to change modes. Mode sequence is time, my log, alarm, timer . 3. Pr ess D to flash to TIME 2; pres s and hold D to toggl e TIME 1 and TIME 2. 4. Pr ess E to toggl e chime on/off . Pr ess and hold E for chronogr aph mode on 50 Lap Digital Models.
15 TIMER MODE 1. Pr ess B to change to timer mode on 50 Lap Digital Models. On 10 -30 Lap Digital Models, pr ess and hold E to change to timer mode. 2. Pr ess C to st art timer . 3. Pr ess D to st op timer . Pr ess and hold D to r eset the timer when it is s topped.
16 MY L OG MODE 1. Pr ess B to change to my l og mode. 2. Pr ess E to view data within the selected SET . 3. Pr ess D to advanc e thr ough saved sets. Pr ess and hold D to cl ear sel ected set. Continue holding to cl ear all sets. 4. Pr ess and hold E to rac e against any SET .
17 100 LAP FRONT BUTT ON PLUS DIGIT AL NORMAL TIME DISPLA Y 1. Pr ess A f or EL. 2. Pr ess B to change modes. 3. Pr ess C f or EL; pr ess and hold C to toggl e Auto EL on/off . When Auto EL is on, pr ess any k ey f or EL. 4. Pr ess D to flash Time Zone 2; pr ess and hold D t o toggl e Time Zone 2 mode/ normal time display .
18 HKG TYO SYD NOU ACK MDY HNL ANC Hong Kong T okyo Sydney Noumea Auckland Midway Honolulu Anchorage LAX DEN CHI NYC CCS RIO ATA CPV Los Angel es Denver Chicago New Y ork City Carac as Rio de Janeir o.
19 USING THE TIMER 1. Pr ess C to s tart timer . 2. Pr ess D to s top timer . Pr ess and hold D to r eset. TIMER SETTING 1. In timer mode, pr ess and hold A t o enter setting mode; timer type will begin flashing. 2. Pr ess D and E to sel ect count up timer, count do wn st op, or count down r epeat.
20 plate. T o activate the t ouch sensitive plate, set t ouch/ask me to “on” in time/cal endar setting. In chr onograph mode, when asked if y ou want to activate the touch plat e, sel ect “on.” When touch mode is active, pr es s C to st art the chr onograph and tak e lap readings.
21 REFEREE W A T CH NORMAL TIME DISPLA Y 1. Pr ess A f or EL. 2. Pr ess B to change modes. Mode sequenc e is time, r efer ee, timer type, chr onograph, my log, alarm. 3. Pr essDtoashtoTIME2;pr es sandholdDto toggl e TIME 1 and TIME 2.
22 2. Pr ess E to change type of Timer . 3. Setting sequence is int erval, timer, tr aining. INTERV AL TIMER SETTING 1. In Interval Timer mode, pr es s and hold A to enter setting mode; int erval segment willbeginashing. 2. Pr essBtoadv ancet onextsettingeld.
23 4. Pr ess D to s top chr onograph; pr ess and hold D to r eset to zer o when the chr onograph is stopped. 5. Pr ess and hold A to sav e data to MY L OG. MY L OG MODE 1. Pr ess B to change to my l og mode. 2. Pr ess E to view dat a within the sel ected SET .
24 USE PRECAUTIONS - RESIST ANCE TO W A TER All adidas timepieces ar e designed to withstand use as indic ated on the foll owing chart. INDICA TION WA TER-RELA TED USE Level of r esistance Caseback marking Light spray perspiration, light rain, etc. Bathing, etc.
206 TWO (2) YEAR INTERNA TIONAL WARRANTY Y our adidas wat ch is warrant ed by adidas watches* for a period two (2) years from the original date of pur chase under the terms and c onditions of this warranty . The adidas warranty co vers materials and manufacturing defects.
207 sal es r eceipt and/or the warranty booklet with deal er stamp and a description of the pr oblem to the authorized international watch service cent er closes t to you (see enclosed lis t of addres ses).
218 AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTERS AUSTRALIA F ossil Management Services Pty Limited Unit 6 Allambie Gr ov e 25 F r enchs F ores t Road F r enchs F or est NSW 2086 tel: (61) 2 9453 0288 fax: (61) 2 9453 0299 AUSTRIA F ossil Austria GmbH z.
219 EGYPT Link W atches 17 El Shaheed Mahmoud El Ashry St Helipolis, Cair o Egypt tel: (20) 2 2690 00 01 / 2 fax: (20) 2 2690 00 03 EST ONIA OÜ Megaf ort Kuldnoka 4 50404 T artu tel/f ax: 372-742 -01.
220 JAP AN 5/F, Y ASUDA WAREHOUSE B Bldg, 3- 9, Moriyacho, Kanagawa-ku, Y okohama, Kanagawa, 221- 0022 Japan tel: 03-5992- 4611 fax: 045-450 -6243 JORDAN Abu Shakra T rading P .O. Box 6971 11118 Amman Jor dan tel: +962- 6-5817173 fax: +962 -6- 5824003 KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN Y .
221 MOLDOV A SEPS PL US 8, Aldea-T eodor ovic St. 2064 Kishinev tel: + 373 22 58 23 77 fax: + 373 22 58 28 16 NETHERLANDS De Horl ogemak er Nieuwe St een 2D, (2nd stock) NL-1625 HV Hoorn The Netherlands tel: +31 229-214508 fax: +31 229- 273847 email: inf o@dehorlogemak er .
222 SL OVENIA Bioline Plus d.o.o. Peruzzije va 41 SL O – 1000 Ljubljana tel: +386- 1-428 -8494 fax: +386 -1- 428- 8797 email: SOUTH AFRIC A S. Ker en W atch Group 7 Liddl e St. Gr een Point, Cape T own 8005, RSA tel: (2721) 418-0045 fax: (2721) 418- 0050 SP AIN F ossil Spain Avda.
223 NO TE: F or a list of the most rec ent authorized ser vice centers, please go to www HINWEIS: Eine Liste der jüngst autorisierten S ervice-Cent er finden Sie unter www REMARQUE : Pour obtenir une liste des centr es de service agr éés les plus récen ts, consultez le site www .
224 The CERTIFICA TE OF WARRANTY that f ollo ws bel ow is t o be compl eted at time of pur chase by the r etail stor e wher e y ou pur chased your watch. Der f olgende GARANTIESCHEIN ist zum Zeitpunkt des Kaufs dur ch den Einzelhändl er auszufüllen, bei dem der Kauf erf olgte.
225 Model Number: Modellnummer: Modèl e : Numer o di modello: Númer o del modelo: Númer o do modelo: モ デ ル ナ ン バ ー: 型号: 모델 번호: Sold T o: V erkauft an: V endu à : V en.
226 DISPOSAL OF OLD ELECTRIC AL AND ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT The symbol indicat es that this pr oduct shall not be mixed with unsorted municipal waste when disposed of . Ther e is a separate coll ection system for waste electric al and el ectr onic equipment.
227 VERWIJDERING V AN OUDE ELEKTRISCHE EN ELEKTRONISCHE APP ARA TE N Het symbool geeft aan dat dit product niet verwijder d mag wor den met ongesorteer d gemeentelijk afval. Er bestaan special e verzamelpunten voor oude elektrische en elektr onische apparaten.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Adidas ADH1167 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Adidas ADH1167 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Adidas ADH1167 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Adidas ADH1167 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Adidas ADH1167 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Adidas ADH1167 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Adidas ADH1167 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Adidas ADH1167 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.