Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product SuperStack 3 4950 van de fabrikant 3Com
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http://www.3com.c om/ Part No. DUA1770-6AAA03 Publish ed Oct ober 2001 SuperStack ® 3 Swit ch 4950 Getting Starte d Guide 3C17706.
3Com Corporat ion 5400 Bayfr ont Plaza Santa Clara, California 9505 2-8145 Copyr ight © 20 01, 3C om T echnol ogies. A ll rig hts reserved. No p art of th is doc umentat ion may be reproduced in any .
C ONTENTS A BOUT T HIS G UIDE Convent ions 8 Relat ed Docume ntati on 9 Accessing Online Documentation 9 Product Regi stration 10 Docum entat ion Comm ents 1 0 1 I NTRODUCING THE S UPER S TACK 3 S WIT.
The P ower -up Se quence 23 Power ing-up the Switch 49 50 23 Checki ng for Corr ect Operati on of LEDs 23 Connect ing a R edundant Powe r System 23 Ch oosing th e Correct 10/10 0/1000B ASE-T Cabl es 2.
A S AFETY I NFO RMATION Impor tant Safety I nforma tion 46 L ’informati o n de S écurité I mportante 49 W ichtige Sicherh eitsi nformation en 52 B P IN - OUTS Null Mode m Cab le 55 PC-A T S eri al.
A BOUT T HIS G UIDE This guid e provi des all the informa tion you ne ed to install and use a SuperS t ack ® 3 Switc h 4950 in its defa ult st ate. The gui de is int ende d for us e by network admini.
8 A BOUT T HIS G UIDE Conv entions Ta b l e 1 and Ta b l e 2 list con venti ons that ar e used throu ghout th is guid e. Ta b l e 1 Notice Icons Icon Notice Type Description Informatio n note Informati on that descri bes imp ortant fea tures or instruct ions.
Relate d Docume ntation 9 Relat ed Document ation In addit ion to thi s guide, each Switch document ation set i nclude s the follow ing : ■ SuperS t ack 3 Swi tch Imple mentation Guide This gu ide contain s informa t ion on the feat ur es support ed by you r Switch an d how they can be used t o optimiz e your network.
10 A BOUT T HIS G UIDE 2 Select the Docu menta tion sect ion from t he c ont ents pa ge. If t he on line doc umentatio n is t o be access ed fr om a lo cal drive or se rver , you will ne ed to access the CD-ROM contents via the r o ot dir ectory and copy the files from the CD -ROM to a suitab le directory .
1 I NTR ODUCING THE S UPER S TA CK 3 S WITCH 4 950 This chap ter contai ns in tr oducto ry informa tion ab out the SuperStack ® 3 Switch 49 50 and how it can be used in you r networ k.
12 C HAPTER 1: I NTRO DUCING THE S UPER S TACK 3 S WITCH 4950 Abou t the Switch 4950 The Swi tch 4950 is a 10/1 00/1000 Mb ps mixed media de vice which consi sts of: ■ 12 10/10 0/1000BASE -T ports .
Switc h 4950 — Fr ont V iew De tail 13 Summar y of Softwar e Featu res Ta b l e 4 sum marizes the software featur es tha t are supported by the Switch 49 50.
14 C HAPTER 1: I NTRO DUCING THE S UPER S TACK 3 S WITCH 4950 10/ 100 /1000 BASE -T Port s The 12 10 /100/1 000BASE-T por ts have RJ- 45 connect ors and are confi gured as Auto MD IX (cr oss-over) .
Switc h 4950 — Fr ont V iew De tail 15 LEDs Ta b l e 5 li sts LEDs visible o n the front of the Switch, and how to read their statu s accor ding to co lor . For informa t ion on using the LEDs f or pr oblem solving, see “Checki ng for Corr ect Oper ation of LEDs” on pa ge 23 .
16 C HAPTER 1: I NTRO DUCING THE S UPER S TACK 3 S WITCH 4950 Switch 4950 — Rear View Deta il Figu re 2 Switch 4950 — re a r view Unit Informa tion Labe l This la be l show s the follow ing: ■ T.
Default Setti ngs 17 Consol e Port The conso le po rt allo ws you to connect a termin al and p erform remote or local out-of -ban d man agem ent. The con sole port uses a s tand ard null mode m cabl e and is se t to 19,2 00 kbp s, 8 data bits, no pa rity and 1 stop bit.
2 I NSTALLING THE S WIT CH This chapt er contains the inf ormation you need to instal l and set up the Switch 49 50. It covers the foll owing topics: ■ Packag e Contents ■ C hoosin g a Suitabl e Site ■ R ack-mount ing ■ Plac ing Units O n T o p of Each Other ■ The Powe r -up Sequence ■ GBIC Operation W ARNI NG: Safety Informati on.
20 C HAPTER 2: I NSTAL LING THE S WITCH Package Co ntents ■ Switch 4950 ( 3C17706) ■ CD-ROM ■ This Guide ■ Implemen tation Guide ■ Manag ement Q uick Refer ence Gui de ■ Rele ase Notes ■.
Rack-mou nting 21 If the Swi tch is in stalle d in a 19 -in ch ra ck or clo sed a sse mbly its lo cal a ir temper ature ma y be greater tha n r oom amb ient temper atur e. ■ The air i s as fr ee from dust as possible. ■ The unit is install ed in a clean, air conditioned envir onment.
22 C HAPTER 2: I NSTAL LING THE S WITCH Figu re 3 Fitting a bracket for rack-mounting Y ou must u se the screw s supp lied with the securi ng bra ckets. Dam age caused to th e unit by using i ncorrect screws inval idates your warra nty . 4 Repea t step s 2 and 3 for the other side of the Switch.
The Powe r-up Seque nce 23 The Power -u p Sequenc e The fol l owing sections descri be how to get y our Switc h 4950 power ed-up and r eady for opera t ion. Powering-u p the Switc h 4950 Use the fol l owin g sequence of steps to power -up the Switch. 1 Plug th e power cor d into the power socke t at the rear of the Swit ch.
24 C HAPTER 2: I NSTAL LING THE S WITCH W ARNING: If you are conne cting the Switch 495 0 to a T ype 3 Powe r Modul e, read the Safe ty Info rmation secti on in the T ype 3 Power Module User Guid e. CAUTION: The Switch can only use a Sup erStack Advanced Redu ndant Power System ou t put.
GBIC Opera tion 25 Choosing the corr ect Fiber c ables Choos e fr om the followi ng cable opti ons: ■ The 100 0BASE- SX ports can be connect ed to multimo de fiber c ables onl y . ■ The 100 0BASE -LX and LH7 0 GBIC ports us e multi mode or singl e-mode f iber opt ic cables .
26 C HAPTER 2: I NSTAL LING THE S WITCH Insertin g a G BIC T ransceiver T o be reco gnised as vali d , the GB IC tra nsceiver must hav e the foll owing characteri stics: ■ 1000 BASE-SX, 1 000BASE-LX.
GBIC Opera tion 27 Figu re 4 Inser ting a GBIC T ransc eiver 3 The tra nsceiver co nnects to the netw ork using a du plex SC connector . Attach a male du plex SC connecto r on the netwo rk cable into th e duplex SC connecto r on the transcei ver .
3 S ETTING U P FOR M ANAGEMENT Y our Switch can operate in its defa ult stat e, tha t is, you can instal l it and it will wor k st raig ht away (p lug-and-play) . However , to make full use of the featu re s of fere d by the Switch, and to cha nge and monito r the way it works, you have to access the management software that r esides on the Switch.
30 C HAPTER 3: S ETTING U P FOR M ANAGEMENT Loggin g in as a Default User If you man age a Switch using the web inte rface or the comm and line inter face, yo u need to log in with a valid user name and passwor d. The Switch h as three default us er names , and eac h user name has a di f ferent passwor d and level of acce ss.
Introducti on to Setti ng Up 31 Int rod ucti on to Setting Up T o get your Swit ch set up and r eady for manag ement, you need to: 1 Conne ct yo ur wor kstati on t o the c onso le po rt. 2 Login as a default user . 3 Enter the IP in format ion via the comm and l ine inte rface.
32 C HAPTER 3: S ETTING U P FOR M ANAGEMENT ■ A standa rd modem cable — if you are conne cting t o the cons ole port using a mode m. ■ Docume ntatio n supplie d with the ter minal emul atio n software. ■ IP Info rmat ion (e ssen tial i f you wish to m ana ge yo ur Swi tch ac ross the netw ork).
Initia l Switch S e tup 33 ■ no har dware flow cont r ol Refer to the do cumen tation that accomp anies the termin al emulatio n software for mo re informatio n. Setting up IP Info rm ation vi a the Consol e Port Y o u are now ready to set u p the Switch with IP info rmatio n using the command line interface.
34 C HAPTER 3: S ETTING U P FOR M ANAGEMENT Meth ods of Managi ng a Swit ch Once y ou have comp lete d the initial set up of your Switch, you can deci de how you wish to manage the Switch .
Methods of Ma naging a Switch 35 Web Interface Mana gem ent Each Swi tch has an int ernal set of web pages that allo w you to man age the S witch u sing a W eb br owser r emote ly over an IP net work (see Figur e 9 ). Figu re 9 W eb interface management ove r the network Refer to “ Settin g Up Web In terface Mana gement ” on page 37 .
36 C HAPTER 3: S ETTING U P FOR M ANAGEMENT Setting Up Command Li ne Interface Mana gement This sect ion describes how you can set up co mmand line inter face manag ement using a local con sole port con nection or over th e network.
Setting Up We b Interface Manage ment 37 6 If you hav e logged on corr ectly , the top- leve l menu of the comma nd line interface for the Switch you wish to m anage is displayed . Set ting Up W eb Interface Mana gement This sect ion describes how you can set up web interf ace mana gement over th e network.
38 C HAPTER 3: S ETTING U P FOR M ANAGEMENT 4 Click o n the Device V iew button to disp lay the web managemen t options. Setting Up SNMP Mana gement Any net w ork mana gement appli cation r unnin g th.
4 P RO B L E M S OLVING This chap ter he lps y ou t o di agnos e an d sol ve problems you may have with the ope ration of your Swi tch. Ther e is also an explana t ion of IP addr essing.
40 C HAPTER 4: P ROBLEM S OLVING Solving Problems Ind icate d by LEDs If th e LEDs on the Switch i ndicate a pr oblem, re fer to the lis t of sugg ested solutions below . The Power LED does not light Check th at the powe r cable is f irmly conn ected to the Switch and to the suppl y outlet.
Solvin g Hardware Prob lems 41 S o l v i n g H a rd w a re Pr o blems In t he rar e event of your Switch unit experienc ing a h ardwar e fai lur e, r efer to the list o f sugg ested solu tions b elow .
42 C HAPTER 4: P ROBLEM S OLVING Error message indicatin g that the GB IC transceiver is fault y T o corr ect this problem, com plete ly r em ove the GBIC and th en re insert it.
Solving Communicatio n Problems 43 How do you obtai n a regist ered IP Ad dress? The IP r egistrati on system ensur es that every IP addr ess used is uniqu e; if you do no t have a r egister ed IP addr ess, you may be usi ng an identical addr ess to someone else and your netwo rk will not op erate corr ectly .
A S AFETY I NFORMA TION Y o u must r ead the followi ng safety i nforma tion be fore carrying o ut any inst alla tion or r emoval of c omponents , or any main tenan ce pr ocedur es on th e Switc h 4950. W ARNING: W arnings cont ain dir ections that you must foll ow for your personal safety .
46 A PPENDIX A: S AFETY I NFORMAT ION Impo rtant Safe ty Info rmatio n W ARNING: Instal lation and removal of the unit must be carried out by qual ified pe rsonnel only .
Importan t Safety Info rm ation 47 W ARNI NG: The socket outlet must be nea r to the unit and easi ly access ible. Y ou can only remove power fro m the unit by disconn ecting the power cord from the outlet. W ARNI NG: This u nit operates under SEL V (Safety Extra Low V oltage) condit ions accordi ng to IEC 95 0.
48 A PPENDIX A: S AFETY I NFORMAT ION WA R N I N G : Fibe r Optic ports - Optical Safety Never lo ok at th e transmi t laser while it is powere d-up. Never look directly at the fi ber ports and fi ber cable ends when they are powe red- up.
L’informatio n de Sécurité Impor tante 49 L ’info rmatio n de Sé curité Im por tante A VER TISS EMENT : L'instal lation et la dépose de ce gr oupe do ivent êt re confi és à un perso nnel quali fié.
50 A PPENDIX A: S AFETY I NFORMAT ION A VER TISS EMENT : La prise se cteur doit se tro uver à prox imité de l’app areil et son accès do it ê tre facile. V ou s ne po uvez m ettre l’appare il hors ci rcuit qu'e n déb ranchant son cordo n électriq ue a u niveau de cette pris e.
L’informatio n de Sécurité Impor tante 51 A VER TISS EMENT : Ports pour fibres optiqu es – sé curité su r le pl an optiqu e Ne regard ez jama is le laser t ant qu'il e st sous ten sion. Ne regardez ja mais direct ement le port à fi bres optiques et les embouts de câbl es à fibr es optiq ues tant qu'i ls sont sous tensi on.
52 A PPENDIX A: S AFETY I NFORMAT ION Wich tige Sich erheitsi nformati onen VORSICHT : Di e Installati on und der Ausb au des Geräts darf nu r durch Fachpe rsona l erfolgen .
Wi chtig e Sic he rheit sin form ati onen 53 VORSICHT : RJ-4 5-Porte. Diese Porte sin d geschüt zte Date nsteckdose n. Sie dürf en weder wie no rmale trad itionell e T e lefonsteck dosen no ch für die V erbindu ng de r Einh eit mit e inem tradi t ionel lem private m oder öffentl ichem T ele fonnetzwer k gebraucht werden.
B P IN - OUTS Null Mo dem Cable 9-pi n to RS-23 2 25-p in PC- A T Ser ial Cab le 9-pi n to 9-pi n.
56 A PPENDIX B: P IN - OUTS Modem Cable 9-pi n to RS-23 2 25-p in RJ-45 P in Assign ment s Pin assi gnments ar e identical for 10 /100BASE-T an d 1000BASE-T RJ -45 conne ctors.
RJ-45 Pin Assignments 57 T able 12 Pin assignments Pin N umbe r 10/1 00B ASE- T 1000BAS E-T Port s confi gure d as MD IX 1 Recei ve Data + Bidirec tional Dat a B+ 2 Recei ve Data - Bidirec tional Dat .
C T ECHN ICAL S PECIFICATIONS Physic al Dimensi ons Height: 65.8 mm (2.59 in.) x Width: 440 mm (17.3 in.) x Depth: 413 mm (16.27 in.) (not including bul ge ).
60 A PPENDIX C: T ECHNICAL S PECIFI CATIONS Standa rds S upported SNMP : SNMP pr otocol (RFC 1 157) MIB -II (RFC 1213) Bridg e M IB (R FC 14 93) RMON MIB II (RF C 2021) Remote Monitorin g MIB (RFC 17 .
D T ECHN ICAL S UPPORT 3Com pr ovides eas y access to te chnical suppor t inform ation thr ough a vari ety of ser vices. This appe ndix describes thes e service s.
62 A PPENDIX D: T ECHNICAL S UPPORT 3Com F TP Si te Downlo ad drivers, patches, software , and MIBs across the Internet from the 3Com public F TP site. This service is av ailable 24 hours a day , 7 days a we ek. T o conne ct to the 3Com F TP site, ent er the followin g info rmatio n into your F TP client : ■ Hostname: ftp.
Support fro m 3Com 63 ■ Diagnostic error messages ■ Detai l s about recent co nfigurati on changes , if appl icable Her e is a list of world wide tec hnical tele phone support num bers.
64 A PPENDIX D: T ECHNICAL S UPPORT Retur ning P r oduc ts for Rep air Befor e you send a pr oduct di re ctly to 3Com for r epair , you must firs t obtai n an authori zation nu mber . Prod ucts sent to 3Com wit hout author izat ion numbe rs will be r eturned to the se nder unop ened, at the sender’ s expense.
I NDEX Numbers 3C num ber 16 3Com K now ledg eba se Web Ser vice s 61 3Com URL 61 A acces s levels of defaul t users 30 B brows ers choo sing 3 7 C cable 10/1 00/ 100 0BASE -T 24 fiber 2 5 pin -out s .
66 I NDEX P pas swords of defaul t users 30 pin assi gnments modem c able 56 null modem ca ble 55 RJ-45 56 serial cable 55 pin-outs 5 5 ports 10/10 0/1000BASE -T 14 1000B ASE-SX 1 4 GBIC 14 powe r soc.
R EGULATO RY N OT ICES FCC S TA TEME NT This equ ipment has been te sted and f ound t o comply wit h the limi ts for a Class A d igital dev ice, purs uant to part 15 o f the FCC rules. The se limits are des igned to p rovide reasonab le protection against har mful interference when the eq uipment is operated in a commer cial enviro nment.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat 3Com SuperStack 3 4950 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen 3Com SuperStack 3 4950 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens 3Com SuperStack 3 4950 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding 3Com SuperStack 3 4950 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over 3Com SuperStack 3 4950 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van 3Com SuperStack 3 4950 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de 3Com SuperStack 3 4950 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met 3Com SuperStack 3 4950 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.