Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DC201 van de fabrikant Canon
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PUB.DIE-278 PA L DVD Camcorder Instruction Manual English Introduction Prerparations Basic Functions Advanced Functions Editing Functions Playing Back the Disc on an External Device External Connectio.
3 Introduction How to select a D VD disc There are many types of DVD discs but this camcorder uses only the following three types of 8 cm mini DVD discs: DVD-R, DV D-R DL and DVD-RW . Note t hat what you can do with a disc depe nds on the type of DVD used so select the disc that best fits your purpose.
4 No need to worry about recording over a t ape. When you use a DVD, the c amcorder will autom atically record on th e empty space of the disc. So y ou don't have to wor ry about mistakenly rec ording over a prec ious memory . Just select a scene f rom the inde x screen.
5 Introduction A vailable features depe nd on the DVD disc used 1 Di sc ini tiali zation clear s all t he re cordin gs on th e disc and re stores the f ree sp ace on the di sc to its initial value so you can use t he same disc a gain. DVD-R and DVD-R DL discs cann ot be initialized.
6 Introduction How to select a DVD disc ...... ...... ......... ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ....... . 3 About t his Manual About the Joy stick and the J oystick Guid e ..................................................... 9 About the P ower Switch .
7 Introduction Recording Programs Using t he Recording Programs ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ......... ..40 Flexible Recording: C hanging the Aperture and Shutter Speed ...............41 S pecial Sc ene: Recording Programs to Match Special Conditions .
8 General In formation System Diagram ..... ......... ........ ....... ........ ........ ......... ........ ......... ...... ........ ...... 73 Optional Accessories ... ........ ........ ......... ........ ....... ........ ........ ......... ........ .
About thi s Manual 9 Introduction About t his Manual Thank you for purchasing the Canon DC 201/ D C210/DC21 1. Please read this manual carefully before y ou use the camcor der and reta in it for future r eference. Shou ld your camcorder fail t o operate correctly , refer to t he T roubleshooting table ( 63).
10 About th is Manual The functions assigned to the joystick change according to the operation mode and the camcorder ’s settings. Press ( ) to display/hide the joystick gu ide. About the Power Switch In add ition to tu rning the camcorde r on and of f, the power switch also to ggles the camcorder’s opera ting mode.
Gett ing to Kno w the C amcorder 11 Introduction Getting t o Know the Camcor der Supp l ied Acc essories CA-570 Compact Power Adapter (incl. power cord) BP-208 Battery Pack STV-250N Stereo Video Cable T r adem ar k Ackn owledgem ents • is a trademar k of DVD Format/L ogo Licensing Corporat ion.
12 Gett ing to Kno w th e Cam co rde r Names of buttons and switches other than the joystick are indicated within a “ button ” frame (for example ).
Gett ing to Kno w the C amcorder 13 Introduction Names of buttons and switches other than the joystick are indicated within a “ button ” frame (for example ).
14 Gett ing to Kno w th e Cam co rde r Screen Disp lays R ecording Mov ies Operati ng mode ( 10) Recor ding progr am ( 40) White b alanc e ( 44) Image e ffect ( 45) Digital effects ( 49) Recording mod.
Gett ing to Kno w the C amcorder 15 Introduction Di sc opera tion Reco rd, Record paus e, Playbac k, Playbac k pause, Fast playba ck, Fast reverse pla yback, Slow pl ayback, Slow re v erse playback Remaining r ecor ding ti me When there is no more disc sp ace available, “ END” will be displayed and the recording will stop.
16 Gett ing to Kno w th e Cam co rde r Play ing Movies (Du ri ng Pla yback) Disc operation Playback time (h ours : minutes : se conds) Scene num ber Data code ( 48) Viewing S till Ima ges Image n umbe.
Gettin g Started Preparations 17 Preparati ons Getting S tarted Char gi ng the Batter y Pack The camcorder can be powered with a battery pack or directly using the com pact power adapter . Charge the battery pack before use. 1 T urn off the camcorder .
Gettin g Starte d 18 compact power adapter to voltage converters for overseas travels or special power sources such as those on aircraft and ships, DC-AC inverters, etc. NOTES Th e CHG (charge) indicato r also se rves as a rough estim ate of the batter y charge statu s.
Gettin g Started Preparations 19 Ins er tin g and R emo ving a D isc In ser tin g th e Di sc POINTS T O CHECK 1 Move the power switch to ON to set the camcorder in mode. 2 Slide fully in th e direction of the arrow a nd gently open the disc cover completely until it stop s.
Gettin g Starte d 20 • T he disc initiali zation will take approximately o ne minute. Avoid moving the camcorder while the operation is in progress. • Y ou can start recording movies once the record pause indication appears. NOTES The proce ss of recognizing a disc may take a moment.
Gettin g Started Preparations 21 Adju sting th e LCD Sc ree n Ro tating the LC D Panel Open the LCD panel 90 degrees. • Y ou can rotate the panel 90 degrees downward. • Y ou can rotate the panel 180 degrees toward the lens (allowing the subject to monitor the LCD scr een while you use the viewfinder).
Using the Menu s 22 Using the Menus Many of the camcorder ’s functions can be adjusted from the menus that open af ter pressing the FUNC. button ( ). For detail s about the availabl e m enu options and settings, refer to the Menu Options Lists (3 3 ) .
First Ti me Settings Preparations 23 First Time Se t tings Chan ging t he Lan gua ge Option s Default value 1 Press . 2 Select ( ) the icon and press ( ) to open the setup menus. 3 Select ( ) [DISPLA Y SE TUP] and press ( ). 4 Select ( ) [LANGUAGE ] and press ( ).
First Time Setti ngs 24 Se ttin g the D ate a nd T ime 1 Press . 2 Select ( ) the icon and p ress ( ) to open the setup m enus. 3 Sele ct ( ) [DA TE/TIME SETUP] and press ( ). 4 Select ( ) [DA T E/TIME] and press () . The first field of t he date will be displayed in orange and i ndicated with up/down arrows.
Recording Basic Func tions 25 Basic Func tions Recordin g Shoo ting V ideo 1 Move the power switch to ON to set the camcorder in CAMERA m ode. The red CAMERA indicator wil l turn on. 2 Move the lens cover sw itch down to to open the lens cover . 3 Move the / swi tch to the (Movies) position .
Recording 26 When usi ng a tr ip od : Do not leave th e viewfinde r exposed to direct sunlight as it m ay melt (due to conce ntration of the light by the le ns). Do not use trip ods with fastening screws longe r than 5.5 m m. Doing so ma y damage th e camco rder .
Recording Basic Func tions 27 manual ly . T o pla y back on a TV wit h normal aspect ratio (4:3) change the [TV TYPE] se tting according ly ( 38). T aki ng Ph otos 1 Move the power switch to ON to set the camcorder in CAMERA m ode. The red CAMERA indicator wil l turn on.
Recording 28 Zoomin g POINTS T O CHECK : In addition t o the optical zoom, the digital zoom is also available ( 35). * only . Op tical Zo om ( 35x, 30x) Move the zoo m lever toward W to zoom out (w ide-angle). Mo ve it toward T to zoom in (te lephoto).
Play back Basic Func tions 29 NOTES Wh en you wake up the camco rder from standby mode, the following settings will be changed automati cally: - Man ual focus re turns to a utomatic foc us (AF). - Man ual exp osure adjus tment r eturns to automati c exposure.
Play back 30 (approx. 1 second ) at the p oint wher e the playback switches fr om Layer 1 to Layer 2. Y ou can d isplay the date and time of the recordi ng and oth er camcor der da ta registered when th e recording was ma de ( 48). T O ADJUST THE VOL UM E The camcorder plays the sound with the built-in speaker .
Play back Basic Func tions 31 IMPORT ANT T he follow ing may no t be disp layed corre ctly . - Ima ges not recorded with thi s camcord er . - Ima ges edit ed on o r uploade d from a compute r .
Play back 32 Mag nifying Photo s durin g Play back During playback, still images c an be magnified up to 5 times. 1 Move the zoom lever to ward T . • T he image is magnified by 2 times and a frame appears indicating the position of the magnif ied area.
Menu Options Lists Advan ced F unctions 33 Advanced F unctions Menu Op tions Lists Menu items not av ailable appear grayed out in the F UNC. menu or in black in the setup menus. For details about how to select an item, refer to Using the Menus (2 2 ) .
Menu Opti ons Lists 34 Size: [ L 1024x768 ], [ S 640x480] Quality: [ S UPER FINE], [ FINE] , [N O R M A L ] Disc typ e: • VR mo de [ALL SCENES], [ONE SC ENE], [CANCEL] Add a scene to the playlist. This option is available only from the original index screen.
Menu Options Lists Advan ced F unctions 35 [O F F ] , [ 105x], [ 1000x] [O F F ] , [ 90x], [ 800x] Determines the operation of the digit al zoom. When activated, the camcorder will switch automatically to the digital zoom when you zoom in beyond the optical zoom range.
Menu Opti ons Lists 36 Mode switch: P [ AUTO] , [ OFF ] The camcorder automat ically reduc es the background sound of wind when recording outdoors. The wind screen cannot be turned off when the mode switch is set to AUT O . Some low-frequenc y sounds will be suppressed along with the sound of wind.
Menu Options Lists Advan ced F unctions 37 Still Image Operat ions (Erase all still imag es) STILL IMG OPER. [NO], [YES ] Display Setu p (LCD Brightness , Language, etc .) DISPLA Y SETUP Adjusts the brightness of the LCD screen. Use the joy stick ( ) to adjus t the brightness to y our preference.
Menu Opti ons Lists 38 System Setup (Volum e, Beep, etc.) SYSTEM SETUP [ HIGH VOLUME] , [ LOW V OLU ME], [ OFF ] A beep will ac company some operations like turning on the camcorder , the sel f - timer countdown, etc. I t also serves a s a warning beep under unusua l conditions.
Menu Options Lists Advan ced F unctions 39 Y ou ca n verify the current version of the camcorder ’s firmware. This menu option is usually grayed out. Da te/Time Setu p D A TE/ TIME S ETUP [Y .M.D (2007.1.1 AM 12:00)], [M.D,Y (JAN. 1, 2007 12:00 AM)], [D.
Rec ordin g Progr ams 40 Recording Progr ams Usin g t he R ecor ding Progr ams AUTO The camcorder adjusts the focus, exposure and other settings automatically , allowing y ou to just point and shoot. : Fle xible Re cording Programs [ PROGRAM AE] [ SHUTTER-PRI O .
Rec ordin g Progr ams Advan ced F unctions 41 Flexible Recor di ng: Chang ing the A per t ur e and Shutte r Spee d Use the autom atic exposure (AE) program or give priority to the exposure value or the shutter speed.
Rec ordin g Progr ams 42 Shut ter s peed gui deli nes Note that on screen only the denominator is displayed – “ 250” indicates a shutter speed of 1/250 second, etc.
Adjust ing the P icture: Ex posur e, Focus and Color Advan ced F unctions 43 Adjusting the Picture: Ex posure, Focus and Color Manu al Exposu re Adj ustmen t At times, backlit subjects may appear too dark (underexpos ed) or subjects under very strong lights may appear too bright or glaring (overex posed).
Adjust ing the Pict ure: Ex posure, F ocus and C olor 44 3 Adjust ( ) the focus as requ ired until the image appears focused. • P ush the joystick ( ) toward for a farther focal distance or push it ( ) toward for a closer focal dist ance. • P ushing the joystick ( ) toward [FOCUS] again will return the camcorder t o autofocus.
Adjust ing the P icture: Ex posur e, Focus and Color Advan ced F unctions 45 T O SET THE CUSTOM WHIT E BALANCE 1 Point the c amcorder at a white object , zoom in unt il it fil ls the whole screen and press ( ). When the adjustment is completed, stops flashing and st ays on.
Still Image Recordin g Options 46 Still Imag e Re c o rding Options Selecti ng the Size and Quali ty o f Still Ima ges S till images are re corded on the disc using the JPEG (J oint Photographic Experts Group) compression. As a general rule select a larger image size for higher quality .
Still I mage Recordi ng O ptions Advan ced F unctions 47 Auto matic F o cus Priorit y When the focus priority is activated, the camcorder re cords a still image only after the focus has been adjusted automatically . POINTS T O CHECK Mode switch at AUTO : The focus priority cannot be turned of f.
Other Fu nction s 48 Other F unctions On -Scree n Di splay s The camcorder kee ps a data code containing t he date and time and other camera data (shutter speed, exposure, etc.) registered at the time of recording. Y ou can select t he data to be displayed.
Othe r Function s Advan ced F unctions 49 histogram skews to the right is relatively bright; while one whose histogram peaks to the left, is relatively dark. NOTES The histogram will appea r also while reviewing a still image immediately after recording it.
Other Fu nction s 50 NOTES When you ap ply a fader, not only th e pictur e but also the sound w ill fade in or out. When you apply an ef f ect, the sound will be rec orded normal ly . The ca mcorder r etains the sett ing last u sed even if yo u turn off the digital effects or ch ange the record ing progr am.
Manag ing Scene s Editing Func tions 51 Editing Func tions Managing S cenes Cr eating a P laylist Create a playlist to easily edit your movies. Include in your playlist only the scenes you prefer or cha nge the order in which they will be played back, wit hout affecting your original recordings.
Man aging Scenes 52 Moving Scen es in th e Play list From the original index screen, press . From the playlist index screen, select ( , ) the scene to move.
Manag ing Scene s Editing Func tions 53 4 Select ( ) [YES] and press ( ). NOTES Y ou will not be able to de lete the last scen e if after the sc ene was recorded you cha nged the operati ng mode , turned off the cam corder or remov ed the d isc.
Managin g the Disc 54 Managing t he Disc Prot ecting the Disc Y ou can protect the whole disc to prevent the accidental era sure of important recordings. Follow the same procedure to remove the protection o f a protected d isc. IMPORT ANT Initializing the disc ( 5 4) will permanently erase a ll record ings, ev en if the disc is protect ed.
Manag ing the D isc Editing Func tions 55 * Close the me nu only after the screen displa y return s to the [DISC O PERA TIONS] m enu. Cha nging t he Disc Title Before you finalize your disc*, you can give it a title. The disc title will be displayed on the index screen whe n playing the finalized disc in m ost DVD players.
Managin g Photos 56 Managing P hotos Eras ing Ph otos Y ou can erase still images recorded on the disc (DVD-RW only). IMPORT ANT Be carefu l when eras ing imag es. Erase d images c annot be r ecovered. NOTES Images on a prot ected disc can not be erased.
Mana ging Phot os Editing Func tions 57 Conver ting Photos int o Phot omovie Scen es S till images are recorded using J PEG compression, but a DVD player only recognizes the MPEG standard.
58 Pl aying B ack th e Disc on an Exter nal Dev ice T o play t he disc you recorded on a DVD player , a computer’s DVD drive or other digital device, you need to finalize it first . Y ou do not need to finalize the disc t o play back your recordings with the camcorder connected to the TV .
Play ing B ack th e Disc on an Ext ernal Devi ce 59 Fina lizing t he Disc The length of the finalization proc ess depends on the scenes recorded and the remaining free space on the disc. POINTS T O CHECK Power the camcorder using the compact power adapter .
60 Unfinalize a disc to allow recording additional movies on the disc even after it was finalized. IMPORT ANT Be sur e to unfina li ze the d isc i n no r mal room temper atur es. I f the pr ocedu re was not c omplet ed cor re ctl y due t o hig h temper atur e, let the ca mcor der cool of f befor e r esumi ng ope rati on.
Conn ecting to a T V or VCR External Connec tions 61 Externa l Connections Connec ting to a TV or VCR Conn ection Dia gr a ms . Conne cting to a TV or V CR AV Te r m i n a l Sound from the built-in speaker w ill be muted while the S TV -250N stereo video cable is connected to the camcorder .
Connec ting t o a T V or VC R 62 Playba ck on a TV Scree n POINTS T O CHECK Before connecting t he camcorder , s elect the [TV TYPE] setting according t o the TV set to which you will connec t the camcorder - [ WIDE TV]: TV sets with 16:9 aspect ratio o r [NORMAL TV ]: TV sets with 4:3 aspect ratio ( 38).
Trou ble? 63 Additional Information Additiona l Information Trouble? If you have a problem with your camcorder , re fer to this checklist. Consult your dealer or a Canon Service Center if the problem persists. P ow er Source Recor din g/P lay back T roublesho oting Probl em Solut ion • Ca mcorder will not turn on.
64 Trouble? Re c o r d i n g The disc cannot be ejected. Turn of f the camcorder, disconnect the compact power adapter and remove the battery pack. Restore the power supply and try again. – The camcorder has exceeded its operational temperature. Turn off the camcorder and let it cool down before resuming use.
Trou ble? 65 Additional Information Pl ayba ck/Edi ting The recording suddenly stops shortly after starting recording. The disc is dirty . Clean the disc with a soft lens-cleaning cloth. If the problem persists replace the disc. 70 The camcorder has exceeded its operational temperature.
66 Trouble? Playi ng Back t he Dis c in a n Exte r na l DVD De v ice External DVD device refers to DVD players, DVD recorder s, c omputer ’s DVD drives and other digital devices. Cannot edit the disc title. Y ou cannot add a title to a DVD-R/DVD-R DL disc after it was finalized.
Trou ble? 67 Additional Information Lis t of Me ssages Messag e Expl anat ion SET THE TIME ZONE, DA TE AND TIME Y ou have not set the time zo ne, date and time. This message appears each time you turn the power on until you set the time zone, date and time.
68 Trouble? CANNOT READ THE DISC CHECK THE DISC Disc could not be read. Try cleaning it or replace the disc. 70 This message can also appear if the camcorder has exceeded its operational temperature. Turn off the camcorder and let it cool down before resuming use.
Do’s and Do n’ts 69 Additional Information Do’s and Don’ ts Cam cor der Do not subject the camcorder to vibrations or strong impacts whi le the DISC access indicator is on or flashing. The data may not be correctly rec orded on the disc, and the recording may be permanently lost.
70 Do’s and D on’ts Mini DVD Dis c The recording surfac e of DVD discs is extremely delicate. If handled or s tored in an incorrect manner , t he camcorder may stop recognizing or may not be able to play back the disc. B e sure to obs erve the following precautions when storing/ handling your discs.
Do’s and Do n’ts 71 Additional Information Sto ra ge If you do not intend to use the camcorder f or a long time, store it in a place free of du st, in low humidity , and at temperatures not higher than 30 °C. Clea ning Camcor der Bod y Use a soft, dry cloth t o clean the camcorder b ody .
72 Do’s and D on’ts T O AV OI D CONDENSA TION Do not expose the camcorder t o sudden or extreme changes in temperature. Unload the disc, place the camcorder in an airtight plastic bag and let it adjust to temperature changes slowly before removing it from the bag.
General Information 73 Additional Information General In formation System D ia gr am (Availab ility d iffer s fr om ar ea t o are a) BP-208 Battery Pack CG-300E Battery Charger STV -250N S te reo Vide.
74 Gener al Informa tion Batter y Packs When you need extra battery packs, select only the BP-208 bat tery pack. CG-30 0E Batt er y Ch ar ger Use the battery charger for charging the battery packs. Charging time: 105 min. The charging time varies according t o the initial charging conditions.
General Information 75 Additional Information WS-2 0 Wrist Strap Use this for extra additional protection f or active shooting. SC-2 000 S oft C ar r yin g Cas e A handy c amcorder bag with padded compartments and plenty of sp a ce for accessorie s. This mark identifies genuine Canon video access ories.
76 Gener al Informa tion DC201 /DC210 /DC21 1 Sp eci fi cati ons System Disc Reco rding System Movies DVD-VIDEO (VIDEO mode) DVD-VR (VR mode) only with 8 cm DVD-R W Vid eo Compression: MPE G2 Audio Compression: Dolby Digital 2ch S till Ima ges Exif 2.
General Information 77 Additional Information CA- 570 C ompac t P owe r Ad apter BP-2 08 Batter y Pack Weight and dimensions are approximate. Erro rs and omissions exce pted.
78 Gener al Informa tion 16:9 a spect ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 9 Poi nt AiAF (Au tofocu s) . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 A Abroad, using t he camcorder . . . . . . . . . 72 Auto ( record ing pr ogra m) . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 Auto s low shu tter .
General Information 79 Additional Information Q Quic k S tar t func tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 R Recommended di scs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Recor ding - M ovies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Recording - S till images . . . .
CANON INC. Canon Europa N.V . P .O. Bo x 2262, 1 180 EG Amstelveen, the Netherlands Canon UK Ltd. CCI Service Centre, Unit 130 Centennial Park, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, WD6 3SE, England T elephone 0870-241-2161 Canon Australia Pty . Ltd. Info-Line : 131383 www .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Canon DC201 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Canon DC201 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Canon DC201 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Canon DC201 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Canon DC201 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Canon DC201 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Canon DC201 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Canon DC201 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.