Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product AWR-1054GR van de fabrikant Advantek Networks
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1 Wirele ss Broa db and Router + Access Poin t / Bridg e User’s Ma nu al Model # A WR-1054G R.
2 FCC Warning This device i s intended o nly form OEM integra tors un der the followi ng condit ions: 1) The antenna m ust be installed su ch that 20 cm is ma intained be tween the antenna an d users, and 2) The transmitte r module m ay not b e co-located with any o ther tra nsmitter or a ntenna .
3 Table of Contents 1. Introduction ...... ..... .... .... ..... ... ... ..... ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... .... ..... .. 5 1.1 Features ........ ......... ...... .......... ......... ......... .......... ...... ......... .......... ..6 1.2 Package Contents .
4 3.5 TCP/IP Settings ...... ......... .......... ...... ............. ......... ...... .......... ...... 48 3.5.1 LAN Interface ..... ..... .... ..... .... ..... ...... ..... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... ... 48 3.5.2 WAN Interface .. .... .
5 1. Introduction Thank you f or purchasing the W ireless 11g Acce ss Point (A P) Router. This W ireless AP Router, I EEE802.11g standar d comp liant, is a high qua lity and reliable Intern et routin g and security d evice, en ables multiple u sers t o share the Broadband Internet conne ction w ith or without w ires thro ugh a Cable or D SL mod em.
6 1.1 Features Internet Access Featu res • Shared Internet Access: All users on th e LAN o r W LAN can access the Internet through the W ir eless R outer, us ing on ly a sing le exter nal IP addre ss. The loc al (invalid) IP addr esses are hid den from e xternal sources.
7 L A N Featu res • 4-Port Ethern et switch : The W ireless Rou ter pro vides 4 10/1 00BaseT sw itchin g ports • DHCP Server Support: This fe ature provides a d ynamic IP ad dress to PCs an d other de vices upon requ est. The W ireless Router can act as a DHCP Server for devices on your local LAN and W LAN.
8 1.3 LEDs Indication & Co nnectors of Wireless Router Front Panel LEDs In dicatio n LED Light Stat us Description PWR On Off W ireless Router is p owered on. No power. LAN (1, 2, 3, 4) On Flashing LAN port is successf ully connected . Data is be ing sent or receiv ed.
9 Back Pan el Connecto rs Button /port Description Reset Reset config urations to default. Press the button and hold for 10 seconds. LAN (1x, 2x, 3x, 4x) Connect LA N systems with RJ-45 cable. W AN Connect DS L or Cabl e modem. AC IN Connect w ith AC Pow er Adapter.
10 4) Power on D SL o r cable m odem fir st, t hen connect power ad apter to the pow er j a ck on the W ireless Router a nd plug th e pow er cable into a n outlet. 5) Check LEDs. a) Once pow er on W ireless Router, Power L ED shoul d be on. b) LAN LED sh ould be o n for each active LAN connectio n.
11 2 PC Configuration User needs t o co nfigure TCP/IP networ k s ettings, Intern et acce ss configuration and W ireless configuratio n for ea ch system w ithin W ireless Router ’s LAN netw ork .
12 b) C lick “ Propert ies ”, the w indow below w ill appear: • If you de cide to u se DHCP, select “ Obtain an IP add ress aut omati cally ”, then click “ OK” to co nfirm your se ttings. Once you restart your system, W ireless Router w ill obtain an IP addre ss for this s ystem.
13 d) Select “ DNS Config urat ion ” tab and m ake sure select “ En able DNS ”, e nter the D NS address pr ovide s from your ISP in the “ DNS Ser ver Se arch Ord er ” fie ld, the n click .
14 Checking TC I/IP Setting for Wind ow s NT4.0 a) Select “ Control Panel Netw ork ”, click “ Proto cols ” tab then select “ TCP/IP protocol ”, w indow show n as below will app ear: b) Click “ Properties ”, window shown as be low w ill appear.
15 • Select the ne twork card on your system fr om “ A d apt er ” field. • If you decide to use IP address fro m W ireless Ro uter, select “ Ob tain an IP address from a DHC P server ”. • If you decide to u se the IP addre ss y ou are desired , select “ Spec ify an IP address ”.
16 b) Select the “ Internet Protoc ol (TCP/I P) ” for the netw ork c ard on your system, then click “ Properties ”, w indow shown a s below w ill appear.
17 • If you decide to use IP address fro m W ireless Ro uter, select “ Ob tain an IP address auto maticall y ”. • If you decide to use th e IP addre ss you are d esired, select “ Use the follow ing IP ad dress ”. Mak e sure e nter correct addresses in “ IP Address ” and “ Subnet Mask ” fiel ds.
18 • If you decide to use IP address fro m W ireless Ro uter, select “ Ob tain an IP address auto maticall y ”. • If you decide to use th e IP addre ss you are d esired, select “ Use the follow ing IP ad dress ”. Mak e sure e nter correct addresses in “ IP Address ” and “ Subnet Mask ” fiel ds.
19 2.2 S etting up I nternet Access This section d escribes how to setup W ireless Rout er Intern et access th rough DSL or cable modem. For Window s 9x/2000 a) Click “ Sta rt ” and sele ct “ Sett ings Control Pan el Internet Op tions ”.
20 If you d ecide to assign I P addres ses m anuall y instead of D HCP, s et t he Rou t er A dd ress f ield with w ireles s router’ s IP addres s and mak e sure DNS settin gs are correct. For Linux Cli ents To acces s Internet via th e wirele ss r outer, yo u ne ed to s et the w ireless r outer as t he “ Gatew ay ”.
21 3. Setup Wireless Router Configurations via Web Bro w ser The W ire less Router co mes w ith a w eb-based con figuration utility. Users can acce ss this configuration utility fr om any of c lient system w ith in W ireless Ro uter’s LAN. F or b est results, either us e Micr osoft Inter net Exp lorer 5.
22 3.2 Setup Wizard This Se tup W izard w ill guide you to co nfigure acces s for the f irst time. Plea se fo llow the s etup wizard step b y step. Depend on dif fer ent modes, the setup wizard w ill be different.
23 3.2.1 Gateway (1) Setup Operation Mod e – Gatew ay: In this mod e, the de vice i s supposed to conn ect t o internet via ADSL/Cable Modem . The NAT i s enabled and PCs in fo ur LAN ports share the same IP to ISP thro ugh W AN port. The connect ion type can be setup in WA N port.
24 server over th e Internet. (3) Setup L A N Interf ace: This page is u sed to configur e the parameter s for local area network which connects t o the LAN port of your AP Router. Here you ma y chan ge t h e se tting f or IP address, sub net ma sk, DHCP, etc.
25 (4) Setu p WAN Int erfac e: This page is used to c onfigure the par ameters for In ternet n etwork which conn ects to the W AN port of your AP Router. Here you ma y change t he acces s metho d to static IP, D HCP, PP PoE, PPT P, or L2TP by click the item val ue of W AN Access type.
26 (6) W irele ss Security: This pa ge allows you s etup t he wireless securit y. Turn on W EP o r W PA by using Encr yption Ke ys coul d prevent a ny unauth orized a ccess to your wireles s network .
27 (2) Choose your Ti me Zone : You can maintain the system t ime by synchronizing with a pub lic server over th e Internet. (3) Setup L A N Interf ace: This page is u sed to configur e the parameter s for local area network which connects t o the LAN port of your AP Router.
28 A tt ention: DHCP serv er of L AN will be disabled w hen you are u sing BRIDG E mode. P lease remember the IP address in this p age and set u p your computer with a nother fix IP in the same domain to co nnect to th is setup pag e in the fu ture. For Exa mple: If t he IP addr ess of LA N is 192.
29 (5) W irele ss Security: This pa ge allows you s etup t he wireless securit y. Turn on W EP o r W PA by using Encr yption Ke ys coul d prevent a ny unauth orized a ccess to your wireles s network .
30 (2) Choose your Ti me Zone : You can maintain the system t ime by synchronizing with a pub lic server over th e Internet..
31 (3) Setup L A N Interf ace: This page is u sed to configur e the parameter s for local area network which connects t o the LAN port of your AP Router.
32 (5) Wire less L AN Set ting: Th is p age is u sed t o configure t he parameter s for wireless LAN clients who ma y conne ct to your AP Ro uter..
33 (6) W irele ss Security: This pa ge allows you s etup t he wireless securit y. Turn on W EP o r W PA by using Encr yption Ke ys coul d prevent a ny unauth orized a ccess to your wireles s network .
34 3.3 Operation Mo de You can setup different modes to LAN and W LAN inte rface for N AT and bri dging function. Gatewa y: In this mode, the device is supposed to conn ect to i nter net via ADSL/Cable Modem. The NAT is enabled and PCs in LAN ports sha re the same IP to S|ISP thro ugh WAN port.
35 3.4 Wireless 3.4.1 Basic Settings This page is used to configure t he par ameters for w ireless LAN cli ents who ma y connect t o y ou r AP Route r.
36 3.4.2 A dvanced Setti ngs These setting s are onl y for more tec hnicall y advanced users wh o have a su fficient k nowledge about the w ireless LAN. T here se ttings sho uld note b e change d unles s you k now what effect the changes wil l have o n your A P Router.
37 3.4.3 Security This page allows you setu p t he wireless s ecurit y. Turn on W EP or W PA by us ing Encr yption Keys could pre vent an y unauthori zed acces s to your wireless network .
38 3.4.4 A ccess Control If you choo se “All owed L isted”, on ly those client s whose wireless M AC ad dresse s are in the access contro l list will be able to connect to your AP R outer. W hen “Deny Listed ” is s elected, these wireless clients on the lust w ill not be a ble to conn ect the AP Router.
39 3.4.5 WDS Settings W ireless Distr ibution S ystem u ses wire less media to com municat e with other A Ps, l ike the Ethernet d oes. To d o this, you must set these A Ps in the same c hannel and se t MA C address of other APs w hich you w ant to commu nicate with in the t able and e nable the W DS.
40 3.4.6 Site Survey This pa ge pro vides tool t o scan the wir eless n etw ork. If an y AP R outer or I BSS is foun d, you could choose to connect it manu ally when client mode is enable d.
41 3.4.7 Easy Config This pag e al lows you to change t he setting f or E as yConfig. U se th is feature could l et your wireless clie nt auto maticall y sync hronize its setting and conn ect to t he A P Router in a minute with an y hassle.
42 Realtek Eas yConfig has imple mented two methods a s: Button Mode: User only needs push a touch- button in AP and client utilit y (a button in client Utility program) , then it wi ll do Eas yConfig auto maticall y betwe en AP and client.
43 If an y o ne client h as done the EasyConfig successfully, the PSK will be generated a nd y o u may see the encr yption k ey di spla yed on the E asyConfig pa ge (as shown in F igur e-1). W hen EasyConfig SSID and PSK a re adop ted, the Ea syConfig LED w ill be stead y on.
44 Figure 3 After “ Start ” is clicke d, Utilit y pr ogram will tr y to scan Realte k EasyConfig AP, wa iting f or B utton Mode re quest (i.e., The EasyConfi g button h as been pressed and the EasyConfig LED is blinking in AP). If an y EasyCo nfig AP i s found, it will be shown on the li st table as above Figure-3.
45 Figure 5 Now, it w ill try t o link EasyConfig AP and exc hange se ttings. Afte r it is done , you ma y s ee a successful m essage s hown in Figure- 5.
46 first time Q&A mode c onfiguratio n f or the AP, you sho uld assert the che ckbox of “ First Ti me Configuratio n ”, and then sele ct the question to answer. You could inpu t any answer as you like, but you s hould re member which que stion and answ er you set f or the other client configurat ion.
47 EasyConfig is done. W hen the client has adopted Eas yConfig the setting, the Eas yConfig LED will be s t ead y on. Except pu sh b utton on evaluation boa rd, u ser ma y ena ble t he req uest b y cli ck “ Do EasyConf ig (Butto n )” on web p age.
48 be saved as current setting. “ WL ANn_XXXX ”, where ‘ n ’ could be 0 or 1 repr esente d as 1 st and 2nd wlan interface. By defau lt, 1st wlan interface wi ll use the 8186 internal wlan contro ller, and 2nd interface w ill base on extern al wlan ada pter thro ugh 8186 PCI interfac e.
49 This page is used to configure the parameters for Internet netw ork which connec ts to t he W AN port of y our AP Router. H er e y o u m a y cha nge the Access Method t o s tatic IP, PP PoE, PPTP o r L2TP by click the item va lue of W AN Access Type.
50 3.6.1 Port Filtering Entries in this table are used to restrict certain types of data pack ets from your local network to Internet through the Gatew ay.
51 3.6.3 MAC Filtering Entries in this table are used to restrict certain types of data pack ets from your local network to Internet throu gh the Gat ewa y.
52 3.6.4 Port Forwarding Entries in thi s table a llow you to au tomati cally r edire ct common n etwork s ervice s to a specific machine be hind the NA T fire wall.
53 3.6.6 DMZ A Demilit arized Zo ne is use d to provi de I nternet s ervice w ithout sa crificing u nauthor ized a ccess to its local pr ivate network . Typi cally, the D MZ h ost con tains d evices a ccessibl e to In ternet traffic, such as Web (HTTP) server s, FTP ser vers, SM TP(e-mail) servers a nd DNS ser vers.
54 This page is u sed to set up dynam ic routing pr otocol or edit stat ic route entr y. 3.8 Management.
55 3.8.1 Status This pa ge shows the current status and s ome basic settings of th e device, s uch as System information, W ire less Configuratio n, TCP/IP C onfigur ation, and W AN Configuratio n.
56 This page shows the p acket counters for transmission and reception rega rding to wireless and Ethernet netw ork s. 3.8.3 DDNS Dynamic DN S is a servi ce th at prov ides you with a vali d, unchan ging, i nternet domain na me (an URL) to go with that (po ssibl y ever-changing) IP addr ess.
57 3.8.4 Time Zone Setting You can maint ain the syste m time b y synchronizi ng with a pu blic time server over the Int ernet. 3.8.5 Log This page ca n be used to set rem ote log se rver and show the s ystem log.
58 3.8.6 Upgrade Firmw are This p age allows you upgrade the AP R outer firmw are to ne w version. Please no te DO N OT power off the de vice d uring the upload be cause it ma y crash th e system.
59 3.8.8 Password This page is used to set the account to access the web server of AP Router. Empty user name and password w ill disab le the prot ection.
6 0 Click “ Apply Change ” button to logout the webserver. And then, y ou will see the below screen: 4 Troubleshooting.
61 This chapter covers some common problems that user may encounter while accessing the wireless ro uter and some possible solutio ns for th em. If you fo llow the su ggested instruction s to configure th e w ireless router, but router still d oes not function properl y, please contact your loca l dealer for assista nce.
62 Ans: Check the foll owing. a) If your PC is set to Infr astructur e M ode, b ecause the ro uter is alw ays in Infrastructure Mode. b) If the SSID on your PC an d wireless route r are the same. Rememb er that the SSID is ca se-sensiti ve. c) If both of your PC and wire less r outer h ave t he same W EP s ettings.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Advantek Networks AWR-1054GR (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Advantek Networks AWR-1054GR heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Advantek Networks AWR-1054GR vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Advantek Networks AWR-1054GR leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Advantek Networks AWR-1054GR krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Advantek Networks AWR-1054GR bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Advantek Networks AWR-1054GR kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Advantek Networks AWR-1054GR . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.